blob: ffaf3117396c497b5dc9e84b18e62d02494488c8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// This may look like C code, but it is really -*- C++ -*-
// Copyright Dirk Lemstra 2015
// Test Magick::Geometry class
#include <Magick++.h>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace Magick;
int main(int, char **argv)
// Initialize ImageMagick install location for Windows
int failures=0;
// Verify conversion from and to string
string input="100x50+10-5!";
Geometry geometry(input);
if ((geometry.width() != 100) || (geometry.height() != 50) ||
(geometry.xOff() != 10) || (geometry.yOff() != -5) ||
(geometry.aspect() == false))
cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
<< " Conversion from " << input << " failed"
<< endl;
string output=geometry;
if (output != input)
cout << "Line: " << __LINE__
<< " Output " << output << " is not the same as " << input
<< endl;
catch( Exception &error_ )
cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
return 1;
catch( exception &error_ )
cout << "Caught exception: " << error_.what() << endl;
return 1;
if ( failures )
cout << failures << " failures" << endl;
return 1;
return 0;