| # locate some directories |
| message='usage: tapas [<App1> <App2> ...] [arm|x86|arm64|x86_64] [eng|userdebug|user] [devkeys] |
| tapas selects individual apps to be built by the Android build system. Unlike |
| "lunch", "tapas" does not request the building of images for a device. |
| Additionally, an app built with "tapas" will have its dex file inside its apk, |
| which should cause it to be suitable for installing on any api-compatible |
| device. In other words, "tapas" configures the build of unbundled apps. |
| The names <App1> <App2> ... should match LOCAL_PACKAGE_NAME as defined in an |
| The usage of the other arguments matches that of the rest of the platform |
| build system and can be found by running `m help`' |