blob: f4d84a474346b3e94fa986abe0c29bb9c6158e4e [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
import re
import time
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
def has_ectool():
"""Determine if ectool shell command is present.
boolean true if avail, false otherwise.
cmd = 'which ectool'
return (utils.system(cmd, ignore_status=True) == 0)
class EC_Common(object):
"""Class for EC common.
This incredibly brief base class is intended to encapsulate common elements
across various CrOS MCUs (ec proper, USB-PD, Sensor Hub). At the moment
that includes only the use of ectool.
def __init__(self, target='cros_ec'):
@param target: target name of ec to communicate with.
if not has_ectool():
ec_info = utils.system_output("mosys ec info",
logging.warning("Ectool absent on this platform ( %s )",
raise error.TestNAError("Platform doesn't support ectool")
self._target = target
def ec_command(self, cmd, **kwargs):
"""Executes ec command and returns results.
@param cmd: string of command to execute.
@param kwargs: optional params passed to utils.system_output
@returns: string of results from ec command.
full_cmd = 'ectool --name=%s %s' % (self._target, cmd)
result = utils.system_output(full_cmd, **kwargs)
logging.debug('Command: %s', full_cmd)
logging.debug('Result: %s', result)
return result
class EC(EC_Common):
"""Class for CrOS embedded controller (EC)."""
HELLO_RE = "EC says hello"
GET_FANSPEED_RE = "Current fan RPM: ([0-9]*)"
SET_FANSPEED_RE = "Fan target RPM set."
TEMP_SENSOR_RE = "Reading temperature...([0-9]*)"
TOGGLE_AUTO_FAN_RE = "Automatic fan control is now on"
# For battery, check we can see a non-zero capacity value.
BATTERY_RE = "Design capacity:\s+[1-9]\d*\s+mAh"
LIGHTBAR_RE = "^ 05\s+3f\s+3f$"
def hello(self):
"""Test EC hello command.
@returns True if success False otherwise.
response = self.ec_command('hello')
return (, response) is not None)
def auto_fan_ctrl(self):
"""Turns auto fan ctrl on.
@returns True if success False otherwise.
response = self.ec_command('autofanctrl')'Turned on auto fan control.')
return (, response) is not None)
def get_fanspeed(self):
"""Gets fanspeed.
@raises error.TestError if regexp fails to match.
@returns integer of fan speed RPM.
response = self.ec_command('pwmgetfanrpm')
match =, response)
if not match:
raise error.TestError('Unable to read fan speed')
rpm = int('Fan speed: %d', rpm)
return rpm
def set_fanspeed(self, rpm):
"""Sets fan speed.
@param rpm: integer of fan speed RPM to set
@returns True if success False otherwise.
response = self.ec_command('pwmsetfanrpm %d' % rpm)'Set fan speed: %d', rpm)
return (, response) is not None)
def get_temperature(self, idx):
"""Gets temperature from idx sensor.
@param idx: integer of temp sensor to read.
@raises error.TestError if fails to read sensor.
@returns integer of temperature reading in degrees Kelvin.
response = self.ec_command('temps %d' % idx)
match =, response)
if not match:
raise error.TestError('Unable to read temperature sensor %d' % idx)
return int(
def get_battery(self):
"""Get battery presence (design capacity found).
@returns True if success False otherwise.
response = self.ec_command('battery')
return (, response) is not None)
def get_lightbar(self):
"""Test lightbar.
@returns True if success False otherwise.
self.ec_command('lightbar on')
self.ec_command('lightbar init')
self.ec_command('lightbar 4 255 255 255')
response = self.ec_command('lightbar')
self.ec_command('lightbar off')
return (, response, re.MULTILINE) is not None)
class EC_USBPD_Port(EC_Common):
"""Class for CrOS embedded controller for USB-PD Port.
Public attributes:
index: integer of USB type-C port index.
Public Methods:
is_dfp: Determine if data role is Downstream Facing Port (DFP).
is_amode_supported: Check if alternate mode is supported by port.
is_amode_entered: Check if alternate mode is entered.
set_amode: Set an alternate mode.
Private attributes:
_port: integer of USB type-C port id.
_port_info: holds usbpd protocol info.
_amodes: holds alternate mode info.
Private methods:
_invalidate_port_data: Remove port data to force re-eval.
_get_port_info: Get USB-PD port info.
_get_amodes: parse and return port's svid info.
def __init__(self, index):
@param index: integer of USB type-C port index.
self.index = index
# TODO( target= only works for samus
super(EC_USBPD_Port, self).__init__(target='cros_pd')
# Interrogate port at instantiation. Use invalidate to force re-eval.
self._port_info = self._get_port_info()
self._amodes = self._get_amodes()
def _invalidate_port_data(self):
"""Remove port data to force re-eval."""
self._port_info = None
self._amodes = None
def _get_port_info(self):
"""Get USB-PD port info.
ectool command usbpd provides the following information about the port:
- Enabled/Disabled
- Power & Data Role
- Polarity
- Protocol State
At time of authoring it looks like:
Port C0 is enabled, Role:SNK UFP Polarity:CC2 State:SNK_READY
@raises error.TestError if ...
port info not parseable.
@returns dictionary for <port> with keyval pairs:
enabled: True | False | None
power_role: sink | source | None
data_role: UFP | DFP | None
is_reversed: True | False | None
state: various strings | None
PORT_INFO_RE = 'Port\s+C(\d+)\s+is\s+(\w+),\s+Role:(\w+)\s+(\w+)\s+' + \
match =,
self.ec_command("usbpd %s" % (self.index)))
if not match or int( != self.index:
error.TestError('Unable to determine port %d info' % self.index)
pinfo = dict(enabled=None, power_role=None, data_role=None,
is_reversed=None, state=None)
pinfo['enabled'] = == 'enabled'
pinfo['power_role'] = 'sink' if == 'SNK' else 'source'
pinfo['data_role'] =
pinfo['is_reversed'] = True if == '2' else False
pinfo['state'] =
logging.debug('port_info = %s', pinfo)
return pinfo
def _get_amodes(self):
"""Parse alternate modes from pdgetmode.
Looks like ...
*SVID:0xff01 *0x00000485 0x00000000 ...
SVID:0x18d1 0x00000001 0x00000000 ...
@returns dictionary of format:
<svid>: {active: True|False, configs: <config_list>, opos:<opos>}
<svid> : USB-IF Standard or vendor id as
hex string (i.e. 0xff01)
<config_list> : list of uint32_t configs
<opos> : integer of active object position.
Note, this is the config list index + 1
SVID_RE = r'(\*?)SVID:(\S+)\s+(.*)'
svids = dict()
cmd = 'pdgetmode %d' % self.index
for line in self.ec_command(cmd, ignore_status=True).split('\n'):
if line.strip() == '':
logging.debug('pdgetmode line: %s', line)
match =, line)
if not match:
logging.warning("Unable to parse SVID line %s", line)
active = == '*'
svid =
configs_str =
configs = list()
opos = None
for i,config in enumerate(configs_str.split(), 1):
if config.startswith('*'):
opos = i
config = config[1:]
config = int(config, 16)
# ignore unpopulated configs
if config == 0:
svids[svid] = dict(active=active, configs=configs, opos=opos)
logging.debug("Port %d svids = %s", self.index, svids)
return svids
def is_dfp(self):
"""Determine if data role is Downstream Facing Port (DFP).
@returns True if DFP False otherwise.
if self._port_info is None:
self._port_info = self._get_port_info()
return self._port_info['data_role'] == 'DFP'
def is_amode_supported(self, svid):
"""Check if alternate mode is supported by port partner.
@param svid: alternate mode SVID hexstring (i.e. 0xff01)
if self._amodes is None:
self._amodes = self._get_amodes()
if svid in self._amodes.keys():
return True
return False
def is_amode_entered(self, svid, opos):
"""Check if alternate mode is entered.
@param svid: alternate mode SVID hexstring (i.e. 0xff01).
@param opos: object position of config to act on.
@returns True if entered False otherwise
if self._amodes is None:
self._amodes = self._get_amodes()
if not self.is_amode_supported(svid):
return False
if self._amodes[svid]['active'] and self._amodes[svid]['opos'] == opos:
return True
return False
def set_amode(self, svid, opos, enter, delay_secs=2):
"""Set alternate mode.
@param svid: alternate mode SVID hexstring (i.e. 0xff01).
@param opos: object position of config to act on.
@param enter: Boolean of whether to enter mode.
@raises error.TestError if ...
mode not supported.
opos is > number of configs.
@returns True if successful False otherwise
if self._amodes is None:
self._amodes = self._get_amodes()
if svid not in self._amodes.keys():
raise error.TestError("SVID %s not supported", svid)
if opos > len(self._amodes[svid]['configs']):
raise error.TestError("opos > available configs")
cmd = "pdsetmode %d %s %d %d" % (self.index, svid, opos,
1 if enter else 0)
self.ec_command(cmd, ignore_status=True)
# allow some time for mode entry/exit
return self.is_amode_entered(svid, opos) == enter
def get_flash_info(self):
mat0_re = r'has no discovered device'
mat1_re = r'.*ptype:(\d+)\s+vid:(\w+)\s+pid:(\w+).*'
mat2_re = r'.*DevId:(\d+)\.(\d+)\s+Hash:\s*(\w+.*)\s*CurImg:(\w+).*'
flash_dict = dict.fromkeys(['ptype', 'vid', 'pid', 'dev_major',
'dev_minor', 'rw_hash', 'image_status'])
cmd = 'infopddev %d' % self.index
tries = 3
while (tries):
res = self.ec_command(cmd, ignore_status=True)
if not 'has no discovered device' in res:
tries -= 1
for ln in res.split('\n'):
mat1 = re.match(mat1_re, ln)
if mat1:
flash_dict['ptype'] = int(
flash_dict['vid'] =
flash_dict['pid'] =
mat2 = re.match(mat2_re, ln)
if mat2:
flash_dict['dev_major'] = int(
flash_dict['dev_minor'] = int(
flash_dict['rw_hash'] =
flash_dict['image_status'] =
return flash_dict
class EC_USBPD(EC_Common):
"""Class for CrOS embedded controller for USB-PD.
Public attributes:
ports: list EC_USBPD_Port instances
Public Methods:
get_num_ports: get number of USB-PD ports device has.
Private attributes:
_num_ports: integer number of USB-PD ports device has.
def __init__(self, num_ports=None):
@param num_ports: total number of USB-PD ports on device. This is an
override. If left 'None' will try to determine.
self._num_ports = num_ports
self.ports = list()
# TODO( target= only works for samus
super(EC_USBPD, self).__init__(target='cros_pd')
if (self.get_num_ports() == 0):
raise error.TestNAError("Device has no USB-PD ports")
for i in xrange(self._num_ports):
def get_num_ports(self):
"""Determine the number of ports for device.
Uses ectool's usbpdpower command which in turn makes host command call
to EC_CMD_USB_PD_PORTS to determine the number of ports.
TODO(tbroch) May want to consider adding separate ectool command to
surface the number of ports directly instead of via usbpdpower
@returns number of ports.
if (self._num_ports is not None):
return self._num_ports
self._num_ports = len(self.ec_command("usbpdpower").split(b'\n'))
return self._num_ports