blob: 45af0e65f002a91fa0bfc5342277863f40268326 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
$assert TILE_HEIGHT & (TILE_HEIGHT-1) == 0 and TILE_HEIGHT != 0
$assert TILE_WIDTH & (TILE_WIDTH-1) == 0 and TILE_WIDTH != 0
$assert TILE_HEIGHT in [1, 2, 4]
$assert TILE_WIDTH in [1, 2, 4]
#include <assert.h>
#include <xnnpack/common.h>
#include <xnnpack/math.h>
#include <xnnpack/transpose.h>
void xnn_x24_transposec_ukernel__${TILE_HEIGHT}x${TILE_WIDTH}_scalar(
const void *input,
void * output,
size_t input_stride,
size_t output_stride,
size_t block_width,
size_t block_height)
assert(output_stride >= block_height * 3);
assert(input_stride >= block_width * 3);
$if TILE_HEIGHT == 1:
const size_t input_reset = ${TILE_WIDTH * 3} - block_height * input_stride;
const size_t output_reset = ${TILE_WIDTH} * output_stride - block_height * 3;
const size_t input_reset = ${TILE_WIDTH * 3} - round_down_po2(block_height, ${TILE_HEIGHT}) * input_stride;
const size_t output_reset = ${TILE_WIDTH} * output_stride - block_height * 3;
const size_t input_offset = ${TILE_HEIGHT} * input_stride;
const uint8_t* i0 = (const uint8_t*) input;
$for N in range(1, TILE_HEIGHT):
const uint8_t* i${N} = (const uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) i${N-1} + input_stride);
uint8_t* o0 = (uint8_t*) output;
$for N in range(1, TILE_WIDTH):
uint8_t* o${N} = (uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) o${N-1} + output_stride);
do {
$if TILE_WIDTH > 1:
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(block_width < 2) {
o1 = o0;
$for N in range(2, TILE_WIDTH, 2):
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(block_width <= ${N}) {
o${N} = o0;
if XNN_UNPREDICTABLE(block_width < ${N+2}) {
o${N+1} = o0;
size_t bh = block_height;
for (; bh >= ${TILE_HEIGHT}; bh -= ${TILE_HEIGHT}) {
$for M in reversed(range(TILE_WIDTH)):
$POS = 0
$for N in range(TILE_HEIGHT):
o${M}[${POS}] = i${N}[${M * 3}];
o${M}[${POS + 1}] = i${N}[${M * 3 + 1}];
o${M}[${POS + 2}] = i${N}[${M * 3 + 2}];
$POS += 3
o${M} += ${POS};
$for N in range(TILE_HEIGHT):
i${N} = (const uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) i${N} + input_offset);
$if TILE_HEIGHT > 1:
const uint8_t* i = i0;
$if TILE_HEIGHT > 2:
if (bh & 2) {
$for M in reversed(range(TILE_WIDTH)):
o${M}[0] = i0[${M * 3}];
o${M}[1] = i0[${M * 3 + 1}];
o${M}[2] = i0[${M * 3 + 2}];
o${M}[3] = i1[${M * 3}];
o${M}[4] = i1[${M * 3 + 1}];
o${M}[5] = i1[${M * 3 + 2}];
o${M} += 6;
i = i2;
if (bh & 1) {
$for M in reversed(range(TILE_WIDTH)):
o${M}[0] = i[${M * 3}];
o${M}[1] = i[${M * 3 + 1}];
o${M}[2] = i[${M * 3 + 2}];
o${M} += 3;
i0 = (const uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) i0 + input_reset);
$for N in range(1, TILE_HEIGHT):
i${N} = (const uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) i${N-1} + input_stride);
$for N in range(TILE_WIDTH):
o${N} = (uint8_t*) ((uintptr_t) o${N} + output_reset);
block_width = doz(block_width, ${TILE_WIDTH});
} while (block_width != 0);