blob: 19132f53a0c0b3fde84695f0f9fc2b588d38661c [file] [log] [blame]
#line 10196 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%skeleton "" /* -*- C++ -*- */
%require ""
%define parser_class_name "calcxx_parser"
#line 10214 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%code requires {
# include <string>
class calcxx_driver;
#line 10227 "../../doc/bison.texi"
// The parsing context.
%parse-param { calcxx_driver& driver }
%lex-param { calcxx_driver& driver }
#line 10240 "../../doc/bison.texi"
// Initialize the initial location.
@$.begin.filename = @$.end.filename = &driver.file;
#line 10255 "../../doc/bison.texi"
#line 10265 "../../doc/bison.texi"
// Symbols.
int ival;
std::string *sval;
#line 10280 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%code {
# include "calc++-driver.hh"
#line 10295 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%token END 0 "end of file"
%token ASSIGN ":="
%token <sval> IDENTIFIER "identifier"
%token <ival> NUMBER "number"
%type <ival> exp
#line 10309 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%printer { yyoutput << *$$; } "identifier"
%destructor { delete $$; } "identifier"
%printer { yyoutput << $$; } <ival>
#line 10320 "../../doc/bison.texi"
%start unit;
unit: assignments exp { driver.result = $2; };
/* Nothing. */ {}
| assignments assignment {};
"identifier" ":=" exp
{ driver.variables[*$1] = $3; delete $1; };
%left '+' '-';
%left '*' '/';
exp: exp '+' exp { $$ = $1 + $3; }
| exp '-' exp { $$ = $1 - $3; }
| exp '*' exp { $$ = $1 * $3; }
| exp '/' exp { $$ = $1 / $3; }
| "identifier" { $$ = driver.variables[*$1]; delete $1; }
| "number" { $$ = $1; };
#line 10349 "../../doc/bison.texi"
yy::calcxx_parser::error (const yy::calcxx_parser::location_type& l,
const std::string& m)
driver.error (l, m);