blob: 57b9cb6c4d24c925c1bd380742217a14517e1796 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import annotations.ConstantMethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
public class ConstMethodHandleTest extends AbstractInvokeExactTest {
void $noinline$privateMethods() throws Throwable {
// TODO(b/378051428): can't create const-method-handle targeting private methods of
// inner classes.
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "java/util/Optional",
fieldOrMethodName = "get",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/Object;")
private static MethodHandle constOptionalGet() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle optionalGet() {
return constOptionalGet();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "A",
fieldOrMethodName = "voidMethod",
descriptor = "()V")
private static MethodHandle constVoidMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle voidMethod() {
return constVoidMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "A",
fieldOrMethodName = "returnInt",
descriptor = "()I")
private static MethodHandle constReturnInt() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle returnInt() {
return constReturnInt();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "A",
fieldOrMethodName = "returnDouble",
descriptor = "()D")
private static MethodHandle constReturnDouble() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle returnDouble() {
return constReturnDouble();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "I",
fieldOrMethodName = "defaultMethod",
descriptor = "()V",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constInterfaceDefaultMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle interfaceDefaultMethod() {
return constInterfaceDefaultMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "I",
fieldOrMethodName = "overrideMe",
descriptor = "()V",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constOverwrittenInterfaceDefaultMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle overwrittenInterfaceDefaultMethod() {
return constOverwrittenInterfaceDefaultMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "A",
fieldOrMethodName = "throwException",
descriptor = "()V")
private static MethodHandle constExceptionThrowingMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle exceptionThrowingMethod() {
return constExceptionThrowingMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_STATIC,
owner = "A",
fieldOrMethodName = "staticMethod",
descriptor = "(LA;)Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constStaticMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle staticMethod() {
return constStaticMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(I)I")
private static MethodHandle constSumI() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sumI() {
return constSumI();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(II)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum2I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum2I() {
return constSum2I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(III)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum3I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum3I() {
return constSum3I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum4I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum4I() {
return constSum4I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum5I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum5I() {
return constSum5I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum6I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum6I() {
return constSum6I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum7I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum7I() {
return constSum7I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIIIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum8I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum8I() {
return constSum8I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIIIIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum9I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum9I() {
return constSum9I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IIIIIIIIII)I")
private static MethodHandle constSum10I() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum10I() {
return constSum10I();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IJ)J")
private static MethodHandle constSumIJ() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sumIJ() {
return constSumIJ();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IJIJ)J")
private static MethodHandle constSum2IJ() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum2IJ() {
return constSum2IJ();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IJIJIJ)J")
private static MethodHandle constSum3IJ() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum3IJ() {
return constSum3IJ();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IJIJIJIJ)J")
private static MethodHandle constSum4IJ() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum4IJ() {
return constSum4IJ();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "Sums",
fieldOrMethodName = "sum",
descriptor = "(IJIJIJIJIJ)J")
private static MethodHandle constSum5IJ() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle sum5IJ() {
return constSum5IJ();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Foo",
fieldOrMethodName = "nonDefault",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constFooNonDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooNonDefault() {
return constFooNonDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "FooBarImpl",
fieldOrMethodName = "nonDefault",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constFooBarImplNonDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooBarImplNonDefault() {
return constFooBarImplNonDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Bar",
fieldOrMethodName = "defaultToOverride",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constBarDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle barDefault() {
return constBarDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Foo",
fieldOrMethodName = "defaultToOverride",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constFooDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooDefault() {
return constFooDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "FooBarImpl",
fieldOrMethodName = "defaultToOverride",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constFooBarImplDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooBarImplDefault() {
return constFooBarImplDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Foo",
fieldOrMethodName = "nonOverriddenDefault",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constFooNonOverriddenDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooNonOverriddenDefault() {
return constFooNonOverriddenDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Bar",
fieldOrMethodName = "nonOverriddenDefault",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constBarNonOverriddenDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle barNonOverriddenDefault() {
return constBarNonOverriddenDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "FooBar",
fieldOrMethodName = "definedInAbstract",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constFooBarDefinedInAbstract() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooBarDefinedInAbstract() {
return constFooBarDefinedInAbstract();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "FooBarImpl",
fieldOrMethodName = "definedInAbstract",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constFooBarImplDefinedInAbstract() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooBarImplDefinedInAbstract() {
return constFooBarImplDefinedInAbstract();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_VIRTUAL,
owner = "FooBar",
fieldOrMethodName = "nonDefault",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;")
private static MethodHandle constFooBarNonDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooBarNonDefault() {
return constFooBarNonDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "ToStringable",
fieldOrMethodName = "toString",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constToStringDefinedInAnInterface() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle toStringDefinedInAnInterface() {
return constToStringDefinedInAnInterface();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Interface1",
fieldOrMethodName = "methodOne",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constInterfaceOneMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle interfaceOneMethod() {
return constInterfaceOneMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Interface2",
fieldOrMethodName = "methodTwo",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constInterfaceTwoMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle interfaceTwoMethod() {
return constInterfaceTwoMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Interface3",
fieldOrMethodName = "methodThree",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constInterfaceThreeMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle interfaceThreeMethod() {
return constInterfaceThreeMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "Interface4",
fieldOrMethodName = "methodFour",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constInterfaceFourMethod() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle interfaceFourMethod() {
return constInterfaceFourMethod();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "FooAndFooConflict",
fieldOrMethodName = "defaultToOverride",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constFooAndFooConflictDefault() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle fooAndFooConflictDefault() {
return constFooAndFooConflictDefault();
kind = ConstantMethodHandle.INVOKE_INTERFACE,
owner = "BaseInterface",
fieldOrMethodName = "method",
descriptor = "()Ljava/lang/String;",
ownerIsInterface = true)
private static MethodHandle constBaseInterface() {
unreachable("should be replaced by const-method-handle");
return null;
public MethodHandle baseInterface() {
return constBaseInterface();