blob: 7b2b058707dffdb5e0168b888f20ea599692eaa1 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
'includes': [
'variables': {
'use_system_icu%': 0,
'icu_use_data_file_flag%': 0,
'want_separate_host_toolset%': 1,
'target_defaults': {
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'defines': [
# Tell ICU to not insert |using namespace icu;| into its headers,
# so that chrome's source explicitly has to use |icu::|.
# We don't use ICU plugins and dyload is only necessary for them.
# NaCl-related builds also fail looking for dlfcn.h when it's enabled.
'defines': [
'conditions': [
['component=="static_library"', {
'defines': [
['(OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd" or OS=="solaris" \
or OS=="netbsd" or OS=="mac" or OS=="android" or OS=="qnx") and \
(target_arch=="arm" or target_arch=="ia32" or \
target_arch=="mipsel")', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="host"', {
'cflags': [ '-m32' ],
'ldflags': [ '-m32' ],
'asflags': [ '-32' ],
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': [ 'i386' ],
['(OS=="linux" or OS=="freebsd" or OS=="openbsd" or OS=="solaris" \
or OS=="netbsd" or OS=="mac" or OS=="android" or OS=="qnx") and \
(target_arch=="arm64" or target_arch=="x64" or \
target_arch=="mipsel64")', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset=="host"', {
'cflags': [ '-m64' ],
'ldflags': [ '-m64' ],
'asflags': [ '-64' ],
'xcode_settings': {
'ARCHS': [ 'x86_64' ],
'include_dirs': [
'msvs_disabled_warnings': [4005, 4068, 4355, 4996, 4267],
'conditions': [
['use_system_icu==0 or want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'copy_icudtl_dat',
'type': 'none',
# icudtl.dat is the same for both host/target, so this only supports a
# single toolset. If a target requires that the .dat file be copied
# to the output directory, it should explicitly depend on this target
# with the host toolset (like copy_icudtl_dat#host).
'toolsets': [ 'host' ],
'copies': [{
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'conditions': [
['OS == "android"', {
'files': [
} , { # else: OS != android
'files': [
'target_name': 'icudata',
'type': 'static_library',
'defines': [
'sources': [
# These are hand-generated, but will do for now. The linux
# version is an identical copy of the (mac) icudtl_dat.S file,
# modulo removal of the .private_extern and .const directives and
# with no leading underscore on the icudt52_dat symbol.
'conditions': [
[ 'use_system_icu==1 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host', 'target'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==0', {
'toolsets': ['target'],
[ 'OS == "win" and icu_use_data_file_flag==0', {
'type': 'none',
'copies': [
'destination': '<(PRODUCT_DIR)',
'files': [
[ 'icu_use_data_file_flag==1', {
# Remove any assembly data file.
'sources/': [['exclude', 'icudtl_dat']],
# Compile in the stub data symbol.
'sources': ['source/stubdata/stubdata.c'],
# Make sure any binary depending on this gets the data file.
'conditions': [
['OS != "ios"', {
'dependencies': [
} , { # else: OS=="ios"
'link_settings': {
'mac_bundle_resources': [
}], # OS!=ios
], # conditions
}], # icu_use_data_file_flag
], # conditions
'target_conditions': [
[ 'OS == "win" or OS == "mac" or OS == "ios" or '
'(OS == "android" and (_toolset != "host" or host_os != "linux")) or '
'(OS == "qnx" and (_toolset == "host" and host_os != "linux"))', {
'sources!': ['linux/icudtl_dat.S'],
[ 'OS != "android" or _toolset == "host"', {
'sources!': ['android/icudtl_dat.S'],
[ 'OS != "mac" and OS != "ios" and '
'((OS != "android" and OS != "qnx") or '
'_toolset != "host" or host_os != "mac")', {
'sources!': ['mac/icudtl_dat.S'],
], # target_conditions
'target_name': 'icui18n',
'type': '<(component)',
'sources': [
'defines': [
'dependencies': [
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
# Since ICU wants to internally use its own deprecated APIs, don't
# complain about it.
'cflags': [
'cflags_cc': [
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI': 'YES', # -frtti
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'true',
'conditions': [
[ 'use_system_icu==1 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host', 'target'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==0', {
'toolsets': ['target'],
['clang==1', {
'xcode_settings': {
# ICU uses its own deprecated functions.
# ICU prefers `a && b || c` over `(a && b) || c`.
# ICU has some `unsigned < 0` checks.
# Looks like a real issue, see
'cflags': [
['OS == "android" and clang==0', {
# Disable sincos() optimization to avoid a linker error since
# Android's math library doesn't have sincos(). Either
# -fno-builtin-sin or -fno-builtin-cos works.
'cflags': [
['OS == "android" and use_system_stlport == 1', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset == "target"', {
# ICU requires RTTI, which is not present in the system's
# stlport, so we have to include gabi++.
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
], # conditions
'target_name': 'icuuc',
'type': '<(component)',
'sources': [
'defines': [
'dependencies': [
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'conditions': [
[ 'component=="static_library"', {
'defines': [
'cflags': [
# Since ICU wants to internally use its own deprecated APIs,
# don't complain about it.
'cflags_cc': [
'xcode_settings': {
'GCC_ENABLE_CPP_RTTI': 'YES', # -frtti
'msvs_settings': {
'VCCLCompilerTool': {
'RuntimeTypeInfo': 'true',
'all_dependent_settings': {
'msvs_settings': {
'VCLinkerTool': {
'AdditionalDependencies': [
'conditions': [
[ 'use_system_icu==1 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==1', {
'toolsets': ['host', 'target'],
[ 'use_system_icu==0 and want_separate_host_toolset==0', {
'toolsets': ['target'],
[ 'OS == "win"', {
'sources': [
['OS == "android" and use_system_stlport == 1', {
'target_conditions': [
['_toolset == "target"', {
# ICU requires RTTI, which is not present in the system's
# stlport, so we have to include gabi++.
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['clang==1', {
'xcode_settings': {
# ICU uses its own deprecated functions.
# ICU prefers `a && b || c` over `(a && b) || c`.
# ICU has some `unsigned < 0` checks.
# uresdata.c has switch(RES_GET_TYPE(x)) code. The
# RES_GET_TYPE macro returns an UResType enum, but some switch
# statement contains case values that aren't part of that
# enum (e.g. URES_TABLE32 which is in UResInternalType). This
# is on purpose.
'cflags': [
], # conditions
], # targets
['use_system_icu==1', {
'targets': [
'target_name': 'system_icu',
'type': 'none',
'conditions': [
['OS=="android"', {
'direct_dependent_settings': {
'include_dirs': [
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['OS=="qnx"', {
'link_settings': {
'libraries': [
['OS!="android" and OS!="qnx"', {
'link_settings': {
'ldflags': [
'<!@(icu-config --ldflags)',
'libraries': [
'<!@(icu-config --ldflags-libsonly)',
'target_name': 'icudata',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': ['system_icu'],
'export_dependent_settings': ['system_icu'],
'toolsets': ['target'],
'target_name': 'icui18n',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': ['system_icu'],
'export_dependent_settings': ['system_icu'],
'variables': {
'headers_root_path': 'source/i18n',
'header_filenames': [
# This list can easily be updated using the command below:
# find third_party/icu/source/i18n/unicode -iname '*.h' \
# -printf "'%p',\n" | \
# sed -e 's|third_party/icu/source/i18n/||' | sort -u
'includes': [
'toolsets': ['target'],
'target_name': 'icuuc',
'type': 'none',
'dependencies': ['system_icu'],
'export_dependent_settings': ['system_icu'],
'variables': {
'headers_root_path': 'source/common',
'header_filenames': [
# This list can easily be updated using the command below:
# find third_party/icu/source/common/unicode -iname '*.h' \
# -printf "'%p',\n" | \
# sed -e 's|third_party/icu/source/common/||' | sort -u
'includes': [
'toolsets': ['target'],
], # targets
], # conditions