| The tmscsim driver |
| ================== |
| |
| 1. Purpose and history |
| 2. Installation |
| 3. Features |
| 4. Configuration via /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| 5. Configuration via boot/module params |
| 6. Potential improvements |
| 7. Bug reports, debugging and updates |
| 8. Acknowledgements |
| 9. Copyright |
| |
| |
| 1. Purpose and history |
| ---------------------- |
| The tmscsim driver supports PCI SCSI Host Adapters based on the AM53C974 |
| chip. AM53C974 based SCSI adapters include: |
| Tekram DC390, DC390T |
| Dawicontrol 2974 |
| QLogic Fast! PCI Basic |
| some on-board adapters |
| (This is most probably not a complete list) |
| |
| It has originally written by C.L. Huang from the Tekram corp. to support the |
| Tekram DC390(T) adapter. This is where the name comes from: tm = Tekram |
| scsi = SCSI driver, m = AMD (?) as opposed to w for the DC390W/U/F |
| (NCR53c8X5, X=2/7) driver. Yes, there was also a driver for the latter, |
| tmscsiw, which supported DC390W/U/F adapters. It's not maintained any more, |
| as the ncr53c8xx is perfectly supporting these adapters since some time. |
| |
| The driver first appeared in April 1996, exclusively supported the DC390 |
| and has been enhanced since then in various steps. In May 1998 support for |
| general AM53C974 based adapters and some possibilities to configure it were |
| added. The non-DC390 support works by assuming some values for the data |
| normally taken from the DC390 EEPROM. See below (chapter 5) for details. |
| |
| When using the DC390, the configuration is still be done using the DC390 |
| BIOS setup. The DC390 EEPROM is read and used by the driver, any boot or |
| module parameters (chapter 5) are ignored! However, you can change settings |
| dynamically, as described in chapter 4. |
| |
| For a more detailed description of the driver's history, see the first lines |
| of tmscsim.c. |
| The numbering scheme isn't consistent. The first versions went from 1.00 to |
| 1.12, then 1.20a to 1.20t. Finally I decided to use the ncr53c8xx scheme. So |
| the next revisions will be 2.0a to 2.0X (stable), 2.1a to 2.1X (experimental), |
| 2.2a to 2.2X (stable, again) etc. (X = anything between a and z.) If I send |
| fixes to people for testing, I create intermediate versions with a digit |
| appended, e.g. 2.0c3. |
| |
| |
| 2. Installation |
| --------------- |
| If you got any recent kernel with this driver and document included in |
| linux/drivers/scsi, you basically have to do nothing special to use this |
| driver. Of course you have to choose to compile SCSI support and DC390(T) |
| support into your kernel or as module when configuring your kernel for |
| compiling. |
| NEW: You may as well compile this module outside your kernel, using the |
| supplied Makefile. |
| |
| If you got an old kernel (pre 2.1.127, pre 2.0.37p1) with an old version of |
| this driver: Get dc390-21125-20b.diff.gz or dc390-2036p21-20b1.diff.gz from |
| my web page and apply the patch. Apply further patches to upgrade to the |
| latest version of the driver. |
| |
| If you want to do it manually, you should copy the files (dc390.h, |
| tmscsim.h, tmscsim.c, scsiiom.c and README.tmscsim) from this directory to |
| linux/drivers/scsi. You have to recompile your kernel/module of course. |
| |
| You should apply the three patches included in dc390-120-kernel.diff |
| (Applying them: cd /usr/src; patch -p0 <~/dc390-120-kernel.diff) |
| The patches are against 2.1.125, so you might have to manually resolve |
| rejections when applying to another kernel version. |
| |
| The patches will update the kernel startup code to allow boot parameters to |
| be passed to the driver, update the Documentation and finally offer you the |
| possibility to omit the non-DC390 parts of the driver. |
| (By selecting "Omit support for non DC390" you basically disable the |
| emulation of a DC390 EEPROM for non DC390 adapters. This saves a few bytes |
| of memory.) |
| |
| If you got a very old kernel without the tmscsim driver (pre 2.0.31) |
| I recommend upgrading your kernel. However, if you don't want to, please |
| contact me to get the appropriate patches. |
| |
| |
| Upgrading a SCSI driver is always a delicate thing to do. The 2.0 driver has |
| proven stable on many systems, but it's still a good idea to take some |
| precautions. In an ideal world you would have a full backup of your disks. |
| The world isn't ideal and most people don't have full backups (me neither). |
| So take at least the following measures: |
| * make your kernel remount the FS read-only on detecting an error: |
| tune2fs -e remount-ro /dev/sd?? |
| * have copies of your SCSI disk's partition tables on some safe location: |
| dd if=/dev/sda of=/mnt/floppy/sda bs=512 count=1 |
| or just print it with: |
| fdisk -l | lpr |
| * make sure you are able to boot Linux (e.g. from floppy disk using InitRD) |
| if your SCSI disk gets corrupted. You can use |
| ftp://student.physik.uni-dortmund.de/pub/linux/kernel/bootdisk.gz |
| |
| One more warning: I used to overclock my PCI bus to 41.67 MHz. My Tekram |
| DC390F (Sym53c875) accepted this as well as my Millenium. But the Am53C974 |
| produced errors and started to corrupt my disks. So don't do that! A 37.50 |
| MHz PCI bus works for me, though, but I don't recommend using higher clocks |
| than the 33.33 MHz being in the PCI spec. |
| |
| If you want to share the IRQ with another device and the driver refuses to |
| do so, you might succeed with changing the DC390_IRQ type in tmscsim.c to |
| |
| |
| 3.Features |
| ---------- |
| - SCSI |
| * Tagged command queueing |
| * Sync speed up to 10 MHz |
| * Disconnection |
| * Multiple LUNs |
| |
| - General / Linux interface |
| * Support for up to 4 AM53C974 adapters. |
| * DC390 EEPROM usage or boot/module params |
| * Information via cat /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| * Dynamically configurable by writing to /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| * Dynamic allocation of resources |
| * SMP support: Locking on io_request lock (Linux 2.1/2.2) or adapter |
| specific locks (Linux 2.5?) |
| * Uniform source code for Linux-2.x.y |
| * Support for dyn. addition/removal of devices via add/remove-single-device |
| (Try: echo "scsi add-single-device C B T U" >/proc/scsi/scsi |
| C = Controller, B = Bus, T = Target SCSI ID, U = Unit SCSI LUN.) |
| Use with care! |
| * Try to use the partition table for the determination of the mapping |
| |
| |
| 4. Configuration via /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| ----------------------------------------- |
| First of all look at the output of /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? by typing |
| cat /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| The "?" should be replaced by the SCSI host number. (The shell might do this |
| for you.) |
| You will see some info regarding the adapter and, at the end, a listing of |
| the attached devices and their settings. |
| |
| Here's an example: |
| garloff@kurt:/home/garloff > cat /proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| Tekram DC390/AM53C974 PCI SCSI Host Adapter, Driver Version 2.0e7 2000-11-28 |
| SCSI Host Nr 1, AM53C974 Adapter Nr 0 |
| IOPortBase 0xb000, IRQ 10 |
| MaxID 8, MaxLUN 8, AdapterID 6, SelTimeout 250 ms, DelayReset 1 s |
| TagMaxNum 16, Status 0x00, ACBFlag 0x00, GlitchEater 24 ns |
| Statistics: Cmnds 1470165, Cmnds not sent directly 0, Out of SRB conds 0 |
| Lost arbitrations 587, Sel. connected 0, Connected: No |
| Nr of attached devices: 4, Nr of DCBs: 4 |
| Map of attached LUNs: 01 00 00 03 01 00 00 00 |
| Idx ID LUN Prty Sync DsCn SndS TagQ NegoPeriod SyncSpeed SyncOffs MaxCmd |
| 00 00 00 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 100 ns 10.0 M 15 16 |
| 01 03 00 Yes Yes Yes Yes No 100 ns 10.0 M 15 01 |
| 02 03 01 Yes Yes Yes Yes No 100 ns 10.0 M 15 01 |
| 03 04 00 Yes Yes Yes Yes No 100 ns 10.0 M 15 01 |
| |
| Note that the settings MaxID and MaxLUN are not zero- but one-based, which |
| means that a setting MaxLUN=4, will result in the support of LUNs 0..3. This |
| is somehow inconvenient, but the way the mid-level SCSI code expects it to be. |
| |
| ACB and DCB are acronyms for Adapter Control Block and Device Control Block. |
| These are data structures of the driver containing information about the |
| adapter and the connected SCSI devices respectively. |
| |
| Idx is the device index (just a consecutive number for the driver), ID and |
| LUN are the SCSI ID and LUN, Prty means Parity checking, Sync synchronous |
| negotiation, DsCn Disconnection, SndS Send Start command on startup (not |
| used by the driver) and TagQ Tagged Command Queueing. NegoPeriod and |
| SyncSpeed are somehow redundant, because they are reciprocal values |
| (1 / 112 ns = 8.9 MHz). At least in theory. The driver is able to adjust the |
| NegoPeriod more accurate (4ns) than the SyncSpeed (1 / 25ns). I don't know |
| if certain devices will have problems with this discrepancy. Max. speed is |
| 10 MHz corresp. to a min. NegoPeriod of 100 ns. |
| (The driver allows slightly higher speeds if the devices (Ultra SCSI) accept |
| it, but that's out of adapter spec, on your own risk and unlikely to improve |
| performance. You're likely to crash your disks.) |
| SyncOffs is the offset used for synchronous negotiations; max. is 15. |
| The last values are only shown, if Sync is enabled. (NegoPeriod is still |
| displayed in brackets to show the values which will be used after enabling |
| Sync.) |
| MaxCmd ist the number of commands (=tags) which can be processed at the same |
| time by the device. |
| |
| If you want to change a setting, you can do that by writing to |
| /proc/scsi/tmscsim/?. Basically you have to imitate the output of driver. |
| (Don't use the brackets for NegoPeriod on Sync disabled devices.) |
| You don't have to care about capitalisation. The driver will accept space, |
| tab, comma, = and : as separators. |
| |
| There are three kinds of changes: |
| |
| (1) Change driver settings: |
| You type the names of the parameters and the params following it. |
| Example: |
| echo "MaxLUN=8 seltimeout 200" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| |
| Note that you can only change MaxID, MaxLUN, AdapterID, SelTimeOut, |
| TagMaxNum, ACBFlag, GlitchEater and DelayReset. Don't change ACBFlag |
| unless you want to see what happens, if the driver hangs. |
| |
| (2) Change device settings: You write a config line to the driver. The Nr |
| must match the ID and LUN given. If you give "-" as parameter, it is |
| ignored and the corresponding setting won't be changed. |
| You can use "y" or "n" instead of "Yes" and "No" if you want to. |
| You don't need to specify a full line. The driver automatically performs |
| an INQUIRY on the device if necessary to check if it is capable to operate |
| with the given settings (Sync, TagQ). |
| Examples: |
| echo "0 0 0 y y y - y - 10 " >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| echo "3 5 0 y n y " >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| |
| To give a short explanation of the first example: |
| The first three numbers, "0 0 0" (Device index 0, SCSI ID 0, SCSI LUN 0), |
| select the device to which the following parameters apply. Note that it |
| would be sufficient to use the index or both SCSI ID and LUN, but I chose |
| to require all three to have a syntax similar to the output. |
| The following "y y y - y" enables Parity checking, enables Synchronous |
| transfers, Disconnection, leaves Send Start (not used) untouched and |
| enables Tagged Command Queueing for the selected device. The "-" skips |
| the Negotiation Period setting but the "10" sets the max sync. speed to |
| 10 MHz. It's useless to specify both NegoPeriod and SyncSpeed as |
| discussed above. The values used in this example will result in maximum |
| performance. |
| |
| (3) Special commands: You can force a SCSI bus reset, an INQUIRY command, the |
| removal or the addition of a device's DCB and a SCSI register dump. |
| This is only used for debugging when you meet problems. The parameter of |
| the INQUIRY and REMOVE commands is the device index as shown by the |
| output of /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? in the device listing in the first column |
| (Idx). ADD takes the SCSI ID and LUN. |
| Examples: |
| echo "reset" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| echo "inquiry 1" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| echo "remove 2" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/1 |
| echo "add 2 3" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/? |
| echo "dump" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/0 |
| |
| Note that you will meet problems when you REMOVE a device's DCB with the |
| remove command if it contains partitions which are mounted. Only use it |
| after unmounting its partitions, telling the SCSI mid-level code to |
| remove it (scsi remove-single-device) and you really need a few bytes of |
| memory. |
| The ADD command allows you to configure a device before you tell the |
| mid-level code to try detection. |
| |
| |
| I'd suggest reviewing the output of /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? after changing |
| settings to see if everything changed as requested. |
| |
| |
| 5. Configuration via boot/module parameters |
| ------------------------------------------- |
| With the DC390, the driver reads its EEPROM settings and tries to use them. |
| But you may want to override the settings prior to being able to change the |
| driver configuration via /proc/scsi/tmscsim/?. |
| If you do have another AM53C974 based adapter, that's even the only |
| possibility to adjust settings before you are able to write to the |
| /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? pseudo-file, e.g. if you want to use another |
| adapter ID than 7. |
| (BTW, the log message "DC390: No EEPROM found!" is normal without a DC390.) |
| For this purpose, you can pass options to the driver before it is initialised |
| by using kernel or module parameters. See lilo(8) or modprobe(1) manual |
| pages on how to pass params to the kernel or a module. |
| [NOTE: Formerly, it was not possible to override the EEPROM supplied |
| settings of the DC390 with cmd line parameters. This has changed since |
| 2.0e7] |
| |
| The syntax of the params is much shorter than the syntax of the /proc/... |
| interface. This makes it a little bit more difficult to use. However, long |
| parameter lines have the risk to be misinterpreted and the length of kernel |
| parameters is limited. |
| |
| As the support for non-DC390 adapters works by simulating the values of the |
| DC390 EEPROM, the settings are given in a DC390 BIOS' way. |
| |
| Here's the syntax: |
| tmscsim=AdaptID,SpdIdx,DevMode,AdaptMode,TaggedCmnds,DelayReset |
| |
| Each of the parameters is a number, containing the described information: |
| |
| * AdaptID: The SCSI ID of the host adapter. Must be in the range 0..7 |
| Default is 7. |
| |
| * SpdIdx: The index of the maximum speed as in the DC390 BIOS. The values |
| 0..7 mean 10, 8.0, 6.7, 5.7, 5.0, 4.0, 3.1 and 2 MHz resp. Default is |
| 0 (10.0 MHz). |
| |
| * DevMode is a bit mapped value describing the per-device features. It |
| applies to all devices. (Sync, Disc and TagQ will only apply, if the |
| device supports it.) The meaning of the bits (* = default): |
| |
| Bit Val(hex) Val(dec) Meaning |
| *0 0x01 1 Parity check |
| *1 0x02 2 Synchronous Negotiation |
| *2 0x04 4 Disconnection |
| *3 0x08 8 Send Start command on startup. (Not used) |
| *4 0x10 16 Tagged Command Queueing |
| |
| As usual, the desired value is obtained by adding the wanted values. If |
| you want to enable all values, e.g., you would use 31(0x1f). Default is 31. |
| |
| * AdaptMode is a bit mapped value describing the enabled adapter features. |
| |
| Bit Val(hex) Val(dec) Meaning |
| *0 0x01 1 Support more than two drives. (Not used) |
| *1 0x02 2 Use DOS compatible mapping for HDs greater than 1GB. |
| *2 0x04 4 Reset SCSI Bus on startup. |
| *3 0x08 8 Active Negation: Improves SCSI Bus noise immunity. |
| 4 0x10 16 Immediate return on BIOS seek command. (Not used) |
| (*)5 0x20 32 Check for LUNs >= 1. |
| |
| The default for LUN Check depends on CONFIG_SCSI_MULTI_LUN. |
| |
| * TaggedCmnds is a number indicating the maximum number of Tagged Commands. |
| It is the binary logarithm - 1 of the actual number. Max is 4 (32). |
| Value Number of Tagged Commands |
| 0 2 |
| 1 4 |
| 2 8 |
| *3 16 |
| 4 32 |
| |
| * DelayReset is the time in seconds (minus 0.5s), the adapter waits, after a |
| bus reset. Default is 1 (corresp. to 1.5s). |
| |
| Example: |
| modprobe tmscsim tmscsim=6,2,31 |
| would set the adapter ID to 6, max. speed to 6.7 MHz, enable all device |
| features and leave the adapter features, the number of Tagged Commands |
| and the Delay after a reset to the defaults. |
| |
| As you can see, you don't need to specify all of the six params. |
| If you want values to be ignored (i.e. the EEprom settings or the defaults |
| will be used), you may pass -2 (not 0!) at the corresponding position. |
| |
| The defaults (7,0,31,15,3,1) are aggressive to allow good performance. You |
| can use tmscsim=7,0,31,63,4,0 for maximum performance, if your SCSI chain |
| allows it. If you meet problems, you can use tmscsim=-1 which is a shortcut |
| for tmscsim=7,4,9,15,2,10. |
| |
| |
| 6. Potential improvements |
| ------------------------- |
| Most of the intended work on the driver has been done. Here are a few ideas |
| to further improve its usability: |
| |
| * Cleanly separate per-Target and per-LUN properties (DCB) |
| * More intelligent abort() routine |
| * Use new_eh code (Linux-2.1+) |
| * Have the mid-level (ML) code (and not the driver) handle more of the |
| various conditions. |
| * Command queueing in the driver: Eliminate Query list and use ML instead. |
| * More user friendly boot/module param syntax |
| |
| Further investigation on these problems: |
| |
| * Driver hangs with sync readcdda (xcdroast) (most probably VIA PCI error) |
| |
| Known problems: |
| Please see http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/dc390/problems.html |
| |
| * Changing the parameters of multi-lun by the tmscsim/? interface will |
| cause problems, cause these settings are mostly per Target and not per LUN |
| and should be updated accordingly. To be fixed for 2.0d24. |
| * CDRs (eg Yam CRW4416) not recognized, because some buggy devices don't |
| recover from a SCSI reset in time. Use a higher delay or don't issue |
| a SCSI bus reset on driver initialization. See problems page. |
| For the CRW4416S, this seems to be solved with firmware 1.0g (reported by |
| Jean-Yves Barbier). |
| * TEAC CD-532S not being recognized. (Works with 1.11). |
| * Scanners (eg. Astra UMAX 1220S) don't work: Disable Sync Negotiation. |
| If this does not help, try echo "INQUIRY t" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/? (t |
| replaced by the dev index of your scanner). You may try to reset your SCSI |
| bus afterwards (echo "RESET" >/proc/scsi/tmscsim/?). |
| The problem seems to be solved as of 2.0d18, thanks to Andreas Rick. |
| * If there is a valid partition table, the driver will use it for determining |
| the mapping. If there's none, a reasonable mapping (Symbios-like) will be |
| assumed. Other operating systems may not like this mapping, though |
| it's consistent with the BIOS' behaviour. Old DC390 drivers ignored the |
| partition table and used a H/S = 64/32 or 255/63 translation. So if you |
| want to be compatible to those, use this old mapping when creating |
| partition tables. Even worse, on bootup the DC390 might complain if other |
| mappings are found, so auto rebooting may fail. |
| * In some situations, the driver will get stuck in an abort loop. This is a |
| bad interaction between the Mid-Layer of Linux' SCSI code and the driver. |
| Try to disable DsCn, if you meet this problem. Please contact me for |
| further debugging. |
| |
| |
| 7. Bug reports, debugging and updates |
| ------------------------------------- |
| Whenever you have problems with the driver, you are invited to ask the |
| author for help. However, I'd suggest reading the docs and trying to solve |
| the problem yourself, first. |
| If you find something, which you believe to be a bug, please report it to me. |
| Please append the output of /proc/scsi/scsi, /proc/scsi/tmscsim/? and |
| maybe the DC390 log messages to the report. |
| |
| Bug reports should be send to me (Kurt Garloff <[email protected]>) as well |
| as to the linux-scsi list (<[email protected]>), as sometimes bugs |
| are caused by the SCSI mid-level code. |
| |
| I will ask you for some more details and probably I will also ask you to |
| enable some of the DEBUG options in the driver (tmscsim.c:DC390_DEBUGXXX |
| defines). The driver will produce some data for the syslog facility then. |
| Beware: If your syslog gets written to a SCSI disk connected to your |
| AM53C974, the logging might produce log output again, and you might end |
| having your box spending most of its time doing the logging. |
| |
| The latest version of the driver can be found at: |
| http://www.garloff.de/kurt/linux/dc390/ |
| ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/people/garloff/linux/dc390/ |
| |
| |
| 8. Acknowledgements |
| ------------------- |
| Thanks to Linus Torvalds, Alan Cox, the FSF people, the XFree86 team and |
| all the others for the wonderful OS and software. |
| Thanks to C.L. Huang and Philip Giang (Tekram) for the initial driver |
| release and support. |
| Thanks to Doug Ledford, GĂ©rard Roudier for support with SCSI coding. |
| Thanks to a lot of people (espec. Chiaki Ishikawa, Andreas Haumer, Hubert |
| Tonneau) for intensively testing the driver (and even risking data loss |
| doing this during early revisions). |
| Recently, SuSE GmbH, Nuernberg, FRG, has been paying me for the driver |
| development and maintenance. Special thanks! |
| |
| |
| 9. Copyright |
| ------------ |
| This driver is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify |
| it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by |
| the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. |
| If you want to use any later version of the GNU GPL, you will probably |
| be allowed to, but you have to ask me and Tekram <[email protected]> |
| before. |
| |
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| Written by Kurt Garloff <[email protected]> 1998/06/11 |
| Last updated 2000/11/28, driver revision 2.0e7 |
| $Id: README.tmscsim,v 2000/12/20 01:07:12 garloff Exp $ |