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| <p class="lead magick-description">ImageMagick Studio LLC is a limited liability corporation based in the United States of America. All of our products are developed via online collaboration in public forums and distributed from a central server within the U.S. Therefore, U.S. export laws and regulations apply to our distributions and remain in force as products and technology are re-exported to different parties and places around the world. Information on export control classifications and associated restrictions may be required for exporting, re-exporting, record keeping, bundling/embedding of ImageMagick products, encryption reporting, and shipping documentation. More information on U.S. Export Regulations can be found at the <a href="http://www.bis.doc.gov/">U. S. Bureau of Industry and Security</a>.</p> |
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| <p>The <a href="http://trac.imagemagick.org/browser/ImageMagick/branches/">ImageMagick</a> software distribution is classified as <a href="http://www.access.gpo.gov/bis/ear/txt/ccl5-pt2.txt">ECCN 5D002</a>. However, ImageMagick Studio LLC makes no warranty or representation that this classification is accurate, current, or complete. ImageMagick is exported under the <a href="http://www.access.gpo.gov/bis/ear/txt/740.txt">TSU exception in EAR 740.13(e)</a> which applies to software containing or designed for use with encryption software that is publicly available as open source. TSU further provides that <var>Posting encryption source code and corresponding object code on the Internet (e.g., FTP or World Wide Web site) where it may be downloaded by anyone neither establishes "knowledge" of a prohibited export or reexport for purposes of this paragraph, nor triggers any "red flags" necessitating the affirmative duty to inquire[...]</var>. It is your obligation as the exporter to comply with the current applicable requirements of United States export rules and regulations.</p> |
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