blob: ed36dc38c05fd98ecb99cd421f09bbf872606e92 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from __future__ import annotations
import argparse
import contextlib
import logging
import sys
import traceback as tb
from dataclasses import dataclass
from types import TracebackType
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Type
from crossbench import helper
from crossbench.types import JsonList
from crossbench.types import JsonDict
TInfoStack = Tuple[str, ...]
TExceptionTypes = Tuple[Type[BaseException], ...]
class Entry:
traceback: List[str]
exception: BaseException
info_stack: TInfoStack
class MultiException(ValueError):
"""Default exception thrown by ExceptionAnnotator.assert_success.
It holds on to the ExceptionAnnotator and its previously captured exceptions
are automatically added to active ExceptionAnnotator in an
def __init__(self, message: str, exceptions: ExceptionAnnotator):
self.exceptions = exceptions
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.exceptions)
def matching(self, *args: Type[BaseException]) -> List[BaseException]:
return self.exceptions.matching(*args)
def annotator(self) -> ExceptionAnnotator:
return self.exceptions
class ExceptionAnnotationScope:
"""Used in a with-scope to annotate exceptions with a TInfoStack.
Used via the capture/annotate/info helper methods on
def __init__(
annotator: ExceptionAnnotator,
exception_types: TExceptionTypes,
ignore_exception_types: TExceptionTypes,
entries: Tuple[str, ...],
throw_cls: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None,
) -> None:
logging.debug("ExceptionAnnotationScope: %s", entries)
self._annotator = annotator
self._exception_types = exception_types
self._ignore_exception_types = ignore_exception_types + (
StopIteration, GeneratorExit, StopAsyncIteration)
self._ignore_exception_types = ignore_exception_types
self._added_info_stack_entries = entries
self._throw_cls: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = throw_cls
self._previous_info_stack: TInfoStack = ()
def __enter__(self) -> ExceptionAnnotationScope:
self._previous_info_stack = self._annotator.info_stack
self._annotator._info_stack = self._previous_info_stack + (
return self
def __exit__(self, exception_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
exception_value: Optional[BaseException],
traceback: Optional[TracebackType]) -> bool:
if not exception_value or not exception_type:
self._annotator._info_stack = self._previous_info_stack
# False => exception not handled
return False
if issubclass(exception_type, self._ignore_exception_types) and (
not issubclass(exception_type, MultiException)):
self._annotator._info_stack = self._previous_info_stack
# False => exception not handled, directly forward
return False
logging.debug("Intermediate Exception: %s:%s", exception_type,
if self._exception_types and exception_type and (
issubclass(exception_type, MultiException) or
issubclass(exception_type, self._exception_types)):
# Handle matching exceptions directly here and prevent further
# exception handling by returning True.
self._annotator._info_stack = self._previous_info_stack
if self._throw_cls:
return True
if exception_value not in self._annotator._pending_exceptions:
exception_value] = self._annotator.info_stack
# False => exception not handled
return False
class ExceptionAnnotator:
"""Collects exceptions with full backtraces and user-provided info stacks.
Additional stack information is constructed from active
def __init__(self,
throw: bool = False,
throw_cls: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None) -> None:
self._exceptions: List[Entry] = []
self.throw: bool = throw
self._throw_cls: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = throw_cls
# The info_stack adds additional meta information to handle exceptions.
# Unlike the source-based backtrace, this can contain dynamic information
# for easier debugging.
self._info_stack: TInfoStack = ()
# Associates raised exception with the info_stack at that time for later
# use in the `handle` method.
# This is cleared whenever we enter a new ExceptionAnnotationScope.
self._pending_exceptions: Dict[BaseException, TInfoStack] = {}
def is_success(self) -> bool:
return len(self._exceptions) == 0
def info_stack(self) -> TInfoStack:
return self._info_stack
def exceptions(self) -> List[Entry]:
return self._exceptions
def __getitem__(self, key: Any) -> Entry:
if not isinstance(key, int):
raise TypeError(f"Expected int key, but got: {key}")
return self._exceptions[key]
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self._exceptions)
def matching(self, *args: Type[BaseException]) -> List[BaseException]:
result = []
for entry in self._exceptions:
exception = entry.exception
if isinstance(exception, *args):
return result
def assert_success(self,
message: Optional[str] = None,
exception_cls: Type[BaseException] = MultiException,
log: bool = True) -> None:
if self.is_success:
if log:
if message is None:
message = "{}"
message = message.format(self)
if issubclass(exception_cls, MultiException):
exception = exception_cls(message, self)
raise exception
raise exception_cls(message)
def info(self, *stack_entries: str) -> ExceptionAnnotationScope:
"""Only sets info stack entries, exceptions are passed-through."""
return ExceptionAnnotationScope(self, tuple(), tuple(), stack_entries)
def capture(
*stack_entries: str,
exceptions: TExceptionTypes = (Exception,),
ignore: TExceptionTypes = tuple(),
) -> ExceptionAnnotationScope:
"""Sets info stack entries and captures exceptions.
- Does not rethrow captured exceptions
- Does not directly throw a MultiExceptions, unless assert_success()
is called. """
return ExceptionAnnotationScope(self, exceptions, ignore, stack_entries,
def annotate(self,
exceptions: TExceptionTypes = (Exception,),
ignore: TExceptionTypes = tuple()):
"""Sets info stack entries and rethrows an annotated
MultiException by default ."""
with self.capture(*stack_entries, exceptions=exceptions, ignore=ignore):
yield self
def extend(self, annotator: ExceptionAnnotator,
is_nested: bool = False) -> None:
if is_nested:
def _extend_with_prepended_stack_info(self,
annotator: ExceptionAnnotator) -> None:
if annotator == self:
for entry in annotator.exceptions:
merged_info_stack = self.info_stack + entry.info_stack
merged_entry = Entry(entry.traceback, entry.exception, merged_info_stack)
def append(self, exception: BaseException) -> None:
traceback_str = tb.format_exc()
logging.debug("Intermediate Exception %s:%s", type(exception), exception)
traceback: List[str] = traceback_str.splitlines()
if isinstance(exception, KeyboardInterrupt):
# Fast exit on KeyboardInterrupts for a better user experience.
if isinstance(exception, MultiException):
# Directly add exceptions from nested annotators.
self.extend(exception.exceptions, is_nested=True)
stack = self.info_stack
if exception in self._pending_exceptions:
stack = self._pending_exceptions[exception]
self._exceptions.append(Entry(traceback, exception, stack))
if self.throw:
raise # pylint: disable=misplaced-bare-raise
def log(self) -> None:
if self.is_success:
logging.error("=" * 80)
logging.error("ERRORS occurred (1/%d):", len(self._exceptions))
logging.error("=" * 80)
for entry in self._exceptions:
logging.debug("-" * 80)
is_first_entry = True
grouped_entries: Dict[TInfoStack, List[Entry]] = helper.group_by(
self._exceptions, key=lambda entry: entry.info_stack, sort_key=None)
for info_stack, entries in grouped_entries.items():
logging_level = logging.ERROR if is_first_entry else logging.DEBUG
is_first_entry = False
if info_stack:
info = "Info: "
joiner = "\n" + (" " * (len(info) - 2)) + "> "
message = f"{info}{joiner.join(info_stack)}"
logging.log(logging_level, message)
for entry in entries:
logging.log(logging_level, "- " * 40)
logging.log(logging_level, "Type: %s:",
logging.log(logging_level, " %s", self.format_exception(entry))
logging_level = logging.DEBUG
logging.log(logging_level, "-" * 80)
def error_messages(self) -> List[str]:
return [self.format_exception(entry) for entry in self._exceptions]
def to_json(self) -> JsonList:
return [{
"info_stack": entry.info_stack,
"type": helper.type_name(type(entry.exception)),
"title": self.format_exception(entry),
"trace": entry.traceback
} for entry in self._exceptions]
def format_exception(self, entry: Entry) -> str:
msg = str(entry.exception).strip()
# Try to print the source line for empty AssertionError
if not msg and isinstance(entry.exception, AssertionError):
return entry.traceback[-2].strip()
return msg
def __str__(self) -> str:
if len(self._exceptions) == 1:
entry = self._exceptions[0]
stack = "\n\t".join(entry.info_stack)
return f"{stack}: {entry.exception}"
return "\n".join(
f"{entry.info_stack}: {entry.exception}" for entry in self._exceptions)
# Expose simpler name
Annotator = ExceptionAnnotator
def annotate(
*stack_entries: str,
exceptions: TExceptionTypes = (Exception,),
ignore: TExceptionTypes = tuple(),
throw_cls: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = MultiException
) -> ExceptionAnnotationScope:
"""Use to annotate an exception.
By default this will throw a MultiException which can keep track of
more annotations."""
return ExceptionAnnotator(throw_cls=throw_cls).capture(
*stack_entries, exceptions=exceptions, ignore=ignore)
class ArgumentTypeMultiException(MultiException, argparse.ArgumentTypeError):
def annotate_argparsing(*stack_entries: str,
exceptions: TExceptionTypes = (Exception,)):
"""Use this to annotate argument parsing-related code blocks to get more
readable annotated exception back.
- Wraps multiple exception in an ArgumentTypeMultiException
- Single ArgumentTypeError are raised directly
return annotate(
class UnreachableError(RuntimeError):
"""Used for making checker tools happy in places where it's not directly
obvious that we always return, for instance due to using one of the above
exception annotations that could in theory mute exceptions and create an
additional return path.
def __init__(self) -> None:
super().__init__("Unreachable Code")