blob: 47f0dcce6252c4ff61dec2cdb5bfea34c3b54275 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Utility functions for interacting with a CL's action history."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import datetime
import itertools
import operator
from chromite.cbuildbot import config_lib
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
site_config = config_lib.GetConfig()
# Bidirectional mapping between pre-cq status strings and CL action strings.
(v, k) for k, v in _PRECQ_STATUS_TO_ACTION.items())
'_PRECQ_STATUS_TO_ACTION values are not unique.'
CL_ACTION_COLUMNS = ['id', 'build_id', 'action', 'reason',
'build_config', 'change_number', 'patch_number',
'change_source', 'timestamp']
_CLActionTuple = collections.namedtuple('_CLActionTuple', CL_ACTION_COLUMNS)
_GerritChangeTuple = collections.namedtuple('_GerritChangeTuple',
['gerrit_number', 'internal'])
class GerritChangeTuple(_GerritChangeTuple):
"""A tuple for a given Gerrit change."""
def __str__(self):
prefix = (site_config.params.INTERNAL_CHANGE_PREFIX
if self.internal else site_config.params.EXTERNAL_CHANGE_PREFIX)
return 'CL:%s%s' % (prefix, self.gerrit_number)
_GerritPatchTuple = collections.namedtuple('_GerritPatchTuple',
['gerrit_number', 'patch_number',
class GerritPatchTuple(_GerritPatchTuple):
"""A tuple for a given Gerrit patch."""
def __str__(self):
prefix = (site_config.params.INTERNAL_CHANGE_PREFIX
if self.internal else site_config.params.EXTERNAL_CHANGE_PREFIX)
return 'CL:%s%s#%s' % (prefix, self.gerrit_number, self.patch_number)
def GetChangeTuple(self):
return GerritChangeTuple(self.gerrit_number, self.internal)
class CLAction(_CLActionTuple):
"""An action or history log entry for a particular CL."""
def FromGerritPatchAndAction(cls, change, action, reason=None,
"""Creates a CLAction instance from a change and action.
change: A GerritPatch instance.
action: An action string.
reason: Optional reason string.
timestamp: Optional datetime.datetime timestamp.
return CLAction(None, None, action, reason, None,
int(change.gerrit_number), int(change.patch_number),
BoolToChangeSource(change.internal), timestamp)
def FromMetadataEntry(cls, entry):
"""Creates a CLAction instance from a metadata.json-style action tuple.
entry: An action tuple as retrieved from metadata.json (previously known
as a CLActionTuple).
build_metadata: The full build metadata.json entry.
change_dict = entry[0]
return CLAction(None, None, entry[1], entry[3], None,
def AsMetadataEntry(self):
"""Get a tuple representation, suitable for metadata.json."""
return (self.patch._asdict(), self.action, self.timestamp, self.reason)
def patch(self):
"""The GerritPatch this action affects."""
return GerritPatchTuple(
internal=self.change_source == constants.CHANGE_SOURCE_INTERNAL
def bot_type(self):
"""The type of bot that took this action.
constants.CQ or constants.PRE_CQ depending on who took the action.
build_config = self.build_config
if build_config.endswith('-%s' % config_lib.CONFIG_TYPE_PALADIN):
return constants.CQ
return constants.PRE_CQ
def TranslatePreCQStatusToAction(status):
"""Translate a pre-cq |status| into a cl action.
An action string suitable for use in cidb, for the given pre-cq status.
KeyError if |status| is not a known pre-cq status.
return _PRECQ_STATUS_TO_ACTION[status]
def TranslatePreCQActionToStatus(action):
"""Translate a cl |action| into a pre-cq status.
A pre-cq status string corresponding to the given |action|.
KeyError if |action| is not a known pre-cq status-transition-action.
return _PRECQ_ACTION_TO_STATUS[action]
def BoolToChangeSource(internal):
"""Translate a change.internal bool into a change_source string.
'internal' if internal, else 'external'.
return (constants.CHANGE_SOURCE_INTERNAL if internal
def GetCLPreCQStatusAndTime(change, action_history):
"""Get the pre-cq status and timestamp for |change| from |action_history|.
change: GerritPatch instance to get the pre-CQ status for.
action_history: A list of CLAction instances, which may include actions
for other changes.
A (status, timestamp) tuple where |status| is a valid pre-cq status
string and |timestamp| is a datetime object for when the status was
set. Or (None, None) if there is no pre-cq status.
actions_for_patch = ActionsForPatch(change, action_history)
actions_for_patch = [
a for a in actions_for_patch if a.action in _PRECQ_ACTION_TO_STATUS or
a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_PRE_CQ_RESET]
if (not actions_for_patch or
actions_for_patch[-1].action == constants.CL_ACTION_PRE_CQ_RESET):
return None, None
return (TranslatePreCQActionToStatus(actions_for_patch[-1].action),
def GetCLPreCQStatus(change, action_history):
"""Get the pre-cq status for |change| based on |action_history|.
change: GerritPatch instance to get the pre-CQ status for.
action_history: A list of CLAction instances. This may include
actions for changes other than |change|.
The status, as a string, or None if there is no recorded pre-cq status.
return GetCLPreCQStatusAndTime(change, action_history)[0]
def IsChangeScreened(change, action_history):
"""Get's whether |change| has been pre-cq screened.
change: GerritPatch instance to get the pre-CQ status for.
action_history: A list of CLAction instances.
True if the change has been pre-cq screened, false otherwise.
actions_for_patch = ActionsForPatch(change, action_history)
actions_for_patch = FilterPreResetActions(actions_for_patch)
return any(a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SCREENED_FOR_PRE_CQ
for a in actions_for_patch)
def ActionsForPatch(change, action_history):
"""Filters a CL action list to only those for a given patch.
change: GerritPatch instance to filter for.
action_history: List of CLAction objects.
patch_number = int(change.patch_number)
change_number = int(change.gerrit_number)
change_source = BoolToChangeSource(change.internal)
actions_for_patch = [a for a in action_history
if (a.change_source == change_source and
a.change_number == change_number and
a.patch_number == patch_number)]
return actions_for_patch
def GetRequeuedOrSpeculative(change, action_history, is_speculative):
"""For a |change| get either a requeued or speculative action if necessary.
This method returns an action string for an action that should be recorded
on |change|, or None if no action needs to be recorded.
change: GerritPatch instance to operate upon.
action_history: List of CL actions (may include actions on changes other
than |change|).
is_speculative: Boolean indicating if |change| is speculative, i.e. it does
not have CQ approval.
actions_for_patch = ActionsForPatch(change, action_history)
if is_speculative:
# Speculative changes should have 1 CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE action that is
# newer than the newest REQUEUED or KICKED_OUT action, and at least 1
# action if there is no REQUEUED or KICKED_OUT action.
for a in reversed(actions_for_patch):
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE:
return None
elif (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_REQUEUED or
a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT):
return constants.CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE
return constants.CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE
# Non speculative changes should have 1 CL_ACTION_REQUEUED action that is
# newer than the newest SPECULATIVE or KICKED_OUT action, but no action if
# there are no SPECULATIVE or REQUEUED actions.
for a in reversed(actions_for_patch):
if (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT or
a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE):
return constants.CL_ACTION_REQUEUED
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_REQUEUED:
return None
return None
def GetCLActionCount(change, configs, action, action_history,
"""Return how many times |action| has occured on |change|.
change: GerritPatch instance to operate upon.
configs: List or set of config names to consider.
action: The action string to look for.
action_history: List of CLAction instances to count through.
latest_patchset_only: If True, only count actions that occured to the
latest patch number. Note, this may be different than the patch
number specified in |change|. Default: True.
The count of how many times |action| occured on |change| by the given
change_number = int(change.gerrit_number)
change_source = BoolToChangeSource(change.internal)
actions_for_change = [a for a in action_history
if (a.change_source == change_source and
a.change_number == change_number)]
if actions_for_change and latest_patchset_only:
latest_patch_number = max(a.patch_number for a in actions_for_change)
actions_for_change = [a for a in actions_for_change
if a.patch_number == latest_patch_number]
actions_for_change = [a for a in actions_for_change
if (a.build_config in configs and
a.action == action)]
return len(actions_for_change)
def FilterPreResetActions(action_history):
"""Filters out actions prior to most recent pre-cq reset action.
action_history: List of CLAction instance.
List of CLAction instances that occur after the last pre-cq-reset action.
reset = False
for i, a in enumerate(action_history):
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_PRE_CQ_RESET:
reset = True
reset_index = i
if reset:
action_history = action_history[(reset_index+1):]
return action_history
def GetCLPreCQProgress(change, action_history):
"""Gets a CL's per-config PreCQ statuses.
change: GerritPatch instance to get statuses for.
action_history: List of CLAction instances.
A dict of the form {config_name: (status, timestamp, build_id)} specifying
all the per-config pre-cq statuses, where status is one of
constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUSES, timestamp is a datetime.datetime of
when this status was most recently achieved, and build_id is the id of the
build which most recently updated this per-config status.
actions_for_patch = ActionsForPatch(change, action_history)
config_status_dict = {}
# If there is a reset action recorded, filter out all actions prior to it.
actions_for_patch = FilterPreResetActions(actions_for_patch)
# Only configs for which the pre-cq-launcher has requested verification
# should be included in the per-config status.
for a in actions_for_patch:
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_VALIDATION_PENDING_PRE_CQ:
assert a.reason, 'Validation was requested without a specified config.'
config_status_dict[a.reason] = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_PENDING,
a.timestamp, a.build_id)
# Loop through actions_for_patch several times, in order of status priority.
# Each action maps to a status:
# All have the same priority.
for a in actions_for_patch:
if (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_TRYBOT_LAUNCHING and
a.reason in config_status_dict):
config_status_dict[a.reason] = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_LAUNCHED,
a.timestamp, a.build_id)
elif (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_PICKED_UP and
a.build_config in config_status_dict):
config_status_dict[a.build_config] = (
constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_INFLIGHT, a.timestamp, a.build_id)
elif (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT and
(a.build_config in config_status_dict or
a.reason in config_status_dict)):
config = (a.build_config if a.build_config in config_status_dict else
config_status_dict[config] = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_FAILED,
a.timestamp, a.build_id)
elif (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_FORGIVEN and
(a.build_config in config_status_dict or
a.reason in config_status_dict)):
config = (a.build_config if a.build_config in config_status_dict else
config_status_dict[config] = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_PENDING,
a.timestamp, a.build_id)
for a in actions_for_patch:
if (a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_VERIFIED and
a.build_config in config_status_dict):
config_status_dict[a.build_config] = (
constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_VERIFIED, a.timestamp, a.build_id)
return config_status_dict
def GetPreCQProgressMap(changes, action_history):
"""Gets the per-config pre-cq status for all changes.
changes: Set of GerritPatch changes to consider.
action_history: List of CLAction instances.
A dict of the form {change: config_status_dict} where config_status_dict
is as returned by GetCLPreCQProgress. Any change that has not yet been
screened will be absent from the returned dict.
progress_map = {}
for change in changes:
config_status_dict = GetCLPreCQProgress(change, action_history)
if config_status_dict:
progress_map[change] = config_status_dict
return progress_map
def GetPreCQCategories(progress_map):
"""Gets the set of busy and verified CLs in the pre-cq.
progress_map: See return type of GetPreCQProgressMap.
A (busy, inflight, verified) tuple where each item is a set of changes.
A change is verified if all its pending configs have verified it. A change
is busy if it is not verified, but all pending configs are either launched
or inflight or verified. A change is inflight if all configs are at least
at or past the inflight state, and at least one config is still inflight.
busy, inflight, verified = set(), set(), set()
busy_states = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_LAUNCHED,
beyond_inflight_states = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_INFLIGHT,
for change, config_status_dict in progress_map.iteritems():
statuses = [x for x, _, _, in config_status_dict.values()]
if all(x == constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_VERIFIED for x in statuses):
elif all(x in busy_states for x in statuses):
if (all(x in beyond_inflight_states for x in statuses) and
any(x == constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_INFLIGHT for x in statuses)):
return busy, inflight, verified
def GetPreCQConfigsToTest(changes, progress_map):
"""Gets the set of configs to be tested for any change in |changes|.
Note: All |changes| must already be screened, i.e. must appear in
changes: A list or set of changes (GerritPatch).
progress_map: See return type of GetPreCQProgressMap.
A set of configs that must be launched in order to make each change in
|changes| be considered 'busy' by the pre-cq.
KeyError if any change in |changes| is not yet screened, and hence
does not appear in progress_map.
configs_to_test = set()
# Failed is considered a to-test state so that if a CL fails a given config
# and gets rejected, it will be re-tested by that config when it is re-queued.
to_test_states = (constants.CL_PRECQ_CONFIG_STATUS_PENDING,
for change in changes:
for config, (status, _, _) in progress_map[change].iteritems():
if status in to_test_states:
return configs_to_test
def GetRelevantChangesForBuilds(changes, action_history, build_ids):
"""Get relevant changes for |build_ids| by examing CL actions.
changes: A list of GerritPatch instances to examine.
action_history: A list of CLAction instances.
build_ids: A list of build id to examine.
A dictionary mapping a build id to a set of changes.
changes_map = dict()
relevant_actions = [x for x in action_history if x.build_id in build_ids]
for change in changes:
actions = ActionsForPatch(change, relevant_actions)
pickups = set([x.build_id for x in actions if
x.action == constants.CL_ACTION_PICKED_UP])
discards = set([x.build_id for x in actions if
x.action == constants.CL_ACTION_IRRELEVANT_TO_SLAVE])
relevant_build_ids = pickups - discards
for build_id in relevant_build_ids:
changes_map.setdefault(build_id, set()).add(change)
return changes_map
# ##############################################################################
# Aggregate history over a list of CLActions
def _IntersectIntervals(intervals):
"""Gets the intersection of a set of intervals.
intervals: A list of interval groups, where each interval group is itself
a list of (start, stop) tuples (ordered by start time and
An interval group, as a list of (start, stop) tuples, corresponding to the
intersection (i.e. overlap) of the given |intervals|.
if not intervals:
return []
intersection = []
indices = [0] * len(intervals)
lengths = [len(i) for i in intervals]
while all(i < l for i, l in zip(indices, lengths)):
current_intervals = [intervals[i][j] for (i, j) in
zip(itertools.count(), indices)]
start = max([s[0] for s in current_intervals])
end, end_index = min([(e[1], i) for e, i in
zip(current_intervals, itertools.count())])
if start < end:
intersection.append((start, end))
indices[end_index] += 1
return intersection
def _MeasureTimestampIntervals(intervals):
"""Gets the length of a set of invervals.
intervals: A list of (start, stop) timestamp tuples.
The total length of the given intervals, in seconds.
lengths = [e - s for s, e in intervals]
return sum(lengths, datetime.timedelta(0)).total_seconds()
def _GetIntervals(change, action_history, start_actions, stop_actions,
"""Get intervals corresponding to given start and stop actions.
change: GerritPatch instance of a submitted change.
action_history: list of CL actions.
start_actions: list of action types to be considered as start actions for
stop_actions: list of action types to be considered as stop actions for
start_at_beginning: optional boolean, default False. If true, consider the
first action to be a start action.
actions_for_patch = ActionsForPatch(change, action_history)
if not actions_for_patch:
return []
intervals = []
in_interval = start_at_beginning
if in_interval:
start_time = actions_for_patch[0].timestamp
for a in actions_for_patch:
if in_interval and a.action in stop_actions:
if start_time < a.timestamp:
intervals.append((start_time, a.timestamp))
in_interval = False
elif not in_interval and a.action in start_actions:
start_time = a.timestamp
in_interval = True
if in_interval and start_time < actions_for_patch[-1].timestamp:
intervals.append((start_time, actions_for_patch[-1].timestamp))
return intervals
def _GetReadyIntervals(change, action_history):
"""Gets the time intervals in which |change| was fully ready.
change: GerritPatch instance of a submitted change.
action_history: list of CL actions.
start = (constants.CL_ACTION_REQUEUED,)
stop = (constants.CL_ACTION_SPECULATIVE, constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT)
return _GetIntervals(change, action_history, start, stop, True)
def GetCLHandlingTime(change, action_history):
"""Returns the handling time of |change|, in seconds.
This method computes a CL's handling time, not including the time spent
waiting for a developer to mark or re-mark their change as ready.
change: GerritPatch instance of a submitted change.
action_history: List of CL actions.
ready_intervals = _GetReadyIntervals(change, action_history)
return _MeasureTimestampIntervals(ready_intervals)
def GetPreCQTime(change, action_history):
"""Returns the time spent waiting for the pre-cq to finish."""
ready_intervals = _GetReadyIntervals(change, action_history)
start = (constants.CL_ACTION_SCREENED_FOR_PRE_CQ,)
precq_intervals = _GetIntervals(change, action_history, start, stop)
return _MeasureTimestampIntervals(
_IntersectIntervals([ready_intervals, precq_intervals]))
def GetCQWaitTime(change, action_history):
"""Returns the time spent waiting for a CL to be picked up by the CQ."""
ready_intervals = _GetReadyIntervals(change, action_history)
precq_passed_interval = _GetIntervals(
change, action_history, (constants.CL_ACTION_PRE_CQ_PASSED,), ())
relevant_configs = (constants.PRE_CQ_LAUNCHER_CONFIG, constants.CQ_MASTER)
relevant_config_actions = [a for a in action_history
if a.build_config in relevant_configs]
start = (constants.CL_ACTION_REQUEUED, constants.CL_ACTION_FORGIVEN)
stop = (constants.CL_ACTION_PICKED_UP,)
waiting_intervals = _GetIntervals(change, relevant_config_actions, start,
stop, True)
return _MeasureTimestampIntervals(
_IntersectIntervals([ready_intervals, waiting_intervals,
def GetCQRunTime(change, action_history):
"""Returns the time spent testing a CL in the CQ."""
ready_intervals = _GetReadyIntervals(change, action_history)
relevant_configs = (constants.CQ_MASTER,)
relevant_config_actions = [a for a in action_history
if a.build_config in relevant_configs]
start = (constants.CL_ACTION_PICKED_UP,)
stop = (constants.CL_ACTION_FORGIVEN, constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT,
testing_intervals = _GetIntervals(change, relevant_config_actions, start,
return _MeasureTimestampIntervals(
_IntersectIntervals([ready_intervals, testing_intervals]))
def _CLsForPatches(patches):
"""Get GerritChangeTuples corresponding to the give GerritPatchTuples."""
return set(p.GetChangeTuple() for p in patches)
def AffectedCLs(action_history):
"""Get the CLs affected by a set of actions.
action_history: An iterable of CLActions.
A set of GerritChangleTuple objects for the affected CLs.
return _CLsForPatches(AffectedPatches(action_history))
def AffectedPatches(action_history):
"""Get the patches affected by a set of actions.
action_history: An iterable of CLActions.
A set of GerritPatchTuple objects for the affected patches.
return set(a.patch for a in action_history)
class CLActionHistory(object):
"""Class to derive aggregate information from CLAction histories."""
def __init__(self, action_history):
"""Initialize the object.
action_history: An iterable of CLAction objects to aggregate information
# We preprocess this list to speed up various lookups. It shouldn't be
# messed with in the lifetime of the object.
self._action_history = tuple(sorted(action_history,
# Index the given action_history in various useful forms.
self._per_patch_actions = {}
self._per_cl_actions = {}
self._per_patch_reject_actions = {}
# Precompute some oft-used attributes.
self.submit_actions = [a for a in self._action_history
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SUBMITTED]
self.reject_actions = [a for a in self._action_history
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT]
self.submit_fail_actions = [a for a in self._action_history if
a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SUBMIT_FAILED]
self.affected_patches = AffectedPatches(self._action_history)
self.affected_cls = _CLsForPatches(self.affected_patches)
for action in self._action_history:
patch = action.patch
self._per_patch_actions.setdefault(patch, []).append(action)
self._per_cl_actions.setdefault(patch.GetChangeTuple(), []).append(action)
for action in self.reject_actions:
patch = action.patch
self._per_patch_reject_actions.setdefault(patch, []).append(action)
def __iter__(self):
"""Support iterating over the entire history."""
for a in self._action_history:
yield a
def __len__(self):
"""Return the length of the entire history."""
return len(self._action_history)
def GetSubmittedPatches(self, exclude_irrelevant_submissions=True):
"""Get a list of submitted patches from the action history.
exclude_irrelevant_submissions: Some CLs are submitted independent of our
CQ infrastructure. When True, we exclude those CLs, as they shouldn't
affect our statistics.
set of submitted GerritPatchTuple objects.
relevant_actions = self.submit_actions
if exclude_irrelevant_submissions:
relevant_actions = [a for a in relevant_actions
if a.reason != constants.STRATEGY_NONMANIFEST]
return AffectedPatches(relevant_actions)
def GetSubmittedCLs(self, exclude_irrelevant_submissions=True):
"""Get a list of submitted patches from the action history.
exclude_irrelevant_submissions: Some CLs are submitted independent of our
CQ infrastructure. When True, we exclude those CLs, as they shouldn't
affect our statistics.
set of submitted GerritPatchTuple objects.
return _CLsForPatches(
def SortBySubmitTimes(self, cls_or_patches):
"""Sort the given patches or cls in ascending order of submit time.
Many functions in this class returns sets of cls/patches. This is convenient
to dedup objects returned from various sources. While presenting this
information to the user, it is often better to present them in a natural
cls_or_patches: Iterable of GerritPatchTuples or GerritChangeTuple objects
to sort.
list sorted in ascending order of submit time. Any patches/cls that were
not submitted are appended to the end in a deterministic order.
affected_cls_or_patches = self.affected_cls | self.affected_patches
unknown_changes = set(cls_or_patches) - affected_cls_or_patches
assert not unknown_changes, 'Unknown changes: %s' % str(unknown_changes)
per_change_final_submit_time = {}
per_change_first_action_time = {}
for change in cls_or_patches:
actions = self._GetCLOrPatchActions(change)
submit_actions = [x for x in actions
if x.action == constants.CL_ACTION_SUBMITTED]
first_action = actions[0]
if submit_actions:
per_change_final_submit_time[change] = submit_actions[-1].timestamp
per_change_first_action_time[change] = first_action.timestamp
sorted_changes = sorted(per_change_final_submit_time.keys(),
# We want to sort the inflight changes in some stable order. Let's sort them
# by order of 'first action ever taken'
sorted_changes += sorted(per_change_first_action_time.keys(),
key=lambda x: per_change_first_action_time[x])
return sorted_changes
# ############################################################################
# Summarize handling times in different stages based on the action history.
def GetPatchHandlingTimes(self):
"""Get handling times of all submitted patches.
{submitted_patch: handling_time} where submitted_patch is a
GerritPatchTuple for a submitted patch, and handling_time is the total
handling time for that patch.
return {k: GetCLHandlingTime(k, self._per_patch_actions[k])
for k in self.GetSubmittedPatches()}
def GetPreCQHandlingTimes(self):
"""Get the time spent by all submitted patches in the pre-cq.
{submitted_patch: precq_handling_time} where submitted_patch is a
GerritPatchTuple for a submitted patch, and precq_handling_time is the
handling time for that patch in the pre-cq.
return {k: GetPreCQTime(k, self._per_patch_actions[k])
for k in self.GetSubmittedPatches()}
def GetCQHandlingTimes(self):
"""Get the time spent by all submitted patches in the cq.
{submitted_patch: cq_handling_time} where submitted_patch is a
GerritPatchTuple for a submitted patch, and cq_handling_time is the
handling time for that patch in the cq.
return {k: GetCQRunTime(k, self._per_patch_actions[k])
for k in self.GetSubmittedPatches()}
def GetCQWaitingTimes(self):
"""Get the time spent by all submitted patches waiting for the cq.
{submitted_patch: cq_waiting_time} where submitted_patch is a
GerritPatchTuple for a submitted patch, and cq_waiting_time is the
time spent by that patch waiting for the cq.
return {k: GetCQWaitTime(k, self._per_patch_actions[k])
for k in self.GetSubmittedPatches()}
# ############################################################################
# Classify CLs as good/bad based on the action history.
def GetFalseRejections(self, bot_type=None):
"""Get the changes that were good, but were rejected at some point.
We consider a patch to have been rejected falsely if it is later submitted
because a build with no difference to the change later considered it good.
bot_type: (optional) constants.PRE_CQ or constants.CQ to restrict the
actions considered.
A map from rejected patch to a list of rejection actions of the relevant
bot_type in ascending order of timestamps.
rejections = self._GetPatchRejectionsByBuilds(bot_type)
submitted_patches = self.GetSubmittedPatches(
candidates = set(rejections) & submitted_patches
# Filter out candidates that were rejected because they were batched
# together with truly bad patches in a pre_cq run.
bad_precq_builds = set()
precq_true_rejections = self.GetTrueRejections(constants.PRE_CQ)
for patch in precq_true_rejections:
for action in precq_true_rejections[patch]:
updated_candidates = {}
for patch in candidates:
updated_actions = [a for a in rejections[patch]
if a.build_id not in bad_precq_builds]
if updated_actions:
updated_candidates[patch] = updated_actions
return updated_candidates
def GetTrueRejections(self, bot_type=None):
"""Get the changes that were bad, and were rejected.
A patch rejection is considered a true rejection if a new patch was uploaded
after the rejection. Note that we consider a rejection a true rejection only
if a subsequent patch was submitted.
A map from rejected patch to a list of rejection actions of the relevant
bot_type in ascending order of timestamps.
rejections = self._GetPatchRejectionsByBuilds(bot_type)
submitted_patches = self.GetSubmittedPatches(
submitted_cls = set([x.GetChangeTuple() for x in submitted_patches])
candidates = {}
for patch in set(rejections) - submitted_patches:
if patch.GetChangeTuple() in submitted_cls:
# Some other patch for the same was submitted.
candidates[patch] = rejections[patch]
return candidates
# ############################################################################
# Helper functions.
def _GetPatchRejectionsByBuilds(self, bot_type=None):
"""Gets all patches that were rejected due to build failures.
This filters out rejections that were caused by failure to apply the patch.
bot_type: Optional bot_type to filter actions by.
dict of rejected patches to rejection actions for the given bot_type.
rejected_patches = AffectedPatches(self.reject_actions)
candidates = collections.defaultdict(list)
for patch in rejected_patches:
relevant_builds = set(a.build_id for a in self._per_patch_actions[patch]
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_PICKED_UP)
relevant_actions_iter = (a for a in self._per_patch_actions[patch]
if a.action == constants.CL_ACTION_KICKED_OUT)
if bot_type is not None:
relevant_actions_iter = (a for a in relevant_actions_iter
if a.bot_type == bot_type)
for action in relevant_actions_iter:
if action.build_id in relevant_builds:
return dict(candidates)
def _GetCLOrPatchActions(self, cl_or_patch):
"""Get cl/patch specific actions."""
if isinstance(cl_or_patch, GerritChangeTuple):
return self._per_cl_actions[cl_or_patch]
return self._per_patch_actions[cl_or_patch]