| <?php // php pages made with phpMyBuilder <http://kyber.dk/phpMyBuilder> ?> |
| <?php |
| // (C) Copyright 2001 |
| // Murray Jensen <[email protected]> |
| // CSIRO Manufacturing Science and Technology, Preston Lab |
| |
| // doedit page (hymod_bddb / boards) |
| |
| require("defs.php"); |
| |
| pg_head("$bddb_label - Board Registration Results"); |
| |
| if (isset($_REQUEST['serno'])) { |
| $serno=$_REQUEST['serno']; |
| die("serial number must not be set ($serno) when Creating!"); |
| } |
| |
| $query="update boards set"; |
| |
| list($y, $m, $d) = split("-", $date); |
| if (!checkdate($m, $d, $y) || $y < 1999) |
| die("date is invalid (input '$date', yyyy-mm-dd '$y-$m-$d')"); |
| $query.=" date='$date'"; |
| |
| if ($batch != '') { |
| if (strlen($batch) > 32) |
| die("batch field too long (>32)"); |
| $query.=", batch='$batch'"; |
| } |
| |
| if (!in_array($type, $type_vals)) |
| die("Invalid type ($type) specified"); |
| $query.=", type='$type'"; |
| |
| if (($rev = intval($rev)) <= 0 || $rev > 255) |
| die("Revision number is invalid ($rev)"); |
| $query.=sprintf(", rev=%d", $rev); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("sdram", 4); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("flash", 4); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("zbt", 16); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("xlxtyp", 4); |
| $nxlx = count_enum_multi("xlxtyp", 4); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("xlxspd", 4); |
| if (count_enum_multi("xlxspd", 4) != $nxlx) |
| die("number of xilinx speeds not same as number of types"); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("xlxtmp", 4); |
| if (count_enum_multi("xlxtmp", 4) != $nxlx) |
| die("number of xilinx temps. not same as number of types"); |
| |
| $query.=gather_enum_multi_query("xlxgrd", 4); |
| if (count_enum_multi("xlxgrd", 4) != $nxlx) |
| die("number of xilinx grades not same as number of types"); |
| |
| if ($cputyp == '') { |
| if ($cpuspd != '') |
| die("can't specify cpu speed if there is no cpu"); |
| if ($cpmspd != '') |
| die("can't specify cpm speed if there is no cpu"); |
| if ($busspd != '') |
| die("can't specify bus speed if there is no cpu"); |
| } |
| else { |
| $query.=", cputyp='$cputyp'"; |
| if ($cpuspd == '') |
| die("must specify cpu speed if cpu type is defined"); |
| $query.=", cpuspd='$cpuspd'"; |
| if ($cpmspd == '') |
| die("must specify cpm speed if cpu type is defined"); |
| $query.=", cpmspd='$cpmspd'"; |
| if ($busspd == '') |
| die("must specify bus speed if cpu type is defined"); |
| $query.=", busspd='$busspd'"; |
| } |
| |
| if (($hschin = intval($hschin)) < 0 || $hschin > 4) |
| die("Invalid number of hs input chans ($hschin)"); |
| if (($hschout = intval($hschout)) < 0 || $hschout > 4) |
| die("Invalid number of hs output chans ($hschout)"); |
| if ($hstype == '') { |
| if ($hschin != 0) |
| die("number of high-speed input channels must be zero" |
| . " if high-speed chip is not present"); |
| if ($hschout != 0) |
| die("number of high-speed output channels must be zero" |
| . " if high-speed chip is not present"); |
| } |
| else |
| $query.=", hstype='$hstype'"; |
| $query.=", hschin='$hschin'"; |
| $query.=", hschout='$hschout'"; |
| |
| // echo "final query = '$query'<br>\n"; |
| |
| $quant = intval($quant); |
| if ($quant <= 0) $quant = 1; |
| |
| $sernos = array(); |
| if ($geneths) |
| $ethaddrs = array(); |
| |
| $sqlerr = ''; |
| |
| while ($quant-- > 0) { |
| |
| mysql_query("insert into boards (serno) values (null)"); |
| if (mysql_errno()) { |
| $sqlerr = mysql_error(); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| $serno = mysql_insert_id(); |
| if (!$serno) { |
| $sqlerr = "couldn't allocate new serial number"; |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| mysql_query($query . " where serno=$serno"); |
| if (mysql_errno()) { |
| $sqlerr = mysql_error(); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| array_push($sernos, $serno); |
| |
| if ($geneths) { |
| |
| $ethaddr = gen_eth_addr($serno); |
| |
| mysql_query("update boards set ethaddr='$ethaddr'" . |
| " where serno=$serno"); |
| if (mysql_errno()) { |
| $sqlerr = mysql_error(); |
| |
| array_push($ethaddrs, |
| "<font color=#ff0000><b>" . |
| "db save fail" . |
| "</b></font>"); |
| break; |
| } |
| |
| array_push($ethaddrs, $ethaddr); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| $nsernos = count($sernos); |
| |
| if ($nsernos > 0) { |
| |
| write_eeprom_cfg_file(); |
| |
| echo "<font size=+2>\n"; |
| echo "\t<p>\n"; |
| echo "\t\tThe following board serial numbers were" |
| . " successfully allocated"; |
| if ($numerrs > 0) |
| echo " (but with $numerrs cfg file error" . |
| ($numerrs > 1 ? "s" : "") . ")"; |
| echo ":\n"; |
| echo "\t</p>\n"; |
| |
| echo "</font>\n"; |
| |
| echo "<table align=center width=\"100%\">\n"; |
| echo "<tr>\n"; |
| echo "\t<th>Serial Number</th>\n"; |
| if ($numerrs > 0) |
| echo "\t<th>Cfg File Errs</th>\n"; |
| if ($geneths) |
| echo "\t<th>Ethernet Address</th>\n"; |
| echo "</tr>\n"; |
| |
| for ($i = 0; $i < $nsernos; $i++) { |
| |
| $serno = sprintf("%010d", $sernos[$i]); |
| |
| echo "<tr>\n"; |
| |
| echo "\t<td align=center><font size=+2>" . |
| "<b>$serno</b></font></td>\n"; |
| |
| if ($numerrs > 0) { |
| if (($errstr = $cfgerrs[$i]) == '') |
| $errstr = ' '; |
| echo "\t<td align=center>" . |
| "<font size=+2 color=#ff0000><b>" . |
| $errstr . |
| "</b></font></td>\n"; |
| } |
| |
| if ($geneths) { |
| echo "\t<td align=center>" . |
| "<font size=+2 color=#00ff00><b>" . |
| $ethaddrs[$i] . |
| "</b></font></td>\n"; |
| } |
| |
| echo "</tr>\n"; |
| } |
| |
| echo "</table>\n"; |
| } |
| |
| if ($sqlerr != '') { |
| echo "\t<font size=+4>\n"; |
| echo "\t\t<p>\n"; |
| echo "\t\t\tThe following SQL error was encountered:\n"; |
| echo "\t\t</p>\n"; |
| echo "\t\t<center>\n"; |
| printf("\t\t\t<b>%s</b>\n", $sqlerr); |
| echo "\t\t</center>\n"; |
| echo "\t</font>\n"; |
| } |
| |
| ?> |
| <p> |
| <table align=center width="100%"> |
| <tr> |
| <td align=center><a href="browse.php">Go to Browse</a></td> |
| <td align=center><a href="index.php">Back to Start</a></td> |
| </tr> |
| </table> |
| <?php |
| pg_foot(); |
| ?> |