| # Data files for layoutlib |
| |
| FONT_TEMP := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,fonts,HOST,COMMON) |
| |
| # The font configuration files - system_fonts.xml, fallback_fonts.xml etc. |
| font_config := $(sort $(wildcard frameworks/base/data/fonts/*.xml)) |
| font_config := $(addprefix $(FONT_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(font_config))) |
| |
| $(font_config): $(FONT_TEMP)/%.xml: \ |
| frameworks/base/data/fonts/%.xml |
| $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(hide) cp -vf $< $@ |
| |
| # List of fonts on the device that we want to ship. This is all .ttf, .ttc and .otf fonts. |
| fonts_device := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttf $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttc $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.otf, $(INTERNAL_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILES)) |
| fonts_device := $(addprefix $(FONT_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(fonts_device))) |
| |
| # TODO: If the font file is a symlink, reuse the font renamed from the symlink |
| # target. |
| $(fonts_device): $(FONT_TEMP)/%: $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/% |
| $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(hide) cp -vf $< $@ |
| |
| KEYBOARD_TEMP := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,keyboards,HOST,COMMON) |
| |
| # The key character map files needed for supporting KeyEvent |
| keyboards := $(sort $(wildcard frameworks/base/data/keyboards/*.kcm)) |
| keyboards := $(addprefix $(KEYBOARD_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(keyboards))) |
| |
| $(keyboards): $(KEYBOARD_TEMP)/%.kcm: frameworks/base/data/keyboards/%.kcm |
| $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(hide) cp -vf $< $@ |
| |
| HYPHEN_TEMP := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,hyphen,HOST,COMMON) |
| |
| # The hyphenation pattern files needed to support text hyphenation |
| hyphen := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/hyphen-data/%.hyb, $(INTERNAL_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILES)) |
| hyphen := $(addprefix $(HYPHEN_TEMP)/, $(notdir $(hyphen))) |
| |
| $(hyphen): $(HYPHEN_TEMP)/%: $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/hyphen-data/% |
| $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(hide) cp -vf $< $@ |
| |
| # List of all data files - font files, font configuration files, key character map files, hyphenation pattern files |
| LAYOUTLIB_FILES := $(fonts_device) $(font_config) $(keyboards) $(hyphen) |
| |
| .PHONY: layoutlib layoutlib-tests |
| layoutlib layoutlib-tests: $(LAYOUTLIB_FILES) |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, layoutlib, $(foreach m,$(fonts_device), $(m):layoutlib_native/fonts/$(notdir $(m)))) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, layoutlib, $(foreach m,$(font_config), $(m):layoutlib_native/fonts/$(notdir $(m)))) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, layoutlib, $(foreach m,$(keyboards), $(m):layoutlib_native/keyboards/$(notdir $(m)))) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, layoutlib, $(foreach m,$(hyphen), $(m):layoutlib_native/hyphen-data/$(notdir $(m)))) |
| |
| FONT_TEMP := |
| font_config := |
| fonts_device := |
| |
| # The following build process of build.prop, layoutlib-res.zip is moved here from release_layoutlib.sh |
| # so the SBOM of all platform neutral artifacts and Linux/Windows artifacts of layoutlib can be built in Make/Soong. |
| # See go/layoutlib-sbom. |
| |
| # build.prop shipped with layoutlib |
| LAYOUTLIB_BUILD_PROP := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,layoutlib-build-prop,HOST,COMMON) |
| rm -rf $@ |
| cp $< $@ |
| # Remove all the uncommon build properties |
| sed -i '/^ro\.\(build\|product\|config\|system\)/!d' $@ |
| # Mark the build as layoutlib. This can be read at runtime by apps |
| sed -i 's|ro.product.brand=generic|ro.product.brand=studio|' $@ |
| sed -i 's|ro.product.device=generic|ro.product.device=layoutlib|' $@ |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals,layoutlib,$(LAYOUTLIB_BUILD_PROP)/layoutlib-build.prop:layoutlib_native/build.prop) |
| |
| # Resource files from frameworks/base/core/res/res |
| LAYOUTLIB_RES := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,layoutlib-res,HOST,COMMON) |
| LAYOUTLIB_RES_FILES := $(shell find frameworks/base/core/res/res -type f -not -path 'frameworks/base/core/res/res/values-m[nc]c*' | sort) |
| EMULATED_OVERLAYS_FILES := $(shell find frameworks/base/packages/overlays/*/res/ | sort) |
| DEVICE_OVERLAYS_FILES := $(shell find device/generic/goldfish/phone/overlay/frameworks/base/packages/overlays/*/AndroidOverlay/res/ | sort) |
| rm -rf $@ |
| echo $(LAYOUTLIB_RES_FILES) > $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_res.txt |
| $(SOONG_ZIP) -C frameworks/base/core/res -l $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_res.txt -o $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_res.zip |
| echo $(EMULATED_OVERLAYS_FILES) > $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_emulated_overlays.txt |
| $(SOONG_ZIP) -C frameworks/base/packages -l $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_emulated_overlays.txt -o $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_emulated_overlays.zip |
| echo $(DEVICE_OVERLAYS_FILES) > $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_device_overlays.txt |
| $(SOONG_ZIP) -C device/generic/goldfish/phone/overlay/frameworks/base/packages -l $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/filelist_device_overlays.txt -o $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_device_overlays.zip |
| rm -rf $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data && unzip -q -d $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_res.zip |
| unzip -q -d $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_emulated_overlays.zip |
| unzip -q -d $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/temp_device_overlays.zip |
| rm -rf $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled && mkdir $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled && $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/aapt2 compile $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data/res/**/*.9.png -o $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled |
| printf '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n<manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.google.android.layoutlib" />' > $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/AndroidManifest.xml |
| $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/aapt2 link -R $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled/* -o $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled.apk --manifest $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/AndroidManifest.xml |
| rm -rf $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled_apk && unzip -q -d $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled_apk $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled.apk |
| for f in $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled_apk/res/*; do mv "$$f" "$${f/-v4/}";done |
| for f in $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled_apk/res/**/*.9.png; do mv "$$f" "$${f/.9.png/.compiled.9.png}";done |
| cp -r $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/compiled_apk/res $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data |
| $(SOONG_ZIP) -C $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data -D $(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/data/ -o $@ |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals,layoutlib,$(LAYOUTLIB_RES)/layoutlib-res.zip:layoutlib_native/res.zip) |
| |
| # SBOM of layoutlib artifacts |
| LAYOUTLIB_SBOM := $(call intermediates-dir-for,PACKAGING,layoutlib-sbom,HOST) |
| _layoutlib_font_config_files := $(sort $(wildcard frameworks/base/data/fonts/*.xml)) |
| _layoutlib_fonts_files := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttf $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.ttc $(TARGET_OUT)/fonts/%.otf, $(INTERNAL_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILES)) |
| _layoutlib_keyboard_files := $(sort $(wildcard frameworks/base/data/keyboards/*.kcm)) |
| _layoutlib_hyphen_files := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT)/usr/hyphen-data/%.hyb, $(INTERNAL_SYSTEMIMAGE_FILES)) |
| |
| # Find out files disted with layoutlib in Soong. |
| ### Filter out static libraries for Windows and files already handled in make. |
| _layoutlib_filter_out_disted := $(addprefix layoutlib_native/,fonts/% keyboards/% build.prop res.zip windows/%.a) |
| _layoutlib_files_disted_by_soong := \ |
| $(strip \ |
| $(foreach p,$(_all_dist_src_dst_pairs), \ |
| $(if $(filter-out $(_layoutlib_filter_out_disted),$(filter layoutlib_native/% layoutlib.jar,$(call word-colon,2,$p))),$p))) |
| |
| $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/sbom-metadata.csv: |
| rm -rf $@ |
| echo installed_file,module_path,soong_module_type,is_prebuilt_make_module,product_copy_files,kernel_module_copy_files,is_platform_generated,build_output_path,static_libraries,whole_static_libraries,is_static_lib >> $@ |
| echo build.prop,,,,,,Y,$(LAYOUTLIB_BUILD_PROP)/layoutlib-build.prop,,, >> $@ |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(_layoutlib_font_config_files),\ |
| echo data/fonts/$(notdir $f),frameworks/base/data/fonts,prebuilt_etc,,,,,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(_layoutlib_fonts_files), \ |
| $(eval _module_name := $(ALL_INSTALLED_FILES.$f)) \ |
| $(eval _module_path := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).PATH)))) \ |
| $(eval _soong_module_type := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).SOONG_MODULE_TYPE)))) \ |
| echo data/fonts/$(notdir $f),$(_module_path),$(_soong_module_type),,,,,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(_layoutlib_keyboard_files), \ |
| echo data/keyboards/$(notdir $f),frameworks/base/data/keyboards,prebuilt_etc,,,,,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(_layoutlib_hyphen_files), \ |
| $(eval _module_name := $(ALL_INSTALLED_FILES.$f)) \ |
| $(eval _module_path := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).PATH)))) \ |
| $(eval _soong_module_type := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).SOONG_MODULE_TYPE)))) \ |
| echo data/hyphen-data/$(notdir $f),$(_module_path),$(_soong_module_type),,,,,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(_layoutlib_files_disted_by_soong), \ |
| $(eval _prebuilt_module_file := $(call word-colon,1,$f)) \ |
| $(eval _dist_file := $(call word-colon,2,$f)) \ |
| $(eval _dist_file := $(patsubst data/windows/%,data/win/lib64/%,$(patsubst layoutlib_native/%,data/%,$(_dist_file)))) \ |
| $(eval _dist_file := $(subst layoutlib.jar,data/layoutlib.jar,$(_dist_file))) \ |
| $(eval _module_name := $(strip $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(if $(filter $(_prebuilt_module_file),$(ALL_MODULES.$m.CHECKED)),$m)))) \ |
| $(eval _module_path := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).PATH)))) \ |
| $(eval _soong_module_type := $(strip $(sort $(ALL_MODULES.$(_module_name).SOONG_MODULE_TYPE)))) \ |
| echo $(patsubst layoutlib_native/%,%,$(_dist_file)),$(_module_path),$(_soong_module_type),,,,,$(_prebuilt_module_file),,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(LAYOUTLIB_RES_FILES), \ |
| $(eval _path := $(subst frameworks/base/core/res,data,$f)) \ |
| echo $(_path),,,,,,Y,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(EMULATED_OVERLAYS_FILES), \ |
| $(eval _path := $(subst frameworks/base/packages,data,$f)) \ |
| echo $(_path),,,,,,Y,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(foreach f,$(DEVICE_OVERLAYS_FILES), \ |
| $(eval _path := $(subst device/generic/goldfish/phone/overlay/frameworks/base/packages,data,$f)) \ |
| echo $(_path),,,,,,Y,$f,,, >> $@; \ |
| ) |
| |
| .PHONY: layoutlib-sbom |
| layoutlib-sbom: $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/layoutlib.spdx.json |
| $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/layoutlib.spdx.json: $(PRODUCT_OUT)/always_dirty_file.txt $(GEN_SBOM) $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/sbom-metadata.csv $(_layoutlib_font_config_files) $(_layoutlib_fonts_files) $(LAYOUTLIB_BUILD_PROP)/layoutlib-build.prop $(_layoutlib_keyboard_files) $(_layoutlib_hyphen_files) $(LAYOUTLIB_RES_FILES) $(EMULATED_OVERLAYS_FILES) $(DEVICE_OVERLAYS_FILES) |
| rm -rf $@ |
| $(GEN_SBOM) --output_file $@ --metadata $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/sbom-metadata.csv --build_version $(BUILD_FINGERPRINT_FROM_FILE) --product_mfr "$(PRODUCT_MANUFACTURER)" --module_name "layoutlib" --json |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals,layoutlib,$(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/layoutlib.spdx.json:layoutlib_native/sbom/layoutlib.spdx.json) |
| |
| # Generate SBOM of framework_res.jar that is created in release_layoutlib.sh. |
| # The generated SBOM contains placeholders for release_layoutlib.sh to substitute, and the placeholders include: |
| # document name, document namespace, document creation info, organization and SHA1 value of framework_res.jar. |
| GEN_SBOM_FRAMEWORK_RES := $(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/generate-sbom-framework_res |
| .PHONY: layoutlib-framework_res-sbom |
| layoutlib-framework_res-sbom: $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/framework_res.jar.spdx.json |
| $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/framework_res.jar.spdx.json: $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/layoutlib.spdx.json $(GEN_SBOM_FRAMEWORK_RES) |
| rm -rf $@ |
| $(GEN_SBOM_FRAMEWORK_RES) --output_file $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/framework_res.jar.spdx.json --layoutlib_sbom $(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/layoutlib.spdx.json |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals,layoutlib,$(LAYOUTLIB_SBOM)/framework_res.jar.spdx.json:layoutlib_native/sbom/framework_res.jar.spdx.json) |