| #!/usr/bin/env python3 |
| # SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 |
| |
| """ |
| tdc.py - Linux tc (Traffic Control) unit test driver |
| |
| Copyright (C) 2017 Lucas Bates <[email protected]> |
| """ |
| |
| import re |
| import os |
| import sys |
| import argparse |
| import importlib |
| import json |
| import subprocess |
| import time |
| import traceback |
| from collections import OrderedDict |
| from string import Template |
| |
| from tdc_config import * |
| from tdc_helper import * |
| |
| import TdcPlugin |
| from TdcResults import * |
| |
| class PluginDependencyException(Exception): |
| def __init__(self, missing_pg): |
| self.missing_pg = missing_pg |
| |
| class PluginMgrTestFail(Exception): |
| def __init__(self, stage, output, message): |
| self.stage = stage |
| self.output = output |
| self.message = message |
| |
| class PluginMgr: |
| def __init__(self, argparser): |
| super().__init__() |
| self.plugins = {} |
| self.plugin_instances = [] |
| self.failed_plugins = {} |
| self.argparser = argparser |
| |
| # TODO, put plugins in order |
| plugindir = os.getenv('TDC_PLUGIN_DIR', './plugins') |
| for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(plugindir): |
| for fn in filenames: |
| if (fn.endswith('.py') and |
| not fn == '__init__.py' and |
| not fn.startswith('#') and |
| not fn.startswith('.#')): |
| mn = fn[0:-3] |
| foo = importlib.import_module('plugins.' + mn) |
| self.plugins[mn] = foo |
| self.plugin_instances.append(foo.SubPlugin()) |
| |
| def load_plugin(self, pgdir, pgname): |
| pgname = pgname[0:-3] |
| foo = importlib.import_module('{}.{}'.format(pgdir, pgname)) |
| self.plugins[pgname] = foo |
| self.plugin_instances.append(foo.SubPlugin()) |
| self.plugin_instances[-1].check_args(self.args, None) |
| |
| def get_required_plugins(self, testlist): |
| ''' |
| Get all required plugins from the list of test cases and return |
| all unique items. |
| ''' |
| reqs = [] |
| for t in testlist: |
| try: |
| if 'requires' in t['plugins']: |
| if isinstance(t['plugins']['requires'], list): |
| reqs.extend(t['plugins']['requires']) |
| else: |
| reqs.append(t['plugins']['requires']) |
| except KeyError: |
| continue |
| reqs = get_unique_item(reqs) |
| return reqs |
| |
| def load_required_plugins(self, reqs, parser, args, remaining): |
| ''' |
| Get all required plugins from the list of test cases and load any plugin |
| that is not already enabled. |
| ''' |
| pgd = ['plugin-lib', 'plugin-lib-custom'] |
| pnf = [] |
| |
| for r in reqs: |
| if r not in self.plugins: |
| fname = '{}.py'.format(r) |
| source_path = [] |
| for d in pgd: |
| pgpath = '{}/{}'.format(d, fname) |
| if os.path.isfile(pgpath): |
| source_path.append(pgpath) |
| if len(source_path) == 0: |
| print('ERROR: unable to find required plugin {}'.format(r)) |
| pnf.append(fname) |
| continue |
| elif len(source_path) > 1: |
| print('WARNING: multiple copies of plugin {} found, using version found') |
| print('at {}'.format(source_path[0])) |
| pgdir = source_path[0] |
| pgdir = pgdir.split('/')[0] |
| self.load_plugin(pgdir, fname) |
| if len(pnf) > 0: |
| raise PluginDependencyException(pnf) |
| |
| parser = self.call_add_args(parser) |
| (args, remaining) = parser.parse_known_args(args=remaining, namespace=args) |
| return args |
| |
| def call_pre_suite(self, testcount, testidlist): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| pgn_inst.pre_suite(testcount, testidlist) |
| |
| def call_post_suite(self, index): |
| for pgn_inst in reversed(self.plugin_instances): |
| pgn_inst.post_suite(index) |
| |
| def call_pre_case(self, caseinfo, *, test_skip=False): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| try: |
| pgn_inst.pre_case(caseinfo, test_skip) |
| except Exception as ee: |
| print('exception {} in call to pre_case for {} plugin'. |
| format(ee, pgn_inst.__class__)) |
| print('test_ordinal is {}'.format(test_ordinal)) |
| print('testid is {}'.format(caseinfo['id'])) |
| raise |
| |
| def call_post_case(self): |
| for pgn_inst in reversed(self.plugin_instances): |
| pgn_inst.post_case() |
| |
| def call_pre_execute(self): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| pgn_inst.pre_execute() |
| |
| def call_post_execute(self): |
| for pgn_inst in reversed(self.plugin_instances): |
| pgn_inst.post_execute() |
| |
| def call_add_args(self, parser): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| parser = pgn_inst.add_args(parser) |
| return parser |
| |
| def call_check_args(self, args, remaining): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| pgn_inst.check_args(args, remaining) |
| |
| def call_adjust_command(self, stage, command): |
| for pgn_inst in self.plugin_instances: |
| command = pgn_inst.adjust_command(stage, command) |
| return command |
| |
| def set_args(self, args): |
| self.args = args |
| |
| @staticmethod |
| def _make_argparser(args): |
| self.argparser = argparse.ArgumentParser( |
| description='Linux TC unit tests') |
| |
| def replace_keywords(cmd): |
| """ |
| For a given executable command, substitute any known |
| variables contained within NAMES with the correct values |
| """ |
| tcmd = Template(cmd) |
| subcmd = tcmd.safe_substitute(NAMES) |
| return subcmd |
| |
| |
| def exec_cmd(args, pm, stage, command): |
| """ |
| Perform any required modifications on an executable command, then run |
| it in a subprocess and return the results. |
| """ |
| if len(command.strip()) == 0: |
| return None, None |
| if '$' in command: |
| command = replace_keywords(command) |
| |
| command = pm.call_adjust_command(stage, command) |
| if args.verbose > 0: |
| print('command "{}"'.format(command)) |
| proc = subprocess.Popen(command, |
| shell=True, |
| stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
| stderr=subprocess.PIPE, |
| env=ENVIR) |
| |
| try: |
| (rawout, serr) = proc.communicate(timeout=NAMES['TIMEOUT']) |
| if proc.returncode != 0 and len(serr) > 0: |
| foutput = serr.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") |
| else: |
| foutput = rawout.decode("utf-8", errors="ignore") |
| except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: |
| foutput = "Command \"{}\" timed out\n".format(command) |
| proc.returncode = 255 |
| |
| proc.stdout.close() |
| proc.stderr.close() |
| return proc, foutput |
| |
| |
| def prepare_env(args, pm, stage, prefix, cmdlist, output = None): |
| """ |
| Execute the setup/teardown commands for a test case. |
| Optionally terminate test execution if the command fails. |
| """ |
| if args.verbose > 0: |
| print('{}'.format(prefix)) |
| for cmdinfo in cmdlist: |
| if isinstance(cmdinfo, list): |
| exit_codes = cmdinfo[1:] |
| cmd = cmdinfo[0] |
| else: |
| exit_codes = [0] |
| cmd = cmdinfo |
| |
| if not cmd: |
| continue |
| |
| (proc, foutput) = exec_cmd(args, pm, stage, cmd) |
| |
| if proc and (proc.returncode not in exit_codes): |
| print('', file=sys.stderr) |
| print("{} *** Could not execute: \"{}\"".format(prefix, cmd), |
| file=sys.stderr) |
| print("\n{} *** Error message: \"{}\"".format(prefix, foutput), |
| file=sys.stderr) |
| print("returncode {}; expected {}".format(proc.returncode, |
| exit_codes)) |
| print("\n{} *** Aborting test run.".format(prefix), file=sys.stderr) |
| print("\n\n{} *** stdout ***".format(proc.stdout), file=sys.stderr) |
| print("\n\n{} *** stderr ***".format(proc.stderr), file=sys.stderr) |
| raise PluginMgrTestFail( |
| stage, output, |
| '"{}" did not complete successfully'.format(prefix)) |
| |
| def run_one_test(pm, args, index, tidx): |
| global NAMES |
| result = True |
| tresult = "" |
| tap = "" |
| res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) |
| if args.verbose > 0: |
| print("\t====================\n=====> ", end="") |
| print("Test " + tidx["id"] + ": " + tidx["name"]) |
| |
| if 'skip' in tidx: |
| if tidx['skip'] == 'yes': |
| res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) |
| res.set_result(ResultState.skip) |
| res.set_errormsg('Test case designated as skipped.') |
| pm.call_pre_case(tidx, test_skip=True) |
| pm.call_post_execute() |
| return res |
| |
| # populate NAMES with TESTID for this test |
| NAMES['TESTID'] = tidx['id'] |
| |
| pm.call_pre_case(tidx) |
| prepare_env(args, pm, 'setup', "-----> prepare stage", tidx["setup"]) |
| |
| if (args.verbose > 0): |
| print('-----> execute stage') |
| pm.call_pre_execute() |
| (p, procout) = exec_cmd(args, pm, 'execute', tidx["cmdUnderTest"]) |
| if p: |
| exit_code = p.returncode |
| else: |
| exit_code = None |
| |
| pm.call_post_execute() |
| |
| if (exit_code is None or exit_code != int(tidx["expExitCode"])): |
| print("exit: {!r}".format(exit_code)) |
| print("exit: {}".format(int(tidx["expExitCode"]))) |
| #print("exit: {!r} {}".format(exit_code, int(tidx["expExitCode"]))) |
| res.set_result(ResultState.fail) |
| res.set_failmsg('Command exited with {}, expected {}\n{}'.format(exit_code, tidx["expExitCode"], procout)) |
| print(procout) |
| else: |
| if args.verbose > 0: |
| print('-----> verify stage') |
| match_pattern = re.compile( |
| str(tidx["matchPattern"]), re.DOTALL | re.MULTILINE) |
| (p, procout) = exec_cmd(args, pm, 'verify', tidx["verifyCmd"]) |
| if procout: |
| match_index = re.findall(match_pattern, procout) |
| if len(match_index) != int(tidx["matchCount"]): |
| res.set_result(ResultState.fail) |
| res.set_failmsg('Could not match regex pattern. Verify command output:\n{}'.format(procout)) |
| else: |
| res.set_result(ResultState.success) |
| elif int(tidx["matchCount"]) != 0: |
| res.set_result(ResultState.fail) |
| res.set_failmsg('No output generated by verify command.') |
| else: |
| res.set_result(ResultState.success) |
| |
| prepare_env(args, pm, 'teardown', '-----> teardown stage', tidx['teardown'], procout) |
| pm.call_post_case() |
| |
| index += 1 |
| |
| # remove TESTID from NAMES |
| del(NAMES['TESTID']) |
| return res |
| |
| def test_runner(pm, args, filtered_tests): |
| """ |
| Driver function for the unit tests. |
| |
| Prints information about the tests being run, executes the setup and |
| teardown commands and the command under test itself. Also determines |
| success/failure based on the information in the test case and generates |
| TAP output accordingly. |
| """ |
| testlist = filtered_tests |
| tcount = len(testlist) |
| index = 1 |
| tap = '' |
| badtest = None |
| stage = None |
| emergency_exit = False |
| emergency_exit_message = '' |
| |
| tsr = TestSuiteReport() |
| |
| try: |
| pm.call_pre_suite(tcount, [tidx['id'] for tidx in testlist]) |
| except Exception as ee: |
| ex_type, ex, ex_tb = sys.exc_info() |
| print('Exception {} {} (caught in pre_suite).'. |
| format(ex_type, ex)) |
| traceback.print_tb(ex_tb) |
| emergency_exit_message = 'EMERGENCY EXIT, call_pre_suite failed with exception {} {}\n'.format(ex_type, ex) |
| emergency_exit = True |
| stage = 'pre-SUITE' |
| |
| if emergency_exit: |
| pm.call_post_suite(index) |
| return emergency_exit_message |
| if args.verbose > 1: |
| print('give test rig 2 seconds to stabilize') |
| time.sleep(2) |
| for tidx in testlist: |
| if "flower" in tidx["category"] and args.device == None: |
| errmsg = "Tests using the DEV2 variable must define the name of a " |
| errmsg += "physical NIC with the -d option when running tdc.\n" |
| errmsg += "Test has been skipped." |
| if args.verbose > 1: |
| print(errmsg) |
| res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) |
| res.set_result(ResultState.skip) |
| res.set_errormsg(errmsg) |
| tsr.add_resultdata(res) |
| continue |
| try: |
| badtest = tidx # in case it goes bad |
| res = run_one_test(pm, args, index, tidx) |
| tsr.add_resultdata(res) |
| except PluginMgrTestFail as pmtf: |
| ex_type, ex, ex_tb = sys.exc_info() |
| stage = pmtf.stage |
| message = pmtf.message |
| output = pmtf.output |
| res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) |
| res.set_result(ResultState.skip) |
| res.set_errormsg(pmtf.message) |
| res.set_failmsg(pmtf.output) |
| tsr.add_resultdata(res) |
| index += 1 |
| print(message) |
| print('Exception {} {} (caught in test_runner, running test {} {} {} stage {})'. |
| format(ex_type, ex, index, tidx['id'], tidx['name'], stage)) |
| print('---------------') |
| print('traceback') |
| traceback.print_tb(ex_tb) |
| print('---------------') |
| if stage == 'teardown': |
| print('accumulated output for this test:') |
| if pmtf.output: |
| print(pmtf.output) |
| print('---------------') |
| break |
| index += 1 |
| |
| # if we failed in setup or teardown, |
| # fill in the remaining tests with ok-skipped |
| count = index |
| |
| if tcount + 1 != count: |
| for tidx in testlist[count - 1:]: |
| res = TestResult(tidx['id'], tidx['name']) |
| res.set_result(ResultState.skip) |
| msg = 'skipped - previous {} failed {} {}'.format(stage, |
| index, badtest.get('id', '--Unknown--')) |
| res.set_errormsg(msg) |
| tsr.add_resultdata(res) |
| count += 1 |
| |
| if args.pause: |
| print('Want to pause\nPress enter to continue ...') |
| if input(sys.stdin): |
| print('got something on stdin') |
| |
| pm.call_post_suite(index) |
| |
| return tsr |
| |
| def has_blank_ids(idlist): |
| """ |
| Search the list for empty ID fields and return true/false accordingly. |
| """ |
| return not(all(k for k in idlist)) |
| |
| |
| def load_from_file(filename): |
| """ |
| Open the JSON file containing the test cases and return them |
| as list of ordered dictionary objects. |
| """ |
| try: |
| with open(filename) as test_data: |
| testlist = json.load(test_data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) |
| except json.JSONDecodeError as jde: |
| print('IGNORING test case file {}\n\tBECAUSE: {}'.format(filename, jde)) |
| testlist = list() |
| else: |
| idlist = get_id_list(testlist) |
| if (has_blank_ids(idlist)): |
| for k in testlist: |
| k['filename'] = filename |
| return testlist |
| |
| |
| def args_parse(): |
| """ |
| Create the argument parser. |
| """ |
| parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Linux TC unit tests') |
| return parser |
| |
| |
| def set_args(parser): |
| """ |
| Set the command line arguments for tdc. |
| """ |
| parser.add_argument( |
| '--outfile', type=str, |
| help='Path to the file in which results should be saved. ' + |
| 'Default target is the current directory.') |
| parser.add_argument( |
| '-p', '--path', type=str, |
| help='The full path to the tc executable to use') |
| sg = parser.add_argument_group( |
| 'selection', 'select which test cases: ' + |
| 'files plus directories; filtered by categories plus testids') |
| ag = parser.add_argument_group( |
| 'action', 'select action to perform on selected test cases') |
| |
| sg.add_argument( |
| '-D', '--directory', nargs='+', metavar='DIR', |
| help='Collect tests from the specified directory(ies) ' + |
| '(default [tc-tests])') |
| sg.add_argument( |
| '-f', '--file', nargs='+', metavar='FILE', |
| help='Run tests from the specified file(s)') |
| sg.add_argument( |
| '-c', '--category', nargs='*', metavar='CATG', default=['+c'], |
| help='Run tests only from the specified category/ies, ' + |
| 'or if no category/ies is/are specified, list known categories.') |
| sg.add_argument( |
| '-e', '--execute', nargs='+', metavar='ID', |
| help='Execute the specified test cases with specified IDs') |
| ag.add_argument( |
| '-l', '--list', action='store_true', |
| help='List all test cases, or those only within the specified category') |
| ag.add_argument( |
| '-s', '--show', action='store_true', dest='showID', |
| help='Display the selected test cases') |
| ag.add_argument( |
| '-i', '--id', action='store_true', dest='gen_id', |
| help='Generate ID numbers for new test cases') |
| parser.add_argument( |
| '-v', '--verbose', action='count', default=0, |
| help='Show the commands that are being run') |
| parser.add_argument( |
| '--format', default='tap', const='tap', nargs='?', |
| choices=['none', 'xunit', 'tap'], |
| help='Specify the format for test results. (Default: TAP)') |
| parser.add_argument('-d', '--device', |
| help='Execute test cases that use a physical device, ' + |
| 'where DEVICE is its name. (If not defined, tests ' + |
| 'that require a physical device will be skipped)') |
| parser.add_argument( |
| '-P', '--pause', action='store_true', |
| help='Pause execution just before post-suite stage') |
| return parser |
| |
| |
| def check_default_settings(args, remaining, pm): |
| """ |
| Process any arguments overriding the default settings, |
| and ensure the settings are correct. |
| """ |
| # Allow for overriding specific settings |
| global NAMES |
| |
| if args.path != None: |
| NAMES['TC'] = args.path |
| if args.device != None: |
| NAMES['DEV2'] = args.device |
| if 'TIMEOUT' not in NAMES: |
| NAMES['TIMEOUT'] = None |
| if not os.path.isfile(NAMES['TC']): |
| print("The specified tc path " + NAMES['TC'] + " does not exist.") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| pm.call_check_args(args, remaining) |
| |
| |
| def get_id_list(alltests): |
| """ |
| Generate a list of all IDs in the test cases. |
| """ |
| return [x["id"] for x in alltests] |
| |
| |
| def check_case_id(alltests): |
| """ |
| Check for duplicate test case IDs. |
| """ |
| idl = get_id_list(alltests) |
| return [x for x in idl if idl.count(x) > 1] |
| |
| |
| def does_id_exist(alltests, newid): |
| """ |
| Check if a given ID already exists in the list of test cases. |
| """ |
| idl = get_id_list(alltests) |
| return (any(newid == x for x in idl)) |
| |
| |
| def generate_case_ids(alltests): |
| """ |
| If a test case has a blank ID field, generate a random hex ID for it |
| and then write the test cases back to disk. |
| """ |
| import random |
| for c in alltests: |
| if (c["id"] == ""): |
| while True: |
| newid = str('{:04x}'.format(random.randrange(16**4))) |
| if (does_id_exist(alltests, newid)): |
| continue |
| else: |
| c['id'] = newid |
| break |
| |
| ufilename = [] |
| for c in alltests: |
| if ('filename' in c): |
| ufilename.append(c['filename']) |
| ufilename = get_unique_item(ufilename) |
| for f in ufilename: |
| testlist = [] |
| for t in alltests: |
| if 'filename' in t: |
| if t['filename'] == f: |
| del t['filename'] |
| testlist.append(t) |
| outfile = open(f, "w") |
| json.dump(testlist, outfile, indent=4) |
| outfile.write("\n") |
| outfile.close() |
| |
| def filter_tests_by_id(args, testlist): |
| ''' |
| Remove tests from testlist that are not in the named id list. |
| If id list is empty, return empty list. |
| ''' |
| newlist = list() |
| if testlist and args.execute: |
| target_ids = args.execute |
| |
| if isinstance(target_ids, list) and (len(target_ids) > 0): |
| newlist = list(filter(lambda x: x['id'] in target_ids, testlist)) |
| return newlist |
| |
| def filter_tests_by_category(args, testlist): |
| ''' |
| Remove tests from testlist that are not in a named category. |
| ''' |
| answer = list() |
| if args.category and testlist: |
| test_ids = list() |
| for catg in set(args.category): |
| if catg == '+c': |
| continue |
| print('considering category {}'.format(catg)) |
| for tc in testlist: |
| if catg in tc['category'] and tc['id'] not in test_ids: |
| answer.append(tc) |
| test_ids.append(tc['id']) |
| |
| return answer |
| |
| |
| def get_test_cases(args): |
| """ |
| If a test case file is specified, retrieve tests from that file. |
| Otherwise, glob for all json files in subdirectories and load from |
| each one. |
| Also, if requested, filter by category, and add tests matching |
| certain ids. |
| """ |
| import fnmatch |
| |
| flist = [] |
| testdirs = ['tc-tests'] |
| |
| if args.file: |
| # at least one file was specified - remove the default directory |
| testdirs = [] |
| |
| for ff in args.file: |
| if not os.path.isfile(ff): |
| print("IGNORING file " + ff + "\n\tBECAUSE does not exist.") |
| else: |
| flist.append(os.path.abspath(ff)) |
| |
| if args.directory: |
| testdirs = args.directory |
| |
| for testdir in testdirs: |
| for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(testdir): |
| for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.json'): |
| candidate = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(root, filename)) |
| if candidate not in testdirs: |
| flist.append(candidate) |
| |
| alltestcases = list() |
| for casefile in flist: |
| alltestcases = alltestcases + (load_from_file(casefile)) |
| |
| allcatlist = get_test_categories(alltestcases) |
| allidlist = get_id_list(alltestcases) |
| |
| testcases_by_cats = get_categorized_testlist(alltestcases, allcatlist) |
| idtestcases = filter_tests_by_id(args, alltestcases) |
| cattestcases = filter_tests_by_category(args, alltestcases) |
| |
| cat_ids = [x['id'] for x in cattestcases] |
| if args.execute: |
| if args.category: |
| alltestcases = cattestcases + [x for x in idtestcases if x['id'] not in cat_ids] |
| else: |
| alltestcases = idtestcases |
| else: |
| if cat_ids: |
| alltestcases = cattestcases |
| else: |
| # just accept the existing value of alltestcases, |
| # which has been filtered by file/directory |
| pass |
| |
| return allcatlist, allidlist, testcases_by_cats, alltestcases |
| |
| |
| def set_operation_mode(pm, parser, args, remaining): |
| """ |
| Load the test case data and process remaining arguments to determine |
| what the script should do for this run, and call the appropriate |
| function. |
| """ |
| ucat, idlist, testcases, alltests = get_test_cases(args) |
| |
| if args.gen_id: |
| if (has_blank_ids(idlist)): |
| alltests = generate_case_ids(alltests) |
| else: |
| print("No empty ID fields found in test files.") |
| exit(0) |
| |
| duplicate_ids = check_case_id(alltests) |
| if (len(duplicate_ids) > 0): |
| print("The following test case IDs are not unique:") |
| print(str(set(duplicate_ids))) |
| print("Please correct them before continuing.") |
| exit(1) |
| |
| if args.showID: |
| for atest in alltests: |
| print_test_case(atest) |
| exit(0) |
| |
| if isinstance(args.category, list) and (len(args.category) == 0): |
| print("Available categories:") |
| print_sll(ucat) |
| exit(0) |
| |
| if args.list: |
| if args.list: |
| list_test_cases(alltests) |
| exit(0) |
| |
| if len(alltests): |
| req_plugins = pm.get_required_plugins(alltests) |
| try: |
| args = pm.load_required_plugins(req_plugins, parser, args, remaining) |
| except PluginDependencyException as pde: |
| print('The following plugins were not found:') |
| print('{}'.format(pde.missing_pg)) |
| catresults = test_runner(pm, args, alltests) |
| if args.format == 'none': |
| print('Test results output suppression requested\n') |
| else: |
| print('\nAll test results: \n') |
| if args.format == 'xunit': |
| suffix = 'xml' |
| res = catresults.format_xunit() |
| elif args.format == 'tap': |
| suffix = 'tap' |
| res = catresults.format_tap() |
| print(res) |
| print('\n\n') |
| if not args.outfile: |
| fname = 'test-results.{}'.format(suffix) |
| else: |
| fname = args.outfile |
| with open(fname, 'w') as fh: |
| fh.write(res) |
| fh.close() |
| if os.getenv('SUDO_UID') is not None: |
| os.chown(fname, uid=int(os.getenv('SUDO_UID')), |
| gid=int(os.getenv('SUDO_GID'))) |
| else: |
| print('No tests found\n') |
| |
| def main(): |
| """ |
| Start of execution; set up argument parser and get the arguments, |
| and start operations. |
| """ |
| parser = args_parse() |
| parser = set_args(parser) |
| pm = PluginMgr(parser) |
| parser = pm.call_add_args(parser) |
| (args, remaining) = parser.parse_known_args() |
| args.NAMES = NAMES |
| pm.set_args(args) |
| check_default_settings(args, remaining, pm) |
| if args.verbose > 2: |
| print('args is {}'.format(args)) |
| |
| set_operation_mode(pm, parser, args, remaining) |
| |
| exit(0) |
| |
| |
| if __name__ == "__main__": |
| main() |