| ########################################################### |
| ## Standard rules for building binary object files from |
| ## asm/c/cpp/yacc/lex/etc source files. |
| ## |
| ## The list of object files is exported in $(all_objects). |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ####################################### |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/base_rules.mk |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/use_lld_setup.mk |
| ####################################### |
| |
| ################################################## |
| # Compute the dependency of the shared libraries |
| ################################################## |
| # On the target, we compile with -nostdlib, so we must add in the |
| # default system shared libraries, unless they have requested not |
| # to by supplying a LOCAL_SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARIES value. One would |
| # supply that, for example, when building libc itself. |
| my_system_shared_libraries := |
| else |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(LOCAL_SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARIES) |
| endif |
| else |
| my_system_shared_libraries := libc libm libdl |
| else |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(LOCAL_SYSTEM_SHARED_LIBRARIES) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(patsubst libc,libc libdl,$(my_system_shared_libraries)) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # Third party code has additional no-override flags. |
| is_third_party := |
| ifneq ($(filter external/% hardware/% vendor/%,$(LOCAL_PATH)),) |
| is_third_party := true |
| endif |
| |
| my_soong_problems := |
| |
| # The following LOCAL_ variables will be modified in this file. |
| # Because the same LOCAL_ variables may be used to define modules for both 1st arch and 2nd arch, |
| # we can't modify them in place. |
| my_src_files := $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES) |
| my_src_files_exclude := $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_EXCLUDE) |
| my_static_libraries := $(LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES) |
| my_shared_libraries := $(filter-out $(my_system_shared_libraries),$(LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES)) |
| my_header_libraries := $(LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES) |
| my_cflags := $(LOCAL_CFLAGS) |
| my_conlyflags := $(LOCAL_CONLYFLAGS) |
| my_cppflags := $(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS) |
| my_cflags_no_override := $(GLOBAL_CLANG_CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE) |
| my_cppflags_no_override := $(GLOBAL_CLANG_CPPFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE) |
| ifdef is_third_party |
| my_cflags_no_override += $(GLOBAL_CLANG_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE) |
| my_cppflags_no_override += $(GLOBAL_CLANG_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE) |
| endif |
| my_ldflags := $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS) |
| my_ldlibs := $(LOCAL_LDLIBS) |
| my_asflags := $(LOCAL_ASFLAGS) |
| my_cc := $(LOCAL_CC) |
| my_cc_wrapper := $(CC_WRAPPER) |
| my_cxx := $(LOCAL_CXX) |
| my_cxx_link := $(LOCAL_CXX) |
| my_cxx_ldlibs := |
| my_cxx_wrapper := $(CXX_WRAPPER) |
| my_c_includes := $(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES) |
| my_generated_sources := $(LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES) |
| my_additional_dependencies := $(LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES) |
| my_export_c_include_dirs := $(LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DIRS) |
| my_export_c_include_deps := $(LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DEPS) |
| my_arflags := |
| |
| # Disable clang-tidy if it is not found. |
| ifeq ($(PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY),) |
| my_tidy_enabled := false |
| else |
| # If LOCAL_TIDY is not defined, use global WITH_TIDY |
| my_tidy_enabled := $(LOCAL_TIDY) |
| ifeq ($(my_tidy_enabled),) |
| my_tidy_enabled := $(WITH_TIDY) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # my_tidy_checks is empty if clang-tidy is disabled. |
| my_tidy_checks := |
| my_tidy_flags := |
| ifneq (,$(filter 1 true,$(my_tidy_enabled))) |
| # Set up global default checks |
| my_tidy_checks := $(WITH_TIDY_CHECKS) |
| ifeq ($(my_tidy_checks),) |
| my_tidy_checks := $(call default_global_tidy_checks,$(LOCAL_PATH)) |
| endif |
| # Append local clang-tidy checks. |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_TIDY_CHECKS),) |
| my_tidy_checks := $(my_tidy_checks),$(LOCAL_TIDY_CHECKS) |
| endif |
| my_tidy_flags := $(strip $(WITH_TIDY_FLAGS) $(LOCAL_TIDY_FLAGS)) |
| # If tidy flags are not specified, default to check all header files. |
| ifeq ($(my_tidy_flags),) |
| my_tidy_flags := $(call default_tidy_header_filter,$(LOCAL_PATH)) |
| endif |
| # If clang-tidy is not enabled globally, add the -quiet flag. |
| ifeq (,$(filter 1 true,$(WITH_TIDY))) |
| my_tidy_flags += -quiet -extra-arg-before=-fno-caret-diagnostics |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(my_tidy_checks),) |
| # We might be using the static analyzer through clang-tidy. |
| # https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=32914 |
| my_tidy_flags += -extra-arg-before=-D__clang_analyzer__ |
| |
| # A recent change in clang-tidy (r328258) enabled destructor inlining, |
| # which appears to cause a number of false positives. Until that's |
| # resolved, this turns off the effects of r328258. |
| # https://bugs.llvm.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37459 |
| my_tidy_flags += -extra-arg-before=-Xclang |
| my_tidy_flags += -extra-arg-before=-analyzer-config |
| my_tidy_flags += -extra-arg-before=-Xclang |
| my_tidy_flags += -extra-arg-before=c++-temp-dtor-inlining=false |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| my_tidy_checks := $(subst $(space),,$(my_tidy_checks)) |
| |
| # Configure the pool to use for clang rules. |
| # If LOCAL_CC or LOCAL_CXX is set don't use goma or RBE. |
| # If clang-tidy is being used, don't use the RBE pool (as clang-tidy runs in |
| # the same action, and is not remoted) |
| my_pool := |
| ifeq (,$(strip $(my_cc))$(strip $(my_cxx))$(strip $(my_tidy_checks))) |
| my_pool := $(GOMA_OR_RBE_POOL) |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(strip $(foreach dir,$(NATIVE_COVERAGE_PATHS),$(filter $(dir)%,$(LOCAL_PATH))))) |
| ifeq (,$(strip $(foreach dir,$(NATIVE_COVERAGE_EXCLUDE_PATHS),$(filter $(dir)%,$(LOCAL_PATH))))) |
| my_native_coverage := true |
| else |
| my_native_coverage := false |
| endif |
| else |
| my_native_coverage := false |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(NATIVE_COVERAGE),true) |
| my_native_coverage := false |
| endif |
| |
| # Exclude directories from checking allowed manual binder interface lists. |
| # TODO(b/145621474): Move this check into IInterface.h when clang-tidy no longer uses absolute paths. |
| ifneq (,$(filter $(addsuffix %,$(ALLOWED_MANUAL_INTERFACE_PATHS)),$(LOCAL_PATH))) |
| endif |
| |
| my_allow_undefined_symbols := $(strip $(LOCAL_ALLOW_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS)) |
| my_allow_undefined_symbols := true |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| my_ndk_sysroot := |
| my_ndk_sysroot_include := |
| my_ndk_sysroot_lib := |
| my_api_level := 10000 |
| |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| $(error $(LOCAL_PATH): LOCAL_SDK_VERSION cannot be used in host module) |
| endif |
| |
| # Make sure we've built the NDK. |
| my_additional_dependencies += $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/ndk_base.timestamp |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter arm64 x86_64,$(my_arch))) |
| my_min_sdk_version := 21 |
| else |
| my_min_sdk_version := $(MIN_SUPPORTED_SDK_VERSION) |
| endif |
| |
| # Historically we've just set up a bunch of symlinks in prebuilts/ndk to map |
| # missing API levels to existing ones where necessary, but we're not doing |
| # that for the generated libraries. Clip the API level to the minimum where |
| # appropriate. |
| my_ndk_api := $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION) |
| ifneq ($(my_ndk_api),current) |
| my_ndk_api := $(call math_max,$(my_ndk_api),$(my_min_sdk_version)) |
| endif |
| |
| my_ndk_crt_version := $(my_ndk_api) |
| |
| my_ndk_hist_api := $(my_ndk_api) |
| ifeq ($(my_ndk_api),current) |
| # The last API level supported by the old prebuilt NDKs. |
| my_ndk_hist_api := 24 |
| else |
| my_api_level := $(my_ndk_api) |
| endif |
| |
| my_ndk_source_root := \ |
| my_ndk_sysroot := \ |
| $(HISTORICAL_NDK_VERSIONS_ROOT)/$(LOCAL_NDK_VERSION)/platforms/android-$(my_ndk_hist_api)/arch-$(my_arch) |
| my_built_ndk := $(SOONG_OUT_DIR)/ndk |
| my_ndk_sysroot_include := \ |
| $(my_built_ndk)/sysroot/usr/include \ |
| $(my_built_ndk)/sysroot/usr/include/$(my_ndk_triple) \ |
| $(my_ndk_sysroot)/usr/include \ |
| |
| # x86_64 is a multilib toolchain, so their libraries are |
| # installed in /usr/lib64. Aarch64, on the other hand, is not a multilib |
| # compiler, so its libraries are in /usr/lib. |
| ifneq (,$(filter x86_64,$(my_arch))) |
| my_ndk_libdir_name := lib64 |
| else |
| my_ndk_libdir_name := lib |
| endif |
| |
| my_ndk_platform_dir := \ |
| $(my_built_ndk)/platforms/android-$(my_ndk_api)/arch-$(my_arch) |
| my_built_ndk_libs := $(my_ndk_platform_dir)/usr/$(my_ndk_libdir_name) |
| my_ndk_sysroot_lib := $(my_ndk_sysroot)/usr/$(my_ndk_libdir_name) |
| |
| # The bionic linker now has support for packed relocations and gnu style |
| # hashes (which are much faster!), but shipping to older devices requires |
| # the old style hash. Fortunately, we can build with both and it'll work |
| # anywhere. |
| my_ldflags += -Wl,--hash-style=both |
| |
| # We don't want to expose the relocation packer to the NDK just yet. |
| |
| # Set up the NDK stl variant. Starting from NDK-r5 the c++ stl resides in a separate location. |
| # See ndk/docs/CPLUSPLUS-SUPPORT.html |
| my_ndk_stl_include_path := |
| my_ndk_stl_shared_lib_fullpath := |
| my_ndk_stl_static_lib := |
| my_cpu_variant := $(TARGET_$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CPU_ABI) |
| ifeq (,$(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT)) |
| endif |
| ifneq (1,$(words $(filter none system c++_static c++_shared, $(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT)))) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq (system,$(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT)) |
| my_ndk_stl_include_path := $(my_ndk_source_root)/cxx-stl/system/include |
| my_system_shared_libraries += libstdc++ |
| else ifneq (,$(filter c++_%, $(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT))) |
| my_ndk_stl_include_path := \ |
| $(my_ndk_source_root)/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/include |
| my_ndk_stl_include_path += \ |
| $(my_ndk_source_root)/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++abi/include |
| |
| my_libcxx_libdir := \ |
| $(my_ndk_source_root)/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/$(my_cpu_variant) |
| |
| ifeq (c++_static,$(LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT)) |
| my_ndk_stl_static_lib := \ |
| $(my_libcxx_libdir)/libc++_static.a \ |
| $(my_libcxx_libdir)/libc++abi.a |
| else |
| my_ndk_stl_shared_lib_fullpath := $(my_libcxx_libdir)/libc++_shared.so |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(my_ndk_api),current) |
| ifeq ($(call math_lt,$(my_ndk_api),21),true) |
| my_ndk_stl_include_path += $(my_ndk_source_root)/android/support/include |
| my_ndk_stl_static_lib += $(my_libcxx_libdir)/libandroid_support.a |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| my_ndk_stl_static_lib += $(my_libcxx_libdir)/libunwind.a |
| my_ldlibs += -ldl |
| else # LOCAL_NDK_STL_VARIANT must be none |
| # Do nothing. |
| endif |
| |
| # Clang's coverage/profile runtime needs symbols like 'stderr' that were not |
| # exported from libc prior to API level 23 |
| ifneq ($(my_ndk_api),current) |
| ifeq ($(call math_lt, $(my_ndk_api),23),true) |
| my_native_coverage := false |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(NATIVE_COVERAGE),true) |
| my_ldflags += -Wl,--wrap,getenv |
| |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| my_whole_static_libraries += libprofile-extras |
| else |
| my_whole_static_libraries += libprofile-extras_ndk |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK),) |
| # Required VNDK version for vendor modules is BOARD_VNDK_VERSION. |
| my_api_level := $(BOARD_VNDK_VERSION) |
| ifeq ($(my_api_level),current) |
| # Build with current PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION. |
| # If PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION has a CODENAME, it will return |
| my_api_level := $(call codename-or-sdk-to-sdk,$(PLATFORM_VNDK_VERSION)) |
| else |
| # Build with current BOARD_VNDK_VERSION. |
| my_api_level := $(call codename-or-sdk-to-sdk,$(BOARD_VNDK_VERSION)) |
| endif |
| my_cflags += -D__ANDROID_VNDK__ |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK_VENDOR),) |
| # Vendor modules have LOCAL_USE_VNDK_VENDOR when |
| # BOARD_VNDK_VERSION is defined. |
| my_cflags += -D__ANDROID_VENDOR__ |
| else ifneq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK_PRODUCT),) |
| # Product modules have LOCAL_USE_VNDK_PRODUCT when |
| my_cflags += -D__ANDROID_PRODUCT__ |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # For device libraries, move LOCAL_LDLIBS references to my_shared_libraries. We |
| # no longer need to use my_ldlibs to pick up NDK prebuilt libraries since we're |
| # linking my_shared_libraries by full path now. |
| my_allowed_ldlibs := |
| |
| # Sort ldlibs and ldflags between -l and other linker flags |
| # We'll do this again later, since there are still changes happening, but that's fine. |
| my_ldlib_flags := $(my_ldflags) $(my_ldlibs) |
| my_ldlibs := $(filter -l%,$(my_ldlib_flags)) |
| my_ldflags := $(filter-out -l%,$(my_ldlib_flags)) |
| my_ldlib_flags := |
| |
| # Move other ldlibs back to shared libraries |
| my_shared_libraries += $(patsubst -l%,lib%,$(filter-out $(my_allowed_ldlibs),$(my_ldlibs))) |
| my_ldlibs := $(filter $(my_allowed_ldlibs),$(my_ldlibs)) |
| # Add -ldl, -lpthread, -lm and -lrt to host builds to match the default behavior of |
| # device builds |
| my_ldlibs += -ldl -lpthread -lm |
| ifneq ($(HOST_OS),darwin) |
| my_ldlibs += -lrt |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| my_all_ndk_libraries := $(NDK_KNOWN_LIBS) |
| my_ndk_shared_libraries := \ |
| $(filter $(my_all_ndk_libraries),\ |
| $(my_shared_libraries) $(my_system_shared_libraries)) |
| |
| my_shared_libraries := \ |
| $(filter-out $(my_all_ndk_libraries),$(my_shared_libraries)) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := \ |
| $(filter-out $(my_all_ndk_libraries),$(my_system_shared_libraries)) |
| endif |
| |
| # MinGW spits out warnings about -fPIC even for -fpie?!) being ignored because |
| # all code is position independent, and then those warnings get promoted to |
| # errors. |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_NO_PIC),true) |
| my_cflags += -fPIE |
| ifndef BUILD_HOST_static |
| my_ldflags += -pie |
| endif |
| endif |
| else |
| my_cflags += -fPIC |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| my_src_files += $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_$($(my_prefix)OS)_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) |
| my_static_libraries += $(LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_shared_libraries += $(LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_header_libraries += $(LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_cflags += $(LOCAL_CFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_cppflags += $(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_ldflags += $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_ldlibs += $(LOCAL_LDLIBS_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_asflags += $(LOCAL_ASFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_c_includes += $(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| my_generated_sources += $(LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES_$($(my_prefix)OS)) |
| endif |
| |
| my_src_files += $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_src_files_exclude += $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_EXCLUDE_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_SRC_FILES_EXCLUDE_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_shared_libraries += $(LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_cflags += $(LOCAL_CFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_cppflags += $(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CPPFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_ldflags += $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_LDFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_asflags += $(LOCAL_ASFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_ASFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_c_includes += $(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_C_INCLUDES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_generated_sources += $(LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| |
| my_missing_exclude_files := $(filter-out $(my_src_files),$(my_src_files_exclude)) |
| ifneq ($(my_missing_exclude_files),) |
| $(warning Files are listed in LOCAL_SRC_FILES_EXCLUDE but not LOCAL_SRC_FILES) |
| $(error $(my_missing_exclude_files)) |
| endif |
| my_src_files := $(filter-out $(my_src_files_exclude),$(my_src_files)) |
| |
| # Strip '/' from the beginning of each src file. This helps the ../ detection in case |
| # the source file is in the form of /../file |
| my_src_files := $(patsubst /%,%,$(my_src_files)) |
| |
| my_clang := $(strip $(LOCAL_CLANG)) |
| ifdef LOCAL_CLANG_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix) |
| my_clang := $(strip $(LOCAL_CLANG_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix))) |
| endif |
| ifdef LOCAL_CLANG_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH) |
| my_clang := $(strip $(LOCAL_CLANG_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH))) |
| endif |
| ifeq ($(my_clang),false) |
| $(call pretty-error,LOCAL_CLANG false is no longer supported) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_C_STD),) |
| my_c_std_version := $(DEFAULT_C_STD_VERSION) |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_C_STD),experimental) |
| my_c_std_version := $(EXPERIMENTAL_C_STD_VERSION) |
| else |
| my_c_std_version := $(LOCAL_C_STD) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_CPP_STD),) |
| my_cpp_std_version := $(DEFAULT_CPP_STD_VERSION) |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_CPP_STD),experimental) |
| my_cpp_std_version := $(EXPERIMENTAL_CPP_STD_VERSION) |
| else |
| my_cpp_std_version := $(LOCAL_CPP_STD) |
| endif |
| |
| my_c_std_conlyflags := |
| my_cpp_std_cppflags := |
| ifneq (,$(my_c_std_version)) |
| my_c_std_conlyflags := -std=$(my_c_std_version) |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(my_cpp_std_version)) |
| my_cpp_std_cppflags := -std=$(my_cpp_std_version) |
| endif |
| |
| # Extra cflags for projects under external/ directory |
| ifneq ($(filter external/%,$(LOCAL_PATH)),) |
| my_cflags += $(CLANG_EXTERNAL_CFLAGS) |
| endif |
| |
| # arch-specific static libraries go first so that generic ones can depend on them |
| my_static_libraries := $(LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_STATIC_LIBRARIES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) $(my_static_libraries) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) $(my_whole_static_libraries) |
| my_header_libraries := $(LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_HEADER_LIBRARIES_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) $(my_header_libraries) |
| |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/cxx_stl_setup.mk |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(CUSTOM_$(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)LINKER)),) |
| my_linker := $(CUSTOM_$(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)LINKER) |
| else |
| my_linker := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(my_prefix)LINKER) |
| endif |
| |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/config_sanitizers.mk |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter ../%,$(my_src_files)),) |
| my_soong_problems += dotdot_srcs |
| endif |
| ifneq ($(foreach i,$(my_c_includes),$(filter %/..,$(i))$(findstring /../,$(i))),) |
| my_soong_problems += dotdot_incs |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Explicitly declare assembly-only __ASSEMBLY__ macro for |
| ## assembly source |
| ########################################################### |
| my_asflags += -D__ASSEMBLY__ |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # TODO: support a mix of standard extensions so that this isn't necessary |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION),) |
| endif |
| |
| # Certain modules like libdl have to have symbols resolved at runtime and blow |
| # up if --no-undefined is passed to the linker. |
| ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_NO_DEFAULT_COMPILER_FLAGS)),) |
| ifeq ($(my_allow_undefined_symbols),) |
| ifneq ($(HOST_OS),darwin) |
| my_ldflags += -Wl,--no-undefined |
| endif |
| else |
| ifeq ($(HOST_OS),darwin) |
| # darwin defaults to treating undefined symbols as errors |
| my_ldflags += -Wl,-undefined,dynamic_lookup |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| else |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Define arm-vs-thumb-mode flags. |
| ########################################################### |
| LOCAL_ARM_MODE := $(strip $(LOCAL_ARM_MODE)) |
| ifeq ($($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH),arm) |
| normal_objects_mode := $(if $(LOCAL_ARM_MODE),$(LOCAL_ARM_MODE),thumb) |
| |
| # Read the values from something like TARGET_arm_CFLAGS or |
| # TARGET_thumb_CFLAGS. HOST_(arm|thumb)_CFLAGS values aren't |
| # actually used (although they are usually empty). |
| normal_objects_cflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(my_prefix)$(normal_objects_mode)_CFLAGS) |
| |
| else |
| normal_objects_mode := |
| normal_objects_cflags := |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Define per-module debugging flags. Users can turn on |
| ## debugging for a particular module by setting DEBUG_MODULE_ModuleName |
| ## to a non-empty value in their environment or buildspec.mk, |
| ## and setting HOST_/TARGET_CUSTOM_DEBUG_CFLAGS to the |
| ## debug flags that they want to use. |
| ########################################################### |
| ifdef DEBUG_MODULE_$(strip $(LOCAL_MODULE)) |
| debug_cflags := $($(my_prefix)CUSTOM_DEBUG_CFLAGS) |
| else |
| debug_cflags := |
| endif |
| |
| #################################################### |
| ## Keep track of src -> obj mapping |
| #################################################### |
| |
| my_tracked_gen_files := |
| my_tracked_src_files := |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Stuff source generated from one-off tools |
| ########################################################### |
| $(my_generated_sources): PRIVATE_MODULE := $(my_register_name) |
| |
| my_gen_sources_copy := $(patsubst $(generated_sources_dir)/%,$(intermediates)/%,$(filter $(generated_sources_dir)/%,$(my_generated_sources))) |
| |
| $(my_gen_sources_copy): $(intermediates)/% : $(generated_sources_dir)/% |
| @echo "Copy: $@" |
| $(copy-file-to-target) |
| |
| my_generated_sources := $(patsubst $(generated_sources_dir)/%,$(intermediates)/%,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| |
| # Generated sources that will actually produce object files. |
| # Other files (like headers) are allowed in LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES, |
| # since other compiled sources may depend on them, and we set up |
| # the dependencies. |
| my_gen_src_files := $(filter %.c %$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION) %.S %.s,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| |
| #################################################### |
| ## Compile RenderScript with reflected C++ |
| #################################################### |
| |
| renderscript_sources := $(filter %.rscript %.fs,$(my_src_files)) |
| |
| ifneq (,$(renderscript_sources)) |
| my_soong_problems += rs |
| |
| renderscript_sources_fullpath := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(renderscript_sources)) |
| RenderScript_file_stamp := $(intermediates)/RenderScriptCPP.stamp |
| renderscript_intermediate := $(intermediates)/renderscript |
| |
| renderscript_target_api := |
| |
| renderscript_target_api := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_TARGET_API) |
| else |
| ifneq (,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)) |
| # Set target-api for LOCAL_SDK_VERSIONs other than current. |
| ifneq (,$(filter-out current system_current test_current, $(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION))) |
| renderscript_target_api := $(call get-numeric-sdk-version,$(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION)) |
| endif |
| endif # LOCAL_SDK_VERSION is set |
| |
| |
| endif |
| |
| # Turn on all warnings and warnings as errors for RS compiles. |
| # This can be disabled with LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS := -Wno-error |
| renderscript_flags := -Wall -Werror |
| renderscript_flags += $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_FLAGS) |
| # -m32 or -m64 |
| renderscript_flags += -m$(my_32_64_bit_suffix) |
| |
| renderscript_includes := \ |
| $(TOPDIR)external/clang/lib/Headers \ |
| $(TOPDIR)frameworks/rs/script_api/include \ |
| |
| renderscript_includes := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_INCLUDES_OVERRIDE) |
| endif |
| |
| bc_dep_files := $(addprefix $(renderscript_intermediate)/, \ |
| $(patsubst %.fs,%.d, $(patsubst %.rscript,%.d, $(notdir $(renderscript_sources))))) |
| |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_INCLUDES := $(renderscript_includes) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_CC := $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_FLAGS := $(renderscript_flags) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_SOURCE_FILES := $(renderscript_sources_fullpath) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_OUTPUT_DIR := $(renderscript_intermediate) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_RS_TARGET_API := $(patsubst current,0,$(renderscript_target_api)) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): PRIVATE_DEP_FILES := $(bc_dep_files) |
| $(RenderScript_file_stamp): $(renderscript_sources_fullpath) $(LOCAL_RENDERSCRIPT_CC) |
| $(transform-renderscripts-to-cpp-and-bc) |
| |
| # include the dependency files (.d) generated by llvm-rs-cc. |
| $(call include-depfile,$(RenderScript_file_stamp).d,$(RenderScript_file_stamp)) |
| |
| LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += $(RenderScript_file_stamp) |
| |
| rs_generated_cpps := $(addprefix \ |
| $(renderscript_intermediate)/ScriptC_,$(patsubst %.fs,%.cpp, $(patsubst %.rscript,%.cpp, \ |
| $(notdir $(renderscript_sources))))) |
| |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(renderscript_sources),$(rs_generated_cpps)) |
| |
| # This is just a no-op rule to make sure gmake doesn't skip updating the dependents. |
| $(rs_generated_cpps) : $(RenderScript_file_stamp) |
| @echo "Updated RS generated cpp file $@." |
| $(hide) touch $@ |
| |
| my_c_includes += $(renderscript_intermediate) |
| my_generated_sources += $(rs_generated_cpps) |
| |
| endif |
| |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Compile the .proto files to .cc (or .c) and then to .o |
| ########################################################### |
| ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE)),) |
| endif |
| proto_sources := $(filter %.proto,$(my_src_files)) |
| ifneq ($(proto_sources),) |
| proto_gen_dir := $(generated_sources_dir)/proto |
| proto_sources_fullpath := $(addprefix $(LOCAL_PATH)/, $(proto_sources)) |
| |
| my_rename_cpp_ext := |
| ifneq (,$(filter nanopb-c nanopb-c-enable_malloc nanopb-c-16bit nanopb-c-enable_malloc-16bit nanopb-c-32bit nanopb-c-enable_malloc-32bit, $(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE))) |
| my_proto_source_suffix := .c |
| my_proto_c_includes := external/nanopb-c |
| my_protoc_flags := --nanopb_out=$(proto_gen_dir) \ |
| --plugin=$(HOST_OUT_EXECUTABLES)/protoc-gen-nanopb |
| my_protoc_deps := $(NANOPB_SRCS) $(proto_sources_fullpath:%.proto=%.options) |
| else |
| my_proto_source_suffix := $(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION) |
| ifneq ($(my_proto_source_suffix),.cc) |
| # aprotoc is hardcoded to write out only .cc file. |
| # We need to rename the extension to $(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION) if it's not .cc. |
| my_rename_cpp_ext := true |
| endif |
| my_proto_c_includes := external/protobuf/src |
| my_cflags += -DGOOGLE_PROTOBUF_NO_RTTI |
| my_protoc_flags := --cpp_out=$(if $(filter lite lite-static,$(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE)),lite:,)$(proto_gen_dir) |
| my_protoc_deps := |
| endif |
| my_proto_c_includes += $(proto_gen_dir) |
| |
| proto_generated_cpps := $(addprefix $(proto_gen_dir)/, \ |
| $(patsubst %.proto,%.pb$(my_proto_source_suffix),$(proto_sources_fullpath))) |
| |
| # Ensure the transform-proto-to-cc rule is only defined once in multilib build. |
| ifndef $(my_host)$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)_$(LOCAL_MODULE)_proto_defined |
| $(proto_generated_cpps): PRIVATE_PROTO_INCLUDES := $(TOP) |
| $(proto_generated_cpps): PRIVATE_PROTOC_FLAGS := $(LOCAL_PROTOC_FLAGS) $(my_protoc_flags) |
| $(proto_generated_cpps): PRIVATE_RENAME_CPP_EXT := $(my_rename_cpp_ext) |
| $(proto_generated_cpps): $(proto_gen_dir)/%.pb$(my_proto_source_suffix): %.proto $(my_protoc_deps) $(PROTOC) |
| $(transform-proto-to-cc) |
| |
| $(my_host)$(LOCAL_MODULE_CLASS)_$(LOCAL_MODULE)_proto_defined := true |
| endif |
| # Ideally we can generate the source directly into $(intermediates). |
| # But many Android.mks assume the .pb.hs are in $(generated_sources_dir). |
| # As a workaround, we make a copy in the $(intermediates). |
| proto_intermediate_dir := $(intermediates)/proto |
| proto_intermediate_cpps := $(patsubst $(proto_gen_dir)/%,$(proto_intermediate_dir)/%,\ |
| $(proto_generated_cpps)) |
| $(proto_intermediate_cpps) : $(proto_intermediate_dir)/% : $(proto_gen_dir)/% |
| @echo "Copy: $@" |
| $(copy-file-to-target) |
| $(hide) cp $(basename $<).h $(basename $@).h |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(proto_sources),$(proto_intermediate_cpps)) |
| |
| my_generated_sources += $(proto_intermediate_cpps) |
| |
| my_c_includes += $(my_proto_c_includes) |
| # Auto-export the generated proto source dir. |
| my_export_c_include_dirs += $(my_proto_c_includes) |
| |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c-enable_malloc) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano-enable_malloc |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c-enable_malloc-16bit) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano-enable_malloc-16bit |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c-16bit) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano-16bit |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c-enable_malloc-32bit) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano-enable_malloc-32bit |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),nanopb-c-32bit) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-c-nano-32bit |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),full) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-cpp-full-ndk |
| else |
| my_shared_libraries += libprotobuf-cpp-full |
| endif |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_PROTOC_OPTIMIZE_TYPE),lite-static) |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-cpp-lite |
| else |
| my_static_libraries += libprotobuf-cpp-lite-ndk |
| else |
| my_shared_libraries += libprotobuf-cpp-lite |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif # $(proto_sources) non-empty |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## AIDL: Compile .aidl files to .cpp and .h files |
| ########################################################### |
| aidl_src := $(strip $(filter %.aidl,$(my_src_files))) |
| aidl_gen_cpp := |
| ifneq ($(aidl_src),) |
| |
| # Use the intermediates directory to avoid writing our own .cpp -> .o rules. |
| aidl_gen_cpp_root := $(intermediates)/aidl-generated/src |
| aidl_gen_include_root := $(intermediates)/aidl-generated/include |
| |
| # Multi-architecture builds have distinct intermediates directories. |
| # Thus we'll actually generate source for each architecture. |
| $(foreach s,$(aidl_src),\ |
| $(eval $(call define-aidl-cpp-rule,$(s),$(aidl_gen_cpp_root),aidl_gen_cpp))) |
| $(foreach cpp,$(aidl_gen_cpp), \ |
| $(call include-depfile,$(addsuffix .aidl.d,$(basename $(cpp))),$(cpp))) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(aidl_src),$(aidl_gen_cpp)) |
| |
| $(aidl_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_MODULE := $(LOCAL_MODULE) |
| $(aidl_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_HEADER_OUTPUT_DIR := $(aidl_gen_include_root) |
| $(aidl_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_AIDL_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(LOCAL_AIDL_INCLUDES)) |
| |
| # Add generated headers to include paths. |
| my_c_includes += $(aidl_gen_include_root) |
| my_export_c_include_dirs += $(aidl_gen_include_root) |
| # Pick up the generated C++ files later for transformation to .o files. |
| my_generated_sources += $(aidl_gen_cpp) |
| |
| endif # $(aidl_src) non-empty |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Compile the .vts files to .cc (or .c) and then to .o |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| vts_src := $(strip $(filter %.vts,$(my_src_files))) |
| vts_gen_cpp := |
| ifneq ($(vts_src),) |
| my_soong_problems += vts |
| |
| # Use the intermediates directory to avoid writing our own .cpp -> .o rules. |
| vts_gen_cpp_root := $(intermediates)/vts-generated/src |
| vts_gen_include_root := $(intermediates)/vts-generated/include |
| |
| # Multi-architecture builds have distinct intermediates directories. |
| # Thus we'll actually generate source for each architecture. |
| $(foreach s,$(vts_src),\ |
| $(eval $(call define-vts-cpp-rule,$(s),$(vts_gen_cpp_root),vts_gen_cpp))) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(vts_src),$(vts_gen_cpp)) |
| |
| $(vts_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_MODULE := $(LOCAL_MODULE) |
| $(vts_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_HEADER_OUTPUT_DIR := $(vts_gen_include_root) |
| $(vts_gen_cpp) : PRIVATE_VTS_FLAGS := $(addprefix -I,$(LOCAL_VTS_INCLUDES)) $(addprefix -m,$(LOCAL_VTS_MODE)) |
| |
| # Add generated headers to include paths. |
| my_c_includes += $(vts_gen_include_root) |
| my_export_c_include_dirs += $(vts_gen_include_root) |
| # Pick up the generated C++ files later for transformation to .o files. |
| my_generated_sources += $(vts_gen_cpp) |
| |
| endif # $(vts_src) non-empty |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## YACC: Compile .y/.yy files to .c/.cpp and then to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| y_yacc_sources := $(filter %.y,$(my_src_files)) |
| y_yacc_cs := $(addprefix \ |
| $(intermediates)/,$(y_yacc_sources:.y=.c)) |
| ifneq ($(y_yacc_cs),) |
| $(y_yacc_cs): $(intermediates)/%.c: \ |
| $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.y $(BISON) $(BISON_DATA) $(M4) \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) |
| $(call transform-y-to-c-or-cpp) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(y_yacc_sources),$(y_yacc_cs)) |
| |
| my_generated_sources += $(y_yacc_cs) |
| endif |
| |
| yy_yacc_sources := $(filter %.yy,$(my_src_files)) |
| yy_yacc_cpps := $(addprefix \ |
| $(intermediates)/,$(yy_yacc_sources:.yy=$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION))) |
| ifneq ($(yy_yacc_cpps),) |
| $(yy_yacc_cpps): $(intermediates)/%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION): \ |
| $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.yy $(BISON) $(BISON_DATA) $(M4) \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) |
| $(call transform-y-to-c-or-cpp) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(yy_yacc_sources),$(yy_yacc_cpps)) |
| |
| my_generated_sources += $(yy_yacc_cpps) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## LEX: Compile .l/.ll files to .c/.cpp and then to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| l_lex_sources := $(filter %.l,$(my_src_files)) |
| l_lex_cs := $(addprefix \ |
| $(intermediates)/,$(l_lex_sources:.l=.c)) |
| ifneq ($(l_lex_cs),) |
| $(l_lex_cs): $(LEX) $(M4) |
| $(l_lex_cs): $(intermediates)/%.c: \ |
| $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.l |
| $(transform-l-to-c-or-cpp) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(l_lex_sources),$(l_lex_cs)) |
| |
| my_generated_sources += $(l_lex_cs) |
| endif |
| |
| ll_lex_sources := $(filter %.ll,$(my_src_files)) |
| ll_lex_cpps := $(addprefix \ |
| $(intermediates)/,$(ll_lex_sources:.ll=$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION))) |
| ifneq ($(ll_lex_cpps),) |
| $(ll_lex_cpps): $(LEX) $(M4) |
| $(ll_lex_cpps): $(intermediates)/%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION): \ |
| $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.ll |
| $(transform-l-to-c-or-cpp) |
| $(call track-src-file-gen,$(ll_lex_sources),$(ll_lex_cpps)) |
| |
| my_generated_sources += $(ll_lex_cpps) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## C++: Compile .cpp files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter %$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION).arm,$(my_src_files)),) |
| $(call pretty-error,Files ending in $(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION).arm are deprecated. See $(CHANGES_URL)#file_arm) |
| endif |
| |
| dotdot_sources := $(filter ../%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION),$(my_src_files)) |
| dotdot_objects := |
| $(foreach s,$(dotdot_sources),\ |
| $(eval $(call compile-dotdot-cpp-file,$(s),\ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies),\ |
| dotdot_objects,\ |
| $(my_pool)))) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(dotdot_sources),$(dotdot_objects)) |
| |
| cpp_normal_sources := $(filter-out ../%,$(filter %$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION),$(my_src_files))) |
| cpp_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(cpp_normal_sources:$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION)=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(cpp_normal_sources),$(cpp_objects)) |
| |
| $(dotdot_objects) $(cpp_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_MODE := $(normal_objects_mode) |
| $(dotdot_objects) $(cpp_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(cpp_objects)),) |
| $(cpp_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(cpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG_CXX) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)cpp-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(cpp_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| cpp_objects += $(dotdot_objects) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## C++: Compile generated .cpp files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| gen_cpp_sources := $(filter %$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION),$(my_generated_sources)) |
| gen_cpp_objects := $(gen_cpp_sources:%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION)=%.o) |
| $(call track-gen-file-obj,$(gen_cpp_sources),$(gen_cpp_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(gen_cpp_objects)),) |
| # Compile all generated files as thumb. |
| $(gen_cpp_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(gen_cpp_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_MODE := $(normal_objects_mode) |
| $(gen_cpp_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| $(gen_cpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: \ |
| $(intermediates)/%$(LOCAL_CPP_EXTENSION) \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG_CXX) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)cpp-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(gen_cpp_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## S: Compile generated .S and .s files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| gen_S_sources := $(filter %.S,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| gen_S_objects := $(gen_S_sources:%.S=%.o) |
| $(call track-gen-file-obj,$(gen_S_sources),$(gen_S_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(gen_S_sources)),) |
| $(gen_S_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(gen_S_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(intermediates)/%.S \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)s-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(gen_S_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| gen_s_sources := $(filter %.s,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| gen_s_objects := $(gen_s_sources:%.s=%.o) |
| $(call track-gen-file-obj,$(gen_s_sources),$(gen_s_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(gen_s_objects)),) |
| $(gen_s_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(gen_s_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(intermediates)/%.s \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)s-to-o) |
| endif |
| |
| gen_asm_objects := $(gen_S_objects) $(gen_s_objects) |
| $(gen_asm_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## o: Include generated .o files in output. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| gen_o_objects := $(filter %.o,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## C: Compile .c files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ifneq ($(filter %.c.arm,$(my_src_files)),) |
| $(call pretty-error,Files ending in .c.arm are deprecated. See $(CHANGES_URL)#file_arm) |
| endif |
| |
| dotdot_sources := $(filter ../%.c, $(my_src_files)) |
| dotdot_objects := |
| $(foreach s, $(dotdot_sources),\ |
| $(eval $(call compile-dotdot-c-file,$(s),\ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies),\ |
| dotdot_objects,\ |
| $(my_pool)))) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(dotdot_sources),$(dotdot_objects)) |
| |
| c_normal_sources := $(filter-out ../%,$(filter %.c,$(my_src_files))) |
| c_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(c_normal_sources:.c=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(c_normal_sources),$(c_objects)) |
| |
| $(dotdot_objects) $(c_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_MODE := $(normal_objects_mode) |
| $(dotdot_objects) $(c_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(c_objects)),) |
| $(c_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(c_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.c \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)c-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(c_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| c_objects += $(dotdot_objects) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## C: Compile generated .c files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| gen_c_sources := $(filter %.c,$(my_generated_sources)) |
| gen_c_objects := $(gen_c_sources:%.c=%.o) |
| $(call track-gen-file-obj,$(gen_c_sources),$(gen_c_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(gen_c_objects)),) |
| # Compile all generated files as thumb. |
| $(gen_c_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(gen_c_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_MODE := $(normal_objects_mode) |
| $(gen_c_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| $(gen_c_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(intermediates)/%.c \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)c-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(gen_c_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## ObjC: Compile .m files to .o |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| objc_sources := $(filter %.m,$(my_src_files)) |
| objc_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(objc_sources:.m=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(objc_sources),$(objc_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(objc_objects)),) |
| my_soong_problems += objc |
| $(objc_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(objc_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.m \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)m-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(objc_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## ObjC++: Compile .mm files to .o |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| objcpp_sources := $(filter %.mm,$(my_src_files)) |
| objcpp_objects := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(objcpp_sources:.mm=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(objcpp_sources),$(objcpp_objects)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(objcpp_objects)),) |
| $(objcpp_objects): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(objcpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.mm \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG_CXX) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)mm-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(objcpp_objects)) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## AS: Compile .S files to .o. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| asm_sources_S := $(filter %.S,$(my_src_files)) |
| dotdot_sources := $(filter ../%,$(asm_sources_S)) |
| asm_sources_S := $(filter-out ../%,$(asm_sources_S)) |
| asm_objects_S := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(asm_sources_S:.S=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(asm_sources_S),$(asm_objects_S)) |
| |
| dotdot_objects_S := |
| $(foreach s,$(dotdot_sources),\ |
| $(eval $(call compile-dotdot-s-file,$(s),\ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies),\ |
| dotdot_objects_S,\ |
| $(my_pool)))) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(dotdot_sources),$(dotdot_objects_S)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(asm_objects_S)),) |
| $(asm_objects_S): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(asm_objects_S): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.S \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)s-to-o) |
| $(call include-depfiles-for-objs, $(asm_objects_S)) |
| endif |
| |
| asm_sources_s := $(filter %.s,$(my_src_files)) |
| dotdot_sources := $(filter ../%,$(asm_sources_s)) |
| asm_sources_s := $(filter-out ../%,$(asm_sources_s)) |
| asm_objects_s := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(asm_sources_s:.s=.o)) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(asm_sources_s),$(asm_objects_s)) |
| |
| dotdot_objects_s := |
| $(foreach s,$(dotdot_sources),\ |
| $(eval $(call compile-dotdot-s-file-no-deps,$(s),\ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies),\ |
| dotdot_objects_s,\ |
| $(my_pool)))) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(dotdot_sources),$(dotdot_objects_s)) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(asm_objects_s)),) |
| $(asm_objects_s): .KATI_NINJA_POOL := $(my_pool) |
| $(asm_objects_s): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.s \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(CLANG) |
| $(transform-$(PRIVATE_HOST)s-to-o) |
| endif |
| |
| asm_objects := $(dotdot_objects_S) $(dotdot_objects_s) $(asm_objects_S) $(asm_objects_s) |
| $(asm_objects): PRIVATE_ARM_CFLAGS := $(normal_objects_cflags) |
| |
| |
| # .asm for x86/x86_64 needs to be compiled with yasm. |
| asm_sources_asm := $(filter %.asm,$(my_src_files)) |
| ifneq ($(strip $(asm_sources_asm)),) |
| asm_objects_asm := $(addprefix $(intermediates)/,$(asm_sources_asm:.asm=.o)) |
| $(asm_objects_asm): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/%.asm \ |
| $(my_additional_dependencies) $(YASM) |
| $(transform-asm-to-o) |
| $(call track-src-file-obj,$(asm_sources_asm),$(asm_objects_asm)) |
| |
| asm_objects += $(asm_objects_asm) |
| endif |
| |
| ################################################################### |
| ## Convert to sanitized names where they exist. |
| ## These lists come from sanitizerStaticLibsMap; see |
| ## build/soong/cc/sanitize.go |
| ## |
| ## $(1): list of static dependencies |
| ## $(2): name of sanitizer (e.g. cfi, hwasan) |
| ################################################################## |
| define use_soong_sanitized_static_libraries |
| $(foreach lib,$(1),$(if $(filter $(lib),\ |
| $(SOONG_$(2)_$(my_image_variant)_$(my_arch)_STATIC_LIBRARIES)),\ |
| $(lib).$(2),$(lib))) |
| endef |
| |
| ################################################################### |
| ## When compiling a CFI enabled target, use the .cfi variant of any |
| ## static dependencies (where they exist). |
| ################################################################## |
| ifneq ($(filter cfi,$(my_sanitize)),) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sanitized_static_libraries,\ |
| $(my_whole_static_libraries),cfi) |
| my_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sanitized_static_libraries,\ |
| $(my_static_libraries),cfi) |
| endif |
| |
| ################################################################### |
| ## When compiling a hwasan enabled target, use the .hwasan variant |
| ## of any static dependencies (where they exist). |
| ################################################################## |
| ifneq ($(filter hwaddress,$(my_sanitize)),) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sanitized_static_libraries,\ |
| $(my_whole_static_libraries),hwasan) |
| my_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sanitized_static_libraries,\ |
| $(my_static_libraries),hwasan) |
| endif |
| |
| ################################################################### |
| ## When compiling against API imported module, use API import stub |
| ## libraries. |
| ################################################################## |
| |
| apiimport_postfix := .apiimport |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK),) |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK_PRODUCT),true) |
| apiimport_postfix := .apiimport.product |
| else |
| apiimport_postfix := .apiimport.vendor |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| my_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_shared_libraries), \ |
| $(if $(filter $(l), $(API_IMPORTED_SHARED_LIBRARIES)), $(l)$(apiimport_postfix), $(l))) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_system_shared_libraries), \ |
| $(if $(filter $(l), $(API_IMPORTED_SHARED_LIBRARIES)), $(l)$(apiimport_postfix), $(l))) |
| my_header_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_header_libraries), \ |
| $(if $(filter $(l), $(API_IMPORTED_HEADER_LIBRARIES)), $(l)$(apiimport_postfix), $(l))) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## When compiling against the VNDK, use LL-NDK libraries |
| ########################################################### |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK),) |
| ##################################################### |
| ## Soong modules may be built three times, once for |
| ## /system, once for /vendor and once for /product. |
| ## If we're using the VNDK, switch all soong |
| ## libraries over to the /vendor or /product variant. |
| ##################################################### |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK_PRODUCT),true) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_whole_static_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_PRODUCT.STATIC_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).product,$(l))) |
| my_static_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_static_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_PRODUCT.STATIC_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).product,$(l))) |
| my_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_PRODUCT.SHARED_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).product,$(l))) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_system_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_PRODUCT.SHARED_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).product,$(l))) |
| my_header_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_header_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_PRODUCT.HEADER_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).product,$(l))) |
| else |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_whole_static_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_VENDOR.STATIC_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).vendor,$(l))) |
| my_static_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_static_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_VENDOR.STATIC_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).vendor,$(l))) |
| my_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_VENDOR.SHARED_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).vendor,$(l))) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_system_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_VENDOR.SHARED_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).vendor,$(l))) |
| my_header_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_header_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(SPLIT_VENDOR.HEADER_LIBRARIES.$(l)),$(l).vendor,$(l))) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # Platform can use vendor public libraries. If a required shared lib is one of |
| # the vendor public libraries, the lib is switched to the stub version of the lib. |
| ifeq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK),) |
| my_shared_libraries := $(foreach l,$(my_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(filter $(l),$(VENDOR_PUBLIC_LIBRARIES)),$(l).vendorpublic,$(l))) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## When compiling against the NDK, use SDK variants of Soong libraries |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| my_whole_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sdk_libraries,$(my_whole_static_libraries)) |
| my_static_libraries := $(call use_soong_sdk_libraries,$(my_static_libraries)) |
| my_shared_libraries := $(call use_soong_sdk_libraries,$(my_shared_libraries)) |
| my_system_shared_libraries := $(call use_soong_sdk_libraries,$(my_system_shared_libraries)) |
| my_header_libraries := $(call use_soong_sdk_libraries,$(my_header_libraries)) |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################## |
| ## Set up installed module dependency |
| ## We cannot compute the full path of the LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES for |
| ## they may cusomize their install path with LOCAL_MODULE_PATH |
| ########################################################## |
| # Get the list of INSTALLED libraries as module names. |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| installed_shared_library_module_names := \ |
| $(my_shared_libraries) |
| else |
| installed_shared_library_module_names := \ |
| $(my_shared_libraries) $(my_system_shared_libraries) |
| endif |
| |
| # The real dependency will be added after all Android.mks are loaded and the install paths |
| # of the shared libraries are determined. |
| ifdef installed_shared_library_module_names |
| $(my_register_name):$(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE):$(subst $(space),$(comma),$(installed_shared_library_module_names)) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| |
| #################################################### |
| ## Verify that NDK-built libraries only link against |
| ## other NDK-built libraries |
| #################################################### |
| |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/allowed_ndk_types.mk |
| |
| my_link_type := native:ndk:$(my_ndk_stl_family):$(my_ndk_stl_link_type) |
| my_warn_types := $(my_warn_ndk_types) |
| my_allowed_types := $(my_allowed_ndk_types) |
| else ifdef LOCAL_USE_VNDK |
| _name := $(patsubst %.vendor,%,$(LOCAL_MODULE)) |
| _name := $(patsubst %.product,%,$(LOCAL_MODULE)) |
| ifeq ($(filter $(_name),$(VNDK_PRIVATE_LIBRARIES)),) |
| my_link_type := native:vndk |
| else |
| my_link_type := native:vndk_private |
| endif |
| my_warn_types := |
| my_allowed_types := native:vndk native:vndk_private |
| else ifeq ($(LOCAL_USE_VNDK_PRODUCT),true) |
| # Modules installed to /product cannot directly depend on modules marked |
| # with vendor_available: false |
| my_link_type := native:product |
| my_warn_types := |
| my_allowed_types := native:product native:vndk native:platform_vndk |
| else |
| # Modules installed to /vendor cannot directly depend on modules marked |
| # with vendor_available: false |
| my_link_type := native:vendor |
| my_warn_types := |
| my_allowed_types := native:vendor native:vndk native:platform_vndk |
| endif |
| else ifneq ($(filter $(TARGET_RECOVERY_OUT)/%,$(call get_non_asan_path,$(LOCAL_MODULE_PATH))),) |
| my_link_type := native:recovery |
| my_warn_types := |
| # TODO(b/113303515) remove native:platform and my_allowed_ndk_types |
| my_allowed_types := native:recovery native:platform native:platform_vndk $(my_allowed_ndk_types) |
| else |
| my_link_type := native:platform |
| my_warn_types := $(my_warn_ndk_types) |
| my_allowed_types := $(my_allowed_ndk_types) native:platform native:platform_vndk |
| endif |
| |
| my_link_deps := $(addprefix STATIC_LIBRARIES:,$(my_whole_static_libraries) $(my_static_libraries)) |
| my_link_deps += $(addprefix SHARED_LIBRARIES:,$(my_shared_libraries)) |
| endif |
| |
| my_2nd_arch_prefix := $(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX) |
| my_common := |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/link_type.mk |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Common object handling. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| my_unused_src_files := $(filter-out $(logtags_sources) $(my_tracked_src_files),$(my_src_files) $(my_gen_src_files)) |
| ifneq ($(my_unused_src_files),) |
| $(error $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE): $(LOCAL_MODULE): Unused source files: $(my_unused_src_files)) |
| endif |
| |
| # some rules depend on asm_objects being first. If your code depends on |
| # being first, it's reasonable to require it to be assembly |
| normal_objects := \ |
| $(asm_objects) \ |
| $(cpp_objects) \ |
| $(gen_cpp_objects) \ |
| $(gen_asm_objects) \ |
| $(c_objects) \ |
| $(gen_c_objects) \ |
| $(objc_objects) \ |
| $(objcpp_objects) |
| |
| new_order_normal_objects := $(foreach f,$(my_src_files),$(my_src_file_obj_$(f))) |
| new_order_normal_objects += $(foreach f,$(my_gen_src_files),$(my_src_file_obj_$(f))) |
| |
| ifneq ($(sort $(normal_objects)),$(sort $(new_order_normal_objects))) |
| $(warning $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE) Internal build system warning: New object list does not match old) |
| $(info Only in old: $(filter-out $(new_order_normal_objects),$(sort $(normal_objects)))) |
| $(info Only in new: $(filter-out $(normal_objects),$(sort $(new_order_normal_objects)))) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(BINARY_OBJECTS_ORDER),soong) |
| normal_objects := $(new_order_normal_objects) |
| endif |
| |
| normal_objects += $(addprefix $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH)/,$(LOCAL_PREBUILT_OBJ_FILES)) |
| |
| all_objects := $(normal_objects) $(gen_o_objects) |
| |
| LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS += $(all_objects) |
| |
| # Cleanup file tracking |
| $(foreach f,$(my_tracked_gen_files),$(eval my_src_file_gen_$(s):=)) |
| my_tracked_gen_files := |
| $(foreach f,$(my_tracked_src_files),$(eval my_src_file_obj_$(s):=)) |
| my_tracked_src_files := |
| |
| my_c_includes += $(TOPDIR)$(LOCAL_PATH) $(intermediates) $(generated_sources_dir) |
| |
| my_c_includes := $(foreach inc,$(my_c_includes),$(call clean-path,$(inc))) |
| |
| my_outside_includes := $(filter-out $(OUT_DIR)/%,$(filter /%,$(my_c_includes)) $(filter ../%,$(my_c_includes))) |
| ifneq ($(my_outside_includes),) |
| $(call pretty-warning,C_INCLUDES must be under the source or output directories: $(my_outside_includes)) |
| else |
| $(call pretty-error,C_INCLUDES must be under the source or output directories: $(my_outside_includes)) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| # all_objects includes gen_o_objects which were part of LOCAL_GENERATED_SOURCES; |
| # use normal_objects here to avoid creating circular dependencies. This assumes |
| # that custom build rules which generate .o files don't consume other generated |
| # sources as input (or if they do they take care of that dependency themselves). |
| $(normal_objects) : | $(my_generated_sources) |
| ALL_C_CPP_ETC_OBJECTS += $(all_objects) |
| |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # Standard library handling. |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # The list of libraries that this module will link against are in |
| # these variables. Each is a list of bare module names like "libc libm". |
| # |
| # |
| # We need to convert the bare names into the dependencies that |
| # LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE should depend on the BUILT versions of the |
| # libraries, so that simply building this module doesn't force |
| # an install of a library. Similarly, LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE |
| # should depend on the INSTALLED versions of the libraries so |
| # that they get installed when this module does. |
| ########################################################### |
| # NOTE: |
| # WHOLE_STATIC_LIBRARIES are libraries that are pulled into the |
| # module without leaving anything out, which is useful for turning |
| # a collection of .a files into a .so file. Linking against a |
| # normal STATIC_LIBRARY will only pull in code/symbols that are |
| # referenced by the module. (see gcc/ld's --whole-archive option) |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| # Get the list of BUILT libraries, which are under |
| # various intermediates directories. |
| so_suffix := $($(my_prefix)SHLIB_SUFFIX) |
| a_suffix := $($(my_prefix)STATIC_LIB_SUFFIX) |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| built_shared_libraries := \ |
| $(foreach lib,$(my_shared_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for, \ |
| SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/$(lib)$(so_suffix)) |
| built_shared_library_deps := $(addsuffix .toc, $(built_shared_libraries)) |
| |
| # Add the NDK libraries to the built module dependency |
| my_system_shared_libraries_fullpath := \ |
| $(my_ndk_stl_shared_lib_fullpath) \ |
| $(addprefix $(my_ndk_sysroot_lib)/, \ |
| $(addsuffix $(so_suffix), $(my_system_shared_libraries))) |
| |
| # We need to preserve the ordering of LOCAL_SHARED_LIBRARIES regardless of |
| # whether the libs are generated or prebuilt, so we simply can't split into two |
| # lists and use addprefix. |
| my_ndk_shared_libraries_fullpath := \ |
| $(foreach _lib,$(my_ndk_shared_libraries),\ |
| $(if $(filter $(NDK_KNOWN_LIBS),$(_lib)),\ |
| $(my_built_ndk_libs)/$(_lib)$(so_suffix),\ |
| $(my_ndk_sysroot_lib)/$(_lib)$(so_suffix))) |
| |
| built_shared_libraries += \ |
| $(my_ndk_shared_libraries_fullpath) \ |
| $(my_system_shared_libraries_fullpath) \ |
| |
| built_shared_library_deps += \ |
| $(my_ndk_shared_libraries_fullpath) \ |
| $(my_system_shared_libraries_fullpath) \ |
| |
| else |
| built_shared_libraries := \ |
| $(foreach lib,$(installed_shared_library_module_names), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for, \ |
| SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(lib),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/$(lib)$(so_suffix)) |
| built_shared_library_deps := $(addsuffix .toc, $(built_shared_libraries)) |
| my_system_shared_libraries_fullpath := |
| endif |
| |
| built_static_libraries := \ |
| $(foreach lib,$(my_static_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for, \ |
| STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(lib),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/$(lib)$(a_suffix)) |
| |
| built_static_libraries += $(my_ndk_stl_static_lib) |
| endif |
| |
| built_whole_libraries := \ |
| $(foreach lib,$(my_whole_static_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for, \ |
| STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(lib),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))/$(lib)$(a_suffix)) |
| |
| # We don't care about installed static libraries, since the |
| # libraries have already been linked into the module at that point. |
| # We do, however, care about the NOTICE files for any static |
| # libraries that we use. (see notice_files.mk) |
| installed_static_library_notice_file_targets := \ |
| $(foreach lib,$(my_static_libraries) $(my_whole_static_libraries), \ |
| NOTICE-$(if $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE),HOST$(if $(my_host_cross),_CROSS,),TARGET)-STATIC_LIBRARIES-$(lib)) |
| |
| $(notice_target): | $(installed_static_library_notice_file_targets) |
| $(LOCAL_INSTALLED_MODULE): | $(notice_target) |
| |
| # Default is -fno-rtti. |
| ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG)),) |
| LOCAL_RTTI_FLAG := -fno-rtti |
| endif |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # Rule-specific variable definitions |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| my_cflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS) |
| my_conlyflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CONLYFLAGS) |
| my_cppflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CPPFLAGS) |
| my_asflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_ASFLAGS) |
| my_ldflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_LDFLAGS) |
| my_cflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CLANG_CFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_conlyflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CONLYFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CLANG_CONLYFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_cppflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_CPPFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CLANG_CPPFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_ldflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_LDFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CLANG_LDFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_asflags += $(LOCAL_CLANG_ASFLAGS_$($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH)) $(LOCAL_CLANG_ASFLAGS_$(my_32_64_bit_suffix)) |
| my_cflags := $(call convert-to-clang-flags,$(my_cflags)) |
| my_cppflags := $(call convert-to-clang-flags,$(my_cppflags)) |
| my_asflags := $(call convert-to-clang-flags,$(my_asflags)) |
| my_ldflags := $(call convert-to-clang-flags,$(my_ldflags)) |
| |
| # No one should ever use this flag. On GCC it's mere presence will disable all |
| # warnings, even those that are specified after it (contrary to typical warning |
| # flag behavior). This circumvents CFLAGS_NO_OVERRIDE from forcibly enabling the |
| # warnings that are *always* bugs. |
| my_illegal_flags := -w |
| my_cflags := $(filter-out $(my_illegal_flags),$(my_cflags)) |
| my_cppflags := $(filter-out $(my_illegal_flags),$(my_cppflags)) |
| my_conlyflags := $(filter-out $(my_illegal_flags),$(my_conlyflags)) |
| |
| # We can enforce some rules more strictly in the code we own. my_strict |
| # indicates if this is code that we can be stricter with. If we have rules that |
| # we want to apply to *our* code (but maybe can't for vendor/device specific |
| # things), we could extend this to be a ternary value. |
| my_strict := true |
| ifneq ($(filter external/%,$(LOCAL_PATH)),) |
| my_strict := false |
| endif |
| |
| # Can be used to make some annotations stricter for code we can fix (such as |
| # when we mark functions as deprecated). |
| ifeq ($(my_strict),true) |
| my_cflags += -DANDROID_STRICT |
| endif |
| |
| # Check if -Werror or -Wno-error is used in C compiler flags. |
| # Header libraries do not need cflags. |
| my_all_cflags := $(my_cflags) $(my_cppflags) $(my_cflags_no_override) |
| # Prebuilt modules do not need cflags. |
| # Issue warning if -Wno-error is used. |
| ifneq (,$(filter -Wno-error,$(my_all_cflags))) |
| else |
| # Issue warning if -Werror is not used. Add it. |
| ifeq (,$(filter -Werror,$(my_all_cflags))) |
| # Add -Wall -Werror unless the project is in the WARNING_ALLOWED project list. |
| ifeq (,$(strip $(call find_warning_allowed_projects,$(LOCAL_PATH)))) |
| my_cflags := -Wall -Werror $(my_cflags) |
| else |
| my_cflags := -Wall $(my_cflags) |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter -Weverything,$(my_all_cflags))) |
| $(call pretty-error, -Weverything is not allowed in Android.mk files.\ |
| Build with `m ANDROID_TEMPORARILY_ALLOW_WEVERYTHING=true` to experiment locally with -Weverything.) |
| endif |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(my_tidy_checks),) |
| tidy_only: $(cpp_objects) $(c_objects) $(gen_c_objects) $(gen_cpp_objects) |
| |
| # Add dependency of clang-tidy and clang-tidy.sh |
| $(cpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY) |
| $(c_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY) |
| $(gen_cpp_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY) |
| $(gen_c_objects): $(intermediates)/%.o: $(PATH_TO_CLANG_TIDY) |
| endif |
| |
| # Move -l* entries from ldflags to ldlibs, and everything else to ldflags |
| my_ldlib_flags := $(my_ldflags) $(my_ldlibs) |
| my_ldlibs := $(filter -l%,$(my_ldlib_flags)) |
| my_ldflags := $(filter-out -l%,$(my_ldlib_flags)) |
| |
| # One last verification check for ldlibs |
| my_allowed_ldlibs := |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_SDK_VERSION),) |
| my_allowed_ldlibs := $(NDK_KNOWN_LIBS:lib%=-l%) |
| endif |
| else |
| my_allowed_ldlibs := $($(my_prefix)AVAILABLE_LIBRARIES) |
| endif |
| |
| my_bad_ldlibs := $(filter-out $(my_allowed_ldlibs),$(my_ldlibs)) |
| ifneq ($(my_bad_ldlibs),) |
| $(error $(LOCAL_MODULE_MAKEFILE): $(LOCAL_MODULE): Bad LOCAL_LDLIBS entries: $(my_bad_ldlibs)) |
| endif |
| |
| # my_cxx_ldlibs may contain linker flags need to wrap certain libraries |
| # (start-group/end-group), so append after the check above. |
| my_ldlibs += $(my_cxx_ldlibs) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Define PRIVATE_ variables from global vars |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ifdef LOCAL_USE_VNDK |
| my_target_global_c_includes := |
| my_target_global_c_system_includes := $(TARGET_OUT_HEADERS) |
| else ifdef LOCAL_SDK_VERSION |
| my_target_global_c_includes := |
| my_target_global_c_system_includes := $(my_ndk_stl_include_path) $(my_ndk_sysroot_include) |
| else ifdef BOARD_VNDK_VERSION |
| my_target_global_c_includes := $(SRC_HEADERS) \ |
| my_target_global_c_system_includes := $(SRC_SYSTEM_HEADERS) \ |
| else |
| my_target_global_c_includes := $(SRC_HEADERS) \ |
| my_target_global_c_system_includes := $(SRC_SYSTEM_HEADERS) $(TARGET_OUT_HEADERS) \ |
| endif |
| |
| my_target_global_cflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CFLAGS) |
| my_target_global_conlyflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CONLYFLAGS) $(my_c_std_conlyflags) |
| my_target_global_cppflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CPPFLAGS) $(my_cpp_std_cppflags) |
| ifeq ($(my_use_clang_lld),true) |
| my_target_global_ldflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_LLDFLAGS) |
| include $(BUILD_SYSTEM)/pack_dyn_relocs_setup.mk |
| ifeq ($(my_pack_module_relocations),true) |
| my_target_global_ldflags += -Wl,--pack-dyn-relocs=android+relr -Wl,--use-android-relr-tags |
| else |
| my_target_global_ldflags += -Wl,--pack-dyn-relocs=none |
| endif |
| else |
| my_target_global_ldflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) |
| endif # my_use_clang_lld |
| |
| my_target_triple := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)TRIPLE) |
| my_target_triple_flag := -target $(my_target_triple)$(my_api_level) |
| else |
| my_target_triple_flag := -target $(my_target_triple) |
| endif |
| my_asflags += $(my_target_triple_flag) |
| my_cflags += $(my_target_triple_flag) |
| my_ldflags += $(my_target_triple_flag) |
| |
| $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): PRIVATE_GLOBAL_C_INCLUDES := $(my_target_global_c_includes) |
| $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): PRIVATE_GLOBAL_C_SYSTEM_INCLUDES := $(my_target_global_c_system_includes) |
| |
| |
| my_host_global_c_includes := $(SRC_HEADERS) \ |
| my_host_global_c_system_includes := $(SRC_SYSTEM_HEADERS) \ |
| |
| my_host_global_cflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CFLAGS) |
| my_host_global_conlyflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CONLYFLAGS) $(my_c_std_conlyflags) |
| my_host_global_cppflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_CPPFLAGS) $(my_cpp_std_cppflags) |
| ifeq ($(my_use_clang_lld),true) |
| my_host_global_ldflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_LLDFLAGS) |
| else |
| my_host_global_ldflags := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)CLANG_$(my_prefix)GLOBAL_LDFLAGS) |
| endif # my_use_clang_lld |
| |
| $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): PRIVATE_GLOBAL_C_INCLUDES := $(my_host_global_c_includes) |
| $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): PRIVATE_GLOBAL_C_SYSTEM_INCLUDES := $(my_host_global_c_system_includes) |
| |
| # To enable coverage for a given module, set LOCAL_NATIVE_COVERAGE=true and |
| # build with NATIVE_COVERAGE=true in your enviornment. |
| ifeq ($(NATIVE_COVERAGE),true) |
| ifeq ($(my_native_coverage),true) |
| # Note that clang coverage doesn't play nicely with acov out of the box. |
| # Clang apparently generates .gcno files that aren't compatible with |
| # gcov-4.8. This can be solved by installing gcc-4.6 and invoking lcov |
| # with `--gcov-tool /usr/bin/gcov-4.6`. |
| # |
| # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17758126/clang-code-coverage-invalid-output |
| my_cflags += --coverage -O0 |
| my_ldflags += --coverage |
| endif |
| |
| my_coverage_lib := $($(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)$(my_prefix)LIBPROFILE_RT) |
| |
| $(LOCAL_INTERMEDIATE_TARGETS): $(my_coverage_lib) |
| endif |
| |
| #################################################### |
| ## Import includes |
| #################################################### |
| imported_includes := |
| |
| ifdef LOCAL_USE_VNDK |
| imported_includes += $(call intermediates-dir-for,HEADER_LIBRARIES,device_kernel_headers,$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)) |
| else ifdef LOCAL_SDK_VERSION |
| # Apps shouldn't need device-specific kernel headers |
| else ifdef BOARD_VNDK_VERSION |
| # For devices building with the VNDK, only the VNDK gets device-specific kernel headers by default |
| # In soong, it's entirely opt-in |
| else |
| # For older non-VNDK builds, continue adding in kernel headers to everything like we used to |
| imported_includes += $(call intermediates-dir-for,HEADER_LIBRARIES,device_kernel_headers,$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)) |
| endif |
| |
| imported_includes := $(strip \ |
| $(imported_includes) \ |
| $(foreach l, $(installed_shared_library_module_names), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))) \ |
| $(foreach l, $(my_static_libraries) $(my_whole_static_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross))) \ |
| $(foreach l, $(my_header_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,HEADER_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)))) |
| |
| $(foreach dep,$(imported_includes),\ |
| $(eval EXPORTS.$$(dep).USERS := $$(EXPORTS.$$(dep).USERS) $$(all_objects))) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| ## Define PRIVATE_ variables used by multiple module types |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| ifeq ($(strip $(WITH_STATIC_ANALYZER)),) |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(LOCAL_IS_HOST_MODULE)),) |
| my_syntax_arch := host |
| else |
| my_syntax_arch := $($(my_prefix)$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX)ARCH) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(strip $(my_cc)),) |
| my_cc := $(my_cc_wrapper) $(CLANG) |
| endif |
| |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_NO_STATIC_ANALYZER),true) |
| my_cc := CCC_CC=$(CLANG) CLANG=$(CLANG) \ |
| $(SYNTAX_TOOLS_PREFIX)/ccc-analyzer |
| endif |
| |
| |
| ifeq ($(strip $(my_cxx)),) |
| my_cxx := $(my_cxx_wrapper) $(CLANG_CXX) |
| endif |
| |
| ifeq ($(strip $(my_cxx_link)),) |
| my_cxx_link := $(CLANG_CXX) |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq ($(LOCAL_NO_STATIC_ANALYZER),true) |
| $(SYNTAX_TOOLS_PREFIX)/c++-analyzer |
| my_cxx_link := CCC_CXX=$(CLANG_CXX) CLANG_CXX=$(CLANG_CXX) \ |
| $(SYNTAX_TOOLS_PREFIX)/c++-analyzer |
| endif |
| |
| |
| |
| # this is really the way to get the files onto the command line instead |
| # of using $^, because then LOCAL_ADDITIONAL_DEPENDENCIES doesn't work |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # Define library dependencies. |
| ########################################################### |
| # all_libraries is used for the dependencies on LOCAL_BUILT_MODULE. |
| all_libraries := \ |
| $(built_shared_library_deps) \ |
| $(my_system_shared_libraries_fullpath) \ |
| $(built_static_libraries) \ |
| $(built_whole_libraries) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # Export includes |
| ########################################################### |
| |
| # Headers exported by whole static libraries are also exported by this library. |
| export_include_deps := $(strip \ |
| $(foreach l,$(my_whole_static_libraries), \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)))) |
| # Re-export requested headers from shared libraries. |
| export_include_deps += $(strip \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,SHARED_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)))) |
| # Re-export requested headers from static libraries. |
| export_include_deps += $(strip \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,STATIC_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)))) |
| # Re-export requested headers from header libraries. |
| export_include_deps += $(strip \ |
| $(call intermediates-dir-for,HEADER_LIBRARIES,$(l),$(my_kind),,$(LOCAL_2ND_ARCH_VAR_PREFIX),$(my_host_cross)))) |
| |
| ifneq ($(strip $(my_export_c_include_dirs)$(export_include_deps)),) |
| EXPORTS_LIST += $(intermediates) |
| EXPORTS.$(intermediates).FLAGS := $(foreach d,$(my_export_c_include_dirs),-I $(call clean-path,$(d))) |
| EXPORTS.$(intermediates).REEXPORT := $(export_include_deps) |
| EXPORTS.$(intermediates).DEPS := $(my_export_c_include_deps) $(my_generated_sources) $(LOCAL_EXPORT_C_INCLUDE_DEPS) |
| endif |
| |
| ifneq (,$(filter-out $(LOCAL_PATH)/%,$(my_export_c_include_dirs))) |
| my_soong_problems += non_local__export_c_include_dirs |
| endif |
| |
| $(SOONG_CONV.$(LOCAL_MODULE).PROBLEMS) $(my_soong_problems) |
| $(my_static_libraries) \ |
| $(my_whole_static_libraries) \ |
| $(my_shared_libraries) \ |
| $(my_system_shared_libraries)) |
| |
| ########################################################### |
| # Coverage packaging. |
| ########################################################### |
| ifeq ($(my_native_coverage),true) |
| my_gcno_objects := \ |
| $(cpp_objects) \ |
| $(gen_cpp_objects) \ |
| $(c_objects) \ |
| $(gen_c_objects) \ |
| $(objc_objects) \ |
| $(objcpp_objects) |
| |
| LOCAL_GCNO_FILES := $(patsubst %.o,%.gcno,$(my_gcno_objects)) |
| $(foreach f,$(my_gcno_objects),$(eval $(call gcno-touch-rule,$(f),$(f:.o=.gcno)))) |
| endif |