blob: 9bc0858a592694840eec1c5362e45a27c6d9be19 [file] [log] [blame]
# Lint as: python2, python3
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, re, struct, sys, time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
def memory_channel_args_snb_bdw(channel_modules):
"""Add arguments for memory testing.
Works on sandybridge, ivybridge, broadwell. Maybe others?
@param channel_modules: channel names.
with open('/proc/bus/pci/00/00.0', 'r', 0) as fd:
mchbar = struct.unpack('=I',[0]
if not mchbar & 1:
raise error.TestError('Host Memory Mapped Register Range not enabled.')
mchbar &= ~1
with open('/dev/mem', 'r', 0) as fd: + 0x5000)
mad_chnl = struct.unpack('=I',[0] + 0x5024)
channel_hash = struct.unpack('=I',[0]
if (mad_chnl >> 4) & 3 != 2:
raise error.TestError('This test does not support triple-channel mode.')
if mad_chnl & 3 == 0 and (mad_chnl >> 2) & 3 == 1:
channel_order = [0, 1]
elif mad_chnl & 3 == 1 and (mad_chnl >> 2) & 3 == 0:
logging.warning('Non-default memory channel configuration... please '
'double-check that this is correct and intended.')
channel_order = [1, 0]
raise error.TestError('Invalid channel configuration: %x' % mad_chnl)
if not channel_hash & (1 << 23):
logging.warning('Memory channel_hash deactivated... going with cache-line '
'sized ping-pong as a wild guess.')
channel_hash = 1
channel_hash = (channel_hash & 0x3FFF) << 6
return (' --memory_channel %s --memory_channel %s --channel_hash 0x%x'
' --channel_width 64' % (
class hardware_SAT(test.test):
"""Run SAT."""
version = 1
def run_once(self, seconds=60, free_memory_fraction=0.95, wait_secs=0,
free_memory_fraction: Fraction of free memory (as determined by
utils.freememtotal()) to use.
wait_secs: time to wait in seconds before executing stressapptest.
disk_thread: also stress disk using -f argument of stressapptest.
assert free_memory_fraction > 0
assert free_memory_fraction < 1
# Wait other parallel tests memory usage to settle to a stable value, so
# stressapptest will not claim too much memory.
if wait_secs:
# Allow shmem access to all of memory. This is used for 32 bit
# access to > 1.4G. Virtual address space limitation prevents
# directly mapping the memory.'mount -o remount,size=100% /dev/shm')
cpus = max(utils.count_cpus(), 1)
mbytes = max(int(utils.freememtotal() * free_memory_fraction / 1024),
# Even though shared memory allows us to go past the 1.4G
# limit, ftruncate still limits us to 2G max on 32 bit systems.
if sys.maxsize < 2**32 and mbytes > 2047:
mbytes = 2047
# SAT should use as much memory as possible, while still
# avoiding OOMs and allowing the kernel to run, so that
# the maximum amoun tof memory can be tested.
args = ' -M %d' % mbytes # megabytes to test
# The number of seconds under test can be chosen to fit into
# manufacturing or test flow. 60 seconds gives several
# passes and several patterns over each memory location
# and should catch clearly fautly memeory. 4 hours
# is an effective runin test, to catch lower frequency errors.
args += ' -s %d' % seconds # seconds to run
# One memory copy thread per CPU should keep the memory bus
# as saturated as possible, while keeping each CPU busy as well.
args += ' -m %d' % cpus # memory copy threads.
# SSE copy and checksum increases the rate at which the CPUs
# can drive memory, as well as stressing the CPU.
args += ' -W' # Use SSE optimizatin in memory threads.
# File IO threads allow stressful transactions over the
# south bridge and SATA, as well as potentially finding SSD
# or disk cache problems. Two threads ensure multiple
# outstanding transactions to the disk, if supported.
if disk_thread:
args += ' -f sat.diskthread.a' # disk thread
args += ' -f sat.diskthread.b'
if utils.get_board() == 'link':
args += memory_channel_args_snb_bdw([
['U1', 'U2', 'U3', 'U4'],
['U6', 'U5', 'U7', 'U8']]) # yes, U6 is actually before U5
if utils.get_board() == 'samus':
args += memory_channel_args_snb_bdw([
['U11', 'U12'],
['U13', 'U14']])
# 'stressapptest' is provided by dev-util/stressapptest, pre-installed
# in test images.
sat ='stressapptest' + args)
if not'Status: PASS', sat.stdout):
raise error.TestFail(sat.stdout)