blob: 91640a4e5f9c3d3829a8da73a7ac374e65a6aae8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, Optional
from crossbench import exception
from crossbench.benchmarks.loading.input_source import InputSource
from crossbench.benchmarks.loading import action as i_action
from crossbench.benchmarks.loading.config.pages import ActionBlock
from import (CombinedPage, InteractivePage,
LivePage, Page)
from crossbench.benchmarks.loading.tab_controller import TabController
from crossbench.path import LocalPath
from import Run
class ActionNotImplementedError(NotImplementedError):
def __init__(self,
runner: ActionRunner,
action: i_action.Action,
msg_context: str = "") -> None:
self.runner = runner
self.action = action
if msg_context:
msg_context = ". Context: " + msg_context
message = (f"{str(action.TYPE).capitalize()}-action "
f"not implemented in {type(runner).__name__}{msg_context}")
class InputSourceNotImplementedError(ActionNotImplementedError):
def __init__(self,
runner: ActionRunner,
action: i_action.Action,
input_source: InputSource,
msg_context: str = "") -> None:
if msg_context:
msg_context = ". Context: " + msg_context
input_source_message = (f"Source: '{input_source}'"
f"not implemented{msg_context}")
super().__init__(runner, action, input_source_message)
class ActionRunnerListener:
"""Default empty ActionRunnerListener implementation."""
def handle_error(self, e: Exception) -> None:
def handle_page_run(self, run: Run) -> None:
def handle_new_tab(self) -> None:
class ActionRunner:
def __init__(self):
self._listener = ActionRunnerListener()
def set_listener(self, listener):
self._listener = listener
# TODO: Don't share state across runs
_info_stack: Optional[exception.TInfoStack]
# info_stack is a unique identifier for the currently running or most recently
# run action.
def info_stack(self) -> exception.TInfoStack:
if not self._info_stack:
raise RuntimeError("info_stack can not be called before run_blocks")
return self._info_stack
def run_blocks(self, run: Run, page: InteractivePage,
blocks: Iterable[ActionBlock]) -> None:
for block in blocks:
block.run_with(self, run, page)
def run_block(self, run, block: ActionBlock) -> None:
block_index = block.index
# TODO: Instead maybe just pass context down.
# Or pass unique path to every action __init__
with exception.annotate(f"Running block {block_index}: {block.label}"):
for action_index, action in enumerate(block, start=1):
self._info_stack = (f"block_{block_index}", f"action_{action_index}")
action.run_with(run, self)
def wait(self, run: Run, action: i_action.WaitAction) -> None:
with run.actions("WaitAction", measure=False) as actions:
def js(self, run: Run, action: i_action.JsAction) -> None:
with run.actions("JS", measure=False) as actions:
actions.js(action.script, action.timeout)
def click(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ClickAction) -> None:
input_source = action.input_source
if input_source is InputSource.JS:
self.click_js(run, action)
elif input_source is InputSource.TOUCH:
self.click_touch(run, action)
elif input_source is InputSource.MOUSE:
self.click_mouse(run, action)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported input source: '{input_source}'")
def scroll(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ScrollAction) -> None:
input_source = action.input_source
if input_source is InputSource.JS:
self.scroll_js(run, action)
elif input_source is InputSource.TOUCH:
self.scroll_touch(run, action)
elif input_source is InputSource.MOUSE:
self.scroll_mouse(run, action)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported input source: '{input_source}'")
def get(self, run: Run, action: i_action.GetAction) -> None:
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)
def text_input(self, run: Run, action: i_action.TextInputAction) -> None:
input_source = action.input_source
if input_source is InputSource.JS:
self.text_input_js(run, action)
elif input_source is InputSource.KEYBOARD:
self.text_input_keyboard(run, action)
raise RuntimeError(f"Unsupported input source: '{input_source}'")
def click_js(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ClickAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def click_touch(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ClickAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def click_mouse(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ClickAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def scroll_js(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ScrollAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def scroll_touch(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ScrollAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def scroll_mouse(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ScrollAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def text_input_js(self, run: Run, action: i_action.TextInputAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def text_input_keyboard(self, run: Run,
action: i_action.TextInputAction) -> None:
raise InputSourceNotImplementedError(self, action, action.input_source)
def swipe(self, run: Run, action: i_action.SwipeAction) -> None:
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)
def wait_for_element(self, run: Run,
action: i_action.WaitForElementAction) -> None:
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)
def wait_for_ready_state(self, run: Run,
action: i_action.WaitForReadyStateAction) -> None:
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)
def inject_new_document_script(
self, run: Run, action: i_action.InjectNewDocumentScriptAction) -> None:
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)
# screenshot_path is a helper for screenshot that generates the full path of a
# screenshot file based on info_stack. The screenshot dir is created if
# necessary.
# TODO: the folder management should be done in a probe.
def screenshot_path(self, out_dir: LocalPath, suffix: str) -> LocalPath:
screenshot_path = out_dir / "screenshot"
filename = "_".join(self.info_stack) + f"_{suffix}.png"
return screenshot_path / filename
# TODO: Move this into a probe, which can have multiple implementations for
# different platforms or fullscreen vs. window, etc.
def screenshot_impl(self, run: Run, suffix: str) -> None:
run.browser.screenshot(self.screenshot_path(run.out_dir, suffix))
def screenshot(self, run: Run, action: i_action.ScreenshotAction) -> None:
del action
self.screenshot_impl(run, "screenshot")
def _maybe_navigate_to_about_blank(self, run: Run, page: Page) -> None:
if duration := page.about_blank_duration:
def run_page_once(self, run: Run, page: LivePage):
self._maybe_navigate_to_about_blank(run, page)
def run_page_multiple_tabs(self, run: Run, tabs: TabController,
pages: Iterable[Page]):
# TODO: refactor possible logics to TabController.
browser = run.browser
for _ in tabs:
for i, page in enumerate(pages):
# Create a new tab for the multiple_tab case.
if i > 0:
page.run_with(run, self, False)
except Exception as e:
def run_page(self, run: Run, page: LivePage, multiple_tabs: bool):
if multiple_tabs:
self.run_page_multiple_tabs(run, page.tabs, [page])
self.run_page_once(run, page)
def run_combined_page(self, run: Run, page: CombinedPage,
multiple_tabs: bool):
if multiple_tabs:
self.run_page_multiple_tabs(run, page.tabs, page.pages)
for sub_page in page.pages:
sub_page.run_with(run, self, False)
def run_interactive_page(self, run: Run, page: InteractivePage,
multiple_tabs: bool):
# TODO(lsuhua): support multiple tabs for interactive page if needed.
if multiple_tabs:
raise NotImplementedError(
"Multiple tabs test for interactive page is not supported.")
self.run_blocks(run, page, page.blocks)
self._maybe_navigate_to_about_blank(run, page)
except Exception:
def run_setup(self, run: Run, page: InteractivePage, setup: ActionBlock):
with exception.annotate("setup"):
setup.run_with(self, run, page)
except Exception:
page.failure_screenshot(run, "setup-failure")
def run_login(self, run: Run, page: InteractivePage, login: ActionBlock):
with exception.annotate("login"):
login.run_with(self, run, page)
except Exception:
page.failure_screenshot(run, "login-failure")
def switch_tab(self, run: Run, action: i_action.SwitchTabAction):
raise ActionNotImplementedError(self, action)