blob: f5606f8fe0e2a048aec709315b8b9c3fd34058f1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
$assert REQUANTIZATION == "FP32"
$assert DATATYPE in ["QC8", "QS8", "QU8"]
$assert 1 <= MR <= 2
$assert 1 <= NR <= 2
#include <assert.h>
#include <arm_acle.h>
#include <xnnpack/intrinsics-polyfill.h>
#include <xnnpack/math.h>
#include <xnnpack/gemm.h>
#include <xnnpack/unaligned.h>
$PARAMS_STRUCT = REQUANTIZATION.lower() + "_armsimd32"
$PARAMS_UNION = "xnn_%s_conv_minmax_params" % DATATYPE.lower()
$__XXTB16 = "__uxtb16" if DATATYPE == "QU8" else "__sxtb16"
$__XSAT = "__usat" if DATATYPE == "QU8" else "__ssat"
$__XSUB8 = "__usub8" if DATATYPE == "QU8" else "__ssub8"
$XINT8_T = "uint8_t" if DATATYPE == "QU8" else "int8_t"
void xnn_${DATATYPE.lower()}_igemm_minmax_${REQUANTIZATION.lower()}_ukernel_${MR}x${NR}c4__armsimd32(
size_t mr,
size_t nc,
size_t kc,
size_t ks,
const ${XINT8_T}**restrict a,
const void*restrict w,
${XINT8_T}*restrict c,
size_t cm_stride,
size_t cn_stride,
size_t a_offset,
const ${XINT8_T}* zero,
const union ${PARAMS_UNION} params[restrict XNN_MIN_ELEMENTS(1)])
assert(mr != 0);
assert(mr <= ${MR});
assert(nc != 0);
assert(kc != 0);
assert(ks != 0);
assert(ks % (${MR} * sizeof(void*)) == 0);
assert(a != NULL);
assert(w != NULL);
assert(c != NULL);
kc = round_up_po2(kc, 4 * sizeof(int8_t));
${XINT8_T}* c0 = c;
$for M in range(1, MR):
${XINT8_T}* c${M} = (${XINT8_T}*) ((uintptr_t) c${M-1} + cm_stride);
$if M % 2 == 0:
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(mr <= ${M}) {
c${M} = c${M-1};
$elif M + 1 == MR:
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(mr != ${M+1}) {
c${M} = c${M-1};
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(mr < ${M+1}) {
c${M} = c${M-1};
$if DATATYPE == "QU8":
const int16x2_t vb_minus_zero_point = (int16x2_t) params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.minus_kernel_zero_point;
$if DATATYPE != "QC8":
const float vscale = params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.scale;
const float vmagic_bias = params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.magic_bias;
do {
$for N in range(NR):
int32_t vacc0x${N} = ((const int32_t*) w)[${N}];
$for M in range(1, MR):
$for N in range(NR):
int32_t vacc${M}x${N} = vacc0x${N};
w = (const void*) ((const int32_t*) w + ${NR});
size_t p = ks;
do {
$for M in range(MR):
const ${XINT8_T}* restrict a${M} = a[${M}];
assert(a${M} != NULL);
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(a${M} != zero) {
a${M} = (const ${XINT8_T}*) ((uintptr_t) a${M} + a_offset);
a += ${MR};
size_t k = kc;
do {
$for M in range(MR):
const int8x4_t va${M} = (int8x4_t) unaligned_load_s32(a${M}); a${M} += 4;
$for M in range(MR):
const int16x2_t va${M}c02 = ${__XXTB16}(va${M});
const int16x2_t va${M}c13 = ${__XXTB16}(__ror(va${M}, 8));
$for N in range(NR):
const int8x4_t vb${N} = *((const int8x4_t*) w); w = (const int8_t*) w + 4;
$if DATATYPE == "QU8":
const int16x2_t vb${N}c02 = __uxtab16(vb_minus_zero_point, vb${N});
const int16x2_t vb${N}c02 = __sxtb16(vb${N});
$for M in range(MR):
vacc${M}x${N} = __smlad(va${M}c02, vb${N}c02, vacc${M}x${N});
$if DATATYPE == "QU8":
const int16x2_t vb${N}c13 = __uxtab16(vb_minus_zero_point, __ror(vb${N}, 8));
const int16x2_t vb${N}c13 = __sxtb16(__ror(vb${N}, 8));
$for M in range(MR):
vacc${M}x${N} = __smlad(va${M}c13, vb${N}c13, vacc${M}x${N});
k -= 4 * sizeof(${XINT8_T});
} while (k != 0);
p -= ${MR} * sizeof(void*);
} while (p != 0);
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
float vfpacc${M}x${N} = (float) vacc${M}x${N};
$if DATATYPE == "QC8":
$for N in range(NR):
const float vscale${N} = ((const float*) w)[${N}];
$for M in range(MR):
vfpacc${M}x${N} *= vscale${N};
w = (const void*) ((const float*) w + ${NR});
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
vfpacc${M}x${N} *= vscale;
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
vfpacc${M}x${N} += vmagic_bias;
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
int32_t vout${M}x${N} = (int32_t) float_as_uint32(vfpacc${M}x${N});
const int32_t vmagic_bias_less_zero_point = params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.magic_bias_less_zero_point;
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
vout${M}x${N} = __qsub(vout${M}x${N}, vmagic_bias_less_zero_point);
$for M in range(MR):
$for N in range(NR):
vout${M}x${N} = ${__XSAT}(vout${M}x${N}, 8);
$for M in range(MR):
$if NR == 1:
const uint32_t vout${M} = (uint32_t) vout${M}x0;
const uint32_t vout${M} = (uint32_t) (uint8_t) vout${M}x0 | ((uint32_t) vout${M}x1 << 8);
$if MR == 1:
uint32_t vout = vout0;
uint32_t vout = (uint32_t) (uint16_t) vout1 | (vout0 << 16);
const int8x4_t voutput_min = (int8x4_t) params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.output_min;
${__XSUB8}((int8x4_t) vout, voutput_min);
vout = (uint32_t) __sel((uint8x4_t) vout, (uint8x4_t) voutput_min);
const int8x4_t voutput_max = (int8x4_t) params->${PARAMS_STRUCT}.output_max;
${__XSUB8}((int8x4_t) vout, voutput_max);
vout = (uint32_t) __sel((uint8x4_t) voutput_max, (uint8x4_t) vout);
$if NR == 2:
if XNN_LIKELY(nc >= ${NR}) {
$for M in reversed(range(MR)):
unaligned_store_u16(c${M}, (uint16_t) vout);
$if M != 0:
vout >>= 16;
$for M in reversed(range(MR)):
c${M} = (${XINT8_T}*) ((uintptr_t) c${M} + cn_stride);
a = (const ${XINT8_T}**restrict) ((uintptr_t) a - ks);
nc -= ${NR};
} else {
$for M in reversed(range(MR)):
*c${M} = (${XINT8_T}) vout;
$if M != 0:
vout >>= 16;
nc = 0;
$for M in reversed(range(MR)):
*c${M} = (${XINT8_T}) vout;
$if M != 0:
vout >>= 16;
$for M in reversed(range(MR)):
c${M} = (${XINT8_T}*) ((uintptr_t) c${M} + cn_stride);
a = (const ${XINT8_T}**restrict) ((uintptr_t) a - ks);
nc -= 1;
} while (nc != 0);