blob: 0d3c6a717f8f0f3f1bd9124346645545a2c68916 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Convenience functions for use by tests or whomever.
import os,os.path,shutil,urllib,sys,signal,commands,pickle
from error import *
import re,string
def grep(pattern, file):
This is mainly to fix the return code inversion from grep
Also handles compressed files.
returns 1 if the pattern is present in the file, 0 if not.
command = 'grep "%s" > /dev/null' % pattern
ret = cat_file_to_cmd(file, command, ignorestatus = 1)
return not ret
def difflist(list1, list2):
"""returns items in list2 that are not in list1"""
diff = [];
for x in list2:
if x not in list1:
return diff
def cat_file_to_cmd(file, command, ignorestatus = 0):
equivalent to 'cat file | command' but knows to use
zcat or bzcat if appropriate
if not os.path.isfile(file):
raise NameError, 'invalid file %s to cat to command %s' % file, command
if file.endswith('.bz2'):
return system('bzcat ' + file + ' | ' + command, ignorestatus)
elif (file.endswith('.gz') or file.endswith('.tgz')):
return system('zcat ' + file + ' | ' + command, ignorestatus)
return system('cat ' + file + ' | ' + command, ignorestatus)
def extract_tarball_to_dir(tarball, dir):
Extract a tarball to a specified directory name instead of whatever
the top level of a tarball is - useful for versioned directory names, etc
if os.path.exists(dir):
raise NameError, 'target %s already exists' % dir
pwd = os.getcwd()
newdir = extract_tarball(tarball)
os.rename(newdir, dir)
def extract_tarball(tarball):
"""Returns the first found newly created directory by the tarball extraction"""
oldlist = os.listdir('.')
cat_file_to_cmd(tarball, 'tar xf -')
newlist = os.listdir('.')
newfiles = difflist(oldlist, newlist) # what is new dir ?
new_dir = None
for newfile in newfiles:
if (os.path.isdir(newfile)):
return newfile
raise NameError, "extracting tarball produced no dir"
def update_version(srcdir, new_version, install, *args, **dargs):
"""Make sure srcdir is version new_version
If not, delete it and install() the new version
versionfile = srcdir + '/.version'
if os.path.exists(srcdir):
if os.path.exists(versionfile):
old_version = pickle.load(open(versionfile, 'r'))
if (old_version != new_version):
system('rm -rf ' + srcdir)
system('rm -rf ' + srcdir)
if not os.path.exists(srcdir):
install(*args, **dargs)
if os.path.exists(srcdir):
pickle.dump(new_version, open(versionfile, 'w'))
def is_url(path):
"""true if path is a url
# should cope with other url types here, but we only handle http and ftp
if (path.startswith('http://')) or (path.startswith('ftp://')):
return 1
return 0
def get_file(src, dest):
"""get a file, either from url or local"""
if (src == dest): # no-op here allows clean overrides in tests
if (is_url(src)):
print 'PWD: ' + os.getcwd()
print 'Fetching \n\t', src, '\n\t->', dest
urllib.urlretrieve(src, dest)
except IOError:
sys.stderr.write("Unable to retrieve %s (to %s)\n" % (src, dest))
return dest
shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
return dest
def unmap_url(srcdir, src, destdir = '.'):
if is_url(src):
dest = destdir + '/' + os.path.basename(src)
get_file(src, dest)
return dest
return srcdir + '/' + src
def basename(path):
i = path.rfind('/');
return path[i+1:]
def force_copy(src, dest):
"""Replace dest with a new copy of src, even if it exists"""
if os.path.isfile(dest):
return shutil.copyfile(src, dest)
def file_contains_pattern(file, pattern):
"""Return true if file contains the specified egrep pattern"""
if not os.path.isfile(file):
raise NameError, 'file %s does not exist' % file
return not system('egrep -q ' + pattern + ' ' + file, ignorestatus = 1)
def list_grep(list, pattern):
"""True if any item in list matches the specified pattern."""
compiled = re.compile(pattern)
for line in list:
match =
if (match):
return 1
return 0
def get_vmlinux():
"""Return the full path to vmlinux
Ahem. This is crap. Pray harder. Bad Martin.
vmlinux = '/boot/vmlinux'
if not os.path.isfile(vmlinux):
raise NameError, 'Cannot find vmlinux'
return vmlinux
def get_systemmap():
"""Return the full path to
Ahem. This is crap. Pray harder. Bad Martin.
map = '/boot/'
if not os.path.isfile(map):
raise NameError, 'Cannot find'
return map
def get_modules_dir():
"""Return the modules dir for the running kernel version"""
kernel_version = system_output('uname -r')
return '/lib/modules/%s/kernel' % kernel_version
def get_cpu_arch():
"""Work out which CPU architecture we're running on"""
f = open('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
cpuinfo = f.readlines()
if list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*(RS64|POWER3|Broadband Engine)'):
return 'power'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER4'):
return 'power4'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER5'):
return 'power5'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*POWER6'):
return 'power6'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, '^cpu.*PPC970'):
return 'power970'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, 'Opteron'):
return 'x86_64'
elif list_grep(cpuinfo, 'GenuineIntel') and list_grep(cpuinfo, '48 bits virtual'):
return 'x86_64'
return 'i386'
def get_kernel_arch():
"""Work out the current kernel architecture (as a kernel arch)"""
arch = os.popen('uname -m').read().rstrip()
if ((arch == 'i586') or (arch == 'i686')):
return 'i386'
return arch
def kernelexpand(kernel):
# if not (kernel.startswith('http://') or kernel.startswith('ftp://') or os.path.isfile(kernel)):
if kernel.find('/') < 0: # contains no path.
autodir = os.environ['AUTODIR']
kernelexpand = os.path.join(autodir, 'tools/kernelexpand')
w, r = os.popen2(kernelexpand + ' ' + kernel)
kernel = r.readline().strip()
return kernel.split()
def count_cpus():
"""number of CPUs in the local machine according to /proc/cpuinfo"""
f = file('/proc/cpuinfo', 'r')
cpus = 0
for line in f.readlines():
if line.startswith('processor'):
cpus += 1
return cpus
def system(cmd, ignorestatus = 0):
"""os.system replacement
We have our own definition of system here, as the stock os.system doesn't
correctly handle sigpipe
(ie things like "yes | head" will hang because yes doesn't get the SIGPIPE).
Also the stock os.system didn't raise errors based on exit status, this
version does unless you explicitly specify ignorestatus=1
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
status = os.system(cmd)
signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_IGN)
if ((status != 0) and not ignorestatus):
raise CmdError(cmd, status)
return status
def system_output(command, ignorestatus = 0):
"""Run command and return its output
whether to raise a CmdError if command has a nonzero exit status
(result, data) = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
if ((result != 0) and not ignorestatus):
raise CmdError, 'command failed: ' + command
return data
def where_art_thy_filehandles():
"""Dump the current list of filehandles"""
os.system("ls -l /proc/%d/fd >> /dev/tty" % os.getpid())
def print_to_tty(string):
"""Output string straight to the tty"""
os.system("echo " + string + " >> /dev/tty")
def dump_object(object):
"""Dump an object's attributes and methods
kind of like dir()
for item in object.__dict__.iteritems():
print item
(key,value) = item
def environ(env_key):
"""return the requested environment variable, or '' if unset"""
if (os.environ.has_key(env_key)):
return os.environ(env_key)
return ''
def prepend_path(newpath, oldpath):
"""prepend newpath to oldpath"""
if (oldpath):
return newpath + ':' + oldpath
return newpath
def append_path(oldpath, newpath):
"""append newpath to oldpath"""
if (oldpath):
return oldpath + ':' + newpath
return newpath
def avgtime_print(dir):
""" Calculate some benchmarking statistics.
Input is a directory containing a file called 'time'.
File contains one-per-line results of /usr/bin/time.
Output is average Elapsed, User, and System time in seconds,
and average CPU percentage.
f = open(dir + "/time")
user = system = elapsed = cpu = count = 0
r = re.compile('([\d\.]*)user ([\d\.]*)system (\d*):([\d\.]*)elapsed (\d*)%CPU')
for line in f.readlines():
s = r.match(line);
user += float(
system += float(
elapsed += (float( * 60) + float(
cpu += float(
count += 1
raise ValueError("badly formatted times")
return "Elapsed: %0.2fs User: %0.2fs System: %0.2fs CPU: %0.0f%%" % \
(elapsed/count, user/count, system/count, cpu/count)
class fd_stack:
"""a stack of fd redirects
Redirects cause existing fd's to be pushed on the stack; restore()
causes the current set of redirects to be popped, restoring the previous
filehandle destinations.
Note that we need to redirect both the sys.stdout type descriptor
(which print, etc use) and the low level OS numbered descriptor
which os.system() etc use.
def __init__(self, fd, filehandle):
self.fd = fd # eg 1
self.filehandle = filehandle # eg sys.stdout
self.stack = [(fd, filehandle)]
def update_handle(self, new):
if (self.filehandle == sys.stdout):
sys.stdout = new
if (self.filehandle == sys.stderr):
sys.stderr = new
self.filehandle = new
def redirect(self, filename):
"""Redirect output to the specified file
Overwrites the previous contents, if any.
fdcopy = os.dup(self.fd)
self.stack.append( (fdcopy, self.filehandle, 0) )
# self.filehandle = file(filename, 'w')
if (os.path.isfile(filename)):
newfd =, os.O_WRONLY)
newfd =, os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT)
os.dup2(newfd, self.fd)
self.update_handle(os.fdopen(self.fd, 'w'))
def tee_redirect(self, filename):
"""Tee output to the specified file
Overwrites the previous contents, if any.
#print_to_tty("tee_redirect to " + filename)
fdcopy = os.dup(self.fd)
r, w = os.pipe()
pid = os.fork()
if pid: # parent
os.dup2(w, self.fd)
else: # child
os.dup2(r, 0)
os.dup2(fdcopy, 1)
os.execlp('tee', 'tee', filename)
self.stack.append( (fdcopy, self.filehandle, pid) )
self.update_handle(os.fdopen(self.fd, 'w'))
#print_to_tty("done tee_redirect to " + filename)
def restore(self):
"""unredirect one level"""
# print_to_tty("ENTERING RESTORE %d" % self.fd)
# where_art_thy_filehandles()
(old_fd, old_filehandle, pid) = self.stack.pop()
# print_to_tty("old_fd %d" % old_fd)
# print_to_tty("self.fd %d" % self.fd)
self.filehandle.close() # seems to close old_fd as well.
if pid:
os.waitpid(pid, 0)
# where_art_thy_filehandles()
os.dup2(old_fd, self.fd)
# print_to_tty("CLOSING FD %d" % old_fd)
# where_art_thy_filehandles()
# where_art_thy_filehandles()
# print_to_tty("EXIT RESTORE %d" % self.fd)