blob: a60d88b8cc901f86c50b8e46cfe4f12c6f08ddbb [file] [log] [blame]
* Shared code between the legacy nci implementation which depended on the EROM and the
* implementation which depends on vlsi_data.
* Copyright (C) 2024, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
* @file
* @brief Shared code between EROM dependent and vlsi dependent implementations.
#ifndef _hal_nci_cmn_h_
#define _hal_nci_cmn_h_
#include <typedefs.h>
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_ILLEGAL_ADDR_DECODE 13u /* Illegal address decode error */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_SLAVE_ERROR_RESP 18u /* Error response from slave */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_INTERNAL_TIMEOUT 20u /* Internal timeout */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_ERROR_VALID (1u << 30) /* error status register is valid */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_ERR_ADDR_VALID (1u << 31) /* error addresses MSB/LSB are valid */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_UNCORRECTED_ERR (1u << 29) /* error addresses un corrected error */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_SECOND_ERR (1u << 27) /* error addresses un corrected error */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_MISC_ERROR (1u << 26) /* MISC0 and MISC1 are valid */
#define IDM_ERRSTATUS_ERROR_CODE_MASK 0xffu /* Indicates the type of error */
#define IDM_ERRCTLR_ENABLE (1u << 0u) /* Global enable */
#define IDM_ERRCTLR_BUS (1u << 1u) /* Enable Bus error detection */
#define IDM_ERRCTLR_UE (1u << 2u) /* uncorrected error */
static const char BCMPOST_TRAP_RODATA(nci_axi_err_str[][16u]) = {
"AXI Decode Err ",
"AXI Slave Err ",
"AXI Timeout "
/* err_types */
#define NI_IDM_RESET_ENTRY 0x1
/* SpinWait for 5000us */
#define NCI_SPINWAIT_TIMEOUT (500u * 10u)
* @struct idm_regs
* @brief Network Interface IDM registers summary.
* Common for ASNI, AMNI, PMNI etc. The address offset of these are at 0x100 from wrapper space.
typedef volatile struct idm_regs {
/* Check asni_regs/amni_regs for usage. */
uint32 idm_device_id; /* 0x100 */
uint32 idm_config; /* 0x104 */
uint32 idm_errctlr; /* 0x108 */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 idm_errstatus; /* 0x110 */
uint32 idm_erraddr_lsb; /* 0x114 */
uint32 idm_erraddr_msb; /* 0x118 */
uint32 PAD[3];
uint32 idm_errmisc0; /* 0x128 */
uint32 idm_errmisc1; /* 0x12C */
uint32 idm_access_control; /* 0x130 */
uint32 idm_access_status; /* 0x134 */
uint32 idm_access_readid; /* 0x138 */
uint32 idm_access_writeid; /* 0x13C */
uint32 idm_reset_control; /* 0x140 */
uint32 idm_reset_status; /* 0x144 */
uint32 idm_reset_readid; /* 0x148 */
uint32 idm_reset_writeid; /* 0x14C */
uint32 idm_timeout_control; /* 0x150 */
uint32 idm_timeout_value; /* 0x154 */
uint32 idm_interrupt_status; /* 0x158 */
uint32 idm_interrupt_mask; /* 0x15C */
uint32 idm_errstatus_ns; /* 0x160 */
uint32 idm_erraddr_lsb_ns; /* 0x164 */
uint32 idm_erraddr_msb_ns; /* 0x168 */
uint32 PAD[3];
uint32 idm_errmisc0_ns; /* 0x178 */
uint32 idm_errmisc1_ns; /* 0x17C */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 idm_access_status_ns; /* 0x184 */
uint32 idm_access_readid_ns; /* 0x188 */
uint32 idm_access_writeid_ns; /* 0x18C */
uint32 PAD[1];
uint32 idm_reset_status_ns; /* 0x194 */
uint32 idm_reset_readid_ns; /* 0x198 */
uint32 idm_reset_writeid_ns; /* 0x19C */
uint32 PAD[2];
uint32 idm_interrupt_status_ns; /* 0x1A8 */
uint32 idm_interrupt_mask_ns; /* 0x1AC */
} idm_regs_t;
* @struct asni_regs
* @brief AXI Slave Network Interface registers
typedef volatile struct asni_regs {
uint32 node_type; /* 0x000 */
uint32 node_info; /* 0x004 */
uint32 secr_acc; /* 0x008 */
uint32 pmusela; /* 0x00c */
uint32 pmuselb; /* 0x010 */
uint32 PAD[11];
uint32 node_feat; /* 0x040 */
uint32 bursplt; /* 0x044 */
uint32 addr_remap; /* 0x048 */
uint32 PAD[13];
uint32 sildbg; /* 0x080 */
uint32 qosctl; /* 0x084 */
uint32 wdatthrs; /* 0x088 */
uint32 arqosovr; /* 0x08c */
uint32 awqosovr; /* 0x090 */
uint32 atqosot; /* 0x094 */
uint32 arqosot; /* 0x098 */
uint32 awqosot; /* 0x09c */
uint32 axqosot; /* 0x0a0 */
uint32 qosrdpk; /* 0x0a4 */
uint32 qosrdbur; /* 0x0a8 */
uint32 qosrdavg; /* 0x0ac */
uint32 qoswrpk; /* 0x0b0 */
uint32 qoswrbur; /* 0x0b4 */
uint32 qoswravg; /* 0x0b8 */
uint32 qoscompk; /* 0x0bc */
uint32 qoscombur; /* 0x0c0 */
uint32 qoscomavg; /* 0x0c4 */
uint32 qosrbbqv; /* 0x0c8 */
uint32 qoswrbqv; /* 0x0cc */
uint32 qoscombqv; /* 0x0d0 */
uint32 PAD[11];
idm_regs_t ni; /* 0x100 - 0x1ac */
} asni_regs_t;
* @struct amni_regs
* @brief AXI Master Network Interface registers
typedef volatile struct amni_regs {
uint32 node_type; /* 0x000 */
uint32 node_info; /* 0x004 */
uint32 secr_acc; /* 0x008 */
uint32 pmusela; /* 0x00c */
uint32 pmuselb; /* 0x010 */
uint32 PAD[11];
uint32 node_feat; /* 0x040 */
uint32 PAD[15];
uint32 sildbg; /* 0x080 */
uint32 qosacc; /* 0x084 */
uint32 PAD[26];
uint32 interrupt_status; /* 0x0f0 */
uint32 interrupt_mask; /* 0x0f4 */
uint32 interrupt_status_ns; /* 0x0f8 */
uint32 interrupt_mask_ns; /* 0x0FC */
idm_regs_t ni; /* 0x100 - 0x1ac */
} amni_regs_t;
* @struct nci_error_container
* @brief A container for pointers to last error ints.
typedef struct nci_error_container {
uint32 error_log_status; /**< The axi error log status. */
uint32 errlog_lo; /**< The axi errlog lo. */
uint32 errlog_hi; /**< The axi errlog hi. */
uint32 errlog_id; /**< The axi errlog id. */
uint32 errlog_trans_sts; /**< The axi errlog trans sts. */
uint32 idm_access_status; /**< The idm access status. */
uint32 idm_access_readid; /**< The idm read id. */
uint32 idm_access_writeid; /**< The idm write id. */
uint32 idm_reset_status; /**< The idm reset status. */
uint32 idm_interrupt_status; /**< The idm interrupt status. */
uint32 wrapper_addr; /**< The address of the wrapper that had an error. */
} nci_error_container_t;
* @struct nci_error_logger_container
* @brief A container for arguments passed to nci_error_logger.
typedef struct nci_error_logger_container {
void *osh; /**< OS handle. */
uint32 wrapper; /**< AXI wrapper address for this error. */
volatile idm_regs_t *idm_regs; /**< Pointer to the container with e error information. */
nci_error_container_t *error_cont; /**< Pointer to error container. */
uint32 error_sts; /**< error_sts from the idm register. */
uint16 err_type; /**< An err_type from the macro list above. */
bool is_master; /**< True if this error is from a master wrapper, false otherwise. */
bool is_secure; /**< True if the error is from secure idm registers, false otherwise. */
} nci_error_logger_container_t;
/* Helper for logging parsed errors. */
void nci_error_logger(nci_error_logger_container_t *cont);
/* Helper for reading nci errors from a wrapper. */
uint32 nci_error_helper(void *osh, void *wrapper, bool is_master,
nci_error_container_t *error_cont, uint32 wrapper_daddr);
#endif /* _hal_nci_cmn_h_ */