| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE supplementalData SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldmlSupplemental.dtd"> |
| <!-- Copyright © 1991-2013 Unicode, Inc. CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html --> |
| <supplementalData> |
| <version number="$Revision: 13819 $" /> |
| <plurals> <!-- Format with GeneratePluralRanges.java --> |
| |
| |
| <!-- other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="id ja km ko lo ms my th vi yue zh"> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="am as bn fr gu hi hy kn mr ps pt zu"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="ak fa or sd"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="ka"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="az de el gl gsw hu it kk ky ml mn ne nl scn sq sw ta te tk tr ug uz"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="af bg ca en es et eu fi io nb sv ur"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="da fil is pa"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="si"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="mk"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- zero, one, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="lv"> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="zero" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="zero" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="zero" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, few, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="ro"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="one" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="bs hr sr"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, two, few, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="sl"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="one" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="one" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, two, many, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="he"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="two" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="many" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="two" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, few, many, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="cs pl sk"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="be lt ru uk"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- one, two, few, many, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="ga"> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| <!-- zero, one, two, few, many, other --> |
| <pluralRanges locales="cy"> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="one"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="two" result="two"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| <pluralRanges locales="ar"> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="one" result="zero"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="two" result="zero"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="zero" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="two" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="one" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="two" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="few" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="many" end="other" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="one" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="two" result="other"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="few" result="few"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="many" result="many"/> |
| <pluralRange start="other" end="other" result="other"/> |
| </pluralRanges> |
| |
| </plurals> |
| </supplementalData> |