| /* $Id: sunbmac.h,v 1.7 2000/07/11 22:35:22 davem Exp $ |
| * sunbmac.h: Defines for the Sun "Big MAC" 100baseT ethernet cards. |
| * |
| * Copyright (C) 1997 David S. Miller ([email protected]) |
| */ |
| |
| #ifndef _SUNBMAC_H |
| #define _SUNBMAC_H |
| |
| /* QEC global registers. */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL 0x00UL /* Control */ |
| #define GLOB_STAT 0x04UL /* Status */ |
| #define GLOB_PSIZE 0x08UL /* Packet Size */ |
| #define GLOB_MSIZE 0x0cUL /* Local-mem size (64K) */ |
| #define GLOB_RSIZE 0x10UL /* Receive partition size */ |
| #define GLOB_TSIZE 0x14UL /* Transmit partition size */ |
| #define GLOB_REG_SIZE 0x18UL |
| |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_MMODE 0x40000000 /* MACE qec mode */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_BMODE 0x10000000 /* BigMAC qec mode */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_EPAR 0x00000020 /* Enable parity */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_ACNTRL 0x00000018 /* SBUS arbitration control */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_B64 0x00000004 /* 64 byte dvma bursts */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_B32 0x00000002 /* 32 byte dvma bursts */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_B16 0x00000000 /* 16 byte dvma bursts */ |
| #define GLOB_CTRL_RESET 0x00000001 /* Reset the QEC */ |
| |
| #define GLOB_STAT_TX 0x00000008 /* BigMAC Transmit IRQ */ |
| #define GLOB_STAT_RX 0x00000004 /* BigMAC Receive IRQ */ |
| #define GLOB_STAT_BM 0x00000002 /* BigMAC Global IRQ */ |
| #define GLOB_STAT_ER 0x00000001 /* BigMAC Error IRQ */ |
| |
| #define GLOB_PSIZE_2048 0x00 /* 2k packet size */ |
| #define GLOB_PSIZE_4096 0x01 /* 4k packet size */ |
| #define GLOB_PSIZE_6144 0x10 /* 6k packet size */ |
| #define GLOB_PSIZE_8192 0x11 /* 8k packet size */ |
| |
| /* QEC BigMAC channel registers. */ |
| #define CREG_CTRL 0x00UL /* Control */ |
| #define CREG_STAT 0x04UL /* Status */ |
| #define CREG_RXDS 0x08UL /* RX descriptor ring ptr */ |
| #define CREG_TXDS 0x0cUL /* TX descriptor ring ptr */ |
| #define CREG_RIMASK 0x10UL /* RX Interrupt Mask */ |
| #define CREG_TIMASK 0x14UL /* TX Interrupt Mask */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK 0x18UL /* QEC Error Interrupt Mask */ |
| #define CREG_BMASK 0x1cUL /* BigMAC Error Interrupt Mask*/ |
| #define CREG_RXWBUFPTR 0x20UL /* Local memory rx write ptr */ |
| #define CREG_RXRBUFPTR 0x24UL /* Local memory rx read ptr */ |
| #define CREG_TXWBUFPTR 0x28UL /* Local memory tx write ptr */ |
| #define CREG_TXRBUFPTR 0x2cUL /* Local memory tx read ptr */ |
| #define CREG_CCNT 0x30UL /* Collision Counter */ |
| #define CREG_REG_SIZE 0x34UL |
| |
| #define CREG_CTRL_TWAKEUP 0x00000001 /* Transmitter Wakeup, 'go'. */ |
| |
| #define CREG_STAT_BERROR 0x80000000 /* BigMAC error */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_TXIRQ 0x00200000 /* Transmit Interrupt */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_TXDERROR 0x00080000 /* TX Descriptor is bogus */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_TXLERR 0x00040000 /* Late Transmit Error */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_TXPERR 0x00020000 /* Transmit Parity Error */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_TXSERR 0x00010000 /* Transmit SBUS error ack */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXIRQ 0x00000020 /* Receive Interrupt */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXDROP 0x00000010 /* Dropped a RX'd packet */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXSMALL 0x00000008 /* Receive buffer too small */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXLERR 0x00000004 /* Receive Late Error */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXPERR 0x00000002 /* Receive Parity Error */ |
| #define CREG_STAT_RXSERR 0x00000001 /* Receive SBUS Error ACK */ |
| |
| |
| #define CREG_QMASK_TXDERROR 0x00080000 /* TXD error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_TXLERR 0x00040000 /* TX late error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_TXPERR 0x00020000 /* TX parity error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_TXSERR 0x00010000 /* TX sbus error ack */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_RXDROP 0x00000010 /* RX drop */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_RXBERROR 0x00000008 /* RX buffer error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_RXLEERR 0x00000004 /* RX late error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_RXPERR 0x00000002 /* RX parity error */ |
| #define CREG_QMASK_RXSERR 0x00000001 /* RX sbus error ack */ |
| |
| /* BIGMAC core registers */ |
| #define BMAC_XIFCFG 0x000UL /* XIF config register */ |
| /* 0x004-->0x0fc, reserved */ |
| #define BMAC_STATUS 0x100UL /* Status register, clear on read */ |
| #define BMAC_IMASK 0x104UL /* Interrupt mask register */ |
| /* 0x108-->0x204, reserved */ |
| #define BMAC_TXSWRESET 0x208UL /* Transmitter software reset */ |
| #define BMAC_TXCFG 0x20cUL /* Transmitter config register */ |
| #define BMAC_IGAP1 0x210UL /* Inter-packet gap 1 */ |
| #define BMAC_IGAP2 0x214UL /* Inter-packet gap 2 */ |
| #define BMAC_ALIMIT 0x218UL /* Transmit attempt limit */ |
| #define BMAC_STIME 0x21cUL /* Transmit slot time */ |
| #define BMAC_PLEN 0x220UL /* Size of transmit preamble */ |
| #define BMAC_PPAT 0x224UL /* Pattern for transmit preamble */ |
| #define BMAC_TXDELIM 0x228UL /* Transmit delimiter */ |
| #define BMAC_JSIZE 0x22cUL /* Toe jam... */ |
| #define BMAC_TXPMAX 0x230UL /* Transmit max pkt size */ |
| #define BMAC_TXPMIN 0x234UL /* Transmit min pkt size */ |
| #define BMAC_PATTEMPT 0x238UL /* Count of transmit peak attempts */ |
| #define BMAC_DTCTR 0x23cUL /* Transmit defer timer */ |
| #define BMAC_NCCTR 0x240UL /* Transmit normal-collision counter */ |
| #define BMAC_FCCTR 0x244UL /* Transmit first-collision counter */ |
| #define BMAC_EXCTR 0x248UL /* Transmit excess-collision counter */ |
| #define BMAC_LTCTR 0x24cUL /* Transmit late-collision counter */ |
| #define BMAC_RSEED 0x250UL /* Transmit random number seed */ |
| #define BMAC_TXSMACHINE 0x254UL /* Transmit state machine */ |
| /* 0x258-->0x304, reserved */ |
| #define BMAC_RXSWRESET 0x308UL /* Receiver software reset */ |
| #define BMAC_RXCFG 0x30cUL /* Receiver config register */ |
| #define BMAC_RXPMAX 0x310UL /* Receive max pkt size */ |
| #define BMAC_RXPMIN 0x314UL /* Receive min pkt size */ |
| #define BMAC_MACADDR2 0x318UL /* Ether address register 2 */ |
| #define BMAC_MACADDR1 0x31cUL /* Ether address register 1 */ |
| #define BMAC_MACADDR0 0x320UL /* Ether address register 0 */ |
| #define BMAC_FRCTR 0x324UL /* Receive frame receive counter */ |
| #define BMAC_GLECTR 0x328UL /* Receive giant-length error counter */ |
| #define BMAC_UNALECTR 0x32cUL /* Receive unaligned error counter */ |
| #define BMAC_RCRCECTR 0x330UL /* Receive CRC error counter */ |
| #define BMAC_RXSMACHINE 0x334UL /* Receiver state machine */ |
| #define BMAC_RXCVALID 0x338UL /* Receiver code violation */ |
| /* 0x33c, reserved */ |
| #define BMAC_HTABLE3 0x340UL /* Hash table 3 */ |
| #define BMAC_HTABLE2 0x344UL /* Hash table 2 */ |
| #define BMAC_HTABLE1 0x348UL /* Hash table 1 */ |
| #define BMAC_HTABLE0 0x34cUL /* Hash table 0 */ |
| #define BMAC_AFILTER2 0x350UL /* Address filter 2 */ |
| #define BMAC_AFILTER1 0x354UL /* Address filter 1 */ |
| #define BMAC_AFILTER0 0x358UL /* Address filter 0 */ |
| #define BMAC_AFMASK 0x35cUL /* Address filter mask */ |
| #define BMAC_REG_SIZE 0x360UL |
| |
| /* BigMac XIF config register. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_XCFG_ODENABLE 0x00000001 /* Output driver enable */ |
| #define BIGMAC_XCFG_RESV 0x00000002 /* Reserved, write always as 1 */ |
| #define BIGMAC_XCFG_MLBACK 0x00000004 /* Loopback-mode MII enable */ |
| #define BIGMAC_XCFG_SMODE 0x00000008 /* Enable serial mode */ |
| |
| /* BigMAC status register. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_GOTFRAME 0x00000001 /* Received a frame */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_RCNTEXP 0x00000002 /* Receive frame counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_ACNTEXP 0x00000004 /* Align-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_CCNTEXP 0x00000008 /* CRC-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_LCNTEXP 0x00000010 /* Length-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_RFIFOVF 0x00000020 /* Receive FIFO overflow */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_CVCNTEXP 0x00000040 /* Code-violation counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_SENTFRAME 0x00000100 /* Transmitted a frame */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_TFIFO_UND 0x00000200 /* Transmit FIFO underrun */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_MAXPKTERR 0x00000400 /* Max-packet size error */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_NCNTEXP 0x00000800 /* Normal-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_ECNTEXP 0x00001000 /* Excess-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_LCCNTEXP 0x00002000 /* Late-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_FCNTEXP 0x00004000 /* First-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_STAT_DTIMEXP 0x00008000 /* Defer-timer expired */ |
| |
| /* BigMAC interrupt mask register. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_GOTFRAME 0x00000001 /* Received a frame */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_RCNTEXP 0x00000002 /* Receive frame counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_ACNTEXP 0x00000004 /* Align-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_CCNTEXP 0x00000008 /* CRC-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_LCNTEXP 0x00000010 /* Length-error counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_RFIFOVF 0x00000020 /* Receive FIFO overflow */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_CVCNTEXP 0x00000040 /* Code-violation counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_SENTFRAME 0x00000100 /* Transmitted a frame */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_TFIFO_UND 0x00000200 /* Transmit FIFO underrun */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_MAXPKTERR 0x00000400 /* Max-packet size error */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_NCNTEXP 0x00000800 /* Normal-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_ECNTEXP 0x00001000 /* Excess-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_LCCNTEXP 0x00002000 /* Late-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_FCNTEXP 0x00004000 /* First-collision counter expired */ |
| #define BIGMAC_IMASK_DTIMEXP 0x00008000 /* Defer-timer expired */ |
| |
| /* BigMac transmit config register. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* Enable the transmitter */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_FIFO 0x00000010 /* Default tx fthresh... */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_SMODE 0x00000020 /* Enable slow transmit mode */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_CIGN 0x00000040 /* Ignore transmit collisions */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_FCSOFF 0x00000080 /* Do not emit FCS */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_DBACKOFF 0x00000100 /* Disable backoff */ |
| #define BIGMAC_TXCFG_FULLDPLX 0x00000200 /* Enable full-duplex */ |
| |
| /* BigMac receive config register. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* Enable the receiver */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_FIFO 0x0000000e /* Default rx fthresh... */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_PSTRIP 0x00000020 /* Pad byte strip enable */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_PMISC 0x00000040 /* Enable promiscous mode */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_DERR 0x00000080 /* Disable error checking */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_DCRCS 0x00000100 /* Disable CRC stripping */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_ME 0x00000200 /* Receive packets addressed to me */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_PGRP 0x00000400 /* Enable promisc group mode */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_HENABLE 0x00000800 /* Enable the hash filter */ |
| #define BIGMAC_RXCFG_AENABLE 0x00001000 /* Enable the address filter */ |
| |
| /* The BigMAC PHY transceiver. Not nearly as sophisticated as the happy meal |
| * one. But it does have the "bit banger", oh baby. |
| */ |
| #define TCVR_TPAL 0x00UL |
| #define TCVR_MPAL 0x04UL |
| #define TCVR_REG_SIZE 0x08UL |
| |
| /* Frame commands. */ |
| #define FRAME_WRITE 0x50020000 |
| #define FRAME_READ 0x60020000 |
| |
| /* Tranceiver registers. */ |
| #define TCVR_PAL_SERIAL 0x00000001 /* Enable serial mode */ |
| #define TCVR_PAL_EXTLBACK 0x00000002 /* Enable external loopback */ |
| #define TCVR_PAL_MSENSE 0x00000004 /* Media sense */ |
| #define TCVR_PAL_LTENABLE 0x00000008 /* Link test enable */ |
| #define TCVR_PAL_LTSTATUS 0x00000010 /* Link test status (P1 only) */ |
| |
| /* Management PAL. */ |
| #define MGMT_PAL_DCLOCK 0x00000001 /* Data clock */ |
| #define MGMT_PAL_OENAB 0x00000002 /* Output enabler */ |
| #define MGMT_PAL_MDIO 0x00000004 /* MDIO Data/attached */ |
| #define MGMT_PAL_TIMEO 0x00000008 /* Transmit enable timeout error */ |
| |
| /* Here are some PHY addresses. */ |
| #define BIGMAC_PHY_EXTERNAL 0 /* External transceiver */ |
| #define BIGMAC_PHY_INTERNAL 1 /* Internal transceiver */ |
| |
| /* PHY registers */ |
| #define BIGMAC_BMCR 0x00 /* Basic mode control register */ |
| #define BIGMAC_BMSR 0x01 /* Basic mode status register */ |
| |
| /* BMCR bits */ |
| #define BMCR_ISOLATE 0x0400 /* Disconnect DP83840 from MII */ |
| #define BMCR_PDOWN 0x0800 /* Powerdown the DP83840 */ |
| #define BMCR_ANENABLE 0x1000 /* Enable auto negotiation */ |
| #define BMCR_SPEED100 0x2000 /* Select 100Mbps */ |
| #define BMCR_LOOPBACK 0x4000 /* TXD loopback bits */ |
| #define BMCR_RESET 0x8000 /* Reset the DP83840 */ |
| |
| /* BMSR bits */ |
| #define BMSR_ERCAP 0x0001 /* Ext-reg capability */ |
| #define BMSR_JCD 0x0002 /* Jabber detected */ |
| #define BMSR_LSTATUS 0x0004 /* Link status */ |
| |
| /* Ring descriptors and such, same as Quad Ethernet. */ |
| struct be_rxd { |
| u32 rx_flags; |
| u32 rx_addr; |
| }; |
| |
| #define RXD_OWN 0x80000000 /* Ownership. */ |
| #define RXD_UPDATE 0x10000000 /* Being Updated? */ |
| #define RXD_LENGTH 0x000007ff /* Packet Length. */ |
| |
| struct be_txd { |
| u32 tx_flags; |
| u32 tx_addr; |
| }; |
| |
| #define TXD_OWN 0x80000000 /* Ownership. */ |
| #define TXD_SOP 0x40000000 /* Start Of Packet */ |
| #define TXD_EOP 0x20000000 /* End Of Packet */ |
| #define TXD_UPDATE 0x10000000 /* Being Updated? */ |
| #define TXD_LENGTH 0x000007ff /* Packet Length. */ |
| |
| #define TX_RING_MAXSIZE 256 |
| #define RX_RING_MAXSIZE 256 |
| |
| #define TX_RING_SIZE 256 |
| #define RX_RING_SIZE 256 |
| |
| #define NEXT_RX(num) (((num) + 1) & (RX_RING_SIZE - 1)) |
| #define NEXT_TX(num) (((num) + 1) & (TX_RING_SIZE - 1)) |
| #define PREV_RX(num) (((num) - 1) & (RX_RING_SIZE - 1)) |
| #define PREV_TX(num) (((num) - 1) & (TX_RING_SIZE - 1)) |
| |
| #define TX_BUFFS_AVAIL(bp) \ |
| (((bp)->tx_old <= (bp)->tx_new) ? \ |
| (bp)->tx_old + (TX_RING_SIZE - 1) - (bp)->tx_new : \ |
| (bp)->tx_old - (bp)->tx_new - 1) |
| |
| |
| #define RX_COPY_THRESHOLD 256 |
| #define RX_BUF_ALLOC_SIZE (ETH_FRAME_LEN + (64 * 3)) |
| |
| struct bmac_init_block { |
| struct be_rxd be_rxd[RX_RING_MAXSIZE]; |
| struct be_txd be_txd[TX_RING_MAXSIZE]; |
| }; |
| |
| #define bib_offset(mem, elem) \ |
| ((__u32)((unsigned long)(&(((struct bmac_init_block *)0)->mem[elem])))) |
| |
| /* Now software state stuff. */ |
| enum bigmac_transceiver { |
| external = 0, |
| internal = 1, |
| none = 2, |
| }; |
| |
| /* Timer state engine. */ |
| enum bigmac_timer_state { |
| ltrywait = 1, /* Forcing try of all modes, from fastest to slowest. */ |
| asleep = 2, /* Timer inactive. */ |
| }; |
| |
| struct bigmac { |
| void __iomem *gregs; /* QEC Global Registers */ |
| void __iomem *creg; /* QEC BigMAC Channel Registers */ |
| void __iomem *bregs; /* BigMAC Registers */ |
| void __iomem *tregs; /* BigMAC Transceiver */ |
| struct bmac_init_block *bmac_block; /* RX and TX descriptors */ |
| __u32 bblock_dvma; /* RX and TX descriptors */ |
| |
| spinlock_t lock; |
| |
| struct sk_buff *rx_skbs[RX_RING_SIZE]; |
| struct sk_buff *tx_skbs[TX_RING_SIZE]; |
| |
| int rx_new, tx_new, rx_old, tx_old; |
| |
| int board_rev; /* BigMAC board revision. */ |
| |
| enum bigmac_transceiver tcvr_type; |
| unsigned int bigmac_bursts; |
| unsigned int paddr; |
| unsigned short sw_bmsr; /* SW copy of PHY BMSR */ |
| unsigned short sw_bmcr; /* SW copy of PHY BMCR */ |
| struct timer_list bigmac_timer; |
| enum bigmac_timer_state timer_state; |
| unsigned int timer_ticks; |
| |
| struct net_device_stats enet_stats; |
| struct of_device *qec_op; |
| struct of_device *bigmac_op; |
| struct net_device *dev; |
| }; |
| |
| /* We use this to acquire receive skb's that we can DMA directly into. */ |
| #define ALIGNED_RX_SKB_ADDR(addr) \ |
| ((((unsigned long)(addr) + (64 - 1)) & ~(64 - 1)) - (unsigned long)(addr)) |
| |
| static inline struct sk_buff *big_mac_alloc_skb(unsigned int length, gfp_t gfp_flags) |
| { |
| struct sk_buff *skb; |
| |
| skb = alloc_skb(length + 64, gfp_flags); |
| if(skb) { |
| int offset = ALIGNED_RX_SKB_ADDR(skb->data); |
| |
| if(offset) |
| skb_reserve(skb, offset); |
| } |
| return skb; |
| } |
| |
| #endif /* !(_SUNBMAC_H) */ |