blob: 6aa09303d43dcbecf0d87dd4d3bcf0a0ffd06778 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "trace_profile.h"
#include "android-base/stringprintf.h"
#include "arch/context.h"
#include "art_method-inl.h"
#include "base/leb128.h"
#include "base/mutex.h"
#include "base/unix_file/fd_file.h"
#include "com_android_art_flags.h"
#include "dex/descriptors_names.h"
#include "gc/task_processor.h"
#include "oat/oat_quick_method_header.h"
#include "runtime.h"
#include "stack.h"
#include "thread-current-inl.h"
#include "thread.h"
#include "thread_list.h"
#include "trace.h"
#include "trace_common.h"
namespace art_flags = com::android::art::flags;
namespace art HIDDEN {
using android::base::StringPrintf;
// This specifies the maximum number of bits we need for encoding one entry. Each entry just
// consists of a SLEB encoded value of method and action encodig which is a maximum of
// sizeof(uintptr_t).
static constexpr size_t kMaxBytesPerTraceEntry = sizeof(uintptr_t);
static constexpr size_t kMaxEntriesAfterFlush = kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize / 2;
// We don't handle buffer overflows when processing the raw trace entries. We have a maximum of
// kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize raw entries and we need a maximum of kMaxBytesPerTraceEntry to encode
// each entry. To avoid overflow, we ensure that there are at least kMinBufSizeForEncodedData
// bytes free space in the buffer.
static constexpr size_t kMinBufSizeForEncodedData = kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize * kMaxBytesPerTraceEntry;
static constexpr size_t kProfileMagicValue = 0x4C4F4D54;
// TODO(mythria): 10 is a randomly chosen value. Tune it if required.
static constexpr size_t kBufSizeForEncodedData = kMinBufSizeForEncodedData * 10;
static constexpr size_t kAlwaysOnTraceHeaderSize = 8;
bool TraceProfiler::profile_in_progress_ = false;
int TraceProfiler::num_trace_stop_tasks_ = 0;
TraceData* TraceProfiler::trace_data_ = nullptr;
void TraceData::AddTracedThread(Thread* thread) {
size_t thread_id = thread->GetTid();
if (traced_threads_.find(thread_id) != traced_threads_.end()) {
std::string thread_name;
traced_threads_.emplace(thread_id, thread_name);
void TraceProfiler::AllocateBuffer(Thread* thread) {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::trace_lock_);
if (!profile_in_progress_) {
auto buffer = new uintptr_t[kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize];
memset(buffer, 0, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize * sizeof(uintptr_t));
thread->SetMethodTraceBuffer(buffer, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize);
LowOverheadTraceType TraceProfiler::GetTraceType() {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::trace_lock_);
// LowOverhead trace entry points are configured based on the trace type. When trace_data_ is null
// then there is no low overhead tracing running, so we use nop entry points.
if (trace_data_ == nullptr) {
return LowOverheadTraceType::kNone;
return trace_data_->GetTraceType();
namespace {
void RecordMethodsOnThreadStack(Thread* thread, TraceData* trace_data)
REQUIRES(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
struct MethodEntryStackVisitor final : public StackVisitor {
MethodEntryStackVisitor(Thread* thread_in, Context* context)
: StackVisitor(thread_in, context, StackVisitor::StackWalkKind::kSkipInlinedFrames) {}
bool VisitFrame() override REQUIRES_SHARED(Locks::mutator_lock_) {
ArtMethod* m = GetMethod();
if (m != nullptr && !m->IsRuntimeMethod()) {
if (GetCurrentShadowFrame() != nullptr) {
// TODO(mythria): Support low-overhead tracing for the switch interpreter.
} else {
const OatQuickMethodHeader* method_header = GetCurrentOatQuickMethodHeader();
if (method_header == nullptr) {
// TODO(mythria): Consider low-overhead tracing support for the GenericJni stubs.
} else {
// Ignore nterp methods. We don't support recording trace events in nterp.
if (!method_header->IsNterpMethodHeader()) {
return true;
std::vector<ArtMethod*> stack_methods_;
std::unique_ptr<Context> context(Context::Create());
MethodEntryStackVisitor visitor(thread, context.get());
// Create method entry events for all methods currently on the thread's stack.
// Annotate them with an 'S' to indicate they are methods at startup and the entry timestamp
// isn't accurate.
uintptr_t* method_trace_buffer = thread->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
uint64_t init_time = TimestampCounter::GetMicroTime(TimestampCounter::GetTimestamp());
std::ostringstream os;
os << "Thread:" << thread->GetTid() << "\n";
for (auto smi = visitor.stack_methods_.rbegin(); smi != visitor.stack_methods_.rend(); smi++) {
os << "S->" << *smi << " " << init_time << "\n";
// Record a placeholder method exit event into the buffer so we record method exits for the
// methods that are currently on stack.
method_trace_buffer[kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize - 1] = 0x1;
thread->SetMethodTraceBufferCurrentEntry(kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize - 1);
} // namespace
class TraceStopTask : public gc::HeapTask {
explicit TraceStopTask(uint64_t target_run_time) : gc::HeapTask(target_run_time) {}
void Run([[maybe_unused]] Thread* self) override { TraceProfiler::TraceTimeElapsed(); }
void TraceProfiler::Start(LowOverheadTraceType trace_type, uint64_t trace_duration_ns) {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Feature not supported. Please build with ART_ALWAYS_ENABLE_PROFILE_CODE.";
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::trace_lock_);
if (profile_in_progress_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Profile already in progress. Ignoring this request";
if (Trace::IsTracingEnabledLocked()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Cannot start a profile when method tracing is in progress";
profile_in_progress_ = true;
trace_data_ = new TraceData(trace_type);
ScopedSuspendAll ssa(__FUNCTION__);
MutexLock tl(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
for (Thread* thread : Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->GetList()) {
auto buffer = new uintptr_t[kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize];
memset(buffer, 0, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize * sizeof(uintptr_t));
thread->SetMethodTraceBuffer(buffer, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize);
if (trace_type == LowOverheadTraceType::kLongRunningMethods) {
// Record methods that are currently on stack.
RecordMethodsOnThreadStack(thread, trace_data_);
} else {
if (trace_type == LowOverheadTraceType::kLongRunningMethods) {
// Add a Task that stops the tracing after trace_duration.
Runtime::Current()->GetHeap()->AddHeapTask(new TraceStopTask(NanoTime() + trace_duration_ns));
void TraceProfiler::Start() {
TraceProfiler::Start(LowOverheadTraceType::kAllMethods, /* trace_duration_ns= */ 0);
void TraceProfiler::Stop() {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Feature not supported. Please build with ART_ALWAYS_ENABLE_PROFILE_CODE.";
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
MutexLock mu(self, *Locks::trace_lock_);
void TraceProfiler::StopLocked() {
if (!profile_in_progress_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No Profile in progress but a stop was requested";
FunctionClosure reset_buffer([](Thread* thread) {
auto buffer = thread->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
if (buffer != nullptr) {
delete[] buffer;
thread->SetMethodTraceBuffer(/* buffer= */ nullptr, /* offset= */ 0);
profile_in_progress_ = false;
DCHECK_NE(trace_data_, nullptr);
delete trace_data_;
trace_data_ = nullptr;
void TraceProfiler::DumpThreadMethodInfo(
const std::unordered_map<size_t, std::string>& traced_threads,
const std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*>& traced_methods,
std::ostringstream& os) {
// Dump data about thread information.
os << "\n*threads\n";
for (const auto& it : traced_threads) {
os << it.first << "\t" << it.second << "\n";
// Dump data about method information.
os << "*methods\n";
for (ArtMethod* method : traced_methods) {
ArtMethod* method_ptr = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod*>(method);
os << method_ptr << "\t" << GetMethodInfoLine(method);
os << "*end";
uint8_t* TraceProfiler::DumpBuffer(uint32_t thread_id,
uintptr_t* method_trace_entries,
uint8_t* buffer,
std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*>& methods) {
// Encode header at the end once we compute the number of records.
uint8_t* curr_buffer_ptr = buffer + kAlwaysOnTraceHeaderSize;
int num_records = 0;
uintptr_t prev_method_action_encoding = 0;
int prev_action = -1;
for (size_t i = kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize - 1; i > 0; i-=1) {
uintptr_t method_action_encoding = method_trace_entries[i];
// 0 value indicates the rest of the entries are empty.
if (method_action_encoding == 0) {
int action = method_action_encoding & ~kMaskTraceAction;
int64_t diff;
if (action == TraceAction::kTraceMethodEnter) {
diff = method_action_encoding - prev_method_action_encoding;
ArtMethod* method = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod*>(method_action_encoding & kMaskTraceAction);
} else {
// On a method exit, we don't record the information about method. We just need a 1 in the
// lsb and the method information can be derived from the last method that entered. To keep
// the encoded value small just add the smallest value to make the lsb one.
if (prev_action == TraceAction::kTraceMethodExit) {
diff = 0;
} else {
diff = 1;
curr_buffer_ptr = EncodeSignedLeb128(curr_buffer_ptr, diff);
prev_method_action_encoding = method_action_encoding;
prev_action = action;
// Fill in header information:
// 1 byte of header identifier
// 4 bytes of thread_id
// 3 bytes of number of records
buffer[0] = kEntryHeaderV2;
Append4LE(buffer + 1, thread_id);
Append3LE(buffer + 5, num_records);
return curr_buffer_ptr;
void TraceProfiler::Dump(int fd) {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Feature not supported. Please build with ART_ALWAYS_ENABLE_PROFILE_CODE.";
std::unique_ptr<File> trace_file(new File(fd, /*check_usage=*/true));
void TraceProfiler::Dump(const char* filename) {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
LOG(ERROR) << "Feature not supported. Please build with ART_ALWAYS_ENABLE_PROFILE_CODE.";
std::unique_ptr<File> trace_file(OS::CreateEmptyFileWriteOnly(filename));
if (trace_file == nullptr) {
PLOG(ERROR) << "Unable to open trace file " << filename;
void TraceProfiler::Dump(std::unique_ptr<File>&& trace_file) {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::trace_lock_);
if (!profile_in_progress_) {
LOG(ERROR) << "No Profile in progress. Nothing to dump.";
if (trace_data_->GetTraceType() == LowOverheadTraceType::kAllMethods) {
} else {
void TraceProfiler::DumpTrace(std::unique_ptr<File>&& trace_file) {
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*> traced_methods;
std::unordered_map<size_t, std::string> traced_threads;
uint8_t* buffer_ptr = new uint8_t[kBufSizeForEncodedData];
uint8_t* curr_buffer_ptr = buffer_ptr;
// Add a header for the trace: 4-bits of magic value and 2-bits for the version.
Append4LE(curr_buffer_ptr, kProfileMagicValue);
Append2LE(curr_buffer_ptr + 4, /*trace_version=*/ 1);
curr_buffer_ptr += 6;
ScopedSuspendAll ssa(__FUNCTION__);
MutexLock tl(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
for (Thread* thread : Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->GetList()) {
auto method_trace_entries = thread->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
if (method_trace_entries == nullptr) {
std::string thread_name;
traced_threads.emplace(thread->GetTid(), thread_name);
size_t offset = curr_buffer_ptr - buffer_ptr;
if (offset >= kMinBufSizeForEncodedData) {
if (!trace_file->WriteFully(buffer_ptr, offset)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed streaming a tracing event.";
curr_buffer_ptr = buffer_ptr;
curr_buffer_ptr =
DumpBuffer(thread->GetTid(), method_trace_entries, curr_buffer_ptr, traced_methods);
// Reset the buffer and continue profiling. We need to set the buffer to
// zeroes, since we use a circular buffer and detect empty entries by
// checking for zeroes.
memset(method_trace_entries, 0, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize * sizeof(uintptr_t));
// Reset the current pointer.
// Write any remaining data to file and close the file.
if (curr_buffer_ptr != buffer_ptr) {
if (!trace_file->WriteFully(buffer_ptr, curr_buffer_ptr - buffer_ptr)) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed streaming a tracing event.";
std::ostringstream os;
DumpThreadMethodInfo(traced_threads, traced_methods, os);
std::string info = os.str();
if (!trace_file->WriteFully(info.c_str(), info.length())) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed writing information to file";
if (!trace_file->Close()) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to close file.";
void TraceProfiler::ReleaseThreadBuffer(Thread* self) {
if (!IsTraceProfileInProgress()) {
// TODO(mythria): Maybe it's good to cache these and dump them when requested. For now just
// relese the buffer when a thread is exiting.
auto buffer = self->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
delete[] buffer;
self->SetMethodTraceBuffer(nullptr, 0);
bool TraceProfiler::IsTraceProfileInProgress() {
return profile_in_progress_;
void TraceProfiler::StartTraceLongRunningMethods(uint64_t trace_duration_ns) {
TraceProfiler::Start(LowOverheadTraceType::kLongRunningMethods, trace_duration_ns);
void TraceProfiler::TraceTimeElapsed() {
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::trace_lock_);
if (num_trace_stop_tasks_ == 0) {
// Only stop the trace if this event corresponds to the currently running trace.
void TraceProfiler::DumpLongRunningMethodBuffer(uint32_t thread_id,
uintptr_t* method_trace_entries,
uintptr_t* end_trace_entries,
std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*>& methods,
std::ostringstream& os) {
os << "Thread:" << thread_id << "\n";
for (uintptr_t* ptr = method_trace_entries + kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize - 1;
ptr >= end_trace_entries;) {
uintptr_t entry = *ptr;
if (entry == 0x1) {
// This is the special placeholder exit we added to record all methods on the stack at the
// start of the trace. Just ignore this entry.
} else if (entry & 0x1) {
// Method exit
os << "<-" << TimestampCounter::GetMicroTime(entry & ~1) << "\n";
} else {
// Method entry
ArtMethod* method = reinterpret_cast<ArtMethod*>(entry);
CHECK(ptr >= end_trace_entries);
os << "->" << method << " " << TimestampCounter::GetMicroTime(*ptr) << "\n";
void TraceProfiler::FlushBufferAndRecordTraceEvent(ArtMethod* method,
Thread* thread,
bool is_entry) {
uint64_t timestamp = TimestampCounter::GetTimestamp();
std::ostringstream os;
std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*> traced_methods;
uintptr_t* method_trace_entries = thread->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
DCHECK(method_trace_entries != nullptr);
uintptr_t** method_trace_curr_ptr = thread->GetTraceBufferCurrEntryPtr();
// Find the last method exit event. We can flush all the entries before this event. We cannot
// flush remaining events because we haven't determined if they are long running or not.
uintptr_t* processed_events_ptr = nullptr;
for (uintptr_t* ptr = *method_trace_curr_ptr;
ptr < method_trace_entries + kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize;) {
if (*ptr & 0x1) {
// Method exit. We need to keep events until (including this method exit) here.
processed_events_ptr = ptr + 1;
ptr += 2;
size_t num_occupied_entries = (processed_events_ptr - *method_trace_curr_ptr);
size_t index = kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize;
if (num_occupied_entries > kMaxEntriesAfterFlush) {
// If we don't have sufficient space just record a placeholder exit and flush all the existing
// events. We have accurate timestamps to filter out these events in a post-processing step.
// This would happen only when we have very deeply (~1024) nested code.
thread->GetTid(), method_trace_entries, *method_trace_curr_ptr, traced_methods, os);
// Encode a placeholder exit event. This will be ignored when dumping the methods.
method_trace_entries[--index] = 0x1;
} else {
// Flush all the entries till the method exit event.
thread->GetTid(), method_trace_entries, processed_events_ptr, traced_methods, os);
// Move the remaining events to the start of the buffer.
for (uintptr_t* ptr = processed_events_ptr - 1; ptr >= *method_trace_curr_ptr; ptr--) {
method_trace_entries[--index] = *ptr;
// Record new entry
if (is_entry) {
method_trace_entries[--index] = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(method);
method_trace_entries[--index] = timestamp & ~1;
} else {
if (method_trace_entries[index] & 0x1) {
method_trace_entries[--index] = timestamp | 1;
} else {
size_t prev_timestamp = method_trace_entries[index];
if (timestamp - prev_timestamp < kLongRunningMethodThreshold) {
index += 2;
DCHECK_LT(index, kAlwaysOnTraceBufSize);
} else {
method_trace_entries[--index] = timestamp | 1;
*method_trace_curr_ptr = method_trace_entries + index;
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::trace_lock_);
std::string TraceProfiler::GetLongRunningMethodsString() {
if (!art_flags::always_enable_profile_code()) {
return std::string();
MutexLock mu(Thread::Current(), *Locks::trace_lock_);
if (!profile_in_progress_) {
return std::string();
return GetLongRunningMethodsStringLocked();
std::string TraceProfiler::GetLongRunningMethodsStringLocked() {
Thread* self = Thread::Current();
std::ostringstream os;
ScopedSuspendAll ssa(__FUNCTION__);
MutexLock tl(self, *Locks::thread_list_lock_);
// Get any data that was previously flushed.
const std::string& old_data = trace_data_->GetLongRunningMethods();
if (old_data.length() > 0) {
os << trace_data_->GetLongRunningMethods();
// Collect long running methods from all the threads;
std::unordered_set<ArtMethod*> traced_methods;
for (Thread* thread : Runtime::Current()->GetThreadList()->GetList()) {
auto method_trace_entries = thread->GetMethodTraceBuffer();
if (method_trace_entries == nullptr) {
uintptr_t* method_trace_curr_ptr = *(thread->GetTraceBufferCurrEntryPtr());
thread->GetTid(), method_trace_entries, method_trace_curr_ptr, traced_methods, os);
// Dump the information about traced_methods and threads
DumpThreadMethodInfo(trace_data_->GetTracedThreads(), trace_data_->GetTracedMethods(), os);
return os.str();
void TraceProfiler::DumpLongRunningMethods(std::unique_ptr<File>&& trace_file) {
std::string info = GetLongRunningMethodsStringLocked();
if (!trace_file->WriteFully(info.c_str(), info.length())) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed writing information to file";
if (!trace_file->Close()) {
PLOG(WARNING) << "Failed to close file.";
} // namespace art