blob: 9e1dba1b75dcde28f91389c47023de50e039bc45 [file] [log] [blame]
APIs to write tests and control files that handle partition creation, deletion
and formatting.
@copyright: Google 2006-2008
@author: Martin Bligh ([email protected])
import os, re, string, sys, fcntl, logging
from autotest_lib.client.bin import os_dep, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class FsOptions(object):
A class encapsulating a filesystem test's parameters.
# NOTE(gps): This class could grow or be merged with something else in the
# future that actually uses the encapsulated data (say to run mkfs) rather
# than just being a container.
__slots__ = ('fstype', 'mkfs_flags', 'mount_options', 'fs_tag')
def __init__(self, fstype, fs_tag, mkfs_flags=None, mount_options=None):
Fill in our properties.
@param fstype: The filesystem type ('ext2', 'ext4', 'xfs', etc.)
@param fs_tag: A short name for this filesystem test to use
in the results.
@param mkfs_flags: Optional. Additional command line options to mkfs.
@param mount_options: Optional. The options to pass to mount -o.
if not fstype or not fs_tag:
raise ValueError('A filesystem and fs_tag are required.')
self.fstype = fstype
self.fs_tag = fs_tag
self.mkfs_flags = mkfs_flags or ""
self.mount_options = mount_options or ""
def __str__(self):
val = ('FsOptions(fstype=%r, mkfs_flags=%r, '
'mount_options=%r, fs_tag=%r)' %
(self.fstype, self.mkfs_flags,
self.mount_options, self.fs_tag))
return val
def partname_to_device(part):
""" Converts a partition name to its associated device """
return os.path.join(os.sep, 'dev', part)
def list_mount_devices():
devices = []
# list mounted filesystems
for line in utils.system_output('mount').splitlines():
# list mounted swap devices
for line in utils.system_output('swapon -s').splitlines():
if line.startswith('/'): # skip header line
return devices
def list_mount_points():
mountpoints = []
for line in utils.system_output('mount').splitlines():
return mountpoints
def get_iosched_path(device_name, component):
return '/sys/block/%s/queue/%s' % (device_name, component)
def wipe_filesystem(job, mountpoint):
wipe_cmd = 'rm -rf %s/*' % mountpoint
job.record('FAIL', None, wipe_cmd, error.format_error())
job.record('GOOD', None, wipe_cmd)
def is_linux_fs_type(device):
Checks if specified partition is type 83
@param device: the device, e.g. /dev/sda3
@return: False if the supplied partition name is not type 83 linux, True
disk_device = device.rstrip('0123456789')
# Parse fdisk output to get partition info. Ugly but it works.
fdisk_fd = os.popen("/sbin/fdisk -l -u '%s'" % disk_device)
fdisk_lines = fdisk_fd.readlines()
for line in fdisk_lines:
if not line.startswith(device):
info_tuple = line.split()
# The Id will be in one of two fields depending on if the boot flag
# was set. Caveat: this assumes no boot partition will be 83 blocks.
for fsinfo in info_tuple[4:6]:
if fsinfo == '83': # hex 83 is the linux fs partition type
return True
return False
def get_partition_list(job, min_blocks=0, filter_func=None, exclude_swap=True,
Get a list of partition objects for all disk partitions on the system.
Loopback devices and unnumbered (whole disk) devices are always excluded.
@param job: The job instance to pass to the partition object
@param min_blocks: The minimum number of blocks for a partition to
be considered.
@param filter_func: A callable that returns True if a partition is
desired. It will be passed one parameter:
The partition name (hdc3, etc.).
Some useful filter functions are already defined in this module.
@param exclude_swap: If True any partition actively in use as a swap
device will be excluded.
@param __open: Reserved for unit testing.
@return: A list of L{partition} objects.
active_swap_devices = set()
if exclude_swap:
for swapline in open_func('/proc/swaps'):
if swapline.startswith('/'):
partitions = []
for partline in open_func('/proc/partitions').readlines():
fields = partline.strip().split()
if len(fields) != 4 or partline.startswith('major'):
(major, minor, blocks, partname) = fields
blocks = int(blocks)
# The partition name better end with a digit, else it's not a partition
if not partname[-1].isdigit():
# We don't want the loopback device in the partition list
if 'loop' in partname:
device = partname_to_device(partname)
if exclude_swap and device in active_swap_devices:
logging.debug('Skipping %s - Active swap.' % partname)
if min_blocks and blocks < min_blocks:
logging.debug('Skipping %s - Too small.' % partname)
if filter_func and not filter_func(partname):
logging.debug('Skipping %s - Filter func.' % partname)
partitions.append(partition(job, device))
return partitions
def get_mount_info(partition_list):
Picks up mount point information about the machine mounts. By default, we
try to associate mount points with UUIDs, because in newer distros the
partitions are uniquely identified using them.
mount_info = set()
for p in partition_list:
uuid = utils.system_output('blkid -p -s UUID -o value %s' % p.device)
except error.CmdError:
# fall back to using the partition
uuid = p.device
mount_info.add((uuid, p.get_mountpoint()))
return mount_info
def filter_partition_list(partitions, devnames):
Pick and choose which partition to keep.
filter_partition_list accepts a list of partition objects and a list
of strings. If a partition has the device name of the strings it
is returned in a list.
@param partitions: A list of L{partition} objects
@param devnames: A list of devnames of the form '/dev/hdc3' that
specifies which partitions to include in the returned list.
@return: A list of L{partition} objects specified by devnames, in the
order devnames specified
filtered_list = []
for p in partitions:
for d in devnames:
if p.device == d and p not in filtered_list:
return filtered_list
def get_unmounted_partition_list(root_part, job=None, min_blocks=0,
filter_func=None, exclude_swap=True,
Return a list of partition objects that are not mounted.
@param root_part: The root device name (without the '/dev/' prefix, example
'hda2') that will be filtered from the partition list.
Reasoning: in Linux /proc/mounts will never directly mention the
root partition as being mounted on / instead it will say that
/dev/root is mounted on /. Thus require this argument to filter out
the root_part from the ones checked to be mounted.
@param job, min_blocks, filter_func, exclude_swap, open_func: Forwarded
to get_partition_list().
@return List of L{partition} objects that are not mounted.
partitions = get_partition_list(job=job, min_blocks=min_blocks,
filter_func=filter_func, exclude_swap=exclude_swap, open_func=open_func)
unmounted = []
for part in partitions:
if (part.device != partname_to_device(root_part) and
not part.get_mountpoint(open_func=open_func)):
return unmounted
def parallel(partitions, method_name, *args, **dargs):
Run a partition method (with appropriate arguments) in parallel,
across a list of partition objects
if not partitions:
job = partitions[0].job
flist = []
if (not hasattr(partition, method_name) or
not callable(getattr(partition, method_name))):
err = "partition.parallel got invalid method %s" % method_name
raise RuntimeError(err)
for p in partitions:
print_args = list(args)
print_args += ['%s=%s' % (key, dargs[key]) for key in dargs.keys()]
logging.debug('%s.%s(%s)' % (str(p), method_name,
', '.join(print_args)))
def _run_named_method(function, part=p):
getattr(part, method_name)(*args, **dargs)
flist.append((_run_named_method, ()))
def filesystems():
Return a list of all available filesystems
return [re.sub('(nodev)?\s*', '', fs) for fs in open('/proc/filesystems')]
def unmount_partition(device):
Unmount a mounted partition
@param device: e.g. /dev/sda1, /dev/hda1
p = partition(job=None, device=device)
def is_valid_partition(device):
Checks if a partition is valid
@param device: e.g. /dev/sda1, /dev/hda1
parts = get_partition_list(job=None)
p_list = [ p.device for p in parts ]
if device in p_list:
return True
return False
def is_valid_disk(device):
Checks if a disk is valid
@param device: e.g. /dev/sda, /dev/hda
partitions = []
for partline in open('/proc/partitions').readlines():
fields = partline.strip().split()
if len(fields) != 4 or partline.startswith('major'):
(major, minor, blocks, partname) = fields
blocks = int(blocks)
if not partname[-1].isdigit():
# Disk name does not end in number, AFAIK
# so use it as a reference to a disk
if device.strip("/dev/") == partname:
return True
return False
def run_test_on_partitions(job, test, partitions, mountpoint_func,
tag, fs_opt, do_fsck=True, **dargs):
Run a test that requires multiple partitions. Filesystems will be
made on the partitions and mounted, then the test will run, then the
filesystems will be unmounted and optionally fsck'd.
@param job: A job instance to run the test
@param test: A string containing the name of the test
@param partitions: A list of partition objects, these are passed to the
test as partitions=
@param mountpoint_func: A callable that returns a mountpoint given a
partition instance
@param tag: A string tag to make this test unique (Required for control
files that make multiple calls to this routine with the same value
of 'test'.)
@param fs_opt: An FsOptions instance that describes what filesystem to make
@param do_fsck: include fsck in post-test partition cleanup.
@param dargs: Dictionary of arguments to be passed to job.run_test() and
eventually the test
# setup the filesystem parameters for all the partitions
for p in partitions:
# make and mount all the partitions in parallel
parallel(partitions, 'setup_before_test', mountpoint_func=mountpoint_func)
mountpoint = mountpoint_func(partitions[0])
# run the test against all the partitions
job.run_test(test, tag=tag, partitions=partitions, dir=mountpoint, **dargs)
parallel(partitions, 'unmount') # unmount all partitions in parallel
if do_fsck:
parallel(partitions, 'fsck') # fsck all partitions in parallel
# else fsck is done by caller
class partition(object):
Class for handling partitions and filesystems
def __init__(self, job, device, loop_size=0, mountpoint=None):
@param job: A L{client.bin.job} instance.
@param device: The device in question (e.g."/dev/hda2"). If device is a
file it will be mounted as loopback. If you have job config
'partition.partitions', e.g.,
job.config_set('partition.partitions', ["/dev/sda2", "/dev/sda3"])
you may specify a partition in the form of "partN" e.g. "part0",
"part1" to refer to elements of the partition list. This is
specially useful if you run a test in various machines and you
don't want to hardcode device names as those may vary.
@param loop_size: Size of loopback device (in MB). Defaults to 0.
# NOTE: This code is used by IBM / ABAT. Do not remove.
part = re.compile(r'^part(\d+)$')
m = part.match(device)
if m:
number = int(m.groups()[0])
partitions = job.config_get('partition.partitions')
device = partitions[number]
raise NameError("Partition '" + device + "' not available")
self.device = device = os.path.basename(device)
self.job = job
self.loop = loop_size
self.fstype = None
self.mountpoint = mountpoint
self.mkfs_flags = None
self.mount_options = None
self.fs_tag = None
if self.loop:
cmd = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1M count=%d' % (device, loop_size)
def __repr__(self):
return '<Partition: %s>' % self.device
def set_fs_options(self, fs_options):
Set filesystem options
@param fs_options: A L{FsOptions} object
self.fstype = fs_options.fstype
self.mkfs_flags = fs_options.mkfs_flags
self.mount_options = fs_options.mount_options
self.fs_tag = fs_options.fs_tag
def run_test(self, test, **dargs):
self.job.run_test(test, dir=self.get_mountpoint(), **dargs)
def setup_before_test(self, mountpoint_func):
Prepare a partition for running a test. Unmounts any
filesystem that's currently mounted on the partition, makes a
new filesystem (according to this partition's filesystem
options) and mounts it where directed by mountpoint_func.
@param mountpoint_func: A callable that returns a path as a string,
given a partition instance.
mountpoint = mountpoint_func(self)
if not mountpoint:
raise ValueError('Don\'t know where to put this partition')
self.unmount(ignore_status=True, record=False)
if not os.path.isdir(mountpoint):
def run_test_on_partition(self, test, mountpoint_func, **dargs):
Executes a test fs-style (umount,mkfs,mount,test)
Here we unmarshal the args to set up tags before running the test.
Tests are also run by first umounting, mkfsing and then mounting
before executing the test.
@param test: name of test to run
@param mountpoint_func: function to return mount point string
tag = dargs.get('tag')
if tag:
tag = '%s.%s' % (, tag)
elif self.fs_tag:
tag = '%s.%s' % (, self.fs_tag)
tag =
# If there's a 'suffix' argument, append it to the tag and remove it
suffix = dargs.pop('suffix', None)
if suffix:
tag = '%s.%s' % (tag, suffix)
dargs['tag'] = test + '.' + tag
def _make_partition_and_run_test(test_tag, dir=None, **dargs):
self.job.run_test(test, tag=test_tag, dir=mountpoint, **dargs)
mountpoint = mountpoint_func(self)
# The tag is the tag for the group (get stripped off by run_group)
# The test_tag is the tag for the test itself
test_tag=tag, dir=mountpoint, **dargs)
def get_mountpoint(self, open_func=open, filename=None):
Find the mount point of this partition object.
@param open_func: the function to use for opening the file containing
the mounted partitions information
@param filename: where to look for the mounted partitions information
(default None which means it will search /proc/mounts and/or
@returns a string with the mount point of the partition or None if not
if filename:
for line in open_func(filename).readlines():
parts = line.split()
if parts[0] == self.device or parts[1] == self.mountpoint:
return parts[1] # The mountpoint where it's mounted
return None
# no specific file given, look in /proc/mounts
res = self.get_mountpoint(open_func=open_func, filename='/proc/mounts')
if not res:
# sometimes the root partition is reported as /dev/root in
# /proc/mounts in this case, try /etc/mtab
res = self.get_mountpoint(open_func=open_func, filename='/etc/mtab')
# trust /etc/mtab only about /
if res != '/':
res = None
return res
def mkfs_exec(self, fstype):
Return the proper mkfs executable based on fs
if fstype == 'ext4':
if os.path.exists('/sbin/mkfs.ext4'):
return 'mkfs'
# If ext4 supported e2fsprogs is not installed we use the
# autotest supplied one in tools dir which is statically linked"""
auto_mkfs = os.path.join(self.job.toolsdir, 'mkfs.ext4dev')
if os.path.exists(auto_mkfs):
return auto_mkfs
return 'mkfs'
raise NameError('Error creating partition for filesystem type %s' %
def mkfs(self, fstype=None, args='', record=True):
Format a partition to filesystem type
@param fstype: the filesystem type, e.g.. "ext3", "ext2"
@param args: arguments to be passed to mkfs command.
@param record: if set, output result of mkfs operation to autotest
if list_mount_devices().count(self.device):
raise NameError('Attempted to format mounted device %s' %
if not fstype:
if self.fstype:
fstype = self.fstype
fstype = 'ext2'
if self.mkfs_flags:
args += ' ' + self.mkfs_flags
if fstype == 'xfs':
args += ' -f'
if self.loop:
# BAH. Inconsistent mkfs syntax SUCKS.
if fstype.startswith('ext'):
args += ' -F'
elif fstype == 'reiserfs':
args += ' -f'
# If there isn't already a '-t <type>' argument, add one.
if not "-t" in args:
args = "-t %s %s" % (fstype, args)
args = args.strip()
mkfs_cmd = "%s %s %s" % (self.mkfs_exec(fstype), args, self.device)
# We throw away the output here - we only need it on error, in
# which case it's in the exception
utils.system_output("yes | %s" % mkfs_cmd)
except error.CmdError, e:
if record:
self.job.record('FAIL', None, mkfs_cmd, error.format_error())
if record:
self.job.record('FAIL', None, mkfs_cmd, error.format_error())
if record:
self.job.record('GOOD', None, mkfs_cmd)
self.fstype = fstype
def get_fsck_exec(self):
Return the proper mkfs executable based on self.fstype
if self.fstype == 'ext4':
if os.path.exists('/sbin/fsck.ext4'):
return 'fsck'
# If ext4 supported e2fsprogs is not installed we use the
# autotest supplied one in tools dir which is statically linked"""
auto_fsck = os.path.join(self.job.toolsdir, 'fsck.ext4dev')
if os.path.exists(auto_fsck):
return auto_fsck
return 'fsck'
raise NameError('Error creating partition for filesystem type %s' %
def fsck(self, args='-fy', record=True):
Run filesystem check
@param args: arguments to filesystem check tool. Default is "-n"
which works on most tools.
# I hate reiserfstools.
# Requires an explit Yes for some inane reason
fsck_cmd = '%s %s %s' % (self.get_fsck_exec(), self.device, args)
if self.fstype == 'reiserfs':
fsck_cmd = 'yes "Yes" | ' + fsck_cmd
if record:
self.job.record('FAIL', None, fsck_cmd, error.format_error())
raise error.TestError('Fsck found errors with the underlying '
'file system')
if record:
self.job.record('GOOD', None, fsck_cmd)
def mount(self, mountpoint=None, fstype=None, args='', record=True):
Mount this partition to a mount point
@param mountpoint: If you have not provided a mountpoint to partition
object or want to use a different one, you may specify it here.
@param fstype: Filesystem type. If not provided partition object value
will be used.
@param args: Arguments to be passed to "mount" command.
@param record: If True, output result of mount operation to autotest
if fstype is None:
fstype = self.fstype
assert(self.fstype is None or self.fstype == fstype);
if self.mount_options:
args += ' -o ' + self.mount_options
if fstype:
args += ' -t ' + fstype
if self.loop:
args += ' -o loop'
args = args.lstrip()
if not mountpoint and not self.mountpoint:
raise ValueError("No mountpoint specified and no default "
"provided to this partition object")
if not mountpoint:
mountpoint = self.mountpoint
mount_cmd = "mount %s %s %s" % (args, self.device, mountpoint)
if list_mount_devices().count(self.device):
err = 'Attempted to mount mounted device'
self.job.record('FAIL', None, mount_cmd, err)
raise NameError(err)
if list_mount_points().count(mountpoint):
err = 'Attempted to mount busy mountpoint'
self.job.record('FAIL', None, mount_cmd, err)
raise NameError(err)
mtab = open('/etc/mtab')
# We have to get an exclusive lock here - mount/umount are racy
fcntl.flock(mtab.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
if record:
self.job.record('FAIL', None, mount_cmd, error.format_error())
if record:
self.job.record('GOOD', None, mount_cmd)
self.fstype = fstype
def unmount_force(self):
Kill all other jobs accessing this partition. Use fuser and ps to find
all mounts on this mountpoint and unmount them.
@return: true for success or false for any errors
logging.debug("Standard umount failed, will try forcing. Users:")
cmd = 'fuser ' + self.get_mountpoint()
fuser = utils.system_output(cmd)
users = re.sub('.*:', '', fuser).split()
for user in users:
m = re.match('(\d+)(.*)', user)
(pid, usage) = (,
ps = utils.system_output('ps -p %s | sed 1d' % pid)
logging.debug('%s %s %s' % (usage, pid, ps))
except Exception:
utils.system('ls -l ' + self.device)
umount_cmd = "umount -f " + self.device
return True
except error.CmdError:
logging.debug('Umount_force failed for %s' % self.device)
return False
def unmount(self, ignore_status=False, record=True):
Umount this partition.
It's easier said than done to umount a partition.
We need to lock the mtab file to make sure we don't have any
locking problems if we are umounting in paralllel.
If there turns out to be a problem with the simple umount we
end up calling umount_force to get more agressive.
@param ignore_status: should we notice the umount status
@param record: if True, output result of umount operation to
autotest output
mountpoint = self.get_mountpoint()
if not mountpoint:
# It's not even mounted to start with
if record and not ignore_status:
msg = 'umount for dev %s has no mountpoint' % self.device
self.job.record('FAIL', None, msg, 'Not mounted')
umount_cmd = "umount " + mountpoint
mtab = open('/etc/mtab')
# We have to get an exclusive lock here - mount/umount are racy
fcntl.flock(mtab.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
if record:
self.job.record('GOOD', None, umount_cmd)
except (error.CmdError, IOError):
# Try the forceful umount
if self.unmount_force():
# If we are here we cannot umount this partition
if record and not ignore_status:
self.job.record('FAIL', None, umount_cmd, error.format_error())
def wipe(self):
Delete all files of a given partition filesystem.
wipe_filesystem(self.job, self.get_mountpoint())
def get_io_scheduler_list(self, device_name):
names = open(self.__sched_path(device_name)).read()
return names.translate(string.maketrans('[]', ' ')).split()
def get_io_scheduler(self, device_name):
return re.split('[\[\]]',
def set_io_scheduler(self, device_name, name):
if name not in self.get_io_scheduler_list(device_name):
raise NameError('No such IO scheduler: %s' % name)
f = open(self.__sched_path(device_name), 'w')
def __sched_path(self, device_name):
return '/sys/block/%s/queue/scheduler' % device_name
class virtual_partition:
Handles block device emulation using file images of disks.
It's important to note that this API can be used only if
we have the following programs present on the client machine:
* sfdisk
* losetup
* kpartx
def __init__(self, file_img, file_size):
Creates a virtual partition, keeping record of the device created
under /dev/mapper (device attribute) so test writers can use it
on their filesystem tests.
@param file_img: Path to the desired disk image file.
@param file_size: Size of the desired image in Bytes.
logging.debug('Sanity check before attempting to create virtual '
os_dep.commands('sfdisk', 'losetup', 'kpartx')
except ValueError, e:
e_msg = 'Unable to create virtual partition: %s' % e
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
logging.debug('Creating virtual partition')
self.img = self._create_disk_img(file_img, file_size)
self.loop = self._attach_img_loop(self.img)
self.device = self._create_entries_partition(self.loop)
logging.debug('Virtual partition successfuly created')
logging.debug('Image disk: %s', self.img)
logging.debug('Loopback device: %s', self.loop)
logging.debug('Device path: %s', self.device)
def destroy(self):
Removes the virtual partition from /dev/mapper, detaches the image file
from the loopback device and removes the image file.
logging.debug('Removing virtual partition - device %s', self.device)
def _create_disk_img(self, img_path, size):
Creates a disk image using dd.
@param img_path: Path to the desired image file.
@param size: Size of the desired image in Bytes.
@returns: Path of the image created.
logging.debug('Creating disk image %s, size = %d Bytes', img_path, size)
cmd = 'dd if=/dev/zero of=%s bs=1024 count=%d' % (img_path, size)
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = 'Error creating disk image %s: %s' % (img_path, e)
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
return img_path
def _attach_img_loop(self, img_path):
Attaches a file image to a loopback device using losetup.
@param img_path: Path of the image file that will be attached to a
loopback device
@returns: Path of the loopback device associated.
logging.debug('Attaching image %s to a loop device', img_path)
cmd = 'losetup -f'
loop_path = utils.system_output(cmd)
cmd = 'losetup -f %s' % img_path
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = ('Error attaching image %s to a loop device: %s' %
(img_path, e))
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
return loop_path
def _create_single_partition(self, loop_path):
Creates a single partition encompassing the whole 'disk' using cfdisk.
@param loop_path: Path to the loopback device.
logging.debug('Creating single partition on %s', loop_path)
single_part_cmd = '0,,c\n'
sfdisk_file_path = '/tmp/create_partition.sfdisk'
sfdisk_cmd_file = open(sfdisk_file_path, 'w')
sfdisk_cmd_file.close()'sfdisk %s < %s' % (loop_path, sfdisk_file_path))
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = 'Error partitioning device %s: %s' % (loop_path, e)
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
def _create_entries_partition(self, loop_path):
Takes the newly created partition table on the loopback device and
makes all its devices available under /dev/mapper. As we previously
have partitioned it using a single partition, only one partition
will be returned.
@param loop_path: Path to the loopback device.
logging.debug('Creating entries under /dev/mapper for %s loop dev',
cmd = 'kpartx -a %s' % loop_path
l_cmd = 'kpartx -l %s | cut -f1 -d " "' % loop_path
device = utils.system_output(l_cmd)
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = 'Error creating entries for %s: %s' % (loop_path, e)
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
return os.path.join('/dev/mapper', device)
def _remove_entries_partition(self):
Removes the entries under /dev/mapper for the partition associated
to the loopback device.
logging.debug('Removing the entry on /dev/mapper for %s loop dev',
cmd = 'kpartx -d %s' % self.loop
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = 'Error removing entries for loop %s: %s' % (self.loop, e)
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
def _detach_img_loop(self):
Detaches the image file from the loopback device.
logging.debug('Detaching image %s from loop device %s', self.img,
cmd = 'losetup -d %s' % self.loop
except error.CmdError, e:
e_msg = ('Error detaching image %s from loop device %s: %s' %
(self.img, self.loop, e))
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
def _remove_disk_img(self):
Removes the disk image.
logging.debug('Removing disk image %s', self.img)
e_msg = 'Error removing image file %s' % self.img
raise error.AutotestError(e_msg)
# import a site partition module to allow it to override functions
from autotest_lib.client.bin.site_partition import *
except ImportError: