blob: 014c3b6366c4013c978868b9d837a54cbb88bf0e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// This source code is licensed under the BSD-style license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
#pragma once
#include <xnnpack/allocator.h>
#include <array>
#include <cstdint>
typedef uint8_t byte;
namespace xnnpack {
constexpr size_t kInstructionSizeInBytes = 4;
constexpr size_t kInstructionSizeInBytesLog2 = 2;
enum class Error {
constexpr size_t max_label_users = 10;
// Label is a target of a branch. You call Assembler::bind to bind a label to an
// actual location in the instruction stream.
// ```
// Label l;
// b(kAl, l1); // branch to an unbound label is fine, it will be patched later.
// a.bind(l); // binds label to this location in the instruction stream.
// b(kAl, l1); // branch to an already bound label.
// ```
struct Label {
// Location of label within Assembler buffer.
byte* offset = nullptr;
// A label can only be bound once, binding it again leads to an error.
bool bound = (offset != nullptr);
// All users of this label, recorded by their offset in the Assembler buffer.
std::array<byte*, max_label_users> users{{0}};
size_t num_users = 0;
// Records a user (e.g. branch instruction) of this label.
// Returns true if success, false if number of users exceeds maximum.
bool add_use(byte* offset) {
if (num_users >= max_label_users) {
return false;
users[num_users++] = offset;
return true;
class AssemblerBase {
// Takes an xnn_code_buffer with a pointer to allocated memory. If the buffer
// already contains content (size != 0), appends to after size (up to capacity).
explicit AssemblerBase(xnn_code_buffer* buf);
// Write value into the code buffer and advances cursor_.
void emit32(uint32_t value);
// Finish assembly of code, this should be the last function called on an
// instance of Assembler. Returns a pointer to the start of code region.
void* finalize();
// Reset the assembler state (no memory is freed).
void reset();
// Get a pointer to the start of code buffer.
const byte* start() const { return buffer_; }
const byte* offset() const { return cursor_; }
template<typename T>
const T offset() const { return reinterpret_cast<T>(cursor_); }
// Returns the number of bytes of code actually in the buffer.
size_t code_size_in_bytes() const { return (cursor_ - buffer_); }
const Error error() const { return error_; }
// Pointer into code buffer to start writing code.
byte* buffer_;
// Pointer to current position in code buffer.
byte* cursor_;
// Pointer to out-of-bounds of code buffer.
byte* top_;
// Errors encountered while assembling code.
Error error_ = Error::kNoError;
// Holds an xnn_code_buffer, will write code to its code pointer, and unmap
// unused pages on finalizing.
xnn_code_buffer* xnn_buffer = nullptr;
} // namespace xnnpack