blob: 77be98d6f3534ff4114f994e670d8fe7d889962b [file] [log] [blame]
* This file contains expectations for ART's buildbot. The purpose of this file is
* to temporarily list failing tests and not break the bots.
* This file contains the expectations for the 'libjdwp-aot' and 'libjdwp-jit'
* test groups on the chromium buildbot.
description: "Test fails due to unexpectedly getting the thread-groups of zombie threads",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 66906414,
name: "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ThreadReference_ThreadGroup002Test#testThreadGroup002"
description: "Test fails due to static values not being set correctly.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 66905894,
name: "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ReferenceType_GetValues006Test#testGetValues006"
/* TODO Categorize these failures more. */
description: "Tests that fail on both ART and RI. These tests are likely incorrect",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 66906734,
names: [ "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.ArrayReference_SetValues003Test#testSetValues003_InvalidIndex",
"org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.VirtualMachine_CapabilitiesNewTest#testCapabilitiesNew001" ]
description: "Test times out on fugu-debug",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 70459916,
names: [ "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.VMDebug_VMDebugTest#testVMDebug",
"org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.VMDebug_VMDebugTest002#testVMDebug" ]
description: "Test fails because after a throw we don't stop at the right pc
in the catch block. If we fix this, then the behaviour of single stepping when
enabled from exception catch handlers breaks. We just match the behaviour of
openjdk here. These tests fail on RI as well.",
result: EXEC_FAILED,
bug: 333446719,
names: [ "org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.Events_EventWithExceptionTest#testSingleStepOut",
"org.apache.harmony.jpda.tests.jdwp.Events_SingleStepWithPendingExceptionTest#testSingleStepWithPendingException" ]