blob: fd2c0827ed36bf830b3360598431a1f3ac2296e0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Routines and a delegate for dealing with locally worked on packages."""
from __future__ import print_function
import collections
import glob
import os
import re
from chromite.cbuildbot import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import cros_logging as logging
from chromite.lib import git
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import portage_util
from chromite.lib import sysroot_lib
# A package is a canonical CP atom.
# A package may have 0 or more repositories, given as strings.
# Each repository may be mapped into our workspace at some path.
PackageInfo = collections.namedtuple('PackageInfo',
('package', 'repos', 'src_paths'))
def _IsWorkonEbuild(include_chrome, ebuild_path, ebuild_contents=None):
"""Returns True iff the ebuild at |ebuild_path| is a workon ebuild.
This means roughly that the ebuild is compatible with our cros_workon based
system. For most packages, this means that it inherits the cros-workon
include_chrome: True iff we should include Chrome and chromium-source
ebuild_path: path an ebuild in question.
ebuild_contents: None, or the contents of the ebuild at |ebuild_path|.
If None, _IsWorkonEbuild will read the contents of the ebuild when
True iff the ebuild can be used with cros_workon.
# TODO(rcui): remove special casing of chromeos-chrome here when we make it
# inherit from cros-workon / chromium-source class (chromium-os:19259).
if (include_chrome and
portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild_path) == constants.CHROME_CP):
return True
workon_eclasses = 'cros-workon'
if include_chrome:
workon_eclasses += '|chromium-source'
ebuild_contents = ebuild_contents or osutils.ReadFile(ebuild_path)
if'^inherit .*(%s)' % workon_eclasses,
ebuild_contents, re.M):
return True
return False
def _GetLinesFromFile(path, line_prefix, line_suffix):
"""Get a unique set of lines from a file, stripping off a prefix and suffix.
Rejects lines that do not start with |line_prefix| or end with |line_suffix|.
Returns an empty set if the file at |path| does not exist.
Discards duplicate lines.
path: path to file.
line_prefix: prefix of line to look for and strip if found.
line_suffix: suffix of line to look for and strip if found.
A list of filtered lines from the file at |path|.
if not os.path.exists(path):
return set()
# Note that there is an opportunity to race with the file system here.
lines = set()
for line in osutils.ReadFile(path).splitlines():
if not line.startswith(line_prefix) or not line.endswith(line_suffix):
logging.warning('Filtering out malformed line: %s', line)
return lines
def _WriteLinesToFile(path, lines, line_prefix, line_suffix):
"""Write a set of lines to a file, adding prefixes, suffixes and newlines.
path: path to file.
lines: iterable of lines to write.
line_prefix: string to prefix each line with.
line_suffix: string to append to each line before a newline.
contents = ''.join(
['%s%s%s\n' % (line_prefix, line, line_suffix) for line in lines])
osutils.WriteFile(path, contents, makedirs=True)
def GetWorkonPath(source_root=constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT, sub_path=None):
"""Get the path to files related to packages we're working locally on.
source_root: path to source root inside chroot.
sub_path: optional path to file relative to the workon root directory.
path to the workon root directory or file within the root directory.
ret = os.path.join(source_root, '.config/cros_workon')
if sub_path:
ret = os.path.join(ret, sub_path)
return ret
class WorkonError(Exception):
"""Raised when invariants of the WorkonHelper are violated."""
def _FilterWorkonOnlyEbuilds(ebuilds):
"""Filter a list of ebuild paths to only with those no stable version.
ebuilds: list of string paths to ebuild files
(e.g. ['/prefix/sys-app/app/app-9999.ebuild'])
list of ebuild paths meeting this criterion.
result = []
for ebuild_path in ebuilds:
ebuild_pattern = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(ebuild_path), '*.ebuild')
stable_ebuilds = [path for path in glob.glob(ebuild_pattern)
if not path.endswith('-9999.ebuild')]
if not stable_ebuilds:
return result
def ListAllWorkedOnAtoms(src_root=constants.CHROOT_SOURCE_ROOT):
"""Get a list of all atoms we're currently working on.
src_root: path to source root inside chroot.
Dictionary of atoms marked as worked on (e.g. ['chromeos-base/shill']) for
each system.
workon_dir = GetWorkonPath(source_root=src_root)
if not os.path.isdir(workon_dir):
return dict()
system_to_atoms = dict()
for file_name in os.listdir(workon_dir):
if file_name.endswith('.mask'):
file_contents = osutils.ReadFile(os.path.join(workon_dir, file_name))
atoms = []
for line in file_contents.splitlines():
match = re.match('=(.*)-9999', line)
if match:
if atoms:
system_to_atoms[os.path.basename(file_name)] = atoms
return system_to_atoms
class WorkonHelper(object):
"""Delegate that knows how to mark packages as being worked on locally.
This class assumes that we're executing in the build root.
def __init__(self, sysroot, friendly_name=None, verbose=False,
"""Construct an instance.
sysroot: path to sysroot to work on packages within.
friendly_name: friendly name of the system
(e.g. 'host', <board name>, or a brick friendly name).
Defaults to 'host' if sysroot is '/' or the last component of the
sysroot path.
verbose: boolean True iff we should print a lot more command output.
This is intended for debugging, and you should never cause a script
to depend on behavior enabled by this flag.
src_root: path to source root inside chroot.
self._sysroot = sysroot
if friendly_name:
self._system = friendly_name
self._system = ('host' if sysroot == '/'
else os.path.basename(sysroot.rstrip('/')))
self._verbose = verbose
self._src_root = src_root
self._cached_overlays = None
self._cached_arch = None
if not os.path.exists(self._sysroot):
raise WorkonError('Sysroot %s is not setup.' % self._sysroot)
profile = os.path.join(self._sysroot, 'etc', 'portage')
self._unmasked_symlink = os.path.join(
profile, 'package.unmask', 'cros-workon')
self._keywords_symlink = os.path.join(
profile, 'package.keywords', 'cros-workon')
self._masked_symlink = os.path.join(
profile, 'package.mask', 'cros-workon')
# Clobber and re-create the WORKON_FILE symlinks every time. This is a
# trivial operation and eliminates all kinds of corner cases as well as any
# possible future renames of WORKON_FILE.
# In particular, we build the chroot as a board (amd64-host), bundle it and
# unpack it on /. After unpacking, the symlinks will point to
# .config/cros_workon/amd64-host instead of .config/cros_workon/host.
# Regenerating the symlinks here corrects it.
def workon_file_path(self):
"""Returns path to the file holding our currently worked on atoms."""
return GetWorkonPath(source_root=self._src_root, sub_path=self._system)
def masked_file_path(self):
"""Returns path to file masking non-9999 ebuilds for worked on atoms."""
return self.workon_file_path + '.mask'
def _arch(self):
if self._cached_arch is None:
self._cached_arch = sysroot_lib.Sysroot(
return self._cached_arch
def _overlays(self):
"""Returns overlays installed for the selected system."""
if self._cached_overlays is None:
sysroot = sysroot_lib.Sysroot(self._sysroot)
portdir_overlay = sysroot.GetStandardField('PORTDIR_OVERLAY')
if portdir_overlay:
self._cached_overlays = portdir_overlay.strip().splitlines()
# This command is exceptionally slow, and we don't expect the list of
# overlays to change during the lifetime of WorkonHelper.
self._cached_overlays = portage_util.FindSysrootOverlays(self._sysroot)
return self._cached_overlays
def _SetWorkedOnAtoms(self, atoms):
"""Sets the unmasked atoms.
This will generate both the unmasked atom list and the masked atoms list as
the two files mention the same atom list.
atoms: Atoms to unmask.
_WriteLinesToFile(self.workon_file_path, atoms, '=', '-9999')
_WriteLinesToFile(self.masked_file_path, atoms, '<', '-9999')
def _RefreshSymlinks(self):
"""Recreates the symlinks.
This will create the three symlinks needed:
* package.mask/cros-workon: list of packages to mask.
* package.unmask/cros-workon: list of packages to unmask.
* package.keywords/cros-workon: list of hidden packages to accept.
for target, symlink in ((self.masked_file_path, self._masked_symlink),
(self.workon_file_path, self._unmasked_symlink),
(self.workon_file_path, self._keywords_symlink)):
if os.path.exists(target):
osutils.SafeMakedirs(os.path.dirname(symlink), sudo=True)
osutils.SafeSymlink(target, symlink, sudo=True)
logging.debug("Symlink %s already exists. Don't recreated it."
% symlink)
def _AtomsToEbuilds(self, atoms):
"""Maps from a list of CP atoms to a list of corresponding -9999 ebuilds.
atoms: iterable of portage atoms (e.g. ['sys-apps/dbus']).
list of ebuilds corresponding to those atoms.
atoms_to_ebuilds = dict([(atom, None) for atom in atoms])
for overlay in self._overlays:
ebuild_paths = glob.glob(
os.path.join(overlay, '*-*', '*', '*-9999.ebuild'))
for ebuild_path in ebuild_paths:
atom = portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild_path)
if atom in atoms_to_ebuilds:
atoms_to_ebuilds[atom] = ebuild_path
ebuilds = []
for atom, ebuild in atoms_to_ebuilds.iteritems():
if ebuild is None:
raise WorkonError('Could not find ebuild for atom %s' % atom)
return ebuilds
def _GetCanonicalAtom(self, package):
"""Transform a package name or name fragment to the canonical atom.
If there a multiple atoms that a package name fragment could map to,
picks an arbitrary one and prints a warning.
package: string package name or fragment of a name.
string canonical atom name (e.g. 'sys-apps/dbus')
# Attempt to not hit portage if at all possible for speed.
if package in self._GetWorkedOnAtoms():
return package
# Ask portage directly what it thinks about that package.
ebuild_path = self._FindEbuildForPackage(package)
# If portage didn't know about that package, try and autocomplete it.
if ebuild_path is None:
possible_ebuilds = []
for ebuild in self._GetWorkonEbuilds(filter_on_arch=False):
if package in ebuild:
if not possible_ebuilds:
logging.warning('Could not find canonical package for "%s"', package)
return None
if len(possible_ebuilds) > 1:
logging.warning('Multiple autocompletes found:')
for possible_ebuild in possible_ebuilds:
logging.warning(' %s', possible_ebuild)
autocompleted_package = portage_util.EbuildToCP(possible_ebuilds[0])
# Sanity check to avoid infinite loop.
if package == autocompleted_package:
logging.error('Resolved %s to itself', package)
return None'Autocompleted "%s" to: "%s"',
package, autocompleted_package)
return self._GetCanonicalAtom(autocompleted_package)
if not _IsWorkonEbuild(True, ebuild_path):
'"%s" is a -9999 ebuild, but does not inherit from cros-workon?',
return None
return portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild_path)
def _GetCanonicalAtoms(self, packages):
"""Transforms a list of package name fragments into a list of CP atoms.
packages: list of package name fragments.
list of canonical portage atoms corresponding to the given fragments.
if not packages:
raise WorkonError('No packages specified')
if len(packages) == 1 and packages[0] == '.':
raise WorkonError('Working on the current package is no longer '
atoms = []
for package_fragment in packages:
atom = self._GetCanonicalAtom(package_fragment)
if atom is None:
raise WorkonError('Error parsing package list')
return atoms
def _GetWorkedOnAtoms(self):
"""Returns a list of CP atoms that we're currently working on."""
return _GetLinesFromFile(self.workon_file_path, '=', '-9999')
def _FindEbuildForPackage(self, package):
"""Find an ebuild for a given atom (accepting even masked ebuilds).
package: package string.
path to ebuild for given package.
return portage_util.FindEbuildForPackage(
package, self._sysroot, include_masked=True,
extra_env={'ACCEPT_KEYWORDS': '~%s' % self._arch})
def _GetWorkonEbuilds(self, filter_workon=False, filter_on_arch=True,
"""Get a list of of all cros-workon ebuilds in the current system.
filter_workon: True iff we should filter the list of ebuilds to those
packages which define only a workon ebuild (i.e. no stable version).
filter_on_arch: True iff we should only return ebuilds which are marked
as unstable for the architecture of the system we're interested in.
include_chrome: True iff we should also include chromeos-chrome and
related ebuilds. These ebuilds can be worked on, but don't work
like normal cros-workon ebuilds.
list of paths to ebuilds meeting the above criteria.
result = []
if filter_on_arch:
keyword_pat = re.compile(r'^KEYWORDS=".*~(\*|%s).*"$' % self._arch, re.M)
for overlay in self._overlays:
ebuild_paths = glob.glob(
os.path.join(overlay, '*-*', '*', '*-9999.ebuild'))
for ebuild_path in ebuild_paths:
ebuild_contents = osutils.ReadFile(ebuild_path)
if not _IsWorkonEbuild(include_chrome, ebuild_path,
if filter_on_arch and not
if filter_workon:
result = _FilterWorkonOnlyEbuilds(result)
return result
def _GetLiveAtoms(self, filter_workon=False):
"""Get a list of atoms currently marked as being locally compiled.
filter_workon: True iff the list should be filtered to only those
atoms without a stable version (i.e. the -9999 ebuild is the
only ebuild).
list of canonical portage atoms.
atoms = self._GetWorkedOnAtoms()
if filter_workon:
ebuilds = _FilterWorkonOnlyEbuilds(self._AtomsToEbuilds(atoms))
return [portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild) for ebuild in ebuilds]
return atoms
def _AddProjectsToPartialManifests(self, atoms):
"""Add projects corresponding to a list of atoms to the local manifest.
If we mark projects as workon that we don't have in our local checkout,
it is convenient to have them added to the manifest. Note that users
will need to `repo sync` to pull down repositories added in this way.
atoms: iterable of atoms to ensure are in the manifest.
if git.ManifestCheckout.IsFullManifest(self._src_root):
# If we're a full manifest, there is nothing to do.
should_repo_sync = False
for ebuild_path in self._AtomsToEbuilds(atoms):
infos = portage_util.GetRepositoryForEbuild(ebuild_path, self._sysroot)
for info in infos:
if not info.project:
cmd = ['loman', 'add', '--workon', info.project]
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(cmd, print_cmd=False)
should_repo_sync = True
if should_repo_sync:
print('Please run "repo sync" now.')
def ListAtoms(self, use_all=False, use_workon_only=False):
"""Returns a list of interesting atoms.
By default, return a list of the atoms marked as being locally worked on
for the system in question.
use_all: If true, return a list of all atoms we could possibly work on
for the system in question.
use_workon_only: If true, return a list of all atoms we could possibly
work on that have no stable ebuild.
a list of atoms (e.g. ['chromeos-base/shill', 'sys-apps/dbus']).
if use_workon_only or use_all:
ebuilds = self._GetWorkonEbuilds(filter_workon=use_workon_only)
packages = [portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild) for ebuild in ebuilds]
packages = self._GetLiveAtoms()
return sorted(packages)
def StartWorkingOnPackages(self, packages, use_all=False,
"""Mark a list of packages as being worked on locally.
packages: list of package name fragments. While each fragment could be a
a complete portage atom, this helper will attempt to infer intent by
looking for fragments in a list of all possible atoms for the system
in question.
use_all: True iff we should ignore the package list, and instead consider
all possible atoms that we could mark as worked on locally.
use_workon_only: True iff we should ignore the package list, and instead
consider all possible atoms for the system in question that define
only the -9999 ebuild.
if use_all or use_workon_only:
ebuilds = self._GetWorkonEbuilds(filter_workon=use_workon_only)
atoms = [portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild) for ebuild in ebuilds]
atoms = self._GetCanonicalAtoms(packages)
atoms = set(atoms)
# Read out what atoms we're already working on.
existing_atoms = self._GetWorkedOnAtoms()
# Warn the user if they're requested to work on an atom that's already
# marked as being worked on.
for atom in atoms & existing_atoms:
logging.warning('Already working on %s', atom)
# If we have no new atoms to work on, we can quit now.
new_atoms = atoms - existing_atoms
if not new_atoms:
# Write out all these atoms to the appropriate files.
current_atoms = new_atoms | existing_atoms
# Legacy scripts used single quotes in their output, and we carry on this
# honorable tradition."Started working on '%s' for '%s'",
' '.join(new_atoms), self._system)
def StopWorkingOnPackages(self, packages, use_all=False,
"""Stop working on a list of packages currently marked as locally worked on.
packages: list of package name fragments. These will be mapped to
canonical portage atoms via the same process as
use_all: True iff instead of the provided package list, we should just
stop working on all currently worked on atoms for the system in
use_workon_only: True iff instead of the provided package list, we should
stop working on all currently worked on atoms that define only a
-9999 ebuild.
if use_all or use_workon_only:
atoms = self._GetLiveAtoms(filter_workon=use_workon_only)
atoms = self._GetCanonicalAtoms(packages)
current_atoms = self._GetWorkedOnAtoms()
stopped_atoms = []
for atom in atoms:
if not atom in current_atoms:
logging.warning('Not working on %s', atom)
if stopped_atoms:
# Legacy scripts used single quotes in their output, and we carry on this
# honorable tradition."Stopped working on '%s' for '%s'",
' '.join(stopped_atoms), self._system)
def GetPackageInfo(self, packages, use_all=False, use_workon_only=False):
"""Get information about packages.
packages: list of package name fragments. These will be mapped to
canonical portage atoms via the same process as
use_all: True iff instead of the provided package list, we should just
stop working on all currently worked on atoms for the system in
use_workon_only: True iff instead of the provided package list, we should
stop working on all currently worked on atoms that define only a
-9999 ebuild.
Returns a list of PackageInfo tuples.
if use_all or use_workon_only:
# You can't use info to find the source code from Chrome, since that
# workflow is different.
ebuilds = self._GetWorkonEbuilds(filter_workon=use_workon_only,
atoms = self._GetCanonicalAtoms(packages)
ebuilds = [self._FindEbuildForPackage(atom) for atom in atoms]
ebuild_to_repos = {}
for ebuild in ebuilds:
workon_vars = portage_util.EBuild.GetCrosWorkonVars(
ebuild, portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild))
projects = workon_vars.project if workon_vars else []
ebuild_to_repos[ebuild] = projects
repository_to_source_path = {}
repo_list_result = cros_build_lib.RunCommand(
'repo list', shell=True, enter_chroot=True, capture_output=True,
for line in repo_list_result.output.splitlines():
pieces = line.split(' : ')
if len(pieces) != 2:
logging.debug('Ignoring malformed repo list output line: "%s"', line)
source_path, repository = pieces
repository_to_source_path[repository] = source_path
result = []
for ebuild in ebuilds:
package = portage_util.EbuildToCP(ebuild)
repos = ebuild_to_repos.get(ebuild, [])
src_paths = [repository_to_source_path.get(repo) for repo in repos]
src_paths = [path for path in src_paths if path]
result.append(PackageInfo(package, repos, src_paths))
return result
def RunCommandInAtomSourceDirectory(self, atom, command):
"""Run a command in the source directory of an atom.
atom: string atom to run the command in (e.g. 'chromeos-base/shill').
command: string shell command to run in the source directory of |atom|.
"""'Running "%s" on %s', command, atom)
ebuild_path = self._FindEbuildForPackage(atom)
if ebuild_path is None:
raise WorkonError('Error looking for atom %s' % atom)
for info in portage_util.GetRepositoryForEbuild(ebuild_path, self._sysroot):
cros_build_lib.RunCommand(command, shell=True, cwd=info.srcdir,
def RunCommandInPackages(self, packages, command, use_all=False,
"""Run a command in the source directory of a list of packages.
packages: list of package name fragments.
command: string shell command to run in the source directory of |atom|.
use_all: True iff we should ignore the package list, and instead consider
all possible workon-able atoms.
use_workon_only: True iff we should ignore the package list, and instead
consider all possible atoms for the system in question that define
only the -9999 ebuild.
if use_all or use_workon_only:
atoms = self._GetLiveAtoms(filter_workon=use_workon_only)
atoms = self._GetCanonicalAtoms(packages)
for atom in atoms:
self.RunCommandInAtomSourceDirectory(atom, command)
def InstalledWorkonAtoms(self):
"""Returns the set of installed cros_workon packages."""
installed_cp = set()
for pkg in portage_util.PortageDB(self._sysroot).InstalledPackages():
installed_cp.add('%s/%s' % (pkg.category, pkg.package))
return set(a for a in self.ListAtoms(use_all=True) if a in installed_cp)