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| <pattern>{1}, {0}</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">E d</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">d, MMM G y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">E, d, MMM G y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmsv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmsv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">d/M</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">E, d/M</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">d MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E, d MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">d MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="one">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="other">MMMM दा हफ्ता W</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">M/y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">d/M/y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">E, d/M/y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">d, MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">E, d, MMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">MMMM y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">QQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">QQQQ y</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="one">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="other">Y दा हफ्ता w</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <appendItems> |
| <appendItem request="Timezone">↑↑↑</appendItem> |
| </appendItems> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bh"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h – h B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm – h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm B</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d – d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Gy"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">y G – y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y – y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">M/y GGGGG – M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/y – M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M/y – M/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">M/d/y GGGGG – M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M/d/y – M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">E, M/d/y GGGGG – E, M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">MMM y G – MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM – MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y – MMM y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d – d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">MMM d, y G – MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d – MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM d, y – MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">E, MMM d, y G – E, MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h – h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH – HH</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm – HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm – HH:mm</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH:mm – HH:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">HH:mm – HH:mm v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h – h a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">HH – HH v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M – M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">M/d – M/d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/d – M/d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, M/d – E, M/d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, M/d – E, M/d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM – MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d – d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, MMM d – E, MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, MMM d – E, MMM d</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y – y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/y – M/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M/y – M/y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">M/d/y – M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M/d/y – M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M/d/y – M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, M/d/y – E, M/d/y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM – MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y – MMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">MMM d – d, y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM d – MMM d, y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM d, y – MMM d, y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, MMM d – E, MMM d, y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, MMM d, y – E, MMM d, y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMMM – MMMM y</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMMM y – MMMM y</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| </intervalFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| </calendars> |
| <fields> |
| <field type="era"> |
| <displayName>जुग</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year"> |
| <displayName>ब’रा</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-short"> |
| <displayName>ब.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter"> |
| <displayName>त्रमाही</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-short"> |
| <displayName>त्रमा.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month"> |
| <displayName>म्हीना</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-short"> |
| <displayName>म्ही.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week"> |
| <displayName>हफ्ता</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-short"> |
| <displayName>ह.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day"> |
| <displayName>दिन</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">जंदा कल</relative> |
| <relative type="0">अज्ज</relative> |
| <relative type="1">औंदे कल</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-short"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday"> |
| <displayName>हफ्ते दा दिन</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod"> |
| <displayName>सवेर/बा.दपै.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour"> |
| <displayName>घैंटा</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-short"> |
| <displayName>घैं.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute"> |
| <displayName>मिंट्ट</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-short"> |
| <displayName>मिं.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second"> |
| <displayName>सकैंट</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-short"> |
| <displayName>सकैं.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone"> |
| <displayName>समां खेत्तर</displayName> |
| </field> |
| </fields> |
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| <regionFormat type="daylight">{0} डेलाइट समां</regionFormat> |
| <regionFormat type="standard">{0} मानक समां</regionFormat> |
| <fallbackFormat>↑↑↑</fallbackFormat> |
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| <long> |
| <standard>तालमेली आलमी समां</standard> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Etc/Unknown"> |
| <exemplarCity>अनजांता शैह्र</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
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| <long> |
| <daylight>ब्रिटिश गर्मियें दा समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Dublin"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>आयरिश मानक समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <metazone type="America_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उत्तरी अमरीकी केंदरी समां</generic> |
| <standard>उत्तरी अमरीकी मानक केंदरी समां</standard> |
| <daylight>उत्तरी अमरीकी डेलाइट केंदरी समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उत्तरी अमरीकी पूर्वी समां</generic> |
| <standard>उत्तरी अमरीकी मानक पूर्वी समां</standard> |
| <daylight>उत्तरी अमरीकी डेलाइट पूर्वी समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Mountain"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उत्तरी अमरीकी माउंटेन समां</generic> |
| <standard>उत्तरी अमरीकी मानक माउंटेन समां</standard> |
| <daylight>उत्तरी अमरीकी डेलाइट माउंटेन समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उत्तरी अमरीकी प्रशांत समां</generic> |
| <standard>उत्तरी अमरीकी मानक प्रशांत समां</standard> |
| <daylight>उत्तरी अमरीकी डेलाइट प्रशांत समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Atlantic"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>अटलांटिक समां</generic> |
| <standard>अटलांटिक मानक समां</standard> |
| <daylight>अटलांटिक डेलाइट समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>केंदरी यूरोपी समां</generic> |
| <standard>केंदरी यूरोपी मानक समां</standard> |
| <daylight>केंदरी यूरोपी गर्मियें दा समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>उत्तरी यूरोपी समां</generic> |
| <standard>उत्तरी यूरोपी मानक समां</standard> |
| <daylight>उत्तरी यूरोपी गर्मियें दा समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>पच्छमी यूरोपी समां</generic> |
| <standard>पच्छमी यूरोपी मानक समां</standard> |
| <daylight>पच्छमी यूरोपी गर्मियें दा समां</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="GMT"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>ग्रीनविच मीन टाइम</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| </timeZoneNames> |
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| <native>deva</native> |
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| <displayName count="other">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="INR"> |
| <displayName>भारती रपेऽ</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JPY"> |
| <displayName>जापानी येन</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">¥</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RUB"> |
| <displayName>रूसी रूबल</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>यूएस डालर</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <symbol draft="contributed">$</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XXX"> |
| <displayName>अनजांती करंसी</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">(अनजांती करंसी)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| </currencies> |
| </numbers> |
| <units> |
| <unitLength type="long"> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>किल्लो</displayName> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>ग्राम</displayName> |
| </unit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="narrow"> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}m/gUK</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}m/gUK</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}किल्लोवाट/100किमी</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} किल्लोवाट/100किमी</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}galIm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}galIm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}fl oz Im</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}fl oz Im</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}dsp-Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}dsp-Imp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <durationUnit type="hm"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>↑↑↑</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| <durationUnit type="hms"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>↑↑↑</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| <durationUnit type="ms"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>↑↑↑</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| </units> |
| <listPatterns> |
| <listPattern> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="middle">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="end">{0}, ते {1}</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="2">{0} ते {1}</listPatternPart> |
| </listPattern> |
| </listPatterns> |
| <posix> |
| <messages> |
| <yesstr>हां</yesstr> |
| <nostr>नेईं</nostr> |
| </messages> |
| </posix> |
| <personNames> |
| <nameOrderLocales order="givenFirst">und doi</nameOrderLocales> |
| <nameOrderLocales order="surnameFirst">ko si ta te vi yue zh</nameOrderLocales> |
| </personNames> |
| </ldml> |