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# pylint: disable-msg=C0111
# Copyright 2008 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"""This module contains the common behavior of some actions
Operations on ACLs or labels are very similar, so are creations and
deletions. The following classes provide the common handling.
In these case, the class inheritance is, taking the command
'atest label create' as an example:
/ \
/ \
/ \
atest_create label
\ /
\ /
\ /
For 'atest label add':
/ \
/ \
/ \
| label
| |
| |
| |
atest_add label_add_or_remove
\ /
\ /
\ /
import types
from autotest_lib.cli import topic_common
# List action
class atest_list(topic_common.atest):
"""atest <topic> list"""
usage_action = 'list'
def _convert_wildcard(self, old_key, new_key,
value, filters, check_results):
filters[new_key] = value.rstrip('*')
check_results[new_key] = None
del filters[old_key]
del check_results[old_key]
def _convert_name_wildcard(self, key, value, filters, check_results):
if value.endswith('*'):
# Could be __name, __login, __hostname
new_key = key + '__startswith'
self._convert_wildcard(key, new_key, value, filters, check_results)
def _convert_in_wildcard(self, key, value, filters, check_results):
if value.endswith('*'):
assert key.endswith('__in'), 'Key %s does not end with __in' % key
new_key = key.replace('__in', '__startswith', 1)
self._convert_wildcard(key, new_key, value, filters, check_results)
def check_for_wildcard(self, filters, check_results):
"""Check if there is a wilcard (only * for the moment)
and replace the request appropriately"""
for (key, values) in filters.iteritems():
if isinstance(values, types.StringTypes):
self._convert_name_wildcard(key, values,
filters, check_results)
if isinstance(values, types.ListType):
if len(values) == 1:
self._convert_in_wildcard(key, values[0],
filters, check_results)
for value in values:
if value.endswith('*'):
# Can only be a wildcard if it is by itelf
self.invalid_syntax('Cannot mix wilcards and items')
def execute(self, op, filters={}, check_results={}):
"""Generic list execute:
If no filters where specified, list all the items. If
some specific items where asked for, filter on those:
check_results has the same keys than filters. If only
one filter is set, we use the key from check_result to
print the error"""
self.check_for_wildcard(filters, check_results)
results = self.execute_rpc(op, **filters)
for dbkey in filters.keys():
if not check_results.get(dbkey, None):
# Don't want to check the results
# for this key
if len(results) >= len(filters[dbkey]):
# Some bad items
field = check_results[dbkey]
# The filtering for the job is on the ID which is an int.
# Convert it as the jobids from the CLI args are strings.
good = set(str(result[field]) for result in results)
self.invalid_arg('Unknown %s(s): \n' % self.msg_topic,
', '.join(set(filters[dbkey]) - good))
return results
def output(self, results, keys, sublist_keys=[]):
self.print_table(results, keys, sublist_keys)
# Creation & Deletion of a topic (ACL, label, user)
class atest_create_or_delete(topic_common.atest):
"""atest <topic> [create|delete]
To subclass this, you must define:
Example Comment
self.topic 'acl_group'
self.op_action 'delete' Action to remove a 'topic' {} Additional args for the topic
self.msg_topic: 'ACL' The printable version of the topic.
self.msg_done: 'Deleted' The printable version of the action.
def execute(self):
handled = []
if (self.op_action == 'delete' and not self.no_confirmation and
not self.prompt_confirmation()):
# Create or Delete the <topic> altogether
op = '%s_%s' % (self.op_action, self.topic)
for item in self.get_items():
try:[self.data_item_key] = item
new_id = self.execute_rpc(op, item=item, **
except topic_common.CliError:
return handled
def output(self, results):
if results:
results = ["'%s'" % r for r in results]
self.print_wrapped("%s %s" % (self.msg_done, self.msg_topic),
class atest_create(atest_create_or_delete):
usage_action = 'create'
op_action = 'add'
msg_done = 'Created'
class atest_delete(atest_create_or_delete):
data_item_key = 'id'
usage_action = op_action = 'delete'
msg_done = 'Deleted'
# Adding or Removing things (users, hosts or labels) from a topic
# (ACL, Label or AtomicGroup)
class atest_add_or_remove(topic_common.atest):
"""atest <topic> [add|remove]
To subclass this, you must define these attributes:
Example Comment
topic 'acl_group'
op_action 'remove' Action for adding users/hosts
add_remove_things {'users': 'user'} Dict of things to try add/removing.
Keys are the attribute names. Values
are the word to print for an
individual item of such a value.
add_remove_things = {'users': 'user', 'hosts': 'host'} # Original behavior
def _add_remove_uh_to_topic(self, item, what):
"""Adds the 'what' (such as users or hosts) to the 'item'"""
uhs = getattr(self, what)
if len(uhs) == 0:
# To skip the try/else
raise AttributeError
op = '%s_%s_%s' % (self.topic, self.op_action, what)
self.execute_rpc(op=op, # The opcode
**{'id': item, what: uhs}) # The data
setattr(self, 'good_%s' % what, uhs)
except topic_common.CliError, full_error:
bad_uhs = self.parse_json_exception(full_error)
good_uhs = list(set(uhs) - set(bad_uhs))
if bad_uhs and good_uhs:
**{'id': item, what: good_uhs})
setattr(self, 'good_%s' % what, good_uhs)
def execute(self):
"""Adds or removes things (users, hosts, etc.) from a topic, e.g.:
Add hosts to labels:
self.topic = 'label'
self.op_action = 'add'
self.add_remove_things = {'users': 'user', 'hosts': 'host'}
self.get_items() = The labels/ACLs that the hosts
should be added to.
A dictionary of lists of things added successfully using the same
keys as self.add_remove_things.
oks = {}
for item in self.get_items():
# FIXME(gps):
# This reverse sorting is only here to avoid breaking many
# existing extremely fragile unittests which depend on the
# exact order of the calls made below. 'users' must be run
# before 'hosts'.
plurals = reversed(sorted(self.add_remove_things.keys()))
for what in plurals:
self._add_remove_uh_to_topic(item, what)
except AttributeError:
except topic_common.CliError, err:
# The error was already logged by
# self.failure()
oks.setdefault(item, []).append(what)
results = {}
for thing in self.add_remove_things:
things_ok = [item for item, what in oks.items() if thing in what]
results[thing] = things_ok
return results
def output(self, results):
for thing, single_thing in self.add_remove_things.iteritems():
# Enclose each of the elements in a single quote.
things_ok = ["'%s'" % t for t in results[thing]]
if things_ok:
self.print_wrapped("%s %s %s %s" % (self.msg_done,
', '.join(things_ok),
getattr(self, 'good_%s' % thing))
class atest_add(atest_add_or_remove):
usage_action = op_action = 'add'
msg_done = 'Added to'
usage_words = ('Add', 'to')
class atest_remove(atest_add_or_remove):
usage_action = op_action = 'remove'
msg_done = 'Removed from'
usage_words = ('Remove', 'from')