/** @file | |
PCD DXE driver manage all PCD entry initialized in PEI phase and DXE phase, and | |
produce the implementation of native PCD protocol and EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL defined in | |
PI 1.2 Vol3. | |
Copyright (c) 2006 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> | |
This program and the accompanying materials | |
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License | |
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at | |
http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php | |
**/ | |
#include "Service.h" | |
/// | |
/// PCD database lock. | |
/// | |
/// | |
/// PCD_PROTOCOL the EDKII native implementation which support dynamic | |
/// type and dynamicEx type PCDs. | |
/// | |
PCD_PROTOCOL mPcdInstance = { | |
DxePcdSetSku, | |
DxePcdGet8, | |
DxePcdGet16, | |
DxePcdGet32, | |
DxePcdGet64, | |
DxePcdGetPtr, | |
DxePcdGetBool, | |
DxePcdGetSize, | |
DxePcdGet8Ex, | |
DxePcdGet16Ex, | |
DxePcdGet32Ex, | |
DxePcdGet64Ex, | |
DxePcdGetPtrEx, | |
DxePcdGetBoolEx, | |
DxePcdGetSizeEx, | |
DxePcdSet8, | |
DxePcdSet16, | |
DxePcdSet32, | |
DxePcdSet64, | |
DxePcdSetPtr, | |
DxePcdSetBool, | |
DxePcdSet8Ex, | |
DxePcdSet16Ex, | |
DxePcdSet32Ex, | |
DxePcdSet64Ex, | |
DxePcdSetPtrEx, | |
DxePcdSetBoolEx, | |
DxeRegisterCallBackOnSet, | |
DxeUnRegisterCallBackOnSet, | |
DxePcdGetNextToken, | |
DxePcdGetNextTokenSpace | |
}; | |
/// | |
/// EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL is defined in PI 1.2 Vol 3 which only support dynamicEx type | |
/// PCD. | |
/// | |
EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL mEfiPcdInstance = { | |
DxePcdSetSku, | |
DxePcdGet8Ex, | |
DxePcdGet16Ex, | |
DxePcdGet32Ex, | |
DxePcdGet64Ex, | |
DxePcdGetPtrEx, | |
DxePcdGetBoolEx, | |
DxePcdGetSizeEx, | |
DxePcdSet8Ex, | |
DxePcdSet16Ex, | |
DxePcdSet32Ex, | |
DxePcdSet64Ex, | |
DxePcdSetPtrEx, | |
DxePcdSetBoolEx, | |
DxePcdGetNextToken, | |
DxePcdGetNextTokenSpace | |
}; | |
/// | |
/// Instance of GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL protocol is EDKII native implementation. | |
/// This protocol instance support dynamic and dynamicEx type PCDs. | |
/// | |
GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL mGetPcdInfoInstance = { | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfo, | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfoEx, | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetSku | |
}; | |
/// | |
/// Instance of EFI_GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL which is defined in PI 1.2.1 Vol 3. | |
/// This PPI instance only support dyanmicEx type PCD. | |
/// | |
EFI_GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL mEfiGetPcdInfoInstance = { | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfoEx, | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetSku | |
}; | |
EFI_HANDLE mPcdHandle = NULL; | |
/** | |
Main entry for PCD DXE driver. | |
This routine initialize the PCD database and install PCD_PROTOCOL. | |
@param ImageHandle Image handle for PCD DXE driver. | |
@param SystemTable Pointer to SystemTable. | |
@return Status of gBS->InstallProtocolInterface() | |
**/ | |
PcdDxeInit ( | |
IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, | |
IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE *SystemTable | |
) | |
{ | |
EFI_STATUS Status; | |
// | |
// Make sure the Pcd Protocol is not already installed in the system | |
// | |
BuildPcdDxeDataBase (); | |
// | |
// Install PCD_PROTOCOL to handle dynamic type PCD | |
// Install EFI_PCD_PROTOCOL to handle dynamicEx type PCD | |
// | |
Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( | |
&mPcdHandle, | |
&gPcdProtocolGuid, &mPcdInstance, | |
&gEfiPcdProtocolGuid, &mEfiPcdInstance, | |
NULL | |
); | |
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); | |
// | |
// Only install PcdInfo PROTOCOL when PCD info content is present. | |
// | |
if (mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->PcdNameTableOffset != 0) { | |
// | |
// Install GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL to handle dynamic type PCD | |
// Install EFI_GET_PCD_INFO_PROTOCOL to handle dynamicEx type PCD | |
// | |
Status = gBS->InstallMultipleProtocolInterfaces ( | |
&mPcdHandle, | |
&gGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid, &mGetPcdInfoInstance, | |
&gEfiGetPcdInfoProtocolGuid, &mEfiGetPcdInfoInstance, | |
NULL | |
); | |
ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); | |
} | |
return Status; | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token in the default token space. | |
This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible | |
human readable name that is associated with the token. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[out] PcdInfo The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber. | |
The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD information was returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfo ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
) | |
{ | |
return DxeGetPcdInfo (NULL, TokenNumber, PcdInfo); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token. | |
This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible | |
human readable name that is associated with the token. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[out] PcdInfo The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber. | |
The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD information was returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetInfoEx ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
) | |
{ | |
return DxeGetPcdInfo (Guid, TokenNumber, PcdInfo); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieve the currently set SKU Id. | |
@return The currently set SKU Id. If the platform has not set at a SKU Id, then the | |
default SKU Id value of 0 is returned. If the platform has set a SKU Id, then the currently set SKU | |
Id is returned. | |
**/ | |
DxeGetPcdInfoGetSku ( | |
VOID | |
) | |
{ | |
return mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->SystemSkuId; | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets the SKU value for subsequent calls to set or get PCD token values. | |
SetSku() sets the SKU Id to be used for subsequent calls to set or get PCD values. | |
SetSku() is normally called only once by the system. | |
For each item (token), the database can hold a single value that applies to all SKUs, | |
or multiple values, where each value is associated with a specific SKU Id. Items with multiple, | |
SKU-specific values are called SKU enabled. | |
The SKU Id of zero is reserved as a default. The valid SkuId range is 1 to 255. | |
For tokens that are not SKU enabled, the system ignores any set SKU Id and works with the | |
single value for that token. For SKU-enabled tokens, the system will use the SKU Id set by the | |
last call to SetSku(). If no SKU Id is set or the currently set SKU Id isn't valid for the specified token, | |
the system uses the default SKU Id. If the system attempts to use the default SKU Id and no value has been | |
set for that Id, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] SkuId The SKU value that will be used when the PCD service will retrieve and | |
set values associated with a PCD token. | |
**/ | |
VOID | |
DxePcdSetSku ( | |
IN UINTN SkuId | |
) | |
{ | |
mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->SystemSkuId = (SKU_ID) SkuId; | |
return; | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current byte-sized value for a PCD token number. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The UINT8 value. | |
**/ | |
UINT8 | |
DxePcdGet8 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return *((UINT8 *) GetWorker (TokenNumber, sizeof (UINT8))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 16-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current 16-bits value for a PCD token number. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The UINT16 value. | |
**/ | |
UINT16 | |
DxePcdGet16 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned16 (GetWorker (TokenNumber, sizeof (UINT16))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 32-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current 32-bits value for a PCD token number. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The UINT32 value. | |
**/ | |
UINT32 | |
DxePcdGet32 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned32 (GetWorker (TokenNumber, sizeof (UINT32))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 64-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current 64-bits value for a PCD token number. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The UINT64 value. | |
**/ | |
UINT64 | |
DxePcdGet64 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned64(GetWorker (TokenNumber, sizeof (UINT64))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number. | |
Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that | |
is returned by this function call. If the TokenNumber is invalid, | |
the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The pointer to the buffer to be retrived. | |
**/ | |
VOID * | |
DxePcdGetPtr ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return GetWorker (TokenNumber, 0); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves a Boolean value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current boolean value for a PCD token number. | |
Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that | |
is returned by this function call. If the TokenNumber is invalid, | |
the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The Boolean value. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetBool ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return *((BOOLEAN *) GetWorker (TokenNumber, sizeof (BOOLEAN))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size of the value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetSize ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
UINTN Size; | |
UINT32 *LocalTokenNumberTable; | |
BOOLEAN IsPeiDb; | |
UINTN MaxSize; | |
UINTN TmpTokenNumber; | |
// | |
// TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER. | |
// We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable | |
// as the array index. | |
// | |
TokenNumber--; | |
// | |
// Backup the TokenNumber passed in as GetPtrTypeSize need the original TokenNumber | |
// | |
TmpTokenNumber = TokenNumber; | |
// EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison | |
// between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the | |
// comparison. | |
ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < mPcdTotalTokenCount + 1); | |
// EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison | |
// between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the | |
// comparison. | |
IsPeiDb = (BOOLEAN) (TokenNumber + 1 < mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1); | |
TokenNumber = IsPeiDb ? TokenNumber : | |
(TokenNumber - mPeiLocalTokenCount); | |
LocalTokenNumberTable = IsPeiDb ? (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.PeiDb + mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->LocalTokenNumberTableOffset) | |
: (UINT32 *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.DxeDb + mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->LocalTokenNumberTableOffset); | |
Size = (LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber] & PCD_DATUM_TYPE_ALL_SET) >> PCD_DATUM_TYPE_SHIFT; | |
if (Size == 0) { | |
// | |
// For pointer type, we need to scan the SIZE_TABLE to get the current size. | |
// | |
return GetPtrTypeSize (TmpTokenNumber, &MaxSize); | |
} else { | |
return Size; | |
} | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 8-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the 8-bit value of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space | |
specified by Guid does not exist, the results are | |
unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size 8-bit value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
UINT8 | |
DxePcdGet8Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return *((UINT8 *) ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, sizeof(UINT8))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 16-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the 16-bit value of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space | |
specified by Guid does not exist, the results are | |
unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size 16-bit value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
UINT16 | |
DxePcdGet16Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned16 (ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, sizeof(UINT16))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 32-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the 32-bit value of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space | |
specified by Guid does not exist, the results are | |
unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size 32-bit value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
UINT32 | |
DxePcdGet32Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned32 (ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, sizeof(UINT32))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an 64-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the 64-bit value of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space | |
specified by Guid does not exist, the results are | |
unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size 64-bit value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
UINT64 | |
DxePcdGet64Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ReadUnaligned64 (ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, sizeof(UINT64))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves a pointer to a value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current pointer to the buffer for a PCD token number. | |
Do not make any assumptions about the alignment of the pointer that | |
is returned by this function call. If the TokenNumber is invalid, | |
the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The pointer to the buffer to be retrived. | |
**/ | |
VOID * | |
DxePcdGetPtrEx ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, 0); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves an Boolean value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the Boolean value of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid or the token space | |
specified by Guid does not exist, the results are | |
unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size Boolean value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetBoolEx ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return *((BOOLEAN *) ExGetWorker (Guid, ExTokenNumber, sizeof(BOOLEAN))); | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token. | |
Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token. | |
If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable. | |
@param[in] Guid The token space for the token number. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@return The size of the value for the PCD token. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetSizeEx ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
return DxePcdGetSize(GetExPcdTokenNumber (Guid, (UINT32) ExTokenNumber)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet8 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN UINT8 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetValueWorker (TokenNumber, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 16-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet16 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN UINT16 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetValueWorker (TokenNumber, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 32-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet32 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN UINT32 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetValueWorker (TokenNumber, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 64-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet64 ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN UINT64 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetValueWorker (TokenNumber, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token. | |
On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported | |
for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect | |
the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber. | |
@param[in] Buffer The buffer to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSetPtr ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN OUT UINTN *SizeOfBuffer, | |
IN VOID *Buffer | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetWorker (TokenNumber, Buffer, SizeOfBuffer, TRUE); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an Boolean value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSetBool ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
IN BOOLEAN Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return SetValueWorker (TokenNumber, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 8-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet8Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN UINT8 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetValueWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 16-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet16Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN UINT16 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetValueWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 32-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet32Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN UINT32 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetValueWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an 64-bit value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSet64Ex ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN UINT64 Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetValueWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets a value of a specified size for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in, out] SizeOfBuffer A pointer to the length of the value being set for the PCD token. | |
On input, if the SizeOfValue is greater than the maximum size supported | |
for this TokenNumber then the output value of SizeOfValue will reflect | |
the maximum size supported for this TokenNumber. | |
@param[in] Buffer The buffer to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSetPtrEx ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN OUT UINTN *SizeOfBuffer, | |
IN VOID *Buffer | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetWorker(ExTokenNumber, Guid, Buffer, SizeOfBuffer, TRUE); | |
} | |
/** | |
Sets an Boolean value for a given PCD token. | |
When the PCD service sets a value, it will check to ensure that the | |
size of the value being set is compatible with the Token's existing definition. | |
If it is not, an error will be returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Value The value to set for the PCD token. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS Procedure returned successfully. | |
@retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The PCD service determined that the size of the data | |
being set was incompatible with a call to this function. | |
Use GetSize() to retrieve the size of the target data. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdSetBoolEx ( | |
IN UINTN ExTokenNumber, | |
IN BOOLEAN Value | |
) | |
{ | |
return ExSetValueWorker (ExTokenNumber, Guid, &Value, sizeof (Value)); | |
} | |
/** | |
Specifies a function to be called anytime the value of a designated token is changed. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] CallBackFunction The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD service has successfully established a call event | |
for the CallBackToken requested. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number. | |
**/ | |
DxeRegisterCallBackOnSet ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
) | |
{ | |
EFI_STATUS Status; | |
if (CallBackFunction == NULL) { | |
} | |
// | |
// Aquire lock to prevent reentrance from TPL_CALLBACK level | |
// | |
EfiAcquireLock (&mPcdDatabaseLock); | |
Status = DxeRegisterCallBackWorker (TokenNumber, Guid, CallBackFunction); | |
EfiReleaseLock (&mPcdDatabaseLock); | |
return Status; | |
} | |
/** | |
Cancels a previously set callback function for a particular PCD token number. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value. | |
@param[in] TokenNumber The PCD token number. | |
@param[in] CallBackFunction The function prototype called when the value associated with the CallBackToken is set. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD service has successfully established a call event | |
for the CallBackToken requested. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the referenced token number. | |
**/ | |
DxeUnRegisterCallBackOnSet ( | |
IN UINTN TokenNumber, | |
) | |
{ | |
EFI_STATUS Status; | |
if (CallBackFunction == NULL) { | |
} | |
// | |
// Aquire lock to prevent reentrance from TPL_CALLBACK level | |
// | |
EfiAcquireLock (&mPcdDatabaseLock); | |
Status = DxeUnRegisterCallBackWorker (TokenNumber, Guid, CallBackFunction); | |
EfiReleaseLock (&mPcdDatabaseLock); | |
return Status; | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves the next valid token number in a given namespace. | |
This is useful since the PCD infrastructure contains a sparse list of token numbers, | |
and one cannot a priori know what token numbers are valid in the database. | |
If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the first token from the token space specified by Guid is returned. | |
If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is not NULL, then the next token in the token space specified by Guid is returned. | |
If TokenNumber is 0 and Guid is NULL, then the first token in the default token space is returned. | |
If TokenNumber is not 0 and Guid is NULL, then the next token in the default token space is returned. | |
The token numbers in the default token space may not be related to token numbers in token spaces that are named by Guid. | |
If the next token number can be retrieved, then it is returned in TokenNumber, and EFI_SUCCESS is returned. | |
If TokenNumber represents the last token number in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned. | |
If TokenNumber is not present in the token space specified by Guid, then EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned. | |
@param[in] Guid The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to retrieve the next token. | |
This is an optional parameter that may be NULL. If this parameter is NULL, then a request is | |
being made to retrieve tokens from the default token space. | |
@param[in, out] TokenNumber | |
A pointer to the PCD token number to use to find the subsequent token number. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD service has retrieved the next valid token number. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find data from the requested token number. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetNextToken ( | |
IN OUT UINTN *TokenNumber | |
) | |
{ | |
EFI_STATUS Status; | |
BOOLEAN PeiExMapTableEmpty; | |
BOOLEAN DxeExMapTableEmpty; | |
Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
PeiExMapTableEmpty = mPeiExMapTableEmpty; | |
DxeExMapTableEmpty = mDxeExMapTableEmpty; | |
// | |
// Scan the local token space | |
// | |
if (Guid == NULL) { | |
// EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison | |
// between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the | |
// comparison. | |
if (((*TokenNumber + 1 > mPeiNexTokenCount + 1) && (*TokenNumber + 1 <= mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1)) || | |
((*TokenNumber + 1 > (mPeiLocalTokenCount + mDxeNexTokenCount + 1)))) { | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |
(*TokenNumber)++; | |
if ((*TokenNumber + 1 > mPeiNexTokenCount + 1) && | |
(*TokenNumber + 1 <= mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1)) { | |
// | |
// The first Non-Ex type Token Number for DXE PCD | |
// database is mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1 | |
// | |
if (mDxeNexTokenCount > 0) { | |
*TokenNumber = mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1; | |
} else { | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |
} else if (*TokenNumber + 1 > mDxeNexTokenCount + mPeiLocalTokenCount + 1) { | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |
return EFI_SUCCESS; | |
} | |
if (PeiExMapTableEmpty && DxeExMapTableEmpty) { | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |
if (!PeiExMapTableEmpty) { | |
Status = ExGetNextTokeNumber ( | |
Guid, | |
TokenNumber, | |
(EFI_GUID *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.PeiDb + mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->GuidTableOffset), | |
mPeiGuidTableSize, | |
(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *)((UINT8 *) mPcdDatabase.PeiDb + mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->ExMapTableOffset), | |
mPeiExMapppingTableSize | |
); | |
} | |
if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { | |
return Status; | |
} | |
if (!DxeExMapTableEmpty) { | |
Status = ExGetNextTokeNumber ( | |
Guid, | |
TokenNumber, | |
(EFI_GUID *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.DxeDb + mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->GuidTableOffset), | |
mDxeGuidTableSize, | |
(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *)((UINT8 *) mPcdDatabase.DxeDb + mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->ExMapTableOffset), | |
mDxeExMapppingTableSize | |
); | |
} | |
return Status; | |
} | |
/** | |
Get all token space guid table which is different with given token space guid. | |
@param ExMapTableSize The size of ExMapTable in item | |
@param ExMapTable Token space guid table that want to be scaned. | |
@param GuidTable Guid table | |
@return all token space guid table which is different with given token space guid. | |
**/ | |
EFI_GUID ** | |
GetDistinctTokenSpace ( | |
IN OUT UINTN *ExMapTableSize, | |
IN EFI_GUID *GuidTable | |
) | |
{ | |
EFI_GUID **DistinctTokenSpace; | |
UINTN OldGuidIndex; | |
UINTN TsIdx; | |
UINTN TempTsIdx; | |
UINTN Idx; | |
BOOLEAN Match; | |
DistinctTokenSpace = AllocateZeroPool (*ExMapTableSize * sizeof (EFI_GUID *)); | |
ASSERT (DistinctTokenSpace != NULL); | |
TsIdx = 0; | |
OldGuidIndex = ExMapTable[0].ExGuidIndex; | |
DistinctTokenSpace[TsIdx] = &GuidTable[OldGuidIndex]; | |
for (Idx = 1; Idx < *ExMapTableSize; Idx++) { | |
Match = FALSE; | |
OldGuidIndex = ExMapTable[Idx].ExGuidIndex; | |
for (TempTsIdx = 0; TempTsIdx <= TsIdx; TempTsIdx++) { | |
if (&GuidTable[OldGuidIndex] == DistinctTokenSpace[TempTsIdx]) { | |
// | |
// Have recorded this GUID. | |
// | |
Match = TRUE; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!Match) { | |
DistinctTokenSpace[++TsIdx] = &GuidTable[OldGuidIndex]; | |
} | |
} | |
// | |
// The total number of Distinct Token Space | |
// is TsIdx + 1 because we use TsIdx as a index | |
// to the DistinctTokenSpace[] | |
// | |
*ExMapTableSize = TsIdx + 1; | |
return DistinctTokenSpace; | |
} | |
/** | |
Retrieves the next valid PCD token namespace for a given namespace. | |
Gets the next valid token namespace for a given namespace. This is useful to traverse the valid | |
token namespaces on a platform. | |
@param[in, out] Guid An indirect pointer to EFI_GUID. On input it designates a known token | |
namespace from which the search will start. On output, it designates the next valid | |
token namespace on the platform. If *Guid is NULL, then the GUID of the first token | |
space of the current platform is returned. If the search cannot locate the next valid | |
token namespace, an error is returned and the value of *Guid is undefined. | |
@retval EFI_SUCCESS The PCD service retrieved the value requested. | |
@retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The PCD service could not find the next valid token namespace. | |
**/ | |
DxePcdGetNextTokenSpace ( | |
) | |
{ | |
UINTN Idx; | |
UINTN Idx2; | |
UINTN Idx3; | |
UINTN PeiTokenSpaceTableSize; | |
UINTN DxeTokenSpaceTableSize; | |
EFI_GUID **PeiTokenSpaceTable; | |
EFI_GUID **DxeTokenSpaceTable; | |
BOOLEAN Match; | |
BOOLEAN PeiExMapTableEmpty; | |
BOOLEAN DxeExMapTableEmpty; | |
ASSERT (Guid != NULL); | |
PeiExMapTableEmpty = mPeiExMapTableEmpty; | |
DxeExMapTableEmpty = mDxeExMapTableEmpty; | |
if (PeiExMapTableEmpty && DxeExMapTableEmpty) { | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |
if (TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[0] == NULL) { | |
PeiTokenSpaceTableSize = 0; | |
if (!PeiExMapTableEmpty) { | |
PeiTokenSpaceTableSize = mPeiExMapppingTableSize / sizeof(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING); | |
PeiTokenSpaceTable = GetDistinctTokenSpace (&PeiTokenSpaceTableSize, | |
(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.PeiDb + mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->ExMapTableOffset), | |
(EFI_GUID *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.PeiDb + mPcdDatabase.PeiDb->GuidTableOffset) | |
); | |
CopyMem (TmpTokenSpaceBuffer, PeiTokenSpaceTable, sizeof (EFI_GUID*) * PeiTokenSpaceTableSize); | |
FreePool (PeiTokenSpaceTable); | |
} | |
if (!DxeExMapTableEmpty) { | |
DxeTokenSpaceTableSize = mDxeExMapppingTableSize / sizeof(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING); | |
DxeTokenSpaceTable = GetDistinctTokenSpace (&DxeTokenSpaceTableSize, | |
(DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.DxeDb + mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->ExMapTableOffset), | |
(EFI_GUID *)((UINT8 *)mPcdDatabase.DxeDb + mPcdDatabase.DxeDb->GuidTableOffset) | |
); | |
// | |
// Make sure EFI_GUID in DxeTokenSpaceTable does not exist in PeiTokenSpaceTable | |
// | |
for (Idx2 = 0, Idx3 = PeiTokenSpaceTableSize; Idx2 < DxeTokenSpaceTableSize; Idx2++) { | |
Match = FALSE; | |
for (Idx = 0; Idx < PeiTokenSpaceTableSize; Idx++) { | |
if (CompareGuid (TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[Idx], DxeTokenSpaceTable[Idx2])) { | |
Match = TRUE; | |
break; | |
} | |
} | |
if (!Match) { | |
TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[Idx3++] = DxeTokenSpaceTable[Idx2]; | |
} | |
} | |
TmpTokenSpaceBufferCount = Idx3; | |
FreePool (DxeTokenSpaceTable); | |
} | |
} | |
if (*Guid == NULL) { | |
*Guid = TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[0]; | |
return EFI_SUCCESS; | |
} | |
for (Idx = 0; Idx < TmpTokenSpaceBufferCount; Idx++) { | |
if (CompareGuid (*Guid, TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[Idx])) { | |
if (Idx == TmpTokenSpaceBufferCount - 1) { | |
// | |
// It has been the last token namespace. | |
// | |
*Guid = NULL; | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} else { | |
Idx++; | |
*Guid = TmpTokenSpaceBuffer[Idx]; | |
return EFI_SUCCESS; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
return EFI_NOT_FOUND; | |
} | |