blob: 82f1e65f4bfc8bf8c01a15370be7ec0af2655f13 [file] [log] [blame]
# This is BTBCM HAL overlay configuration file.
# Uart port name
UartPort = /dev/ttySAC18
# Userial type
UserialType = 2
# <boolean> Enable check whether let aoc controls power pin
AocPowerPinCtrlCheckEnable = true
# <string> The hardware stage does not need aoc to control power pin
# This only affects when AocPowerPinCtrlCheckEnable is true
HwStageDoesNotCtrlPowerPinFromAoc = PROTO1.0-EVT1.0-EVT1.2
# <string> The hardware stage with old chip revision is no longer
# supported by BT firmware.
HwStageWithOldChipFwNoLongerSupport = PROTO1.0-PROTO1.1
# Sar backOff high resolution support
SarBackOffHighResolution = true
# Update BQR Event Mask property value
# TODO: remove this bqr event mask setting after Alpha exit
BqrEventMaskValueUpdate = 295006
BtA2dpOffloadCap = sbc-aac-aptx-aptxhd-ldac-opus
BtOpusEnabled = true