blob: b7ab5b482e63ee77b729a811ae45f9cc80fd769b [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* DHD debug ring API and structures - implementation
* Copyright (C) 2024, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#include <typedefs.h>
#include <osl.h>
#include <bcmutils.h>
#include <bcmstdlib_s.h>
#include <bcmendian.h>
#include <dngl_stats.h>
#include <dhd.h>
#include <dhd_dbg.h>
#include <dhd_dbg_ring.h>
dhd_dbg_ring_t *
dhd_dbg_ring_alloc_init(dhd_pub_t *dhd, uint16 ring_id,
char *ring_name, uint32 ring_sz, void *allocd_buf,
bool pull_inactive)
dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring = NULL;
int ret = 0;
unsigned long flags = 0;
ring = MALLOCZ(dhd->osh, sizeof(dhd_dbg_ring_t));
if (!ring)
goto fail;
ret = dhd_dbg_ring_init(dhd, ring, ring_id,
(uint8 *)ring_name, ring_sz,
allocd_buf, pull_inactive);
if (ret != BCME_OK) {
DHD_ERROR(("%s: unable to init ring %s!\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring_name));
goto fail;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
ring->state = RING_ACTIVE;
ring->threshold = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return ring;
if (ring) {
dhd_dbg_ring_deinit(dhd, ring);
ring->ring_buf = NULL;
ring->ring_size = 0;
MFREE(dhd->osh, ring, sizeof(dhd_dbg_ring_t));
return NULL;
dhd_dbg_ring_dealloc_deinit(void **ring_ptr, dhd_pub_t *dhd)
dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring = NULL;
dhd_dbg_ring_t **dbgring = (dhd_dbg_ring_t **)ring_ptr;
if (!dbgring)
ring = *dbgring;
if (ring) {
dhd_dbg_ring_deinit(dhd, ring);
ring->ring_buf = NULL;
ring->ring_size = 0;
MFREE(dhd->osh, ring, sizeof(dhd_dbg_ring_t));
*dbgring = NULL;
dhd_dbg_ring_init(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, uint16 id, uint8 *name,
uint32 ring_sz, void *allocd_buf, bool pull_inactive)
void *buf;
unsigned long flags = 0;
if (allocd_buf == NULL) {
/* for DEBUG_DUMP and MEM_DUMP, buffer can be NULL
* since act as delayed allocation or fake rings
if (id != DEBUG_DUMP_RING1_ID && id != DEBUG_DUMP_RING2_ID &&
return BCME_NOMEM;
buf = NULL;
} else {
buf = allocd_buf;
ring->lock = DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK_INIT(dhdp->osh);
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
ring->id = id;
strlcpy((char *)ring->name, (char *)name, sizeof(ring->name));
ring->ring_size = ring_sz;
ring->wp = ring->rp = 0;
ring->ring_buf = buf;
ring->threshold = DBGRING_FLUSH_THRESHOLD(ring);
ring->state = RING_SUSPEND;
ring->rem_len = 0;
ring->sched_pull = TRUE;
ring->pull_inactive = pull_inactive;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
dhd_dbg_ring_set_buf(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, void *buf)
unsigned long flags = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
ring->ring_buf = buf;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
dhd_dbg_ring_deinit(dhd_pub_t *dhdp, dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring)
unsigned long flags = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
ring->id = 0;
ring->name[0] = 0;
ring->wp = ring->rp = 0;
bzero(&ring->stat, sizeof(ring->stat));
ring->threshold = 0;
ring->state = RING_STOP;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK_DEINIT(dhdp->osh, ring->lock);
dhd_dbg_ring_sched_pull(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, uint32 pending_len,
os_pullreq_t pull_fn, void *os_pvt, const int id)
unsigned long flags = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
/* if the current pending size is bigger than threshold and
* threshold is set
if (ring->threshold > 0 &&
(pending_len >= ring->threshold) && ring->sched_pull) {
* Update the state and release the lock before calling
* the pull_fn. Do not transfer control to other layers
* with locks held. If the call back again calls into
* the same layer fro this context, can lead to deadlock.
ring->sched_pull = FALSE;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
pull_fn(os_pvt, id);
} else {
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
dhd_dbg_ring_get_pending_len(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring)
uint32 pending_len = 0;
unsigned long flags = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
if (ring->stat.written_bytes > ring->stat.read_bytes) {
pending_len = ring->stat.written_bytes - ring->stat.read_bytes;
} else if (ring->stat.written_bytes < ring->stat.read_bytes) {
pending_len = PENDING_LEN_MAX - ring->stat.read_bytes + ring->stat.written_bytes;
} else {
pending_len = 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return pending_len;
dhd_dbg_ring_update(void *dbg_ring, uint32 w_len)
unsigned long flags;
dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring = (dhd_dbg_ring_t *)dbg_ring;
if (ring->id != PACKET_LOG_RING_ID) {
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
if (ring->state != RING_ACTIVE) {
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
/* update statistics */
ring->stat.written_bytes += w_len;
DHD_DBGIF(("%s : RING%d[%s] written_records %d, written_bytes %d, read_bytes=%d,"
" ring->threshold=%d, wp=%d, rp=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name,
ring->stat.written_records, ring->stat.written_bytes, ring->stat.read_bytes,
ring->threshold, ring->wp, ring->rp));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
dhd_dbg_ring_push(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *hdr, void *data)
unsigned long flags;
uint32 w_len;
uint32 avail_size;
dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *w_entry, *r_entry;
int ret;
if (!ring || !hdr || !data) {
#if defined(__linux__)
/* Prevents the case of accessing the ring buffer in the HardIRQ context.
* If an interrupt arise after holding ring lock, It could try the same lock.
* This is to use the ring lock as spin_lock_bh instead of spin_lock_irqsave.
if (in_irq()) {
return BCME_BUSY;
#endif /* defined(__linux__) */
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
if (ring->state != RING_ACTIVE) {
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
w_len = ENTRY_LENGTH(hdr);
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] hdr->len=%u, w_len=%u, wp=%d, rp=%d, ring_start=0x%p;"
" ring_size=%u\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, hdr->len, w_len, ring->wp, ring->rp,
ring->ring_buf, ring->ring_size));
if (w_len > ring->ring_size) {
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
DHD_ERROR(("%s: RING%d[%s] w_len=%u, ring_size=%u,"
" write size exceeds ring size !\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, w_len, ring->ring_size));
return BCME_ERROR;
/* Claim the space */
do {
avail_size = DBG_RING_CHECK_WRITE_SPACE(ring->rp, ring->wp, ring->ring_size);
if (avail_size <= w_len) {
/* Prepare the space */
if (ring->rp <= ring->wp) {
ring->tail_padded = TRUE;
ring->rem_len = ring->ring_size - ring->wp;
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] Insuffient tail space,"
" rp=%d, wp=%d, rem_len=%d, ring_size=%d,"
" avail_size=%d, w_len=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
ring->id, ring->name, ring->rp, ring->wp,
ring->rem_len, ring->ring_size, avail_size,
/* 0 pad insufficient tail space */
bzero((uint8 *)ring->ring_buf + ring->wp, ring->rem_len);
/* If read pointer is still at the beginning, make some room */
if (ring->rp == 0) {
r_entry = (dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *)((uint8 *)ring->ring_buf +
ring->rp += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
ring->stat.read_bytes += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: rp at 0, move by one entry length"
" (%u bytes)\n",
__FUNCTION__, (uint32)ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry)));
if (ring->rp == ring->wp) {
ring->rp = 0;
ring->wp = 0;
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: new rp=%u, wp=%u\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->rp, ring->wp));
} else {
/* Not enough space for new entry, free some up */
r_entry = (dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *)((uint8 *)ring->ring_buf +
/* check bounds before incrementing read ptr */
if (ring->rp + ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry) >= ring->ring_size) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] rp points out of boundary,"
"ring->wp=%u, ring->rp=%u, ring->ring_size=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, ring->wp,
ring->rp, ring->ring_size));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
ring->rp += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
/* skip padding if there is one */
if (ring->tail_padded &&
((ring->rp + ring->rem_len) == ring->ring_size)) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] Found padding,"
" avail_size=%d, w_len=%d, set rp = 0\n",
ring->id, ring->name, avail_size, w_len));
ring->rp = 0;
ring->tail_padded = FALSE;
ring->rem_len = 0;
ring->stat.read_bytes += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] read_bytes=%d, wp=%d, rp=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, ring->stat.read_bytes,
ring->wp, ring->rp));
} else {
} while (TRUE);
/* check before writing to the ring */
if (ring->wp + w_len >= ring->ring_size) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] wp pointed out of ring boundary, "
"wp=%d, ring_size=%d, w_len=%u\n", __FUNCTION__, ring->id,
ring->name, ring->wp, ring->ring_size, w_len));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
w_entry = (dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *)((uint8 *)ring->ring_buf + ring->wp);
/* header */
ret = memcpy_s(w_entry, avail_size, hdr, DBG_RING_ENTRY_SIZE);
if (ret) {
DHD_ERROR((" memcpy_s() error : %d, destsz: %d, n: %d\n",
ret, avail_size, (int)DBG_RING_ENTRY_SIZE));
return BCME_ERROR;
w_entry->len = hdr->len;
/* payload */
avail_size -= DBG_RING_ENTRY_SIZE;
ret = memcpy_s((char *)w_entry + DBG_RING_ENTRY_SIZE,
avail_size, data, w_entry->len);
if (ret) {
DHD_ERROR((" memcpy_s() error : %d, destsz: %d, n: %d\n",
ret, avail_size, w_entry->len));
return BCME_ERROR;
/* update write pointer */
ring->wp += w_len;
/* update statistics */
ring->stat.written_bytes += w_len;
DHD_DBGIF(("%s : RING%d[%s] written_records %d, written_bytes %d, read_bytes=%d,"
" ring->threshold=%d, wp=%d, rp=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name,
ring->stat.written_records, ring->stat.written_bytes, ring->stat.read_bytes,
ring->threshold, ring->wp, ring->rp));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
* This function folds ring->lock, so callers of this function
* should not hold ring->lock.
dhd_dbg_ring_pull_single(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, void *data, uint32 buf_len, bool strip_header)
dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *r_entry = NULL;
uint32 rlen = 0;
char *buf = NULL;
unsigned long flags;
if (!ring || !data || buf_len <= 0) {
return 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
/* pull from ring is allowed for inactive (suspended) ring
* in case of ecounters only, this is because, for ecounters
* when a trap occurs the ring is suspended and data is then
* pulled to dump it to a file. For other rings if ring is
* not in active state return without processing (as before)
if (!ring->pull_inactive && (ring->state != RING_ACTIVE)) {
goto exit;
if (ring->rp == ring->wp) {
goto exit;
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] buf_len=%u, wp=%d, rp=%d, ring_start=0x%p; ring_size=%u\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, buf_len, ring->wp, ring->rp,
ring->ring_buf, ring->ring_size));
r_entry = (dhd_dbg_ring_entry_t *)((uint8 *)ring->ring_buf + ring->rp);
/* Boundary Check */
rlen = ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
if ((ring->rp + rlen) > ring->ring_size) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: entry len %d is out of boundary of ring size %d,"
" current ring %d[%s] - rp=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, rlen,
ring->ring_size, ring->id, ring->name, ring->rp));
rlen = 0;
goto exit;
if (strip_header) {
rlen = r_entry->len;
buf = (char *)r_entry + DBG_RING_ENTRY_SIZE;
} else {
rlen = ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
buf = (char *)r_entry;
if (rlen > buf_len) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: buf len %d is too small for entry len %d\n",
__FUNCTION__, buf_len, rlen));
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: ring %d[%s] - ring size=%d, wp=%d, rp=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, ring->ring_size,
ring->wp, ring->rp));
/* The state of ringbuffer is different between calculating buf_len
* and current. ring->rp have chance to be update by pushing data
* to ring buffer when unlocking after calculating buf_len.
* But, It doesn't need to ASSERT because we only send up the
* entries stored so far.
rlen = 0;
goto exit;
memcpy(data, buf, rlen);
/* update ring context */
ring->rp += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
/* don't pass wp but skip padding if there is one */
if (ring->rp != ring->wp &&
ring->tail_padded && ((ring->rp + ring->rem_len) >= ring->ring_size)) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] Found padding, rp=%d, wp=%d\n",
__FUNCTION__, ring->id, ring->name, ring->rp, ring->wp));
ring->rp = 0;
ring->tail_padded = FALSE;
ring->rem_len = 0;
if (ring->rp >= ring->ring_size) {
DHD_DBGIF(("%s: RING%d[%s] rp pointed out of ring boundary,"
" rp=%d, ring_size=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, ring->id,
ring->name, ring->rp, ring->ring_size));
rlen = 0;
goto exit;
ring->stat.read_bytes += ENTRY_LENGTH(r_entry);
DHD_DBGIF(("%s RING%d[%s]read_bytes %d, wp=%d, rp=%d\n", __FUNCTION__,
ring->id, ring->name, ring->stat.read_bytes, ring->wp, ring->rp));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return rlen;
dhd_dbg_ring_pull(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, void *data, uint32 buf_len,
bool strip_hdr, int *num_entries)
int32 r_len, total_r_len = 0;
unsigned long flags;
if (!ring || !data)
return 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
if (!ring->pull_inactive && (ring->state != RING_ACTIVE)) {
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return 0;
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
while (buf_len > 0) {
r_len = dhd_dbg_ring_pull_single(ring, data, buf_len, strip_hdr);
if (r_len == 0)
data = (uint8 *)data + r_len;
buf_len -= r_len;
total_r_len += r_len;
return total_r_len;
dhd_dbg_ring_config(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring, int log_level, uint32 threshold)
unsigned long flags = 0;
if (!ring)
if (ring->state == RING_STOP)
DHD_DBG_RING_LOCK(ring->lock, flags);
if (log_level == 0)
ring->state = RING_SUSPEND;
ring->state = RING_ACTIVE;
ring->log_level = log_level;
ring->threshold = MIN(threshold, DBGRING_FLUSH_THRESHOLD(ring));
DHD_DBG_RING_UNLOCK(ring->lock, flags);
return BCME_OK;
dhd_dbg_ring_start(dhd_dbg_ring_t *ring)
if (!ring)
/* Initialize the information for the ring */
ring->state = RING_SUSPEND;
ring->log_level = 0;
ring->rp = ring->wp = 0;
ring->threshold = 0;
bzero(&ring->stat, sizeof(struct ring_statistics));
bzero(ring->ring_buf, ring->ring_size);