blob: 1e4e19e6b39e5099ddb61ed8bb77c41a34bea16a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
import abc
import contextlib
import datetime as dt
from typing import (TYPE_CHECKING, Generic, Iterable, Iterator, Optional,
from crossbench import plt
from crossbench.probes.results import (BrowserProbeResult, EmptyProbeResult,
from selenium.webdriver.common.options import BaseOptions
from crossbench.browsers.browser import Browser
from crossbench.path import AnyPath, LocalPath
from crossbench.probes.probe import Probe
from crossbench.runner.groups.session import BrowserSessionRunGroup
from crossbench.runner.result_origin import ResultOrigin
from import Run
from crossbench.runner.runner import Runner
# Redefine here to avoid circular imports
ProbeT = TypeVar("ProbeT", bound="Probe")
class BaseProbeContext(Generic[ProbeT], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
Base class for an activation of a probe where active data collection
happens. See specific subclasses for implementations that can be used
for data collection during runs or whole sessions.
Override in Probe subclasses to implement actual performance data
- The data should be written to self.result_path.
- A file / list / dict of result file Paths should be returned by the
override teardown() method
def __init__(self, probe: ProbeT, result_origin: ResultOrigin) -> None:
self._probe: ProbeT = probe
self._result_origin = result_origin
self._is_active: bool = False
self._is_success: bool = False
self._start_time: Optional[dt.datetime] = None
self._stop_time: Optional[dt.datetime] = None
def set_start_time(self, start_datetime: dt.datetime) -> None:
assert self._start_time is None
self._start_time = start_datetime
def open(self) -> Iterator[None]:
assert self._start_time
assert not self._is_active
assert not self._is_success
with self.result_origin.exception_handler(f"Probe {} start"):
self._is_active = True
with self.result_origin.exception_handler(f"Probe {} stop"):
self._is_success = True
assert self._stop_time is None
self._stop_time =
def probe(self) -> ProbeT:
return self._probe
def result_origin(self) -> ResultOrigin:
return self._result_origin
def browser_platform(self) -> plt.Platform:
return self.browser.platform
def runner_platform(self) -> plt.Platform:
return self.browser_platform.host_platform
def browser(self) -> Browser:
def runner(self) -> Runner:
def session(self) -> BrowserSessionRunGroup:
def start_time(self) -> dt.datetime:
Returns a unified start time that is the same for all probe contexts
within a run. This can be used to account for startup delays caused by other
assert self._start_time
return self._start_time
def duration(self) -> dt.timedelta:
assert self._start_time and self._stop_time
return self._stop_time - self._start_time
def is_success(self) -> bool:
return self._is_success
def result_path(self) -> AnyPath:
def local_result_path(self) -> LocalPath:
def name(self) -> str:
def browser_pid(self) -> int:
maybe_pid =
assert maybe_pid, "Browser is not runner or does not provide a pid."
return maybe_pid
def browser_result(self,
url: Optional[Iterable[str]] = None,
file: Optional[Iterable[AnyPath]] = None,
**kwargs: Iterable[AnyPath]) -> BrowserProbeResult:
"""Helper to create BrowserProbeResult that might be stored on a remote
browser/device and need to be copied over to the local machine."""
return BrowserProbeResult(self.result_origin, url, file, **kwargs)
def setup(self) -> None:
Called before starting the browser, typically used to set run-specific
browser flags.
def start(self) -> None:
def stop(self) -> None:
def teardown(self) -> ProbeResult:
class ProbeContext(BaseProbeContext[ProbeT], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
A scope during which a probe is actively collecting data during a Run.
See BaseProbeContext additional usage.
def __init__(self, probe: ProbeT, run: Run) -> None:
super().__init__(probe, run)
self._run: Run = run
self._default_result_path: AnyPath = self.get_default_result_path()
def get_default_result_path(self) -> AnyPath:
return self._run.get_default_probe_result_path(self._probe)
def run(self) -> Run:
return self._run
def result_origin(self) -> ResultOrigin:
return self._run
def session(self) -> BrowserSessionRunGroup:
return self._run.session
def browser(self) -> Browser:
return self._run.browser
def runner(self) -> Runner:
return self._run.runner
def result_path(self) -> AnyPath:
return self._default_result_path
def local_result_path(self) -> LocalPath:
return self.runner_platform.local_path(self.result_path)
def setup_selenium_options(self, options: BaseOptions) -> None:
Custom hook to change selenium options before starting the browser.
# TODO: move to SessionContext
del options
def start(self) -> None:
Called immediately before starting the given Run, after the browser started.
This method should have as little overhead as possible. If possible,
delegate heavy computation to the "SetUp" method.
def start_story_run(self) -> None:
Called before running a Story's core workload (
and after running Story.setup.
def stop_story_run(self) -> None:
Called after running a Story's core workload ( and before running
def stop(self) -> None:
Called immediately after finishing the given Run with the browser still
This method should have as little overhead as possible. If possible,
delegate heavy computation to the "teardown" method.
return None
def teardown(self) -> ProbeResult:
Called after stopping all probes and shutting down the browser.
- None if no data was collected
- If Data was collected:
- Either a path (or list of paths) to results file
- Directly a primitive json-serializable object containing the data
return EmptyProbeResult()
class ProbeSessionContext(BaseProbeContext[ProbeT], metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
A scope during which a probe is actively collecting data during an active
browser session, which might span several runs.
See BaseProbeContext additional usage.
def __init__(self, probe: ProbeT, session: BrowserSessionRunGroup) -> None:
super().__init__(probe, session)
self._session: BrowserSessionRunGroup = session
self._default_result_path: AnyPath = self.get_default_result_path()
def get_default_result_path(self) -> AnyPath:
return self._session.get_default_probe_result_path(self._probe)
def session(self) -> BrowserSessionRunGroup:
return self._session
def result_origin(self) -> ResultOrigin:
return self._session
def browser(self) -> Browser:
return self._session.browser
def result_path(self) -> AnyPath:
return self._default_result_path