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* Broadcom Dongle Host Driver (DHD), RTT
* Copyright (C) 2024, Broadcom.
* Unless you and Broadcom execute a separate written software license
* agreement governing use of this software, this software is licensed to you
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 (the "GPL"),
* available at, with the
* following added to such license:
* As a special exception, the copyright holders of this software give you
* permission to link this software with independent modules, and to copy and
* distribute the resulting executable under terms of your choice, provided that
* you also meet, for each linked independent module, the terms and conditions of
* the license of that module. An independent module is a module which is not
* derived from this software. The special exception does not apply to any
* modifications of the software.
* <<Broadcom-WL-IPTag/Dual:>>
#ifndef __DHD_RTT_H__
#define __DHD_RTT_H__
#include <dngl_stats.h>
#include "wifi_stats.h"
#define RTT_MAX_FRAME_CNT 25
#define RTT_MAX_RETRY_CNT 10
#define DEFAULT_FTM_FREQ 5180
#define TARGET_INFO_SIZE(count) (sizeof(rtt_mc_az_target_info_t) * count)
#define TARGET_TYPE(target) (target->type)
#define RTT_IS_ENABLED(rtt_status) (rtt_status->status == RTT_ENABLED)
#define RTT_IS_STOPPED(rtt_status) (rtt_status->status == RTT_STOPPED)
#define GEOFENCE_RTT_LOCK(rtt_status) mutex_lock(&(rtt_status)->geofence_mutex)
#define GEOFENCE_RTT_UNLOCK(rtt_status) mutex_unlock(&(rtt_status)->geofence_mutex)
#ifndef BIT
#define BIT(x) (1 << (x))
/* DSSS, CCK and 802.11n rates in [500kbps] units */
#define WL_MAXRATE 108 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_1M 2 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_2M 4 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_5M5 11 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_11M 22 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_6M 12 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_9M 18 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_12M 24 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_18M 36 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_24M 48 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_36M 72 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_48M 96 /* in 500kbps units */
#define WL_RATE_54M 108 /* in 500kbps units */
#define GET_RTTSTATE(dhd) ((rtt_status_info_t *)dhd->rtt_state)
#ifdef WL_NAN
/* RTT Retry Timer Interval */
/* Fix Me: Revert back once retry logic is back in place */
#endif /* WL_NAN */
enum rtt_role {
enum rtt_status {
typedef int64_t wifi_timestamp; /* In microseconds (us) */
typedef int64_t wifi_timespan;
typedef int32 wifi_rssi_rtt;
typedef enum {
} rtt_type_t;
/* RTT peer type */
typedef enum {
RTT_PEER_AP = 0x1,
RTT_PEER_P2P_GO = 0x3,
} rtt_peer_type_t;
/* Ranging status */
typedef enum rtt_reason {
RTT_STATUS_FAILURE = 1, // general failure status
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_NO_RSP = 2, // target STA does not respond to request
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_REJECTED = 3, // request rejected. Applies to 2-sided RTT only
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_TM_TIMEOUT = 5, // timing measurement times out
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_AP_ON_DIFF_CHANNEL = 6, // Target on different channel, cannot range
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_NO_CAPABILITY = 7, // ranging not supported
RTT_STATUS_ABORTED = 8, // request aborted for unknown reason
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_INVALID_TS = 9, // Invalid T1-T4 timestamp
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_PROTOCOL = 10, // 11mc protocol failed
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_SCHEDULE = 11, // request could not be scheduled
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_BUSY_TRY_LATER = 12, // responder cannot collaborate at time of request
RTT_STATUS_INVALID_REQ = 13, // bad request args
RTT_STATUS_NO_WIFI = 14, // WiFi not enabled Responder overrides param info
// cannot range with new params
RTT_STATUS_FAIL_CHANSW = 16 // failed due to channel switch
} rtt_reason_t;
enum {
/* IEEE802.11mc */
enum {
enum {
enum {
RTT_BW_5 = BIT(0),
RTT_BW_10 = BIT(1),
RTT_BW_20 = BIT(2),
RTT_BW_40 = BIT(3),
RTT_BW_80 = BIT(4),
RTT_BW_160 = BIT(5)
enum rtt_rate_bw {
/* RTT Measurement Bandwidth */
typedef enum wifi_rtt_bw {
WIFI_RTT_BW_5 = 0x01,
WIFI_RTT_BW_10 = 0x02,
WIFI_RTT_BW_20 = 0x04,
WIFI_RTT_BW_40 = 0x08,
WIFI_RTT_BW_80 = 0x10,
WIFI_RTT_BW_160 = 0x20,
WIFI_RTT_BW_320 = 0x40
} wifi_rtt_bw_t;
typedef enum ranging_type {
} ranging_type_t;
typedef enum ranging_target_list_mode {
} ranging_target_list_mode_t;
#define HAS_11MC_CAP(cap) (cap & RTT_CAP_FTM_WAY)
#define HAS_ONEWAY_CAP(cap) (cap & RTT_CAP_ONE_WAY)
#define HAS_RTT_CAP(cap) (HAS_ONEWAY_CAP(cap) || HAS_11MC_CAP(cap))
typedef struct rtt_cmn_target_info {
uint8 tgt_type;
struct ether_addr addr;
struct ether_addr local_addr;
rtt_peer_type_t peer; /* peer type */
wifi_channel_info channel; /* channel information */
chanspec_t chanspec; /* chanspec for channel */
bool disable; /* disable for RTT measurement */
uint16 sid; /* session ID for the target */
wifi_rtt_bw_t bw; /* 5, 10, 20, 40, 80, 160 */
} rtt_cmn_target_info_t;
typedef struct rtt_mc_target_info {
* Time interval between bursts (units: 100 ms).
* Applies to 1-sided and 2-sided RTT multi-burst requests.
* Range: 0-31, 0: no preference by initiator (2-sided RTT)
uint32 burst_period;
* Total number of RTT bursts to be executed. It will be
* specified in the same way as the parameter "Number of
* Burst Exponent" found in the FTM frame format. It
* applies to both: 1-sided RTT and 2-sided RTT. Valid
* values are 0 to 15 as defined in 802.11mc std.
* 0 means single shot
* The implication of this parameter on the maximum
* number of RTT results is the following:
* for 1-sided RTT: max num of RTT results = (2^num_burst)*(num_frames_per_burst)
* for 2-sided RTT: max num of RTT results = (2^num_burst)*(num_frames_per_burst - 1)
uint16 num_burst;
* num of frames per burst.
* Minimum value = 1, Maximum value = 31
* For 2-sided this equals the number of FTM frames
* to be attempted in a single burst. This also
* equals the number of FTM frames that the
* initiator will request that the responder send
* in a single frame
uint32 num_frames_per_burst;
* num of frames in each RTT burst
* for single side, measurement result num = frame number
* for 2 side RTT, measurement result num = frame number - 1
/* retry time for RTT measurment frame */
uint32 num_retries_per_ftm;
/* following fields are only valid for 2 side RTT */
uint32 num_retries_per_ftmr;
uint8 LCI_request;
uint8 LCR_request;
#ifdef WL_RTT_LCI
bcm_xtlv_t *LCI; /* LCI Report */
bcm_xtlv_t *LCR; /* Location Civic Report */
#endif /* WL_RTT_LCI */
* Applies to 1-sided and 2-sided RTT. Valid values will
* be 2-11 and 15 as specified by the 802.11mc std for
* the FTM parameter burst duration. In a multi-burst
* request, if responder overrides with larger value,
* the initiator will return failure. In a single-burst
* request if responder overrides with larger value,
* the initiator will sent TMR_STOP to terminate RTT
* at the end of the burst_duration it requested.
uint32 burst_duration;
uint32 burst_timeout;
uint8 preamble; /* 1 - Legacy, 2 - HT, 4 - VHT */
} rtt_mc_target_info_t;
typedef struct rtt_az_target_info {
/* Minimum measuremen time in us */
uint32 min_delta;
/* Maximum measuremen time in us */
uint32 max_delta;
uint8 format_bw;
uint16 num_measurements;
} rtt_az_target_info_t;
#define MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN 63u /* Max length of passphrase */
/* Security params */
typedef struct rtt_target_security_info {
uint32 akm; /* AKM to use i.e, SAE/FT/FILS/PASN */
uint8 passphrase[MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN]; /* passphrase */
uint8 passphrase_len; /* length of key */
uint32 cipher_type; /* Type of cipher used ie., CCM/GCM */
uint32 key_idle_time; /* key idle time */
uint32 key_life_time; /* key life time */
bool sec_ltf_reqd; /* Is secure lft required */
uint8 pad[3];
} rtt_target_security_info_t;
typedef struct {
rtt_cmn_target_info_t cmn_tgt_info;
rtt_target_security_info_t sec_info; /* secure ranging params */
union {
/* mc target info */
rtt_mc_target_info_t mc_tgt_info;
/* AZ target info */
rtt_az_target_info_t az_tgt_info;
} u;
} rtt_mc_az_target_info_t;
typedef struct rtt_goefence_target_info {
bool valid;
struct ether_addr peer_addr;
} rtt_geofence_target_info_t;
typedef struct rtt_config_params {
int8 rtt_target_cnt;
uint8 target_list_mode;
rtt_mc_az_target_info_t *target_info;
} rtt_config_params_t;
typedef struct rtt_geofence_setup_status {
bool geofence_setup_inprog; /* Lock to serialize geofence setup */
struct nan_ranging_inst *rng_inst; /* Locked for this ranging instance */
} rtt_geofence_setup_status_t;
typedef struct rtt_geofence_cfg {
int8 geofence_target_cnt;
int8 cur_target_idx;
rtt_geofence_target_info_t geofence_target_info[RTT_MAX_GEOFENCE_TARGET_CNT];
int geofence_rtt_interval;
int max_geofence_sessions; /* Polled from FW via IOVAR Query */
int geofence_sessions_cnt; /* No. of Geofence/Resp Sessions running currently */
rtt_geofence_setup_status_t geofence_setup_status;
bool geofence_cont;
#endif /* RTT_GEOFENCE_CONT */
} rtt_geofence_cfg_t;
typedef struct rtt_directed_setup_status {
bool directed_na_setup_inprog; /* Lock to serialize directed setup */
struct nan_ranging_inst *rng_inst; /* Locked for this ranging instance */
} rtt_directed_setup_status_t;
typedef struct rtt_directed_cfg {
int directed_sessions_cnt; /* No. of Geofence/Resp Sessions running currently */
rtt_directed_setup_status_t directed_setup_status;
} rtt_directed_cfg_t;
/* RTT AKM type */
typedef enum rtt_akm {
RTT_AKM_PASN = 0x1u,
RTT_AKM_SAE = 0x2u,
RTT_AKM_FT = 0x3u,
} rtt_akm;
typedef enum rtt_cipher_type {
} rtt_cipher_type_t;
* Keep Adding more reasons
* going forward if needed
enum rtt_schedule_reason {
RTT_SCHED_HOST_TRIGGER = 1, /* On host command for directed RTT */
RTT_SCHED_SUB_MATCH = 2, /* on Sub Match for svc with range req */
RTT_SCHED_DIR_TRIGGER_FAIL = 3, /* On failure of Directed RTT Trigger */
RTT_SCHED_DP_END = 4, /* ON NDP End event from fw */
RTT_SCHED_DP_REJECTED = 5, /* On receving reject dp event from fw */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_RPT_DIRECTED = 6, /* On Ranging report for directed RTT */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_TERM = 7, /* On Range Term Indicator */
RTT_SHCED_HOST_DIRECTED_TERM = 8, /* On host terminating directed RTT sessions */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_RPT_GEOFENCE = 9, /* On Ranging report for geofence RTT */
RTT_SCHED_RTT_RETRY_GEOFENCE = 10, /* On Geofence Retry */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_TERM_PEND_ROLE_CHANGE = 11, /* On Rng Term, while pending role change */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_TERM_SUB_SVC_CANCEL = 12, /* Due rng canc attempt, on sub cancel */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_TERM_SUB_SVC_UPD = 13, /* Due rng canc attempt, on sub update */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_TERM_PUB_RNG_CLEAR = 14, /* Due rng canc attempt, on pub upd/timeout */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_RESP_IND = 15, /* Due to rng resp ind */
RTT_SCHED_RNG_DIR_EXCESS_TARGET = 16 /* On ssn end, if excess dir tgt pending */
* Keep Adding more invalid RTT states
* going forward if needed
enum rtt_invalid_state {
RTT_STATE_VALID = 0, /* RTT state is valid */
RTT_STATE_INV_REASON_NDP_EXIST = 1 /* RTT state invalid as ndp exists */
typedef struct rtt_status_info {
dhd_pub_t *dhd;
int8 status; /* current status for the current entry */
int8 txchain; /* current device tx chain */
int pm; /* to save current value of pm */
int8 pm_restore; /* flag to reset the old value of pm */
int8 cur_idx; /* current entry to do RTT */
int8 start_idx; /* start index for RTT */
bool all_cancel; /* cancel all request once we got the cancel requet */
uint32 flags; /* indicate whether device is configured as initiator or target */
struct capability {
int32 proto :8;
int32 feature :8;
int32 preamble :8;
int32 bw :8;
} rtt_capa; /* rtt capability */
struct mutex rtt_mutex;
struct mutex geofence_mutex;
rtt_config_params_t rtt_config;
rtt_geofence_cfg_t geofence_cfg;
rtt_directed_cfg_t directed_cfg;
struct work_struct work;
struct list_head noti_fn_list;
struct list_head rtt_results_cache; /* store results for RTT */
int rtt_sched_reason; /* rtt_schedule_reason: what scheduled RTT */
struct delayed_work proxd_timeout; /* Proxd Timeout work */
struct delayed_work rtt_retry_timer; /* Timer for retry RTT after all targets done */
bool rtt_sched; /* TO serialize rtt thread */
int max_nan_rtt_sessions; /* To be Polled from FW via IOVAR Query */
} rtt_status_info_t;
typedef struct rtt_report {
struct ether_addr addr;
unsigned int burst_num; /* # of burst inside a multi-burst request */
unsigned int ftm_num; /* total RTT measurement frames attempted */
unsigned int success_num; /* total successful RTT measurement frames */
uint8 num_per_burst_peer; /* max number of FTM number per burst the peer support */
rtt_reason_t status; /* raging status */
/* in s, 11mc only, only for RTT_REASON_FAIL_BUSY_TRY_LATER, 1- 31s */
uint8 retry_after_duration;
rtt_type_t type; /* rtt type */
wifi_rssi_rtt rssi; /* average rssi in 0.5 dB steps e.g. 143 implies -71.5 dB */
wifi_rssi_rtt rssi_spread; /* rssi spread in 0.5 db steps e.g. 5 implies 2.5 spread */
* 1-sided RTT: TX rate of RTT frame.
* 2-sided RTT: TX rate of initiator's Ack in response to FTM frame.
wifi_rate_v1 tx_rate;
* 1-sided RTT: TX rate of Ack from other side.
* 2-sided RTT: TX rate of FTM frame coming from responder.
wifi_rate_v1 rx_rate;
wifi_timespan rtt; /* round trip time in picoseconds */
wifi_timespan rtt_sd; /* rtt standard deviation in picoseconds */
wifi_timespan rtt_spread; /* difference between max and min rtt times recorded */
int distance; /* distance in mm (optional) */
int distance_sd; /* standard deviation in mm (optional) */
int distance_spread; /* difference between max and min distance recorded (optional) */
wifi_timestamp ts; /* time of the measurement (in microseconds since boot) */
int burst_duration; /* in ms, how long the FW time is to fininish one burst measurement */
int negotiated_burst_num; /* Number of bursts allowed by the responder */
bcm_tlv_t *LCI; /* LCI Report */
bcm_tlv_t *LCR; /* Location Civic Report */
} rtt_report_t;
#define RTT_MC_REPORT_SIZE (sizeof(rtt_report_t))
#define RTT_AZ_REPORT_SIZE (sizeof(rtt_report_t))
/* rtt_results_header to maintain rtt result list per mac address */
typedef struct rtt_results_header {
struct ether_addr peer_mac;
uint32 result_cnt;
uint32 result_tot_len; /* sum of report_len of rtt_result */
struct list_head list;
struct list_head result_list;
} rtt_results_header_t;
struct rtt_mc_result_detail {
uint8 num_ota_meas;
uint32 result_flags;
typedef struct rtt_mc_result {
struct rtt_report report;
int32 report_len; /* total length of rtt_report */
struct rtt_mc_result_detail rtt_detail;
int32 detail_len;
} rtt_mc_result_t;
struct rtt_az_result_detail {
uint32 min_delta; /* in 100 us unit */
uint32 max_delta; /* in 10 ms unit */
uint8 i2r_ltf_rep;
uint8 r2i_ltf_rep;
typedef struct rtt_az_result {
struct rtt_report report;
int32 report_len; /* total length of rtt_report */
struct rtt_az_result_detail rtt_detail;
int32 detail_len;
} rtt_az_result_t;
/* rtt_result to link all of rtt_report */
typedef struct rtt_mc_az_result {
struct list_head list;
rtt_type_t type; /* rtt type */
/* primary channel frequency (MHz) used for ranging measurements */
wifi_channel frequency;
/* RTT packet bandwidth is an average BW of the BWs of RTT frames. */
uint8 packet_bw;
union {
rtt_mc_result_t mc_result;
rtt_az_result_t az_result;
} u;
} rtt_mc_az_result_t;
/* RTT Capabilities */
typedef struct rtt_capabilities {
uint8 rtt_one_sided_supported; /* if 1-sided rtt data collection is supported */
uint8 rtt_ftm_supported; /* if ftm rtt data collection is supported */
uint8 lci_support; /* location configuration information */
uint8 lcr_support; /* Civic Location */
uint8 preamble_support; /* bit mask indicate what preamble is supported */
uint8 bw_support; /* bit mask indicate what BW is supported */
} rtt_capabilities_t;
/* RTT responder information */
typedef struct wifi_rtt_responder {
wifi_channel_info channel; /* channel of responder */
uint8 preamble; /* preamble supported by responder */
} wifi_rtt_responder_t;
typedef void (*dhd_rtt_compl_noti_fn)(void *ctx, void *rtt_data);
/* Linux wrapper to call common dhd_rtt_set_cfg */
int dhd_dev_rtt_set_cfg(struct net_device *dev, void *buf);
int dhd_dev_rtt_cancel_cfg(struct net_device *dev, struct ether_addr *mac_list, int mac_cnt);
int dhd_dev_rtt_register_noti_callback(struct net_device *dev, void *ctx,
dhd_rtt_compl_noti_fn noti_fn);
int dhd_dev_rtt_unregister_noti_callback(struct net_device *dev, dhd_rtt_compl_noti_fn noti_fn);
int dhd_dev_rtt_capability(struct net_device *dev, rtt_capabilities_t *capa);
int dhd_dev_rtt_avail_channel(struct net_device *dev, wifi_channel_info *channel_info);
int dhd_dev_rtt_enable_responder(struct net_device *dev, wifi_channel_info *channel_info);
int dhd_dev_rtt_cancel_responder(struct net_device *dev);
/* export to upper layer */
chanspec_t dhd_rtt_convert_to_chspec(wifi_channel_info channel);
int dhd_rtt_idx_to_burst_duration(uint idx);
int dhd_rtt_set_cfg(dhd_pub_t *dhd, rtt_config_params_t *params);
#ifdef WL_NAN
void dhd_rtt_initialize_geofence_cfg(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_rtt_set_geofence_cont_ind(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool geofence_cont);
void dhd_rtt_get_geofence_cont_ind(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool* geofence_cont);
#endif /* RTT_GEOFENCE_CONT */
void dhd_rtt_set_geofence_rtt_interval(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int interval);
int dhd_rtt_get_geofence_max_sessions(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_geofence_sessions_maxed_out(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_get_geofence_sessions_cnt(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_update_geofence_sessions_cnt(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool incr,
struct ether_addr *peer_addr);
int8 dhd_rtt_get_geofence_target_cnt(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
rtt_geofence_target_info_t* dhd_rtt_get_geofence_target_head(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
rtt_geofence_target_info_t* dhd_rtt_get_geofence_current_target(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
dhd_rtt_get_geofence_target(dhd_pub_t *dhd, struct ether_addr* peer_addr,
int8 *index);
int dhd_rtt_add_geofence_target(dhd_pub_t *dhd, rtt_geofence_target_info_t *target);
int dhd_rtt_remove_geofence_target(dhd_pub_t *dhd, struct ether_addr *peer_addr);
int dhd_rtt_delete_geofence_target_list(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_delete_nan_session(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_nan_is_directed_setup_in_prog(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_nan_is_directed_setup_in_prog_with_peer(dhd_pub_t *dhd,
struct ether_addr *peer);
void dhd_rtt_nan_update_directed_setup_inprog(dhd_pub_t *dhd,
struct nan_ranging_inst *rng_inst, bool inprog);
bool dhd_rtt_nan_directed_sessions_allowed(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_nan_all_directed_sessions_triggered(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_rtt_nan_update_directed_sessions_cnt(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool incr);
#endif /* WL_NAN */
uint8 dhd_rtt_invalid_states(struct net_device *ndev, struct ether_addr *peer_addr);
int8 dhd_rtt_get_cur_target_idx(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int8 dhd_rtt_set_next_target_idx(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int start_idx);
void dhd_rtt_schedule_rtt_work_thread(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int sched_reason);
int dhd_rtt_stop(dhd_pub_t *dhd, struct ether_addr *mac_list, int mac_cnt);
int dhd_rtt_register_noti_callback(dhd_pub_t *dhd, void *ctx, dhd_rtt_compl_noti_fn noti_fn);
int dhd_rtt_unregister_noti_callback(dhd_pub_t *dhd, dhd_rtt_compl_noti_fn noti_fn);
int dhd_rtt_event_handler(dhd_pub_t *dhd, wl_event_msg_t *event, void *event_data);
int dhd_rtt_capability(dhd_pub_t *dhd, rtt_capabilities_t *capa);
int dhd_rtt_avail_channel(dhd_pub_t *dhd, wifi_channel_info *channel_info);
int dhd_rtt_enable_responder(dhd_pub_t *dhd, wifi_channel_info *channel_info);
int dhd_rtt_cancel_responder(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_attach(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_detach(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_init(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int dhd_rtt_deinit(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
#ifdef WL_CFG80211
#ifdef WL_NAN
int dhd_rtt_handle_nan_rtt_session_end(dhd_pub_t *dhd,
struct ether_addr *peer);
void dhd_rtt_move_geofence_cur_target_idx_to_next(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
int8 dhd_rtt_get_geofence_cur_target_idx(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
void dhd_rtt_set_geofence_cur_target_idx(dhd_pub_t *dhd, int8 idx);
rtt_geofence_setup_status_t* dhd_rtt_get_geofence_setup_status(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_is_geofence_setup_inprog(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_is_geofence_setup_inprog_with_peer(dhd_pub_t *dhd,
struct ether_addr *peer_addr);
void dhd_rtt_set_geofence_setup_status(dhd_pub_t *dhd, bool inprog,
struct ether_addr *peer_addr);
int dhd_rtt_get_max_nan_rtt_sessions_supported(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
bool dhd_rtt_is_taget_list_mode_nan(dhd_pub_t *dhd);
#endif /* WL_NAN */
#endif /* WL_CFG80211 */
#endif /* __DHD_RTT_H__ */