blob: 24f536ae516da32451b10d52fbb02fa23ed6b4ed [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <time.h>
using testing::MatchesRegex;
using testing::internal::CaptureStdout;
using testing::internal::GetCapturedStdout;
extern "C" {
#include "cras_hfp_info.c"
#include "sbc_codec_stub.h"
static struct hfp_info* info;
static struct cras_iodev dev;
static cras_audio_format format;
static int cras_msbc_plc_create_called;
static int cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames_called;
static int cras_msbc_plc_handle_bad_frames_called;
static thread_callback thread_cb;
static void* cb_data;
static timespec ts;
void ResetStubData() {
cras_msbc_plc_create_called = 0;
format.format = SND_PCM_FORMAT_S16_LE;
format.num_channels = 1;
format.frame_rate = 8000;
dev.format = &format;
namespace {
TEST(HfpInfo, AddRmDev) {
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
/* Test add dev */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Test remove dev */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_rm_iodev(info, dev.direction));
TEST(HfpInfo, AddRmDevInvalid) {
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
/* Remove an iodev which doesn't exist */
ASSERT_NE(0, hfp_info_rm_iodev(info, dev.direction));
/* Adding an iodev twice returns error code */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
ASSERT_NE(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
TEST(HfpInfo, AcquirePlaybackBuffer) {
unsigned buffer_frames, buffer_frames2, queued;
uint8_t* samples;
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
hfp_info_start(1, 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
buffer_frames = 500;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames);
ASSERT_EQ(500, buffer_frames);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, 500);
ASSERT_EQ(500, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* Assert the amount of frames of available buffer + queued buf is
* greater than or equal to the buffer size, 2 bytes per frame
queued = hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction);
buffer_frames = 500;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames);
ASSERT_GE(info->playback_buf->used_size / 2, buffer_frames + queued);
/* Consume all queued data from read buffer */
buf_increment_read(info->playback_buf, queued * 2);
queued = hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction);
ASSERT_EQ(0, queued);
/* Assert consecutive acquire buffer will acquire full used size of buffer */
buffer_frames = 500;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, buffer_frames);
buffer_frames2 = 500;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames2);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, buffer_frames2);
ASSERT_GE(info->playback_buf->used_size / 2, buffer_frames + buffer_frames2);
TEST(HfpInfo, AcquireCaptureBuffer) {
unsigned buffer_frames, buffer_frames2;
uint8_t* samples;
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
hfp_info_start(1, 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Put fake data 100 bytes(50 frames) in capture buf for test */
buf_increment_write(info->capture_buf, 100);
/* Assert successfully acquire and release 100 bytes of data */
buffer_frames = 50;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames);
ASSERT_EQ(50, buffer_frames);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, buffer_frames);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* Push fake data to capture buffer */
buf_increment_write(info->capture_buf, info->capture_buf->used_size - 100);
buf_increment_write(info->capture_buf, 100);
/* Assert consecutive acquire call will consume the whole buffer */
buffer_frames = 1000;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, buffer_frames);
ASSERT_GE(1000, buffer_frames);
buffer_frames2 = 1000;
hfp_buf_acquire(info, dev.direction, &samples, &buffer_frames2);
hfp_buf_release(info, dev.direction, buffer_frames2);
ASSERT_GE(info->capture_buf->used_size / 2, buffer_frames + buffer_frames2);
TEST(HfpInfo, HfpReadWriteFD) {
int rc;
int sock[2];
uint8_t sample[480];
uint8_t* buf;
unsigned buffer_count;
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
hfp_info_start(sock[1], 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Mock the sco fd and send some fake data */
send(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
rc = hfp_read(info);
ASSERT_EQ(48, rc);
rc = hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction);
ASSERT_EQ(48 / 2, rc);
/* Fill the write buffer*/
buffer_count = info->capture_buf->used_size;
buf = buf_write_pointer_size(info->capture_buf, &buffer_count);
buf_increment_write(info->capture_buf, buffer_count);
ASSERT_NE((void*)NULL, buf);
rc = hfp_read(info);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_rm_iodev(info, dev.direction));
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Initial buffer is empty */
rc = hfp_write(info);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
buffer_count = 1024;
buf = buf_write_pointer_size(info->playback_buf, &buffer_count);
buf_increment_write(info->playback_buf, buffer_count);
rc = hfp_write(info);
ASSERT_EQ(48, rc);
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(48, rc);
TEST(HfpInfo, StartHfpInfo) {
int sock[2];
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
hfp_info_start(sock[0], 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
ASSERT_EQ(1, hfp_info_running(info));
ASSERT_EQ(cb_data, (void*)info);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_running(info));
ASSERT_EQ(NULL, cb_data);
TEST(HfpInfo, StartHfpInfoAndRead) {
int rc;
int sock[2];
uint8_t sample[480];
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
/* Start and send two chunk of fake data */
hfp_info_start(sock[1], 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
send(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
send(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
/* Trigger thread callback */
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Expect no data read, since no idev present at previous thread callback */
rc = hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction);
ASSERT_EQ(0, rc);
/* Trigger thread callback after idev added. */
ts.tv_sec = 0;
ts.tv_nsec = 5000000;
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
rc = hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction);
ASSERT_EQ(48 / 2, rc);
/* Assert wait time is unchanged. */
ASSERT_EQ(0, ts.tv_sec);
ASSERT_EQ(5000000, ts.tv_nsec);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_running(info));
TEST(HfpInfo, StartHfpInfoAndWrite) {
int rc;
int sock[2];
uint8_t sample[480];
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
hfp_info_start(sock[1], 48, HFP_CODEC_ID_CVSD, info);
send(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
send(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
/* Trigger thread callback */
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
/* Without odev in presence, zero packet should be sent. */
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(48, rc);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Assert queued samples unchanged before output device added */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* Put some fake data and trigger thread callback again */
buf_increment_write(info->playback_buf, 1008);
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
/* Assert some samples written */
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, 48, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(48, rc);
ASSERT_EQ(480, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
void send_mSBC_packet(int fd, unsigned seq, int broken_pkt) {
/* The first three bytes of hci_sco_buf are h2 header, frame count and mSBC
* sync word. The second octet of H2 header is composed by 4 bits fixed 0x8
* and 4 bits sequence number 0000, 0011, 1100, 1111.
uint8_t headers[4] = {0x08, 0x38, 0xc8, 0xf8};
uint8_t hci_sco_buf[] = {
0x01, 0x00, 0xAD, 0xad, 0x00, 0x00, 0xc5, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x77,
0x6d, 0xb6, 0xdd, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xb7, 0x76, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xdd, 0xb6, 0xdb,
0x77, 0x6d, 0xb6, 0xdd, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xb7, 0x76, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xdd, 0xb6,
0xdb, 0x77, 0x6d, 0xb6, 0xdd, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xb7, 0x76, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xdd,
0xb6, 0xdb, 0x77, 0x6d, 0xb6, 0xdd, 0xdb, 0x6d, 0xb7, 0x76, 0xdb, 0x6c};
struct msghdr msg = {0};
struct iovec iov;
struct cmsghdr* cmsg;
const unsigned int control_size = CMSG_SPACE(sizeof(int));
char control[control_size] = {0};
uint8_t pkt_status = 0;
hci_sco_buf[1] = headers[seq % 4];
/* Assume typical 60 bytes case. */
msg.msg_iov = &iov;
msg.msg_iovlen = 1;
iov.iov_base = hci_sco_buf;
iov.iov_len = 60;
msg.msg_control = control;
msg.msg_controllen = control_size;
if (broken_pkt)
pkt_status = 0x11;
cmsg = CMSG_FIRSTHDR(&msg);
cmsg->cmsg_level = SOL_BLUETOOTH;
cmsg->cmsg_type = BT_SCM_PKT_STATUS;
cmsg->cmsg_len = CMSG_LEN(sizeof(pkt_status));
memcpy(CMSG_DATA(cmsg), &pkt_status, sizeof(pkt_status));
sendmsg(fd, &msg, 0);
TEST(HfpInfo, StartHfpInfoAndReadMsbc) {
int sock[2];
int pkt_count = 0;
int rc;
uint8_t sample[480];
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
ASSERT_EQ(0, get_msbc_codec_create_called());
ASSERT_EQ(0, cras_msbc_plc_create_called);
/* Start and send an mSBC packets with all zero samples */
hfp_info_start(sock[1], 63, HFP_CODEC_ID_MSBC, info);
ASSERT_EQ(2, get_msbc_codec_create_called());
ASSERT_EQ(1, cras_msbc_plc_create_called);
send_mSBC_packet(sock[0], pkt_count++, 0);
/* Trigger thread callback */
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
/* Expect one empty mSBC packet is send, because no odev in presence. */
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, MSBC_PKT_SIZE, 0);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_INPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Expect no data read, since no idev present at previous thread callback */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
send_mSBC_packet(sock[0], pkt_count, 0);
/* Trigger thread callback after idev added. */
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, MSBC_PKT_SIZE, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(pkt_count * MSBC_CODE_SIZE / 2,
hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
ASSERT_EQ(2, cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames_called);
/* When the third packet is lost, we should call the handle_bad_packet and
* still have right size of samples queued
send_mSBC_packet(sock[0], pkt_count, 0);
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, MSBC_PKT_SIZE, 0);
/* Packet 1, 2, 4 are all good frames */
ASSERT_EQ(3, cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(1, cras_msbc_plc_handle_bad_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(pkt_count * MSBC_CODE_SIZE / 2,
hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* If the erroneous data reporting marks the packet as broken, we should
* also call the handle_bad_packet and have the right size of samples queued.
send_mSBC_packet(sock[0], pkt_count, 1);
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, MSBC_PKT_SIZE, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(3, cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(2, cras_msbc_plc_handle_bad_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(pkt_count * MSBC_CODE_SIZE / 2,
hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* If we can't decode the packet, we should also call the handle_bad_packet
* and have the right size of samples queued
send_mSBC_packet(sock[0], pkt_count, 0);
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, MSBC_PKT_SIZE, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(3, cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(3, cras_msbc_plc_handle_bad_frames_called);
ASSERT_EQ(pkt_count * MSBC_CODE_SIZE / 2,
hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_running(info));
TEST(HfpInfo, StartHfpInfoAndWriteMsbc) {
int rc;
int sock[2];
uint8_t sample[480];
ASSERT_EQ(0, socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sock));
info = hfp_info_create();
ASSERT_NE(info, (void*)NULL);
hfp_info_start(sock[1], 63, HFP_CODEC_ID_MSBC, info);
send(sock[0], sample, 63, 0);
/* Trigger thread callback */
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
dev.direction = CRAS_STREAM_OUTPUT;
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_info_add_iodev(info, dev.direction, dev.format));
/* Assert queued samples unchanged before output device added */
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
/* Put some fake data and trigger thread callback again */
send(sock[0], sample, 63, 0);
buf_increment_write(info->playback_buf, 240);
thread_cb((struct hfp_info*)cb_data, POLLIN);
/* Assert some samples written */
rc = recv(sock[0], sample, 60, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(60, rc);
ASSERT_EQ(0, hfp_buf_queued(info, dev.direction));
TEST(HfpInfo, WBSLoggerPacketStatusDumpBinary) {
struct packet_status_logger logger;
char log_regex[64];
int num_wraps[5] = {0, 0, 0, 1, 1};
int wp[5] = {40, 150, 162, 100, 32};
/* Expect the log line wraps at correct length to avoid feedback redact. */
snprintf(log_regex, 64, "([01D]{%d}\n)*", PACKET_STATUS_LOG_LINE_WRAP);
logger.size = PACKET_STATUS_LEN_BYTES * 8;
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
logger.num_wraps = num_wraps[i];
logger.wp = wp[i];
EXPECT_THAT(GetCapturedStdout(), MatchesRegex(log_regex));
} // namespace
extern "C" {
struct audio_thread* cras_iodev_list_get_audio_thread() {
return NULL;
void audio_thread_add_events_callback(int fd,
thread_callback cb,
void* data,
int events) {
thread_cb = cb;
cb_data = data;
int audio_thread_rm_callback_sync(struct audio_thread* thread, int fd) {
thread_cb = NULL;
cb_data = NULL;
return 0;
void audio_thread_rm_callback(int fd) {}
struct cras_msbc_plc* cras_msbc_plc_create() {
return NULL;
void cras_msbc_plc_destroy(struct cras_msbc_plc* plc) {}
int cras_msbc_plc_handle_bad_frames(struct cras_msbc_plc* plc,
struct cras_audio_codec* codec,
uint8_t* output) {
int cras_msbc_plc_handle_good_frames(struct cras_msbc_plc* plc,
const uint8_t* input,
uint8_t* output) {
void packet_status_logger_init(struct packet_status_logger* logger) {}
void packet_status_logger_update(struct packet_status_logger* logger,
bool val) {}
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);
return RUN_ALL_TESTS();