blob: cfbf90e1e4b21ffd2b2476945c044dfc0a3fa92f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for"""
from __future__ import print_function
import httplib
import mock
import tempfile
from chromite.cbuildbot import config_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_test_lib
from chromite.lib import gob_util
site_config = config_lib.GetConfig()
class FakeHTTPResponse(object):
"""Enough of a HTTPResponse for FetchUrl.
for more details.
def __init__(self, body='', headers=(), reason=None, status=200, version=11):
if reason is None:
reason = httplib.responses[status]
self.body = body
self.headers = dict(headers)
self.msg = None
self.reason = reason
self.status = status
self.version = version
def read(self):
return self.body
def getheader(self, name, default=None):
return self.headers.get(name, default)
def getheaders(self):
return tuple(self.headers.items())
class FakeHTTPConnection(object):
"""Enough of a HTTPConnection result for FetchUrl."""
def __init__(self, req_url='/', req_method='GET', req_headers=None,
req_body=None, **kwargs):
self.kwargs = kwargs.copy()
self.req_params = {
'url': req_url,
'method': req_method,
'headers': req_headers,
'body': req_body,
def getresponse(self):
return FakeHTTPResponse(**self.kwargs)
class GobTest(cros_test_lib.MockTestCase):
"""Unittests that use mocks."""
def testUtf8Response(self):
"""Handle gerrit responses w/UTF8 in them."""
utf8_data = 'That\xe2\x80\x99s an error. That\xe2\x80\x99s all we know.'
with mock.patch.object(gob_util, 'CreateHttpConn', autospec=False) as m:
m.return_value = FakeHTTPConnection(body=utf8_data)
gob_util.FetchUrl('', '')
m.return_value = FakeHTTPConnection(body=utf8_data, status=502)
self.assertRaises(gob_util.InternalGOBError, gob_util.FetchUrl, '', '')
class GetCookieTests(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Unittests for GetCookies()"""
def testSimple(self):
f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
cookies = gob_util.GetCookies('', '/foo', [])
self.assertEqual(cookies, {'o': 'foo=bar'})
cookies = gob_util.GetCookies('', '/foo', [])
self.assertEqual(cookies, {})
cookies = gob_util.GetCookies('', '/', [])
self.assertEqual(cookies, {})
class NetworkGobTest(cros_test_lib.TestCase):
"""Unittests that talk to real Gerrit."""
def test200(self):
"""Test successful loading of change."""
def test404(self):
gob_util.FetchUrlJson(site_config.params.EXTERNAL_GOB_HOST, 'foo/bar/baz')
def test404Exception(self):
with self.assertRaises(gob_util.GOBError) as ex:
gob_util.FetchUrlJson(site_config.params.EXTERNAL_GOB_HOST, 'foo/bar/baz',
self.assertEqual(ex.exception.http_status, 404)
def main(_argv):
gob_util.TRY_LIMIT = 1