| ifndef KATI |
| $(warning Calling make directly is no longer supported.) |
| $(warning Either use 'envsetup.sh; m' or 'build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode') |
| $(error done) |
| endif |
| |
| $(info [1/1] initializing build system ...) |
| |
| # Absolute path of the present working direcotry. |
| # This overrides the shell variable $PWD, which does not necessarily points to |
| # the top of the source tree, for example when "make -C" is used in m/mm/mmm. |
| PWD := $(shell pwd) |
| |
| # This is the default target. It must be the first declared target. |
| .PHONY: droid |
| DEFAULT_GOAL := droid |
| $(DEFAULT_GOAL): droid_targets |
| |
| .PHONY: droid_targets |
| droid_targets: |
| |
| # Set up various standard variables based on configuration |
| # and host information. |
| include build/make/core/config.mk |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter $(dont_bother_goals), $(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| dont_bother := true |
| endif |
| |
| .KATI_READONLY := $(foreach n,$(SOONG_CONFIG_NAMESPACES),$(foreach k,$(SOONG_CONFIG_$(n)),SOONG_CONFIG_$(n)_$(k))) |
| |
| include $(SOONG_MAKEVARS_MK) |
| |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/clang/config.mk |
| |
| # Write the build number to a file so it can be read back in |
| # without changing the command line every time. Avoids rebuilds |
| # when using ninja. |
| $(shell mkdir -p $(SOONG_OUT_DIR) && \ |
| echo -n $(BUILD_NUMBER) > $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/build_number.txt) |
| BUILD_NUMBER_FILE := $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/build_number.txt |
| $(KATI_obsolete_var BUILD_NUMBER,See https://android.googlesource.com/platform/build/+/master/Changes.md#BUILD_NUMBER) |
| touch $@ |
| |
| |
| # Pick a reasonable string to use to identify files. |
| ifeq ($(strip $(HAS_BUILD_NUMBER)),false) |
| # BUILD_NUMBER has a timestamp in it, which means that |
| # it will change every time. Pick a stable value. |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| # Make an empty directory, which can be used to make empty jars |
| $(shell mkdir -p $(EMPTY_DIRECTORY) && rm -rf $(EMPTY_DIRECTORY)/*) |
| |
| # CTS-specific config. |
| -include cts/build/config.mk |
| # VTS-specific config. |
| -include test/vts/tools/vts-tradefed/build/config.mk |
| # device-tests-specific-config. |
| -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/device-tests/config.mk |
| # general-tests-specific-config. |
| -include tools/tradefederation/build/suites/general-tests/config.mk |
| # STS-specific config. |
| -include test/sts/tools/sts-tradefed/build/config.mk |
| # CTS-Instant-specific config |
| -include test/suite_harness/tools/cts-instant-tradefed/build/config.mk |
| # MTS-specific config. |
| -include test/mts/tools/build/config.mk |
| # VTS-Core-specific config. |
| -include test/vts/tools/vts-core-tradefed/build/config.mk |
| # CSUITE-specific config. |
| -include test/app_compat/csuite/tools/build/config.mk |
| |
| # Clean rules |
| .PHONY: clean-dex-files |
| clean-dex-files: |
| $(hide) find $(OUT_DIR) -name "*.dex" | xargs rm -f |
| $(hide) for i in `find $(OUT_DIR) -name "*.jar" -o -name "*.apk"` ; do ((unzip -l $$i 2> /dev/null | \ |
| grep -q "\.dex$$" && rm -f $$i) || continue ) ; done |
| @echo "All dex files and archives containing dex files have been removed." |
| |
| # Include the google-specific config |
| -include vendor/google/build/config.mk |
| |
| # These are the modifier targets that don't do anything themselves, but |
| # change the behavior of the build. |
| # (must be defined before including definitions.make) |
| |
| # EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC merges the static jacoco library to each |
| # jacoco-enabled module. |
| ifeq (true,$(EMMA_INSTRUMENT_STATIC)) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq (true,$(EMMA_INSTRUMENT)) |
| # Adding the jacoco library can cause the inclusion of |
| # some typically banned classes |
| # So if the user didn't specify SKIP_BOOT_JARS_CHECK, enable it here |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| endif |
| |
| # |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| $(error ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES must not be set before here: $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES)) |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Add the product-defined properties to the build properties. |
| ro.product.first_api_level=$(PRODUCT_SHIPPING_API_LEVEL) |
| endif |
| |
| else |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # Bring in standard build system definitions. |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/definitions.mk |
| |
| # Bring in dex_preopt.mk |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/dex_preopt.mk |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info Do not pass '$(filter user userdebug eng,$(MAKECMDGOALS))' on \ |
| the make command line.) |
| $(info Set TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT in buildspec.mk, or use lunch or) |
| $(info choosecombo.) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(error stopping) |
| endif |
| |
| # These are the valid values of TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT. |
| INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS := user userdebug eng |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info Invalid variant: $(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)) |
| $(info Valid values are: $(INTERNAL_VALID_VARIANTS)) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(info ***************************************************************) |
| $(error stopping) |
| endif |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Variable to check java support level inside PDK build. |
| # Not necessary if the components is not in PDK. |
| # not defined : not supported |
| # "sdk" : sdk API only |
| # "platform" : platform API supproted |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # The pdk (Platform Development Kit) build |
| include build/make/core/pdk_config.mk |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| |
| $(KATI_obsolete_var PRODUCT_FULL_TREBLE,\ |
| Code should be written to work regardless of a device being Treble or \ |
| variables like PRODUCT_SEPOLICY_SPLIT should be used until that is \ |
| possible.) |
| |
| # Sets ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled to know on runtime whether the |
| # allowed list of actionable compatible properties is enabled or not. |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled=false |
| else |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.actionable_compatible_property.enabled=${PRODUCT_COMPATIBLE_PROPERTY} |
| endif |
| |
| # Add the system server compiler filter if they are specified for the product. |
| endif |
| |
| # Enable core platform API violation warnings on userdebug and eng builds. |
| ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),user) |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += persist.debug.dalvik.vm.core_platform_api_policy=just-warn |
| endif |
| |
| # Sets the default value of ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix to /system. |
| # Device board config should override the value to /product when needed by: |
| # |
| # PRODUCT_PRODUCT_PROPERTIES += ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix=/product |
| # |
| # It then uses ${ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix}/etc/fstab.postinstall to |
| # mount system_other partition. |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.postinstall.fstab.prefix=/system |
| |
| # Set ro.product.vndk.version to know the VNDK version required by product |
| # modules. It uses the version in PRODUCT_PRODUCT_VNDK_VERSION. If the value |
| # is "current", use PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION. |
| ifeq ($(PRODUCT_PRODUCT_VNDK_VERSION),current) |
| else |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # ----------------------------------------------------------------- |
| ### |
| ### In this section we set up the things that are different |
| ### between the build variants |
| ### |
| |
| is_sdk_build := |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter sdk win_sdk sdk_addon,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| is_sdk_build := true |
| endif |
| |
| ## user/userdebug ## |
| |
| user_variant := $(filter user userdebug,$(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT)) |
| enable_target_debugging := true |
| tags_to_install := |
| ifneq (,$(user_variant)) |
| # Target is secure in user builds. |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += security.perf_harden=1 |
| |
| ifeq ($(user_variant),user) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(user_variant),userdebug) |
| # Pick up some extra useful tools |
| tags_to_install += debug |
| else |
| # Disable debugging in plain user builds. |
| enable_target_debugging := |
| endif |
| |
| # Disallow mock locations by default for user builds |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=0 |
| |
| else # !user_variant |
| # Turn on checkjni for non-user builds. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.kernel.android.checkjni=1 |
| # Set device insecure for non-user builds. |
| # Allow mock locations by default for non user builds |
| ADDITIONAL_DEFAULT_PROPERTIES += ro.allow.mock.location=1 |
| endif # !user_variant |
| |
| ifeq (true,$(strip $(enable_target_debugging))) |
| # Target is more debuggable and adbd is on by default |
| # Enable Dalvik lock contention logging. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.lockprof.threshold=500 |
| else # !enable_target_debugging |
| # Target is less debuggable and adbd is off by default |
| endif # !enable_target_debugging |
| |
| ## eng ## |
| |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_VARIANT),eng) |
| tags_to_install := debug eng |
| ifneq ($(filter ro.setupwizard.mode=ENABLED, $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))),) |
| # Don't require the setup wizard on eng builds |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES := $(filter-out ro.setupwizard.mode=%,\ |
| $(call collapse-pairs, $(ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES))) \ |
| ro.setupwizard.mode=OPTIONAL |
| endif |
| ifndef is_sdk_build |
| # To speedup startup of non-preopted builds, don't verify or compile the boot image. |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += dalvik.vm.image-dex2oat-filter=extract |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ## asan ## |
| |
| # Install some additional tools on ASAN builds IFF we are also installing debug tools |
| ifneq ($(filter address,$(SANITIZE_TARGET)),) |
| ifneq (,$(filter debug,$(tags_to_install))) |
| tags_to_install += asan |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ## java coverage ## |
| # Install additional tools on java coverage builds |
| ifeq (true,$(EMMA_INSTRUMENT)) |
| ifneq (,$(filter debug,$(tags_to_install))) |
| tags_to_install += java_coverage |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| |
| ## sdk ## |
| |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| |
| # Detect if we want to build a repository for the SDK |
| sdk_repo_goal := $(strip $(filter sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) |
| MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out sdk_repo,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) |
| |
| ifneq ($(words $(sort $(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS) checkbuild emulator_tests target-files-package,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))),1) |
| $(error The 'sdk' target may not be specified with any other targets) |
| endif |
| |
| # AUX dependencies are already added by now; remove triggers from the MAKECMDGOALS |
| MAKECMDGOALS := $(strip $(filter-out AUX-%,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) |
| |
| # TODO: this should be eng I think. Since the sdk is built from the eng |
| # variant. |
| tags_to_install := debug eng |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += xmpp.auto-presence=true |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += ro.config.nocheckin=yes |
| else # !sdk |
| endif |
| |
| BUILD_WITHOUT_PV := true |
| |
| ADDITIONAL_BUILD_PROPERTIES += net.bt.name=Android |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| # Define a function that, given a list of module tags, returns |
| # non-empty if that module should be installed in /system. |
| |
| # For most goals, anything not tagged with the "tests" tag should |
| # be installed in /system. |
| define should-install-to-system |
| $(if $(filter tests,$(1)),,true) |
| endef |
| |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| # For the sdk goal, anything with the "samples" tag should be |
| # installed in /data even if that module also has "eng"/"debug"/"user". |
| define should-install-to-system |
| $(if $(filter samples tests,$(1)),,true) |
| endef |
| endif |
| |
| |
| # If they only used the modifier goals (all, etc), we'll actually |
| # build the default target. |
| ifeq ($(filter-out $(INTERNAL_MODIFIER_TARGETS),$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| endif |
| |
| # |
| # Typical build; include any Android.mk files we can find. |
| # |
| |
| # Strip and readonly a few more variables so they won't be modified. |
| $(readonly-final-product-vars) |
| |
| endif |
| |
| # Color-coded warnings including current module info |
| # $(1): message to print |
| define pretty-warning |
| $(shell $(call echo-warning,$(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE),$(LOCAL_MODULE): $(1))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Color-coded errors including current module info |
| # $(1): message to print |
| define pretty-error |
| $(shell $(call echo-error,$(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE),$(LOCAL_MODULE): $(1))) |
| $(error done) |
| endef |
| |
| subdir_makefiles_inc := . |
| |
| ifneq ($(dont_bother),true) |
| FULL_BUILD := true |
| # |
| # Include all of the makefiles in the system |
| # |
| |
| subdir_makefiles := $(SOONG_ANDROID_MK) $(file <$(OUT_DIR)/.module_paths/Android.mk.list) $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/late-$(TARGET_PRODUCT).mk |
| subdir_makefiles_total := $(words int $(subdir_makefiles) post finish) |
| .KATI_READONLY := subdir_makefiles_total |
| |
| $(foreach mk,$(subdir_makefiles),$(info [$(call inc_and_print,subdir_makefiles_inc)/$(subdir_makefiles_total)] including $(mk) ...)$(eval include $(mk))) |
| |
| # Bring in the PDK platform.zip modules. |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/pdk_fusion_modules.mk |
| |
| droid_targets : blueprint_tools |
| |
| endif # dont_bother |
| |
| ifndef subdir_makefiles_total |
| subdir_makefiles_total := $(words init post finish) |
| endif |
| |
| $(info [$(call inc_and_print,subdir_makefiles_inc)/$(subdir_makefiles_total)] finishing build rules ...) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # All module makefiles have been included at this point. |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Use basic warning/error messages now that LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE |
| # and LOCAL_MODULE aren't useful anymore. |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| define pretty-warning |
| $(warning $(1)) |
| endef |
| |
| define pretty-error |
| $(error $(1)) |
| endef |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Enforce to generate all RRO packages for modules having resource |
| # overlays. |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| $(call generate_all_enforce_rro_packages) |
| endif |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Fix up CUSTOM_MODULES to refer to installed files rather than |
| # just bare module names. Leave unknown modules alone in case |
| # they're actually full paths to a particular file. |
| known_custom_modules := $(filter $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) |
| unknown_custom_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(CUSTOM_MODULES)) |
| $(call module-installed-files,$(known_custom_modules)) \ |
| $(unknown_custom_modules) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Define dependencies for modules that require other modules. |
| # This can only happen now, after we've read in all module makefiles. |
| # |
| # TODO: deal with the fact that a bare module name isn't |
| # unambiguous enough. Maybe declare short targets like |
| # APPS:Quake or HOST:SHARED_LIBRARIES:libutils. |
| # BUG: the system image won't know to depend on modules that are |
| # brought in as requirements of other modules. |
| # |
| # Resolve the required module name to 32-bit or 64-bit variant. |
| # Get a list of corresponding 32-bit module names, if one exists. |
| define get-32-bit-modules |
| $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ |
| endef |
| # Get a list of corresponding 32-bit module names, if one exists; |
| # otherwise return the original module name |
| define get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can |
| $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ |
| $(m)))) |
| endef |
| |
| # TODO: we can probably check to see if these modules are actually host |
| # modules |
| define get-host-32-bit-modules |
| $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ |
| endef |
| # Get a list of corresponding 32-bit module names, if one exists; |
| # otherwise return the original module name |
| define get-host-32-bit-modules-if-we-can |
| $(sort $(foreach m,$(1),\ |
| $(m)))) |
| endef |
| |
| # If a module is for a cross host os, the required modules must be for |
| # that OS too. |
| # If a module is built for 32-bit, the required modules must be 32-bit too; |
| # Otherwise if the module is an executable or shared library, |
| # the required modules must be 64-bit; |
| # otherwise we require both 64-bit and 32-bit variant, if one exists. |
| define target-select-bitness-of-required-modules |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),\ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET))\ |
| $(if $(r),\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_2ND_ARCH),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(call get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can,$(r))),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r)),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r) $(call get-32-bit-modules,$(r)))\ |
| )\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET := $(strip $(r_r)))\ |
| )\ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call target-select-bitness-of-required-modules) |
| |
| define host-select-bitness-of-required-modules |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),\ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST))\ |
| $(if $(r),\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_2ND_ARCH),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(call get-host-32-bit-modules-if-we-can,$(r))),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r)),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r) $(call get-host-32-bit-modules,$(r)))\ |
| )\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST := $(strip $(r_r)))\ |
| )\ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call host-select-bitness-of-required-modules) |
| |
| define host-cross-select-bitness-of-required-modules |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),\ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS))\ |
| $(if $(r),\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_HOST_CROSS),,$(error Only expected REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS on FOR_HOST_CROSS modules - $(m)))\ |
| $(eval r := $(addprefix host_cross_,$(r)))\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).FOR_2ND_ARCH),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(call get-host-32-bit-modules-if-we-can,$(r))),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r)),\ |
| $(eval r_r := $(r) $(call get-host-32-bit-modules,$(r)))\ |
| )\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS := $(strip $(r_r)))\ |
| )\ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call host-cross-select-bitness-of-required-modules) |
| r_r := |
| |
| define add-required-deps |
| $(1): | $(2) |
| endef |
| |
| # Use a normal dependency instead of an order-only dependency when installing |
| # host dynamic binaries so that the timestamp of the final binary always |
| # changes, even if the toc optimization has skipped relinking the binary |
| # and its dependant shared libraries. |
| define add-required-host-so-deps |
| $(1): $(2) |
| endef |
| |
| # Sets up dependencies such that whenever a host module is installed, |
| # any other host modules listed in $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST) will also be installed |
| define add-all-host-to-host-required-modules-deps |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST)) \ |
| $(if $(r), \ |
| $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \ |
| $(eval h_m := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ |
| $(eval h_r := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(r))) \ |
| $(eval h_m := $(filter-out $(h_r), $(h_m))) \ |
| $(if $(h_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(h_m),$(h_r)))) \ |
| ) \ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call add-all-host-to-host-required-modules-deps) |
| |
| # Sets up dependencies such that whenever a host cross module is installed, |
| # any other host cross modules listed in $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS) will also be installed |
| define add-all-host-cross-to-host-cross-required-modules-deps |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST_CROSS)) \ |
| $(if $(r), \ |
| $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \ |
| $(eval hc_m := $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ |
| $(eval hc_r := $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%, $(r))) \ |
| $(eval hc_m := $(filter-out $(hc_r), $(hc_m))) \ |
| $(if $(hc_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(hc_m),$(hc_r)))) \ |
| ) \ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call add-all-host-cross-to-host-cross-required-modules-deps) |
| |
| # Sets up dependencies such that whenever a target module is installed, |
| # any other target modules listed in $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET) will also be installed |
| define add-all-target-to-target-required-modules-deps |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval r := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET)) \ |
| $(if $(r), \ |
| $(eval r := $(call module-installed-files,$(r))) \ |
| $(eval t_m := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED))) \ |
| $(eval t_r := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(r))) \ |
| $(eval t_m := $(filter-out $(t_r), $(t_m))) \ |
| $(if $(t_m), $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(t_m),$(t_r)))) \ |
| ) \ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call add-all-target-to-target-required-modules-deps) |
| |
| # Sets up dependencies such that whenever a host module is installed, |
| # any target modules listed in $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).TARGET_REQUIRED_FROM_HOST) will also be installed |
| define add-all-host-to-target-required-modules-deps |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval req_mods := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).TARGET_REQUIRED_FROM_HOST))\ |
| $(if $(req_mods), \ |
| $(eval req_files := )\ |
| $(foreach req_mod,$(req_mods), \ |
| $(eval req_file := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(req_mod)))) \ |
| $(if $(strip $(req_file)),\ |
| ,\ |
| $(error $(m).LOCAL_TARGET_REQUIRED_MODULES : illegal value $(req_mod) : not a device module. If you want to specify host modules to be required to be installed along with your host module, add those module names to LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES instead)\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval req_files := $(req_files)$(space)$(req_file))\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval req_files := $(strip $(req_files)))\ |
| $(eval mod_files := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(m)))) \ |
| $(eval mod_files := $(filter-out $(req_files),$(mod_files)))\ |
| $(if $(mod_files),\ |
| $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(mod_files),$(req_files))) \ |
| )\ |
| )\ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call add-all-host-to-target-required-modules-deps) |
| |
| # Sets up dependencies such that whenever a target module is installed, |
| # any host modules listed in $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).HOST_REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET) will also be installed |
| define add-all-target-to-host-required-modules-deps |
| $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES), \ |
| $(eval req_mods := $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).HOST_REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET))\ |
| $(if $(req_mods), \ |
| $(eval req_files := )\ |
| $(foreach req_mod,$(req_mods), \ |
| $(eval req_file := $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(req_mod)))) \ |
| $(if $(strip $(req_file)),\ |
| ,\ |
| $(error $(m).LOCAL_HOST_REQUIRED_MODULES : illegal value $(req_mod) : not a host module. If you want to specify target modules to be required to be installed along with your target module, add those module names to LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES instead)\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval req_files := $(req_files)$(space)$(req_file))\ |
| )\ |
| $(eval req_files := $(strip $(req_files)))\ |
| $(eval mod_files := $(filter $(TARGET_OUT_ROOT)/%, $(call module-installed-files,$(m))))\ |
| $(eval mod_files := $(filter-out $(req_files),$(mod_files)))\ |
| $(if $(mod_files),\ |
| $(eval $(call add-required-deps, $(mod_files),$(req_files))) \ |
| )\ |
| )\ |
| ) |
| endef |
| $(call add-all-target-to-host-required-modules-deps) |
| |
| t_m := |
| h_m := |
| hc_m := |
| t_r := |
| h_r := |
| hc_r := |
| |
| # Establish the dependencies on the shared libraries. |
| # It also adds the shared library module names to ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_(TARGET|HOST|HOST_CROSS), |
| # so they can be expanded to product_MODULES later. |
| # $(1): TARGET_ or HOST_ or HOST_CROSS_. |
| # $(2): non-empty for 2nd arch. |
| # $(3): non-empty for host cross compile. |
| define resolve-shared-libs-depes |
| $(foreach m,$($(if $(2),$($(1)2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX))$(1)DEPENDENCIES_ON_SHARED_LIBRARIES),\ |
| $(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(m)))\ |
| $(eval mod := $(firstword $(p)))\ |
| $(eval deps := $(subst $(comma),$(space),$(lastword $(p))))\ |
| $(eval root := $(1)OUT$(if $(call streq,$(1),TARGET_),_ROOT))\ |
| $(if $(2),$(eval deps := $(addsuffix $($(1)2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX),$(deps))))\ |
| $(if $(3),$(eval deps := $(addprefix host_cross_,$(deps))))\ |
| $(eval r := $(filter $($(root))/%,$(call module-installed-files,\ |
| $(deps))))\ |
| $(if $(filter $(1),HOST_),\ |
| $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(mod).HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES := $$(ALL_MODULES.$(mod).HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES) $(word 2,$(p)) $(r))\ |
| $(eval $(call add-required-host-so-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))),\ |
| $(eval $(call add-required-deps,$(word 2,$(p)),$(r))))\ |
| $(eval ALL_MODULES.$(mod).REQUIRED_FROM_$(patsubst %_,%,$(1)) += $(deps))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Recursively resolve host shared library dependency for a given module. |
| # $(1): module name |
| # Returns all dependencies of shared library. |
| define get-all-shared-libs-deps |
| $(if $(_all_deps_for_$(1)_set_),$(_all_deps_for_$(1)_),\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_ :=) \ |
| $(foreach dep,$(ALL_MODULES.$(1).HOST_SHARED_LIBRARIES),\ |
| $(foreach m,$(call get-all-shared-libs-deps,$(dep)),\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_ := $$(_all_deps_for_$(1)_) $(m))\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_ := $(sort $(_all_deps_for_$(1)_))))\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_ := $$(_all_deps_for_$(1)_) $(dep))\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_ := $(sort $(_all_deps_for_$(1)_) $(dep)))\ |
| $(eval _all_deps_for_$(1)_set_ := true))\ |
| $(_all_deps_for_$(1)_)) |
| endef |
| |
| # Scan all modules in general-tests, device-tests and other selected suites and |
| # flatten the shared library dependencies. |
| define update-host-shared-libs-deps-for-suites |
| $(foreach suite,general-tests device-tests vts,\ |
| $(foreach m,$(COMPATIBILITY.$(suite).MODULES),\ |
| $(eval my_deps := $(call get-all-shared-libs-deps,$(m)))\ |
| $(foreach dep,$(my_deps),\ |
| $(foreach f,$(ALL_MODULES.$(dep).HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY_FILES),\ |
| $(if $(filter $(suite),device-tests general-tests),\ |
| $(eval my_testcases := $(HOST_OUT_TESTCASES)),\ |
| $(eval my_testcases := $$(COMPATIBILITY_TESTCASES_OUT_$(suite))))\ |
| $(eval target := $(my_testcases)/$(lastword $(subst /, ,$(dir $(f))))/$(notdir $(f)))\ |
| $$(COMPATIBILITY.$(suite).HOST_SHARED_LIBRARY.FILES) $(f):$(target))\ |
| endef |
| |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_) |
| ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,TARGET_,true) |
| endif |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_) |
| ifdef HOST_2ND_ARCH |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_,true) |
| endif |
| # Update host side shared library dependencies for tests in suite device-tests and general-tests. |
| # This should be called after calling resolve-shared-libs-depes for HOST_2ND_ARCH. |
| $(call update-host-shared-libs-deps-for-suites) |
| ifdef HOST_CROSS_OS |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_CROSS_,,true) |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-depes,HOST_CROSS_,true,true) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # Pass the shared libraries dependencies to prebuilt ELF file check. |
| define add-elf-file-check-shared-lib |
| $(1): $(2) |
| endef |
| |
| define resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check |
| $(foreach m,$($(if $(2),$($(1)2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX))$(1)DEPENDENCIES_ON_SHARED_LIBRARIES),\ |
| $(eval p := $(subst :,$(space),$(m)))\ |
| $(eval mod := $(firstword $(p)))\ |
| \ |
| $(eval deps := $(subst $(comma),$(space),$(lastword $(p))))\ |
| $(if $(2),$(eval deps := $(addsuffix $($(1)2ND_ARCH_MODULE_SUFFIX),$(deps))))\ |
| $(eval root := $(1)OUT$(if $(call streq,$(1),TARGET_),_ROOT))\ |
| $(eval deps := $(filter $($(root))/%$($(1)SHLIB_SUFFIX),$(call module-built-files,$(deps))))\ |
| \ |
| $(eval r := $(firstword $(filter \ |
| $(call module-built-files,$(mod)))))\ |
| \ |
| $(if $(r),\ |
| $(eval stamp := $(dir $(r))check_elf_files.timestamp)\ |
| $(eval $(call add-elf-file-check-shared-lib,$(stamp),$(deps)))\ |
| )) |
| endef |
| |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check,TARGET_) |
| ifdef TARGET_2ND_ARCH |
| $(call resolve-shared-libs-for-elf-file-check,TARGET_,true) |
| endif |
| |
| m := |
| r := |
| p := |
| stamp := |
| deps := |
| add-required-deps := |
| |
| ################################################################################ |
| # Link type checking |
| # |
| # ALL_LINK_TYPES contains a list of all link type prefixes (generally one per |
| # module, but APKs can "link" to both java and native code). The link type |
| # prefix consists of all the information needed by intermediates-dir-for: |
| # |
| # |
| # 1: LINK_TYPE literal |
| # 2: prefix |
| # - TARGET |
| # - HOST |
| # - HOST_CROSS |
| # - AUX-<variant-name> |
| # 3: Whether to use the common intermediates directory or not |
| # - _ |
| # - COMMON |
| # 4: Whether it's the second arch or not |
| # - _ |
| # - 2ND_ |
| # 5: Module Class |
| # - ... |
| # 6: Module Name |
| # |
| # Then fields under that are separated by a period and the field name: |
| # - TYPE: the link types for this module |
| # - MAKEFILE: Where this module was defined |
| # - BUILT: The built module location |
| # - DEPS: the link type prefixes for the module's dependencies |
| # - ALLOWED: the link types to allow in this module's dependencies |
| # - WARN: the link types to warn about in this module's dependencies |
| # |
| # All of the dependency link types not listed in ALLOWED or WARN will become |
| # errors. |
| ################################################################################ |
| |
| link_type_error := |
| |
| define link-type-prefix-base |
| $(word 2,$(subst :,$(space),$(1))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-prefix |
| $(if $(filter AUX-%,$(link-type-prefix-base)),$(patsubst AUX-%,AUX,$(link-type-prefix-base)),$(link-type-prefix-base)) |
| endef |
| define link-type-aux-variant |
| $(if $(filter AUX-%,$(link-type-prefix-base)),$(patsubst AUX-%,%,$(link-type-prefix-base))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-common |
| $(patsubst _,,$(word 3,$(subst :,$(space),$(1)))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-2ndarchprefix |
| $(patsubst _,,$(word 4,$(subst :,$(space),$(1)))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-class |
| $(word 5,$(subst :,$(space),$(1))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-name |
| $(word 6,$(subst :,$(space),$(1))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-os |
| $(strip $(eval _p := $(link-type-prefix))\ |
| $(if $(filter HOST HOST_CROSS,$(_p)),\ |
| $($(_p)_OS),\ |
| $(if $(filter AUX,$(_p)),AUX,android))) |
| endef |
| define link-type-arch |
| $($(link-type-prefix)_$(link-type-2ndarchprefix)ARCH) |
| endef |
| define link-type-name-variant |
| $(link-type-name) ($(link-type-class) $(link-type-os)-$(link-type-arch)) |
| endef |
| |
| # $(1): the prefix of the module doing the linking |
| # $(2): the prefix of the linked module |
| define link-type-warning |
| $(shell $(call echo-warning,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name,$(1)) ($($(1).TYPE)) should not link against $(call link-type-name,$(2)) ($(3))")) |
| endef |
| |
| # $(1): the prefix of the module doing the linking |
| # $(2): the prefix of the linked module |
| define link-type-error |
| $(shell $(call echo-error,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name,$(1)) ($($(1).TYPE)) can not link against $(call link-type-name,$(2)) ($(3))"))\ |
| $(eval link_type_error := true) |
| endef |
| |
| link-type-missing := |
| # Print an error message if the linked-to module is missing |
| # $(1): the prefix of the module doing the linking |
| # $(2): the prefix of the missing module |
| define link-type-missing |
| $(shell $(call echo-error,$($(1).MAKEFILE),"$(call link-type-name-variant,$(1)) missing $(call link-type-name-variant,$(2))"))\ |
| $(eval available_variants := $(filter %:$(call link-type-name,$(2)),$(ALL_LINK_TYPES)))\ |
| $(if $(available_variants),\ |
| $(info Available variants:)\ |
| $(foreach v,$(available_variants),$(info $(space)$(space)$(call link-type-name-variant,$(v)))))\ |
| $(info You can set ALLOW_MISSING_DEPENDENCIES=true in your environment if this is intentional, but that may defer real problems until later in the build.)\ |
| $(eval link_type_error := true) |
| endef |
| else |
| define link-type-missing |
| $(eval $$(1).MISSING := true) |
| endef |
| endif |
| |
| # Verify that $(1) can link against $(2) |
| # Both $(1) and $(2) are the link type prefix defined above |
| define verify-link-type |
| $(foreach t,$($(2).TYPE),\ |
| $(if $(filter-out $($(1).ALLOWED),$(t)),\ |
| $(if $(filter $(t),$($(1).WARN)),\ |
| $(call link-type-warning,$(1),$(2),$(t)),\ |
| $(call link-type-error,$(1),$(2),$(t))))) |
| endef |
| |
| $(foreach lt,$(ALL_LINK_TYPES),\ |
| $(foreach d,$($(lt).DEPS),\ |
| $(if $($(d).TYPE),\ |
| $(call verify-link-type,$(lt),$(d)),\ |
| $(call link-type-missing,$(lt),$(d))))) |
| |
| ifdef link_type_error |
| $(error exiting from previous errors) |
| endif |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Handle exported/imported includes |
| |
| # Recursively calculate flags |
| $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST), \ |
| $(eval EXPORTS.$$(export) = $$(EXPORTS.$(export).FLAGS) \ |
| $(foreach dep,$(EXPORTS.$(export).REEXPORT),$$(EXPORTS.$(dep))))) |
| |
| # Recursively calculate dependencies |
| $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST), \ |
| $(eval EXPORT_DEPS.$$(export) = $$(EXPORTS.$(export).DEPS) \ |
| $(foreach dep,$(EXPORTS.$(export).REEXPORT),$$(EXPORT_DEPS.$(dep))))) |
| |
| # Converts the recursive variables to simple variables so that we don't have to |
| # evaluate them for every .o rule |
| $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST),$(eval EXPORTS.$$(export) := $$(strip $$(EXPORTS.$$(export))))) |
| $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST),$(eval EXPORT_DEPS.$$(export) := $$(sort $$(EXPORT_DEPS.$$(export))))) |
| |
| # Add dependencies |
| $(foreach export,$(EXPORTS_LIST),$(eval $(call add-dependency,$$(EXPORTS.$$(export).USERS),$$(EXPORT_DEPS.$$(export))))) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # Figure out our module sets. |
| # |
| # Of the modules defined by the component makefiles, |
| # determine what we actually want to build. |
| |
| |
| # Expand a list of modules to the modules that they override (if any) |
| # $(1): The list of modules. |
| define module-overrides |
| endef |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Expand a module name list with REQUIRED modules |
| ########################################################### |
| # $(1): The variable name that holds the initial module name list. |
| # the variable will be modified to hold the expanded results. |
| # $(2): The initial module name list. |
| # $(3): The list of overridden modules. |
| # Returns empty string (maybe with some whitespaces). |
| define expand-required-modules |
| $(eval _erm_req := $(foreach m,$(2),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_TARGET))) \ |
| $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(sort $(filter-out $($(1)),$(_erm_req)))) \ |
| $(eval _erm_new_overrides := $(call module-overrides,$(_erm_new_modules))) \ |
| $(eval _erm_all_overrides := $(3) $(_erm_new_overrides)) \ |
| $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(filter-out $(_erm_all_overrides), $(_erm_new_modules))) \ |
| $(eval $(1) := $(filter-out $(_erm_new_overrides),$($(1)))) \ |
| $(eval $(1) += $(_erm_new_modules)) \ |
| $(if $(_erm_new_modules),\ |
| $(call expand-required-modules,$(1),$(_erm_new_modules),$(_erm_all_overrides))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Same as expand-required-modules above, but does not handle module overrides, as |
| # we don't intend to support them on the host. |
| # $(1): The variable name that holds the initial module name list. |
| # the variable will be modified to hold the expanded results. |
| # $(2): The initial module name list. |
| # $(3): HOST or HOST_CROSS depending on whether we're expanding host or host cross modules |
| # Returns empty string (maybe with some whitespaces). |
| define expand-required-host-modules |
| $(eval _erm_req := $(foreach m,$(2),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_$(3)))) \ |
| $(eval _erm_new_modules := $(sort $(filter-out $($(1)),$(_erm_req)))) \ |
| $(eval $(1) += $(_erm_new_modules)) \ |
| $(if $(_erm_new_modules),\ |
| $(call expand-required-host-modules,$(1),$(_erm_new_modules),$(3))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Transforms paths relative to PRODUCT_OUT to absolute paths. |
| # $(1): list of relative paths |
| # $(2): optional suffix to append to paths |
| define resolve-product-relative-paths |
| $(subst $(_vendor_path_placeholder),$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_VENDOR),\ |
| $(subst $(_product_path_placeholder),$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_PRODUCT),\ |
| $(subst $(_system_ext_path_placeholder),$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_SYSTEM_EXT),\ |
| $(subst $(_odm_path_placeholder),$(TARGET_COPY_OUT_ODM),\ |
| $(foreach p,$(1),$(call append-path,$(PRODUCT_OUT),$(p)$(2))))))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Returns modules included automatically as a result of certain BoardConfig |
| # variables being set. |
| define auto-included-modules |
| $(if $(BOARD_VNDK_VERSION),vndk_package) \ |
| $(if $(DEVICE_MANIFEST_FILE),vendor_manifest.xml) \ |
| $(if $(DEVICE_MANIFEST_SKUS),$(foreach sku, $(DEVICE_MANIFEST_SKUS),vendor_manifest_$(sku).xml)) \ |
| $(if $(ODM_MANIFEST_FILES),odm_manifest.xml) \ |
| $(if $(ODM_MANIFEST_SKUS),$(foreach sku, $(ODM_MANIFEST_SKUS),odm_manifest_$(sku).xml)) \ |
| |
| endef |
| |
| # Lists most of the files a particular product installs, including: |
| # The base list of modules to build for this product is specified |
| # by the appropriate product definition file, which was included |
| # by product_config.mk. |
| # Name resolution for PRODUCT_PACKAGES: |
| # foo:32 resolves to foo_32; |
| # foo:64 resolves to foo; |
| # foo resolves to both foo and foo_32 (if foo_32 is defined). |
| # |
| # Name resolution for LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES: |
| # If a module is built for 2nd arch, its required module resolves to |
| # 32-bit variant, if it exits. See the select-bitness-of-required-modules definition. |
| # $(1): product makefile |
| define product-installed-files |
| $(eval _pif_modules := \ |
| $(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES) \ |
| $(if $(filter eng,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG)) \ |
| $(if $(filter debug,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG)) \ |
| $(if $(filter tests,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS)) \ |
| $(if $(filter asan,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG_ASAN)) \ |
| $(if $(filter java_coverage,$(tags_to_install)),$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG_JAVA_COVERAGE)) \ |
| $(call auto-included-modules) \ |
| ) \ |
| $(eval ### Filter out the overridden packages and executables before doing expansion) \ |
| $(eval _pif_overrides := $(call module-overrides,$(_pif_modules))) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules := $(filter-out $(_pif_overrides), $(_pif_modules))) \ |
| $(eval ### Resolve the :32 :64 module name) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules_32 := $(patsubst %:32,%,$(filter %:32, $(_pif_modules)))) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules_64 := $(patsubst %:64,%,$(filter %:64, $(_pif_modules)))) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules_rest := $(filter-out %:32 %:64,$(_pif_modules))) \ |
| $(eval ### Note for 32-bit product, 32 and 64 will be added as their original module names.) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules := $(call get-32-bit-modules-if-we-can, $(_pif_modules_32))) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules += $(_pif_modules_64)) \ |
| $(eval ### For the rest we add both) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules += $(call get-32-bit-modules, $(_pif_modules_rest))) \ |
| $(eval _pif_modules += $(_pif_modules_rest)) \ |
| $(call expand-required-modules,_pif_modules,$(_pif_modules),$(_pif_overrides)) \ |
| $(filter-out $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_pif_modules))) \ |
| $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,\ |
| $(foreach cf,$(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_COPY_FILES),$(call word-colon,2,$(cf)))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Similar to product-installed-files above, but handles PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES instead |
| # This does support the :32 / :64 syntax, but does not support module overrides. |
| define host-installed-files |
| $(eval _hif_modules := $(call get-product-var,$(1),PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES)) \ |
| $(eval ### Resolve the :32 :64 module name) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules_32 := $(patsubst %:32,%,$(filter %:32, $(_hif_modules)))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules_64 := $(patsubst %:64,%,$(filter %:64, $(_hif_modules)))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules_rest := $(filter-out %:32 %:64,$(_hif_modules))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules := $(call get-host-32-bit-modules-if-we-can, $(_hif_modules_32))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules += $(_hif_modules_64)) \ |
| $(eval ### For the rest we add both) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules += $(call get-host-32-bit-modules, $(_hif_modules_rest))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules += $(_hif_modules_rest)) \ |
| $(eval ### Split host vs host cross modules) \ |
| $(eval _hcif_modules := $(filter host_cross_%,$(_hif_modules))) \ |
| $(eval _hif_modules := $(filter-out host_cross_%,$(_hif_modules))) \ |
| $(call expand-required-host-modules,_hif_modules,$(_hif_modules),HOST) \ |
| $(call expand-required-host-modules,_hcif_modules,$(_hcif_modules),HOST_CROSS) \ |
| $(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_hif_modules))) \ |
| $(filter $(HOST_CROSS_OUT)/%,$(call module-installed-files, $(_hcif_modules))) |
| endef |
| |
| # Fails the build if the given list is non-empty, and prints it entries (stripping PRODUCT_OUT). |
| # $(1): list of files to print |
| # $(2): heading to print on failure |
| define maybe-print-list-and-error |
| $(if $(strip $(1)), \ |
| $(warning $(2)) \ |
| $(info Offending entries:) \ |
| $(foreach e,$(sort $(1)),$(info $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(e)))) \ |
| $(error Build failed) \ |
| ) |
| endef |
| |
| ifdef FULL_BUILD |
| # Check to ensure that all modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES exist (opt in per product) |
| _modules := $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES) |
| # Strip :32 and :64 suffixes |
| _modules := $(patsubst %:32,%,$(_modules)) |
| _modules := $(patsubst %:64,%,$(_modules)) |
| # Sanity check all modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES exist. We check for the |
| # existence if either <module> or the <module>_32 variant. |
| _nonexistent_modules := $(filter-out $(ALL_MODULES),$(_modules)) |
| _nonexistent_modules := $(foreach m,$(_nonexistent_modules),\ |
| $(if $(call get-32-bit-modules,$(m)),,$(m))) |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(filter-out $(_allow_list),$(_nonexistent_modules)),\ |
| $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes non-existent modules in PRODUCT_PACKAGES) |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(filter-out $(_nonexistent_modules),$(_allow_list)),\ |
| $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes redundant allow list entries for non-existent PRODUCT_PACKAGES) |
| endif |
| |
| # Check to ensure that all modules in PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES exist |
| # |
| # Many host modules are Linux-only, so skip this check on Mac. If we ever have Mac-only modules, |
| # maybe it would make sense to have PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES_LINUX/_DARWIN? |
| ifneq ($(HOST_OS),darwin) |
| _modules := $(PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES) |
| # Strip :32 and :64 suffixes |
| _modules := $(patsubst %:32,%,$(_modules)) |
| _modules := $(patsubst %:64,%,$(_modules)) |
| _nonexistent_modules := $(foreach m,$(_modules),\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).REQUIRED_FROM_HOST)$(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,$(m))) |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(_nonexistent_modules),\ |
| $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes non-existent modules in PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # Some modules produce only host installed files when building with TARGET_BUILD_APPS |
| ifeq ($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),) |
| _modules := $(foreach m,$(PRODUCT_PACKAGES) \ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),\ |
| $(if $(filter-out $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ |
| $(m)))) |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(sort $(_modules)),\ |
| Host modules should be in PRODUCT_HOST_PACKAGES$(comma) not PRODUCT_PACKAGES) |
| endif |
| |
| product_host_FILES := $(call host-installed-files,$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)) |
| product_target_FILES := $(call product-installed-files, $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)) |
| # WARNING: The product_MODULES variable is depended on by external files. |
| product_MODULES := $(_pif_modules) |
| |
| # Verify the artifact path requirements made by included products. |
| is_asan := $(if $(filter address,$(SANITIZE_TARGET)),true) |
| ifneq (true,$(or $(is_asan),$(DISABLE_ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENTS))) |
| # Fakes don't get installed, and NDK stubs aren't installed to device. |
| static_allowed_patterns := $(TARGET_OUT_FAKE)/% $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/ndk/% |
| # RROs become REQUIRED by the source module, but are always placed on the vendor partition. |
| static_allowed_patterns += %__auto_generated_rro_product.apk |
| static_allowed_patterns += %__auto_generated_rro_vendor.apk |
| # Auto-included targets are not considered |
| static_allowed_patterns += $(call product-installed-files,) |
| # $(PRODUCT_OUT)/apex is where shared libraries in APEXes get installed. |
| # The path can be considered as a fake path, as the shared libraries |
| # are installed there just to have symbols files for them under |
| # $(PRODUCT_OUT)/symbols/apex for debugging purpose. The /apex directory |
| # is never compiled into a filesystem image. |
| static_allowed_patterns += $(PRODUCT_OUT)/apex/% |
| # Allow system_other odex space optimization. |
| static_allowed_patterns += \ |
| endif |
| |
| CERTIFICATE_VIOLATION_MODULES_FILENAME := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/certificate_violation_modules.txt |
| rm -f $@ |
| $(foreach m,$(sort $(CERTIFICATE_VIOLATION_MODULES)), echo $(m) >> $@;) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,droidcore,$(CERTIFICATE_VIOLATION_MODULES_FILENAME)) |
| |
| all_offending_files := |
| $(foreach makefile,$(ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENT_PRODUCTS),\ |
| $(eval requirements := $(PRODUCTS.$(makefile).ARTIFACT_PATH_REQUIREMENTS)) \ |
| $(eval ### Verify that the product only produces files inside its path requirements.) \ |
| $(eval allowed := $(PRODUCTS.$(makefile).ARTIFACT_PATH_ALLOWED_LIST)) \ |
| $(eval path_patterns := $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,$(requirements),%)) \ |
| $(eval allowed_patterns := $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,$(allowed))) \ |
| $(eval files := $(call product-installed-files, $(makefile))) \ |
| $(eval offending_files := $(filter-out $(path_patterns) $(allowed_patterns) $(static_allowed_patterns),$(files))) \ |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(offending_files),\ |
| $(makefile) produces files outside its artifact path requirement. \ |
| Allowed paths are $(subst $(space),$(comma)$(space),$(addsuffix *,$(requirements)))) \ |
| $(eval unused_allowed := $(filter-out $(files),$(allowed_patterns))) \ |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(unused_allowed),$(makefile) includes redundant allowed entries in its artifact path requirement.) \ |
| $(eval ### Optionally verify that nothing else produces files inside this artifact path requirement.) \ |
| $(eval extra_files := $(filter-out $(files) $(HOST_OUT)/%,$(product_target_FILES))) \ |
| $(eval files_in_requirement := $(filter $(path_patterns),$(extra_files))) \ |
| $(eval all_offending_files += $(files_in_requirement)) \ |
| $(eval allowed_patterns := $(call resolve-product-relative-paths,$(allowed))) \ |
| $(eval offending_files := $(filter-out $(allowed_patterns),$(files_in_requirement))) \ |
| $(if $(enforcement),\ |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(offending_files),\ |
| $(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) produces files inside $(makefile)s artifact path requirement. \ |
| $(eval unused_allowed := $(if $(filter true strict,$(enforcement)),\ |
| $(foreach p,$(allowed_patterns),$(if $(filter $(p),$(extra_files)),,$(p))))) \ |
| $(call maybe-print-list-and-error,$(unused_allowed),$(INTERNAL_PRODUCT) includes redundant artifact path requirement allowed list entries.) \ |
| ) \ |
| ) |
| $(PRODUCT_OUT)/offending_artifacts.txt: |
| rm -f $@ |
| $(foreach f,$(sort $(all_offending_files)),echo $(f) >> $@;) |
| endif |
| else |
| # We're not doing a full build, and are probably only including |
| # a subset of the module makefiles. Don't try to build any modules |
| # requested by the product, because we probably won't have rules |
| # to build them. |
| product_target_FILES := |
| product_host_FILES := |
| endif |
| |
| # TODO: Remove the 3 places in the tree that use ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES |
| # and get rid of it from this list. |
| modules_to_install := $(sort \ |
| $(product_target_FILES) \ |
| $(product_host_FILES) \ |
| ) |
| |
| ifdef FULL_BUILD |
| # |
| # Used by the cleanup logic in soong_ui to remove files that should no longer |
| # be installed. |
| # |
| |
| # Include all tests, so that we remove them from the test suites / testcase |
| # folders when they are removed. |
| test_files := $(foreach ts,$(ALL_COMPATIBILITY_SUITES),$(COMPATIBILITY.$(ts).FILES)) |
| |
| $(shell mkdir -p $(PRODUCT_OUT) $(HOST_OUT)) |
| |
| $(file >$(PRODUCT_OUT)/.installable_files$(if $(filter address,$(SANITIZE_TARGET)),_asan), \ |
| $(sort $(patsubst $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%,%,$(filter $(PRODUCT_OUT)/%, \ |
| $(modules_to_install) $(test_files))))) |
| |
| $(file >$(HOST_OUT)/.installable_test_files,$(sort \ |
| $(patsubst $(HOST_OUT)/%,%,$(filter $(HOST_OUT)/%, \ |
| $(test_files))))) |
| |
| test_files := |
| endif |
| |
| # Dedpulicate compatibility suite dist files across modules and packages before |
| # copying them to their requested locations. Assign the eval result to an unused |
| # var to prevent Make from trying to make a sense of it. |
| _unused := $(call copy-many-files, $(sort $(ALL_COMPATIBILITY_DIST_FILES))) |
| |
| # Don't include any GNU General Public License shared objects or static |
| # libraries in SDK images. GPL executables (not static/dynamic libraries) |
| # are okay if they don't link against any closed source libraries (directly |
| # or indirectly) |
| |
| # It's ok (and necessary) to build the host tools, but nothing that's |
| # going to be installed on the target (including static libraries). |
| |
| ifdef is_sdk_build |
| target_gnu_MODULES := \ |
| $(filter \ |
| $(TARGET_OUT)/% \ |
| $(TARGET_OUT_DATA)/%, \ |
| $(sort $(call get-tagged-modules,gnu))) |
| target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out $(TARGET_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/%,$(target_gnu_MODULES)) |
| target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out %/libopenjdkjvmti.so,$(target_gnu_MODULES)) |
| target_gnu_MODULES := $(filter-out %/libopenjdkjvmtid.so,$(target_gnu_MODULES)) |
| $(info Removing from sdk:)$(foreach d,$(target_gnu_MODULES),$(info : $(d))) |
| modules_to_install := \ |
| $(filter-out $(target_gnu_MODULES),$(modules_to_install)) |
| |
| # Ensure every module listed in PRODUCT_PACKAGES* gets something installed |
| # TODO: Should we do this for all builds and not just the sdk? |
| dangling_modules := |
| $(foreach m, $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES), \ |
| $(eval dangling_modules += $(m)))) |
| ifneq ($(dangling_modules),) |
| $(warning: Modules '$(dangling_modules)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES have nothing to install!) |
| endif |
| $(foreach m, $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG), \ |
| $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ |
| $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_DEBUG has nothing to install!))) |
| $(foreach m, $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG), \ |
| $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ |
| $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_ENG has nothing to install!))) |
| $(foreach m, $(PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS), \ |
| $(if $(strip $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)),,\ |
| $(warning $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).MAKEFILE): Module '$(m)' in PRODUCT_PACKAGES_TESTS has nothing to install!))) |
| endif |
| |
| # build/make/core/Makefile contains extra stuff that we don't want to pollute this |
| # top-level makefile with. It expects that ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES |
| # contains everything that's built during the current make, but it also further |
| ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES := $(modules_to_install) |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/Makefile |
| modules_to_install := $(sort $(ALL_DEFAULT_INSTALLED_MODULES)) |
| |
| |
| $(call fix-notice-deps) |
| |
| |
| # These are additional goals that we build, in order to make sure that there |
| # is as little code as possible in the tree that doesn't build. |
| modules_to_check := $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CHECKED)) |
| |
| # If you would like to build all goals, and not skip any intermediate |
| # steps, you can pass the "all" modifier goal on the commandline. |
| ifneq ($(filter all,$(MAKECMDGOALS)),) |
| modules_to_check += $(foreach m,$(ALL_MODULES),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)) |
| endif |
| |
| # Build docs as part of checkbuild to catch more breakages. |
| modules_to_check += $(ALL_DOCS) |
| |
| # for easier debugging |
| modules_to_check := $(sort $(modules_to_check)) |
| #$(error modules_to_check $(modules_to_check)) |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| # This is used to to get the ordering right, you can also use these, |
| # but they're considered undocumented, so don't complain if their |
| # behavior changes. |
| # An internal target that depends on all copied headers |
| # (see copy_headers.make). Other targets that need the |
| # headers to be copied first can depend on this target. |
| .PHONY: all_copied_headers |
| all_copied_headers: ; |
| |
| $(ALL_C_CPP_ETC_OBJECTS): | all_copied_headers |
| |
| # All the droid stuff, in directories |
| .PHONY: files |
| files: $(modules_to_install) \ |
| |
| # ------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| .PHONY: checkbuild |
| checkbuild: $(modules_to_check) droid_targets check-elf-files |
| |
| droid: checkbuild |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: ramdisk |
| |
| .PHONY: ramdisk_debug |
| |
| .PHONY: ramdisk_test_harness |
| ramdisk_test_harness: $(INSTALLED_TEST_HARNESS_RAMDISK_TARGET) |
| |
| .PHONY: vendor_ramdisk_debug |
| vendor_ramdisk_debug: $(INSTALLED_VENDOR_DEBUG_RAMDISK_TARGET) |
| |
| .PHONY: userdataimage |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter userdataimage, $(MAKECMDGOALS))) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, userdataimage, $(BUILT_USERDATAIMAGE_TARGET)) |
| endif |
| |
| .PHONY: cacheimage |
| |
| .PHONY: bptimage |
| |
| .PHONY: vendorimage |
| |
| .PHONY: vendorbootimage |
| |
| .PHONY: vendorbootimage_debug |
| |
| .PHONY: productimage |
| |
| .PHONY: systemextimage |
| |
| .PHONY: odmimage |
| |
| .PHONY: systemotherimage |
| |
| .PHONY: superimage_empty |
| |
| .PHONY: bootimage |
| |
| .PHONY: bootimage_debug |
| |
| .PHONY: bootimage_test_harness |
| bootimage_test_harness: $(INSTALLED_TEST_HARNESS_BOOTIMAGE_TARGET) |
| |
| .PHONY: vbmetaimage |
| |
| .PHONY: auxiliary |
| auxiliary: $(INSTALLED_AUX_TARGETS) |
| |
| # Build files and then package it into the rom formats |
| .PHONY: droidcore |
| droidcore: $(filter $(HOST_OUT_ROOT)/%,$(modules_to_install)) \ |
| auxiliary \ |
| soong_docs |
| |
| # dist_files only for putting your library into the dist directory with a full build. |
| .PHONY: dist_files |
| |
| .PHONY: apps_only |
| ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_APPS),) |
| # If this build is just for apps, only build apps and not the full system by default. |
| |
| unbundled_build_modules := |
| ifneq ($(filter all,$(TARGET_BUILD_APPS)),) |
| # If they used the magic goal "all" then build all apps in the source tree. |
| unbundled_build_modules := $(foreach m,$(sort $(ALL_MODULES)),$(if $(filter APPS,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).CLASS)),$(m))) |
| else |
| unbundled_build_modules := $(TARGET_BUILD_APPS) |
| endif |
| |
| # Dist the installed files if they exist. |
| apps_only_installed_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED)) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_installed_files)) |
| |
| # Dist the bundle files if they exist. |
| apps_only_bundle_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUNDLE),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUNDLE):$(m)-base.zip)) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_bundle_files)) |
| |
| # Dist the lint reports if they exist. |
| apps_only_lint_report_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),\ |
| $(foreach report,$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).LINT_REPORTS),\ |
| $(report):$(m)-$(notdir $(report)))) |
| .PHONY: lint-check |
| lint-check: $(foreach f, $(apps_only_lint_report_files), $(call word-colon,1,$(f))) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,lint-check, $(apps_only_lint_report_files)) |
| |
| # For uninstallable modules such as static Java library, we have to dist the built file, |
| # as <module_name>.<suffix> |
| apps_only_dist_built_files := $(foreach m,$(unbundled_build_modules),$(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).INSTALLED),,\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT):$(m)$(suffix $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).BUILT)))\ |
| $(if $(ALL_MODULES.$(m).AAR),$(ALL_MODULES.$(m).AAR):$(m).aar)\ |
| )) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(apps_only_dist_built_files)) |
| |
| ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) |
| $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL) : $(apps_only_installed_files) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL)) |
| endif |
| |
| $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_DICT_ZIP)) |
| |
| $(PROGUARD_USAGE_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(PROGUARD_USAGE_ZIP)) |
| |
| $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(SYMBOLS_ZIP)) |
| |
| $(COVERAGE_ZIP) : $(apps_only_installed_files) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,apps_only, $(COVERAGE_ZIP)) |
| |
| apps_only: $(unbundled_build_modules) |
| |
| droid_targets: apps_only |
| |
| # Combine the NOTICE files for a apps_only build |
| $(eval $(call combine-notice-files, html, \ |
| $(target_notice_file_txt), \ |
| $(target_notice_file_html_or_xml), \ |
| "Notices for files for apps:", \ |
| $(apps_only_installed_files))) |
| |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ |
| ) |
| |
| # Put a copy of the radio/bootloader files in the dist dir. |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, $(f))) |
| |
| ifneq ($(ANDROID_BUILD_EMBEDDED),true) |
| ifneq ($(TARGET_BUILD_PDK),true) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| $(APPS_ZIP) \ |
| ) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| ) |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| ) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, bootimage_test_harness, \ |
| ) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(BOARD_USES_RECOVERY_AS_BOOT),true) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, droidcore, \ |
| $(recovery_ramdisk) \ |
| ) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(EMMA_INSTRUMENT),true) |
| $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL) : $(modules_to_install) |
| $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(JACOCO_REPORT_CLASSES_ALL)) |
| endif |
| |
| # Put XML formatted API files in the dist dir. |
| $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_stubs_current) $(APICHECK) |
| $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/system-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_system_stubs_current) $(APICHECK) |
| $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/module-lib-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_module_lib_stubs_current) $(APICHECK) |
| $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/system-server-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_system_server_stubs_current) $(APICHECK) |
| $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/test-api.xml: $(call java-lib-files,android_test_stubs_current) $(APICHECK) |
| |
| api_xmls := $(addprefix $(TARGET_OUT_COMMON_INTERMEDIATES)/,api.xml system-api.xml module-lib-api.xml system-server-api.xml test-api.xml) |
| $(api_xmls): |
| $(hide) echo "Converting API file to XML: $@" |
| $(hide) mkdir -p $(dir $@) |
| $(hide) $(APICHECK_COMMAND) --input-api-jar $< --api-xml $@ |
| |
| $(call dist-for-goals, dist_files, $(api_xmls)) |
| api_xmls := |
| |
| # Building a full system-- the default is to build droidcore |
| droid_targets: droidcore dist_files |
| |
| |
| .PHONY: docs |
| docs: $(ALL_DOCS) |
| |
| .PHONY: sdk win_sdk winsdk-tools sdk_addon |
| sdk: $(ALL_SDK_TARGETS) |
| $(call dist-for-goals,sdk win_sdk, \ |
| $(SYMBOLS_ZIP) \ |
| ) |
| |
| # umbrella targets to assit engineers in verifying builds |
| .PHONY: java native target host java-host java-target native-host native-target \ |
| java-host-tests java-target-tests native-host-tests native-target-tests \ |
| java-tests native-tests host-tests target-tests tests java-dex \ |
| native-host-cross |
| # some synonyms |
| .PHONY: host-java target-java host-native target-native \ |
| target-java-tests target-native-tests |
| host-java : java-host |
| target-java : java-target |
| host-native : native-host |
| target-native : native-target |
| target-java-tests : java-target-tests |
| target-native-tests : native-target-tests |
| tests : host-tests target-tests |
| |
| # Phony target to run all java compilations that use javac |
| .PHONY: javac-check |
| |
| .PHONY: findbugs |
| |
| LSDUMP_PATHS_FILE := $(PRODUCT_OUT)/lsdump_paths.txt |
| |
| .PHONY: findlsdumps |
| # LSDUMP_PATHS is a list of tag:path. |
| findlsdumps: $(LSDUMP_PATHS_FILE) $(foreach p,$(LSDUMP_PATHS),$(call word-colon,2,$(p))) |
| |
| @echo "Generate $@" |
| @rm -rf $@ && echo -e "$(subst :,:$(space),$(subst $(space),\n,$(PRIVATE_LSDUMP_PATHS)))" > $@ |
| |
| .PHONY: check-elf-files |
| check-elf-files: |
| |
| #xxx scrape this from ALL_MODULE_NAME_TAGS |
| .PHONY: modules |
| modules: |
| @echo "Available sub-modules:" |
| @echo "$(call module-names-for-tag-list,$(ALL_MODULE_TAGS))" | \ |
| tr -s ' ' '\n' | sort -u |
| |
| .PHONY: dump-files |
| dump-files: |
| $(info product_target_FILES for $(TARGET_DEVICE) ($(INTERNAL_PRODUCT)):) |
| $(foreach p,$(sort $(product_target_FILES)),$(info : $(p))) |
| @echo Successfully dumped product file list |
| |
| .PHONY: nothing |
| nothing: |
| @echo Successfully read the makefiles. |
| |
| .PHONY: tidy_only |
| tidy_only: |
| @echo Successfully make tidy_only. |
| |
| ndk: $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/ndk.timestamp |
| .PHONY: ndk |
| |
| # Checks that build/soong/apex/allowed_deps.txt remains up to date |
| droidcore: ${APEX_ALLOWED_DEPS_CHECK} |
| endif |
| |
| $(call dist-write-file,$(KATI_PACKAGE_MK_DIR)/dist.mk) |
| |
| $(info [$(call inc_and_print,subdir_makefiles_inc)/$(subdir_makefiles_total)] writing build rules ...) |