blob: 5f7c6ed41671277e81734d244bb7608848431e40 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 Google LLC. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License);
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Kotlin kt_jvm_import rule."""
load(":common.bzl", "common")
load(":traverse_exports.bzl", "kt_traverse_exports")
load("//toolchains/kotlin_jvm:kt_jvm_toolchains.bzl", "kt_jvm_toolchains")
load("//toolchains/kotlin_jvm:java_toolchains.bzl", "java_toolchains")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:dicts.bzl", "dicts")
load(":compiler_plugin.bzl", "KtCompilerPluginInfo")
load("//:visibility.bzl", "RULES_KOTLIN")
def _kt_jvm_import_impl(ctx):
kt_jvm_toolchain = kt_jvm_toolchains.get(ctx)
runtime_deps_java_infos = []
for runtime_dep in ctx.attr.runtime_deps:
if JavaInfo in runtime_dep:
elif CcInfo not in runtime_dep:
fail("Unexpected runtime dependency (must provide JavaInfo or CcInfo): %" % runtime_dep.label)
result = common.kt_jvm_import(
kt_toolchain = kt_jvm_toolchain,
jars = ctx.files.jars,
srcjar = ctx.file.srcjar,
deps = common.collect_providers(JavaInfo, ctx.attr.deps),
runtime_deps = runtime_deps_java_infos,
neverlink = ctx.attr.neverlink,
java_toolchain = java_toolchains.get(ctx),
deps_checker = ctx.executable._deps_checker,
# Collect runfiles from deps unless neverlink
runfiles = None
if not ctx.attr.neverlink:
transitive_runfiles = []
for p in common.collect_providers(DefaultInfo, ctx.attr.deps):
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(
files = ctx.files.jars,
transitive_files = depset(transitive = transitive_runfiles),
collect_default = True, # handles data attribute
return [
OutputGroupInfo(_validation = depset(result.validations)),
DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles), # rule doesn't build any files
_KT_JVM_IMPORT_ATTRS = dicts.add(
deps = attr.label_list(
aspects = [kt_traverse_exports.aspect],
providers = [
# Each provider-set expands on allow_rules
[JavaInfo], # We allow android rule deps to make importing android JARs easier.
doc = """The list of libraries this library directly depends on at compile-time. For Java
and Kotlin libraries listed, the Jars they build as well as the transitive closure
of their `deps` and `exports` will be on the compile-time classpath for this rule;
also, the transitive closure of their `deps`, `runtime_deps`, and `exports` will be
on the runtime classpath (excluding dependencies only depended on as `neverlink`).
Note on strict_deps: any Java type explicitly or implicitly referred to in `srcs`
must be included here. This is a stronger requirement than what is enforced for
`java_library`. Any build failures resulting from this requirement will include the
missing dependencies and a command to fix the rule.""",
exported_plugins = attr.label_list(
providers = [[KtCompilerPluginInfo]],
cfg = "exec",
doc = """JVM plugins to export to users.
Every plugin listed will run during compliations that depend on this target, as
if it were listed directly in that target's `plugins` attribute. `java_*` targets
will not run kotlinc plugins""",
jars = attr.label_list(
allow_files = common.JAR_FILE_TYPE,
allow_empty = False,
doc = """The list of Java and/or Kotlin JAR files provided to targets that depend on this
target (required). Currently only a single Jar is supported.""",
neverlink = attr.bool(
default = False,
doc = """Only use this library for compilation and not at runtime.""",
proguard_specs = attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
doc = """Proguard specifications to go along with this library.""",
runtime_deps = attr.label_list(
providers = [
# Each provider-set expands on allow_rules
[CcInfo], # for JNI / native dependencies
aspects = [kt_traverse_exports.aspect],
doc = """Runtime-only dependencies.""",
srcjar = attr.label(
allow_single_file = common.SRCJAR_FILE_TYPES,
doc = """A JAR file that contains source code for the compiled JAR files.""",
_deps_checker = attr.label(
default = "@bazel_tools//tools/android:aar_import_deps_checker",
executable = True,
cfg = "exec",
kt_jvm_import = rule(
fragments = ["java"],
provides = [JavaInfo],
implementation = _kt_jvm_import_impl,
toolchains = [kt_jvm_toolchains.type],
doc = """Allows the use of precompiled Kotlin `.jar` files as deps of `kt_*` targets.
Prefer this rule to `java_import` for Kotlin Jars. Most Java-like libraries
and binaries can depend on this rule, and this rule can in turn depend on Kotlin and
Java libraries. This rule supports a subset of attributes supported by `java_import`.
In addition to documentation provided as part of this rule, please also refer to their
documentation as part of `java_import`.