blob: f1549a4ec8df3b09df2bb146a1fc3859478b2e52 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Support generic spreadsheet-like table information."""
from __future__ import print_function
import inspect
import re
import sys
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
class Table(object):
"""Class to represent column headers and rows of data."""
__slots__ = (
'_column_set', # Set of column headers (for faster lookup)
'_columns', # List of column headers in order
'_name', # Name to associate with table
'_rows', # List of row dicts
def _SplitCSVLine(line):
r'''Split a single CSV line into separate values.
Behavior illustrated by the following examples, with all but
the last example taken from Google Docs spreadsheet behavior:
'a,b,c,d': ==> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'],
'a, b, c, d': ==> ['a', ' b', ' c', ' d'],
'a,b,c,': ==> ['a', 'b', 'c', ''],
'a,"b c",d': ==> ['a', 'b c', 'd'],
'a,"b, c",d': ==> ['a', 'b, c', 'd'],
'a,"b, c, d",e': ==> ['a', 'b, c, d', 'e'],
'a,"""b, c""",d': ==> ['a', '"b, c"', 'd'],
'a,"""b, c"", d",e': ==> ['a', '"b, c", d', 'e'],
'a,b\,c,d': ==> ['a', 'b,c', 'd'],
Return a list of values.
# Split on commas, handling two special cases:
# 1) Escaped commas are not separators.
# 2) A quoted value can have non-separator commas in it. Quotes
# should be removed.
vals = []
for val in re.split(r'(?<!\\),', line):
if not val:
# Handle regular double quotes at beginning/end specially.
if val[0] == '"':
val = Table.CSV_BQ + val[1:]
if val[-1] == '"' and (val[-2] != '"' or val[-3] == '"'):
val = val[0:-1] + Table.CSV_EQ
# Remove escape characters now.
val = val.replace(r'\,', ',') # \ before ,
val = val.replace('""', '"') # " before " (Google Spreadsheet syntax)
prevval = vals[-1] if vals else None
# If previous value started with quote and ended without one, then
# the current value is just a continuation of the previous value.
if prevval and prevval.startswith(Table.CSV_BQ):
val = prevval + ',' + val
# Once entire value is read, strip surrounding quotes
if val.endswith(Table.CSV_EQ):
vals[-1] = val[len(Table.CSV_BQ):-len(Table.CSV_EQ)]
vals[-1] = val
elif val.endswith(Table.CSV_EQ):
# If an unpaired Table.CSV_BQ is still in vals, then replace with ".
vals = [val.replace(Table.CSV_BQ, '"') for val in vals]
return vals
def LoadFromCSV(csv_file, name=None):
"""Create a new Table object by loading contents of |csv_file|."""
if type(csv_file) is file:
file_handle = csv_file
file_handle = open(csv_file, 'r')
table = None
for line in file_handle:
if line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[0:-1]
vals = Table._SplitCSVLine(line)
if not table:
# Read headers
table = Table(vals, name=name)
# Read data row
return table
def __init__(self, columns, name=None):
self._columns = columns
self._column_set = set(columns)
self._rows = []
self._name = name
def __str__(self):
"""Return a table-like string representation of this table."""
cols = ['%10s' % col for col in self._columns]
text = 'Columns: %s\n' % ', '.join(cols)
ix = 0
for row in self._rows:
vals = ['%10s' % row[col] for col in self._columns]
text += 'Row %3d: %s\n' % (ix, ', '.join(vals))
ix += 1
return text
def __nonzero__(self):
"""Define boolean equivalent for this table."""
return bool(self._columns)
def __len__(self):
"""Length of table equals the number of rows."""
return self.GetNumRows()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Return true if two tables are equal."""
# pylint: disable=protected-access
return self._columns == other._columns and self._rows == other._rows
def __ne__(self, other):
"""Return true if two tables are not equal."""
return not self == other
def __getitem__(self, index):
"""Access one or more rows by index or slice."""
return self.GetRowByIndex(index)
def __delitem__(self, index):
"""Delete one or more rows by index or slice."""
def __iter__(self):
"""Declare that this class supports iteration (over rows)."""
return self._rows.__iter__()
def GetName(self):
"""Return name associated with table, None if not available."""
return self._name
def SetName(self, name):
"""Set the name associated with table."""
self._name = name
def Clear(self):
"""Remove all row data."""
self._rows = []
def GetNumRows(self):
"""Return the number of rows in the table."""
return len(self._rows)
def GetNumColumns(self):
"""Return the number of columns in the table."""
return len(self._columns)
def GetColumns(self):
"""Return list of column names in order."""
return list(self._columns)
def GetRowByIndex(self, index):
"""Access one or more rows by index or slice.
If more than one row is returned they will be contained in a list.
return self._rows[index]
def _GenRowFilter(self, id_values):
"""Return a method that returns true for rows matching |id_values|."""
def Grep(row):
"""Filter function for rows with id_values."""
for key in id_values:
if id_values[key] != row.get(key, None):
return False
return True
return Grep
def GetRowsByValue(self, id_values):
"""Return list of rows matching key/value pairs in |id_values|."""
# If row retrieval by value is heavily used for larger tables, then
# the implementation should change to be more efficient, at the
# expense of some pre-processing and extra storage.
grep = self._GenRowFilter(id_values)
return [r for r in self._rows if grep(r)]
def GetRowIndicesByValue(self, id_values):
"""Return list of indices for rows matching k/v pairs in |id_values|."""
grep = self._GenRowFilter(id_values)
indices = []
for ix, row in enumerate(self._rows):
if grep(row):
return indices
def _PrepareValuesForAdd(self, values):
"""Prepare a |values| dict/list to be added as a row.
If |values| is a dict, verify that only supported column
values are included. Add empty string values for columns
not seen in the row. The original dict may be altered.
If |values| is a list, translate it to a dict using known
column order. Append empty values as needed to match number
of expected columns.
Return prepared dict.
if isinstance(values, dict):
for col in values:
if not col in self._column_set:
raise LookupError("Tried adding data to unknown column '%s'" % col)
for col in self._columns:
if not col in values:
values[col] = self.EMPTY_CELL
elif isinstance(values, list):
if len(values) > len(self._columns):
raise LookupError('Tried adding row with too many columns')
if len(values) < len(self._columns):
shortage = len(self._columns) - len(values)
values.extend([self.EMPTY_CELL] * shortage)
values = dict(zip(self._columns, values))
return values
def AppendRow(self, values):
"""Add a single row of data to the table, according to |values|.
The |values| argument can be either a dict or list.
row = self._PrepareValuesForAdd(values)
def SetRowByIndex(self, index, values):
"""Replace the row at |index| with values from |values| dict."""
row = self._PrepareValuesForAdd(values)
self._rows[index] = row
def RemoveRowByIndex(self, index):
"""Remove the row at |index|."""
del self._rows[index]
def HasColumn(self, name):
"""Return True if column |name| is in this table, False otherwise."""
return name in self._column_set
def GetColumnIndex(self, name):
"""Return the column index for column |name|, -1 if not found."""
for ix, col in enumerate(self._columns):
if name == col:
return ix
return -1
def GetColumnByIndex(self, index):
"""Return the column name at |index|"""
return self._columns[index]
def InsertColumn(self, index, name, value=None):
"""Insert a new column |name| into table at index |index|.
If |value| is specified, all rows will have |value| in the new column.
Otherwise, they will have the EMPTY_CELL value.
if self.HasColumn(name):
raise LookupError('Column %s already exists in table.' % name)
self._columns.insert(index, name)
for row in self._rows:
row[name] = value if value is not None else self.EMPTY_CELL
def AppendColumn(self, name, value=None):
"""Same as InsertColumn, but new column is appended after existing ones."""
self.InsertColumn(self.GetNumColumns(), name, value)
def ProcessRows(self, row_processor):
"""Invoke |row_processor| on each row in sequence."""
for row in self._rows:
def MergeTable(self, other_table, id_columns, merge_rules=None,
allow_new_columns=False, key=None, reverse=False,
"""Merge |other_table| into this table, identifying rows by |id_columns|.
The |id_columns| argument can either be a list of identifying columns names
or a single column name (string). The values in these columns will be used
to identify the existing row that each row in |other_table| should be
merged into.
The |merge_rules| specify what to do when there is a merge conflict. Every
column where a conflict is anticipated should have an entry in the
|merge_rules| dict. The value should be one of:
'join_with:<text>| = Join the two conflicting values with <text>
'accept_this_val' = Keep value in 'this' table and discard 'other' value.
'accept_other_val' = Keep value in 'other' table and discard 'this' value.
function = Keep return value from function(col_name, this_val, other_val)
A default merge rule can be specified with the key '__DEFAULT__' in
By default, the |other_table| must not have any columns that don't already
exist in this table. To allow new columns to be creating by virtue of their
presence in |other_table| set |allow_new_columns| to true.
To sort the final merged table, supply |key| and |reverse| arguments exactly
as they work with the Sort method.
# If requested, allow columns in other_table to create new columns
# in this table if this table does not already have them.
if allow_new_columns:
# pylint: disable=protected-access
for ix, col in enumerate(other_table._columns):
if not self.HasColumn(col):
# Create a merge_rule on the fly for this new column.
if not merge_rules:
merge_rules = {}
merge_rules[col] = 'accept_other_val'
if ix == 0:
self.InsertColumn(0, col)
prevcol = other_table._columns[ix - 1]
previx = self.GetColumnIndex(prevcol)
self.InsertColumn(previx + 1, col)
for other_row in other_table:
self._MergeRow(other_row, id_columns, merge_rules=merge_rules)
# Optionally re-sort the merged table.
if key:
self.Sort(key, reverse=reverse)
if new_name:
elif self.GetName() and other_table.GetName():
self.SetName(self.GetName() + ' + ' + other_table.GetName())
def _GetIdValuesForRow(self, row, id_columns):
"""Return a dict with values from |row| in |id_columns|."""
id_values = dict((col, row[col]) for col in
return id_values
def _MergeRow(self, other_row, id_columns, merge_rules=None):
"""Merge |other_row| into this table.
See MergeTables for description of |id_columns| and |merge_rules|.
id_values = self._GetIdValuesForRow(other_row, id_columns)
row_indices = self.GetRowIndicesByValue(id_values)
if row_indices:
row_index = row_indices[0]
row = self.GetRowByIndex(row_index)
for col in other_row:
if col in row:
# Find the merge rule that applies to this column, if there is one.
merge_rule = None
if merge_rules:
merge_rule = merge_rules.get(col, None)
if not merge_rule and merge_rules:
merge_rule = merge_rules.get('__DEFAULT__', None)
val = self._MergeColValue(col, row[col], other_row[col],
except ValueError:
msg = "Failed to merge '%s' value in row %r" % (col, id_values)
print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
if val != row[col]:
row[col] = val
# Cannot add new columns to row this way.
raise LookupError("Tried merging data to unknown column '%s'" % col)
self.SetRowByIndex(row_index, row)
def _MergeColValue(self, col, val, other_val, merge_rule):
"""Merge |col| values |val| and |other_val| according to |merge_rule|.
See MergeTable method for explanation of option |merge_rule|.
if val == other_val:
return val
if not merge_rule:
raise ValueError("Cannot merge column values without rule: '%s' vs '%s'" %
(val, other_val))
elif inspect.isfunction(merge_rule):
return merge_rule(col, val, other_val)
except ValueError:
pass # Fall through to exception at end
elif merge_rule == 'accept_this_val':
return val
elif merge_rule == 'accept_other_val':
return other_val
match = re.match(r'join_with:(.+)$', merge_rule)
if match:
return for v in (val, other_val) if v)
raise ValueError("Invalid merge rule (%s) for values '%s' and '%s'." %
(merge_rule, val, other_val))
def Sort(self, key, reverse=False):
"""Sort the rows using the given |key| function."""
self._rows.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
def WriteCSV(self, filehandle, hiddencols=None):
"""Write this table out as comma-separated values to |filehandle|.
To skip certain columns during the write, use the |hiddencols| set.
def ColFilter(col):
"""Filter function for columns not in hiddencols."""
return not hiddencols or col not in hiddencols
cols = [col for col in self._columns if ColFilter(col)]
filehandle.write(','.join(cols) + '\n')
for row in self._rows:
vals = [row.get(col, self.EMPTY_CELL) for col in cols]
filehandle.write(','.join(vals) + '\n')