blob: 381b7f4e2ddb1be3749c5c3313c74c324c5f2ad7 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Django model for server database.
from django.db import models as dbmodels
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import autotest_enum
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from import ping_runner
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_logic
class Server(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Models a server."""
DETAIL_FMT = ('Hostname : %(hostname)s\n'
'Status : %(status)s\n'
'Roles : %(roles)s\n'
'Attributes : %(attributes)s\n'
'Date Created : %(date_created)s\n'
'Date Modified: %(date_modified)s\n'
'Note : %(note)s\n')
STATUS_LIST = ['primary', 'repair_required']
STATUS = autotest_enum.AutotestEnum(*STATUS_LIST, string_values=True)
hostname = dbmodels.CharField(unique=True, max_length=128)
cname = dbmodels.CharField(null=True, blank=True, default=None,
status = dbmodels.CharField(unique=False, max_length=128,
date_created = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
date_modified = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
note = dbmodels.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for class Server."""
db_table = 'servers'
def __unicode__(self):
"""A string representation of the Server object.
roles = ','.join([r.role for r in self.roles.all()])
attributes = dict([(a.attribute, a.value)
for a in self.attributes.all()])
return self.DETAIL_FMT % {'hostname': self.hostname,
'status': self.status,
'roles': roles,
'attributes': attributes,
'date_created': self.date_created,
'date_modified': self.date_modified,
'note': self.note}
def get_role_names(self):
"""Get a list of role names of the server.
@return: A list of role names of the server.
return [r.role for r in self.roles.all()]
def get_details(self):
"""Get a dictionary with all server details.
For example:
'hostname': 'server1',
'status': 'primary',
'roles': ['drone', 'scheduler'],
'attributes': {'max_processes': 300}
@return: A dictionary with all server details.
details = {}
details['hostname'] = self.hostname
details['status'] = self.status
details['roles'] = self.get_role_names()
attributes = dict([(a.attribute, a.value)
for a in self.attributes.all()])
details['attributes'] = attributes
details['date_created'] = self.date_created
details['date_modified'] = self.date_modified
details['note'] = self.note
return details
class ServerRole(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Role associated with hosts."""
# Valid roles for a server.
# TODO b:169251326 terms below are set outside of this codebase
# and should be updated when possible.
ROLE = autotest_enum.AutotestEnum(*ROLE_LIST, string_values=True)
# Roles that must be assigned to a single primary server in an Autotest
# instance
server = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Server, related_name='roles')
role = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=128, choices=ROLE.choices())
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for the ServerRole class."""
db_table = 'server_roles'
class ServerAttribute(dbmodels.Model, model_logic.ModelExtensions):
"""Attribute associated with hosts."""
server = dbmodels.ForeignKey(Server, related_name='attributes')
attribute = dbmodels.CharField(max_length=128)
value = dbmodels.TextField(null=True, blank=True)
date_modified = dbmodels.DateTimeField(null=True, blank=True)
objects = model_logic.ExtendedManager()
class Meta:
"""Metadata for the ServerAttribute class."""
db_table = 'server_attributes'
# Valid values for each type of input.
RANGE_LIMITS={'role': ServerRole.ROLE_LIST,
'status': Server.STATUS_LIST}
def validate(**kwargs):
"""Verify command line arguments, raise InvalidDataError if any is invalid.
The function verify following inputs for the database query.
1. Any key in RANGE_LIMITS, i.e., role and status. Value should be a valid
role or status.
2. hostname. The code will try to resolve given hostname. If the hostname
does not exist in the network, InvalidDataError will be raised.
Sample usage of this function:
validate(role='drone', status='repair_required', hostname='server1')
@param kwargs: command line arguments, e.g., `status='primary'`
@raise InvalidDataError: If any argument value is invalid.
for key, value in kwargs.items():
# Ignore any None value, so callers won't need to filter out None
# value as it won't be used in queries.
if not value:
if value not in RANGE_LIMITS.get(key, [value]):
raise error.InvalidDataError(
'%s %s is not valid, it must be one of %s.' %
(key, value,
', '.join(RANGE_LIMITS[key])))
elif key == 'hostname':
if not ping_runner.PingRunner().simple_ping(value):
raise error.InvalidDataError('Can not reach server with '
'hostname "%s".' % value)