blob: 584f75b49862b3974e767f4251b004585706e91b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
//! Foreign function interface (FFI) types.
//! This crate provides mapping from C primitive types to Rust ones.
//! The Rust [`core`] crate provides [`core::ffi`], which maps integer types to the platform default
//! C ABI. The kernel does not use [`core::ffi`], so it can customise the mapping that deviates from
//! the platform default.
macro_rules! alias {
($($name:ident = $ty:ty;)*) => {$(
#[allow(non_camel_case_types, missing_docs)]
pub type $name = $ty;
// Check size compatibility with `core`.
const _: () = assert!(
core::mem::size_of::<$name>() == core::mem::size_of::<core::ffi::$name>()
alias! {
// `core::ffi::c_char` is either `i8` or `u8` depending on architecture. In the kernel, we use
// `-funsigned-char` so it's always mapped to `u8`.
c_char = u8;
c_schar = i8;
c_uchar = u8;
c_short = i16;
c_ushort = u16;
c_int = i32;
c_uint = u32;
// In the kernel, `intptr_t` is defined to be `long` in all platforms, so we can map the type to
// `isize`.
c_long = isize;
c_ulong = usize;
c_longlong = i64;
c_ulonglong = u64;
pub use core::ffi::c_void;