| # change_protection_level.py "No protection" machine1 machine2 machine3 |
| import sys, optparse, traceback, pwd, os |
| from autotest_lib.cli import rpc, host |
| usage = 'usage: %prog [options] new_protection_level machine1 machine2 ...' |
| parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=usage) |
| parser.add_option('-w', '--web', |
| help='Autotest server to use (i.e. "autotest")') |
| options, leftover_args = parser.parse_args() |
| assert len(leftover_args) > 1, 'Must pass protection level and hosts' |
| protection_level = leftover_args[0] |
| user = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())[0] |
| autotest_host = rpc.get_autotest_server(options.web) |
| afe_proxy = rpc.afe_comm(autotest_host, '/afe/server/noauth/rpc/') |
| hosts = afe_proxy.run('get_hosts', hostname__in=leftover_args[1:]) |
| afe_proxy.run('modify_host', host['id'], protection=protection_level) |
| print 'For host %s:', host['hostname'] |
| print 'Host %s succeeded' % host['hostname'] |
| print ','.join(set(leftover_args[1:]) - set(host['hostname'] for host in hosts)) |