blob: 720d1afed295eb8e3a930cb2bfa013c90770bc80 [file] [log] [blame]
* Custom OID/ioctl definitions for counters
* Broadcom 802.11abg Networking Device Driver
* Definitions subject to change without notice.
* Copyright (C) 2024, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#ifndef _wlioctl_counters_h_
#define _wlioctl_counters_h_
struct wlc_swdiv_stats_v1 {
uint32 auto_en;
uint32 active_ant;
uint32 rxcount;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant0;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant1;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant2;
uint32 swap_ge_rxcount0;
uint32 swap_ge_rxcount1;
uint32 swap_ge_snrthresh0;
uint32 swap_ge_snrthresh1;
uint32 swap_txfail0;
uint32 swap_txfail1;
uint32 swap_timer0;
uint32 swap_timer1;
uint32 swap_alivecheck0;
uint32 swap_alivecheck1;
uint32 rxcount_per_ant0;
uint32 rxcount_per_ant1;
uint32 acc_rxcount;
uint32 acc_rxcount_per_ant0;
uint32 acc_rxcount_per_ant1;
uint32 tx_auto_en;
uint32 tx_active_ant;
uint32 rx_policy;
uint32 tx_policy;
uint32 cell_policy;
uint32 swap_snrdrop0;
uint32 swap_snrdrop1;
uint32 mws_antsel_ovr_tx;
uint32 mws_antsel_ovr_rx;
uint8 swap_trig_event_id;
struct wlc_swdiv_stats_v2 {
uint16 version; /* version of the structure
uint16 length; /* length of the entire structure */
uint32 auto_en;
uint32 active_ant;
uint32 rxcount;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant0;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant1;
int32 avg_snr_per_ant2;
uint32 swap_ge_rxcount0;
uint32 swap_ge_rxcount1;
uint32 swap_ge_snrthresh0;
uint32 swap_ge_snrthresh1;
uint32 swap_txfail0;
uint32 swap_txfail1;
uint32 swap_timer0;
uint32 swap_timer1;
uint32 swap_alivecheck0;
uint32 swap_alivecheck1;
uint32 rxcount_per_ant0;
uint32 rxcount_per_ant1;
uint32 acc_rxcount;
uint32 acc_rxcount_per_ant0;
uint32 acc_rxcount_per_ant1;
uint32 tx_auto_en;
uint32 tx_active_ant;
uint32 rx_policy;
uint32 tx_policy;
uint32 cell_policy;
uint32 swap_snrdrop0;
uint32 swap_snrdrop1;
uint32 mws_antsel_ovr_tx;
uint32 mws_antsel_ovr_rx;
uint16 swap_trig_event_id;
uint16 swap_trig_event_id_prev;
uint8 cbuf_indx;
uint8 cbuf_active_ant[12];
uint8 cbuf_swaprsn[12];
uint8 cbuf_avgSNRprimAnt[12];
uint8 cbuf_avgSNRdivAnt[12];
uint32 rxcnt_prim_ant;
uint32 rxcnt_div_ant;
uint16 histo_act_cnt_primant;
uint16 histo_act_cnt_divant;
* The number of variables in wl macstat cnt struct.
* (wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t, wl_cnt_lt40mcst_v1_t, wl_cnt_v_le10_mcst_t)
#define WL_CNT_MCST_VAR_NUM 64
/* sizeof(wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t), sizeof(wl_cnt_lt40mcst_v1_t), and sizeof(wl_cnt_v_le10_mcst_t) */
#define WL_CNT_MCST_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(uint32) * WL_CNT_MCST_VAR_NUM)
#define WL_CNT_REV80_MCST_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_cnt_ge80mcst_v1_t))
((uint32)OFFSETOF(wl_cnt_ge80_txfunfl_v1_t, txfunfl))
(WL_CNT_REV80_MCST_TXFUNFlW_STRUCT_FIXED_SZ + (fcnt * sizeof(uint32)))
#define WL_CNT_REV80_RXERR_MCST_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_cnt_ge80_rxerr_mcst_v1_t))
#define WL_CNT_MCXST_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_cnt_ge64mcxst_v1_t))
#define WL_CNT_HE_STRUCT_V5_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_he_cnt_wlc_v5_t))
#define WL_CNT_HE_STRUCT_V6_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_he_cnt_wlc_v6_t))
#define WL_CNT_HE_STRUCT_V7_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_he_cnt_wlc_v7_t))
#define WL_CNT_SECVLN_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_secvln_cnt_t))
#define WL_CNT_HE_OMI_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wl_he_omi_cnt_wlc_v1_t))
#define WL_CNT_DYN_BW_STRUCT_SZ ((uint32)sizeof(wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v1_t))
#define INVALID_CNT_VAL (uint32)(-1)
#define WL_XTLV_CNTBUF_MAX_SIZE ((uint32)(OFFSETOF(wl_cnt_info_t, data)) + \
(uint32)BCM_XTLV_HDR_SIZE + (uint32)sizeof(wl_cnt_wlc_t) + \
#define WL_CNTBUF_MAX_SIZE MAX(WL_XTLV_CNTBUF_MAX_SIZE, (uint32)sizeof(wl_cnt_ver_11_t))
/** Top structure of counters IOVar buffer */
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /**< see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
uint16 datalen; /**< length of data including all paddings. */
uint8 data []; /**< variable length payload:
* 1 or more bcm_xtlv_t type of tuples.
* each tuple is padded to multiple of 4 bytes.
* 'datalen' field of this structure includes all paddings.
} wl_cnt_info_t;
/* Top structure of subcounters IOVar buffer
* Whenever we make any change in this structure
* WL_SUBCNTR_IOV_VER should be updated accordingly
* The structure definition should remain consistant b/w
* FW and wl/WLM app.
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /* Version of IOVAR structure. Used for backward
* compatibility in future. Whenever we make any
* changes to this structure then value of WL_SUBCNTR_IOV_VER
* needs to be updated properly.
uint16 length; /* length in bytes of this structure */
uint16 counters_version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION
* wl app will send the version of counters
* which is used to calculate the offset of counters.
* It must match the version of counters FW is using
* else FW will return error with his version of counters
* set in this field.
uint16 num_subcounters; /* Number of counter offset passed by wl app to FW. */
uint32 data[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY]; /* variable length payload:
* Offsets to the counters will be passed to FW
* throught this data field. FW will return the value of counters
* at the offsets passed by wl app in this fiels itself.
} wl_subcnt_info_t;
/* Top structure of counters TLV version IOVar buffer
* The structure definition should remain consistant b/w
* FW and wl/WLM app.
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /* Version of IOVAR structure. Added for backward
* compatibility feature. If any changes are done,
* WL_TLV_IOV_VER need to be updated.
uint16 length; /* total len in bytes of this structure + payload */
uint16 counters_version; /* See definition of WL_CNT_VERSION_XTLV
* wl app will update counter tlv version to be used
* so to calculate offset of supported TLVs.
* If there is a mismatch in the version, FW will update an error
uint16 num_tlv; /* for WL_CNT_VERSION_XTLV: Max number of TLV info passed by FW
* to WL app. and vice-versa
* For WL_CNT_VERSION_XTLV_ML: this field carries links and sliceix-
* additionally. see SUBC_SUBFLD_xxx
uint32 data[]; /* variable length payload:
* This stores the tlv as supported by F/W to the wl app.
* This table is required to compute subcounter offsets at WLapp end.
} wl_cntr_tlv_info_t;
/** wlc layer counters */
typedef struct {
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txbyte; /**< tx data bytes */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txerror; /**< tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 txctl; /**< tx management frames */
uint32 txprshort; /**< tx short preamble frames */
uint32 txserr; /**< tx status errors */
uint32 txnobuf; /**< tx out of buffers errors */
uint32 txnoassoc; /**< tx discard because we're not associated */
uint32 txrunt; /**< tx runt frames */
uint32 txchit; /**< tx header cache hit (fastpath) */
uint32 txcmiss; /**< tx header cache miss (slowpath) */
/* transmit chip error counters */
uint32 txuflo; /**< tx fifo underflows */
uint32 txphyerr; /**< tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */
uint32 txphycrs; /**< PR8861/8963 counter */
/* receive stat counters */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rxbyte; /**< rx data bytes */
uint32 rxerror; /**< rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 rxctl; /**< rx management frames */
uint32 rxnobuf; /**< rx out of buffers errors */
uint32 rxnondata; /**< rx non data frames in the data channel errors */
uint32 rxbadds; /**< rx bad DS errors */
uint32 rxbadcm; /**< rx bad control or management frames */
uint32 rxfragerr; /**< rx fragmentation errors */
uint32 rxrunt; /**< rx runt frames */
uint32 rxgiant; /**< rx giant frames */
uint32 rxnoscb; /**< rx no scb error */
uint32 rxbadproto; /**< rx invalid frames */
uint32 rxbadsrcmac; /**< rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */
uint32 rxbadda; /**< rx frames tossed for invalid da */
uint32 rxfilter; /**< rx frames filtered out */
/* receive chip error counters */
uint32 rxoflo; /**< rx fifo overflow errors */
uint32 rxuflo[NFIFO]; /**< rx dma descriptor underflow errors */
uint32 d11cnt_txrts_off; /**< d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /**< d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_txnocts_off; /**< d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */
/* misc counters */
uint32 dmade; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor errors */
uint32 dmada; /**< tx/rx dma data errors */
uint32 dmape; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */
uint32 reset; /**< reset count */
uint32 tbtt; /**< cnts the TBTT int's */
uint32 txdmawar; /**< # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */
uint32 pkt_callback_reg_fail; /**< callbacks register failure */
/* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */
uint32 txfrag; /**< dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */
uint32 txmulti; /**< dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txfail; /**< dot11FailedCount */
uint32 txretry; /**< dot11RetryCount */
uint32 txretrie; /**< dot11MultipleRetryCount */
uint32 rxdup; /**< dot11FrameduplicateCount */
uint32 txrts; /**< dot11RTSSuccessCount */
uint32 txnocts; /**< dot11RTSFailureCount */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 rxfrag; /**< dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */
uint32 rxmulti; /**< dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxcrc; /**< dot11FCSErrorCount */
uint32 txfrmsnt; /**< dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */
uint32 rxundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 txchanrej; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */
uint32 psmwds; /**< Count PSM watchdogs */
uint32 phywatchdog; /**< Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */
/* MBSS counters, AP only */
uint32 prq_entries_handled; /**< PRQ entries read in */
uint32 prq_undirected_entries; /**< which were bcast bss & ssid */
uint32 prq_bad_entries; /**< which could not be translated to info */
uint32 atim_suppress_count; /**< TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready; /**< Template marked in use on send bcn ... */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready_done; /**< ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */
uint32 late_tbtt_dpc; /**< TBTT DPC did not happen in time */
/* per-rate receive stat counters */
uint32 rx1mbps; /**< packets rx at 1Mbps */
uint32 rx2mbps; /**< packets rx at 2Mbps */
uint32 rx5mbps5; /**< packets rx at 5.5Mbps */
uint32 rx6mbps; /**< packets rx at 6Mbps */
uint32 rx9mbps; /**< packets rx at 9Mbps */
uint32 rx11mbps; /**< packets rx at 11Mbps */
uint32 rx12mbps; /**< packets rx at 12Mbps */
uint32 rx18mbps; /**< packets rx at 18Mbps */
uint32 rx24mbps; /**< packets rx at 24Mbps */
uint32 rx36mbps; /**< packets rx at 36Mbps */
uint32 rx48mbps; /**< packets rx at 48Mbps */
uint32 rx54mbps; /**< packets rx at 54Mbps */
uint32 rx108mbps; /**< packets rx at 108mbps */
uint32 rx162mbps; /**< packets rx at 162mbps */
uint32 rx216mbps; /**< packets rx at 216 mbps */
uint32 rx270mbps; /**< packets rx at 270 mbps */
uint32 rx324mbps; /**< packets rx at 324 mbps */
uint32 rx378mbps; /**< packets rx at 378 mbps */
uint32 rx432mbps; /**< packets rx at 432 mbps */
uint32 rx486mbps; /**< packets rx at 486 mbps */
uint32 rx540mbps; /**< packets rx at 540 mbps */
uint32 rfdisable; /**< count of radio disables */
uint32 txexptime; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */
uint32 txmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi received */
uint32 txmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc received */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill_mcst; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay_mcst; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr_mcst; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay_mcst; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec_mcst; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail_mcst; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr_mcst; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess_mcst; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr_mcst; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded_mcst; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 dma_hang; /**< count for dma hang */
uint32 reinit; /**< count for reinit */
uint32 pstatxucast; /**< count of ucast frames xmitted on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstatxnoassoc; /**< count of txnoassoc frames xmitted on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstarxucast; /**< count of ucast frames received on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstarxbcmc; /**< count of bcmc frames received on all psta */
uint32 pstatxbcmc; /**< count of bcmc frames transmitted on all psta */
uint32 cso_passthrough; /**< hw cso required but passthrough */
uint32 cso_normal; /**< hw cso hdr for normal process */
uint32 chained; /**< number of frames chained */
uint32 chainedsz1; /**< number of chain size 1 frames */
uint32 unchained; /**< number of frames not chained */
uint32 maxchainsz; /**< max chain size so far */
uint32 currchainsz; /**< current chain size */
uint32 pciereset; /**< Secondary Bus Reset issued by driver */
uint32 cfgrestore; /**< configspace restore by driver */
uint32 reinitreason[NREINITREASONCOUNT]; /**< reinitreason counters; 0: Unknown reason */
uint32 rxrtry;
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
/* detailed control/management frames */
uint32 txbar; /**< Number of TX BAR */
uint32 rxbar; /**< Number of RX BAR */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxpspoll; /**< Number of RX PS-poll */
uint32 txnull; /**< Number of TX NULL_DATA */
uint32 rxnull; /**< Number of RX NULL_DATA */
uint32 txqosnull; /**< Number of TX NULL_QoSDATA */
uint32 rxqosnull; /**< Number of RX NULL_QoSDATA */
uint32 txassocreq; /**< Number of TX ASSOC request */
uint32 rxassocreq; /**< Number of RX ASSOC request */
uint32 txreassocreq; /**< Number of TX REASSOC request */
uint32 rxreassocreq; /**< Number of RX REASSOC request */
uint32 txdisassoc; /**< Number of TX DISASSOC */
uint32 rxdisassoc; /**< Number of RX DISASSOC */
uint32 txassocrsp; /**< Number of TX ASSOC response */
uint32 rxassocrsp; /**< Number of RX ASSOC response */
uint32 txreassocrsp; /**< Number of TX REASSOC response */
uint32 rxreassocrsp; /**< Number of RX REASSOC response */
uint32 txauth; /**< Number of TX AUTH */
uint32 rxauth; /**< Number of RX AUTH */
uint32 txdeauth; /**< Number of TX DEAUTH */
uint32 rxdeauth; /**< Number of RX DEAUTH */
uint32 txprobereq; /**< Number of TX probe request */
uint32 rxprobereq; /**< Number of RX probe request */
uint32 txprobersp; /**< Number of TX probe response */
uint32 rxprobersp; /**< Number of RX probe response */
uint32 txaction; /**< Number of TX action frame */
uint32 rxaction; /**< Number of RX action frame */
uint32 ampdu_wds; /**< Number of AMPDU watchdogs */
uint32 txlost; /**< Number of lost packets reported in txs */
uint32 txdatamcast; /**< Number of TX multicast data packets */
uint32 txdatabcast; /**< Number of TX broadcast data packets */
uint32 psmxwds; /**< Number of PSMx watchdogs */
uint32 rxback;
uint32 txback;
uint32 p2p_tbtt; /**< Number of P2P TBTT Events */
uint32 p2p_tbtt_miss; /**< Number of P2P TBTT Events Miss */
uint32 txqueue_start;
uint32 txqueue_end;
uint32 txbcast; /* Broadcast TransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txdropped; /* tx dropped pkts */
uint32 rxbcast; /* BroadcastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxdropped; /* rx dropped pkts (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 txq_end_assoccb; /* forced txqueue_end callback fired in assoc */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 pmk_badlen_cnt; /* number of invalid pmk len */
uint32 txbar_notx; /* number of TX BAR not sent (maybe supressed or muted) */
uint32 txbar_noack; /* number of TX BAR sent, but not acknowledged by peer */
uint32 rxfrag_agedout; /**< # of aged out rx fragmentation */
uint32 pmkid_mismatch_cnt; /* number of EAPOL msg1 PMKID mismatch */
uint32 txaction_vndr_attempt; /* Number of VS AFs scheduled successfully for Tx */
uint32 txaction_vndr_fail; /* Number of VS AFs not sent or not acked */
uint32 rxnofrag; /* # of nobuf failure due to no pkt availability */
uint32 rxnocmplid; /* # of nobuf failure due to rxcmplid non-availability */
uint32 rxnohaddr; /* # of nobuf failure due to host address non-availability */
uint32 txnull_pm; /**< Number of TX NULL_DATA total */
uint32 txnull_pm_succ; /**< Number of TX NULL_DATA successes */
uint32 ccmpreplay_qosdata_nobapol_rxretry; /**< Retried QOS data MPDUs RX without
* BA policy and tossed by key mgmt as
* replays
uint32 txnoalfdatabuf; /**< out of alfrag data buffers errors */
uint32 txalfdatabuf; /**< number of tx alfrag data buffers attepted for transmission */
uint32 txalfrag; /**< number of txalfrags attepted for transmission */
uint32 txlfrag; /**< number of txlfrags attepted for transmission */
uint32 rxunsolicitedproberesp; /**< number of "unsoliocited" probe responses RXed */
uint32 rco_passthrough; /**< hw rco required but passthrough */
uint32 rco_normal; /**< hw rco hdr for normal process */
uint32 rxnodatabuf; /**< # of nobuf failure due to rxdata buf non-availability */
uint32 txmlprobereq; /* No of ML probe requests sent */
uint32 rxmlprobersp; /* No of ML probe response recieved */
/* Do not remove or rename in the middle of this struct.
* All counter variables have to be of uint32.
} wl_cnt_wlc_t;
/* he counters Version 1 */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V1 (1)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v1 {
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand;
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt;
uint32 he_txmampdu;
uint32 he_txmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmsta_back;
uint32 he_txfrag;
uint32 he_rxdefrag;
uint32 he_txtrig;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic;
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp;
uint32 he_rxdlmu;
uint32 he_physu_rx;
uint32 he_phyru_rx;
uint32 he_txtbppdu;
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v1_t;
/* he counters Version 2 */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V2 (2)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< for bss color mismatch cases */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< for multi-TID AMPDU transmission */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< for multi-TID BACK transmission */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< reception of multi-TID BACK */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< reception of multi-STA BACK */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< transmission of Dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< reception of dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< transmission of trigger frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< reception of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< reception of MU-RTS trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< reception of BSR poll trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxdlmu; /**< reception of DL MU PPDU */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /**< reception of SU frame */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /**< reception of RU frame */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TB PPDU's sent as a response to basic trigger frame */
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v2_t;
/* he counters Version 3 */
#define WL_RU_TYPE_MAX 6
#define WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX (16u)
#define HE_COUNTERS_V3 (3)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v3 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< for bss color mismatch cases */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< for multi-TID AMPDU transmission */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< for multi-TID BACK transmission */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< reception of multi-TID BACK */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< reception of multi-STA BACK */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< transmission of Dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< reception of dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< transmission of trigger frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< reception of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< reception of MU-RTS trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< reception of BSR poll trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxhemuppdu_cnt; /**< rxing HE MU PPDU */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /**< reception of SU frame */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /**< reception of RU frame */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TB PPDU's sent as a response to basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxhesuppdu_cnt; /**< rxing SU PPDU */
uint32 he_rxhesureppdu_cnt; /**< rxing Range Extension(RE) SU PPDU */
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< null AMPDU's transmitted in response to basic trigger
* because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 he_myAID_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar;
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< HE of rx pkts */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX];
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu;
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel;
uint32 he_wrong_nss;
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate;
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar;
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT];
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v3_t;
/* he counters Version 4 */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V4 (4)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v4 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< rxed valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< for bss color mismatch cases */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< for multi-TID AMPDU transmission */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< for multi-TID BACK transmission */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< reception of multi-TID BACK */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< reception of multi-STA BACK */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< transmission of Dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< reception of dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< transmission of trigger frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< reception of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< reception of MU-RTS trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< reception of BSR poll trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /**< rxing HE MU PPDU */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /**< reception of SU frame */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /**< reception of RU frame */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TB PPDU's sent as a response to basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /**< rxing SU PPDU */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /**< rxing Range Extension(RE) SU PPDU */
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< null AMPDU's transmitted in response to basic trigger
* because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 he_myAID_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar;
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< HE of rx pkts */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX];
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu;
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel;
uint32 he_wrong_nss;
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate;
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /**< triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ed_cncl; /**< count of cancelled packets
* because of cs_req in trigger frame
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /**< count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /**< number of UL MU disable scenario's handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /**<number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT];
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v4_t;
/* he counters Version 5 */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V5 (5)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v5 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /* rxed valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /* rxed valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /* for bss color mismatch cases */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /* for multi-TID AMPDU transmission */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /* for multi-TID BACK transmission */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /* reception of multi-TID BACK */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /* reception of multi-STA BACK */
uint32 he_txfrag; /* transmission of Dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /* reception of dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_txtrig; /* transmission of trigger frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /* reception of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /* reception of MU-RTS trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /* reception of BSR poll trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /* rxing HE MU PPDU */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /* reception of SU frame */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /* reception of RU frame */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /* increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /* null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /* rxing SU PPDU */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /* rxing Range Extension(RE) SU PPDU */
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /* nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /* null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /* null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar;
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /* HE of rx pkts */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX];
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu;
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel;
uint32 he_wrong_nss;
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate;
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /* triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /* count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /* number of ULMU dis scenario's handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /* number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 rxheru_2x996T;
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT];
uint32 he_rxtrig_ruidx_invalid; /* basic trigger with invalid RU index or RU size
* greater than BW
uint32 txheru_2x996T;
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v5_t;
/* HE counters Version 6 structure definitions */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V6 (6u)
/* Rev GE88 HE Tx counters (SW based) */
typedef struct wl_he_tx_cnt_ge88_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 pad[3];
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu; /**< # Tx HE MGMT TBPPDU frames */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT]; /**< # Tx packets in each AC */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< # Tx HE TBPPDU frames */
uint32 txheru_2x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 2x996 tone RU */
uint32 txheru_4x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 txehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
} wl_he_tx_cnt_ge88_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 HE Rx counters (SW based) */
typedef struct wl_he_rx_cnt_ge88_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 pad[3];
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< # Rx HE RU frames */
uint32 rxheru_2x996T; /**< # Rx packets in 2x996 tone RU */
uint32 rxheru_4x996T; /**< # Rx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_4x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 320mhz */
uint32 rxehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
} wl_he_rx_cnt_ge88_v1_t;
/* Version6 - HE Counters */
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v6 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 num_links; /* Number of Tx/Rx links supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX HE counters (esp. eMLSR) */
uint8 counters[];
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v6_t;
/* HE counters version 7 meant for HE ecounters only */
#define HE_COUNTERS_V7 (7)
typedef struct wl_he_cnt_wlc_v7 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /* rxed valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /* rxed valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /* for bss color mismatch cases */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /* for multi-TID AMPDU transmission */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /* for multi-TID BACK transmission */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /* reception of multi-TID BACK */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /* reception of multi-STA BACK */
uint32 he_txfrag; /* transmission of Dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /* reception of dynamic fragmented packets */
uint32 he_txtrig; /* transmission of trigger frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /* reception of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /* reception of MU-RTS trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /* reception of BSR poll trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /* rxing HE MU PPDU */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /* reception of SU frame */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /* reception of RU frame */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /* increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /* null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /* rxing SU PPDU */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /* rxing Range Extension(RE) SU PPDU */
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /* nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /* null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /* null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar;
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /* HE of rx pkts */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX];
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu;
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel;
uint32 he_wrong_nss;
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate;
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp;
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /* triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /* count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /* number of ULMU dis scenario's handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /* number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 rxheru_2x996T;
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT]; /**< # Tx packets in each AC */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ruidx_invalid; /* basic trigger with invalid RU index or RU size
* greater than BW
uint32 txheru_2x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 2x996 tone RU */
/* SW counters */
uint32 txheru_4x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 txehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
uint32 rxheru_4x996T; /**< # Rx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_4x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 320mhz */
uint32 rxehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
/* ucode counters */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_ack; /**< Number of tx HE TBPPDU acks */
uint32 he_rxdlmu; /**< number of rx'd DL MU frames */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpoll;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngsnd;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngssnd;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngrpt;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpasv;
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_2x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 160mhz */
uint32 he_rxtrig_invalid_ru; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with invalid STA20 RU index */
uint32 he_rxtrig_drop_cnt; /**< # of trigger frames dropped */
} wl_he_cnt_wlc_v7_t;
/* he omi counters Version 1 */
#define HE_OMI_COUNTERS_V1 (1)
typedef struct wl_he_omi_cnt_wlc_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_omitx_sched; /* Count for total number of OMIs scheduled */
uint32 he_omitx_success; /* Count for OMI Tx success */
uint32 he_omitx_retries; /* Count for OMI retries as TxDone not set */
uint32 he_omitx_dur; /* Accumulated duration of OMI completion time */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg; /* count for UL MU enable/disable change req */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg_ack; /* count for UL MU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts; /* count for Txnsts change req */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts_ack; /* count for Txnsts change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss; /* count for Rxnss change req */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss_ack; /* count for Rxnss change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_bw; /* count for BW change req */
uint32 he_omitx_bw_ack; /* count for BW change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis_ack; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec; /* count for Resound recommendation change req */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec_ack; /* count for Resound recommendation req txed successfully */
} wl_he_omi_cnt_wlc_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_he_omi_cnt_v2 {
uint16 len;
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 PAD;
uint32 he_omitx_sched; /* Count for total number of OMIs scheduled */
uint32 he_omitx_success; /* Count for OMI Tx success */
uint32 he_omitx_retries; /* Count for OMI retries as TxDone not set */
uint32 he_omitx_dur; /* Accumulated duration of OMI completion time */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg; /* count for UL MU enable/disable change req */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg_ack; /* count for UL MU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts; /* count for Txnsts change req */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts_ack; /* count for Txnsts change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss; /* count for Rxnss change req */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss_ack; /* count for Rxnss change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_bw; /* count for BW change req */
uint32 he_omitx_bw_ack; /* count for BW change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis_ack; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec; /* count for Resound recommendation change req */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec_ack; /* count for Resound recommendation req txed successfully */
} wl_he_omi_cnt_v2_t;
/* he omi counters Version 2 */
#define HE_OMI_COUNTERS_V2 (2u)
typedef struct wl_he_omi_cnt_wlc_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 num_links; /* Number of links supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link OMI counters */
wl_he_omi_cnt_v2_t counters[];
} wl_he_omi_cnt_wlc_v2_t;
typedef struct wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v1 {
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts160_cnt;
} wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v1_t;
typedef struct wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_rts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_rts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_cts160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_cts160_cnt;
/* MPDU counts */
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_data20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_data40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_data80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_rx_data160_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_data20_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_data40_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_data80_cnt;
uint32 dyn_bw_tx_data160_cnt;
} wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v2_t;
typedef struct wlc_dyn_bw_blk_cnt_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 tx_rts20;
uint32 tx_rts40;
uint32 tx_rts80;
uint32 tx_rts160;
uint32 rx_rts20;
uint32 rx_rts40;
uint32 rx_rts80;
uint32 rx_rts160;
uint32 tx_cts20;
uint32 tx_cts40;
uint32 tx_cts80;
uint32 tx_cts160;
uint32 rx_cts20;
uint32 rx_cts40;
uint32 rx_cts80;
uint32 rx_cts160;
} wlc_dyn_bw_blk_cnt_v1_t;
#define WLC_DYN_BW_CNT_VERSION_V3 (3u)
typedef struct wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v3 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 num_blks; /* Number of stats blocks */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per blk counters - wlc_dyn_bw_blk_cnt_vX_t */
uint8 cnts[];
} wlc_dyn_bw_cnt_v3_t;
typedef struct wlc_data_bw_blk_cnt_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
/* MPDU TX counts */
uint32 tx_data20;
uint32 tx_data40;
uint32 tx_data60;
uint32 tx_data80;
uint32 tx_data120;
uint32 tx_data140;
uint32 tx_data160;
/* MPDU BA RX/TX MPDU success counts */
uint32 rx_ack20;
uint32 rx_ack40;
uint32 rx_ack60;
uint32 rx_ack80;
uint32 rx_ack120;
uint32 rx_ack140;
uint32 rx_ack160;
/* MPDU RX counts */
uint32 rx_data20;
uint32 rx_data40;
uint32 rx_data60;
uint32 rx_data80;
uint32 rx_data120;
uint32 rx_data140;
uint32 rx_data160;
} wlc_data_bw_blk_cnt_v1_t;
typedef struct wlc_data_bw_cnt_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 num_blks; /* Number of stats blocks */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per blk counters -> wlc_data_bw_blk_cnt_vX_t */
uint8 cnts[];
} wlc_data_bw_cnt_v1_t;
/* mesh pkt counters Version 1 */
#define MESH_PKT_COUNTERS_V1 (1)
typedef struct wl_mesh_pkt_cnt_v1 {
// RX Mesh Data counts
// in-mesh addressing
uint32 rx_local_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
// proxy addressing
uint32 rx_proxy_local_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_proxy_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_proxy_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
// TX Mesh Data counts
// in-mesh addressing
uint32 tx_peer_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
// proxy addressing
uint32 tx_proxy_peer_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_proxy_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_proxy_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
// RX Mesh Multihop Action counts
uint32 rx_act_local_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_act_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 rx_act_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
// TX Mesh Multihop Action counts
uint32 tx_act_peer_mesh_da; // RA = MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_act_other_mesh_da; // RA != MeshDA, RA unicast
uint32 tx_act_group_mesh_da; // RA is bcast/mcast
} wl_mesh_pkt_cnt_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_sc_slim_scan_cnts_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rx_start; /* Rx start/frame complete cnt */
uint32 good_fcs; /* Good FCS frame cnt */
uint32 bad_plcp; /* Frame drop cnt due to bad plcp */
uint32 pfifo_nempty; /* Frame drop cnt due to PFIFO not empty */
uint32 framelen_drop; /* Frame drop cnt due to excess frame length */
uint32 fc_addr_chckfail; /* Frame drop cnt due to FC/addr check fail */
} wl_sc_slim_scan_cnts_v1_t;
/* beamforming counters version 1 */
#define TXBF_ECOUNTERS_V1 (1u)
#define WL_TXBF_CNT_ARRAY_SZ (8u)
typedef struct wl_txbf_ecounters_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
/* transmit beamforming stats */
uint16 txndpa; /* null data packet announcements */
uint16 txndp; /* null data packets */
uint16 txbfpoll; /* beamforming report polls */
uint16 txsf; /* subframes */
uint16 txcwrts; /* contention window rts */
uint16 txcwcts; /* contention window cts */
uint16 txbfm;
/* receive beamforming stats */
uint16 rxndpa_u; /* unicast NDPAs */
uint16 rxndpa_m; /* multicast NDPAs */
uint16 rxbfpoll; /* unicast bf-polls */
uint16 bferpt; /* beamforming reports */
uint16 rxsf;
uint16 rxcwrts;
uint16 rxcwcts;
uint16 rxtrig_bfpoll;
uint16 unused_uint16; /* pad */
/* sounding stats - interval capture */
uint16 rxnontb_sound[WL_TXBF_CNT_ARRAY_SZ]; /* non-TB sounding for last 8 captures */
uint16 rxtb_sound[WL_TXBF_CNT_ARRAY_SZ]; /* TB sounding count for last 8 captures */
uint32 cap_dur_ms[WL_TXBF_CNT_ARRAY_SZ]; /* last 8 capture durations (in ms) */
uint32 cap_last_ts; /* timestamp of last sample capture */
} wl_txbf_ecounters_v1_t;
/* security vulnerabilities counters */
typedef struct {
uint32 ie_unknown; /* number of unknown IEs */
uint32 ie_invalid_length; /* number of IEs with invalid length */
uint32 ie_invalid_data; /* number of IEs with invalid data */
uint32 ipv6_invalid_length; /* number of IPv6 packets with invalid payload length */
} wl_secvln_cnt_t;
/* Reinit reasons - do not put anything else other than reinit reasons here */
/* LEGACY STRUCTURE, DO NO MODIFY, SEE reinit_rsns_v1_t and further versions */
typedef struct {
uint32 rsn[WL_REINIT_RC_LAST];
} reinit_rsns_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rsn[WL_REINIT_RC_LAST_V2 + 1u]; /* Note:WL_REINIT_RC_LAST_V2 is last value */
} reinit_rsns_v2_t;
/* MACXSTAT counters for ucodex (corerev >= 64) */
typedef struct {
uint32 macxsusp;
uint32 m2vmsg;
uint32 v2mmsg;
uint32 mboxout;
uint32 musnd;
uint32 sfb2v;
} wl_cnt_ge64mcxst_v1_t;
/** MACSTAT counters for ucode (corerev >= 40) */
typedef struct {
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data transmission generated from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame transmissions during rts txop */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
/* All counter variables have to be of uint32. */
} wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t;
/** MACSTAT counters for ucode (corerev < 40) */
typedef struct {
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data transmission generated from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 dbgoff46; /**< BTCX protection failure count,
* getting RX antenna in PHY DEBUG,
* PR84273 timeout count
uint32 dbgoff47; /**< BTCX preemption failure count,
* getting RX antenna in PHY DEBUG,
* PR84273 reset CCA count,
uint32 dbgoff48; /**< Used for counting txstatus queue overflow (corerev <= 4) */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame transmissions during rts txop */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 phywatch; /**< number of phywatchdog to kill any pending transmissions.
* (PR 38187 corerev == 11)
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
/* All counter variables have to be of uint32. */
} wl_cnt_lt40mcst_v1_t;
/* ==== REV GE88 Counter Structs === */
/* Rev Ge88 TX specific macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< num of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< number of mtid BAs */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data tx from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txndpa; /**< Number of TX NDPAs */
uint32 txndp; /**< Number of TX NDPs */
uint32 txbfm; /**< Number of TX Bfm cnt */
uint32 txcwrts; /**< Number of tx cw rts */
uint32 txcwcts; /**< Number of tx cw cts */
uint32 txbfpoll; /**< Number of tx bfpolls */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< Number of tx m-ampdus */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txucast; /**< # of ucast tx expecting resp (not cts/cwcts) */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< Number of tx frags */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_ack; /**< Number of tx HE TBPPDU acks */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame tx during rts txop */
uint32 null_txsts_empty; /**< Number empty null-txstatus' */
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /**< # of ULMU disables handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /**< number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /**< count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< # of rts TX fails that reach retry limit */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail.
* AP sent probe response but did not get ACK.
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< TX bcns canceled due to rx of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template unfl
* (mac too slow to tx ACK/CTS or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< TX phyerr - reported in txs for
* driver queued frames
uint32 ctmode_ufc_cnt; /**< Number of UFCs with CT mode enabled */
uint32 txshmunfl_cnt; /**< TX SHM unfl cnt */
uint32 txfunfl[11]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txfmlunfl[9]; /**< ML fifos underflow cnts */
uint32 bferpt_inv_cfg; /**< Invalid bfe report cfg */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt1; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 1 */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt2; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 2 */
uint32 bferot_txcrs_high; /**< bfe rpt tx crs high */
uint32 txbfm_errcnt; /**< TX bfm error cnt */
uint32 PAD[23]; /**< PAD GAP */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_l; /**< btcx rxfact counter low */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_h; /**< btcx rxfact counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf duration counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf duration counter high */
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response succ cnt */
uint32 txsf; /**< # of Tx'd SF */
uint32 macsusp_cnt; /**< # of macsuspends */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< # of pre wds */
uint32 emlsr_tx_nosrt; /**< # of no TX starts for eMLSR */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_v1_t;
/* Rev Ge88 RX specific macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct {
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rx20s_cnt; /**< Increments if RXFrame does not include primary 20 */
uint32 C_SECRSSI0; /**< SEC RSSI0 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI1; /**< SEC RSSI1 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI2; /**< SEC RSSI2 info */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_LO; /**< SEC RXPRI Low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_HI; /**< SEC RXPRI High */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz high */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< # of RX ctrl mcast frames */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< # of rx'd Management mcast frames */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< # of rx'd Data mcast frames */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons rx'd from member of BSS */
uint32 rxndpa_m; /**< number of RX NDPA Multicast */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< # of ucast RTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< # of ucast CTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd mgmt frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxndpa_u; /**< number of unicast RX NDPAs */
uint32 rxsf; /**< number of rxsfucast */
uint32 rxcwrts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast rts */
uint32 rxcwcts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast cts */
uint32 rxbfpoll; /**< number of rx'd BF ucast poll */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs ucast frames */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs ocast frames */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< # of rx'd MGMT frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frame (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< # of rx'd RTS not addressed */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< # of rx'd CTS not addressed */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /* beacons rx'd from other BSS */
uint32 he_rx_ppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE su PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE SU RE PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE MU PPDU cnt */
uint32 rxbar; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 rxback; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiTID BAs */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiSTA BAs */
uint32 bferpt; /**< number of rx'd BFE report ready cnts */
uint32 goodfcs; /**< number of rx'd goodfcs cnts */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< HE BSS color mismatch counts cnts */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< number of rx'd HE dynamic fragmented pkts */
uint32 he_rxdlmu; /**< number of rx'd DL MU frames */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rx_fp_shm_corrupt_cnt; /**< SHM corrupt count */
uint32 PAD[11]; /**< PAD Gap */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< # of frames with CRC check failed */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY able to correlate the plcp but not the hdr */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< rx'd frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< rx'd frame not enough bytes for ft */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< # of not valid delim -> ampdu parser */
uint32 rxbad_ampdu; /**< number of rx'd bad ampdus */
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 m_pfifo_drop; /**< # of pfifo dropped frames */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 phyovfl; /**< number of phy overflows */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 lenfovfl; /**< number of length overflows */
uint32 badplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxerr_stat; /**< rx error statistics */
uint32 stsfifofull; /**< status fifo full */
uint32 stsfifoerr; /**< status fifo error */
uint32 ctx_fifo_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 ctx_fifo2_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for tx'd frames */
uint32 laterx_cnt; /**< ucode sees frame 30us late */
uint32 bcn_drop_cnt; /**< number of BCNs dropped in ucode */
uint32 bfr_timeout; /**< number of bfr timeouts */
uint32 rxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - main? */
uint32 rxauxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - aux */
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< number of rx'd of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt; /**< number of rx'd trigger frame with bfm */
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar; /**< number of rx'd MUBAR trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< number of rx'd MU-RTS trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< number of rx'd of BSR poll trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar; /**< number of rx'd gcr mu bar trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp; /**< number of rx'd bqrp trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp; /**< Todo: check on functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /**< triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel; /**< tx cancelled due to trigger rx or ch sw? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpoll; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngsnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngssnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngrpt; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpasv; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_2x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 160mhz */
uint32 he_rxtrig_invalid_ru; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with invalid STA20 RU index */
uint32 he_rxtrig_inv_ru_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd trigger frames with invalid RU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtrig_drop_cnt; /**< # of trigger frames dropped */
uint32 ndp_fail_cnt; /**< # of NDP fails */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong2_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd too long pkts */
uint32 hwaci_status; /**< HW ACI status */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link RX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_v1_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_v1_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_v1_t;
/* Rev Ge88 TX specific macstats - version 2 */
typedef struct {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< num of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< number of mtid BAs */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data tx from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txndpa; /**< Number of TX NDPAs */
uint32 txndp; /**< Number of TX NDPs */
uint32 txbfm; /**< Number of TX Bfm cnt */
uint32 txcwrts; /**< Number of tx cw rts */
uint32 txcwcts; /**< Number of tx cw cts */
uint32 txbfpoll; /**< Number of tx bfpolls */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< Number of tx m-ampdus */
uint32 txucast; /**< # of ucast tx expecting resp (not cts/cwcts) */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< Number of tx frags */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_ack; /**< Number of tx HE TBPPDU acks */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame tx during rts txop */
uint32 null_txsts_empty; /**< Number empty null-txstatus' */
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /**< # of ULMU disables handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /**< number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /**< count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< # of rts TX fails that reach retry limit */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail.
* AP sent probe response but did not get ACK.
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< TX bcns canceled due to rx of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template unfl
* (mac too slow to tx ACK/CTS or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< TX phyerr - reported in txs for
* driver queued frames
uint32 txshmunfl_cnt; /**< TX SHM unfl cnt */
uint32 txfunfl[11]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txfmlunfl[9]; /**< ML fifos underflow cnts */
uint32 bferpt_inv_cfg; /**< Invalid bfe report cfg */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt1; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 1 */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt2; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 2 */
uint32 bferot_txcrs_high; /**< bfe rpt tx crs high */
uint32 txbfm_errcnt; /**< TX bfm error cnt */
uint32 tx_murts_cnt; /**< Tx MURTS Count */
uint32 tx_noavail_cnt; /**< Tx Not avail Count */
uint32 tx_null_link_pref; /**< Null Link Pref */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_l; /**< btcx rxfact counter low */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_h; /**< btcx rxfact counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf duration counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf duration counter high */
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response succ cnt */
uint32 txsf; /**< # of Tx'd SF */
uint32 macsusp_cnt; /**< # of macsuspends */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< # of pre wds */
uint32 emlsr_tx_nosrt; /**< # of no TX starts for eMLSR */
uint32 rts_to_self_cnt; /**< # of RTS to self */
uint32 saqm_sendfrm_agg_cnt; /**< # SAQM Send frame aggregation */
uint32 txbcn_phyerr_cnt; /**< # Tx Beacon Phy error */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< # Tx Trigger Frames */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_v2_t;
/* Rev Ge88 RX specific macstats - version 2 */
typedef struct {
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rx20s_cnt; /**< Increments if RXFrame does not include primary 20 */
uint32 C_SECRSSI0; /**< SEC RSSI0 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI1; /**< SEC RSSI1 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI2; /**< SEC RSSI2 info */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_LO; /**< SEC RXPRI Low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_HI; /**< SEC RXPRI High */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz high */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< # of RX ctrl mcast frames */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< # of rx'd Management mcast frames */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons rx'd from member of BSS */
uint32 rxndpa_m; /**< number of RX NDPA Multicast */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< # of ucast RTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< # of ucast CTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd mgmt frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxndpa_u; /**< number of unicast RX NDPAs */
uint32 rxsf; /**< number of rxsfucast */
uint32 rxcwrts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast rts */
uint32 rxcwcts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast cts */
uint32 rxbfpoll; /**< number of rx'd BF ucast poll */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< # of rx'd MGMT frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frame (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< # of rx'd RTS not addressed */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< # of rx'd CTS not addressed */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /* beacons rx'd from other BSS */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE su PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE SU RE PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE MU PPDU cnt */
uint32 rxbar; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 rxback; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiTID BAs */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiSTA BAs */
uint32 bferpt; /**< number of rx'd BFE report ready cnts */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< HE BSS color mismatch counts cnts */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< number of rx'd HE dynamic fragmented pkts */
uint32 he_rxdlmu; /**< number of rx'd DL MU frames */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rx_fp_shm_corrupt_cnt; /**< SHM corrupt count */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /**< Number of PHY SU Frames received */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /**< Number of PHY RU Frames received */
uint32 PAD[17]; /**< PAD Gap */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY able to correlate the plcp but not the hdr */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< rx'd frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< rx'd frame not enough bytes for ft */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< # of not valid delim -> ampdu parser */
uint32 rxbad_ampdu; /**< number of rx'd bad ampdus */
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 m_pfifo_drop; /**< # of pfifo dropped frames */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 phyovfl; /**< number of phy overflows */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 lenfovfl; /**< number of length overflows */
uint32 weppeof; /**< number of weppeof */
uint32 badplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 stsfifofull; /**< status fifo full */
uint32 stsfifoerr; /**< status fifo error */
uint32 ctx_fifo_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 ctx_fifo2_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for tx'd frames */
uint32 laterx_cnt; /**< ucode sees frame 30us late */
uint32 bcn_drop_cnt; /**< number of BCNs dropped in ucode */
uint32 bfr_timeout; /**< number of bfr timeouts */
uint32 rxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - main? */
uint32 rxauxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - aux */
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< number of rx'd of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt; /**< number of rx'd trigger frame with bfm */
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar; /**< number of rx'd MUBAR trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< number of rx'd MU-RTS trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< number of rx'd of BSR poll trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar; /**< number of rx'd gcr mu bar trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp; /**< number of rx'd bqrp trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp; /**< Todo: check on functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /**< triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel; /**< tx cancelled due to trigger rx or ch sw? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpoll; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngsnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngssnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngrpt; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpasv; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_2x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 160mhz */
uint32 he_rxtrig_invalid_ru; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with invalid STA20 RU index */
uint32 he_rxtrig_inv_ru_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd trigger frames with invalid RU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtrig_drop_cnt; /**< # of trigger frames dropped */
uint32 ndp_fail_cnt; /**< # of NDP fails */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong2_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd too long pkts */
uint32 hwaci_status; /**< HW ACI status */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 sctrg_rxcrs_drop_cnt; /**< Number of scan trigger dropped due to rxcrs */
uint32 inv_punc_usig_cnt; /**< Number of invalid punctured USIG */
uint32 sctrg_drop_cnt; /**< Number of scan trigger drop */
uint32 he_wrong_nss; /**< Number of triggers with wrong NSS */
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate; /**< Number of triggers with unsupported rates */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_v2_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_v2 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link RX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_v2_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_v2_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 2 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_v2 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_v2_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_v2_t;
/* Rev Ge88 TX 32 specific macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct {
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 ctmode_ufc_cnt; /**< Number of UFCs with CT mode enabled */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_v1_t;
/* Rev Ge88 RX 32 specific macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct {
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs ucast frames */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs mcast frames */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 goodfcs; /**< number of rx'd goodfcs cnts */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< # of rx'd Data mcast frames */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< # of frames with CRC check failed */
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_u32 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link RX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_v1_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_u32_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_u32 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_v1_t cnt[];
} wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_u32_v1_t;
/* ********** v3 start ************* */
/* wrapper structure contain link_idx values which might not be same as the actual array ix */
typedef struct wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_wrap_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 d11_cntr_idx; /* shmem counter block identifier 0 or 1 */
uint8 pad[2];
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_v2_t cnt;
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_wrap_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_wrap_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 d11_cntr_idx; /* shmem counter block identifier 0 or 1 */
uint8 pad[2];
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_v2_t cnt;
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_wrap_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_wrap_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 d11_cntr_idx; /* shmem counter block identifier 0 or 1 */
uint8 pad[2];
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_v1_t cnt;
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_wrap_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_wrap_v1 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 d11_cntr_idx; /* shmem counter block identifier 0 or 1 */
uint8 pad[2];
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_v1_t cnt;
} wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_wrap_v1_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 3 */
typedef struct wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_v3 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link RX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_wrap_v1_t cnt_wrap[];
} wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_v3_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 3 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_v3 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_wrap_v1_t cnt_wrap[];
} wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_v3_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 3 */
typedef struct wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_u32_v3 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link RX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_rx_u32_wrap_v1_t cnt_wrap[];
} wl_macst_rx_ge88mcst_u32_v3_t;
/* Rev GE88 per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 3 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_u32_v3 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_ge88mcst_tx_u32_wrap_v1_t cnt_wrap[];
} wl_macst_tx_ge88mcst_u32_v3_t;
/* ********** v3 end ************* */
/* ********** update v4 START **** */
/* TX specific macstats - v3 for reporting struct v4 */
typedef struct wl_cnt_mcst_tx_v3 {
uint32 txallfrm; /**< num of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< number of mtid BAs */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data tx from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txndpa; /**< Number of TX NDPAs */
uint32 txndp; /**< Number of TX NDPs */
uint32 txbfm; /**< Number of TX Bfm cnt */
uint32 txcwrts; /**< Number of tx cw rts */
uint32 txcwcts; /**< Number of tx cw cts */
uint32 txbfpoll; /**< Number of tx bfpolls */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< Number of tx m-ampdus */
uint32 txucast; /**< # of ucast tx expecting resp (not cts/cwcts) */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< Number of tx frags */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_ack; /**< Number of tx HE TBPPDU acks */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame tx during rts txop */
uint32 null_txsts_empty; /**< Number empty null-txstatus' */
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /**< # of ULMU disables handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /**< number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /**< count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< # of rts TX fails that reach retry limit */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail.
* AP sent probe response but did not get ACK.
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< TX bcns canceled due to rx of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template unfl
* (mac too slow to tx ACK/CTS or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< TX phyerr - reported in txs for
* driver queued frames
uint32 txshmunfl_cnt; /**< TX SHM unfl cnt */
uint32 txfunfl[11]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txfmlunfl[12]; /**< ML fifos underflow cnts */
uint32 bferpt_inv_cfg; /**< Invalid bfe report cfg */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt1; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 1 */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt2; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 2 */
uint32 bferot_txcrs_high; /**< bfe rpt tx crs high */
uint32 txbfm_errcnt; /**< TX bfm error cnt */
uint32 tx_murts_cnt; /**< Tx MURTS Count */
uint32 tx_noavail_cnt; /**< Tx Not avail Count */
uint32 tx_null_link_pref; /**< Null Link Pref */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_l; /**< btcx rxfact counter low */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_h; /**< btcx rxfact counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf duration counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf duration counter high */
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response succ cnt */
uint32 txsf; /**< # of Tx'd SF */
uint32 macsusp_cnt; /**< # of macsuspends */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< # of pre wds */
uint32 emlsr_tx_nosrt; /**< # of no TX starts for eMLSR */
uint32 rts_to_self_cnt; /**< # of RTS to self */
uint32 saqm_sendfrm_agg_cnt; /**< # SAQM Send frame aggregation */
uint32 txbcn_phyerr_cnt; /**< # Tx Beacon Phy error */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< # Tx Trigger Frames */
} wl_cnt_mcst_tx_v3_t;
typedef struct wl_cnt_mcst_tx_wrap_v2 {
uint8 link_idx;
uint8 d11_cntr_idx; /* shmem counter block identifier 0 or 1 */
uint8 pad[2];
wl_cnt_mcst_tx_v3_t cnt;
} wl_cnt_mcst_tx_wrap_v2_t;
/* per ML link supportive wl counters (macstats) - version 4 */
typedef struct wl_macst_tx_mcst_v4 {
uint8 num_links; /* Number of per-link stats supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link TX macstats (esp. eMLSR) */
wl_cnt_mcst_tx_wrap_v2_t cnt_wrap[];
} wl_macst_tx_mcst_v4_t;
/* ******* update v4 END ********** */
/** MACSTAT counters for ucode (corerev >= 80) */
typedef struct {
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
/* Start of PSM2HOST stats(72) block */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data transmission generated from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame transmissions during rts txop */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 rxtrig_myaid; /* New counters added in corerev 80 */
uint32 rxtrig_rand;
uint32 goodfcs;
uint32 colormiss;
uint32 txmampdu;
uint32 rxmtidback;
uint32 rxmstaback;
uint32 txfrag;
/* start of rxerror overflow counter(24) block which are modified/added in corerev 80 */
uint32 phyovfl;
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 lenfovfl;
uint32 weppeof;
uint32 badplcp;
uint32 msduthresh;
uint32 strmeof;
uint32 stsfifofull;
uint32 stsfifoerr;
uint32 rxerr_stat;
uint32 ctx_fifo_full; /* Firmware not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 PAD[20];
uint32 ctmode_ufc_cnt;
uint32 PAD[12]; /* PAD added for counter elements to be added soon */
uint32 ctx_fifo2_full; /* Firmware not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 PAD[10]; /* PAD to match to the struct size before ctx_fifo2_full count was
* introduced. Can be repurposed to a different counter
} wl_cnt_ge80mcst_v1_t;
/* RX error related counters in addition to RX counters in MAC stats above.
* Counters collected from noncontiguous SHM locations.
typedef struct {
uint32 rx20s_cnt; /* Increments if RXFrame does not include primary 20 */
uint32 m_pfifo_drop; /* ucode is late processing RX frame */
uint32 new_rxin_plcp_wait_cnt; /* invalid reception/ ucode late in processing rx/ something
* wrong over MACPHY interface
uint32 laterx_cnt; /* ucode sees frame 30us late */
uint32 rxlegacyfrminvalid; /* Invalid BPHY or L-OFDM reception */
uint32 txsifserr; /* Frame arrived in SIF when about to TX (B)ACK */
uint32 ooseq_macsusp; /* ucode out of seq in processing reception due to mac
* suspend
} wl_cnt_ge80_rxerr_mcst_v1_t;
typedef struct {
uint32 fifocount;
uint32 txfunfl[];
} wl_cnt_ge80_txfunfl_v1_t;
#define WL_SCANAUX_CNT_VER_V1 1u
/* additional mac stats captured in scanaux chips */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rxsigB_unsupported_cnt; /* SIGB in unsupported frame types given by HW */
uint32 rxsigB_notpresent_cnt; /* SIGB not present in HE MU frames */
uint32 rxbadpyld_present_cnt; /* Payload present along with SIGB */
uint32 rxsigB_norxstart_cnt; /* vp: tbd */
uint32 rxsigB_norxframe_cnt; /* vp: tbd */
uint32 norxstart_cnt; /* Frames with no rxstart, 11n, 11ac, 11ax, 11be */
uint32 rxgoodplcplen_cnt; /* Good PLCP Length in No Rxstart frames */
uint32 rxgoodsigA_cnt; /* SIGA CRC Pass in No rxstart frames */
} wl_cnt_scanaux_mcst_v1_t;
/** MACSTAT counters for "wl counter" version <= 10 */
/* With ucode before its macstat cnts cleaned up */
typedef struct {
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data transmission generated from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 PAD; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxinvmachdr; /**< Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not
* data/control/management
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdfrmucastmbss; /* number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxcfrmucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdfrmocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmfrmocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxcfrmocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxcfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdfrmucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 PAD;
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 rxf2ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 txsfovfl; /**< Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 rxnack; /**< obsolete */
uint32 frmscons; /**< obsolete */
uint32 txnack; /**< obsolete */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
/* All counter variables have to be of uint32. */
} wl_cnt_v_le10_mcst_t;
#define MAX_RX_FIFO 3
#define WL_RXFIFO_CNT_VERSION_1 1 /* current version of wl_rxfifo_cnt_t */
typedef struct {
/* Counters for frames received from rx fifos */
uint16 version;
uint16 length; /* length of entire structure */
uint32 rxf_data[MAX_RX_FIFO]; /* data frames from rx fifo */
uint32 rxf_mgmtctl[MAX_RX_FIFO]; /* mgmt/ctl frames from rx fifo */
} wl_rxfifo_cnt_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /**< see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
uint16 length; /**< length of entire structure */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txbyte; /**< tx data bytes */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txerror; /**< tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 txctl; /**< tx management frames */
uint32 txprshort; /**< tx short preamble frames */
uint32 txserr; /**< tx status errors */
uint32 txnobuf; /**< tx out of buffers errors */
uint32 txnoassoc; /**< tx discard because we're not associated */
uint32 txrunt; /**< tx runt frames */
uint32 txchit; /**< tx header cache hit (fastpath) */
uint32 txcmiss; /**< tx header cache miss (slowpath) */
/* transmit chip error counters */
uint32 txuflo; /**< tx fifo underflows */
uint32 txphyerr; /**< tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */
uint32 txphycrs; /**< PR8861/8963 counter */
/* receive stat counters */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rxbyte; /**< rx data bytes */
uint32 rxerror; /**< rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 rxctl; /**< rx management frames */
uint32 rxnobuf; /**< rx out of buffers errors */
uint32 rxnondata; /**< rx non data frames in the data channel errors */
uint32 rxbadds; /**< rx bad DS errors */
uint32 rxbadcm; /**< rx bad control or management frames */
uint32 rxfragerr; /**< rx fragmentation errors */
uint32 rxrunt; /**< rx runt frames */
uint32 rxgiant; /**< rx giant frames */
uint32 rxnoscb; /**< rx no scb error */
uint32 rxbadproto; /**< rx invalid frames */
uint32 rxbadsrcmac; /**< rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */
uint32 rxbadda; /**< rx frames tossed for invalid da */
uint32 rxfilter; /**< rx frames filtered out */
/* receive chip error counters */
uint32 rxoflo; /**< rx fifo overflow errors */
uint32 rxuflo[NFIFO]; /**< rx dma descriptor underflow errors */
uint32 d11cnt_txrts_off; /**< d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /**< d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_txnocts_off; /**< d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */
/* misc counters */
uint32 dmade; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor errors */
uint32 dmada; /**< tx/rx dma data errors */
uint32 dmape; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */
uint32 reset; /**< reset count */
uint32 tbtt; /**< cnts the TBTT int's */
uint32 txdmawar; /**< # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */
uint32 pkt_callback_reg_fail; /**< callbacks register failure */
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< Not used */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxinvmachdr; /**< Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not
* data/control/management
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxcfrmucast; /**< number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdfrmocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmfrmocast; /**< number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxcfrmocast; /**< number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxcfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdfrmucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 rxf2ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 txsfovfl; /**< Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< Number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< Number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 rxnack; /**< obsolete */
uint32 frmscons; /**< obsolete */
uint32 txnack; /**< obsolete */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
/* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */
uint32 txfrag; /**< dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */
uint32 txmulti; /**< dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txfail; /**< dot11FailedCount */
uint32 txretry; /**< dot11RetryCount */
uint32 txretrie; /**< dot11MultipleRetryCount */
uint32 rxdup; /**< dot11FrameduplicateCount */
uint32 txrts; /**< dot11RTSSuccessCount */
uint32 txnocts; /**< dot11RTSFailureCount */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 rxfrag; /**< dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */
uint32 rxmulti; /**< dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxcrc; /**< dot11FCSErrorCount */
uint32 txfrmsnt; /**< dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */
uint32 rxundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 txchanrej; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */
uint32 psmwds; /**< Count PSM watchdogs */
uint32 phywatchdog; /**< Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */
/* MBSS counters, AP only */
uint32 prq_entries_handled; /**< PRQ entries read in */
uint32 prq_undirected_entries; /**< which were bcast bss & ssid */
uint32 prq_bad_entries; /**< which could not be translated to info */
uint32 atim_suppress_count; /**< TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready; /**< Template marked in use on send bcn ... */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready_done; /**< ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */
uint32 late_tbtt_dpc; /**< TBTT DPC did not happen in time */
/* per-rate receive stat counters */
uint32 rx1mbps; /**< packets rx at 1Mbps */
uint32 rx2mbps; /**< packets rx at 2Mbps */
uint32 rx5mbps5; /**< packets rx at 5.5Mbps */
uint32 rx6mbps; /**< packets rx at 6Mbps */
uint32 rx9mbps; /**< packets rx at 9Mbps */
uint32 rx11mbps; /**< packets rx at 11Mbps */
uint32 rx12mbps; /**< packets rx at 12Mbps */
uint32 rx18mbps; /**< packets rx at 18Mbps */
uint32 rx24mbps; /**< packets rx at 24Mbps */
uint32 rx36mbps; /**< packets rx at 36Mbps */
uint32 rx48mbps; /**< packets rx at 48Mbps */
uint32 rx54mbps; /**< packets rx at 54Mbps */
uint32 rx108mbps; /**< packets rx at 108mbps */
uint32 rx162mbps; /**< packets rx at 162mbps */
uint32 rx216mbps; /**< packets rx at 216 mbps */
uint32 rx270mbps; /**< packets rx at 270 mbps */
uint32 rx324mbps; /**< packets rx at 324 mbps */
uint32 rx378mbps; /**< packets rx at 378 mbps */
uint32 rx432mbps; /**< packets rx at 432 mbps */
uint32 rx486mbps; /**< packets rx at 486 mbps */
uint32 rx540mbps; /**< packets rx at 540 mbps */
/* pkteng rx frame stats */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rfdisable; /**< count of radio disables */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 bphy_badplcp;
uint32 txexptime; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */
uint32 txmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi received */
uint32 txmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc received */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill_mcst; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay_mcst; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr_mcst; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay_mcst; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec_mcst; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail_mcst; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr_mcst; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess_mcst; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr_mcst; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded_mcst; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 dma_hang; /**< count for dma hang */
uint32 reinit; /**< count for reinit */
uint32 pstatxucast; /**< count of ucast frames xmitted on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstatxnoassoc; /**< count of txnoassoc frames xmitted on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstarxucast; /**< count of ucast frames received on all psta assoc */
uint32 pstarxbcmc; /**< count of bcmc frames received on all psta */
uint32 pstatxbcmc; /**< count of bcmc frames transmitted on all psta */
uint32 cso_passthrough; /**< hw cso required but passthrough */
uint32 cso_normal; /**< hw cso hdr for normal process */
uint32 chained; /**< number of frames chained */
uint32 chainedsz1; /**< number of chain size 1 frames */
uint32 unchained; /**< number of frames not chained */
uint32 maxchainsz; /**< max chain size so far */
uint32 currchainsz; /**< current chain size */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 pciereset; /**< Secondary Bus Reset issued by driver */
uint32 cfgrestore; /**< configspace restore by driver */
uint32 reinitreason[NREINITREASONCOUNT]; /**< reinitreason counters; 0: Unknown reason */
uint32 rxrtry; /**< num of received packets with retry bit on */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< macstat cnt only valid in ver 11. number of MPDUs txed. */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< macstat cnt only valid in ver 11.
* number of occasions that no valid delimiter is detected
* by ampdu parser.
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
/* detailed control/management frames */
uint32 txbar; /**< Number of TX BAR */
uint32 rxbar; /**< Number of RX BAR */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxpspoll; /**< Number of RX PS-poll */
uint32 txnull; /**< Number of TX NULL_DATA */
uint32 rxnull; /**< Number of RX NULL_DATA */
uint32 txqosnull; /**< Number of TX NULL_QoSDATA */
uint32 rxqosnull; /**< Number of RX NULL_QoSDATA */
uint32 txassocreq; /**< Number of TX ASSOC request */
uint32 rxassocreq; /**< Number of RX ASSOC request */
uint32 txreassocreq; /**< Number of TX REASSOC request */
uint32 rxreassocreq; /**< Number of RX REASSOC request */
uint32 txdisassoc; /**< Number of TX DISASSOC */
uint32 rxdisassoc; /**< Number of RX DISASSOC */
uint32 txassocrsp; /**< Number of TX ASSOC response */
uint32 rxassocrsp; /**< Number of RX ASSOC response */
uint32 txreassocrsp; /**< Number of TX REASSOC response */
uint32 rxreassocrsp; /**< Number of RX REASSOC response */
uint32 txauth; /**< Number of TX AUTH */
uint32 rxauth; /**< Number of RX AUTH */
uint32 txdeauth; /**< Number of TX DEAUTH */
uint32 rxdeauth; /**< Number of RX DEAUTH */
uint32 txprobereq; /**< Number of TX probe request */
uint32 rxprobereq; /**< Number of RX probe request */
uint32 txprobersp; /**< Number of TX probe response */
uint32 rxprobersp; /**< Number of RX probe response */
uint32 txaction; /**< Number of TX action frame */
uint32 rxaction; /**< Number of RX action frame */
uint32 ampdu_wds; /**< Number of AMPDU watchdogs */
uint32 txlost; /**< Number of lost packets reported in txs */
uint32 txdatamcast; /**< Number of TX multicast data packets */
uint32 txdatabcast; /**< Number of TX broadcast data packets */
uint32 txbcast; /* Broadcast TransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txdropped; /* tx dropped pkts */
uint32 rxbcast; /* BroadcastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxdropped; /* rx dropped pkts (derived: sum of others) */
/* This structure is deprecated and used only for ver <= 11.
* All counter variables have to be of uint32.
} wl_cnt_ver_11_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /* see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
uint16 length; /* length of entire structure */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txframe; /* tx data frames */
uint32 txbyte; /* tx data bytes */
uint32 txretrans; /* tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txerror; /* tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 txctl; /* tx management frames */
uint32 txprshort; /* tx short preamble frames */
uint32 txserr; /* tx status errors */
uint32 txnobuf; /* tx out of buffers errors */
uint32 txnoassoc; /* tx discard because we're not associated */
uint32 txrunt; /* tx runt frames */
uint32 txchit; /* tx header cache hit (fastpath) */
uint32 txcmiss; /* tx header cache miss (slowpath) */
/* transmit chip error counters */
uint32 txuflo; /* tx fifo underflows */
uint32 txphyerr; /* tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */
uint32 txphycrs; /* PR8861/8963 counter */
/* receive stat counters */
uint32 rxframe; /* rx data frames */
uint32 rxbyte; /* rx data bytes */
uint32 rxerror; /* rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 rxctl; /* rx management frames */
uint32 rxnobuf; /* rx out of buffers errors */
uint32 rxnondata; /* rx non data frames in the data channel errors */
uint32 rxbadds; /* rx bad DS errors */
uint32 rxbadcm; /* rx bad control or management frames */
uint32 rxfragerr; /* rx fragmentation errors */
uint32 rxrunt; /* rx runt frames */
uint32 rxgiant; /* rx giant frames */
uint32 rxnoscb; /* rx no scb error */
uint32 rxbadproto; /* rx invalid frames */
uint32 rxbadsrcmac; /* rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */
uint32 rxbadda; /* rx frames tossed for invalid da */
uint32 rxfilter; /* rx frames filtered out */
/* receive chip error counters */
uint32 rxoflo; /* rx fifo overflow errors */
uint32 rxuflo[NFIFO]; /* rx dma descriptor underflow errors */
uint32 d11cnt_txrts_off; /* d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /* d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_txnocts_off; /* d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */
/* misc counters */
uint32 dmade; /* tx/rx dma descriptor errors */
uint32 dmada; /* tx/rx dma data errors */
uint32 dmape; /* tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */
uint32 reset; /* reset count */
uint32 tbtt; /* cnts the TBTT int's */
uint32 txdmawar; /* # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */
uint32 pkt_callback_reg_fail; /* callbacks register failure */
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /* total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /* number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /* number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /* number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /* Not used */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /* beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[8]; /* per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txtplunfl; /* Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /* Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /* Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /* Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxinvmachdr; /* Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not
* data/control/management
uint32 rxbadfcs; /* number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /* parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /* PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /* Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdfrmucastmbss; /* Number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmfrmucastmbss; /* number of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxcfrmucast; /* number of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /* number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /* number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /* number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdfrmocast; /* number of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmfrmocast; /* number of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxcfrmocast; /* number of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /* number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /* number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdfrmmcast; /* number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmfrmmcast; /* number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxcfrmmcast; /* number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /* beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdfrmucastobss; /* number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /* beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /* Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /* transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 rxf2ovfl; /* Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 txsfovfl; /* Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 pmqovfl; /* Number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /* Number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /* Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /* Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /* Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /* Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 rxnack; /* obsolete */
uint32 frmscons; /* obsolete */
uint32 txnack; /* obsolete */
uint32 txglitch_nack; /* obsolete */
uint32 txburst; /* obsolete */
/* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */
uint32 txfrag; /* dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */
uint32 txmulti; /* dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txfail; /* dot11FailedCount */
uint32 txretry; /* dot11RetryCount */
uint32 txretrie; /* dot11MultipleRetryCount */
uint32 rxdup; /* dot11FrameduplicateCount */
uint32 txrts; /* dot11RTSSuccessCount */
uint32 txnocts; /* dot11RTSFailureCount */
uint32 txnoack; /* dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 rxfrag; /* dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */
uint32 rxmulti; /* dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxcrc; /* dot11FCSErrorCount */
uint32 txfrmsnt; /* dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */
uint32 rxundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay; /* TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr; /* CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay; /* CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess; /* DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 txchanrej; /* Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */
uint32 psmwds; /* Count PSM watchdogs */
uint32 phywatchdog; /* Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */
/* MBSS counters, AP only */
uint32 prq_entries_handled; /* PRQ entries read in */
uint32 prq_undirected_entries; /* which were bcast bss & ssid */
uint32 prq_bad_entries; /* which could not be translated to info */
uint32 atim_suppress_count; /* TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready; /* Template marked in use on send bcn ... */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready_done; /* ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */
uint32 late_tbtt_dpc; /* TBTT DPC did not happen in time */
/* per-rate receive stat counters */
uint32 rx1mbps; /* packets rx at 1Mbps */
uint32 rx2mbps; /* packets rx at 2Mbps */
uint32 rx5mbps5; /* packets rx at 5.5Mbps */
uint32 rx6mbps; /* packets rx at 6Mbps */
uint32 rx9mbps; /* packets rx at 9Mbps */
uint32 rx11mbps; /* packets rx at 11Mbps */
uint32 rx12mbps; /* packets rx at 12Mbps */
uint32 rx18mbps; /* packets rx at 18Mbps */
uint32 rx24mbps; /* packets rx at 24Mbps */
uint32 rx36mbps; /* packets rx at 36Mbps */
uint32 rx48mbps; /* packets rx at 48Mbps */
uint32 rx54mbps; /* packets rx at 54Mbps */
uint32 rx108mbps; /* packets rx at 108mbps */
uint32 rx162mbps; /* packets rx at 162mbps */
uint32 rx216mbps; /* packets rx at 216 mbps */
uint32 rx270mbps; /* packets rx at 270 mbps */
uint32 rx324mbps; /* packets rx at 324 mbps */
uint32 rx378mbps; /* packets rx at 378 mbps */
uint32 rx432mbps; /* packets rx at 432 mbps */
uint32 rx486mbps; /* packets rx at 486 mbps */
uint32 rx540mbps; /* packets rx at 540 mbps */
/* pkteng rx frame stats */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /* unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /* multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rfdisable; /* count of radio disables */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /* PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 txexptime; /* Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */
uint32 txmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_sgi; /* count for sgi received */
uint32 txmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_stbc; /* count for stbc received */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill_mcst; /* TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /* TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay_mcst; /* TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr_mcst; /* CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay_mcst; /* CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec_mcst; /* CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail_mcst; /* FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec_mcst; /* dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr_mcst; /* dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess_mcst; /* DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr_mcst; /* TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded_mcst; /* dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 dma_hang; /* count for stbc received */
uint32 rxrtry; /* number of packets with retry bit set to 1 */
} wl_cnt_ver_7_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /**< see definition of WL_CNT_T_VERSION */
uint16 length; /**< length of entire structure */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txbyte; /**< tx data bytes */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txerror; /**< tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 txctl; /**< tx management frames */
uint32 txprshort; /**< tx short preamble frames */
uint32 txserr; /**< tx status errors */
uint32 txnobuf; /**< tx out of buffers errors */
uint32 txnoassoc; /**< tx discard because we're not associated */
uint32 txrunt; /**< tx runt frames */
uint32 txchit; /**< tx header cache hit (fastpath) */
uint32 txcmiss; /**< tx header cache miss (slowpath) */
/* transmit chip error counters */
uint32 txuflo; /**< tx fifo underflows */
uint32 txphyerr; /**< tx phy errors (indicated in tx status) */
uint32 txphycrs; /**< PR8861/8963 counter */
/* receive stat counters */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rxbyte; /**< rx data bytes */
uint32 rxerror; /**< rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint32 rxctl; /**< rx management frames */
uint32 rxnobuf; /**< rx out of buffers errors */
uint32 rxnondata; /**< rx non data frames in the data channel errors */
uint32 rxbadds; /**< rx bad DS errors */
uint32 rxbadcm; /**< rx bad control or management frames */
uint32 rxfragerr; /**< rx fragmentation errors */
uint32 rxrunt; /**< rx runt frames */
uint32 rxgiant; /**< rx giant frames */
uint32 rxnoscb; /**< rx no scb error */
uint32 rxbadproto; /**< rx invalid frames */
uint32 rxbadsrcmac; /**< rx frames with Invalid Src Mac */
uint32 rxbadda; /**< rx frames tossed for invalid da */
uint32 rxfilter; /**< rx frames filtered out */
/* receive chip error counters */
uint32 rxoflo; /**< rx fifo overflow errors */
uint32 rxuflo[NFIFO]; /**< rx dma descriptor underflow errors */
uint32 d11cnt_txrts_off; /**< d11cnt txrts value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_rxcrc_off; /**< d11cnt rxcrc value when reset d11cnt */
uint32 d11cnt_txnocts_off; /**< d11cnt txnocts value when reset d11cnt */
/* misc counters */
uint32 dmade; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor errors */
uint32 dmada; /**< tx/rx dma data errors */
uint32 dmape; /**< tx/rx dma descriptor protocol errors */
uint32 reset; /**< reset count */
uint32 tbtt; /**< cnts the TBTT int's */
uint32 txdmawar; /**< # occurrences of PR15420 workaround */
uint32 pkt_callback_reg_fail; /**< callbacks register failure */
/* MAC counters: 32-bit version of d11.h's macstat_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< Not used */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txfunfl[6]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template underflows (mac was too slow to transmit ACK/CTS
* or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< Transmit phy error, type of error is reported in tx-status for
* driver enqueued frames
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxinvmachdr; /**< Either the protocol version != 0 or frame type not
* data/control/management
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxdfrmucastmbss; /**< # of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxmfrmucastmbss; /**< # of received mgmt frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxcfrmucast; /**< # of received CNTRL frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxdfrmocast; /**< # of received DATA frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxmfrmocast; /**< # of received MGMT frames (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxcfrmocast; /**< # of received CNTRL frame (good FCS and not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Management multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxcfrmmcast; /**< number of RX Control multicast frames received by the MAC
* (unlikely to see these)
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdfrmucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< Number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< transmit beacons canceled due to receipt of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 1 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 rxf2ovfl; /**< Number of receive fifo 2 overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 txsfovfl; /**< Number of transmit status fifo overflows (obsolete) */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< Number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< Number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail. AP sent probe response but did
* not get ACK
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response Success (ACK was received) */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< Number of probe requests that were dropped from the PRQ
* fifo because a probe response could not be sent out within
* the time limit defined in M_PRS_MAXTIME
uint32 rxnack; /**< Number of NACKS received (Afterburner) */
uint32 frmscons; /**< Number of frames completed without transmission because of an
* Afterburner re-queue
uint32 txnack; /**< obsolete */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
/* 802.11 MIB counters, pp. 614 of 802.11 reaff doc. */
uint32 txfrag; /**< dot11TransmittedFragmentCount */
uint32 txmulti; /**< dot11MulticastTransmittedFrameCount */
uint32 txfail; /**< dot11FailedCount */
uint32 txretry; /**< dot11RetryCount */
uint32 txretrie; /**< dot11MultipleRetryCount */
uint32 rxdup; /**< dot11FrameduplicateCount */
uint32 txrts; /**< dot11RTSSuccessCount */
uint32 txnocts; /**< dot11RTSFailureCount */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 rxfrag; /**< dot11ReceivedFragmentCount */
uint32 rxmulti; /**< dot11MulticastReceivedFrameCount */
uint32 rxcrc; /**< dot11FCSErrorCount */
uint32 txfrmsnt; /**< dot11TransmittedFrameCount (bogus MIB?) */
uint32 rxundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
/* WPA2 counters (see rxundec for DecryptFailureCount) */
uint32 tkipmicfaill_mcst; /**< TKIPLocalMICFailures */
uint32 tkipcntrmsr_mcst; /**< TKIPCounterMeasuresInvoked */
uint32 tkipreplay_mcst; /**< TKIPReplays */
uint32 ccmpfmterr_mcst; /**< CCMPFormatErrors */
uint32 ccmpreplay_mcst; /**< CCMPReplays */
uint32 ccmpundec_mcst; /**< CCMPDecryptErrors */
uint32 fourwayfail_mcst; /**< FourWayHandshakeFailures */
uint32 wepundec_mcst; /**< dot11WEPUndecryptableCount */
uint32 wepicverr_mcst; /**< dot11WEPICVErrorCount */
uint32 decsuccess_mcst; /**< DecryptSuccessCount */
uint32 tkipicverr_mcst; /**< TKIPICVErrorCount */
uint32 wepexcluded_mcst; /**< dot11WEPExcludedCount */
uint32 txchanrej; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to channel rejection */
uint32 txexptime; /**< Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */
uint32 psmwds; /**< Count PSM watchdogs */
uint32 phywatchdog; /**< Count Phy watchdogs (triggered by ucode) */
/* MBSS counters, AP only */
uint32 prq_entries_handled; /**< PRQ entries read in */
uint32 prq_undirected_entries; /**< which were bcast bss & ssid */
uint32 prq_bad_entries; /**< which could not be translated to info */
uint32 atim_suppress_count; /**< TX suppressions on ATIM fifo */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready; /**< Template marked in use on send bcn ... */
uint32 bcn_template_not_ready_done; /**< ...but "DMA done" interrupt rcvd */
uint32 late_tbtt_dpc; /**< TBTT DPC did not happen in time */
/* per-rate receive stat counters */
uint32 rx1mbps; /**< packets rx at 1Mbps */
uint32 rx2mbps; /**< packets rx at 2Mbps */
uint32 rx5mbps5; /**< packets rx at 5.5Mbps */
uint32 rx6mbps; /**< packets rx at 6Mbps */
uint32 rx9mbps; /**< packets rx at 9Mbps */
uint32 rx11mbps; /**< packets rx at 11Mbps */
uint32 rx12mbps; /**< packets rx at 12Mbps */
uint32 rx18mbps; /**< packets rx at 18Mbps */
uint32 rx24mbps; /**< packets rx at 24Mbps */
uint32 rx36mbps; /**< packets rx at 36Mbps */
uint32 rx48mbps; /**< packets rx at 48Mbps */
uint32 rx54mbps; /**< packets rx at 54Mbps */
uint32 rx108mbps; /**< packets rx at 108mbps */
uint32 rx162mbps; /**< packets rx at 162mbps */
uint32 rx216mbps; /**< packets rx at 216 mbps */
uint32 rx270mbps; /**< packets rx at 270 mbps */
uint32 rx324mbps; /**< packets rx at 324 mbps */
uint32 rx378mbps; /**< packets rx at 378 mbps */
uint32 rx432mbps; /**< packets rx at 432 mbps */
uint32 rx486mbps; /**< packets rx at 486 mbps */
uint32 rx540mbps; /**< packets rx at 540 mbps */
/* pkteng rx frame stats */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< unicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< multicast frames rxed by the pkteng code */
uint32 rfdisable; /**< count of radio disables */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 bphy_badplcp;
uint32 txmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_sgi; /**< count for sgi received */
uint32 txmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc transmit */
uint32 rxmpdu_stbc; /**< count for stbc received */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
/* All counter variables have to be of uint32. */
} wl_cnt_ver_6_t;
#define WL_DELTA_STATS_T_VERSION 2 /**< current version of wl_delta_stats_t struct */
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /**< see definition of WL_DELTA_STATS_T_VERSION */
uint16 length; /**< length of entire structure */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txbyte; /**< tx data bytes */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txfail; /**< tx failures */
/* receive stat counters */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rxbyte; /**< rx data bytes */
/* per-rate receive stat counters */
uint32 rx1mbps; /**< packets rx at 1Mbps */
uint32 rx2mbps; /**< packets rx at 2Mbps */
uint32 rx5mbps5; /**< packets rx at 5.5Mbps */
uint32 rx6mbps; /**< packets rx at 6Mbps */
uint32 rx9mbps; /**< packets rx at 9Mbps */
uint32 rx11mbps; /**< packets rx at 11Mbps */
uint32 rx12mbps; /**< packets rx at 12Mbps */
uint32 rx18mbps; /**< packets rx at 18Mbps */
uint32 rx24mbps; /**< packets rx at 24Mbps */
uint32 rx36mbps; /**< packets rx at 36Mbps */
uint32 rx48mbps; /**< packets rx at 48Mbps */
uint32 rx54mbps; /**< packets rx at 54Mbps */
uint32 rx108mbps; /**< packets rx at 108mbps */
uint32 rx162mbps; /**< packets rx at 162mbps */
uint32 rx216mbps; /**< packets rx at 216 mbps */
uint32 rx270mbps; /**< packets rx at 270 mbps */
uint32 rx324mbps; /**< packets rx at 324 mbps */
uint32 rx378mbps; /**< packets rx at 378 mbps */
uint32 rx432mbps; /**< packets rx at 432 mbps */
uint32 rx486mbps; /**< packets rx at 486 mbps */
uint32 rx540mbps; /**< packets rx at 540 mbps */
/* phy stats */
uint32 rxbadplcp;
uint32 rxcrsglitch;
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch;
uint32 bphy_badplcp;
uint32 slice_index; /**< Slice for which stats are reported */
} wl_delta_stats_t;
/* Partial statistics counter report */
typedef struct {
uint16 type;
uint16 len;
/* detailed control/management frames */
uint32 txnull;
uint32 rxnull;
uint32 txqosnull;
uint32 rxqosnull;
uint32 txassocreq;
uint32 rxassocreq;
uint32 txreassocreq;
uint32 rxreassocreq;
uint32 txdisassoc;
uint32 rxdisassoc;
uint32 txassocrsp;
uint32 rxassocrsp;
uint32 txreassocrsp;
uint32 rxreassocrsp;
uint32 txauth;
uint32 rxauth;
uint32 txdeauth;
uint32 rxdeauth;
uint32 txprobereq;
uint32 rxprobereq;
uint32 txprobersp;
uint32 rxprobersp;
uint32 txaction;
uint32 rxaction;
uint32 txrts;
uint32 rxrts;
uint32 txcts;
uint32 rxcts;
uint32 txack;
uint32 rxack;
uint32 txbar;
uint32 rxbar;
uint32 txback;
uint32 rxback;
uint32 txpspoll;
uint32 rxpspoll;
} wl_ctl_mgt_cnt_t;
typedef struct {
uint32 packets;
uint32 bytes;
} wl_traffic_stats_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version; /**< see definition of WL_WME_CNT_VERSION */
uint16 length; /**< length of entire structure */
wl_traffic_stats_t tx[AC_COUNT]; /**< Packets transmitted */
wl_traffic_stats_t tx_failed[AC_COUNT]; /**< Packets dropped or failed to transmit */
wl_traffic_stats_t rx[AC_COUNT]; /**< Packets received */
wl_traffic_stats_t rx_failed[AC_COUNT]; /**< Packets failed to receive */
wl_traffic_stats_t forward[AC_COUNT]; /**< Packets forwarded by AP */
wl_traffic_stats_t tx_expired[AC_COUNT]; /**< packets dropped due to lifetime expiry */
} wl_wme_cnt_t;
/* #ifdef WLBA */
#define WLC_BA_CNT_VERSION_1 1 /**< current version of wlc_ba_cnt_t */
/** block ack related stats */
typedef struct wlc_ba_cnt {
uint16 version; /**< WLC_BA_CNT_VERSION */
uint16 length; /**< length of entire structure */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint32 txpdu; /**< pdus sent */
uint32 txsdu; /**< sdus sent */
uint32 txfc; /**< tx side flow controlled packets */
uint32 txfci; /**< tx side flow control initiated */
uint32 txretrans; /**< retransmitted pdus */
uint32 txbatimer; /**< ba resend due to timer */
uint32 txdrop; /**< dropped packets */
uint32 txaddbareq; /**< addba req sent */
uint32 txaddbaresp; /**< addba resp sent */
uint32 txdelba; /**< delba sent */
uint32 txba; /**< ba sent */
uint32 txbar; /**< bar sent */
uint32 txpad[4]; /**< future */
/* receive side counters */
uint32 rxpdu; /**< pdus recd */
uint32 rxqed; /**< pdus buffered before sending up */
uint32 rxdup; /**< duplicate pdus */
uint32 rxnobuf; /**< pdus discarded due to no buf */
uint32 rxaddbareq; /**< addba req recd */
uint32 rxaddbaresp; /**< addba resp recd */
uint32 rxdelba; /**< delba recd */
uint32 rxba; /**< ba recd */
uint32 rxbar; /**< bar recd */
uint32 rxinvba; /**< invalid ba recd */
uint32 rxbaholes; /**< ba recd with holes */
uint32 rxunexp; /**< unexpected packets */
uint32 rxpad[4]; /**< future */
} wlc_ba_cnt_t;
/* #endif WLBA */
/* ##### Power Stats section ##### */
/** Input structure for pwrstats IOVAR */
typedef struct wl_pwrstats_query {
uint16 length; /**< Number of entries in type array. */
uint16 type[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY]; /**< Types (tags) to retrieve.
* Length 0 (no types) means get all.
} wl_pwrstats_query_t;
/** This structure is for version 2; version 1 will be deprecated in by FW */
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wl_pwrstats {
uint16 version; /**< Version = 2 is TLV format */
uint16 length; /**< Length of entire structure */
uint8 data[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY]; /**< TLV data, a series of structures,
* each starting with type and length.
* Padded as necessary so each section
* starts on a 4-byte boundary.
* Both type and len are uint16, but the
* upper nibble of length is reserved so
* valid len values are 0-4095.
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wl_pwrstats_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#define WL_PWR_STATS_HDRLEN OFFSETOF(wl_pwrstats_t, data)
/* Bits for wake reasons */
#define WLC_PMD_WAKE_SET 0x1u
#define WLC_PMD_PM_AWAKE_BCN 0x2u
/* BIT:3 is no longer being used */
#define WLC_PMD_RM_IN_PROGRESS 0x10u
#define WLC_PMD_AS_IN_PROGRESS 0x20u
#define WLC_PMD_PM_PEND 0x40u
#define WLC_PMD_PS_POLL 0x80u
#define WLC_PMD_APSD_STA_UP 0x200u
#define WLC_PMD_TX_PEND_WAR 0x400u /* obsolete, can be reused */
#define WLC_PMD_NAN_AWAKE 0x400u /* Reusing for NAN */
#define WLC_PMD_PM2_RADIO_SOFF_PEND 0x2000u
#define WLC_PMD_NON_PRIM_STA_UP 0x4000u
#define WLC_PMD_AP_UP 0x8000u
#define WLC_PMD_TX_IN_PROGRESS 0x10000u /* Dongle awake due to packet TX */
#define WLC_PMD_4WAYHS_IN_PROGRESS 0x20000u /* Dongle awake due to 4 way handshake */
#define WLC_PMD_PM_OVERRIDE 0x40000u /* Dongle awake due to PM override */
#define WLC_PMD_PASN_IN_PROGRESS 0x80000u /* Dongle awake due to PASN exchange */
#define WLC_PMD_WAKE_OTHER 0x100000u
typedef struct wlc_pm_debug {
uint32 timestamp; /**< timestamp in millisecond */
uint32 reason; /**< reason(s) for staying awake */
} wlc_pm_debug_t;
/** WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE1 structures (for 6.25 firmware) */
#define WLC_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V1 32
/** Data sent as part of pwrstats IOVAR (and EXCESS_PM_WAKE event) */
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct pm_awake_data_v1 {
uint32 curr_time; /**< ms */
uint32 hw_macc; /**< HW maccontrol */
uint32 sw_macc; /**< SW maccontrol */
uint32 pm_dur; /**< Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 mpc_dur; /**< Total sleep time in MPC, msecs */
/* int32 drifts = remote - local; +ve drift => local-clk slow */
int32 last_drift; /**< Most recent TSF drift from beacon */
int32 min_drift; /**< Min TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
int32 max_drift; /**< Max TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
uint32 avg_drift; /**< Avg TSF drift from beacon */
/* Wake history tracking */
uint8 pmwake_idx; /**< for stepping through pm_state */
wlc_pm_debug_t pm_state[WLC_STA_AWAKE_STATES_MAX_V1]; /**< timestamped wake bits */
uint32 pmd_event_wake_dur[WLC_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V1]; /**< cumulative usecs per wake reason */
uint32 drift_cnt; /**< Count of drift readings over which avg_drift was computed */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT pm_awake_data_v1_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wl_pwr_pm_awake_stats_v1 {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
pm_awake_data_v1_t awake_data;
uint32 frts_time; /**< Cumulative ms spent in frts since driver load */
uint32 frts_end_cnt; /**< No of times frts ended since driver load */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wl_pwr_pm_awake_stats_v1_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
/** WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE2 structures. Data sent as part of pwrstats IOVAR */
typedef struct pm_awake_data_v2 {
uint32 curr_time; /**< ms */
uint32 hw_macc; /**< HW maccontrol */
uint32 sw_macc; /**< SW maccontrol */
uint32 pm_dur; /**< Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 mpc_dur; /**< Total sleep time in MPC, msecs */
/* int32 drifts = remote - local; +ve drift => local-clk slow */
int32 last_drift; /**< Most recent TSF drift from beacon */
int32 min_drift; /**< Min TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
int32 max_drift; /**< Max TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
uint32 avg_drift; /**< Avg TSF drift from beacon */
/* Wake history tracking */
/* pmstate array (type wlc_pm_debug_t) start offset */
uint16 pm_state_offset;
/** pmstate number of array entries */
uint16 pm_state_len;
/** array (type uint32) start offset */
uint16 pmd_event_wake_dur_offset;
/** pmd_event_wake_dur number of array entries */
uint16 pmd_event_wake_dur_len;
uint32 drift_cnt; /**< Count of drift readings over which avg_drift was computed */
uint8 pmwake_idx; /**< for stepping through pm_state */
uint8 flags; /**< bit0: 1-sleep, 0- wake. bit1: 0-bit0 invlid, 1-bit0 valid */
uint8 PAD[2];
uint32 frts_time; /**< Cumulative ms spent in frts since driver load */
uint32 frts_end_cnt; /**< No of times frts ended since driver load */
} pm_awake_data_v2_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_pm_awake_stats_v2 {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
pm_awake_data_v2_t awake_data;
} wl_pwr_pm_awake_stats_v2_t;
/* bit0: 1-sleep, 0- wake. bit1: 0-bit0 invlid, 1-bit0 valid */
/* WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE Version 2 structures taken from 4324/43342 */
/* These structures are only to be used with 4324/43342 devices */
#define WL_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V2 32
#define MAX_P2P_BSS_DTIM_PRD 4
/** WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_ACCUMUL structures. Data sent as part of pwrstats IOVAR */
typedef struct pm_accum_data_v1 {
uint64 current_ts;
uint64 pm_cnt;
uint64 pm_dur;
uint64 pm_last_entry_us;
uint64 awake_cnt;
uint64 awake_dur;
uint64 awake_last_entry_us;
} pm_accum_data_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_pm_accum_stats_v1 {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_ACCUMUL */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
uint8 PAD[4];
pm_accum_data_v1_t accum_data;
} wl_pwr_pm_accum_stats_v1_t;
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct ucode_dbg_v2 {
uint32 macctrl;
uint16 m_p2p_hps;
uint16 m_p2p_bss_dtim_prd[MAX_P2P_BSS_DTIM_PRD];
uint32 psmdebug[20];
uint32 phydebug[20];
uint32 psm_brc;
uint32 ifsstat;
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT ucode_dbg_v2_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct pmalert_awake_data_v2 {
uint32 curr_time; /* ms */
uint32 hw_macc; /* HW maccontrol */
uint32 sw_macc; /* SW maccontrol */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 mpc_dur; /* Total sleep time in MPC, msecs */
/* int32 drifts = remote - local; +ve drift => local-clk slow */
int32 last_drift; /* Most recent TSF drift from beacon */
int32 min_drift; /* Min TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
int32 max_drift; /* Max TSF drift from beacon in magnitude */
uint32 avg_drift; /* Avg TSF drift from beacon */
/* Wake history tracking */
uint8 pmwake_idx; /* for stepping through pm_state */
wlc_pm_debug_t pm_state[WL_STA_AWAKE_STATES_MAX_V2]; /* timestamped wake bits */
uint32 pmd_event_wake_dur[WL_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V2]; /* cumulative usecs per wake reason */
uint32 drift_cnt; /* Count of drift readings over which avg_drift was computed */
uint32 start_event_dur[WL_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V2]; /* start event-duration */
ucode_dbg_v2_t ud;
uint32 frts_time; /* Cumulative ms spent in frts since driver load */
uint32 frts_end_cnt; /* No of times frts ended since driver load */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT pmalert_awake_data_v2_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct pm_alert_data_v2 {
uint32 version;
uint32 length; /* Length of entire structure */
uint32 reasons; /* reason(s) for pm_alert */
/* Following fields are present only for reasons
uint32 prev_stats_time; /* msecs */
uint32 prev_pm_dur; /* msecs */
uint32 prev_mpc_dur; /* msecs */
pmalert_awake_data_v2_t awake_data;
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT pm_alert_data_v2_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wl_pwr_pm_awake_status_v2 {
uint16 type; /* WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE */
uint16 len; /* Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
pmalert_awake_data_v2_t awake_data;
uint32 frts_time; /* Cumulative ms spent in frts since driver load */
uint32 frts_end_cnt; /* No of times frts ended since driver load */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wl_pwr_pm_awake_status_v2_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
/* Below are latest definitions from PHO25178RC100_BRANCH_6_50 */
/* wl_pwr_pm_awake_stats_v1_t is used for WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PM_AWAKE */
/* Use regs from d11.h instead of raw addresses for */
/* (at least) the chip independent registers */
typedef struct ucode_dbg_ext {
uint32 x120;
uint32 x124;
uint32 x154;
uint32 x158;
uint32 x15c;
uint32 x180;
uint32 x184;
uint32 x188;
uint32 x18c;
uint32 x1a0;
uint32 x1a8;
uint32 x1e0;
uint32 scr_x14;
uint32 scr_x2b;
uint32 scr_x2c;
uint32 scr_x2d;
uint32 scr_x2e;
uint16 x40a;
uint16 x480;
uint16 x490;
uint16 x492;
uint16 x4d8;
uint16 x4b8;
uint16 x4ba;
uint16 x4bc;
uint16 x4be;
uint16 x500;
uint16 x50e;
uint16 x522;
uint16 x546;
uint16 x578;
uint16 x602;
uint16 x646;
uint16 x648;
uint16 x666;
uint16 x670;
uint16 x690;
uint16 x692;
uint16 x6a0;
uint16 x6a2;
uint16 x6a4;
uint16 x6b2;
uint16 x7c0;
uint16 shm_x20;
uint16 shm_x4a;
uint16 shm_x5e;
uint16 shm_x5f;
uint16 shm_xaab;
uint16 shm_x74a;
uint16 shm_x74b;
uint16 shm_x74c;
uint16 shm_x74e;
uint16 shm_x756;
uint16 shm_x75b;
uint16 shm_x7b9;
uint16 shm_x7d4;
uint16 shm_P2P_HPS;
uint16 shm_P2P_intr[16];
uint16 shm_P2P_perbss[48];
} ucode_dbg_ext_t;
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct pm_alert_data_v1 {
uint32 version;
uint32 length; /**< Length of entire structure */
uint32 reasons; /**< reason(s) for pm_alert */
/* Following fields are present only for reasons
uint32 prev_stats_time; /**< msecs */
uint32 prev_pm_dur; /**< msecs */
uint32 prev_mpc_dur; /**< msecs */
pm_awake_data_v1_t awake_data;
uint32 start_event_dur[WLC_PMD_EVENT_MAX_V1]; /**< start event-duration */
ucode_dbg_v2_t ud;
uint32 frts_time; /**< Cumulative ms spent in frts since driver load */
uint32 frts_end_cnt; /**< No of times frts ended since driver load */
ucode_dbg_ext_t ud_ext;
uint32 prev_frts_dur; /**< ms */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT pm_alert_data_v1_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
/* End of 43342/4324 v2 structure definitions */
/* Original bus structure is for HSIC */
typedef struct bus_metrics {
uint32 suspend_ct; /**< suspend count */
uint32 resume_ct; /**< resume count */
uint32 disconnect_ct; /**< disconnect count */
uint32 reconnect_ct; /**< reconnect count */
uint32 active_dur; /**< msecs in bus, usecs for user */
uint32 suspend_dur; /**< msecs in bus, usecs for user */
uint32 disconnect_dur; /**< msecs in bus, usecs for user */
} bus_metrics_t;
#define BUS_DUMP_PARAM_VER_1 (1u)
#define SUB_CMD_MAX (32u)
typedef struct bus_dump_param {
uint16 version; /**< version */
uint16 len; /**< length */
uint32 flags; /**< flags */
uint32 value; /**< value to set */
char sub_cmd[SUB_CMD_MAX]; /**< sub command name */
} bus_dump_param_t;
#define BUS_DUMP_FLAGS_CLEAR (1u << 0u)
#define BUS_DUMP_FLAGS_SET (1u << 1u)
/** Bus interface info for USB/HSIC */
#include <packed_section_start.h>
typedef BWL_PRE_PACKED_STRUCT struct wl_pwr_usb_hsic_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_USB_HSIC */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
bus_metrics_t hsic; /**< stats from hsic bus driver */
} BWL_POST_PACKED_STRUCT wl_pwr_usb_hsic_stats_t;
#include <packed_section_end.h>
/* PCIe Event counter tlv IDs */
enum pcie_cnt_xtlv_id {
PCIE_CNT_XTLV_METRICS = 0x1, /**< PCIe Bus Metrics */
PCIE_CNT_XTLV_BUS_CNT = 0x2 /**< PCIe Bus counters */
typedef struct pcie_bus_metrics {
uint32 d3_suspend_ct; /**< suspend count */
uint32 d0_resume_ct; /**< resume count */
uint32 perst_assrt_ct; /**< PERST# assert count */
uint32 perst_deassrt_ct; /**< PERST# de-assert count */
uint32 active_dur; /**< msecs */
uint32 d3_suspend_dur; /**< msecs */
uint32 perst_dur; /**< msecs */
uint32 l0_cnt; /**< L0 entry count */
uint32 l0_usecs; /**< L0 duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_cnt; /**< L1 entry count */
uint32 l1_usecs; /**< L1 duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_1_cnt; /**< L1_1ss entry count */
uint32 l1_1_usecs; /**< L1_1ss duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_2_cnt; /**< L1_2ss entry count */
uint32 l1_2_usecs; /**< L1_2ss duration in usecs */
uint32 l2_cnt; /**< L2 entry count */
uint32 l2_usecs; /**< L2 duration in usecs */
uint32 timestamp; /**< Timestamp on when stats are collected */
uint32 num_h2d_doorbell; /**< # of doorbell interrupts - h2d */
uint32 num_d2h_doorbell; /**< # of doorbell interrupts - d2h */
uint32 num_submissions; /**< # of submissions */
uint32 num_completions; /**< # of completions */
uint32 num_rxcmplt; /**< # of rx completions */
uint32 num_rxcmplt_drbl; /**< of drbl interrupts for rx complt. */
uint32 num_txstatus; /**< # of tx completions */
uint32 num_txstatus_drbl; /**< of drbl interrupts for tx complt. */
uint32 deepsleep_count; /**< # of times chip went to deepsleep */
uint32 deepsleep_dur; /**< # of msecs chip was in deepsleep */
uint32 ltr_active_ct; /**< # of times chip went to LTR ACTIVE */
uint32 ltr_active_dur; /**< # of msecs chip was in LTR ACTIVE */
uint32 ltr_sleep_ct; /**< # of times chip went to LTR SLEEP */
uint32 ltr_sleep_dur; /**< # of msecs chip was in LTR SLEEP */
} pcie_bus_metrics_t;
typedef struct pcie_bus_metrics_v2 {
uint64 active_dur_ns; /**< nsecs */
uint64 d3_suspend_dur_ns; /**< nsecs */
uint64 perst_dur_ns; /**< nsecs */
uint64 timestamp_ns; /**< Timestamp on when stats are collected */
uint64 deepsleep_dur_ns; /**< # of nsecs chip was in deepsleep */
uint64 ltr_active_dur_ns; /**< # of nsecs chip was in LTR ACTIVE */
uint64 ltr_sleep_dur_ns; /**< # of nsecs chip was in LTR SLEEP */
uint32 d3_suspend_ct; /**< suspend count */
uint32 d0_resume_ct; /**< resume count */
uint32 perst_assrt_ct; /**< PERST# assert count */
uint32 perst_deassrt_ct; /**< PERST# de-assert count */
uint32 l0_cnt; /**< L0 entry count */
uint32 l0_usecs; /**< L0 duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_cnt; /**< L1 entry count */
uint32 l1_usecs; /**< L1 duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_1_cnt; /**< L1_1ss entry count */
uint32 l1_1_usecs; /**< L1_1ss duration in usecs */
uint32 l1_2_cnt; /**< L1_2ss entry count */
uint32 l1_2_usecs; /**< L1_2ss duration in usecs */
uint32 l2_cnt; /**< L2 entry count */
uint32 l2_usecs; /**< L2 duration in usecs */
uint32 num_h2d_doorbell; /**< # of doorbell interrupts - h2d */
uint32 num_d2h_doorbell; /**< # of doorbell interrupts - d2h */
uint32 num_submissions; /**< # of submissions */
uint32 num_completions; /**< # of completions */
uint32 num_rxcmplt; /**< # of rx completions */
uint32 num_rxcmplt_drbl; /**< of drbl interrupts for rx complt. */
uint32 num_txstatus; /**< # of tx completions */
uint32 num_txstatus_drbl; /**< of drbl interrupts for tx complt. */
uint32 deepsleep_count; /**< # of times chip went to deepsleep */
uint32 ltr_active_ct; /**< # of times chip went to LTR ACTIVE */
uint32 ltr_sleep_ct; /**< # of times chip went to LTR SLEEP */
} pcie_bus_metrics_v2_t;
typedef struct pcie_cnt {
uint32 ltr_state; /**< Current LTR state */
uint32 l0_sr_cnt; /**< SR count during L0 */
uint32 l2l3_sr_cnt; /**< SR count during L2L3 */
uint32 d3_ack_sr_cnt; /**< srcount during last D3-ACK */
uint32 d3_sr_cnt; /**< SR count during D3 */
uint32 d3_info_start; /**< D3 INFORM received time */
uint32 d3_info_enter_cnt; /**< # of D3 INFORM received */
uint32 d3_cnt; /**< # of real D3 */
uint32 d3_ack_sent_cnt; /**< # of D3 ACK sent count */
uint32 d3_drop_cnt_event; /**< # of events dropped during D3 */
uint32 d2h_req_q_len; /**< # of Packet pending in D2H request queue */
uint32 hw_reason; /**< Last Host wake assert reason */
uint32 hw_assert_cnt; /**< # of times Host wake Asserted */
uint32 host_ready_cnt; /**< # of Host ready interrupts */
uint32 hw_assert_reason_0; /**< timestamp when hw_reason is TRAP */
uint32 hw_assert_reason_1; /**< timestamp when hw_reason is WL_EVENT */
uint32 hw_assert_reason_2; /**< timestamp when hw_reason is DATA */
uint32 hw_assert_reason_3; /**< timestamp when hw_reason is DELAYED_WAKE */
uint32 last_host_ready; /**< Timestamp of last Host ready */
bool hw_asserted; /**< Flag to indicate if Host wake is Asserted */
bool event_delivery_pend; /**< No resources to send event */
uint16 PAD; /**< Word alignment for scripts */
} pcie_cnt_t;
/** Bus interface info for PCIE */
typedef struct wl_pwr_pcie_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PCIE */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
pcie_bus_metrics_t pcie; /**< stats from pcie bus driver */
} wl_pwr_pcie_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_pcie_stats_v2 {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PCIE */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
uint32 pad;
pcie_bus_metrics_v2_t pcie; /**< stats from pcie bus driver */
} wl_pwr_pcie_stats_v2_t;
typedef struct scan_data_ext_v1 {
uint32 count; /**< Number of scans performed */
uint32 dur; /**< Total time (in us) used */
uint32 off_chan_dur; /**< Total time excluding home channel time */
} scan_data_ext_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_scan_stats_ext_v1 {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_SCAN_EXT */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
/* Scan history */
scan_data_ext_v1_t user_scans; /**< User-requested scans: (i/e/p)scan */
scan_data_ext_v1_t assoc_scans; /**< Scans initiated by association requests */
scan_data_ext_v1_t roam_scans; /**< Scans initiated by the roam engine */
scan_data_ext_v1_t pno_scans[8]; /**< For future PNO bucketing (BSSID, SSID, etc) */
scan_data_ext_v1_t other_scans; /**< Scan engine usage not assigned to the above */
} wl_pwr_scan_stats_ext_v1_t;
/** Scan information history per category */
typedef struct scan_data {
uint32 count; /**< Number of scans performed */
uint32 dur; /**< Total time (in us) used */
} scan_data_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_scan_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_SCAN */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
/* Scan history */
scan_data_t user_scans; /**< User-requested scans: (i/e/p)scan */
scan_data_t assoc_scans; /**< Scans initiated by association requests */
scan_data_t roam_scans; /**< Scans initiated by the roam engine */
scan_data_t pno_scans[8]; /**< For future PNO bucketing (BSSID, SSID, etc) */
scan_data_t other_scans; /**< Scan engine usage not assigned to the above */
} wl_pwr_scan_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_connect_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_CONNECTION */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
/* Connection (Association + Key exchange) data */
uint32 count; /**< Number of connections performed */
uint32 dur; /**< Total time (in ms) used */
} wl_pwr_connect_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_phy_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PHY */
uint16 len; /**< Up to 4K-1, top 4 bits are reserved */
uint32 tx_dur; /**< TX Active duration in us */
uint32 rx_dur; /**< RX Active duration in us */
} wl_pwr_phy_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_mimo_meas_metrics_v1 {
uint16 type;
uint16 len;
/* Total time(us) idle in MIMO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_idle_time_mimo;
/* Total time(us) idle in SISO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_idle_time_siso;
/* Total receive time (us) in SISO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_rx_time_siso;
/* Total receive time (us) in MIMO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_rx_time_mimo;
/* Total 1-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_1chain;
/* Total 2-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_2chain;
/* Total 3-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_3chain;
} wl_mimo_meas_metrics_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_mimo_meas_metrics {
uint16 type;
uint16 len;
/* Total time(us) idle in MIMO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_idle_time_mimo;
/* Total time(us) idle in SISO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_idle_time_siso;
/* Total receive time (us) in SISO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_rx_time_siso;
/* Total receive time (us) in MIMO RX chain configuration */
uint32 total_rx_time_mimo;
/* Total 1-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_1chain;
/* Total 2-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_2chain;
/* Total 3-chain transmit time(us) */
uint32 total_tx_time_3chain;
/* End of original, OCL fields start here */
/* Total time(us) idle in ocl mode */
uint32 total_idle_time_ocl;
/* Total receive time (us) in ocl mode */
uint32 total_rx_time_ocl;
/* End of OCL fields, internal adjustment fields here */
/* Total SIFS idle time in MIMO mode */
uint32 total_sifs_time_mimo;
/* Total SIFS idle time in SISO mode */
uint32 total_sifs_time_siso;
} wl_mimo_meas_metrics_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_slice_index {
uint16 len;
uint32 slice_index; /* Slice index for which stats are meant for */
} wl_pwr_slice_index_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_tsync_stats {
uint16 type; /**< WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_TSYNC */
uint16 len;
uint32 avb_uptime; /**< AVB uptime in msec */
} wl_pwr_tsync_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_ops_stats {
uint16 type; /* WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_OPS_STATS */
uint16 len; /* total length includes fixed fields */
uint32 partial_ops_dur; /* Total time(in usec) partial ops duration */
uint32 full_ops_dur; /* Total time(in usec) full ops duration */
} wl_pwr_ops_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_bcntrim_stats {
uint16 len; /* total length includes fixed fields */
uint8 associated; /* STA is associated ? */
uint8 slice_idx; /* on which slice STA is associated */
uint16 PAD; /* padding */
uint32 slice_beacon_seen; /* number of beacons seen on the Infra
* interface on this slice
uint32 slice_beacon_trimmed; /* number beacons actually trimmed on this slice */
uint32 total_beacon_seen; /* total number of beacons seen on the Infra interface */
uint32 total_beacon_trimmed; /* total beacons actually trimmed */
} wl_pwr_bcntrim_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_slice_index_band {
uint16 len; /* Total length includes fixed fields */
uint16 index; /* Slice Index */
int16 bandtype; /* Slice Bandtype */
} wl_pwr_slice_index_band_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_psbw_stats {
uint16 type; /* WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_PSBW_STATS */
uint16 len; /* total length includes fixed fields */
uint8 slice_idx; /* on which slice STA is associated */
uint8 PAD[3];
uint32 slice_enable_dur; /* time(ms) psbw remains enabled on this slice */
uint32 total_enable_dur; /* time(ms) psbw remains enabled total */
} wl_pwr_psbw_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_pwr_scan_6E_stats {
uint16 type; /* WL_PWRSTATS_TYPE_SCAN_6E */
uint16 len; /* total length includes fixed fields */
uint32 rx_upr_processed; /* total unsolicited probe responses processed */
uint32 rx_upr_ignored; /* total unsolicited probe responses ignored */
uint32 rx_fils_processed; /* total FILS processed */
uint32 rx_fils_ignored; /* total FILS ignored */
uint32 referred_6g_scans; /* Referred scans to 6G channels due to RNR */
} wl_pwr_scan_6E_stats_t;
/* ##### End of Power Stats section ##### */
/* Version of wlc_btc_stats_t structure.
* Increment whenever a change is made to wlc_btc_stats_t
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_13 13
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v13 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* btc status log */
uint32 bt_gcishm_active_task_bm; /* Active task bitmap of BT shared thru gci shm */
uint32 bt_gcishm_bt_tasks; /* BT Tasks info shared in GCI Shm */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_protect_cnt; /* PM protection count requested by Coex */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_frameburst_ack_cncl_cnt; /* Count of Ack Cancel for Frame Burst */
uint16 bt_le_scan_tx_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan Tx Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_le_scan_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan INterrupt Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_intr; /* A2DP Grant Extension Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_uhp_intr_cnt; /* A2DP UHP Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_pred_out_of_sync_cnt; /* Predictor Out Of Sync Count */
uint16 bt_isoc_intr_cnt; /* ISOC Interrupt count */
uint16 bt_ampdu_collision_cnt; /* BTCX ampdu collision count */
uint16 bt_back_collision_cnt; /* BTCX BACK collision count */
uint16 bt_dcsn_map; /* Accumulated decision bitmap once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_dcsn_cnt; /* Accumulated decision bitmap counters once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_a2dp_hiwat_cnt; /* Ant grant by a2dp high watermark */
uint16 bt_datadelay_cnt; /* Ant grant by acl/a2dp datadelay */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 a2dpbuf1cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 1 */
uint16 a2dpbuf2cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 2 */
uint16 a2dpbuf3cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 3 */
uint16 a2dpbuf4cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 4 */
uint16 a2dpbuf5cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 5 */
uint16 a2dpbuf6cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 6 */
uint16 a2dpbuf7cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 7 */
uint16 a2dpbuf8cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 8 */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge0ms; /* WL duration count between 0-5ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge5ms; /* WL duration count between 5-12ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge12ms; /* WL duration count between 12-21ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge21ms; /* WL duration count between 21-30ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge30ms; /* WL duration count between 30-65ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge65ms; /* WL Duration greater than 65ms */
uint16 btcx_override_cnt; /* Btcx override count */
uint32 btcx_override_dur; /* Btcx override duration */
uint16 fbaci_status_idx0; /* channel and maxgain index for index0 */
uint16 fbaci_nsamples_idx0; /* number of samples at index0 */
uint16 fbaci_status_idx1; /* channel and maxgain index for index1 */
uint16 fbaci_nsamples_idx1; /* number of samples at index1 */
uint16 fbaci_status_idx2; /* channel and maxgain index for index2 */
uint16 fbaci_nsamples_idx2; /* number of samples at index2 */
uint16 fbaci_status_idx3; /* channel and maxgain index for index3 */
uint16 fbaci_nsamples_idx3; /* number of samples at index3 */
uint16 idle2fbc_cnt; /* count of radio state changes from IDle to FBC */
uint16 idle2wlauxrx_cnt; /* count of radio state changes from IDle to Aux Ded Rx. */
} wlc_btc_stats_v13_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_12 12
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v12 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 len; /* length */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_cnt; /* PM protection attempts */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 ap_leakiness; /* AP leakines, ms */
uint8 rr_cnt; /* WLAN rate recovery count */
uint8 rr_succ_cnt; /* WLAN successful rate recovery count */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report. 0: 5GHz, 1: 2.4GHz. */
int8 btcx_desense_mode; /* btcoex desense mode, 0 - 7 */
int8 wlrssi; /* the snapshot of wl rssi */
int8 btrssi; /* the snapshot of bt rssi */
int8 profile_2g_active; /* 2G active profile index */
int8 profile_5g_active; /* 5G active profile index */
uint16 mac_inactive_dur; /* MAC core sleep time, ms */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_noack_cnt; /* PM1 packets that not acked by peer */
uint32 btc_status2; /* BT coex status 2 */
uint32 bt5g_status; /* BT 5G coex status.
* 0: BT5G Coex enabled,
* 1: protection enabled,
* 2: BT active,
* 3-5: recent band switch rsn, reserved for Fire.
* 6: PM protection enabled
* 7-31: reserved for Fire
uint16 bt5g_defer_cnt; /* BT5G starts band switch with WL5G activity
* is deferred till BT 5G move out completion.
uint16 bt5g_no_defer_cnt; /* BT5G starts band switch immediately
* without defer(delay). No wait for BT 5G
* move out completion.
uint32 bt5g_defer_max_switch_dur; /* maximum defer
* band switching took in ms.
uint32 bt5g_no_defer_max_switch_dur; /* maximum no-defer
* band switching took in ms.
uint16 bt5g_switch_succ_cnt; /* BT5G band switch success within a
* maximum delay timeout.
uint16 bt5g_switch_fail_cnt; /* BT5G band switch fails within a
* maximum delay timeout.
uint16 bt5g_switch_reason_bm; /* WLAN reason bitmap triggering BT5G band switch.
* bit0: Host, bit1: Infra, bit2: AWDL/NAN,
* bit3: Personal Hot Spot.
uint8 pad[2];
} wlc_btc_stats_v12_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_11 11
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v11 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 len; /* length */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_cnt; /* PM protection attempts */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 ap_leakiness; /* AP leakines, ms */
uint8 rr_cnt; /* WLAN rate recovery count */
uint8 rr_succ_cnt; /* WLAN successful rate recovery count */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report. 0: 5GHz, 1: 2.4GHz. */
int8 btcx_desense_mode; /* btcoex desense mode, 0 - 7 */
int8 wlrssi; /* the snapshot of wl rssi */
int8 btrssi; /* the snapshot of bt rssi */
int8 profile_2g_active; /* 2G active profile index */
int8 profile_5g_active; /* 5G active profile index */
uint16 mac_inactive_dur; /* MAC core sleep time, ms */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_noack_cnt; /* PM1 packets that not acked by peer */
uint32 btc_status2; /* BT coex status 2 */
} wlc_btc_stats_v11_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_10 10
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v10 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* btc status log */
uint32 bt_gcishm_active_task_bm; /* Active task bitmap of BT shared thru gci shm */
uint32 bt_gcishm_bt_tasks; /* BT Tasks info shared in GCI Shm */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_protect_cnt; /* PM protection count requested by Coex */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_frameburst_ack_cncl_cnt; /* Count of Ack Cancel for Frame Burst */
uint16 bt_le_scan_tx_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan Tx Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_le_scan_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan INterrupt Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_intr; /* A2DP Grant Extension Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_uhp_intr_cnt; /* A2DP UHP Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_pred_out_of_sync_cnt; /* Predictor Out Of Sync Count */
uint16 bt_isoc_intr_cnt; /* ISOC Interrupt count */
uint16 bt_ampdu_collision_cnt; /* BTCX ampdu collision count */
uint16 bt_back_collision_cnt; /* BTCX BACK collision count */
uint16 bt_dcsn_map; /* Accumulated decision bitmap once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_dcsn_cnt; /* Accumulated decision bitmap counters once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_a2dp_hiwat_cnt; /* Ant grant by a2dp high watermark */
uint16 bt_datadelay_cnt; /* Ant grant by acl/a2dp datadelay */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 a2dpbuf1cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 1 */
uint16 a2dpbuf2cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 2 */
uint16 a2dpbuf3cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 3 */
uint16 a2dpbuf4cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 4 */
uint16 a2dpbuf5cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 5 */
uint16 a2dpbuf6cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 6 */
uint16 a2dpbuf7cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 7 */
uint16 a2dpbuf8cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 8 */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge0ms; /* WL duration count between 0-5ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge5ms; /* WL duration count between 5-12ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge12ms; /* WL duration count between 12-21ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge21ms; /* WL duration count between 21-30ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge30ms; /* WL duration count between 30-65ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge65ms; /* WL Duration greater than 65ms */
uint16 nan_idle_cnt; /* Nan Idle Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_dw_cnt; /* Nan Pre Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_data_cnt; /* Nan Pre Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_post_dw_cnt; /* Nan Post Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_dw_cnt; /* Nan Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p1_cnt; /* Nan P1 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p2_cnt; /* Nan P2 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pri_deny_cnt; /* Nan Priority Slot Denial Count */
uint16 PAD; /* Padding */
} wlc_btc_stats_v10_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_9 9
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v9 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_cnt; /* PM protection attempts */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 ap_leakiness; /* AP leakines, ms */
uint8 rr_cnt; /* WLAN rate recovery count */
uint8 rr_succ_cnt; /* WLAN successful rate recovery count */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report */
uint8 PAD; /* Padding */
} wlc_btc_stats_v9_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_8 8
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v8 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* btc status log */
uint32 bt_gcishm_active_task_bm; /* Active task bitmap of BT shared thru gci shm */
uint32 bt_gcishm_bt_tasks; /* BT Tasks info shared in GCI Shm */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_protect_cnt; /* PM protection count requested by Coex */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_frameburst_ack_cncl_cnt; /* Count of Ack Cancel for Frame Burst */
uint16 bt_le_scan_tx_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan Tx Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_le_scan_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan INterrupt Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_intr; /* A2DP Grant Extension Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_prcsd_cnt; /* A2DP Grant Extension Processed Count */
uint16 bt_pred_out_of_sync_cnt; /* Predictor Out Of Sync Count */
uint16 bt_dcsn_map; /* Accumulated decision bitmap once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_dcsn_cnt; /* Accumulated decision bitmap counters once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_a2dp_hiwat_cnt; /* Ant grant by a2dp high watermark */
uint16 bt_datadelay_cnt; /* Ant grant by acl/a2dp datadelay */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 a2dpbuf1cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 1 */
uint16 a2dpbuf2cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 2 */
uint16 a2dpbuf3cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 3 */
uint16 a2dpbuf4cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 4 */
uint16 a2dpbuf5cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 5 */
uint16 a2dpbuf6cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 6 */
uint16 a2dpbuf7cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 7 */
uint16 a2dpbuf8cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 8 */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge0ms; /* WL duration count between 0-5ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge5ms; /* WL duration count between 5-12ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge12ms; /* WL duration count between 12-21ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge21ms; /* WL duration count between 21-30ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge30ms; /* WL duration count between 30-65ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge65ms; /* WL Duration greater than 65ms */
uint16 nan_idle_cnt; /* Nan Idle Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_dw_cnt; /* Nan Pre Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_data_cnt; /* Nan Pre Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_post_dw_cnt; /* Nan Post Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_dw_cnt; /* Nan Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p1_cnt; /* Nan P1 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p2_cnt; /* Nan P2 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pri_deny_cnt; /* Nan Priority Slot Denial Count */
} wlc_btc_stats_v8_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_7 7
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v7 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_cnt; /* PM protection attempts */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report */
uint8 PAD; /* Padding */
} wlc_btc_stats_v7_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_6 6
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v6 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_attempt_cnt; /* PM protection attempts */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint8 PAD; /* Padding */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report */
} wlc_btc_stats_v6_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_5 5
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v5 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* btc status log */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_pm_protect_cnt; /* PM protection count requested by Coex */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_frameburst_ack_cncl_cnt; /* Count of Ack Cancel for Frame Burst */
uint16 bt_le_scan_tx_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan Tx Interrupt Count */
uint16 bt_le_scan_intr_cnt; /* LE Scan INterrupt Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_intr; /* A2DP Grant Extension Count */
uint16 bt_a2dp_grant_ext_prcsd_cnt; /* A2DP Grant Extension Processed Count */
uint16 bt_pred_out_of_sync_cnt; /* Predictor Out Of Sync Count */
uint16 bt_dcsn_map; /* Accumulated decision bitmap once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_dcsn_cnt; /* Accumulated decision bitmap counters once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_a2dp_hiwat_cnt; /* Ant grant by a2dp high watermark */
uint16 bt_datadelay_cnt; /* Ant grant by acl/a2dp datadelay */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 a2dpbuf1cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 1 */
uint16 a2dpbuf2cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 2 */
uint16 a2dpbuf3cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 3 */
uint16 a2dpbuf4cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 4 */
uint16 a2dpbuf5cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 5 */
uint16 a2dpbuf6cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 6 */
uint16 a2dpbuf7cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 7 */
uint16 a2dpbuf8cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 8 */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge0ms; /* WL duration count between 0-5ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge5ms; /* WL duration count between 5-12ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge12ms; /* WL duration count between 12-21ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge21ms; /* WL duration count between 21-30ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge30ms; /* WL duration count between 30-65ms */
uint16 wldurn_ge65ms; /* WL Duration greater than 65ms */
uint16 nan_idle_cnt; /* Nan Idle Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_dw_cnt; /* Nan Pre Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pre_data_cnt; /* Nan Pre Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_post_dw_cnt; /* Nan Post Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_dw_cnt; /* Nan Dw Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p1_cnt; /* Nan P1 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_data_p2_cnt; /* Nan P2 Data Slot Count */
uint16 nan_pri_deny_cnt; /* Nan Priority Slot Denial Count */
} wlc_btc_stats_v5_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_4 4
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v4 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_dcsn_map; /* Accumulated decision bitmap once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_dcsn_cnt; /* Accumulated decision bitmap counters once Ant grant */
uint16 bt_a2dp_hiwat_cnt; /* Ant grant by a2dp high watermark */
uint16 bt_datadelay_cnt; /* Ant grant by acl/a2dp datadelay */
uint16 bt_crtpri_cnt; /* Ant grant by critical BT task */
uint16 bt_pri_cnt; /* Ant grant by high BT task */
uint16 a2dpbuf1cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 1 */
uint16 a2dpbuf2cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 2 */
uint16 a2dpbuf3cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 3 */
uint16 a2dpbuf4cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 4 */
uint16 a2dpbuf5cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 5 */
uint16 a2dpbuf6cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 6 */
uint16 a2dpbuf7cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 7 */
uint16 a2dpbuf8cnt; /* Ant request with a2dp buffercnt 8 */
uint16 antgrant_lt10ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 0~10ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt30ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 10~30ms */
uint16 antgrant_lt60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 30~60ms */
uint16 antgrant_ge60ms; /* Ant grant duration cnt 60~ms */
} wlc_btc_stats_v4_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_3 3
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v3 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 rsvd; /* pad to align struct to 32bit bndry */
uint16 bt_succ_pm_protect_cnt; /* successful PM protection */
uint16 bt_succ_cts_cnt; /* successful CTS2A protection */
uint16 bt_wlan_tx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN TX Preemption */
uint16 bt_wlan_rx_preempt_cnt; /* WLAN RX Preemption */
uint16 bt_ap_tx_after_pm_cnt; /* AP TX even after PM protection */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_peraud_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for periodic audio */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_a2dp_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for A2DP */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_gnt_cnt; /* Grant cnt for Sniff */
uint16 bt_sniff_cumu_deny_cnt; /* Deny cnt for Sniff */
uint8 PAD; /* Padding */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice to report */
} wlc_btc_stats_v3_t;
#define BTCX_STATS_VER_2 2
typedef struct wlc_btc_stats_v2 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validness */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated. */
uint32 btc_status; /* Hybrid/TDM indicator: Bit2:Hybrid, Bit1:TDM,Bit0:CoexEnabled */
uint32 bt_req_type_map; /* BT Antenna Req types since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_req_cnt; /* #BT antenna requests since last stats sampl */
uint32 bt_gnt_cnt; /* #BT antenna grants since last stats sample */
uint32 bt_gnt_dur; /* usec BT owns antenna since last stats sample */
uint16 bt_abort_cnt; /* #Times WL was preempted due to BT since WL up */
uint16 bt_rxf1ovfl_cnt; /* #Time PSNULL retry count exceeded since WL up */
uint16 bt_latency_cnt; /* #Time ucode high latency detected since WL up */
uint16 rsvd; /* pad to align struct to 32bit bndry */
} wlc_btc_stats_v2_t;
#define TXCAL_MAX_PA_MODE 4 /* signed for assigning minus for undefined */
#define ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT 8u /* Max sub band counts i.e., 160Mhz = 8 * 20MHZ */
#define PHY_RX_GAIN_INDICES 16u /* num of Rx gain indices */
#define PHY_TX_GAIN_CAL 3u /* num of Tx gain indices */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v1 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint8 slice;
uint8 PAD;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened. */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests. */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request. */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin. */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal. */
} phy_ecounter_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v1 {
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 noise_level_inst; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v2 {
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 rssi_per_ant; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
int8 phylog_noise_pwr_array[8]; /* noise buffer array */
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v3 {
uint16 bad_txbaseidx_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx=127 in healthcheck */
uint16 curr_tssival; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].TSSIVal */
uint16 pwridx_init; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].pwrIndex_init_path[01] */
uint16 auxphystats; /* Indicates the PHY stats for aux slice */
uint16 phystatsgaininfo; /* Indicates the gain stats */
uint16 flexgaininfo_A; /* Indicates the gain settings */
uint8 crsmin_pwr_idx; /* Index to the crsminpower threshold array */
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 noise_level_inst; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
uint8 PAD1[2];
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v3_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v4 {
uint16 bad_txbaseidx_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx=127 in healthcheck */
uint16 curr_tssival; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].TSSIVal */
uint16 pwridx_init; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].pwrIndex_init_path[01] */
uint16 auxphystats; /* Indicates the PHY stats for aux slice */
uint16 phystatsgaininfo; /* Indicates the gain stats */
uint16 flexgaininfo_A; /* Indicates the gain settings */
uint8 crsmin_pwr_idx; /* Index to the crsminpower threshold array */
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 noise_level_inst; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Energy detection threshold */
uint8 PAD1;
int8 obss_pwrest[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* OBSS signal power per sub-band in dBm */
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v4_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v5 {
uint16 bad_txbaseidx_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx=127 in healthcheck */
uint16 curr_tssival; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].TSSIVal */
uint16 pwridx_init; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].pwrIndex_init_path[01] */
uint16 auxphystats; /* Indicates the PHY stats for aux slice */
uint16 phystatsgaininfo; /* Indicates the gain stats */
uint16 flexgaininfo_A; /* Indicates the gain settings */
uint8 crsmin_pwr_idx; /* Index to the crsminpower threshold array */
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 noise_level_inst; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Energy detection threshold */
uint8 debug_01; /* for future debugging */
int16 debug_02; /* for future debugging */
int16 debug_03; /* for future debugging */
int16 debug_04; /* for future debugging */
int16 debug_05; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_06; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_07; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_08; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_09; /* for future debugging */
uint32 debug_10; /* for future debugging */
int8 obss_pwrest[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* OBSS signal power per sub-band in dBm */
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v5_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_log_core_v255 {
uint16 bad_txbaseidx_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx=127 in healthcheck */
uint16 curr_tssival; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].TSSIVal */
uint16 pwridx_init; /* TxPwrCtrlInit_path[01].pwrIndex_init_path[01] */
uint16 auxphystats; /* Indicates the PHY stats for aux slice */
uint16 phystatsgaininfo; /* Indicates the gain stats */
uint16 flexgaininfo_A; /* Indicates the gain settings */
uint8 crsmin_pwr_idx; /* Index to the crsminpower threshold array */
uint8 baseindxval; /* TPC Base index */
int8 crsmin_pwr; /* Noise level for applied desense */
int8 noise_level_inst; /* Instantaneous noise cal pwr */
int8 tgt_pwr; /* Programmed Target power */
int8 estpwradj; /* Current Est Power Adjust value */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Energy detection threshold */
uint8 PAD1;
int8 obss_pwrest[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* OBSS signal power per sub-band in dBm */
} phy_ecounter_log_core_v255_t;
/* Do not remove phy_ecounter_v1_t parameters */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v2 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint8 slice;
uint8 PAD1; /* padding */
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened. */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests. */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request. */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin. */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single&multi phase cal. */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint32 chan_switch_cnt; /* channel switch count */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temparature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temparature */
uint8 rxchain; /* Rx Chain */
uint8 txchain; /* Tx Chain */
uint8 ofdm_desense; /* OFDM desense */
uint8 bphy_desense; /* BPHY desense */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Depth of stay_in_carrier_search function */
uint8 phylog_noise_mode; /* noise cal mode */
uint8 total_desense_on; /* total desense on flag */
uint8 initgain_desense; /* initgain desense when total desense is on */
uint8 crsmin_init; /* crsmin_init threshold when total desense is on */
uint8 lte_ofdm_desense; /* ofdm desense dut to lte */
uint8 lte_bphy_desense; /* ofdm desense dut to bphy */
int8 crsmin_high; /* crsmin high when applying desense */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* weakest link RSSI */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Threshold applied for ED */
uint8 PAD2; /* padding */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v2_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v2_t;
/* Do not remove phy_ecounter_v1_t parameters */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v3 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened. */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests. */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request. */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin. */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal. */
uint8 crsmin_pwr_idx; /* Index to the crsminpower threshold array */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 curr_home_channel; /* Current home channel */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Threshold applied for ED */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
uint8 scca_txstall_precondition; /* SmartCCA TX stall precondition */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v1_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v3_t;
/* Do not remove phy_ecounter_v1_t parameters */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v4 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened. */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests. */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request. */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin. */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal. */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 curr_home_channel; /* Current home channel */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int32 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
int8 ed_threshold; /* Threshold applied for ED */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
uint8 scca_txstall_precondition; /* SmartCCA TX stall precondition */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint16 counter_noise_iqest_to; /* count of IQ_Est time out */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
uint32 measurehold; /* PHY hold activities */
uint32 rxsense_disable_req_ch; /* channel disable requests */
uint32 ocl_disable_reqs; /* OCL disable bitmap */
uint32 interference_mode; /* interference mitigation mode */
uint32 power_mode; /* power mode */
uint32 obss_last_read_time; /* last stats read time */
int32 asym_intf_ed_thresh; /* smartcca ed threshold %d */
uint16 obss_mit_bw; /* selected mitigation BW */
uint16 obss_stats_cnt; /* stats count */
uint16 dynbw_init_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of initiator */
uint16 dynbw_resp_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of responder */
uint16 dynbw_rxdata_reducebw_cnt; /* rx data cnt with reduced BW */
uint16 obss_mmt_skip_cnt; /* mmt skipped due to powersave */
uint16 obss_mmt_no_result_cnt; /* mmt with no result */
uint16 obss_mmt_intr_err_cnt; /* obss reg mismatch between ucode and fw */
uint16 gci_lst_inv_ctr; /* last gci invalid */
uint16 gci_lst_rst_ctr; /* last gci restore 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_sem_ctr; /* last gci seq number 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_rb_st; /* last gci status */
uint16 gci_dbg01; /* gci dbg1 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg02; /* gci dbg2 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg03; /* gci dbg3 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg04; /* gci dbg4 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg05; /* gci dbg5 readback */
uint16 gci_lst_st_msk; /* gci last status mask */
uint16 gci_inv_tx; /* invalid gci during tx */
uint16 gci_inv_rx; /* invalid gci during rx */
uint16 gci_rst_tx; /* gci restore during tx */
uint16 gci_rst_rx; /* gci restore during rx */
uint16 gci_sem_ctr; /* gci seq number ctr */
uint16 gci_invstate; /* gci status 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_ctl2; /* gci ctrl 2 */
uint16 gci_chan; /* channel during gci read 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_cm; /* channel during gci read */
uint16 gci_sc; /* gci read during scan */
uint16 gci_rst_sc; /* gci restore during scan */
uint16 gci_prdc_rx; /* periodic gci hc */
uint16 gci_wk_rx; /* gci hc during wake */
uint16 gci_rmac_rx; /* gci hc during mac read */
uint16 gci_tx_rx; /* gci hc during tx/rx */
uint16 asym_intf_stats; /* smartCCA status 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat; /* noise cal and crs status %d */
int16 ed_crsEn; /* ed enable 0x%04x */
int16 nvcfg0; /* noise update to hw 0x%04x */
uint8 cal_suppressed_cntr_ed; /* cnt including ss, mp cals, MSB is cur state */
uint8 sc_dccal_incc_cnt; /* scan dccal counter */
uint8 sc_noisecal_incc_cnt; /* scan noise cal counter */
uint8 obss_need_updt; /* BW update needed flag */
uint8 obss_mit_status; /* obss mitigation status */
uint8 obss_final_rec_bw; /* final recommended bw to wlc-Sent to SW */
uint8 btc_mode; /* btc mode */
uint8 asym_intf_ant_noise_idx; /* current noise storage index */
uint8 asym_intf_pending_host_req_type; /* usb plugin request */
uint8 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat_idx; /* crs status storage index %d */
int8 rxsense_noise_idx; /* rxsense det thresh desense idx */
int8 rxsense_offset; /* rxsense min power desense idx */
int8 asym_intf_tx_smartcca_cm; /* smartCCA tx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_rx_noise_mit_cm; /* smartCCA rx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_avg_noise[2]; /* average noise %d */
int8 asym_intf_latest_noise[2]; /* current noise %d */
uint8 obss_curr_det[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* obss curr detection */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v3_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v4_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v5 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 btc_mode; /* btc mode */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int32 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
int8 rxsense_noise_idx; /* rxsense det thresh desense idx */
int8 rxsense_offset; /* rxsense min power desense idx */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint16 counter_noise_iqest_to; /* count of IQ_Est time out */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
uint32 measurehold; /* PHY hold activities */
uint32 rxsense_disable_req_ch; /* channel disable requests */
uint32 ocl_disable_reqs; /* OCL disable bitmap */
uint32 interference_mode; /* interference mitigation mode */
uint32 power_mode; /* power mode */
uint32 obss_last_read_time; /* last stats read time */
int32 asym_intf_ed_thresh; /* smartcca ed threshold %d */
uint16 obss_mit_bw; /* selected mitigation BW */
uint16 obss_stats_cnt; /* stats count */
uint16 dynbw_init_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of initiator */
uint16 dynbw_resp_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of responder */
uint16 dynbw_rxdata_reducebw_cnt; /* rx data cnt with reduced BW */
uint16 obss_mmt_skip_cnt; /* mmt skipped due to powersave */
uint16 obss_mmt_no_result_cnt; /* mmt with no result */
uint16 obss_mmt_intr_err_cnt; /* obss reg mismatch between ucode and fw */
uint16 gci_lst_inv_ctr; /* last gci invalid */
uint16 gci_lst_rst_ctr; /* last gci restore 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_sem_ctr; /* last gci seq number 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_rb_st; /* last gci status */
uint16 gci_dbg01; /* gci dbg1 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg02; /* gci dbg2 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg03; /* gci dbg3 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg04; /* gci dbg4 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg05; /* gci dbg5 readback */
uint16 gci_lst_st_msk; /* gci last status mask */
uint16 gci_inv_tx; /* invalid gci during tx */
uint16 gci_inv_rx; /* invalid gci during rx */
uint16 gci_rst_tx; /* gci restore during tx */
uint16 gci_rst_rx; /* gci restore during rx */
uint16 gci_sem_ctr; /* gci seq number ctr */
uint16 gci_invstate; /* gci status 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_ctl2; /* gci ctrl 2 */
uint16 gci_chan; /* channel during gci read 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_cm; /* channel during gci read */
uint16 gci_sc; /* gci read during scan */
uint16 gci_rst_sc; /* gci restore during scan */
uint16 gci_prdc_rx; /* periodic gci hc */
uint16 gci_wk_rx; /* gci hc during wake */
uint16 gci_rmac_rx; /* gci hc during mac read */
uint16 gci_tx_rx; /* gci hc during tx/rx */
uint16 asym_intf_stats; /* smartCCA status 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat; /* noise cal and crs status %d */
int16 ed_crsEn; /* ed enable 0x%04x */
int16 nvcfg0; /* noise update to hw 0x%04x */
uint8 cal_suppressed_cntr_ed; /* cnt including ss, mp cals, MSB is cur state */
uint8 sc_dccal_incc_cnt; /* scan dccal counter */
uint8 sc_noisecal_incc_cnt; /* scan noise cal counter */
uint8 obss_need_updt; /* BW update needed flag */
uint8 obss_mit_status; /* obss mitigation status */
uint8 obss_last_rec_bw; /* last recommended bw to wlc-Sent to SW */
uint8 asym_intf_ant_noise_idx; /* current noise storage index */
uint8 asym_intf_pending_host_req_type; /* usb plugin request */
uint8 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat_idx; /* crs status storage index %d */
int8 asym_intf_tx_smartcca_cm; /* smartCCA tx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_rx_noise_mit_cm; /* smartCCA rx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_avg_noise[2]; /* average noise %d */
int8 asym_intf_latest_noise[2]; /* current noise %d */
uint8 obss_curr_det[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* obss curr detection */
uint8 debug_01; /* padding */
uint8 debug_02; /* padding */
uint8 debug_03; /* padding */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v4_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v5_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v6 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 btc_mode; /* btc mode */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int32 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
int8 rxsense_noise_idx; /* rxsense det thresh desense idx */
int8 rxsense_offset; /* rxsense min power desense idx */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint16 counter_noise_iqest_to; /* count of IQ_Est time out */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
uint32 measurehold; /* PHY hold activities */
uint32 rxsense_disable_req_ch; /* channel disable requests */
uint32 ocl_disable_reqs; /* OCL disable bitmap */
uint32 interference_mode; /* interference mitigation mode */
uint32 power_mode; /* power mode */
uint32 obss_last_read_time; /* last stats read time */
int32 asym_intf_ed_thresh; /* smartcca ed threshold %d */
uint16 obss_mit_bw; /* selected mitigation BW */
uint16 obss_stats_cnt; /* stats count */
uint16 dynbw_init_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of initiator */
uint16 dynbw_resp_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of responder */
uint16 dynbw_rxdata_reducebw_cnt; /* rx data cnt with reduced BW */
uint16 obss_mmt_skip_cnt; /* mmt skipped due to powersave */
uint16 obss_mmt_no_result_cnt; /* mmt with no result */
uint16 obss_mmt_intr_err_cnt; /* obss reg mismatch between ucode and fw */
uint16 gci_lst_inv_ctr; /* last gci invalid */
uint16 gci_lst_rst_ctr; /* last gci restore 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_sem_ctr; /* last gci seq number 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_rb_st; /* last gci status */
uint16 gci_dbg01; /* gci dbg1 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg02; /* gci dbg2 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg03; /* gci dbg3 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg04; /* gci dbg4 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg05; /* gci dbg5 readback */
uint16 gci_lst_st_msk; /* gci last status mask */
uint16 gci_inv_tx; /* invalid gci during tx */
uint16 gci_inv_rx; /* invalid gci during rx */
uint16 gci_rst_tx; /* gci restore during tx */
uint16 gci_rst_rx; /* gci restore during rx */
uint16 gci_sem_ctr; /* gci seq number ctr */
uint16 gci_invstate; /* gci status 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_ctl2; /* gci ctrl 2 */
uint16 gci_chan; /* channel during gci read 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_cm; /* channel during gci read */
uint16 gci_sc; /* gci read during scan */
uint16 gci_rst_sc; /* gci restore during scan */
uint16 gci_prdc_rx; /* periodic gci hc */
uint16 gci_wk_rx; /* gci hc during wake */
uint16 gci_rmac_rx; /* gci hc during mac read */
uint16 gci_tx_rx; /* gci hc during tx/rx */
uint16 asym_intf_stats; /* smartCCA status 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat; /* noise cal and crs status %d */
int16 ed_crsEn; /* ed enable 0x%04x */
int16 nvcfg0; /* noise update to hw 0x%04x */
uint8 cal_suppressed_cntr_ed; /* cnt including ss, mp cals, MSB is cur state */
uint8 sc_dccal_incc_cnt; /* scan dccal counter */
uint8 sc_noisecal_incc_cnt; /* scan noise cal counter */
uint8 obss_need_updt; /* BW update needed flag */
uint8 obss_mit_status; /* obss mitigation status */
uint8 obss_last_rec_bw; /* last recommended bw to wlc-Sent to SW */
uint8 asym_intf_ant_noise_idx; /* current noise storage index */
uint8 asym_intf_pending_host_req_type; /* usb plugin request */
uint8 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat_idx; /* crs status storage index %d */
int8 asym_intf_tx_smartcca_cm; /* smartCCA tx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_rx_noise_mit_cm; /* smartCCA rx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_avg_noise[2]; /* average noise %d */
int8 asym_intf_latest_noise[2]; /* current noise %d */
uint8 obss_curr_det[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* obss curr detection */
uint8 debug_01; /* padding */
uint8 debug_02; /* padding */
uint8 debug_03; /* padding */
uint32 duration;
uint32 congest_meonly;
uint32 congest_ibss;
uint32 congest_obss;
uint32 interference;
phy_ecounter_log_core_v4_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v6_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v7 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 btc_mode; /* btc mode */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int32 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
int8 rxsense_noise_idx; /* rxsense det thresh desense idx */
int8 rxsense_offset; /* rxsense min power desense idx */
uint32 rxsense_disable_req_ch; /* channel disable requests */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 counter_noise_iqest_to; /* count of IQ_Est time out */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 debug_01; /* for future debugging */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
uint32 measurehold; /* PHY hold activities */
uint32 ocl_disable_reqs; /* OCL disable bitmap */
uint32 interference_mode; /* interference mitigation mode */
uint32 power_mode; /* power mode */
int32 asym_intf_ed_thresh; /* smartcca ed threshold %d */
uint32 obss_last_read_time; /* last stats read time */
uint16 obss_mit_bw; /* selected mitigation BW */
uint16 obss_stats_cnt; /* stats count */
uint16 obss_mmt_skip_cnt; /* mmt skipped due to powersave */
uint16 obss_mmt_no_result_cnt; /* mmt with no result */
uint16 obss_mmt_intr_err_cnt; /* obss reg mismatch between ucode and fw */
uint8 obss_last_rec_bw; /* last recommended bw to wlc-Sent to SW */
uint8 obss_cur_det_bitmap; /* OBSS curr detection bitmap */
uint8 obss_need_updt; /* BW update needed flag */
uint8 obss_mit_status; /* OBSS mitigation status */
uint16 dynbw_init_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of initiator */
uint16 dynbw_resp_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of responder */
uint16 dynbw_rxdata_reducebw_cnt; /* rx data cnt with reduced BW */
int16 ed_crsEn; /* ed enable 0x%04x */
int16 nvcfg0; /* noise update to hw 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_stats; /* smartCCA status 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat; /* noise cal and crs status %d */
uint8 asym_intf_ant_noise_idx; /* current noise storage index */
uint8 asym_intf_pending_host_req_type; /* usb plugin request */
uint8 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat_idx; /* crs status storage index %d */
int8 asym_intf_tx_smartcca_cm; /* smartCCA tx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_rx_noise_mit_cm; /* smartCCA rx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_avg_noise[2]; /* average noise %d */
int8 asym_intf_latest_noise[2]; /* current noise %d */
uint8 cal_suppressed_cntr_ed; /* cnt including ss, mp cals, MSB is cur state */
uint8 sc_dccal_incc_cnt; /* scan dccal counter */
uint8 sc_noisecal_incc_cnt; /* scan noise cal counter */
uint8 dcc_digi_gain; /* digi gain value used for DC cal */
uint8 dcc_est_overflow; /* DC cal estimation overflow indicator */
uint32 fbcx_info01; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint32 fbcx_info02; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint32 fbcx_info03; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint32 fbcx_info04; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint32 fbcx_info05; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint32 fbcx_info06; /* Indicates FBCX debug information */
uint16 scan_info; /* Indicates scan information */
uint16 scan_starts; /* Indicates frame starts */
uint16 scan_detect[3]; /* Indicates frame detections */
uint16 scan_good_fcs[3]; /* Indicates good FCS Rx counter */
uint16 scan_bad_fcs; /* Indicates bad FCS Rx counter */
uint16 scan_busy; /* Indicates hardware busy */
uint16 scan_errors; /* Indicates error counter */
uint16 debug_02; /* for future debugging */
uint32 srmc_debug_01; /* Indicates radio state info */
uint16 debug_cal_code_main_slice; /* Indicates VCO cal code main slice */
uint16 debug_cal_code_scan_5g_slice[8]; /* Indicates VCO cal code scan 5G radio */
uint16 PLL_2g_VCOCAL_calCapRB; /* Indicates VCO cal code */
int16 phy_cal_debug_01; /* Indicates DC cal params */
int16 phy_cal_debug_02; /* Indicates DC cal params */
uint16 ml_req_txcnt; /* Indicates ML notif req Tx count new attempts */
uint16 ml_req_tot_retry_cnt; /* Indicates ML notif req total retries */
uint16 ml_resp_rxcnt; /* Indicates ML notif resp Rx count */
uint16 ml_resp_match_rxcnt; /* Indicates ML notif resp all conds matched */
uint8 ml_req_retry_cnt; /* ML notification request retry count */
uint8 pa_mode; /* PA mode */
uint16 debug_03; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_04; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_05; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_06; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_07; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_08; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_09; /* for future debugging */
uint16 debug_10; /* for future debugging */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v5_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v7_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
/* Do not remove phy_ecounter_v1_t parameters */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_v255 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint16 phy_wdg; /* Count of times watchdog happened. */
uint16 noise_req; /* Count of phy noise sample requests. */
uint16 noise_crsbit; /* Count of CRS high during noisecal request. */
uint16 noise_apply; /* Count of applying noisecal result to crsmin. */
uint16 cal_counter; /* Count of performing single and multi phase cal. */
uint8 slice; /* Slice # 0 - MAIN, 1 - AUX, 2 - SCAN */
uint8 rxchain; /* Status of active RX chains */
uint8 txchain; /* Status of active TX chains */
uint8 gbd_bphy_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for bphy GBD */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_sleep_counter; /* Sleep count for ofdm GBD */
uint8 btc_mode; /* btc mode */
uint8 gbd_ofdm_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for ofdm reception */
uint8 gbd_bphy_desense; /* Glitch based desense level for bphy reception */
int8 chiptemp; /* Chip temperature */
int8 femtemp; /* Fem temperature */
int8 weakest_rssi; /* Weakest link RSSI */
int8 ltecx_mode; /* LTE coex desense mode */
int32 btcx_mode; /* BT coex desense mode */
uint8 chan_switch_cnt; /* Count to track channel change */
uint8 phycal_disable; /* Status of phy calibration */
int8 rxsense_noise_idx; /* rxsense det thresh desense idx */
int8 rxsense_offset; /* rxsense min power desense idx */
uint16 featureflag; /* Currently active feature flags */
uint16 deaf_count; /* Count for RX stay in carrier search state */
uint16 noise_mmt_overdue; /* Noise measurement overdue status */
uint16 crsmin_pwr_apply_cnt; /* Count for desense updates */
uint16 ed_crs_status; /* Status of ED and CRS during noise cal */
uint16 preempt_status1; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status2; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status3; /* status of preemption */
uint16 preempt_status4; /* status of preemption */
uint16 counter_noise_iqest_to; /* count of IQ_Est time out */
uint32 cca_stats_total_glitch; /* ccastats: count of total glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_glitch; /* ccastats: count of bphy glitches */
uint32 cca_stats_total_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of total badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_bphy_badplcp; /* ccastats: count of bphy badplcp */
uint32 cca_stats_mbsstime; /* ccastats: monitor duration in msec */
uint32 cca_stats_ed_duration; /* ccastats: ed_duration */
uint32 measurehold; /* PHY hold activities */
uint32 rxsense_disable_req_ch; /* channel disable requests */
uint32 ocl_disable_reqs; /* OCL disable bitmap */
uint32 interference_mode; /* interference mitigation mode */
uint32 power_mode; /* power mode */
uint32 obss_last_read_time; /* last stats read time */
int32 asym_intf_ed_thresh; /* smartcca ed threshold %d */
uint16 obss_mit_bw; /* selected mitigation BW */
uint16 obss_stats_cnt; /* stats count */
uint16 dynbw_init_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of initiator */
uint16 dynbw_resp_reducebw_cnt; /* BW reduction cnt of responder */
uint16 dynbw_rxdata_reducebw_cnt; /* rx data cnt with reduced BW */
uint16 obss_mmt_skip_cnt; /* mmt skipped due to powersave */
uint16 obss_mmt_no_result_cnt; /* mmt with no result */
uint16 obss_mmt_intr_err_cnt; /* obss reg mismatch between ucode and fw */
uint16 gci_lst_inv_ctr; /* last gci invalid */
uint16 gci_lst_rst_ctr; /* last gci restore 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_sem_ctr; /* last gci seq number 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_lst_rb_st; /* last gci status */
uint16 gci_dbg01; /* gci dbg1 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg02; /* gci dbg2 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg03; /* gci dbg3 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg04; /* gci dbg4 readback */
uint16 gci_dbg05; /* gci dbg5 readback */
uint16 gci_lst_st_msk; /* gci last status mask */
uint16 gci_inv_tx; /* invalid gci during tx */
uint16 gci_inv_rx; /* invalid gci during rx */
uint16 gci_rst_tx; /* gci restore during tx */
uint16 gci_rst_rx; /* gci restore during rx */
uint16 gci_sem_ctr; /* gci seq number ctr */
uint16 gci_invstate; /* gci status 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_ctl2; /* gci ctrl 2 */
uint16 gci_chan; /* channel during gci read 0x%04x */
uint16 gci_cm; /* channel during gci read */
uint16 gci_sc; /* gci read during scan */
uint16 gci_rst_sc; /* gci restore during scan */
uint16 gci_prdc_rx; /* periodic gci hc */
uint16 gci_wk_rx; /* gci hc during wake */
uint16 gci_rmac_rx; /* gci hc during mac read */
uint16 gci_tx_rx; /* gci hc during tx/rx */
uint16 asym_intf_stats; /* smartCCA status 0x%04x */
uint16 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat; /* noise cal and crs status %d */
int16 ed_crsEn; /* ed enable 0x%04x */
int16 nvcfg0; /* noise update to hw 0x%04x */
uint8 cal_suppressed_cntr_ed; /* cnt including ss, mp cals, MSB is cur state */
uint8 sc_dccal_incc_cnt; /* scan dccal counter */
uint8 sc_noisecal_incc_cnt; /* scan noise cal counter */
uint8 obss_need_updt; /* BW update needed flag */
uint8 obss_mit_status; /* obss mitigation status */
uint8 obss_last_rec_bw; /* last recommended bw to wlc-Sent to SW */
uint8 asym_intf_ant_noise_idx; /* current noise storage index */
uint8 asym_intf_pending_host_req_type; /* usb plugin request */
uint8 asym_intf_ncal_crs_stat_idx; /* crs status storage index %d */
int8 asym_intf_tx_smartcca_cm; /* smartCCA tx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_rx_noise_mit_cm; /* smartCCA rx coremask %d */
int8 asym_intf_avg_noise[2]; /* average noise %d */
int8 asym_intf_latest_noise[2]; /* current noise %d */
uint8 obss_curr_det[ACPHY_OBSS_SUBBAND_CNT]; /* obss curr detection */
uint8 debug_01; /* padding */
uint8 debug_02; /* padding */
uint8 debug_03; /* padding */
phy_ecounter_log_core_v255_t phy_ecounter_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_v255_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_core_v1 {
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
int32 rxs;
int32 rxs_vpoff;
int32 rxs_ipoff;
/* OFDM and BPHY TxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txa;
uint16 ofdm_txb;
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 bphy_txa;
uint16 bphy_txb;
uint16 bphy_txd; /* contain di & dq */
/* the number of times the baseidx is
* greater than a certain threshold
uint16 txbaseidx_gtthres_cnt;
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 rxa;
uint16 rxb;
uint8 PAD2;
uint8 PAD3;
/* Rx IQ Cal coeff */
uint16 rxa_vpoff; /* not present in 4378 */
uint16 rxb_vpoff; /* not present in 4378 */
uint16 rxa_ipoff; /* not present in 4378 */
uint16 rxb_ipoff; /* not present in 4378 */
/* Tx IQ/LO calibration coeffs */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a2;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b2;
/* tx baseindex */
uint8 baseidx;
uint8 baseidx_cck;
/* adc cap cal */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcQ;
} phy_ecounter_phycal_core_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_phycal_core_v2 {
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
int32 rxs;
/* OFDM and BPHY TxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txa;
uint16 ofdm_txb;
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 bphy_txa;
uint16 bphy_txb;
uint16 bphy_txd;
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 rxa;
uint16 rxb;
/* Rx IQ Cal coeff */
uint16 rxa_vpoff;
uint16 rxb_vpoff;
uint16 rxa_ipoff;
uint16 rxb_ipoff;
int32 rxs_vpoff;
int32 rxs_ipoff;
/* Tx IQ/LO calibration coeffs */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a2;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b2;
/* tx baseindex */
uint8 baseidx;
uint8 baseidx_cck;
/* adc cap cal */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcQ;
int32 txs;
int16 txs_mean;
uint16 txbaseidx_gtthres_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx > hi_thres in healthcheck */
uint16 txgain_rad_gain;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_mi;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_hi;
uint16 txgain_dac_gain;
uint16 txgain_bbmult;
int16 rxs_mean_vpoff;
int16 rxs_mean_ipoff;
int16 rxs_mean;
uint8 rxms;
uint8 rxms_vpoff;
uint8 rxms_ipoff;
uint8 ccktxgain_offset;
int8 mppc_gain_offset_qdB[TXCAL_MAX_PA_MODE];
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint8 debug_01;
uint8 debug_02;
uint8 debug_03;
uint8 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
uint16 debug_06;
uint16 debug_07;
uint16 debug_08;
uint32 debug_09;
uint32 debug_10;
uint32 debug_11;
uint32 debug_12;
} phy_phycal_core_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_phycal_core_v3 {
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 rxa;
uint16 rxb;
int32 rxs;
/* OFDM and BPHY TxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
/* tx baseindex */
uint8 baseidx;
uint8 baseidx_cck;
/* Rx IQ Cal coeff */
uint16 rxa_vpoff;
uint16 rxb_vpoff;
uint16 rxa_ipoff;
uint16 rxb_ipoff;
int32 rxs_vpoff;
int32 rxs_ipoff;
/* Tx IQ/LO calibration coeffs */
uint16 txiqlo_a0;
uint16 txiqlo_b0;
uint16 txiqlo_a1;
uint16 txiqlo_b1;
uint16 txiqlo_a2;
uint16 txiqlo_b2;
/* Misc. calibration params */
int32 txs;
int16 txs_mean;
uint16 txbaseidx_gtthres_cnt;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_mi;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_hi;
uint16 txgain_bbmult;
int16 rxs_mean_vpoff;
int16 rxs_mean_ipoff;
int16 rxs_mean;
uint8 rxms;
uint8 rxms_vpoff;
uint8 rxms_ipoff;
uint8 ccktxgain_offset;
int8 mppc_gain_offset_qdB[TXCAL_MAX_PA_MODE];
int16 dc_est_i; /* Residual DC Estimate */
int16 dc_est_q; /* Residual DC Estimate */
int16 kappa_theta[PHY_RX_GAIN_INDICES][2u]; /* RX-IQ comp coefficients */
int16 dc_re_im[PHY_RX_GAIN_INDICES][2u]; /* DC compensation coefficients */
int16 txgaincal[PHY_TX_GAIN_CAL]; /* txgaincal correction factor */
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint16 debug_01;
uint16 debug_02;
uint16 debug_03;
uint16 debug_04;
uint32 debug_05;
uint32 debug_06;
} phy_phycal_core_v3_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
typedef struct phy_phycal_core_v255 {
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
int32 rxs;
/* OFDM and BPHY TxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 ofdm_txa;
uint16 ofdm_txb;
uint16 ofdm_txd; /* contain di & dq */
uint16 bphy_txa;
uint16 bphy_txb;
uint16 bphy_txd;
/* RxIQ imbalance coeff */
uint16 rxa;
uint16 rxb;
/* Rx IQ Cal coeff */
uint16 rxa_vpoff;
uint16 rxb_vpoff;
uint16 rxa_ipoff;
uint16 rxb_ipoff;
int32 rxs_vpoff;
int32 rxs_ipoff;
/* Tx IQ/LO calibration coeffs */
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b0;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b1;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_a2;
uint16 txiqlo_2g_b2;
/* tx baseindex */
uint8 baseidx;
uint8 baseidx_cck;
/* adc cap cal */
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcI;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap0_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap1_adcQ;
uint8 adc_coeff_cap2_adcQ;
int32 txs;
int16 txs_mean;
uint16 txbaseidx_gtthres_cnt; /* cntr for tx_baseidx > hi_thres in healthcheck */
uint16 txgain_rad_gain;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_mi;
uint16 txgain_rad_gain_hi;
uint16 txgain_dac_gain;
uint16 txgain_bbmult;
int16 rxs_mean_vpoff;
int16 rxs_mean_ipoff;
int16 rxs_mean;
uint8 rxms;
uint8 rxms_vpoff;
uint8 rxms_ipoff;
uint8 ccktxgain_offset;
int8 mppc_gain_offset_qdB[TXCAL_MAX_PA_MODE];
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint8 debug_01;
uint8 debug_02;
uint8 debug_03;
uint8 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
uint16 debug_06;
uint16 debug_07;
uint16 debug_08;
uint32 debug_09;
uint32 debug_10;
uint32 debug_11;
uint32 debug_12;
} phy_phycal_core_v255_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_v1 {
uint32 last_cal_time; /* in [sec], covers 136 years if 32 bit */
chanspec_t chanspec;
int16 last_cal_temp;
bool txiqlocal_retry;
bool rxe;
uint8 cal_phase_id;
uint8 slice;
phy_ecounter_phycal_core_v1_t phy_ecounter_phycal_core[2];
} phy_ecounter_phycal_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_phycal_v2 {
uint32 last_cal_time; /* in [sec], covers 136 years if 32 bit */
chanspec_t chanspec;
int16 last_cal_temp;
bool txiqlocal_retry;
bool rxe;
uint8 cal_phase_id;
uint8 slice;
uint32 desense_reason;
uint16 dur; /* duration of cal in usec */
uint8 reason;
uint8 hc_retry_count_vpoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_ipoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_rx;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_vpoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_ipoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx;
uint8 sc_rxiqcal_skip_cnt;
uint8 hc_retry_count_tx;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_tx;
uint16 txiqcal_max_retry_cnt;
uint16 txiqcal_max_slope_cnt;
uint16 mppc_cal_failed_count;
uint16 pad01;
uint16 txiqlocal_coeffs[20];
bool is_mppc_gain_offset_cal_success;
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint8 debug_01;
uint8 debug_02;
uint8 debug_03;
uint16 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
uint16 debug_06;
uint16 debug_07;
uint32 debug_08;
uint32 debug_09;
uint32 debug_10;
uint32 debug_11;
phy_phycal_core_v2_t phy_phycal_core[2];
} phy_phycal_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_phycal_v3 {
/* General info */
uint32 last_cal_time; /* in [sec], covers 136 years if 32 bit */
chanspec_t chanspec;
int16 last_cal_temp;
uint8 txiqlocal_retry;
uint8 rxe;
uint8 cal_phase_id;
uint8 slice;
uint32 desense_reason;
uint16 dur; /* duration of cal in usec */
uint8 reason;
/* Health check counters */
uint8 hc_retry_count_vpoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_ipoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_rx;
uint8 hc_retry_count_tx;
/* Health check exceed conditions */
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_vpoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_ipoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_tx;
uint8 sc_rxiqcal_skip_cnt;
/* Tx cal counters */
uint16 txiqcal_max_retry_cnt;
uint16 txiqcal_max_slope_cnt;
uint16 mppc_cal_failed_count;
uint16 debug_01;
uint16 txiqlocal_coeffs[20];
uint8 is_mppc_gain_offset_cal_success;
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint8 debug_02;
uint8 debug_03;
uint8 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
uint16 debug_06;
uint32 debug_07;
uint32 debug_08;
phy_phycal_core_v3_t phy_phycal_core[2];
} phy_phycal_v3_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
typedef struct phy_phycal_v255 {
uint32 last_cal_time; /* in [sec], covers 136 years if 32 bit */
chanspec_t chanspec;
int16 last_cal_temp;
uint8 txiqlocal_retry;
uint8 rxe;
uint8 cal_phase_id;
uint8 slice;
uint32 desense_reason;
uint16 dur; /* duration of cal in usec */
uint8 reason;
uint8 hc_retry_count_vpoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_ipoff;
uint8 hc_retry_count_rx;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_vpoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx_ipoff;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_rx;
uint8 sc_rxiqcal_skip_cnt;
uint8 hc_retry_count_tx;
uint8 hc_dev_exceed_log_tx;
uint16 txiqcal_max_retry_cnt;
uint16 txiqcal_max_slope_cnt;
uint16 mppc_cal_failed_count;
uint16 pad01;
uint16 txiqlocal_coeffs[20];
uint8 is_mppc_gain_offset_cal_success;
/* Misc general purpose debug counters (will be used for future debugging) */
uint8 debug_01;
uint8 debug_02;
uint8 debug_03;
uint16 debug_04;
uint16 debug_05;
uint16 debug_06;
uint16 debug_07;
uint32 debug_08;
uint32 debug_09;
uint32 debug_10;
uint32 debug_11;
phy_phycal_core_v255_t phy_phycal_core[2];
} phy_phycal_v255_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_phycal_v1_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_phycal_v2_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v3 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_phycal_v3_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v3_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v255 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_phycal_v255_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_phycal_stats_v255_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD;
phy_ecounter_v1_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v1_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v2_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v2_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v3 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v3_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v3_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v4 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v4_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v4_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v5 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v5_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v5_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v6 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v6_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v6_t;
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v7 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v7_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v7_t;
/* For trunk ONLY */
typedef struct phy_ecounter_stats_v255 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint8 num_channel; /* Number of active channels. */
uint8 PAD[3];
phy_ecounter_v255_t phy_counter[];
} phy_ecounter_stats_v255_t;
/* Durations for each bt task in millisecond */
#define WL_BTCX_DURSTATS_VER_2 (2u)
typedef struct wlc_btcx_durstats_v2 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validity of this struct */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated */
uint16 bt_acl_dur; /* acl duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sco_dur; /* sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_esco_dur; /* esco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_a2dp_dur; /* a2dp duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sniff_dur; /* sniff duration in ms */
uint16 bt_pscan_dur; /* page scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_iscan_dur; /* inquiry scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_page_dur; /* paging duration in ms */
uint16 bt_inquiry_dur; /* inquiry duration in ms */
uint16 bt_mss_dur; /* mss duration in ms */
uint16 bt_chsd_dur; /* channel sounding duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rssiscan_dur; /* rssiscan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_iscan_sco_dur; /* inquiry scan sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_pscan_sco_dur; /* page scan sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_tpoll_dur; /* tpoll duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sacq_dur; /* sacq duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sdata_dur; /* sdata duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rs_listen_dur; /* rs listen duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rs_burst_dur; /* rs brust duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_adv_dur; /* ble adv duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_scan_dur; /* ble scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_init_dur; /* ble init duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_conn_dur; /* ble connection duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task_lmp_dur; /* lmp duration in ms */
uint16 bt_esco_retran_dur; /* esco retransmission duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task26_dur; /* task26 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task27_dur; /* task27 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task28_dur; /* task28 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task_pred_dur; /* prediction task duration in ms */
uint16 bt_multihid_dur; /* multihid duration in ms */
uint16 bt_scan_tx_dur; /* Scan Tx duration in ms */
uint16 bt_disable_dual_bt_dur; /* Duration of Dual BT disable */
} wlc_btcx_durstats_v2_t;
#define WL_BTCX_DURSTATS_VER_1 (1u)
typedef struct wlc_btcx_durstats_v1 {
uint16 version; /* version number of struct */
uint16 valid; /* validity of this struct */
uint32 stats_update_timestamp; /* tStamp when data is updated */
uint16 bt_acl_dur; /* acl duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sco_dur; /* sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_esco_dur; /* esco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_a2dp_dur; /* a2dp duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sniff_dur; /* sniff duration in ms */
uint16 bt_pscan_dur; /* page scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_iscan_dur; /* inquiry scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_page_dur; /* paging duration in ms */
uint16 bt_inquiry_dur; /* inquiry duration in ms */
uint16 bt_mss_dur; /* mss duration in ms */
uint16 bt_park_dur; /* park duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rssiscan_dur; /* rssiscan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_iscan_sco_dur; /* inquiry scan sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_pscan_sco_dur; /* page scan sco duration in ms */
uint16 bt_tpoll_dur; /* tpoll duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sacq_dur; /* sacq duration in ms */
uint16 bt_sdata_dur; /* sdata duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rs_listen_dur; /* rs listen duration in ms */
uint16 bt_rs_burst_dur; /* rs brust duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_adv_dur; /* ble adv duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_scan_dur; /* ble scan duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_init_dur; /* ble init duration in ms */
uint16 bt_ble_conn_dur; /* ble connection duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task_lmp_dur; /* lmp duration in ms */
uint16 bt_esco_retran_dur; /* esco retransmission duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task26_dur; /* task26 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task27_dur; /* task27 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task28_dur; /* task28 duration in ms */
uint16 bt_task_pred_dur; /* prediction task duration in ms */
uint16 bt_multihid_dur; /* multihid duration in ms */
} wlc_btcx_durstats_v1_t;
#define WL_IF_STATS_T_VERSION_1 1 /**< current version of wl_if_stats structure */
/** per interface counters */
typedef struct wl_if_stats {
uint16 version; /**< version of the structure */
uint16 length; /**< length of the entire structure */
uint32 PAD; /**< padding */
/* transmit stat counters */
uint64 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint64 txbyte; /**< tx data bytes */
uint64 txerror; /**< tx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint64 txnobuf; /**< tx out of buffer errors */
uint64 txrunt; /**< tx runt frames */
uint64 txfail; /**< tx failed frames */
uint64 txretry; /**< tx retry frames */
uint64 txretrie; /**< tx multiple retry frames */
uint64 txfrmsnt; /**< tx sent frames */
uint64 txmulti; /**< tx mulitcast sent frames */
uint64 txfrag; /**< tx fragments sent */
/* receive stat counters */
uint64 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint64 rxbyte; /**< rx data bytes */
uint64 rxerror; /**< rx data errors (derived: sum of others) */
uint64 rxnobuf; /**< rx out of buffer errors */
uint64 rxrunt; /**< rx runt frames */
uint64 rxfragerr; /**< rx fragment errors */
uint64 rxmulti; /**< rx multicast frames */
uint64 txexptime; /* DATA Tx frames suppressed due to timer expiration */
uint64 txrts; /* RTS/CTS succeeeded count */
uint64 txnocts; /* RTS/CTS faled count */
uint64 txretrans; /* Number of frame retransmissions */
} wl_if_stats_t;
/* ##### Ecounters section ##### */
/* Input structure for ecounters IOVAR */
typedef struct ecounters_config_request {
uint16 version; /* config version */
uint16 set; /* Set where data will go. */
uint16 size; /* Size of the set. */
uint16 timeout; /* timeout in seconds. */
uint16 num_events; /* Number of events to report. */
uint16 ntypes; /* Number of entries in type array. */
uint16 type[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY]; /* Statistics Types (tags) to retrieve. */
} ecounters_config_request_t;
OFFSETOF(ecounters_eventmsgs_ext_t, mask[0])
OFFSETOF(ecounters_trigger_config_t, type[0])
typedef struct ecounters_eventmsgs_ext {
uint8 version;
uint8 len;
uint8 mask[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY];
} ecounters_eventmsgs_ext_t;
typedef struct ecounters_trigger_config {
uint16 version; /* version */
uint16 set; /* set where data should go */
uint16 rsvd; /* reserved */
uint16 PAD; /* pad/reserved */
uint16 ntypes; /* number of types/tags */
uint16 type[BCM_FLEX_ARRAY]; /* list of types */
} ecounters_trigger_config_t;
typedef enum {
/* Triggered due to timer based ecounters */
/* Triggered due to event based configuration */
} ecounters_trigger_reasons_list_t;
typedef struct ecounters_trigger_reason {
uint16 version; /* version */
uint16 trigger_reason; /* trigger reason */
uint32 sub_reason_code; /* sub reason code */
uint32 trigger_time_now; /* time in ms at trigger */
uint32 host_ref_time; /* host ref time */
} ecounters_trigger_reason_t;
#define WL_LQM_VERSION_1 1
/* For wl_lqm_t flags field */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
/* taken from wl_wlc_cnt_t */
uint32 txfail;
/* taken from wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 lqcm_report; /**< lqcm metric tx/rx idx */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
} wl_periodic_compact_cntrs_v1_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
/* taken from wl_wlc_cnt_t */
uint32 txfail;
/* taken from wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 lqcm_report; /**< lqcm metric tx/rx idx */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 rxretry; /* Number of rx packets received after retry */
uint32 rxdup; /* Number of dump packet. Indicates whether peer is receiving ack */
uint32 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
} wl_periodic_compact_cntrs_v2_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
/* taken from wl_wlc_cnt_t */
uint32 txfail;
/* taken from wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 lqcm_report; /**< lqcm metric tx/rx idx */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 rxretry; /* Number of rx packets received after retry */
uint32 rxdup; /* Number of dump packet. Indicates whether peer is receiving ack */
uint32 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 rxholes; /* Count of missed packets from peer */
} wl_periodic_compact_cntrs_v3_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
/* taken from wl_wlc_cnt_t */
uint32 txfail;
/* taken from wl_cnt_ge40mcst_v1_t */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 lqcm_report; /**< lqcm metric tx/rx idx */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 rxretry; /* Number of rx packets received after retry */
uint32 rxdup; /* Number of dump packet. Indicates whether peer is receiving ack */
uint32 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 rxholes; /* Count of missed packets from peer */
uint32 rxundec; /* Decrypt failures */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /* Decrypt failures multicast */
uint16 replay; /* replay failures */
uint16 replay_mcst; /* ICV failures */
uint32 pktfilter_discard; /* Filtered packtets by pkt filter */
uint32 pktfilter_forward; /* Forwared packets by pkt filter */
uint32 mac_rxfilter; /* Pkts filtered due to class/auth state mismatch */
} wl_periodic_compact_cntrs_v4_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint8 PAD;
uint8 link_id; /**< link id corr to slice. NOT cfg idx */
/* taken from wl_wlc_cnt_t */
uint32 txfail;
/* taken from wl_cnt_ge88mcst_v1_t */
/* --------- TX ------------------- */
uint32 txallfrm; /**< total number of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 txucast; /**< number of unicast tx expecting response other than cts/cwcts */
uint32 txnoack; /**< dot11ACKFailureCount */
uint32 txframe; /**< tx data frames */
uint32 txretrans; /**< tx mac retransmits */
uint32 txpspoll; /**< Number of TX PS-poll */
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
uint32 tx_toss_cnt; /* number of tx packets tossed */
uint32 last_tx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last tx pkt tossed */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
/* --------- RX ------------------- */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< number of unicast CTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxback; /**< blockack rxcnt */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< number of received DATA frames (good FCS and no matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< number of received RTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< number of received CTS not addressed to the MAC */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint32 rxmpdu_mu; /**< Number of MU MPDUs received */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rx_toss_cnt; /* number of rx packets tossed */
uint32 last_rx_toss_rsn; /* reason because of which last rx pkt tossed */
uint32 rxretry; /* Number of rx packets received after retry */
uint32 rxdup; /* Number of dump packet. Indicates whether peer is receiving ack */
uint32 rxholes; /* Count of missed packets from peer */
uint32 rxundec; /* Decrypt failures */
uint32 rxundec_mcst; /* Decrypt failures multicast */
uint16 replay; /* replay failures */
uint16 replay_mcst; /* ICV failures */
/* -------------OTHERS--------------- */
uint32 lqcm_report; /**< lqcm metric tx/rx idx */
uint32 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint32 pktfilter_discard; /* Filtered packtets by pkt filter */
uint32 pktfilter_forward; /* Forwared packets by pkt filter */
uint32 mac_rxfilter; /* Pkts filtered due to class/auth state mismatch */
} wl_periodic_compact_cntrs_v5_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand;
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt;
uint32 he_txmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmsta_back;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic;
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp;
uint32 he_rxdlmu;
uint32 he_physu_rx;
uint32 he_txtbppdu;
} wl_compact_he_cnt_wlc_v1_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand;
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt;
uint32 he_txmampdu;
uint32 he_txmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmsta_back;
uint32 he_txfrag;
uint32 he_rxdefrag;
uint32 he_txtrig;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic;
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp;
uint32 he_rxhemuppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_physu_rx;
uint32 he_phyru_rx;
uint32 he_txtbppdu;
uint32 he_null_tbppdu;
uint32 he_rxhesuppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_rxhesureppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_null_zero_agg;
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp;
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty;
} wl_compact_he_cnt_wlc_v2_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 link_id;
uint8 pad[3];
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid;
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand;
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt;
uint32 he_txmampdu;
uint32 he_txmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmtid_back;
uint32 he_rxmsta_back;
uint32 he_txfrag;
uint32 he_rxdefrag;
uint32 he_txtrig;
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic;
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts;
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp;
uint32 he_rxhemuppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_physu_rx;
uint32 he_phyru_rx;
uint32 he_txtbppdu;
uint32 he_null_tbppdu;
uint32 he_rxhesuppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_rxhesureppdu_cnt;
uint32 he_null_zero_agg;
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp;
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty;
} wl_compact_he_cnt_wlc_v3_t;
/* for future versions of this data structure, can consider wl_txbf_ecounters_t
* which contains the full list of txbf dump counters
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 coreup;
uint32 txndpa;
uint32 txndp;
uint32 rxsf;
uint32 txbfm;
uint32 rxndpa_u;
uint32 rxndpa_m;
uint32 bferpt;
uint32 rxbfpoll;
uint32 txsf;
} wl_periodic_txbf_cntrs_v1_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint8 link_id;
uint8 pad[3];
uint16 coreup;
uint32 txndpa;
uint32 txndp;
uint32 rxsf;
uint32 txbfm;
uint32 rxndpa_u;
uint32 rxndpa_m;
uint32 bferpt;
uint32 rxbfpoll;
uint32 txsf;
} wl_periodic_txbf_cntrs_v2_t;
typedef struct {
struct ether_addr BSSID;
chanspec_t chanspec;
int32 rssi;
int32 snr;
} wl_rx_signal_metric_t;
typedef struct {
uint8 version;
uint8 flags;
uint16 PAD;
int32 noise_level; /* current noise level */
wl_rx_signal_metric_t current_bss;
wl_rx_signal_metric_t target_bss;
} wl_lqm_t;
typedef struct wl_if_state_compact {
uint8 version;
uint8 assoc_state;
uint8 antenna_count; /**< number of valid antenna rssi */
int8 noise_level; /**< noise right after tx (in dBm) */
int8 snr; /* current noise level */
int8 rssi_sum; /**< summed rssi across all antennas */
uint16 PAD;
int8 rssi_ant[WL_RSSI_ANT_MAX]; /**< rssi per antenna */
struct ether_addr BSSID;
chanspec_t chanspec;
} wl_if_state_compact_t;
/* Event based statistics ecounters */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
struct ether_addr BSSID; /* BSSID of the BSS */
uint16 PAD;
uint32 txdeauthivalclass;
} wl_event_based_statistics_v1_t;
/* Event based statistics ecounters */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
struct ether_addr BSSID; /* BSSID of the BSS */
uint16 PAD;
uint32 txdeauthivalclass;
/* addition for v2 */
int32 timestamp; /* last deauth time */
struct ether_addr last_deauth; /* wrong deauth MAC */
uint16 misdeauth; /* wrong deauth count every 1sec */
int16 cur_rssi; /* current bss rssi */
int16 deauth_rssi; /* deauth pkt rssi */
} wl_event_based_statistics_v2_t;
/* Event based statistics ecounters */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
struct ether_addr BSSID; /* BSSID of the BSS */
uint16 PAD;
uint32 txdeauthivalclass;
/* addition for v2 */
int32 timestamp; /* last deauth time */
struct ether_addr last_deauth; /* wrong deauth MAC */
uint16 misdeauth; /* wrong deauth count every 1sec */
int16 cur_rssi; /* current bss rssi */
int16 deauth_rssi; /* deauth pkt rssi */
/* addition for v3 (roam statistics) */
uint32 initial_assoc_time;
uint32 prev_roam_time;
uint32 last_roam_event_type;
uint32 last_roam_event_status;
uint32 last_roam_event_reason;
uint16 roam_success_cnt;
uint16 roam_fail_cnt;
uint16 roam_attempt_cnt;
uint16 max_roam_target_cnt;
uint16 min_roam_target_cnt;
uint16 max_cached_ch_cnt;
uint16 min_cached_ch_cnt;
uint16 partial_roam_scan_cnt;
uint16 full_roam_scan_cnt;
uint16 most_roam_reason;
uint16 most_roam_reason_cnt;
uint16 PAD;
} wl_event_based_statistics_v3_t;
/* Event based statistics ecounters */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
struct ether_addr BSSID; /* BSSID of the BSS */
uint16 PAD;
uint32 txdeauthivalclass;
/* addition for v2 */
int32 timestamp; /* last deauth time */
struct ether_addr last_deauth; /* wrong deauth MAC */
uint16 misdeauth; /* wrong deauth count every 1sec */
int16 cur_rssi; /* current bss rssi */
int16 deauth_rssi; /* deauth pkt rssi */
} wl_event_based_statistics_v4_t;
/* ##### SC/ Sc offload/ WBUS related ecounters */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint16 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint16 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint16 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint16 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint16 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint16 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint16 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint16 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint16 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint16 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint16 hibernate_cnt; /* Number of times sc went to hibernate */
uint16 awake_cnt; /* Number of times sc awake is called */
uint16 sc_up_cnt; /* Number of times sc up/down happened */
uint16 sc_down_cnt; /* Number of times sc down happened */
} wl_sc_periodic_compact_cntrs_v1_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint8 PAD;
uint8 link_id; /**< link id corr to slice. NOT cfg idx */
/* -----RX------------- */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< number of received frames with a good PLCP */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< number of parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint16 rxrtsucast; /**< number of unicast RTS addressed to the MAC (good FCS) */
uint16 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint16 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint16 rxhlovfl; /**< number of length / header fifo overflows */
uint16 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons received from member of BSS */
uint16 rxdtucastmbss; /**< number of received DATA frames with good FCS and matching RA */
uint16 rxbeaconobss; /**< beacons received from other BSS */
uint16 rxdtmcast; /**< number of RX Data multicast frames received by the MAC */
uint16 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
/* --------OTHERS------------ */
uint16 chswitch_cnt; /* Number of channel switches */
uint32 pm_dur; /* Total sleep time in PM, msecs */
uint16 hibernate_cnt; /* Number of times sc went to hibernate */
uint16 awake_cnt; /* Number of times sc awake is called */
uint16 sc_up_cnt; /* Number of times sc up/down happened */
uint16 sc_down_cnt; /* Number of times sc down happened */
} wl_sc_periodic_compact_cntrs_v2_t;
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
uint16 num_register; /* Number of registrations */
uint16 num_deregister; /* Number of deregistrations */
uint8 num_pending; /* Number of pending non-bt */
uint8 num_active; /* Number of active non-bt */
uint8 num_bt; /* Number of bt users */
uint8 PAD;
uint16 num_rej; /* Number of reject */
uint16 num_rej_bt; /* Number of rejects for bt */
uint16 num_accept_attempt; /* Numbber of accept attempt */
uint16 num_accept_ok; /* Number of accept ok */
} wl_wbus_periodic_cntrs_v1_t;
#define WL_STA_OFLD_CNTRS_VER_1 (1)
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
uint16 sc_ofld_enter_cnt;
uint16 sc_ofld_exit_cnt;
uint16 sc_ofld_wbus_reject_cnt;
uint16 sc_ofld_wbus_cb_fail_cnt;
uint16 sc_ofld_missed_bcn_cnt;
uint8 sc_ofld_last_exit_reason;
uint8 sc_ofld_last_enter_fail_reason;
} wl_sta_ofld_cntrs_v1_t;
#define WL_STA_OFLD_CNTRS_VER_2 (2u)
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
uint16 sc_ofld_enter_cnt; /* offload entry cnt */
uint16 sc_ofld_exit_cnt; /* offload exit cnt */
uint16 sc_ofld_wbus_reject_cnt; /* wbus rejected cnt */
uint16 sc_ofld_wbus_cb_fail_cnt; /* wbus callbk fail cnt */
uint16 sc_ofld_missed_bcn_cnt; /* missed bcn cnt */
uint8 sc_ofld_last_exit_reason; /* reason of last exit */
uint8 PAD[5];
uint32 sc_ofld_last_enter_fail_reason; /* reason preventing entry */
uint32 sc_ofld_last_sc_bcn_ts; /* SC ofld last bcn ts */
uint32 sc_ofld_last_enter_ts; /* SC ofld last enter ts */
uint32 sc_ofld_last_exit_ts; /* SC ofld last exit ts */
} wl_sta_ofld_cntrs_v2_t;
typedef struct wl_sta_mlo_slot_sw_stats_v1 {
uint16 version; /* version field */
uint16 length; /* struct length starting from version */
uint16 bcn_chanspec; /**< AP operating chanspec corresponding to link index */
uint8 link_index; /**< link index number to which the stats are collected */
uint8 link_slot_on_off; /**< -1: link state not specified,
* 1:link state on chan w.r.t AP operating channel
* 0:link state off chan w.r.t AP operating channel
uint64 timestamp; /* time of collection of stats */
uint32 txframe; /**< Overall transmitted frame, slice specific */
uint32 txmulti; /**< tx mulitcast sent frames */
uint32 txfail; /**< tx failed frames */
uint32 txretry; /**< tx retry frames */
uint32 txmultiretry; /**< tx multiple retry frames */
uint32 rxframe; /**< rx data frames */
uint32 rxmulti; /**< rx multicast frames */
uint32 rx_decrypt_failures; /**< rx decrypt failures */
} wl_sta_mlo_slot_sw_stats_v1_t;
/* TLVs for LINK STATs related IOVAR */
typedef enum wl_mlo_link_stats_tlv {
} wl_mlo_link_stats_tlv_t;
/* common stats of each link */
typedef struct wl_mlo_link_stats_common_v1 {
uint8 link_idx; /* link index - link config idx */
uint8 is_pref; /* Is Preferred link */
chanspec_t chanspec; /* Chanspec */
uint8 is_emlsr_primary; /* Is emlsr primary */
uint8 PAD[3];
uint32 txframe; /* total num of tx pkts */
uint32 txfail; /* num of packets failed */
uint32 txretry; /* num of packets where a retry was necessary */
uint32 txretry_exhausted; /* num of packets where a retry was exhausted */
uint32 rxframe; /* num of unicast packets received */
} wl_mlo_link_stats_common_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_mlp_nplink_specific_stats_v1 {
uint32 nplink_switch_try; /* # of link switch trial */
uint32 nplink_use; /* # of link switch used */
uint32 nplink_block_old_rssi; /* # of nplink blocked by old rssi */
uint32 nplink_block_low_rssi; /* # of nplink blocked by low rssi */
uint32 nplink_block_psr; /* # of nplink blocked by txpsr */
} wl_mlo_nplink_specific_stats_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_mlo_plink_specific_stats_v1 {
uint32 plink_offchan_rsn_scan; /* # of plink offchan by scan */
uint32 plink_offchan_rsn_sb; /* # of plink offchan by sb */
} wl_mlo_plink_specific_stats_v1_t;
/* mlo plink stats structure */
typedef struct wl_mlo_plink_stats_v1 {
uint16 version; /* version field */
uint8 PAD[2];
wl_mlo_link_stats_common_v1_t link_cmn_stats;
wl_mlo_plink_specific_stats_v1_t link_specific_stats;
} wl_mlo_plink_stats_v1_t;
/* mlo nplink stats structure */
typedef struct wl_mlo_nplink_stats_v1 {
uint16 version; /* version field */
uint8 PAD[2];
wl_mlo_link_stats_common_v1_t link_cmn_stats;
wl_mlo_nplink_specific_stats_v1_t link_specific_stats;
} wl_mlo_nplink_stats_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_mlo_stats_v1 {
uint16 version; /* version field */
uint16 length; /* struct length starting from version */
uint8 link_stats_tlvs[]; /* link stat xtlv per each link */
} wl_mlo_stats_v1_t;
/* ##### Ecounters v2 section ##### */
/* Enumeration of various ecounters request types. This namespace is different from
* global reportable stats namespace.
enum {
/* Input structure for ecounters IOVAR */
typedef struct ecounters_config_request_v2 {
uint16 version; /* config version */
uint16 len; /* Length of this struct including variable len */
uint16 logset; /* Set where data will go. */
uint16 reporting_period; /* reporting_period */
uint16 num_reports; /* Number of timer expirations to report on */
uint8 PAD[2]; /* Reserved for future use */
uint8 ecounters_xtlvs[]; /* Statistics Types (tags) to retrieve. */
} ecounters_config_request_v2_t;
/* Slice mask bits */
typedef struct ecounters_stats_types_report_req {
/* flags: bit0 = slice, bit1 = iface, bit2 = global,
* rest reserved
uint16 flags;
uint16 if_index; /* host interface index */
uint16 slice_mask; /* bit0 = slice0, bit1=slice1, rest reserved */
uint8 PAD[2]; /* padding */
uint8 stats_types_req[]; /* XTLVs of requested types */
} ecounters_stats_types_report_req_t;
/* ##### Ecounters_Eventmsgs v2 section ##### */
typedef struct event_ecounters_config_request_v2 {
uint16 version; /* config version */
uint16 len; /* Length of this struct including variable len */
uint16 logset; /* Set where data will go. */
uint16 event_id; /* Event id for which this config is meant for */
uint8 flags; /* Config flags */
uint8 PAD[3]; /* Reserved for future use */
uint8 ecounters_xtlvs[]; /* Statistics Types (tags) to retrieve. */
} event_ecounters_config_request_v2_t;
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_ADD (1 << 0) /* Add configuration for the event_id if set */
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_DEL (1 << 1) /* Delete configuration for event_id if set */
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_ANYIF (1 << 2) /* Interface filtering disable / off bit */
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_BE (1 << 3) /* If cleared report stats of
* one event log buffer
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_DEL_ALL (1 << 4) /* Delete all the configurations of
* event ecounters if set
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_BUS (1 << 5) /* Add configuration for the bus events */
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_BUS_H2D (1 << 6) /* Add configuration for the bus direction
* 0 - D2H and 1 - H2D
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_DELAYED_FLUSH (1 << 7) /* Flush only when half of the total size
* of blocks gets filled. This is to avoid
* many interrupts to host.
#define EVENT_ECOUNTERS_FLAGS_USER (1 << 6) /* Add configuration for user defined events
* Reuse the same flag as H2D
/* Ecounters suspend resume */
/* To be used in populating suspend_mask and suspend_bitmap */
typedef struct ecounters_suspend {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 suspend_bitmap; /* type of ecounter reporting to be suspended */
uint32 suspend_mask; /* type of ecounter reporting to be suspended */
} ecounters_suspend_t;
/* current version of wl_stats_report_t structure for request */
/* current version of wl_stats_report_t structure for response */
/** Top structure of if_counters IOVar buffer */
typedef struct wl_stats_report {
uint16 version; /**< see version definitions above */
uint16 length; /**< length of data including all paddings. */
uint8 data []; /**< variable length payload:
* 1 or more bcm_xtlv_t type of tuples.
* each tuple is padded to multiple of 4 bytes.
* 'length' field of this structure includes all paddings.
} wl_stats_report_t;
/* interface specific mgt count */
/* Associated stats type: WL_IFSTATS_MGT_CNT */
typedef struct {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
/* detailed control/management frames */
uint32 txnull;
uint32 rxnull;
uint32 txqosnull;
uint32 rxqosnull;
uint32 txassocreq;
uint32 rxassocreq;
uint32 txreassocreq;
uint32 rxreassocreq;
uint32 txdisassoc;
uint32 rxdisassoc;
uint32 txassocrsp;
uint32 rxassocrsp;
uint32 txreassocrsp;
uint32 rxreassocrsp;
uint32 txauth;
uint32 rxauth;
uint32 txdeauth;
uint32 rxdeauth;
uint32 txprobereq;
uint32 rxprobereq;
uint32 txprobersp;
uint32 rxprobersp;
uint32 txaction;
uint32 rxaction;
uint32 txpspoll;
uint32 rxpspoll;
} wl_if_mgt_stats_t;
/* This structure (wl_if_infra_stats_t) is deprecated in favour of
* versioned structure (wl_if_infra_enh_stats_vxxx_t) defined below
/* Associated stats type: WL_IFSTATS_INFRA_SPECIFIC */
typedef struct wl_infra_stats {
uint16 version; /**< version of the structure */
uint16 length;
uint32 rxbeaconmbss;
uint32 tbtt;
} wl_if_infra_stats_t;
/* Starting the versioned structure with version as 2 to distinguish
* between legacy unversioned structure
/* Associated stats type: WL_IFSTATS_INFRA_SPECIFIC */
typedef struct wl_infra_enh_stats_v2 {
uint16 version; /**< version of the structure */
uint16 length;
uint32 rxbeaconmbss;
uint32 tbtt;
uint32 tim_mcast_ind; /**< number of beacons with tim bits indicating multicast data */
uint32 tim_ucast_ind; /**< number of beacons with tim bits indicating unicast data */
uint32 rxdur_broadcast; /**< broadcast RX duration (exclude beacon) */
uint32 rxdur_multicast; /**< multicast RX duration (include rxdur_broadcast) */
} wl_if_infra_enh_stats_v2_t;
/* Associated stats type: WL_IFSTATS_INFRA_SPECIFIC_HE */
typedef struct wl_infra_stats_he {
uint16 version; /**< version of the structure */
uint16 length;
uint32 PAD; /**< Explicit padding */
/* DL SU MPDUs and total number of bytes */
uint64 dlsu_mpdudata;
uint64 dlsu_mpdu_bytes;
/* DL MUMIMO MPDUs and total number of bytes */
uint64 dlmumimo_mpdudata;
uint64 dlmumimo_mpdu_bytes;
/* DL OFDMA MPDUs and total number of bytes */
uint64 dlofdma_mpdudata;
uint64 dlofdma_mpdu_bytes;
/* UL SU MPDUs and total number of bytes */
uint64 ulsu_mpdudata;
uint64 ulsu_mpdu_bytes;
/* ULOFDMA MPSUs and total number of bytes */
uint64 ulofdma_mpdudata;
uint64 ulofdma_mpdu_bytes;
} wl_if_infra_stats_he_t;
typedef struct rx_mpdu_lost_cnt {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint32 rx_mpdu_lost_ba[NUMPRIO];
uint32 rx_mpdu_lost_nonba[NUMPRIO];
} rx_mpdu_lost_cnt_t;
typedef struct wlc_ltecoex_stats {
uint16 version; /**< WL_IFSTATS_XTLV_WL_SLICE_LTECOEX */
uint16 len; /* Length of wl_ltecx_stats structure */
uint8 slice_index; /* Slice unit of wl_ltecx_stats structure */
uint8 PAD[3]; /* Padding */
/* LTE noise based eCounters Bins
cumulative the wl_cnt_wlc_t and wl_ctl_mgt_cnt_t
counter information based on LTE Coex interference level
uint32 txframe_no_LTE; /* txframe counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxframe_no_LTE; /* rxframe counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxrtry_no_LTE; /* rxrtry counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txretrans_no_LTE; /* txretrans counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txnocts_no_LTE; /* txnocts counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txrts_no_LTE; /* txrts counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txdeauth_no_LTE; /* txdeauth counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocreq_no_LTE; /* txassocreq counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocrsp_no_LTE; /* txassocrsp counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocreq_no_LTE; /* txreassocreq counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocrsp_no_LTE; /* txreassocrsp counter in no LTE Coex case */
uint32 txframe_light_LTE; /* txframe counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txretrans_light_LTE; /* txretrans counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxframe_light_LTE; /* rxframe counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxrtry_light_LTE; /* rxrtry counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txnocts_light_LTE; /* txnocts counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txrts_light_LTE; /* txrts counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txdeauth_light_LTE; /* txdeauth counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocreq_light_LTE; /* txassocreq counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocrsp_light_LTE; /* txassocrsp counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocreq_light_LTE; /* txreassocreq counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocrsp_light_LTE; /* txreassocrsp counter in light LTE Coex case */
uint32 txframe_heavy_LTE; /* txframe counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txretrans_heavy_LTE; /* txretrans counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxframe_heavy_LTE; /* rxframe counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 rxrtry_heavy_LTE; /* rxrtry counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txnocts_heavy_LTE; /* txnocts counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txrts_heavy_LTE; /* txrts counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txdeauth_heavy_LTE; /* txdeauth counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocreq_heavy_LTE; /* txassocreq counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txassocrsp_heavy_LTE; /* txassocrsp counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocreq_heavy_LTE; /* txreassocreq counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
uint32 txreassocrsp_heavy_LTE; /* txreassocrsp counter in heavy LTE Coex case */
/* LTE specific ecounters */
uint16 type4_txinhi_dur; /* Duration of tx inhibit(in ms) due to Type4 */
uint16 type4_nonzero_cnt; /* Counts of none zero Type4 msg */
uint16 type4_timeout_cnt; /* Counts of Type4 timeout */
uint16 rx_pri_dur; /* Duration of wlan_rx_pri assertions */
uint16 rx_pri_cnt; /* Count of wlan_rx_pri assertions */
uint16 type6_dur; /* duration of LTE Tx power limiting assertions */
uint16 type6_cnt; /* Count of LTE Tx power limiting assertions */
uint16 ts_prot_frm_cnt; /* count of WLAN protection frames triggered by LTE coex */
uint16 ts_gr_cnt; /* count of intervals granted to WLAN in timesharing */
uint16 ts_gr_dur; /* duration granted to WLAN in timesharing */
} wlc_ltecoex_stats_t;
/* Per channel ecounters. Repurpose existing structure definitions */
typedef struct wlc_chan_periodic_cntr
uint16 version;
uint16 PAD;
uint32 rxstrt;
} wlc_chan_periodic_cntr_t;
#endif /* WLC_CHAN_ECNTR_TEST */
/* For ecounters: Per chan stats are configured as a global stats across all slices
* Ecounters will report per-chan stats in WL_IFSTATS_XTLV_CHAN_STATS = 0x105 XTLV
* WL_CHAN_STATS_XTLV_IOVAR_CONTAINER XTLV ids reported with iovar only
enum wl_chan_stats_iovar_container_xtlv {
/* Sub tlvs for chan_counters */
enum wl_chan_stats_xtlv {
WL_CHAN_GENERIC_COUNTERS = 0x1, /* Already in use so keep it */
WL_CHAN_PERIODIC_COUNTERS = 0x2, /* Already in use so keep it */
/* WL_CHAN_STATS_XTLV_CHANSPEC_CONTAINER above carries payload below */
#define WL_CHANCNTR_HDR_VER_1 (1u)
typedef struct wlc_chan_cntr_hdr_v1 {
uint16 version; /* Already in use. So keep it */
uint16 PAD;
chanspec_t chanspec; /* Dont add any fields above this */
uint8 flags; /* See bit fields defn below */
uint8 PAD;
uint32 total_time;
uint32 chan_entry_cnt;
uint32 data[];
} wlc_chan_cntr_hdr_v1_t;
#define WL_CHANCNTR_HDR_VER_2 (2u)
typedef struct wlc_chan_cntr_hdr_v2 {
uint16 version; /* Already in use. So keep it */
chanspec_t chanspec; /* Dont add any fields above this */
uint8 flags; /* See bit fields defn below */
uint8 PAD[3];
uint32 chan_entry_cnt;
uint64 total_time_ns;
uint32 data[];
} wlc_chan_cntr_hdr_v2_t;
/* flags field bit fields in structure above */
/* channel specific XTLV stats types carried in data[] of wlc_chan_cntr_hdr structure */
enum wl_chan_stats_chanspec_xtlv {
/* Per chan stats
typedef struct wl_chan_macstats_v1 {
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< Received frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< Received frame did not contain enough bytes for its frame type */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters. */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< number of frames for which the CRC check failed in the MAC */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY was able to correlate the preamble but not the header */
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for transmitted frames
* expecting a response
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< number of no valid delimiter detected by ampdu parser */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of receive fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< number of rts transmission failure that reach retry limit */
} wl_chan_macstats_v1_t;
/* For ecounters: Per peer stats are configured for an interface. Report will contain per peer
* stats for the configured interface. Note that some per-peer stats are split into per-slice stats
* Top level Container types for peer stats
* WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_IOVAR_CONTAINER ids reported with iovar only
enum wl_peer_stats_iovar_container_xtlv {
/* 2nd level container XTLV ids to hold per-peer stats collection
* Once collection container will hold stats for one peer
* One WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_IOVAR_CONTAINER for instance can carry multiple
enum wl_per_peer_stats_collection_xtlv {
/* Per peer stats structure. Payload on WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_PER_PEER_COLLECTION_V1 */
typedef struct wl_peer_stats_per_peer_collection_v1 {
struct ether_addr peer_ea;
uint8 flags;
uint8 PAD;
uint32 peer_observation_time; /* total observation time in ms of stats reported */
uint32 data[];
} wl_peer_stats_per_peer_collection_v1_t;
/* A flag to signal that the report instance is brand new
* (host may use this to rebase the counter snapshot)
/* XTLV types reported within in peer stats collection structure
* Types below are payload in data[] of peer stats collection structure above
enum wl_peer_stats_xtlv {
WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_CHAN_CONTAINER_V1 = 1, /* Per chanspec container for stats */
/* Per peer per chan weighted rates */
typedef struct wl_peer_chan_stats_wrates_v1 {
int32 w_rssi;
int32 w_snr;
uint32 w_txrate; /* kbps */
uint32 w_rxrate; /* kbps */
} wl_peer_chan_stats_wrates_v1_t;
/* per chan generic TX counters */
typedef struct wl_peer_chan_stats_tx_v1 {
uint32 txrtsfrm;
uint32 rxctsucast;
uint32 txphyerror;
uint32 txucastnoagg; /* TX ucast with no aggregation */
uint32 txall_butcts_frm; /* Total tx Data, ACK, RTS, Control Management
* (includes retransmissions). TX CTS is not included
} wl_peer_chan_stats_tx_v1_t;
/* per chan rx and tx durations */
typedef struct wl_peer_chan_stats_duration_v1 {
uint32 txduration; /* duration in us */
uint32 rxduration; /* duration in us */
} wl_peer_chan_stats_duration_v1_t;
/* Per peer per chan stats
* Per-peer per-chan container. Payload on WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_CHAN_CONTAINER
typedef struct wl_peer_chan_stats_v1 {
chanspec_t chanspec;
uint8 flags;
uint8 PAD;
uint32 chan_observation_time; /* total time in ms on a channel for a peer */
wl_peer_chan_stats_duration_v1_t duration;
wl_peer_chan_stats_wrates_v1_t wrates;
wl_peer_chan_stats_tx_v1_t tx;
} wl_peer_chan_stats_v1_t;
/* A flag to signal that the report instance is brand new
* (host may use this to rebase the counter snapshot)
/* Per peer AMPDU RX
* Payload on WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_AMPDU_RX above
* Reported in WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_PER_PEER_COLLECTION_V1 container above
typedef struct wl_peer_stats_ampdu_rx_v1 {
uint32 rxampdu; /**< ampdus recd */
uint32 rxmpdu; /**< mpdus recd in a ampdu */
uint32 rxholes; /**< missed seq numbers on rx side */
uint32 rxdup; /**< duplicate pdus */
uint32 rxstuck; /**< watchdog bailout for stuck state */
uint32 rxoow; /**< out of window pdus */
uint32 rxoos; /**< out of seq pdus */
uint32 txback; /**< BACKs sent */
uint32 rxnobapol; /**< mpdus recd without a ba policy */
uint32 rxretrynobapol; /**< retried mpdus rxed without a ba policy */
uint32 rxaddbareq; /**< addba req recd */
uint32 txaddbaresp; /**< addba resp sent */
uint32 rxbar; /**< bar recd */
uint32 txdelba; /**< delba sent */
uint32 rxdelba; /**< delba recd */
} wl_peer_stats_ampdu_rx_v1_t;
/* Per peer AMPDU TX
* Payload on WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_AMPDU_TX above
* Reported in WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_PER_PEER_COLLECTION_V1 container above
typedef struct wl_peer_stats_ampdu_tx_v1 {
uint32 txampdu;
uint32 txmpdu;
uint32 txucast;
uint32 txaddbareq;
uint32 rxaddbaresp;
uint32 txdelba;
uint32 rxdelba;
uint32 txbar;
} wl_peer_stats_ampdu_tx_v1_t;
/* IOVAR parameter to FW for WL_PEER_STATS_XTLV_IOVAR_CONTAINER (i.e. v1) */
typedef struct wl_peer_stats_iovar_v1 {
struct ether_addr peer_mac;
uint16 flags;
} wl_peer_stats_iovar_v1_t;
/* SoftAP Stats flags */
/* dtim miss reason count */
typedef struct wl_dtim_miss_reason_cnt_v1 {
uint32 reason_p2p; /* DTIM missed cnt due AWDL/NAN offchannel activity */
uint32 reason_iovar; /* DTIM missed cnt due offchannel actframe
* transmit using iovar
uint32 reason_scan; /* DTIM missed cnt due to channel switch during scan */
uint32 reason_roam_assoc; /* DTIM missed cnt due to channel switch during roam */
uint32 reason_homechan; /* DTIM missed cnt while in home channel */
uint32 reason_sleep; /* DTIM missed cnt due to FW sleep */
uint32 reason_misc_offchan; /* DTIM missed cnt due to misc offchan */
} wl_dtim_miss_reason_cnt_v1_t;
typedef struct wl_missed_dtim_info_ecounters_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
wl_dtim_miss_reason_cnt_v1_t dtim_miss_reason_cnt;
} wl_missed_dtim_info_ecounters_v1_t;
/* Flat structures for reporting with Ecounters */
/* Rev Ge88 RX unified macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_unified_rx_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rxstrt; /**< Number of received frames with a good PLCP
* (i.e. passing parity check)
uint32 rx20s_cnt; /**< Increments if RXFrame does not include primary 20 */
uint32 C_SECRSSI0; /**< SEC RSSI0 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI1; /**< SEC RSSI1 info */
uint32 C_SECRSSI2; /**< SEC RSSI2 info */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_LO; /**< SEC RXPRI Low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXPRI_HI; /**< SEC RXPRI High */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC20_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 20mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC40_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 40mhz high */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_LO; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz low */
uint32 C_CCA_RXSEC80_HI; /**< SEC CCA RX 80mhz high */
uint32 rxctlmcast; /**< # of RX ctrl mcast frames */
uint32 rxmgmcast; /**< # of rx'd Management mcast frames */
uint32 rxbeaconmbss; /**< beacons rx'd from member of BSS */
uint32 rxndpa_m; /**< number of RX NDPA Multicast */
uint32 rxrtsucast; /**< # of ucast RTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctsucast; /**< # of ucast CTS (good FCS) */
uint32 rxctlucast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxmgucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd mgmt frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 rxackucast; /**< number of ucast ACKS received (good FCS) */
uint32 rxndpa_u; /**< number of unicast RX NDPAs */
uint32 rxsf; /**< number of rxsfucast */
uint32 rxcwrts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast rts */
uint32 rxcwcts; /**< number of rx'd cw ucast cts */
uint32 rxbfpoll; /**< number of rx'd BF ucast poll */
uint32 rxmgocast; /**< # of rx'd MGMT frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxctlocast; /**< # of rx'd CNTRL frame (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxrtsocast; /**< # of rx'd RTS not addressed */
uint32 rxctsocast; /**< # of rx'd CTS not addressed */
uint32 rxbeaconobss; /* beacons rx'd from other BSS */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE su PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxstrt_hesureppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE SU RE PPDU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtsrt_hemuppdu_cnt; /**< rx'd HE MU PPDU cnt */
uint32 rxbar; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 rxback; /**< number of rx'd BARs */
uint32 he_rxmtid_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiTID BAs */
uint32 he_rxmsta_back; /**< number of rx'd HE RX MultiSTA BAs */
uint32 bferpt; /**< number of rx'd BFE report ready cnts */
uint32 he_colormiss_cnt; /**< HE BSS color mismatch counts cnts */
uint32 he_rxdefrag; /**< number of rx'd HE dynamic fragmented pkts */
uint32 he_rxdlmu; /**< number of rx'd DL MU frames */
uint32 rxcgprqfrm; /**< number of received Probe requests that made it into
* the PRQ fifo
uint32 rx_fp_shm_corrupt_cnt; /**< SHM corrupt count */
uint32 he_physu_rx; /**< Number of PHY SU Frames received */
uint32 he_phyru_rx; /**< Number of PHY RU Frames received */
uint32 PAD[17]; /**< PAD Gap */
uint32 rxbadplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY able to correlate the plcp but not the hdr */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong; /**< rx'd frame longer than legal limit (2346 bytes) */
uint32 rxfrmtooshrt; /**< rx'd frame not enough bytes for ft */
uint32 rxnodelim; /**< # of not valid delim -> ampdu parser */
uint32 rxbad_ampdu; /**< number of rx'd bad ampdus */
uint32 rxcgprsqovfl; /**< Rx Probe Request Que overflow in the AP */
uint32 bphy_rxcrsglitch; /**< PHY count of bphy glitches */
uint32 rxdrop20s; /**< drop secondary cnt */
uint32 rxtoolate; /**< receive too late */
uint32 m_pfifo_drop; /**< # of pfifo dropped frames */
uint32 bphy_badplcp; /**< number of bad PLCP reception on BPHY rate */
uint32 phyovfl; /**< number of phy overflows */
uint32 rxf0ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 0 overflows */
uint32 rxf1ovfl; /**< number of rx fifo 1 overflows */
uint32 lenfovfl; /**< number of length overflows */
uint32 weppeof; /**< number of weppeof */
uint32 badplcp; /**< parity check of the PLCP header failed */
uint32 stsfifofull; /**< status fifo full */
uint32 stsfifoerr; /**< status fifo error */
uint32 ctx_fifo_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 ctx_fifo2_full; /**< fw not draining frames fast enough */
uint32 missbcn_dbg; /**< number of beacon missed to receive */
uint32 rxrsptmout; /**< number of response timeouts for tx'd frames */
uint32 laterx_cnt; /**< ucode sees frame 30us late */
uint32 bcn_drop_cnt; /**< number of BCNs dropped in ucode */
uint32 bfr_timeout; /**< number of bfr timeouts */
uint32 rxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - main? */
uint32 rxauxgaininfo_ant0; /**< ANT-0 phy RX gain info - aux */
uint32 he_rxtrig_myaid; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with myaid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rand; /**< number of rx'd valid trigger frame with random aid */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic; /**< number of rx'd of basic trigger frame */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bfm_cnt; /**< number of rx'd trigger frame with bfm */
uint32 he_rxtrig_mubar; /**< number of rx'd MUBAR trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_murts; /**< number of rx'd MU-RTS trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bsrp; /**< number of rx'd of BSR poll trigger frame variant */
uint32 he_rxtrig_gcrmubar; /**< number of rx'd gcr mu bar trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_bqrp; /**< number of rx'd bqrp trigger frame variant? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_nfrp; /**< Todo: check on functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_basic_htpack; /**< triggers received with HTP ack policy */
uint32 he_cs_req_tx_cancel; /**< tx cancelled due to trigger rx or ch sw? */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpoll; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngsnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngssnd; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngrpt; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_rngpasv; /**< todo: check functionality */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_2x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 160mhz */
uint32 he_rxtrig_invalid_ru; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with invalid STA20 RU index */
uint32 he_rxtrig_inv_ru_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd trigger frames with invalid RU cnt */
uint32 he_rxtrig_drop_cnt; /**< # of trigger frames dropped */
uint32 ndp_fail_cnt; /**< # of NDP fails */
uint32 rxfrmtoolong2_cnt; /**< # of Rx'd too long pkts */
uint32 hwaci_status; /**< HW ACI status */
uint32 pmqovfl; /**< number of PMQ overflows */
uint32 sctrg_rxcrs_drop_cnt; /**< Number of scan trigger dropped due to rxcrs */
uint32 inv_punc_usig_cnt; /**< Number of invalid punctured USIG */
uint32 sctrg_drop_cnt; /**< Number of scan trigger drop */
uint32 he_wrong_nss; /**< Number of triggers with wrong NSS */
uint32 he_trig_unsupp_rate; /**< Number of triggers with unsupported rates */
uint32 rxdtucastmbss; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & matching RA) */
uint32 pktengrxducast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs ucast frames */
uint32 pktengrxdmcast; /**< number of rx'd good fcs mcast frames */
uint32 rxdtocast; /**< # of rx'd DATA frames (good FCS & not matching RA) */
uint32 rxdtucastobss; /**< number of unicast frames addressed to the MAC from
* other BSS (WDS FRAME)
uint32 goodfcs; /**< number of rx'd goodfcs cnts */
uint32 rxdtmcast; /**< # of rx'd Data mcast frames */
uint32 rxanyerr; /**< Any RX error that is not counted by other counters */
uint32 rxbadfcs; /**< # of frames with CRC check failed */
} wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_unified_rx_v1_t;
/* Rev Ge88 RXERR version 1 */
/* RX error related counters. Counters collected from noncontiguous SHM locations */
typedef struct wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_rxerr_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rx20s_cnt; /* Increments if RXFrame does not include primary 20 */
uint32 m_pfifo_drop; /* ucode is late processing RX frame */
uint32 new_rxin_plcp_wait_cnt; /* invalid reception/ ucode late in processing rx/ something
* wrong over MACPHY interface
uint32 laterx_cnt; /* ucode sees frame 30us late */
uint32 rxlegacyfrminvalid; /* Invalid BPHY or L-OFDM reception */
uint32 txsifserr; /* Frame arrived in SIF when about to TX (B)ACK */
uint32 ooseq_macsusp; /* ucode out of seq in processing reception due to mac
* suspend
} wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_rxerr_v1_t;
/* Rev Ge88 TX unified specific macstats - version 1 */
typedef struct wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_unified_tx_v1 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 txallfrm; /**< num of frames sent, incl. Data, ACK, RTS, CTS,
* Control Management (includes retransmissions)
uint32 txrtsfrm; /**< number of RTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txctsfrm; /**< number of CTS sent out by the MAC */
uint32 txackfrm; /**< number of ACK frames sent out */
uint32 txback; /**< blockack txcnt */
uint32 he_txmtid_back; /**< number of mtid BAs */
uint32 txdnlfrm; /**< number of Null-Data tx from template */
uint32 txbcnfrm; /**< beacons transmitted */
uint32 txndpa; /**< Number of TX NDPAs */
uint32 txndp; /**< Number of TX NDPs */
uint32 txbfm; /**< Number of TX Bfm cnt */
uint32 txcwrts; /**< Number of tx cw rts */
uint32 txcwcts; /**< Number of tx cw cts */
uint32 txbfpoll; /**< Number of tx bfpolls */
uint32 txfbw; /**< transmit at fallback bw (dynamic bw) */
uint32 txampdu; /**< number of AMPDUs transmitted */
uint32 he_txmampdu; /**< Number of tx m-ampdus */
uint32 txucast; /**< # of ucast tx expecting resp (not cts/cwcts) */
uint32 he_txfrag; /**< Number of tx frags */
uint32 he_txtbppdu; /**< increments on transmission of every TB PPDU */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_ack; /**< Number of tx HE TBPPDU acks */
uint32 txinrtstxop; /**< number of data frame tx during rts txop */
uint32 null_txsts_empty; /**< Number empty null-txstatus' */
uint32 he_ulmu_disable; /**< # of ULMU disables handled in ucode */
uint32 he_ulmu_data_disable; /**< number of UL MU data disable scenarios
* handled in ucode
uint32 he_rxtrig_suppr_null_tbppdu; /**< count of null frame sent because of
* suppression scenarios
uint32 he_null_zero_agg; /**< nullAMPDU's transmitted in response to
* basic trigger because of zero aggregation
uint32 he_null_tbppdu; /**< null TBPPDU's sent as a response to
* basic trigger frame
uint32 he_null_bsrp_rsp; /**< null AMPDU's txed in response to BSR poll */
uint32 he_null_fifo_empty; /**< null AMPDU's in response to basic trigger
* because of no frames in fifo's
uint32 txrtsfail; /**< # of rts TX fails that reach retry limit */
uint32 txcgprsfail; /**< Tx Probe Response Fail.
* AP sent probe response but did not get ACK.
uint32 bcntxcancl; /**< TX bcns canceled due to rx of beacon (IBSS) */
uint32 txtplunfl; /**< Template unfl
* (mac too slow to tx ACK/CTS or BCN)
uint32 txphyerror; /**< TX phyerr - reported in txs for
* driver queued frames
uint32 txshmunfl_cnt; /**< TX SHM unfl cnt */
uint32 txfunfl[11]; /**< per-fifo tx underflows */
uint32 txfmlunfl[12]; /**< ML fifos underflow cnts */
uint32 bferpt_inv_cfg; /**< Invalid bfe report cfg */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt1; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 1 */
uint32 bferpt_drop_cnt2; /**< bfe rpt drop cnt 2 */
uint32 bferot_txcrs_high; /**< bfe rpt tx crs high */
uint32 txbfm_errcnt; /**< TX bfm error cnt */
uint32 tx_murts_cnt; /**< Tx MURTS Count */
uint32 tx_noavail_cnt; /**< Tx Not avail Count */
uint32 tx_null_link_pref; /**< Null Link Pref */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_l; /**< btcx rxfact counter low */
uint32 btcx_rfact_ctr_h; /**< btcx rxfact counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf counter high */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_l; /**< btcx txconf duration counter low */
uint32 btcx_txconf_dur_ctr_h; /**< btcx txconf duration counter high */
uint32 txcgprssuc; /**< Tx Probe Response succ cnt */
uint32 txsf; /**< # of Tx'd SF */
uint32 macsusp_cnt; /**< # of macsuspends */
uint32 prs_timeout; /**< # of pre wds */
uint32 emlsr_tx_nosrt; /**< # of no TX starts for eMLSR */
uint32 rts_to_self_cnt; /**< # of RTS to self */
uint32 saqm_sendfrm_agg_cnt; /**< # SAQM Send frame aggregation */
uint32 txbcn_phyerr_cnt; /**< # Tx Beacon Phy error */
uint32 he_txtrig; /**< # Tx Trigger Frames */
uint32 txmpdu; /**< number of MPDUs transmitted */
uint32 ctmode_ufc_cnt; /**< Number of UFCs with CT mode enabled */
} wl_cnt_ucode_mcst_unified_tx_v1_t;
/* For ecounters only */
typedef struct wl_he_omi_cnt_v3 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_omitx_sched; /* Count for total number of OMIs scheduled */
uint32 he_omitx_success; /* Count for OMI Tx success */
uint32 he_omitx_retries; /* Count for OMI retries as TxDone not set */
uint32 he_omitx_dur; /* Accumulated duration of OMI completion time */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg; /* count for UL MU enable/disable change req */
uint32 he_omitx_ulmucfg_ack; /* count for UL MU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts; /* count for Txnsts change req */
uint32 he_omitx_txnsts_ack; /* count for Txnsts change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss; /* count for Rxnss change req */
uint32 he_omitx_rxnss_ack; /* count for Rxnss change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_bw; /* count for BW change req */
uint32 he_omitx_bw_ack; /* count for BW change req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req */
uint32 he_omitx_ersudis_ack; /* count for ER SU enable/disable req txed successfully */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec; /* count for Resound recommendation change req */
uint32 he_omitx_dlmursdrec_ack; /* count for Resound recommendation req txed successfully */
} wl_he_omi_cnt_v3_t;
/* For ecounters only */
#define HE_TX_COUNTERS_ECNTR_V2 (2u)
/* Rev GE88 HE Tx counters (SW based) */
typedef struct wl_he_tx_cnt_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 he_mgmt_tbppdu; /**< # Tx HE MGMT TBPPDU frames */
uint32 he_txtbppdu_cnt[AC_COUNT]; /**< # Tx packets in each AC */
uint32 txheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< # Tx HE TBPPDU frames */
uint32 txheru_2x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 2x996 tone RU */
uint32 txheru_4x996T; /**< # Tx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 txehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
} wl_he_tx_cnt_v2_t;
#define HE_RX_COUNTERS_ECNTR_V2 (2u)
/* Rev GE88 HE Rx counters (SW based) */
typedef struct wl_he_rx_cnt_v2 {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint32 rxheru[WL_RU_TYPE_MAX]; /**< # Rx HE RU frames */
uint32 rxheru_2x996T; /**< # Rx packets in 2x996 tone RU */
uint32 rxheru_4x996T; /**< # Rx packets in 4x996 tone RU */
uint32 he_rxtrig_ru_4x996T; /**< Rx'd trigger frame with STA RU index 320mhz */
uint32 rxehtru[WL_EHT_RU_TYPE_MAX];
} wl_he_rx_cnt_v2_t;
/* iov counters reporting Version 1 */
#define WL_CNT_REQ_VER_1 (1u)
#define WL_CNT_RESP_VER_1 (1u)
/* IOV Counters Flags */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_START (1 << 1u) /* Start */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_STOP (1 << 2u) /* Stop */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_CONTINUE (1 << 3u) /* Continue */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_RESET (1 << 4u) /* Reset */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_ALLOC (1 << 5u) /* Alloc Memory */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_FREE (1 << 6u) /* Free Counter memory */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_PARTIAL (1 << 7u) /* Partial */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_CMPLT (1 << 8u) /* Complete successfully */
#define IOV_COUNTERS_REPORTING_CMPLTERR (1 << 9u) /* Complete with errors */
/* IOV Counters Req Data */
typedef struct wl_cnt_req_v1 {
uint16 version; /* WL_CNT_REQ_VER */
uint16 len;
uint32 sync_id;
uint32 flags;
} wl_cnt_req_v1_t;
/* IOV Counters Resp Data */
typedef struct wl_cnt_resp_status_v1 {
uint16 version; /* WL_CNT_RESP_VER */
uint16 len;
uint32 sync_id;
uint32 flags;
uint16 idx;
uint8 PAD[2];
} wl_cnt_resp_status_v1_t;
#define WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1 3u
typedef struct wl_sc_multi_scan_cnts_v1 {
uint16 version; /* WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_CNT_VER_V1 */
uint16 len;
uint32 ofdm_crs_detect;
uint32 ofdm_be_busy;
uint32 ofdm_false_detect;
uint32 ofdm_cstr_timeout;
uint32 ofdm_fstr_timeout;
uint32 ofdm_sig1_error;
uint32 ofdm_sig2_error;
uint32 ofdm_filt_reject;
uint32 ofdm_fifo_drop;
uint32 ofdm_unsupported;
uint32 ofdm_be_timeout;
uint32 ofdm_fcs_fail;
uint32 ofdm_fcs_pass;
uint32 dsss_crs_detect;
uint32 dsss_be_busy;
uint32 dsss_false_detect;
uint32 dsss_fos_timeout;
uint32 dsss_sfd_timeout;
uint32 dsss_phr_error;
uint32 dsss_filt_reject;
uint32 dsss_fifo_drop;
uint32 dsss_unsupported;
uint32 dsss_be_timeout;
uint32 dsss_fcs_fail;
uint32 dsss_fcs_pass;
uint32 tot_queue_drop;
uint32 tot_aborted;
uint32 tot_be_busy; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 tot_filt_reject; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 tot_fifo_drop; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 tot_unsupported; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 tot_fcs_fail; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 tot_fcs_pass; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 fe_ofdm_crs_detect[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_ofdm_be_busy[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_ofdm_fcs_fail[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_ofdm_fcs_pass[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_ofdm_depri_detect[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_ofdm_be_reassign[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_crs_detect[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_be_busy[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_fcs_fail[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_fcs_pass[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_depri_detect[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_dsss_be_reassign[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_tot_aborted[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_tot_timeout[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_tot_reset[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1];
uint32 fe_tot_be_busy[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1]; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 fe_tot_fcs_fail[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1]; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
uint32 fe_tot_fcs_pass[WL_SC_MULTI_SCAN_FES_V1]; /* Added from dsss and ofdm */
} wl_sc_multi_scan_cnts_v1_t;
/* LLW stats */
typedef enum wl_llw_xtlv {
} wl_llw_xtlv_t;
/* Session/receiver statistics */
typedef struct wl_llw_stats {
uint32 txpkt_pri_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb0_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb1_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb2_rate;
uint32 txpackets;
uint32 txbytes;
uint32 txnoack;
uint32 rxpackets;
uint32 rxbytes;
uint32 rxretry;
} wl_llw_stats_t;
#define LLW_RX_MCS_BIN 16u
#define LLW_RX_NSS_BIN 2u
#define LLW_RX_BW_BIN 5u
#define LLW_RX_RSSI_BIN 18u
#define LLW_RX_SNR_BIN 18u
/* Session/receiver statistics V2 (WL_LLW_XTLV_STATS_V2) */
typedef struct wl_llw_stats_v2 {
uint32 txpkt_pri_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb0_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb1_rate;
uint32 txpkt_fb2_rate;
uint32 txpackets;
uint32 txbytes;
uint32 txnoack;
uint32 rxpackets;
uint32 rxbytes;
uint32 rxretry;
uint32 rxholes;
uint32 txpkt_wl;
uint32 rxmpdu;
ratespec_t rx_last_rspec;
int16 rx_last_rssi;
int16 rx_last_snr;
} wl_llw_stats_v2_t;
/* GCR-UR Tx stats collected in PCIEDEV */
typedef struct wl_llw_gcr_ur_pcie_tx_stats {
uint16 version;
uint16 length;
uint32 txpkt_pcie;
uint32 txdrop_pcie;
uint32 txdrop_wl;
} wl_llw_gcr_ur_pcie_tx_stats_t;
typedef struct wl_llw_stats_hdr {
uint16 version;
uint16 stats_cnt;
uint32 tot_len;
uint8 stat_xtlvs[];
} wl_llw_stats_hdr_t;
typedef struct wl_llw_stats_xtlv {
uint16 type;
uint16 len;
uint8 stats[];
} wl_llw_stats_xtlv_t;
typedef struct wl_llw_rx_info {
ratespec_t rspec;
/* more info can be added later */
} wl_llw_rx_info_t;
/* PHY RX counters in WL counters. SW based counters */
typedef struct wl_cnt_phy_rx_stats_block_v1 {
uint8 stats_block_idx;
uint8 pad[3];
/* chup_mode0 and chup_mode1 need to be next to each other */
uint32 chup_mode0;
uint32 chup_mode1;
/* dmd_mode0 and dmd_mode1 need to be next to each other */
uint32 dmd_mode0;
uint32 dmd_mode1;
} wl_cnt_phy_rx_stats_block_v1_t;
#define WL_CNT_PHY_RX_STATS_V1 (1u)
typedef struct wl_cnt_phy_rx_stats_v1_t {
uint16 version;
uint16 len;
uint8 num_stats_blocks; /* Number of stats blocks supported on slice */
uint8 pad[3];
/* Per ML Link PHY RX counters (esp. eMLSR) */
uint8 counters[];
} wl_cnt_phy_rx_stats_v1_t;
#endif /* _wlioctl_counters_h_ */