blob: 861b65c83f1d574baa13346542835d7fa169696a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# american fuzzy lop++ - fuzzer synchronization tool
# --------------------------------------------------
# Originally written by Michal Zalewski
# Copyright 2014 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Copyright 2019-2024 AFLplusplus Project. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# To make this script work:
# - Edit FUZZ_HOSTS, FUZZ_DOMAIN, FUZZ_USER, and SYNC_DIR to reflect your
# environment.
# - Make sure that the system you are running this on can log into FUZZ_HOSTS
# without a password (authorized_keys or otherwise).
# - Make sure that every fuzzer is running with -o pointing to SYNC_DIR and -S
# that consists of its local host name, followed by an underscore, and then
# by some host-local fuzzer ID.
# Hosts to synchronize the data across.
FUZZ_HOSTS='host1 host2 host3 host4'
# Domain for all hosts
# Remote user for SSH
# Directory to synchronize
# We only capture -M main nodes, set the name to your chosen naming scheme
# Interval (seconds) between sync attempts (eg one hour)
SYNC_INTERVAL=$((60 * 60))
if [ "$AFL_ALLOW_TMP" = "" ]; then
if [ "$PWD" = "/tmp" -o "$PWD" = "/var/tmp" ]; then
echo "[-] Error: do not use shared /tmp or /var/tmp directories with this script." 1>&2
exit 1
rm -rf .sync_tmp 2>/dev/null
mkdir .sync_tmp || exit 1
while :; do
# Pull data in...
for host in $FUZZ_HOSTS; do
echo "[*] Retrieving data from ${host}.${FUZZ_DOMAIN}..."
ssh -o 'passwordauthentication no' ${FUZZ_USER}@${host}.$FUZZ_DOMAIN \
"cd '$SYNC_DIR' && tar -czf - ${host}_${MAIN_NAME}*/" > ".sync_tmp/${host}.tgz"
# Distribute data. For large fleets, see tips in the docs/ directory.
for dst_host in $FUZZ_HOSTS; do
echo "[*] Distributing data to ${dst_host}.${FUZZ_DOMAIN}..."
for src_host in $FUZZ_HOSTS; do
test "$src_host" = "$dst_host" && continue
echo " Sending fuzzer data from ${src_host}.${FUZZ_DOMAIN}..."
ssh -o 'passwordauthentication no' ${FUZZ_USER}@$dst_host \
"cd '$SYNC_DIR' && tar -xkzf - " < ".sync_tmp/${src_host}.tgz"
echo "[+] Done. Sleeping for $SYNC_INTERVAL seconds (Ctrl-C to quit)."