blob: 05039670d1e2760b052a5c3bc5e2aacac2b2b295 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
if (isAotCompiled(Main.class, "hasJit")) {
throw new Error("This test must be run with --no-prebuild!");
if (!hasJit()) {
// Deoptimize callThrough() to ensure it can be JITed afterwards.
deoptimizeNativeMethod(Main.class, "callThrough");
public static void testCompilationUseAndCollection() {
// Test that callThrough() can be JIT-compiled.
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
ensureCompiledCallThroughEntrypoint(/* call */ true);
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
// Use callThrough() once again now that the method has a JIT-compiled stub.
callThrough(Main.class, "doNothing");
// Test that GC with the JIT-compiled stub on the stack does not collect it.
// Also tests stack walk over the JIT-compiled stub.
callThrough(Main.class, "testGcWithCallThroughStubOnStack");
// Test that the JNI compiled stub can actually be collected.
public static void testGcWithCallThroughStubOnStack() {
// Check that this method was called via JIT-compiled callThrough() stub.
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
// This assertion also exercises stack walk over the JIT-compiled callThrough() stub.
assertTrue(new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName().equals("callThrough"));
// The callThrough() on the stack above this method is using the compiled stub,
// so the JIT GC should not remove the compiled code.
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
public static void testMixedFramesOnStack() {
// Starts without a compiled JNI stub for callThrough().
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
callThrough(Main.class, "testMixedFramesOnStackStage2");
// Though the callThrough() is on the stack, that frame is using the GenericJNI
// and does not prevent the collection of the JNI stub.
public static void testMixedFramesOnStackStage2() {
// We cannot assert that callThrough() has no JIT compiled stub as that check
// may race against the compilation task. Just check the caller.
assertTrue(new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName().equals("callThrough"));
// Now ensure that the JNI stub is compiled and used.
ensureCompiledCallThroughEntrypoint(/* call */ true);
callThrough(Main.class, "testMixedFramesOnStackStage3");
public static void testMixedFramesOnStackStage3() {
// Check that this method was called via JIT-compiled callThrough() stub.
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
// This assertion also exercises stack walk over the JIT-compiled callThrough() stub.
assertTrue(new Throwable().getStackTrace()[1].getMethodName().equals("callThrough"));
// For a good measure, try a JIT GC.
public static void testStubCanBeCollected() {
jitGc(); // JIT GC without callThrough() on the stack should collect the callThrough() stub.
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
public static void doJitGcsUntilFullJitGcIsScheduled() {
// We enter with a compiled stub for callThrough() but we also need the entrypoint to be set.
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
ensureCompiledCallThroughEntrypoint(/* call */ true);
// Perform JIT GC until the next GC is marked to do full collection.
do {
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
callThrough(Main.class, "jitGc"); // JIT GC with callThrough() safely on the stack.
} while (!isNextJitGcFull());
// The JIT GC before the full collection resets entrypoints and waits to see
// if the methods are still in use.
assertFalse(hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough"));
assertTrue(hasJitCompiledCode(Main.class, "callThrough"));
public static void ensureCompiledCallThroughEntrypoint(boolean call) {
int count = 0;
while (!hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Main.class, "callThrough")) {
// If `call` is true, also exercise the `callThrough()` method to increase hotness.
// Ramp-up the number of calls we do up to 1 << 12.
final int rampUpCutOff = 12;
int limit = call ? 1 << Math.min(count, rampUpCutOff) : 0;
for (int i = 0; i < limit; ++i) {
callThrough(Main.class, "doNothing");
try {
// Sleep to give a chance for the JIT to compile `callThrough` stub.
// After the ramp-up phase, give the JIT even more time to compile.
Thread.sleep(count >= rampUpCutOff ? 200 : 100);
} catch (Exception e) {
// Ignore
if (++count == 50) {
throw new Error("TIMEOUT");
public static void assertTrue(boolean value) {
if (!value) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected true!");
public static void assertFalse(boolean value) {
if (value) {
throw new AssertionError("Expected false!");
public static void doNothing() { }
public static void throwError() { throw new Error(); }
// Note that the callThrough()'s shorty differs from shorties of the other native methods used
// in this test (except deoptimizeNativeMethod) because of the return type `void.`
public native static void callThrough(Class<?> cls, String methodName);
public native static void deoptimizeNativeMethod(Class<?> cls, String methodName);
public native static void jitGc();
public native static boolean isNextJitGcFull();
public native static boolean isAotCompiled(Class<?> cls, String methodName);
public native static boolean hasJitCompiledEntrypoint(Class<?> cls, String methodName);
public native static boolean hasJitCompiledCode(Class<?> cls, String methodName);
private native static boolean hasJit();