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| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| SPDX-License-Identifier: Unicode-DFS-2016 |
| CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
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| <territory type="CM">República dos Camarões</territory> |
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| <territory type="CO">Colômbia</territory> |
| <territory type="CR">Costa Rica</territory> |
| <territory type="CU">Cuba</territory> |
| <territory type="CV">Cabo Verde</territory> |
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| <territory type="CZ">República Tcheca</territory> |
| <territory type="DE">Alemanha</territory> |
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| <territory type="DK">Dinamarca</territory> |
| <territory type="DM">Dominica</territory> |
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| <territory type="HN">Honduras</territory> |
| <territory type="HR">Croácia</territory> |
| <territory type="HT">Haiti</territory> |
| <territory type="HU">Hungria</territory> |
| <territory type="ID">Indonésia</territory> |
| <territory type="IE">Irlanda</territory> |
| <territory type="IL">Israel</territory> |
| <territory type="IN">Índia</territory> |
| <territory type="IO" draft="provisional">Território Britânico do Oceano Índico</territory> |
| <territory type="IQ">Iraque</territory> |
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| <territory type="IS">Islândia</territory> |
| <territory type="IT">Itália</territory> |
| <territory type="JM">Jamaica</territory> |
| <territory type="JO">Jordânia</territory> |
| <territory type="JP">Japão</territory> |
| <territory type="KE">Quênia</territory> |
| <territory type="KG">Quirguistão</territory> |
| <territory type="KH">Camboja</territory> |
| <territory type="KI">Quiribati</territory> |
| <territory type="KM">Comores</territory> |
| <territory type="KN">São Cristovão e Nevis</territory> |
| <territory type="KP">Coréia do Norte</territory> |
| <territory type="KR">Coréia do Sul</territory> |
| <territory type="KW">Kuwait</territory> |
| <territory type="KY">Ilhas Caiman</territory> |
| <territory type="KZ">Casaquistão</territory> |
| <territory type="LA">Laos</territory> |
| <territory type="LB">Líbano</territory> |
| <territory type="LC">Santa Lúcia</territory> |
| <territory type="LI">Liechtenstein</territory> |
| <territory type="LK">Sri Lanka</territory> |
| <territory type="LR">Libéria</territory> |
| <territory type="LS">Lesoto</territory> |
| <territory type="LT">Lituânia</territory> |
| <territory type="LU">Luxemburgo</territory> |
| <territory type="LV">Letônia</territory> |
| <territory type="LY">Líbia</territory> |
| <territory type="MA">Marrocos</territory> |
| <territory type="MC">Mônaco</territory> |
| <territory type="MD">Moldávia</territory> |
| <territory type="MG">Madagascar</territory> |
| <territory type="MH">Ilhas Marshall</territory> |
| <territory type="ML">Mali</territory> |
| <territory type="MM">Mianmar</territory> |
| <territory type="MN">Mongólia</territory> |
| <territory type="MP">Ilhas Marianas do Norte</territory> |
| <territory type="MQ">Martinica</territory> |
| <territory type="MR">Mauritânia</territory> |
| <territory type="MS">Montserrat</territory> |
| <territory type="MT">Malta</territory> |
| <territory type="MU">Maurício</territory> |
| <territory type="MV">Maldivas</territory> |
| <territory type="MW">Malawi</territory> |
| <territory type="MX">México</territory> |
| <territory type="MY">Malásia</territory> |
| <territory type="MZ">Moçambique</territory> |
| <territory type="NA">Namíbia</territory> |
| <territory type="NC">Nova Caledônia</territory> |
| <territory type="NE">Níger</territory> |
| <territory type="NF">Ilhas Norfolk</territory> |
| <territory type="NG">Nigéria</territory> |
| <territory type="NI">Nicarágua</territory> |
| <territory type="NL">Holanda</territory> |
| <territory type="NO">Noruega</territory> |
| <territory type="NP">Nepal</territory> |
| <territory type="NR">Nauru</territory> |
| <territory type="NU">Niue</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ">Nova Zelândia</territory> |
| <territory type="OM">Omã</territory> |
| <territory type="PA">Panamá</territory> |
| <territory type="PE">Peru</territory> |
| <territory type="PF">Polinésia Francesa</territory> |
| <territory type="PG">Papua-Nova Guiné</territory> |
| <territory type="PH">Filipinas</territory> |
| <territory type="PK">Paquistão</territory> |
| <territory type="PL">Polônia</territory> |
| <territory type="PM">Saint Pierre e Miquelon</territory> |
| <territory type="PN">Pitcairn</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">Porto Rico</territory> |
| <territory type="PS">Território da Palestina</territory> |
| <territory type="PT">Portugal</territory> |
| <territory type="PW">Palau</territory> |
| <territory type="PY">Paraguai</territory> |
| <territory type="QA">Catar</territory> |
| <territory type="RE">Reunião</territory> |
| <territory type="RO">Romênia</territory> |
| <territory type="RU">Rússia</territory> |
| <territory type="RW">Ruanda</territory> |
| <territory type="SA">Arábia Saudita</territory> |
| <territory type="SB">Ilhas Salomão</territory> |
| <territory type="SC">Seychelles</territory> |
| <territory type="SD">Sudão</territory> |
| <territory type="SE">Suécia</territory> |
| <territory type="SG">Cingapura</territory> |
| <territory type="SH">Santa Helena</territory> |
| <territory type="SI">Eslovênia</territory> |
| <territory type="SK">Eslováquia</territory> |
| <territory type="SL">Serra Leoa</territory> |
| <territory type="SM">San Marino</territory> |
| <territory type="SN">Senegal</territory> |
| <territory type="SO">Somália</territory> |
| <territory type="SR">Suriname</territory> |
| <territory type="ST">São Tomé e Príncipe</territory> |
| <territory type="SV">El Salvador</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">Síria</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ">Suazilândia</territory> |
| <territory type="TC">Ilhas Turks e Caicos</territory> |
| <territory type="TD">Chade</territory> |
| <territory type="TG">Togo</territory> |
| <territory type="TH">Tailândia</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">Tadjiquistão</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">Tokelau</territory> |
| <territory type="TL">Timor Leste</territory> |
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| <currency type="AED"> |
| <displayName>Dirém dos Emirados Árabes Unidos</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Cuanza angolano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Dólar australiano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Dinar bareinita</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BIF"> |
| <displayName>Franco do Burundi</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BWP"> |
| <displayName>Pula botsuanesa</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Dólar canadense</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Franco congolês</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Franco suíço</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNY"> |
| <displayName>Yuan Renminbi chinês</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CVE"> |
| <displayName>Escudo cabo-verdiano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DJF"> |
| <displayName>Franco do Djibuti</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DZD"> |
| <displayName>Dinar argelino</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EGP"> |
| <displayName>Libra egípcia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ERN"> |
| <displayName>Nakfa da Eritréia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ETB"> |
| <displayName>Birr etíope</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Euro</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GBP"> |
| <displayName>Libra britânica</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GHC"> |
| <displayName>Cedi de Gana (1979–2007)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GMD"> |
| <displayName>Dalasi de Gâmbia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="GNS"> |
| <displayName>Syli da Guiné</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="INR"> |
| <displayName>Rúpia indiana</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="JPY"> |
| <displayName>Iene japonês</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KES"> |
| <displayName>Xelim queniano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="KMF"> |
| <displayName>Franco de Comores</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LRD"> |
| <displayName>Dólar liberiano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LSL"> |
| <displayName>Loti do Lesoto</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LYD"> |
| <displayName>Dinar líbio</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MAD"> |
| <displayName>Dirém marroquino</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MGA"> |
| <displayName>Franco de Madagascar</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRO"> |
| <displayName>Ouguiya da Mauritânia (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRU"> |
| <displayName>Ouguiya da Mauritânia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MUR"> |
| <displayName>Rupia de Maurício</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MWK"> |
| <displayName>Cuacha do Maláui</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZM"> |
| <displayName>Metical antigo de Moçambique</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZN"> |
| <displayName>Metical de Moçambique</displayName> |
| <symbol>MTn</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NAD"> |
| <displayName>Dólar da Namíbia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NGN"> |
| <displayName>Naira nigeriana</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RWF"> |
| <displayName>Franco ruandês</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SAR"> |
| <displayName>Rial saudita</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SCR"> |
| <displayName>Rupia das Seychelles</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDG"> |
| <displayName>Dinar sudanês</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDP"> |
| <displayName>Libra sudanesa antiga</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SHP"> |
| <displayName>Libra de Santa Helena</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLE"> |
| <displayName>Leone de Serra Leoa</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLL"> |
| <displayName>Leone de Serra Leoa (1964—2022)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SOS"> |
| <displayName>Xelim somali</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STD"> |
| <displayName>Dobra de São Tomé e Príncipe (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STN"> |
| <displayName>Dobra de São Tomé e Príncipe</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SZL"> |
| <displayName>Lilangeni da Suazilândia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TND"> |
| <displayName>Dinar tunisiano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TZS"> |
| <displayName>Xelim da Tanzânia</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGX"> |
| <displayName>Xelim ugandense (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>Dólar norte-americano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Franco CFA BEAC</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Franco CFA BCEAO</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Rand sul-africano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Cuacha zambiano (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMW"> |
| <displayName>Cuacha zambiano</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWD"> |
| <displayName>Dólar do Zimbábue</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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