blob: 4e2de0c8eda81b0c4d96002772f47e3ecd18b2ba [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
$assert BATCH_TILE >= 1
#include <assert.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <xnnpack/math.h>
#include <xnnpack/vsquareabs.h>
void xnn_cs16_vsquareabs_ukernel__scalar_x${BATCH_TILE}(
size_t batch,
const int16_t* input,
uint32_t* output) {
assert(batch != 0);
assert(input != NULL);
assert(output != NULL);
$if BATCH_TILE > 1:
for (; batch >= ${BATCH_TILE}; batch -= ${BATCH_TILE}) {
$for C in range(BATCH_TILE):
const int32_t vr${C} = (int32_t) input[${C * 2}];
const int32_t vi${C} = (int32_t) input[${C * 2 + 1}];
input += ${BATCH_TILE} * 2;
$for C in range(BATCH_TILE):
const uint32_t vrsquare${C} = (uint32_t) (vr${C} * vr${C});
const uint32_t visquare${C} = (uint32_t) (vi${C} * vi${C});
$for C in range(BATCH_TILE):
const uint32_t vout${C} = vrsquare${C} + visquare${C};
$for C in range(BATCH_TILE):
output[${C}] = vout${C};
output += ${BATCH_TILE};
if XNN_UNLIKELY(batch != 0) {
do {
const int32_t vr = (int32_t) input[0];
const int32_t vi = (int32_t) input[1];
input += 2;
const uint32_t vrsquare = (uint32_t) (vr * vr);
const uint32_t visquare = (uint32_t) (vi * vi);
const uint32_t vout = vrsquare + visquare;
*output++ = vout;
} while (--batch != 0);