| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> |
| <!DOCTYPE ldml SYSTEM "../../common/dtd/ldml.dtd"> |
| <!-- |
| Copyright © 1991-2014 Unicode, Inc. |
| CLDR data files are interpreted according to the LDML specification (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) |
| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
| --> |
| <ldml> |
| <identity> |
| <version number="$Revision$" /> |
| <language type="de" /> |
| </identity> |
| <collations> |
| <collation type="search"> |
| <cr><![CDATA[ |
| [import und-u-co-search] |
| # Below are the rules specific to de. |
| # Per Apple language group, these rules match phonebook collation below. |
| [import de-u-co-phonebk] |
| ]]></cr> |
| </collation> |
| <!-- "standard" is the same as in root --> |
| <collation type="phonebook"> |
| <cr><![CDATA[ |
| &AE<<ä<<<Ä |
| &OE<<ö<<<Ö |
| &UE<<ü<<<Ü |
| ]]></cr> |
| </collation> |
| <collation type="eor" draft="provisional" references="European Standard EN13710:2011-06 - European Ordering Rules - Annex E.4 National Delta for German"> |
| <!-- This tailoring is based on EN13710:2011-06 Annex E.4. However, it is marked as draft=provisional |
| primarily because it goes contrary to some of the stated goals of CLDR tailoring, specifically |
| to only tailor those characters that are necessary for the language in question. However, this |
| tailoring is provided as a reference for those who require strict adherence to EN13710 for |
| German based on EN13710 Annex E.4. |
| Principles from EN13710:2011-06 Annex E.4 are as follows: |
| 1). First level letters are A-Z only. |
| 2). Thorn (U+00FE & U+00DE) is ordered as th, not as a first level letter. |
| 3). Digits FOLLOW letters. |
| 4). Spaces ARE significant. |
| 5). The letters wynn (U+01BF & U+01F7) and ezh (U+0292 & U+01B7) are ordered as y. |
| 6). The Umlaut is the diacritic that must be taken into account before all others. |
| The umlaut is treaded as distinct from the trema(diaeresis) and can only occur |
| in combination with the base letters a, o, and u. The sequence of the other |
| diacritics is compatible with the EOR delta. |
| --> |
| <cr><![CDATA[ |
| [import und-u-co-eor] |
| [reorder others digit] |
| &th<<<þ |
| &TH<<<Þ |
| &Y<<ƿ<<<Ƿ<<ʒ<<<Ʒ<<<ᶾ |
| &A<<ä<<<Ä<<ǟ<<<Ǟ<<á<<<Á<<à<<<À<<ă<<<Ă<<ắ<<<Ắ<<ằ<<<Ằ<<ẵ<<<Ẵ<<ẳ<<<Ẳ |
| <<â<<<Â<<ấ<<<Ấ<<ầ<<<Ầ<<ẫ<<<Ẫ<<ẩ<<<Ẩ<<ǎ<<<Ǎ<<å<<<Å=Å<<ǻ<<<Ǻ |
| <<ã<<<Ã<<ȧ<<<Ȧ<<ǡ<<<Ǡ<<ą<<<Ą<<ā<<<Ā<<ả<<<Ả<<ȁ<<<Ȁ<<ȃ<<<Ȃ<<ạ<<<Ạ<<ặ<<<Ặ<<ậ<<<Ậ<<ḁ<<<Ḁ<<ᷓ |
| <<ᴀ<<ⱥ<<<Ⱥ<<ᶏ<<ɐ<<<Ɐ<<<ᵄ<<ɑ<<<Ɑ<<<ᵅ<<ᶐ<<ɒ<<<Ɒ<<<ᶛ |
| &O<<ö<<<Ö<<ȫ<<<Ȫ<<ó<<<Ó<<ò<<<Ò<<ŏ<<<Ŏ<<ô<<<Ô<<ố<<<Ố<<ồ<<<Ồ<<ỗ<<<Ỗ |
| <<ổ<<<Ổ<<ǒ<<<Ǒ<<ő<<<Ő<<õ<<<Õ<<ṍ<<<Ṍ<<ṏ<<<Ṏ<<ȭ<<<Ȭ<<ȯ<<<Ȯ<<ȱ<<<Ȱ |
| <<ø<<<Ø<<ǿ<<<Ǿ<<ǫ<<<Ǫ<<ǭ<<<Ǭ<<ō<<<Ō<<ṓ<<<Ṓ<<ṑ<<<Ṑ<<ỏ<<<Ỏ<<ȍ<<<Ȍ |
| <<ȏ<<<Ȏ<<ơ<<<Ơ<<ớ<<<Ớ<<ờ<<<Ờ<<ỡ<<<Ỡ<<ở<<<Ở<<ợ<<<Ợ<<ọ<<<Ọ<<ộ<<<Ộ |
| <<ᴏ<<ᴑ<<ᴓ<<ɔ<<<Ɔ <<<ᵓ<<ᴐ<<ᴒ<<ᶗ<<ꝍ<<<Ꝍ<<ᴖ<<<ᵔ<<ᴗ<<<ᵕ<<ⱺ<<ɵ<<<Ɵ<<<ᶱ<<ꝋ<<<Ꝋ<<ɷ<<ȣ<<<Ȣ<<<ᴽ<<ᴕ |
| &U<<ü<<<Ü<<ǘ<<<Ǘ<<ǜ<<<Ǜ<<ǚ<<<Ǚ<<ǖ<<<Ǖ<<ú<<<Ú<<ù<<<Ù<<ŭ<<<Ŭ<<û<<<Û |
| <<ǔ<<<Ǔ<<ů<<<Ů<<ű<<<Ű<<ũ<<<Ũ<<ṹ<<<Ṹ<<ų<<<Ų<<ū<<<Ū<<ṻ<<<Ṻ<<ủ<<<Ủ |
| <<ȕ<<<Ȕ<<ȗ<<<Ȗ<<ư<<<Ư<<ứ<<<Ứ<<ừ<<<Ừ<<ữ<<<Ữ<<ử<<<Ử<<ự<<<Ự<<ụ<<<Ụ |
| <<ṳ<<<Ṳ<<ṷ<<<Ṷ<<ṵ<<<Ṵ<<ᴜ<<<ᶸ<<ᴝ<<<ᵙ<<ᴞ<<ʉ<<<Ʉ<<<ᶶ<<ᵾ<<ᶙ<<ʊ<<<Ʊ<<<ᶷ<<ᵿ |
| ]]></cr> |
| </collation> |
| </collations> |
| </ldml> |