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| For terms of use, see http://www.unicode.org/copyright.html |
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| <language type="kaj">џу</language> |
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| <language type="kcg">тјап</language> |
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| <language type="kgp">каинганг</language> |
| <language type="kha">каси</language> |
| <language type="kho">котанешки</language> |
| <language type="khq">којра чиини</language> |
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| <language type="kkj">како</language> |
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| <language type="lg">ганда</language> |
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| <language type="lil">лилут</language> |
| <language type="lkt">лакота</language> |
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| <language type="ln">лингала</language> |
| <language type="lo">лаоски</language> |
| <language type="lol">монго</language> |
| <language type="lou">луизијански креолски</language> |
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| <language type="mg">малгашки</language> |
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| <language type="mgh">макува-мито</language> |
| <language type="mgo">мета</language> |
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| <language type="mi">маорски</language> |
| <language type="mic">микмак</language> |
| <language type="min">минангкабау</language> |
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| <language type="moe">инуајмун</language> |
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| <language type="mos">моси</language> |
| <language type="mr">марати</language> |
| <language type="ms">малајски</language> |
| <language type="mt">малтешки</language> |
| <language type="mua">мунданг</language> |
| <language type="mul">Више језика</language> |
| <language type="mus">кришки</language> |
| <language type="mwl">мирандски</language> |
| <language type="mwr">марвари</language> |
| <language type="my">бурмански</language> |
| <language type="myv">ерзја</language> |
| <language type="mzn">мазандерански</language> |
| <language type="na">науруски</language> |
| <language type="nap">напуљски</language> |
| <language type="naq">нама</language> |
| <language type="nb">норвешки букмол</language> |
| <language type="nd">северни ндебеле</language> |
| <language type="nds">нисконемачки</language> |
| <language type="nds_NL">нискосаксонски</language> |
| <language type="ne">непалски</language> |
| <language type="new">невари</language> |
| <language type="ng">ндонга</language> |
| <language type="nia">ниас</language> |
| <language type="niu">ниуејски</language> |
| <language type="nl">холандски</language> |
| <language type="nl_BE">фламански</language> |
| <language type="nmg">квасио</language> |
| <language type="nn">норвешки нинорск</language> |
| <language type="nnh">нгиембун</language> |
| <language type="no">норвешки</language> |
| <language type="nog">ногајски</language> |
| <language type="non">старонордијски</language> |
| <language type="nqo">нко</language> |
| <language type="nr">јужни ндебеле</language> |
| <language type="nso">северни сото</language> |
| <language type="nus">нуер</language> |
| <language type="nv">навахо</language> |
| <language type="nwc">класични неварски</language> |
| <language type="ny">њанџа</language> |
| <language type="nym">њамвези</language> |
| <language type="nyn">њанколе</language> |
| <language type="nyo">њоро</language> |
| <language type="nzi">нзима</language> |
| <language type="oc">окситански</language> |
| <language type="oj">оџибве</language> |
| <language type="ojb">северозападни оџибва</language> |
| <language type="ojc">централни оџибва</language> |
| <language type="ojs">оџикри</language> |
| <language type="ojw">западни оџибва</language> |
| <language type="oka">оканган</language> |
| <language type="om">оромо</language> |
| <language type="or">одија</language> |
| <language type="os">осетински</language> |
| <language type="osa">осаге</language> |
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| <language type="pa">пенџапски</language> |
| <language type="pag">пангасинански</language> |
| <language type="pal">пахлави</language> |
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| <language type="pau">палауски</language> |
| <language type="pcm">нигеријски пиџин</language> |
| <language type="peo">староперсијски</language> |
| <language type="phn">феничански</language> |
| <language type="pi">пали</language> |
| <language type="pis">пиџин</language> |
| <language type="pl">пољски</language> |
| <language type="pon">понпејски</language> |
| <language type="pqm">малисепасамакводи</language> |
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| <language type="pro">староокситански</language> |
| <language type="ps">паштунски</language> |
| <language type="ps" alt="variant">пашто</language> |
| <language type="pt">португалски</language> |
| <language type="pt_BR">↑↑↑</language> |
| <language type="pt_PT">португалски (Португал)</language> |
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| <language type="ses">којраборо сени</language> |
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| <language type="zh_Hant">традиционални кинески</language> |
| <language type="zh_Hant" alt="long">традиционални мандарински кинески</language> |
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| <territory type="BI">Бурунди</territory> |
| <territory type="BJ">Бенин</territory> |
| <territory type="BL">Свети Бартоломеј</territory> |
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| <territory type="BN">Брунеј</territory> |
| <territory type="BO">Боливија</territory> |
| <territory type="BQ">Карипска Холандија</territory> |
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| <territory type="CC">Кокосова (Килингова) Острва</territory> |
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| <territory type="CL">Чиле</territory> |
| <territory type="CM">Камерун</territory> |
| <territory type="CN">Кина</territory> |
| <territory type="CO">Колумбија</territory> |
| <territory type="CP">Острво Клипертон</territory> |
| <territory type="CR">Костарика</territory> |
| <territory type="CU">Куба</territory> |
| <territory type="CV">Зеленортска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="CW">Курасао</territory> |
| <territory type="CX">Божићно Острво</territory> |
| <territory type="CY">Кипар</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ">Чешка</territory> |
| <territory type="CZ" alt="variant">Чешка Република</territory> |
| <territory type="DE">Немачка</territory> |
| <territory type="DG">Дијего Гарсија</territory> |
| <territory type="DJ">Џибути</territory> |
| <territory type="DK">Данска</territory> |
| <territory type="DM">Доминика</territory> |
| <territory type="DO">Доминиканска Република</territory> |
| <territory type="DZ">Алжир</territory> |
| <territory type="EA">Сеута и Мелиља</territory> |
| <territory type="EC">Еквадор</territory> |
| <territory type="EE">Естонија</territory> |
| <territory type="EG">Египат</territory> |
| <territory type="EH">Западна Сахара</territory> |
| <territory type="ER">Еритреја</territory> |
| <territory type="ES">Шпанија</territory> |
| <territory type="ET">Етиопија</territory> |
| <territory type="EU">Европска унија</territory> |
| <territory type="EZ">Еврозона</territory> |
| <territory type="FI">Финска</territory> |
| <territory type="FJ">Фиџи</territory> |
| <territory type="FK">Фокландска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="FK" alt="variant">Фокландска (Малвинска) острва</territory> |
| <territory type="FM">Микронезија</territory> |
| <territory type="FO">Фарска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="FR">Француска</territory> |
| <territory type="GA">Габон</territory> |
| <territory type="GB">Уједињено Краљевство</territory> |
| <territory type="GB" alt="short">УК</territory> |
| <territory type="GD">Гренада</territory> |
| <territory type="GE">Грузија</territory> |
| <territory type="GF">Француска Гвајана</territory> |
| <territory type="GG">Гернзи</territory> |
| <territory type="GH">Гана</territory> |
| <territory type="GI">Гибралтар</territory> |
| <territory type="GL">Гренланд</territory> |
| <territory type="GM">Гамбија</territory> |
| <territory type="GN">Гвинеја</territory> |
| <territory type="GP">Гваделуп</territory> |
| <territory type="GQ">Екваторијална Гвинеја</territory> |
| <territory type="GR">Грчка</territory> |
| <territory type="GS">Јужна Џорџија и Јужна Сендвичка Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="GT">Гватемала</territory> |
| <territory type="GU">Гуам</territory> |
| <territory type="GW">Гвинеја-Бисао</territory> |
| <territory type="GY">Гвајана</territory> |
| <territory type="HK">САР Хонгконг (Кина)</territory> |
| <territory type="HK" alt="short">Хонгконг</territory> |
| <territory type="HM">Острво Херд и Мекдоналдова острва</territory> |
| <territory type="HN">Хондурас</territory> |
| <territory type="HR">Хрватска</territory> |
| <territory type="HT">Хаити</territory> |
| <territory type="HU">Мађарска</territory> |
| <territory type="IC">Канарска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="ID">Индонезија</territory> |
| <territory type="IE">Ирска</territory> |
| <territory type="IL">Израел</territory> |
| <territory type="IM">Острво Ман</territory> |
| <territory type="IN">Индија</territory> |
| <territory type="IO" draft="contributed">Британска територија Индијског океана</territory> |
| <territory type="IO" alt="biot" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</territory> |
| <territory type="IO" alt="chagos" draft="contributed">архипелаг Чагос</territory> |
| <territory type="IQ">Ирак</territory> |
| <territory type="IR">Иран</territory> |
| <territory type="IS">Исланд</territory> |
| <territory type="IT">Италија</territory> |
| <territory type="JE">Џерзи</territory> |
| <territory type="JM">Јамајка</territory> |
| <territory type="JO">Јордан</territory> |
| <territory type="JP">Јапан</territory> |
| <territory type="KE">Кенија</territory> |
| <territory type="KG">Киргистан</territory> |
| <territory type="KH">Камбоџа</territory> |
| <territory type="KI">Кирибати</territory> |
| <territory type="KM">Коморска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="KN">Сент Китс и Невис</territory> |
| <territory type="KP">Северна Кореја</territory> |
| <territory type="KR">Јужна Кореја</territory> |
| <territory type="KW">Кувајт</territory> |
| <territory type="KY">Кајманска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="KZ">Казахстан</territory> |
| <territory type="LA">Лаос</territory> |
| <territory type="LB">Либан</territory> |
| <territory type="LC">Света Луција</territory> |
| <territory type="LI">Лихтенштајн</territory> |
| <territory type="LK">Шри Ланка</territory> |
| <territory type="LR">Либерија</territory> |
| <territory type="LS">Лесото</territory> |
| <territory type="LT">Литванија</territory> |
| <territory type="LU">Луксембург</territory> |
| <territory type="LV">Летонија</territory> |
| <territory type="LY">Либија</territory> |
| <territory type="MA">Мароко</territory> |
| <territory type="MC">Монако</territory> |
| <territory type="MD">Молдавија</territory> |
| <territory type="ME">Црна Гора</territory> |
| <territory type="MF">Свети Мартин (Француска)</territory> |
| <territory type="MG">Мадагаскар</territory> |
| <territory type="MH">Маршалска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="MK">Северна Македонија</territory> |
| <territory type="ML">Мали</territory> |
| <territory type="MM">Мијанмар (Бурма)</territory> |
| <territory type="MN">Монголија</territory> |
| <territory type="MO">САР Макао (Кина)</territory> |
| <territory type="MO" alt="short">Макао</territory> |
| <territory type="MP">Северна Маријанска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="MQ">Мартиник</territory> |
| <territory type="MR">Мауританија</territory> |
| <territory type="MS">Монсерат</territory> |
| <territory type="MT">Малта</territory> |
| <territory type="MU">Маурицијус</territory> |
| <territory type="MV">Малдиви</territory> |
| <territory type="MW">Малави</territory> |
| <territory type="MX">Мексико</territory> |
| <territory type="MY">Малезија</territory> |
| <territory type="MZ">Мозамбик</territory> |
| <territory type="NA">Намибија</territory> |
| <territory type="NC">Нова Каледонија</territory> |
| <territory type="NE">Нигер</territory> |
| <territory type="NF">Острво Норфок</territory> |
| <territory type="NG">Нигерија</territory> |
| <territory type="NI">Никарагва</territory> |
| <territory type="NL">Холандија</territory> |
| <territory type="NO">Норвешка</territory> |
| <territory type="NP">Непал</territory> |
| <territory type="NR">Науру</territory> |
| <territory type="NU">Ниуе</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ">Нови Зеланд</territory> |
| <territory type="NZ" alt="variant">↑↑↑</territory> |
| <territory type="OM">Оман</territory> |
| <territory type="PA">Панама</territory> |
| <territory type="PE">Перу</territory> |
| <territory type="PF">Француска Полинезија</territory> |
| <territory type="PG">Папуа Нова Гвинеја</territory> |
| <territory type="PH">Филипини</territory> |
| <territory type="PK">Пакистан</territory> |
| <territory type="PL">Пољска</territory> |
| <territory type="PM">Сен Пјер и Микелон</territory> |
| <territory type="PN">Питкерн</territory> |
| <territory type="PR">Порторико</territory> |
| <territory type="PS">Палестинске територије</territory> |
| <territory type="PS" alt="short">Палестина</territory> |
| <territory type="PT">Португалија</territory> |
| <territory type="PW">Палау</territory> |
| <territory type="PY">Парагвај</territory> |
| <territory type="QA">Катар</territory> |
| <territory type="QO">Океанија (удаљена острва)</territory> |
| <territory type="RE">Реинион</territory> |
| <territory type="RO">Румунија</territory> |
| <territory type="RS">Србија</territory> |
| <territory type="RU">Русија</territory> |
| <territory type="RW">Руанда</territory> |
| <territory type="SA">Саудијска Арабија</territory> |
| <territory type="SB">Соломонска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="SC">Сејшели</territory> |
| <territory type="SD">Судан</territory> |
| <territory type="SE">Шведска</territory> |
| <territory type="SG">Сингапур</territory> |
| <territory type="SH">Света Јелена</territory> |
| <territory type="SI">Словенија</territory> |
| <territory type="SJ">Свалбард и Јан Мајен</territory> |
| <territory type="SK">Словачка</territory> |
| <territory type="SL">Сијера Леоне</territory> |
| <territory type="SM">Сан Марино</territory> |
| <territory type="SN">Сенегал</territory> |
| <territory type="SO">Сомалија</territory> |
| <territory type="SR">Суринам</territory> |
| <territory type="SS">Јужни Судан</territory> |
| <territory type="ST">Сао Томе и Принципе</territory> |
| <territory type="SV">Салвадор</territory> |
| <territory type="SX">Свети Мартин (Холандија)</territory> |
| <territory type="SY">Сирија</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ">Свазиленд</territory> |
| <territory type="SZ" alt="variant">↑↑↑</territory> |
| <territory type="TA">Тристан да Куња</territory> |
| <territory type="TC">Острва Туркс и Каикос</territory> |
| <territory type="TD">Чад</territory> |
| <territory type="TF">Француске Јужне Територије</territory> |
| <territory type="TG">Того</territory> |
| <territory type="TH">Тајланд</territory> |
| <territory type="TJ">Таџикистан</territory> |
| <territory type="TK">Токелау</territory> |
| <territory type="TL">Тимор-Лесте (Источни Тимор)</territory> |
| <territory type="TL" alt="variant">Источни Тимор</territory> |
| <territory type="TM">Туркменистан</territory> |
| <territory type="TN">Тунис</territory> |
| <territory type="TO">Тонга</territory> |
| <territory type="TR">Турска</territory> |
| <territory type="TR" alt="variant">↑↑↑</territory> |
| <territory type="TT">Тринидад и Тобаго</territory> |
| <territory type="TV">Тувалу</territory> |
| <territory type="TW">Тајван</territory> |
| <territory type="TZ">Танзанија</territory> |
| <territory type="UA">Украјина</territory> |
| <territory type="UG">Уганда</territory> |
| <territory type="UM">Удаљена острва САД</territory> |
| <territory type="UN">Уједињене нације</territory> |
| <territory type="UN" alt="short">УН</territory> |
| <territory type="US">Сједињене Државе</territory> |
| <territory type="US" alt="short">САД</territory> |
| <territory type="UY">Уругвај</territory> |
| <territory type="UZ">Узбекистан</territory> |
| <territory type="VA">Ватикан</territory> |
| <territory type="VC">Сент Винсент и Гренадини</territory> |
| <territory type="VE">Венецуела</territory> |
| <territory type="VG">Британска Девичанска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="VI">Америчка Девичанска Острва</territory> |
| <territory type="VN">Вијетнам</territory> |
| <territory type="VU">Вануату</territory> |
| <territory type="WF">Валис и Футуна</territory> |
| <territory type="WS">Самоа</territory> |
| <territory type="XA">Псеудоакценти</territory> |
| <territory type="XB">Псеудобиди</territory> |
| <territory type="XK">Косово</territory> |
| <territory type="YE">Јемен</territory> |
| <territory type="YT">Мајот</territory> |
| <territory type="ZA">Јужноафричка Република</territory> |
| <territory type="ZM">Замбија</territory> |
| <territory type="ZW">Зимбабве</territory> |
| <territory type="ZZ">Непознат регион</territory> |
| </territories> |
| <subdivisions> |
| <subdivision type="gbeng">Енглеска</subdivision> |
| <subdivision type="gbsct">Шкотска</subdivision> |
| <subdivision type="gbwls">Велс</subdivision> |
| </subdivisions> |
| <variants> |
| <variant type="1901">Традиционална немачка ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="1994">Стандарднизована ресијанска ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="1996">Немачка ортографија из 1996</variant> |
| <variant type="1606NICT">Француски из касног средњег века до 1606.</variant> |
| <variant type="1694ACAD">Рани модерни француски</variant> |
| <variant type="1959ACAD" draft="provisional">Академски</variant> |
| <variant type="AREVELA">Источни арменијски</variant> |
| <variant type="AREVMDA">Западно јерменска</variant> |
| <variant type="BAKU1926">Уједињен турски латинични алфабет</variant> |
| <variant type="BISKE">Сан Ђорђио/Била дијалект</variant> |
| <variant type="BOONT">Бунтлинг</variant> |
| <variant type="FONIPA">ИПА фонетика</variant> |
| <variant type="FONUPA">УПА фонетика</variant> |
| <variant type="KKCOR" draft="provisional">Уобичајена ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="LIPAW">Липовички дијалект ресијански</variant> |
| <variant type="MONOTON">Монотоник</variant> |
| <variant type="NEDIS">Натисоне дијалект</variant> |
| <variant type="NJIVA">Гњива/Њива дијалкект</variant> |
| <variant type="OSOJS">Осеако/Осојане дијалект</variant> |
| <variant type="POLYTON">Политоник</variant> |
| <variant type="POSIX">Компјутер</variant> |
| <variant type="REVISED">Ревидирана ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="ROZAJ">Ресијан</variant> |
| <variant type="SAAHO">Сахо</variant> |
| <variant type="SCOTLAND">Шкотски стандардни Енглески</variant> |
| <variant type="SCOUSE">Скауз</variant> |
| <variant type="SOLBA">Столвица/Солбица дијалект</variant> |
| <variant type="TARASK">Тараскијевичка ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="UCCOR" draft="provisional">Уједињена ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="UCRCOR" draft="provisional">Уједињена ревидирана ортографија</variant> |
| <variant type="VALENCIA">Валенцијска</variant> |
| </variants> |
| <keys> |
| <key type="calendar">календар</key> |
| <key type="cf">формат валуте</key> |
| <key type="colAlternate">сортирање уз игнорисање симбола</key> |
| <key type="colBackwards">сортирање према обрнутим акцентима</key> |
| <key type="colCaseFirst">ређање према малом/великом слову</key> |
| <key type="colCaseLevel">сортирање према малом/великом слову</key> |
| <key type="collation">редослед сортирања</key> |
| <key type="colNormalization">нормализовано сортирање</key> |
| <key type="colNumeric">нумеричко сортирање</key> |
| <key type="colStrength">сортирање према јачини</key> |
| <key type="currency">валута</key> |
| <key type="hc">приказивање времена (12- или 24-часовно)</key> |
| <key type="lb">стил прелома реда</key> |
| <key type="ms">систем мерних јединица</key> |
| <key type="numbers">бројеви</key> |
| <key type="timezone">Временска зона</key> |
| <key type="va">Варијанта локалитета</key> |
| <key type="x">Приватна употреба</key> |
| </keys> |
| <types> |
| <type key="calendar" type="buddhist">будистички календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="chinese">кинески календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="coptic">коптски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="dangi">данги календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic">етиопски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="ethiopic-amete-alem">етиопски амет алем календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="gregorian">грегоријански календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="hebrew">хебрејски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="indian">Индијски национални календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic">исламски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic-civil">исламски цивилни календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic-tbla">исламски астрономски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="islamic-umalqura">исламски календар (Umm al-Qura)</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="iso8601">ISO-8601 календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="japanese">јапански календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="persian">персијски календар</type> |
| <type key="calendar" type="roc">календар Републике Кине</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="account">рачуноводствени формат валуте</type> |
| <type key="cf" type="standard">стандардни формат валуте</type> |
| <type key="colAlternate" type="non-ignorable" draft="contributed">Сортирај симболе</type> |
| <type key="colAlternate" type="shifted" draft="contributed">Сортирање уз игнорисање симбола</type> |
| <type key="colBackwards" type="no" draft="contributed">Сортирај акценте нормално</type> |
| <type key="colBackwards" type="yes" draft="contributed">Сортирај акценте обрнуто</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="lower" draft="contributed">Сортирај прво мала слова</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="no" draft="contributed">Сортирај нормалан редослед великих и малих слова</type> |
| <type key="colCaseFirst" type="upper" draft="contributed">Сортирај прво велика слова</type> |
| <type key="colCaseLevel" type="no" draft="contributed">Сортирај без обзира на велика и мала слова</type> |
| <type key="colCaseLevel" type="yes" draft="contributed">Сортирај мала и велика слова</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="big5han">традиционално кинеско сортирање</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="compat">претходни редослед сортирања, због компатибилности</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="dictionary">редослед сортирања у речнику</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="ducet">подразумевани Unicode редослед сортирања</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="eor" draft="contributed">европска правила редоследа</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="gb2312han">поједностављено кинеско сортирање</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="phonebook">сортирање као телефонски именик</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="phonetic">фонетски редослед сортирања</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="pinyin">пинјин сортирање</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="search">претрага опште намене</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="searchjl" draft="contributed">Претрага према хангул почетном сугласнику</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="standard">стандардни редослед сортирања</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="stroke">сортирање по броју потеза</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="traditional">традиционално сортирање</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="unihan">редослед сортирања радикалних потеза</type> |
| <type key="collation" type="zhuyin">жујин</type> |
| <type key="colNormalization" type="no" draft="contributed">Сортирај без нормализације</type> |
| <type key="colNormalization" type="yes" draft="contributed">Сортирај Unicode нормализовано</type> |
| <type key="colNumeric" type="no" draft="contributed">Сортирај цифре појединачно</type> |
| <type key="colNumeric" type="yes" draft="contributed">Сортирај цифре нумерички</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="identical" draft="contributed">Сортирај све</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="primary" draft="contributed">Сортирај само основна слова</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="quaternary" draft="contributed">Сортирај акценте/мала и велика слова/ширину/кана симболе</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="secondary" draft="contributed">Сортирај акценте</type> |
| <type key="colStrength" type="tertiary" draft="contributed">Сортирај акценте/мала и велика слова/ширину</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="fwidth">пуна ширина</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="hwidth">пола ширине</type> |
| <type key="d0" type="npinyin" draft="contributed">Нумеричка</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h11">12-часовни систем (0-11)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h12">12-часовни систем (1-12)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h23">24-часовни систем (0-23)</type> |
| <type key="hc" type="h24">24-часовни систем (1-24)</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="loose">размакнути стил прелома реда</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="normal">нормални стил прелома реда</type> |
| <type key="lb" type="strict">строги стил прелома реда</type> |
| <type key="m0" type="bgn">БГН (BGN)</type> |
| <type key="m0" type="ungegn">УНГЕГН (BGN)</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="metric">метрички</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="uksystem">империјални</type> |
| <type key="ms" type="ussystem">амерички</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="arab">арапско-индијске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="arabext">продужене арапско-индијске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="armn">јерменски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="armnlow">мали јерменски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="beng">бенгалске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="cakm">чакма цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="deva">девангари цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="ethi">етиопски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="finance" draft="contributed">Финансијски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="fullwide">цифре пуне ширине</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="geor">грузијски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="grek">грчки бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="greklow">мали грчки бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="gujr">гуџаратске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="guru">гурмуки цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hanidec">кинески децимални бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hans">поједностављени кинески бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hansfin">поједностављени кинески финансијски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hant">традиционални кинески бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hantfin">традиционални кинески финансијски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="hebr">хебрејски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="java">јаванске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpan">јапански бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="jpanfin">јапански финансијски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="khmr">кмерске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="knda">канада цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="laoo">лаошке цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="latn">западне цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mlym">малајалам цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mong" draft="contributed">монголске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mtei">митеи мајек цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="mymr">мијанмарске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="native">локалне цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="olck">ол чики цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="orya">орија цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="roman">римски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="romanlow">мали римски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="taml">тамилски бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tamldec">тамилске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="telu">телугу цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="thai">тајске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="tibt">тибетанске цифре</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="traditional" draft="contributed">Традиционални бројеви</type> |
| <type key="numbers" type="vaii">ваи цифре</type> |
| </types> |
| <measurementSystemNames> |
| <measurementSystemName type="metric">Метрички</measurementSystemName> |
| <measurementSystemName type="UK">УК</measurementSystemName> |
| <measurementSystemName type="US">САД</measurementSystemName> |
| </measurementSystemNames> |
| <codePatterns> |
| <codePattern type="language">Језик: {0}</codePattern> |
| <codePattern type="script">Писмо: {0}</codePattern> |
| <codePattern type="territory">Регион: {0}</codePattern> |
| </codePatterns> |
| </localeDisplayNames> |
| <characters> |
| <exemplarCharacters>[а б в г д ђ е ж з и ј к л љ м н њ о п р с т ћ у ф х ц ч џ ш]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="auxiliary">[{а̂} {е̂} {и̂} {о̂} {у̂}]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="index">[А Б В Г Д Ђ Е Ж З И Ј К Л Љ М Н Њ О П Р С Т Ћ У Ф Х Ц Ч Џ Ш]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="numbers">↑↑↑</exemplarCharacters> |
| <exemplarCharacters type="punctuation">[\- ‐‑ – , ; \: ! ? . … ‘‚ “„ ( ) \[ \] \{ \} * #]</exemplarCharacters> |
| <ellipsis type="final">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <ellipsis type="initial">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <ellipsis type="medial">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <ellipsis type="word-final">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <ellipsis type="word-initial">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <ellipsis type="word-medial">↑↑↑</ellipsis> |
| <moreInformation>↑↑↑</moreInformation> |
| <parseLenients scope="date" level="lenient"> |
| <parseLenient sample="-">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample=":">[\: ∶]</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| <parseLenients scope="general" level="lenient"> |
| <parseLenient sample=".">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="’">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="%">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="‰">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="$">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="£">[£ ₤]</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="¥">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="₩">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="₹">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| <parseLenients scope="number" level="lenient"> |
| <parseLenient sample="-">[\--﹣ ‑ ‒ −⁻₋ ➖]</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample=",">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample="+">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| <parseLenients scope="number" level="stricter"> |
| <parseLenient sample=",">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| <parseLenient sample=".">↑↑↑</parseLenient> |
| </parseLenients> |
| </characters> |
| <delimiters> |
| <quotationStart>„</quotationStart> |
| <quotationEnd>“</quotationEnd> |
| <alternateQuotationStart>↑↑↑</alternateQuotationStart> |
| <alternateQuotationEnd>‘</alternateQuotationEnd> |
| </delimiters> |
| <dates> |
| <calendars> |
| <calendar type="buddhist"> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">БЕ</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="coptic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Таут</month> |
| <month type="2">Баба</month> |
| <month type="3">Хатор</month> |
| <month type="4">Киахк</month> |
| <month type="5">Тоба</month> |
| <month type="6">Амшир</month> |
| <month type="7">Барамхат</month> |
| <month type="8">Барамуда</month> |
| <month type="9">Башанс</month> |
| <month type="10">Паона</month> |
| <month type="11">Епеп</month> |
| <month type="12">Месра</month> |
| <month type="13">Наси</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="ethiopic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Мескерем</month> |
| <month type="2">Текемт</month> |
| <month type="3">Хедар</month> |
| <month type="4">Тахсас</month> |
| <month type="5">Тер</month> |
| <month type="6">Јекатит</month> |
| <month type="7">Мегабит</month> |
| <month type="8">Миазиа</month> |
| <month type="9">Генбот</month> |
| <month type="10">Сене</month> |
| <month type="11">Хамле</month> |
| <month type="12">Нехасе</month> |
| <month type="13">Пагумен</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="generic"> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>EEEE, d. MMMM y. G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d. MMMM y. G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d.MM.y. G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>GyMMd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d.M.y. GGGGG</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>GGGGGyMd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">hh:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">hh:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">E hh:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">E hh:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">E d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E hh:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E hh:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMd">d.M.y. GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">E, d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">h a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">hh:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">hh:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">d.M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">E, d.M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMdd">MM-dd</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMdd">dd.MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E, d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">d. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMEd">E, d. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyy">y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyM">M.y. GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMd">d.M.y. GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMEd">E, d.M.y. GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMM">MM.y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMdd">dd.MM.y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMM">MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMd">d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMEd">E, d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMM">MMMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQ">QQQ, y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQQ">QQQQ y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <intervalFormats> |
| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bh"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Gy"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a" draft="contributed">h a – h a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h" draft="contributed">h–h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="H"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a" draft="contributed">h:mm a – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h" draft="contributed">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m" draft="contributed">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m" draft="contributed">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hmv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="M"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M–M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Md"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M – d.M</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M – d.M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M – E, d.M</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M – E, d.M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. MMM – d. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="MMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, dd. – E, dd. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, dd. MMM – E, dd. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="y"> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">y – y. G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M.y – M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M.y – M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d.M.y – d.M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d.M.y. – d.M.y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d.M.y – d.M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d.M.y – E, d.M.y. GGGGG</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM – MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y – MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">d–d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. MMM – d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d. MMM y. – d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. MMM – E, d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d. MMM y – E, d. MMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">MMMM – MMMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMMM y. – MMMM y. G</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| </intervalFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="gregorian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">јан</month> |
| <month type="2">феб</month> |
| <month type="3">мар</month> |
| <month type="4">апр</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">авг</month> |
| <month type="9">сеп</month> |
| <month type="10">окт</month> |
| <month type="11">нов</month> |
| <month type="12">дец</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="4">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">јануар</month> |
| <month type="2">фебруар</month> |
| <month type="3">март</month> |
| <month type="4">април</month> |
| <month type="5">мај</month> |
| <month type="6">јун</month> |
| <month type="7">јул</month> |
| <month type="8">август</month> |
| <month type="9">септембар</month> |
| <month type="10">октобар</month> |
| <month type="11">новембар</month> |
| <month type="12">децембар</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="4">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">ј</month> |
| <month type="2">ф</month> |
| <month type="3">м</month> |
| <month type="4">а</month> |
| <month type="5">м</month> |
| <month type="6">ј</month> |
| <month type="7">ј</month> |
| <month type="8">а</month> |
| <month type="9">с</month> |
| <month type="10">о</month> |
| <month type="11">н</month> |
| <month type="12">д</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="4">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <days> |
| <dayContext type="format"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">нед</day> |
| <day type="mon">пон</day> |
| <day type="tue">уто</day> |
| <day type="wed">сре</day> |
| <day type="thu">чет</day> |
| <day type="fri">пет</day> |
| <day type="sat">суб</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="mon">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="tue">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="wed">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="thu">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="fri">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="sat">↑↑↑</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">не</day> |
| <day type="mon">по</day> |
| <day type="tue">ут</day> |
| <day type="wed">ср</day> |
| <day type="thu">че</day> |
| <day type="fri">пе</day> |
| <day type="sat">су</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">недеља</day> |
| <day type="mon">понедељак</day> |
| <day type="tue">уторак</day> |
| <day type="wed">среда</day> |
| <day type="thu">четвртак</day> |
| <day type="fri">петак</day> |
| <day type="sat">субота</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| <dayContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <day type="sun">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="mon">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="tue">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="wed">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="thu">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="fri">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="sat">↑↑↑</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="narrow"> |
| <day type="sun">н</day> |
| <day type="mon">п</day> |
| <day type="tue">у</day> |
| <day type="wed">с</day> |
| <day type="thu">ч</day> |
| <day type="fri">п</day> |
| <day type="sat">с</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="short"> |
| <day type="sun">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="mon">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="tue">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="wed">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="thu">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="fri">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="sat">↑↑↑</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| <dayWidth type="wide"> |
| <day type="sun">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="mon">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="tue">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="wed">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="thu">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="fri">↑↑↑</day> |
| <day type="sat">↑↑↑</day> |
| </dayWidth> |
| </dayContext> |
| </days> |
| <quarters> |
| <quarterContext type="format"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">1. кв.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2. кв.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3. кв.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4. кв.</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">први квартал</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">други квартал</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">трећи квартал</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">четврти квартал</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| <quarterContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <quarterWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <quarter type="1">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="narrow"> |
| <quarter type="1">1.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">2.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">3.</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">4.</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| <quarterWidth type="wide"> |
| <quarter type="1">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="2">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="3">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| <quarter type="4">↑↑↑</quarter> |
| </quarterWidth> |
| </quarterContext> |
| </quarters> |
| <dayPeriods> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="format"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">поноћ</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">подне</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">ујутро</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">по подне</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">увече</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">ноћу</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">ујутру</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| <dayPeriodContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">јутро</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">поподне</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">вече</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">ноћ</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="narrow"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">пре подне</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">по подне</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| <dayPeriodWidth type="wide"> |
| <dayPeriod type="midnight">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="am">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="noon">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="pm">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="morning1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="afternoon1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="evening1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| <dayPeriod type="night1">↑↑↑</dayPeriod> |
| </dayPeriodWidth> |
| </dayPeriodContext> |
| </dayPeriods> |
| <eras> |
| <eraNames> |
| <era type="0">пре нове ере</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">пре наше ере</era> |
| <era type="1">нове ере</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">наше ере</era> |
| </eraNames> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">п. н. е.</era> |
| <era type="0" alt="variant">↑↑↑</era> |
| <era type="1">н. е.</era> |
| <era type="1" alt="variant">↑↑↑</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| <eraNarrow> |
| <era type="0">п.н.е.</era> |
| <era type="1">н.е.</era> |
| </eraNarrow> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>EEEE, d. MMMM y.</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>yMMMMEEEEdd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d. MMMM y.</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>yMMMMdd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d. M. y.</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>yMMdd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>d.M.yy.</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>yyMd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
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| <timeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton draft="contributed">↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton draft="contributed">↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton draft="contributed">↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| <timeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <timeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton draft="contributed">↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </timeFormat> |
| </timeFormatLength> |
| </timeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
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| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <dateTimeFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateTimeFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| <dateTimeFormat type="atTime"> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateTimeFormat> |
| </dateTimeFormatLength> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bh">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhm">hh:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Bhms">hh:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="E">E</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhm">E hh:mm B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EBhms">E hh:mm:ss B</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ed">E d.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehm">E h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Ehms">E h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="EHms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Gy">y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMd">d.MM.y. GGGGG</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMM">MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">E, d. MMM y. G</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="h">h a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="H">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hm">h:mm a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hm">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hms">h:mm:ss a</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmsv">h:mm:ss a v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmsv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="hmv">h:mm a v</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Hmv">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">d. M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">E, d. M.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMdd">dd.MM.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMdd">dd.MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">E d. MMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">d. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMEd">E, d. MMMM</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="one">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="few">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMW" count="other">W. 'седмица' 'у' MMMM.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="ms">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yM">M. y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMd">d. M. y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMEd">E, d. M. y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMM">MM.y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMdd">dd.MM.y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMM">MMM y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMd">d. MMM y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMEd">E, d. MMM y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yMMMM">MMMM y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQ">QQQ y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yQQQQ">QQQQ y.</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="one">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="few">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yw" count="other">w. 'седмица' 'у' Y.</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| <appendItems> |
| <appendItem request="Timezone">↑↑↑</appendItem> |
| </appendItems> |
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| <intervalFormatFallback>{0} – {1}</intervalFormatFallback> |
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| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Bhm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="B">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="d"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="GyMMMd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="G">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="h"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm a</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hm"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="a">h:mm a – h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="m">h:mm–h:mm a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
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| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="a">h a – h a v</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="h">h–h a v</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="Hv"> |
| <greatestDifference id="H">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">M–M</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d. M. – d. M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. M. – d. M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. M. – E, d. M.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. M. – E, d. M.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">dd. MMM – dd. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, dd. – E, dd. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, dd. MMM – E, dd. MMM</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="y">↑↑↑</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yM"> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">M – M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">M.y. – M.y.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">d. M. y. – d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">d. M. y. – d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">d. M. y. – d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
| <intervalFormatItem id="yMEd"> |
| <greatestDifference id="d">E, d. M. y. – E, d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, d. M. y. – E, d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, d. M. y. – E, d. M. y.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">MMM–MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMM y. – MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">dd.–dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">dd. MMM – dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">dd. MMM y. – dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
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| <greatestDifference id="d">E, dd. – E, dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="M">E, dd. MMM – E, dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">E, dd. MMM y. – E, dd. MMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| </intervalFormatItem> |
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| <greatestDifference id="M">MMMM – MMMM y.</greatestDifference> |
| <greatestDifference id="y">MMMM y. – MMMM y.</greatestDifference> |
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| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="hebrew"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Тишри</month> |
| <month type="2">Хешван</month> |
| <month type="3">Кислев</month> |
| <month type="4">Тевет</month> |
| <month type="5">Шеват</month> |
| <month type="6">Адар I</month> |
| <month type="7">Адар</month> |
| <month type="7" yeartype="leap">Адар II</month> |
| <month type="8">Нисан</month> |
| <month type="9">Ијар</month> |
| <month type="10">Сиван</month> |
| <month type="11">Тамуз</month> |
| <month type="12">Ав</month> |
| <month type="13">Елул</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="indian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Чаитра</month> |
| <month type="2">Ваисака</month> |
| <month type="3">Јиаиста</month> |
| <month type="4">Асада</month> |
| <month type="5">Сравана</month> |
| <month type="6">Бадра</month> |
| <month type="7">Асвина</month> |
| <month type="8">Картика</month> |
| <month type="9">Аргајана</month> |
| <month type="10">Пауза</month> |
| <month type="11">Мага</month> |
| <month type="12">Фалгуна</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">САКА</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="islamic"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">Мух.</month> |
| <month type="2">Саф.</month> |
| <month type="3">Реб. 1</month> |
| <month type="4">Реб. 2</month> |
| <month type="5">Џум. 1</month> |
| <month type="6">Џум. 2</month> |
| <month type="7">Реџ.</month> |
| <month type="8">Ша.</month> |
| <month type="9">Рам.</month> |
| <month type="10">Ше.</month> |
| <month type="11">Зул-к.</month> |
| <month type="12">Зул-х.</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
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| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Мухарем</month> |
| <month type="2">Сафар</month> |
| <month type="3">Рабиʻ I</month> |
| <month type="4">Рабиʻ II</month> |
| <month type="5">Јумада I</month> |
| <month type="6">Јумада II</month> |
| <month type="7">Рађаб</month> |
| <month type="8">Шаʻбан</month> |
| <month type="9">Рамадан</month> |
| <month type="10">Шавал</month> |
| <month type="11">Дуʻл-Киʻда</month> |
| <month type="12">Дуʻл-хиђа</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| <monthContext type="stand-alone"> |
| <monthWidth type="abbreviated"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="4">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="narrow"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="3">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="4">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="5">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="6">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="7">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="10">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="11">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="12">↑↑↑</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="2">Сафер</month> |
| <month type="3">Реби 1</month> |
| <month type="4">Реби 2</month> |
| <month type="5">Џумаде 1</month> |
| <month type="6">Џумаде 2</month> |
| <month type="7">Реџеб</month> |
| <month type="8">↑↑↑</month> |
| <month type="9">Рамазан</month> |
| <month type="10">Шевал</month> |
| <month type="11">Зул-каде</month> |
| <month type="12">Зул-хиџе</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">АХ</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
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| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| <dateTimeFormats> |
| <availableFormats> |
| <dateFormatItem id="d">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="GyMMMEd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="M">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="Md">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MEd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMEd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="MMMMEd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="y">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyy">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMd">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
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| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyMMMM">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQ">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| <dateFormatItem id="yyyyQQQQ">↑↑↑</dateFormatItem> |
| </availableFormats> |
| </dateTimeFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="japanese"> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">Таика (645–650)</era> |
| <era type="1">Хакучи (650–671)</era> |
| <era type="2">Хакухо (672–686)</era> |
| <era type="3">Шучо (686–701)</era> |
| <era type="4">Таихо (701–704)</era> |
| <era type="5">Кеиун (704–708)</era> |
| <era type="6">Вадо (708–715)</era> |
| <era type="7">Реики (715–717)</era> |
| <era type="8">Јоро (717–724)</era> |
| <era type="9">Јинки (724–729)</era> |
| <era type="10">Темпио (729–749)</era> |
| <era type="11">Темпио-кампо (749-749)</era> |
| <era type="12">Темпио-шохо (749-757)</era> |
| <era type="13">Темпио-хођи (757-765)</era> |
| <era type="14">Темпо-ђинго (765-767)</era> |
| <era type="15">Ђинго-кеиун (767-770)</era> |
| <era type="16">Хоки (770–780)</era> |
| <era type="17">Тен-о (781-782)</era> |
| <era type="18">Енрјаку (782–806)</era> |
| <era type="19">Даидо (806–810)</era> |
| <era type="20">Конин (810–824)</era> |
| <era type="21">Тенчо (824–834)</era> |
| <era type="22">Шова (834–848)</era> |
| <era type="23">Кајо (848–851)</era> |
| <era type="24">Нињу (851–854)</era> |
| <era type="25">Саико (854–857)</era> |
| <era type="26">Тенан (857–859)</era> |
| <era type="27">Јоган (859–877)</era> |
| <era type="28">Генкеи (877–885)</era> |
| <era type="29">Ниња (885–889)</era> |
| <era type="30">Кампјо (889–898)</era> |
| <era type="31">Шотаи (898–901)</era> |
| <era type="32">Енђи (901–923)</era> |
| <era type="33">Енчо (923–931)</era> |
| <era type="34">Шохеи (931–938)</era> |
| <era type="35">Тенгјо (938–947)</era> |
| <era type="36">Тенриаку (947–957)</era> |
| <era type="37">Тентоку (957–961)</era> |
| <era type="38">Ова (961–964)</era> |
| <era type="39">Кохо (964–968)</era> |
| <era type="40">Ана (968–970)</era> |
| <era type="41">Тенроку (970–973)</era> |
| <era type="42">Тен-ен (973-976)</era> |
| <era type="43">Јоген (976–978)</era> |
| <era type="44">Тенген (978–983)</era> |
| <era type="45">Еикан (983–985)</era> |
| <era type="46">Кана (985–987)</era> |
| <era type="47">Еи-ен (987-989)</era> |
| <era type="48">Еисо (989–990)</era> |
| <era type="49">Шорјаку (990–995)</era> |
| <era type="50">Чотоку (995–999)</era> |
| <era type="51">Чохо (999–1004)</era> |
| <era type="52">Канко (1004–1012)</era> |
| <era type="53">Чова (1012–1017)</era> |
| <era type="54">Канин (1017–1021)</era> |
| <era type="55">Ђиан (1021–1024)</era> |
| <era type="56">Мању (1024–1028)</era> |
| <era type="57">Чоген (1028–1037)</era> |
| <era type="58">Чорјаку (1037–1040)</era> |
| <era type="59">Чокју (1040–1044)</era> |
| <era type="60">Кантоку (1044–1046)</era> |
| <era type="61">Еишо (1046–1053)</era> |
| <era type="62">Тенђи (1053–1058)</era> |
| <era type="63">Кохеи (1058–1065)</era> |
| <era type="64">Ђирјаку (1065–1069)</era> |
| <era type="65">Енкју (1069–1074)</era> |
| <era type="66">Шохо (1074–1077)</era> |
| <era type="67">Шорјаку (1077–1081)</era> |
| <era type="68">Еишо (1081–1084)</era> |
| <era type="69">Отоку (1084–1087)</era> |
| <era type="70">Канђи (1087–1094)</era> |
| <era type="71">Кахо (1094–1096)</era> |
| <era type="72">Еичо (1096–1097)</era> |
| <era type="73">Шотоку (1097–1099)</era> |
| <era type="74">Кова (1099–1104)</era> |
| <era type="75">Чођи (1104–1106)</era> |
| <era type="76">Кашо (1106–1108)</era> |
| <era type="77">Тенин (1108–1110)</era> |
| <era type="78">Тен-еи (1110-1113)</era> |
| <era type="79">Еикју (1113–1118)</era> |
| <era type="80">Ђен-еи (1118-1120)</era> |
| <era type="81">Хоан (1120–1124)</era> |
| <era type="82">Тенђи (1124–1126)</era> |
| <era type="83">Даиђи (1126–1131)</era> |
| <era type="84">Теншо (1131–1132)</era> |
| <era type="85">Чошао (1132–1135)</era> |
| <era type="86">Хоен (1135–1141)</era> |
| <era type="87">Еиђи (1141–1142)</era> |
| <era type="88">Кођи (1142–1144)</era> |
| <era type="89">Тењо (1144–1145)</era> |
| <era type="90">Кјуан (1145–1151)</era> |
| <era type="91">Нинпеи (1151–1154)</era> |
| <era type="92">Кјују (1154–1156)</era> |
| <era type="93">Хоген (1156–1159)</era> |
| <era type="94">Хеиђи (1159–1160)</era> |
| <era type="95">Еирјаку (1160–1161)</era> |
| <era type="96">Охо (1161–1163)</era> |
| <era type="97">Чокан (1163–1165)</era> |
| <era type="98">Еиман (1165–1166)</era> |
| <era type="99">Нин-ан (1166-1169)</era> |
| <era type="100">Као (1169–1171)</era> |
| <era type="101">Шоан (1171–1175)</era> |
| <era type="102">Анген (1175–1177)</era> |
| <era type="103">Ђишо (1177–1181)</era> |
| <era type="104">Јова (1181–1182)</era> |
| <era type="105">Ђуеи (1182–1184)</era> |
| <era type="106">Генрјуку (1184–1185)</era> |
| <era type="107">Бунђи (1185–1190)</era> |
| <era type="108">Кенкју (1190–1199)</era> |
| <era type="109">Шођи (1199–1201)</era> |
| <era type="110">Кенин (1201–1204)</era> |
| <era type="111">Генкју (1204–1206)</era> |
| <era type="112">Кен-еи (1206-1207)</era> |
| <era type="113">Шоген (1207–1211)</era> |
| <era type="114">Кенрјаку (1211–1213)</era> |
| <era type="115">Кенпо (1213–1219)</era> |
| <era type="116">Шокју (1219–1222)</era> |
| <era type="117">Ђу (1222–1224)</era> |
| <era type="118">Ђенин (1224–1225)</era> |
| <era type="119">Кароку (1225–1227)</era> |
| <era type="120">Антеи (1227–1229)</era> |
| <era type="121">Канки (1229–1232)</era> |
| <era type="122">Ђоеи (1232–1233)</era> |
| <era type="123">Темпуку (1233–1234)</era> |
| <era type="124">Бунрјаку (1234–1235)</era> |
| <era type="125">Катеи (1235–1238)</era> |
| <era type="126">Рјакунин (1238–1239)</era> |
| <era type="127">Ен-о (1239-1240)</era> |
| <era type="128">Нињи (1240–1243)</era> |
| <era type="129">Канген (1243–1247)</era> |
| <era type="130">Хођи (1247–1249)</era> |
| <era type="131">Кенчо (1249–1256)</era> |
| <era type="132">Коген (1256–1257)</era> |
| <era type="133">Шока (1257–1259)</era> |
| <era type="134">Шоген (1259–1260)</era> |
| <era type="135">Бун-о (1260-1261)</era> |
| <era type="136">Кочо (1261–1264)</era> |
| <era type="137">Бун-еи (1264-1275)</era> |
| <era type="138">Кенђи (1275–1278)</era> |
| <era type="139">Коан (1278–1288)</era> |
| <era type="140">Шу (1288–1293)</era> |
| <era type="141">Еинин (1293–1299)</era> |
| <era type="142">Шоан (1299–1302)</era> |
| <era type="143">Кенген (1302–1303)</era> |
| <era type="144">Каген (1303–1306)</era> |
| <era type="145">Токуђи (1306–1308)</era> |
| <era type="146">Енкеи (1308–1311)</era> |
| <era type="147">Очо (1311–1312)</era> |
| <era type="148">Шова (1312–1317)</era> |
| <era type="149">Бунпо (1317–1319)</era> |
| <era type="150">Ђено (1319–1321)</era> |
| <era type="151">Ђенкјо (1321–1324)</era> |
| <era type="152">Шочу (1324–1326)</era> |
| <era type="153">Кареки (1326–1329)</era> |
| <era type="154">Гентоку (1329–1331)</era> |
| <era type="155">Генко (1331–1334)</era> |
| <era type="156">Кему (1334–1336)</era> |
| <era type="157">Енген (1336–1340)</era> |
| <era type="158">Кококу (1340–1346)</era> |
| <era type="159">Шохеи (1346–1370)</era> |
| <era type="160">Кентоку (1370–1372)</era> |
| <era type="161">Бучу (1372–1375)</era> |
| <era type="162">Тењу (1375–1379)</era> |
| <era type="163">Корјаку (1379–1381)</era> |
| <era type="164">Кова (1381–1384)</era> |
| <era type="165">Генчу (1384–1392)</era> |
| <era type="166">Меитоку (1384–1387)</era> |
| <era type="167">Какеи (1387–1389)</era> |
| <era type="168">Ку (1389–1390)</era> |
| <era type="169">Меитоку (1390–1394)</era> |
| <era type="170">Оеи (1394–1428)</era> |
| <era type="171">Шочо (1428–1429)</era> |
| <era type="172">Еикјо (1429–1441)</era> |
| <era type="173">Какитсу (1441–1444)</era> |
| <era type="174">Бун-ан (1444-1449)</era> |
| <era type="175">Хотоку (1449–1452)</era> |
| <era type="176">Кјотоку (1452–1455)</era> |
| <era type="177">Кошо (1455–1457)</era> |
| <era type="178">Чороку (1457–1460)</era> |
| <era type="179">Каншо (1460–1466)</era> |
| <era type="180">Буншо (1466–1467)</era> |
| <era type="181">Онин (1467–1469)</era> |
| <era type="182">Бунмеи (1469–1487)</era> |
| <era type="183">Чокјо (1487–1489)</era> |
| <era type="184">Ентоку (1489–1492)</era> |
| <era type="185">Меио (1492–1501)</era> |
| <era type="186">Бунки (1501–1504)</era> |
| <era type="187">Еишо (1504–1521)</era> |
| <era type="188">Таиеи (1521–1528)</era> |
| <era type="189">Кјороку (1528–1532)</era> |
| <era type="190">Тенмон (1532–1555)</era> |
| <era type="191">Кођи (1555–1558)</era> |
| <era type="192">Еироку (1558–1570)</era> |
| <era type="193">Генки (1570–1573)</era> |
| <era type="194">Теншо (1573–1592)</era> |
| <era type="195">Бунроку (1592–1596)</era> |
| <era type="196">Кеичо (1596–1615)</era> |
| <era type="197">Генва (1615–1624)</era> |
| <era type="198">Кан-еи (1624-1644)</era> |
| <era type="199">Шохо (1644–1648)</era> |
| <era type="200">Кеиан (1648–1652)</era> |
| <era type="201">Шу (1652–1655)</era> |
| <era type="202">Меирјаку (1655–1658)</era> |
| <era type="203">Мањи (1658–1661)</era> |
| <era type="204">Канбун (1661–1673)</era> |
| <era type="205">Енпо (1673–1681)</era> |
| <era type="206">Тенва (1681–1684)</era> |
| <era type="207">Јокјо (1684–1688)</era> |
| <era type="208">Генроку (1688–1704)</era> |
| <era type="209">Хоеи (1704–1711)</era> |
| <era type="210">Шотоку (1711–1716)</era> |
| <era type="211">Кјохо (1716–1736)</era> |
| <era type="212">Генбун (1736–1741)</era> |
| <era type="213">Канпо (1741–1744)</era> |
| <era type="214">Енкјо (1744–1748)</era> |
| <era type="215">Кан-ен (1748-1751)</era> |
| <era type="216">Хорјаку (1751–1764)</era> |
| <era type="217">Меива (1764–1772)</era> |
| <era type="218">Ан-еи (1772-1781)</era> |
| <era type="219">Тенмеи (1781–1789)</era> |
| <era type="220">Кансеи (1789–1801)</era> |
| <era type="221">Кјова (1801–1804)</era> |
| <era type="222">Бунка (1804–1818)</era> |
| <era type="223">Бунсеи (1818–1830)</era> |
| <era type="224">Тенпо (1830–1844)</era> |
| <era type="225">Кока (1844–1848)</era> |
| <era type="226">Каеи (1848–1854)</era> |
| <era type="227">Ансеи (1854–1860)</era> |
| <era type="228">Ман-ен (1860-1861)</era> |
| <era type="229">Бункју (1861–1864)</era> |
| <era type="230">Генђи (1864–1865)</era> |
| <era type="231">Кеико (1865–1868)</era> |
| <era type="232">Меиђи</era> |
| <era type="233">Таишо</era> |
| <era type="234">Шова</era> |
| <era type="235">Хаисеи</era> |
| <era type="236" draft="contributed">Реива</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| <dateFormats> |
| <dateFormatLength type="full"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>EEEE, MMMM d, y G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="long"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>MMMM d, y G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>↑↑↑</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="medium"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>MMM d, y G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>GyMMMd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| <dateFormatLength type="short"> |
| <dateFormat> |
| <pattern>M/d/yy G</pattern> |
| <datetimeSkeleton>GyyMd</datetimeSkeleton> |
| </dateFormat> |
| </dateFormatLength> |
| </dateFormats> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="persian"> |
| <months> |
| <monthContext type="format"> |
| <monthWidth type="wide"> |
| <month type="1">Фаравадин</month> |
| <month type="2">Ордибехешт</month> |
| <month type="3">Кордад</month> |
| <month type="4">Тир</month> |
| <month type="5">Мордад</month> |
| <month type="6">Шахривар</month> |
| <month type="7">Мехр</month> |
| <month type="8">Абан</month> |
| <month type="9">Азар</month> |
| <month type="10">Деј</month> |
| <month type="11">Бахман</month> |
| <month type="12">Есфанд</month> |
| </monthWidth> |
| </monthContext> |
| </months> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0" draft="provisional">АП</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| <calendar type="roc"> |
| <eras> |
| <eraAbbr> |
| <era type="0">Пре РК</era> |
| <era type="1">РК</era> |
| </eraAbbr> |
| </eras> |
| </calendar> |
| </calendars> |
| <fields> |
| <field type="era"> |
| <displayName>ера</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="era-short"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="era-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year"> |
| <displayName>година</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле године</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове године</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће године</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} годину</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} године</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} година</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} године</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} године</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} година</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-short"> |
| <displayName>год.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле год.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове год.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће год.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} год.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="year-narrow"> |
| <displayName>г.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле г.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове г.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће г.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} г.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter"> |
| <displayName>квартал</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог квартала</relative> |
| <relative type="0">овог квартала</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег квартала</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} квартал</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} квартала</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} квартала</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-short"> |
| <displayName>кв.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} кв.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="quarter-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month"> |
| <displayName>месец</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог месеца</relative> |
| <relative type="0">овог месеца</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег месеца</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} месец</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} месеца</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} месеци</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} месеца</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} месеца</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} месеци</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-short"> |
| <displayName>мес.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог мес.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">овог мес.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег мес.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} мес.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="month-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} м.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week"> |
| <displayName>недеља</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле недеље</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове недеље</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће недеље</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} недељу</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} недеља</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} недеља</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>недеља која почиње {0}.</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-short"> |
| <displayName>нед.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле нед.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове нед.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће нед.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} нед.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>↑↑↑</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="week-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле н.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">ове н.</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће н.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} н.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativePeriod>↑↑↑</relativePeriod> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth"> |
| <displayName>недеља у месецу</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth-short"> |
| <displayName>нед. у мес.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekOfMonth-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day"> |
| <displayName>дан</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">прекјуче</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">јуче</relative> |
| <relative type="0">данас</relative> |
| <relative type="1">сутра</relative> |
| <relative type="2">прекосутра</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} дан</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} дана</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} дана</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-short"> |
| <displayName>д.</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="2">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} д.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="day-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relative type="-2">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="2">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear"> |
| <displayName>дан у години</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-short"> |
| <displayName>дан у год.</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayOfYear-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday"> |
| <displayName>дан у недељи</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-short"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekday-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth"> |
| <displayName>дан у месецу</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-short"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="weekdayOfMonth-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле недеље</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у недељу</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће недеље</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} недељу</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} недеља</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} недеље</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} недеља</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">пр. нед.</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у нед</relative> |
| <relative type="1">сл. нед.</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sun-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог понедељка</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у понедељак</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег понедељка</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} понедељак</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} понедељка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} понедељака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} понедељка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} понедељка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} понедељака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог пон</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у пон</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег пон</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="mon-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} понедељкa</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог уторка</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у уторак</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег уторка</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} уторак</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} уторка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} уторака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} уторка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} уторка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} уторака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог уто</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у уто</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег уто</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="tue-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле среде</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у среду</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће среде</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} среду</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} среде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} среда</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} среде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} среде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} среда</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле сре</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у сре</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће сре</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="wed-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог четвртка</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у четвртак</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег четвртка</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} четвртак</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} четвртка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} четвртака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} четвртка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} четвртка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} четвртака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог чет</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у чет</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег чет</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="thu-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог петка</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у петак</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег петка</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} петак</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} петка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} петака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} петка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} петка</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} петака</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошлог пет</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у пет</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следећег пет</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="fri-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле суботе</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у суботу</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће суботе</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} суботу</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} суботе</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} субота</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} суботе</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} суботе</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} субота</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat-short"> |
| <relative type="-1">прошле суб</relative> |
| <relative type="0">у суб</relative> |
| <relative type="1">следеће суб</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="sat-narrow"> |
| <relative type="-1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="0">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relative type="1">↑↑↑</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod-short"> |
| <displayName>пре подне/по подне</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod"> |
| <displayName>AM/PM</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="dayperiod-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour"> |
| <displayName>сат</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">овог сата</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} сат</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} сата</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} сати</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} сата</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} сата</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} сати</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-short"> |
| <displayName>ч.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} ч.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="hour-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute"> |
| <displayName>минут</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">овог минута</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} минут</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} минута</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} минута</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-short"> |
| <displayName>мин.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} мин.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="minute-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">↑↑↑</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second"> |
| <displayName>секунд</displayName> |
| <relative type="0">сада</relative> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} секунду</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} секунде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} секунди</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} секунде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} секунде</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} секунди</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-short"> |
| <displayName>сек.</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} сек.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="second-narrow"> |
| <displayName>с</displayName> |
| <relativeTime type="future"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">за {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">за {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">за {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| <relativeTime type="past"> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="one">пре {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="few">пре {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| <relativeTimePattern count="other">пре {0} с.</relativeTimePattern> |
| </relativeTime> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone"> |
| <displayName>временска зона</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone-short"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| <field type="zone-narrow"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| </field> |
| </fields> |
| <timeZoneNames> |
| <hourFormat>↑↑↑</hourFormat> |
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| <gmtZeroFormat>↑↑↑</gmtZeroFormat> |
| <regionFormat>↑↑↑</regionFormat> |
| <regionFormat type="daylight">{0}, летње време</regionFormat> |
| <regionFormat type="standard">{0}, стандардно време</regionFormat> |
| <fallbackFormat>↑↑↑</fallbackFormat> |
| <zone type="Etc/UTC"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Координисано универзално време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Etc/Unknown"> |
| <exemplarCity>Непознат град</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Andorra"> |
| <exemplarCity>Андора</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dubai"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дубаи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kabul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кабул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Antigua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Антигва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Anguilla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ангвила</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Tirane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тирана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yerevan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јереван</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Luanda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Луанда</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Rothera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ротера</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Palmer"> |
| <exemplarCity>Палмер</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Troll"> |
| <exemplarCity>Трол</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Syowa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Шова</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Mawson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мосон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Davis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дејвис</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Vostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Восток</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Casey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кејси</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/DumontDUrville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Димон д’Урвил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/McMurdo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Макмурдо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Rio_Gallegos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рио Гаљегос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mendoza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мендоса</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Juan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сан Хуан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Ushuaia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ушуаија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/La_Rioja"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ла Риоха</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/San_Luis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сан Луи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Catamarca"> |
| <exemplarCity>Катамарка</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Salta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Салта</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jujuy"> |
| <exemplarCity>Жужуи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Argentina/Tucuman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тукуман</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cordoba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кордоба</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Buenos_Aires"> |
| <exemplarCity>Буенос Ајрес</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pago_Pago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Паго Паго</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vienna"> |
| <exemplarCity>Беч</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Perth"> |
| <exemplarCity>Перт</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Eucla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Иукла</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Darwin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дарвин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Adelaide"> |
| <exemplarCity>Аделејд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Broken_Hill"> |
| <exemplarCity>Брокен Хил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Melbourne"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мелбурн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Hobart"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хобарт</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lindeman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Линдеман</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Sydney"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сиднеј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Brisbane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бризбејн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Antarctica/Macquarie"> |
| <exemplarCity>Меквори</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Australia/Lord_Howe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лорд Хау</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Aruba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Аруба</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Mariehamn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Марихамн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baku"> |
| <exemplarCity>Баку</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sarajevo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сарајево</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Barbados"> |
| <exemplarCity>Барбадос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dhaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дака</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Brussels"> |
| <exemplarCity>Брисел</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ouagadougou"> |
| <exemplarCity>Уагадугу</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Sofia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Софија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bahrain"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бахреин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bujumbura"> |
| <exemplarCity>Буџумбура</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Porto-Novo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порто Ново</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Barthelemy"> |
| <exemplarCity>Св. Бартоломeј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Bermuda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бермуда</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Brunei"> |
| <exemplarCity>Брунеј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/La_Paz"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ла Паз</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kralendijk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кралендајк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Eirunepe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Еирунепе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rio_Branco"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рио Бранко</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Porto_Velho"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порто Вељо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boa_Vista"> |
| <exemplarCity>Боа Виста</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Manaus"> |
| <exemplarCity>Манаус</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cuiaba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Куиаба</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santarem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сантарем</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Campo_Grande"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кампо Гранде</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Белем</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Araguaina"> |
| <exemplarCity>Арагвајана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sao_Paulo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сао Паоло</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Баија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fortaleza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Форталеза</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Maceio"> |
| <exemplarCity>Масејо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Recife"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ресифе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Noronha"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нороња</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nassau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Насау</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Thimphu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тимпу</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Gaborone"> |
| <exemplarCity>Габорон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Minsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Минск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Belize"> |
| <exemplarCity>Белизе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Досон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Whitehorse"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вајтхорс</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Inuvik"> |
| <exemplarCity>Инувик</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Vancouver"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ванкувер</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Fort_Nelson"> |
| <exemplarCity>Форт Нелсон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dawson_Creek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Досон Крик</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Creston"> |
| <exemplarCity>Крестон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Edmonton"> |
| <exemplarCity>Едмонтон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Swift_Current"> |
| <exemplarCity>Свифт Курент</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cambridge_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кембриџ Беј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Regina"> |
| <exemplarCity>Регина</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Winnipeg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Винипег</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Resolute"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ресолут</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Rankin_Inlet"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ранкин Инлет</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Coral_Harbour"> |
| <exemplarCity>Корал Харбур</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Toronto"> |
| <exemplarCity>Торонто</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Iqaluit"> |
| <exemplarCity>Иквалуит</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Moncton"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монктон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Halifax"> |
| <exemplarCity>Халифакс</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Goose_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гус Беј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Glace_Bay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Глејс Беј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Blanc-Sablon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бланк-Сејблон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Johns"> |
| <exemplarCity>Св. Џон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Cocos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кокос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kinshasa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Киншаса</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lubumbashi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лубумбаши</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bangui"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бангуи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Brazzaville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бразавил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zurich"> |
| <exemplarCity>Цирих</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Abidjan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Абиџан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Rarotonga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Раротонга</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Easter"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ускршње острво</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Punta_Arenas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Пунта Аренас</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santiago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сантјаго</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Douala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дуала</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Urumqi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Урумћи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Shanghai"> |
| <exemplarCity>Шангај</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bogota"> |
| <exemplarCity>Богота</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Costa_Rica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Костарика</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Havana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хавана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Cape_Verde"> |
| <exemplarCity>Зеленортска Острва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Curacao"> |
| <exemplarCity>Курасао</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Christmas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Божић</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Nicosia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Никозија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Famagusta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Фамагуста</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Prague"> |
| <exemplarCity>Праг</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Busingen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бисинген</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Berlin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Берлин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Djibouti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Џибути</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Copenhagen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Копенхаген</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Dominica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Доминика</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Santo_Domingo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Санто Доминго</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Algiers"> |
| <exemplarCity>Алжир</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Galapagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Галапагос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guayaquil"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гвајакил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Tallinn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Талин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Cairo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Каиро</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/El_Aaiun"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ел Ајун</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Asmera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Асмера</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Canary"> |
| <exemplarCity>Канарска острва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ceuta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сеута</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Madrid"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мадрид</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Addis_Ababa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Адис Абеба</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Helsinki"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хелсинки</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fiji"> |
| <exemplarCity>Фиџи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Stanley"> |
| <exemplarCity>Стенли</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Truk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Трук</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Ponape"> |
| <exemplarCity>Понапе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kosrae"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кошре</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Faeroe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Фарска Острва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Paris"> |
| <exemplarCity>Париз</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Libreville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Либревил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/London"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>Британија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>Лондон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grenada"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гренада</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tbilisi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тбилиси</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayenne"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кајен</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Guernsey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гернзи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Accra"> |
| <exemplarCity>Акра</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Gibraltar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гибралтар</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Thule"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Godthab"> |
| <exemplarCity>Готхаб</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Scoresbysund"> |
| <exemplarCity>Скорезбисунд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Danmarkshavn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Данмарксхаген</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Banjul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Банжул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Conakry"> |
| <exemplarCity>Конакри</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guadeloupe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гвадалупе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Malabo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Малабо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Athens"> |
| <exemplarCity>Атина</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/South_Georgia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јужна Џорџија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guatemala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гватемала</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гуам</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bissau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бисао</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Guyana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гвајана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hong_Kong"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хонгконг</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tegucigalpa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тегусигалпа</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Zagreb"> |
| <exemplarCity>Загреб</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port-au-Prince"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порт о Пренс</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Budapest"> |
| <exemplarCity>Будимпешта</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jakarta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Џакарта</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pontianak"> |
| <exemplarCity>Понтијанак</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Makassar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Макасар</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jayapura"> |
| <exemplarCity>Џајапура</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Dublin"> |
| <long> |
| <daylight>Ирска, стандардно време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <exemplarCity>Даблин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Jerusalem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јерусалим</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Isle_of_Man"> |
| <exemplarCity>Острво Ман</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Calcutta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Калкута</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Chagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чагос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Baghdad"> |
| <exemplarCity>Багдад</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tehran"> |
| <exemplarCity>Техеран</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Reykjavik"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рејкјавик</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Rome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рим</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Jersey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Џерзи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Jamaica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јамајка</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Amman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Аман</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tokyo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Токио</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nairobi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Најроби</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bishkek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бишкек</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Phnom_Penh"> |
| <exemplarCity>Пном Пен</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Enderbury"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ендербери</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kanton"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кантон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kiritimati"> |
| <exemplarCity>Киритимати</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tarawa"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тарава</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Comoro"> |
| <exemplarCity>Коморо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Kitts"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сент Китс</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Pyongyang"> |
| <exemplarCity>Пјонгјанг</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Seoul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сеул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuwait"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кувајт</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cayman"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кајманска Острва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Актау</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Oral"> |
| <exemplarCity>Орал</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Atyrau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Атирау</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aqtobe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Акутобе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qostanay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Костанај</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qyzylorda"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кизилорда</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Almaty"> |
| <exemplarCity>Алмати</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vientiane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вијентијан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Beirut"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бејрут</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Lucia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Св. Луција</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vaduz"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вадуз</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Colombo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Коломбо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Monrovia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монровија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maseru"> |
| <exemplarCity>Масеру</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vilnius"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вилњус</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Luxembourg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Луксембург</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Riga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рига</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tripoli"> |
| <exemplarCity>Триполи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Casablanca"> |
| <exemplarCity>Казабланка</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Monaco"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монако</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Chisinau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кишињев</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Podgorica"> |
| <exemplarCity>Подгорица</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Marigot"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мариго</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Antananarivo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Антананариво</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Kwajalein"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кваџалејин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Majuro"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мајуро</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Skopje"> |
| <exemplarCity>Скопље</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Bamako"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бамако</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Rangoon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Рангун</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hovd"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ховд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ulaanbaatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Улан Батор</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Choibalsan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чојбалсан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Macau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Макао</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Saipan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сајпан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Martinique"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мартиник</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Nouakchott"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нуакшот</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montserrat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монтсерат</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Malta"> |
| <exemplarCity>Малта</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mauritius"> |
| <exemplarCity>Маурицијус</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Maldives"> |
| <exemplarCity>Малдиви</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Blantyre"> |
| <exemplarCity>Блантир</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tijuana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тихуана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Hermosillo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хермосиљо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Ciudad_Juarez"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сиудад Хуарез</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mazatlan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мазатлан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chihuahua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чихуахуа</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Bahia_Banderas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Баија Бандерас</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Ojinaga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Охинага</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Monterrey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монтереј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Mexico_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мексико Сити</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Matamoros"> |
| <exemplarCity>Матаморос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Merida"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мерида</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Cancun"> |
| <exemplarCity>Канкун</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuala_Lumpur"> |
| <exemplarCity>Куала Лумпур</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kuching"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кучинг</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Maputo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мапуто</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Windhoek"> |
| <exemplarCity>Виндхук</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Noumea"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нумеа</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Niamey"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нијамеј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Norfolk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Норфолк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lagos"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лагос</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Managua"> |
| <exemplarCity>Манагва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Amsterdam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Амстердам</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Oslo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Осло</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Katmandu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Катманду</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Nauru"> |
| <exemplarCity>Науру</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Niue"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ниуе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Chatham"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чатам</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Auckland"> |
| <exemplarCity>Окланд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Muscat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мускат</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Panama"> |
| <exemplarCity>Панама</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lima"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лима</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tahiti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тахити</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Marquesas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Маркиз</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Gambier"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гамбије</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Port_Moresby"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порт Морзби</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Bougainville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Буганвил</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Manila"> |
| <exemplarCity>Манила</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Karachi"> |
| <exemplarCity>Карачи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Warsaw"> |
| <exemplarCity>Варшава</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Miquelon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Микелон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Pitcairn"> |
| <exemplarCity>Питкерн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Puerto_Rico"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порто Рико</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Gaza"> |
| <exemplarCity>Газа</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Hebron"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хеброн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Azores"> |
| <exemplarCity>Азори</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/Madeira"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мадеира</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Lisbon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лисабон</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Palau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Палау</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Asuncion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Асунсион</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Qatar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Катар</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Reunion"> |
| <exemplarCity>Реунион</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bucharest"> |
| <exemplarCity>Букурешт</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Belgrade"> |
| <exemplarCity>Београд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kaliningrad"> |
| <exemplarCity>Калињинград</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Moscow"> |
| <exemplarCity>Москва</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Volgograd"> |
| <exemplarCity>Волгоград</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Saratov"> |
| <exemplarCity>Саратов</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Astrakhan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Астракан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ulyanovsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Уљановск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kirov"> |
| <exemplarCity>Киров</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Samara"> |
| <exemplarCity>Самара</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yekaterinburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јекатеринбург</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Omsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Омск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novosibirsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Новосибирск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Barnaul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Барнаул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tomsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Томск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Novokuznetsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Новокузњецк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Краснојарск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Irkutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Иркуцк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Chita"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чита</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Yakutsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јакутск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Vladivostok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Владивосток</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Khandyga"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хандига</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Sakhalin"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сахалин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ust-Nera"> |
| <exemplarCity>Уст-Нера</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Magadan"> |
| <exemplarCity>Магадан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Srednekolymsk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Средњеколимск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Kamchatka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Камчатка</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Anadyr"> |
| <exemplarCity>Анадир</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kigali"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кигали</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Riyadh"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ријад</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Guadalcanal"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гвадалканал</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mahe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Махе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Khartoum"> |
| <exemplarCity>Картум</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Stockholm"> |
| <exemplarCity>Стокхолм</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Singapore"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сингапур</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Atlantic/St_Helena"> |
| <exemplarCity>Света Јелена</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Ljubljana"> |
| <exemplarCity>Љубљана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Arctic/Longyearbyen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лонгјербјен</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Bratislava"> |
| <exemplarCity>Братислава</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Freetown"> |
| <exemplarCity>Фритаун</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/San_Marino"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сан Марино</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dakar"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дакар</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mogadishu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Могадиш</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Paramaribo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Парамарибо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Juba"> |
| <exemplarCity>Џуба</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Sao_Tome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сао Томе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/El_Salvador"> |
| <exemplarCity>Салвадор</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Lower_Princes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лоуер Принсиз Квортер</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Damascus"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дамаск</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Mbabane"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мбабане</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Grand_Turk"> |
| <exemplarCity>Гранд Турк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Ndjamena"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нџамена</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Kerguelen"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кергелен</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ломе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Bangkok"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бангкок</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dushanbe"> |
| <exemplarCity>Душанбе</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Fakaofo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Факаофо</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Dili"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дили</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Ashgabat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ашхабад</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Tunis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тунис</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Tongatapu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тонгатапу</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Istanbul"> |
| <exemplarCity>Истанбул</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Port_of_Spain"> |
| <exemplarCity>Порт оф Спејн</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Funafuti"> |
| <exemplarCity>Фунафути</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Taipei"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тајпеј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Dar_es_Salaam"> |
| <exemplarCity>Дар-ес-Салам</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Kiev"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кијев</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Simferopol"> |
| <exemplarCity>Симферопољ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Kampala"> |
| <exemplarCity>Кампала</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Midway"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мидвеј</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wake"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вејк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Adak"> |
| <exemplarCity>Адак</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Nome"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ном</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Honolulu"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хонолулу</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Anchorage"> |
| <exemplarCity>Енкориџ</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Yakutat"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јакутат</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Sitka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ситка</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Juneau"> |
| <exemplarCity>Жуно</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Metlakatla"> |
| <exemplarCity>Метлакатла</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Los_Angeles"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лос Анђелес</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Boise"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бојзи</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Phoenix"> |
| <exemplarCity>Финикс</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Denver"> |
| <exemplarCity>Денвер</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Beulah"> |
| <exemplarCity>Бијула, Северна Дакота</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/New_Salem"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нови Салем, Северна Дакота</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/North_Dakota/Center"> |
| <exemplarCity>Центар, Северна Дакота</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Chicago"> |
| <exemplarCity>Чикаго</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Menominee"> |
| <exemplarCity>Меномини</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vincennes"> |
| <exemplarCity>Винценес, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Petersburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Питерсбург, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Tell_City"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тел Сити, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Knox"> |
| <exemplarCity>Нокс, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Winamac"> |
| <exemplarCity>Винамак, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Marengo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Маренго, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indianapolis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Индианаполис</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Louisville"> |
| <exemplarCity>Луивиле</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Indiana/Vevay"> |
| <exemplarCity>Вевај, Индијана</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Kentucky/Monticello"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монтичело, Кентаки</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Detroit"> |
| <exemplarCity>Детроит</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/New_York"> |
| <exemplarCity>Њујорк</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Montevideo"> |
| <exemplarCity>Монтевидео</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Samarkand"> |
| <exemplarCity>Самарканд</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Tashkent"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ташкент</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Europe/Vatican"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ватикан</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Vincent"> |
| <exemplarCity>Сент Винсент</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Caracas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Каракас</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/Tortola"> |
| <exemplarCity>Тортола</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="America/St_Thomas"> |
| <exemplarCity>Св. Тома</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Saigon"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хо Ши Мин</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Efate"> |
| <exemplarCity>Ефат</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Wallis"> |
| <exemplarCity>Валис</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Pacific/Apia"> |
| <exemplarCity>Апија</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Asia/Aden"> |
| <exemplarCity>Аден</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Indian/Mayotte"> |
| <exemplarCity>Мајот</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Johannesburg"> |
| <exemplarCity>Јоханесбург</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Lusaka"> |
| <exemplarCity>Лусака</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <zone type="Africa/Harare"> |
| <exemplarCity>Хараре</exemplarCity> |
| </zone> |
| <metazone type="Acre"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Акре време</generic> |
| <standard>Акре стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Акре летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Afghanistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Авганистан време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Централно-афричко време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Источно-афричко време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Јужно-афричко време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Africa_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Западно-афричко време</generic> |
| <standard>Западно-афричко стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Западно-афричко летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Alaska"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аљаска</generic> |
| <standard>Аљаска, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аљаска, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Almaty"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Алмати време</generic> |
| <standard>Алмати стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Алмати летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Amazon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Амазон време</generic> |
| <standard>Амазон, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Амазон, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Северноамеричко централно време</generic> |
| <standard>Северноамеричко централно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Северноамеричко централно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Северноамеричко источно време</generic> |
| <standard>Северноамеричко источно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Северноамеричко источно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Mountain"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Северноамеричко планинско време</generic> |
| <standard>Северноамеричко планинско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Северноамеричко планинско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="America_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Северноамеричко пацифичко време</generic> |
| <standard>Северноамеричко пацифичко стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Северноамеричко пацифичко летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Anadyr"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Анадир време</generic> |
| <standard>Анадир стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Анадир летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Apia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Апија време</generic> |
| <standard>Апија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Апија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Aqtau"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Акватау време</generic> |
| <standard>Акватау стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Акватау летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Aqtobe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Акутобе време</generic> |
| <standard>Акутобе стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Акутобе летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Arabian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Арабијско време</generic> |
| <standard>Арабијско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Арабијско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аргентина време</generic> |
| <standard>Аргентина, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аргентина, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Argentina_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Западна Аргентина време</generic> |
| <standard>Западна Аргентина, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Западна Аргентина, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Armenia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Јерменија време</generic> |
| <standard>Јерменија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Јерменија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Atlantic"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Атлантско време</generic> |
| <standard>Атлантско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Атлантско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аустралијско централно време</generic> |
| <standard>Аустралијско централно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аустралијско централно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_CentralWestern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аустралијско централно западно време</generic> |
| <standard>Аустралијско централно западно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аустралијско централно западно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аустралијско источно време</generic> |
| <standard>Аустралијско источно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аустралијско источно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Australia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Аустралијско западно време</generic> |
| <standard>Аустралијско западно стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Аустралијско западно летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azerbaijan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Азербејџан време</generic> |
| <standard>Азербејџан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Азербејџан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Azores"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Азори време</generic> |
| <standard>Азори, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Азори, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bangladesh"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Бангладеш време</generic> |
| <standard>Бангладеш, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Бангладеш, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bhutan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Бутан време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Bolivia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Боливија време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brasilia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Бразилија време</generic> |
| <standard>Бразилија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Бразилија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Brunei"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Брунеј Дарусалум време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cape_Verde"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Зеленортска Острва време</generic> |
| <standard>Зеленортска Острва, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Зеленортска Острва, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chamorro"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Чаморо време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chatham"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Чатам време</generic> |
| <standard>Чатам, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Чатам, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Chile"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Чиле време</generic> |
| <standard>Чиле, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Чиле, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="China"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Кина време</generic> |
| <standard>Кинеско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Кина, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Choibalsan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Чојбалсан време</generic> |
| <standard>Чојбалсан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Чојбалсан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Christmas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Божићно острво време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cocos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Кокос (Келинг) Острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Colombia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Колумбија време</generic> |
| <standard>Колумбија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Колумбија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cook"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Кукова острва време</generic> |
| <standard>Кукова острва, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Кукова острва, полу-летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Cuba"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Куба</generic> |
| <standard>Куба, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Куба, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Davis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Дејвис време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="DumontDUrville"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Димон д’Урвил време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="East_Timor"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Источни тимор време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Easter"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Ускршња острва време</generic> |
| <standard>Ускршња острва, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Ускршња острва, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ecuador"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Еквадор време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Средњеевропско време</generic> |
| <standard>Средњеевропско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Средњеевропско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>CET</generic> |
| <standard>CET</standard> |
| <daylight>CEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Источноевропско време</generic> |
| <standard>Источноевропско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Источноевропско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>EET</generic> |
| <standard>EET</standard> |
| <daylight>EEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Further_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Време даљег истока Европе</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Europe_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Западноевропско време</generic> |
| <standard>Западноевропско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Западноевропско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <generic>WET</generic> |
| <standard>WET</standard> |
| <daylight>WEST</daylight> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Falkland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Фолкландска Острва време</generic> |
| <standard>Фолкландска Острва, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Фолкландска Острва, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Fiji"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Фиџи време</generic> |
| <standard>Фиџи, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Фиџи, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Guiana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Француска Гвајана време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="French_Southern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Француско јужно и антарктичко време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Galapagos"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Галапагос време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gambier"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Гамбије време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Грузија време</generic> |
| <standard>Грузија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Грузија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gilbert_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Гилберт острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="GMT"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Средње време по Гриничу</standard> |
| </long> |
| <short> |
| <standard>GMT</standard> |
| </short> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Источни Гренланд</generic> |
| <standard>Источни Гренланд, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Источни Гренланд, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Greenland_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Западни Гренланд</generic> |
| <standard>Западни Гренланд, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Западни Гренланд, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guam"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Гуам стандардно време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Gulf"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Заливско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Guyana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Гвајана време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hawaii_Aleutian"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Хавајско-алеутско време</generic> |
| <standard>Хавајско-алеутско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Хавајско-алеутско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hong_Kong"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Хонг Конг време</generic> |
| <standard>Хонг Конг, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Хонг Конг, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Hovd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Ховд време</generic> |
| <standard>Ховд, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Ховд, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="India"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Индијско стандардно време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indian_Ocean"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Индијско океанско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indochina"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Индокина време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Central"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Централно-индонезијско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Источно-индонезијско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Indonesia_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Западно-индонезијско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Iran"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Иран време</generic> |
| <standard>Иран, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Иран, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Irkutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Иркуцк време</generic> |
| <standard>Иркуцк, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Иркуцк, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Israel"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Израелско време</generic> |
| <standard>Израелско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Израелско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Japan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Јапанско време</generic> |
| <standard>Јапанско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Јапанско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kamchatka"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Петропавловско-камчатско време</generic> |
| <standard>Петропавловско-камчатско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Петропавловско-камчатско летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Eastern"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Источно-казахстанско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kazakhstan_Western"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Западно-казахстанско време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Korea"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Корејско време</generic> |
| <standard>Корејско стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Корејско летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kosrae"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Кошре време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Krasnoyarsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Краснојарск време</generic> |
| <standard>Краснојарск, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Краснојарск, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Kyrgystan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Киргистан време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lanka"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Шри Ланка време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Line_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Острва Лајн време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Lord_Howe"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Лорд Хов време</generic> |
| <standard>Лорд Хов, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Лорд Хов, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Macau"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Макао време</generic> |
| <standard>Макао стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Макао летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Magadan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Магадан време</generic> |
| <standard>Магадан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Магадан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Malaysia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Малезија време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Maldives"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Малдиви време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marquesas"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Маркиз време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Marshall_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Маршалска Острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mauritius"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Маурицијус време</generic> |
| <standard>Маурицијус, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Маурицијус, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mawson"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Мосон време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mexico_Pacific"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Мексички Пацифик</generic> |
| <standard>Мексички Пацифик, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Мексички Пацифик, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Mongolia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Улан Батор време</generic> |
| <standard>Улан Батор, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Улан Батор, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Moscow"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Москва време</generic> |
| <standard>Москва, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Москва, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Myanmar"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Мијанмар време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nauru"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Науру време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Nepal"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Непал време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Caledonia"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Нова Каледонија време</generic> |
| <standard>Нова Каледонија, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Нова Каледонија, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="New_Zealand"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Нови Зеланд време</generic> |
| <standard>Нови Зеланд, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Нови Зеланд, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Newfoundland"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Њуфаундленд</generic> |
| <standard>Њуфаундленд, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Њуфаундленд, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Niue"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Ниуе време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Norfolk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Норфолк Острво време</generic> |
| <standard>Норфолк Острво, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Норфолк Острво, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Noronha"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Фернандо де Нороња време</generic> |
| <standard>Фернандо де Нороња, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Фернандо де Нороња, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="North_Mariana"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Северна Маријанска Острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Novosibirsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Новосибирск време</generic> |
| <standard>Новосибирск, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Новосибирск, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Omsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Омск време</generic> |
| <standard>Омск, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Омск, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pakistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Пакистан време</generic> |
| <standard>Пакистан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Пакистан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Palau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Палау време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Papua_New_Guinea"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Папуа Нова Гвинеја време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Paraguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Парагвај време</generic> |
| <standard>Парагвај, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Парагвај, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Peru"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Перу време</generic> |
| <standard>Перу, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Перу, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Philippines"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Филипини време</generic> |
| <standard>Филипини, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Филипини, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Phoenix_Islands"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Феникс острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pierre_Miquelon"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Сен Пјер и Микелон</generic> |
| <standard>Сен Пјер и Микелон, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Сен Пјер и Микелон, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pitcairn"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Питкерн време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Ponape"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Понпеј време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Pyongyang"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Пјонгјаншко време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Qyzylorda"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Кизилорда време</generic> |
| <standard>Кизилорда стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Кизилорда летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Reunion"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Реинион време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Rothera"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Ротера време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Sakhalin"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Сахалин време</generic> |
| <standard>Сахалин, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Сахалин, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samara"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Самара време</generic> |
| <standard>Самара стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Самара летње рачунање времена</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Samoa"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Самоа време</generic> |
| <standard>Самоа, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Самоа, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Seychelles"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Сејшели време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Singapore"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Сингапур, стандардно време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Solomon"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Соломонска Острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="South_Georgia"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Јужна Џорџија време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Suriname"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Суринам време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Syowa"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Шова време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tahiti"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Тахити време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Taipei"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Тајпеј време</generic> |
| <standard>Тајпеј, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Тајпеј, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tajikistan"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Таџикистан време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tokelau"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Токелау време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tonga"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Тонга време</generic> |
| <standard>Тонга, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Тонга, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Truk"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Чуук време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Turkmenistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Туркменистан време</generic> |
| <standard>Туркменистан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Туркменистан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Tuvalu"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Тувалу време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uruguay"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Уругвај време</generic> |
| <standard>Уругвај, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Уругвај, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Uzbekistan"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Узбекистан време</generic> |
| <standard>Узбекистан, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Узбекистан, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vanuatu"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Вануату време</generic> |
| <standard>Вануату, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Вануату, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Venezuela"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Венецуела време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vladivostok"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Владивосток време</generic> |
| <standard>Владивосток, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Владивосток, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Volgograd"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Волгоград време</generic> |
| <standard>Волгоград, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Волгоград, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Vostok"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Восток време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wake"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Вејк острво време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Wallis"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Валис и Футуна Острва време</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yakutsk"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Јакутск време</generic> |
| <standard>Јакутск, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Јакутск, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yekaterinburg"> |
| <long> |
| <generic>Јекатеринбург време</generic> |
| <standard>Јекатеринбург, стандардно време</standard> |
| <daylight>Јекатеринбург, летње време</daylight> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| <metazone type="Yukon"> |
| <long> |
| <standard>Јукон</standard> |
| </long> |
| </metazone> |
| </timeZoneNames> |
| </dates> |
| <numbers> |
| <defaultNumberingSystem>↑↑↑</defaultNumberingSystem> |
| <otherNumberingSystems> |
| <native>↑↑↑</native> |
| </otherNumberingSystems> |
| <minimumGroupingDigits>↑↑↑</minimumGroupingDigits> |
| <symbols numberSystem="latn"> |
| <decimal>,</decimal> |
| <group>.</group> |
| <list draft="contributed">↑↑↑</list> |
| <percentSign>↑↑↑</percentSign> |
| <plusSign>↑↑↑</plusSign> |
| <minusSign>↑↑↑</minusSign> |
| <approximatelySign>↑↑↑</approximatelySign> |
| <exponential>↑↑↑</exponential> |
| <superscriptingExponent>↑↑↑</superscriptingExponent> |
| <perMille>↑↑↑</perMille> |
| <infinity>↑↑↑</infinity> |
| <nan>↑↑↑</nan> |
| <timeSeparator>↑↑↑</timeSeparator> |
| </symbols> |
| <decimalFormats numberSystem="latn"> |
| <decimalFormatLength> |
| <decimalFormat> |
| <pattern>↑↑↑</pattern> |
| </decimalFormat> |
| </decimalFormatLength> |
| <decimalFormatLength type="long"> |
| <decimalFormat> |
| <pattern type="1000" count="one">0 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="1000" count="few">0 хиљаде</pattern> |
| <pattern type="1000" count="other">0 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="10000" count="one">00 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="10000" count="few">00 хиљаде</pattern> |
| <pattern type="10000" count="other">00 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="100000" count="one">000 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="100000" count="few">000 хиљаде</pattern> |
| <pattern type="100000" count="other">000 хиљада</pattern> |
| <pattern type="1000000" count="one">0 милион</pattern> |
| <pattern type="1000000" count="few">0 милиона</pattern> |
| <pattern type="1000000" count="other">0 милиона</pattern> |
| <pattern type="10000000" count="one">00 милион</pattern> |
| <pattern type="10000000" count="few">00 милиона</pattern> |
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| <displayName count="few">азербејџанска маната (1993–2006)</displayName> |
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| <displayName>брунејски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">брунејски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">брунејска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">брунејских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>боливијски боливијано</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">боливијски боливијано</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">боливијска боливијана</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">боливијских боливијана</displayName> |
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| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOL"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Стари боливијски боливијано</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">стари боливијски боливијано</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">стара боливијска боливијана</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">старих боливијских боливијана</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOP"> |
| <displayName>Боливијски пезо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">боливијски пезо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">боливијска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">боливијских пезоса</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BOV"> |
| <displayName>Боливијски мвдол</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">боливијски мвдол</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">боливијска мвдола</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">боливијских мвдола</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRB"> |
| <displayName>Бразилски нови крузеиро (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски нови крузеиро (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска нова крузеира (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских нових крузеира (1967–1986)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRC"> |
| <displayName>Бразилијски крузадо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски крузадос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска крузадоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских крузадоса</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRE"> |
| <displayName>Бразилски крузеиро (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски крузеиро (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска крузеира (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских крузеира (1990–1993)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRL"> |
| <displayName>бразилски реал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски реал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска реала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских реала</displayName> |
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| <currency type="BRN"> |
| <displayName>Бразилијски нови крузадо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски нови крузадо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска нова крузада</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских нових крузада</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRR"> |
| <displayName>Бразилски крузеиро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бразилски крузеиро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бразилска крузеира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бразилских крузеира</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BRZ"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Стари бразилски крузеиро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">стари бразилски крузеиро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">стара бразилска крузеира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">старих бразилских крузеира</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BSD"> |
| <displayName>бахамски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бахамски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бахамска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бахамских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>бутански нгултрум</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бутански нгултрум</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бутанска нгултрума</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бутанских нгултрума</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BUK"> |
| <displayName>Бурмански кјат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">бурмански кјат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">бурманска кјата</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">бурманских кјата</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BWP"> |
| <displayName>боцванска пула</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">боцванска пула</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">боцванске пуле</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">боцванских пула</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYB"> |
| <displayName>Белоруска нова рубља (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">белоруска нова рубља (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">белоруске нове рубља (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">белоруских нових рубљи (1994–1999)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYN"> |
| <displayName>белоруска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">белоруска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">белоруске рубље</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">белоруских рубљи</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">р.</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="BYR"> |
| <displayName>Белоруска рубља (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">белоруска рубља (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">белоруске рубље (2000–2016)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">белоруских рубљи (2000–2016)</displayName> |
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| </currency> |
| <currency type="BZD"> |
| <displayName>белиски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">белиски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">белиска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">белиских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CAD"> |
| <displayName>канадски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">канадски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">канадска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">канадских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CDF"> |
| <displayName>конгоански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">конгоански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">конгоанска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">конгоанских франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHE"> |
| <displayName>WIR евро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">WIR евро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">WIR евра</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>швајцарски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">швајцарски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">швајцарска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">швајцарских франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CHW"> |
| <displayName>WIR франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">WIR франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">WIR франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">WIR франака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLE"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Чилеански ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">чилеански ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">чилеанска ескуда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">чилеанских ескуда</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLF"> |
| <displayName>Чилеовски унидадес се фоменто</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">чилеански унидадес де фоменто</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">чилеанска унидадес де фомента</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">чилеански унидадеси де фоменто</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CLP"> |
| <displayName>чилеански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">чилеански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">чилеанска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">чилеанских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNH"> |
| <displayName>кинески јуан (острвски)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">кинески јуан (острвски)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кинеска јуана (острвска)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кинеских јуана (острвских)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNX"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Долар кинеске народне банке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">долар кинеске народне банке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">долара кинеске народне банке</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CNY"> |
| <displayName>кинески јуан</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">кинески јуан</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кинеска јуана</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кинеских јуана</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="COP"> |
| <displayName>колумбијски пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">колумбијски пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">колумбијска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">колумбијских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="COU"> |
| <displayName>Унидад де валоршки реал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">унидад де валоршки реал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">нидад де валор реала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">унидад де валоршких реала</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CRC"> |
| <displayName>костарикански колон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">костарикански колон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">костариканска колона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">костариканских колона</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CSD"> |
| <displayName>Стари српски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">стари српски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">стара српска динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">старих српских динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CSK"> |
| <displayName>Чехословачка тврда круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">чехословачка тврда круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">чехословачке тврде круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">чехословачких тврдих круна</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUC"> |
| <displayName>кубански конвертибилни пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">кубански конвертибилни пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кубанска конвертибилна пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кубанских конвертибилних пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CUP"> |
| <displayName>кубански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">кубански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кубанска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кубанских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CVE"> |
| <displayName>зеленортски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">зеленортски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">зеленортска ескуда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">зеленортских ескуда</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CYP"> |
| <displayName>Кипарска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">кипарска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кипарске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кипарских фунти</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="CZK"> |
| <displayName>чешка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">чешка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">чешке круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">чешких крунa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DDM"> |
| <displayName>Источно-немачка марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">источно-немачка марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">источно-немачке марке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">источно-немачких марака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DEM"> |
| <displayName>Немачка марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">немачка марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">немачке марке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">немачких марака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DJF"> |
| <displayName>џибутски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">џибутски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">џибутска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">џибутских франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DKK"> |
| <displayName>данска круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">данска круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">данске круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">данских круна</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DOP"> |
| <displayName>доминикански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">доминикански пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">доминиканска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">доминиканских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="DZD"> |
| <displayName>алжирски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">алжирски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">алжирска динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">алжирских динара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ECS"> |
| <displayName>Еквадорски сакр</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">еквадорски сакр</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">еквадорска сакра</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">еквадорских сакра</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ECV"> |
| <displayName>Еквадорски унидад де валор константе</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">еквадорски унидад де валор константе</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">еквадорска унидад де валор константа</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">еквадорских унидад де валор константа</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EEK"> |
| <displayName>Естонска кроон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">естонска круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">естонске круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">естонских круна</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="EGP"> |
| <displayName>египатска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">египатска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">египатске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">египатских фунти</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>еритрејска накфа</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">еритрејска накфа</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">еритрејске накфе</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">еритрејских накфи</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ESA"> |
| <displayName>Шпанска пезета (рачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">шпанска пезета (А рачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">шпанске пезете (А рачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">шпанских пезета (А рачун)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ESB"> |
| <displayName>Шпанска пезета (конвертибилнирачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">шпанска пезета (конвертибилан рачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">шпанске пезете (конвертибилан рачун)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">шпанских пезета (конвертибилан рачун)</displayName> |
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| <currency type="ESP"> |
| <displayName>Шпанска пезета</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">шпанска пезета</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">шпанска пезета</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">шпанске пезете</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>етиопијски бир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">етиопски бир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">етиопска бира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">етиопских бира</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Евро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">евро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">евра</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Финска марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">финска марка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">финске марке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">финских марака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FJD"> |
| <displayName>фиџијски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">фиџијски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">фиџијска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">фиџијских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| </currency> |
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| <displayName>фолкландска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">фокландска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">фокландске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">фокландских фунти</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="FRF"> |
| <displayName>Француски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">француски франак</displayName> |
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| <displayName>британска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">британска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">британске фунте</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="few">грузијска купон ларита</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">грузијских купон ларита</displayName> |
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| <displayName>грузијски лари</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">грузијски лари</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">грузијска ларија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">грузијских ларија</displayName> |
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| <symbol alt="narrow">ლ</symbol> |
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| <currency type="GHC"> |
| <displayName>Гански цеди (1979–2007)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">гански цед (1979–2007)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ганска цеда (1979–2007)</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">гански седи</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">ганска седија</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">гибралтарска фунта</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">гвинејски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">гвинејска франка</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">гвинејски сили</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">гвинејска сила</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">екваторијално-гвинејски еквеле</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">екваторијално-гвинејска еквела</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">екваторијално-гвинејских еквела</displayName> |
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| <displayName>Грчка драхма</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">грчка драхма</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">гвинеја-бисаошки пезо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">гвинеја-бисаошка пезоса</displayName> |
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| <displayName>гвајански долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">гвајански долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">гвајанска долара</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">хрватски динар</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">хрватска куна</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="other">хрватских куна</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">индонежанска рупија</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">израелска фунта</displayName> |
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| <displayName count="one">исландска круна</displayName> |
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| <displayName>Латвијска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">латвијска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">латвијске рубље</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">латвијских рубљи</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="LYD"> |
| <displayName>либијски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">либијски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">либијскa динарa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">либијских динарa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>марокански дирхам</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">марокански дирхам</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мароканска дирхама</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мароканских дирхама</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>Марокански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">марокански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мароканска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мароканских франака</displayName> |
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| <currency type="MCF"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Монегаскански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">монегаскански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">монегасканска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">монегасканских франака</displayName> |
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| <currency type="MDC"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Молдовански купон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">молдовански купон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">молдованска купона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">молдованских купона</displayName> |
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| <currency type="MDL"> |
| <displayName>молдавски леј</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">молдaвски леј</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">молдaвскa леја</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">молдaвских леја</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>малгашки аријари</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малгашки аријари</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малгашка аријарија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малгашких аријарија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Малагасијски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малагашајски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малагашајска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малагашајски франци</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>македонски денар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">македонски денар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">македонска денара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">македонских денара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName draft="provisional">Стари македонски денар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">стари македонски денар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">стара македонска денара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">старих македонских денара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MLF"> |
| <displayName>Малијански франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малијски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малијска франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малијских франака</displayName> |
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| <displayName>мјанмарски кјат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мјанмарски кјат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мјанмарскa кјатa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мјанмарских кјатa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>монголски тугрик</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">монголски тугрик</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">монголскa тугрика</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">монголских тугрика</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>макаоска патака</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">макаоска патака</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">макаоске патаке</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">макаоских патака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Мауританијска oгија (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мауританијска oгија (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мауританијскe oгијe (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мауританијских oгијa (1973–2017)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MRU"> |
| <displayName>мауританска огија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мауританска огија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мауританске огије</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мауританских огија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MTL"> |
| <displayName>Малтешка лира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малтешка лира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малтешке лире</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малтешких лира</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MTP"> |
| <displayName>Малтешка фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малтешка фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малтешке фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малтешких фунти</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MUR"> |
| <displayName>маурицијска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">маурицијска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">маурицијскe рупијe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">маурицијских рупија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>малдивска руфија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малдивскa руфија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малдивскe руфијe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малдивских руфија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MWK"> |
| <displayName>малавијска квача</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малавијска квача</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малавијске кваче</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малавијских квача</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXN"> |
| <displayName>мексички пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мексички пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мексичка пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мексичких пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXP"> |
| <displayName>Мексички сребрни пезо (1861–1992)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мексички сребрни пезо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мексичка сребрна пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мексичких сребрних пезоса</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MXV"> |
| <displayName>Мексички унидад де инверсион (UDI)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мексички унидадс де инверзион</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мексичка унидадс де инверзиона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мексичких унидадс де инверзиона</displayName> |
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| <currency type="MYR"> |
| <displayName>малезијски рингит</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">малезијски рингит</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">малезијска рингита</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">малезијских рингита</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
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| <displayName>Мозамбијски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мозамбијски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мозамбијска ескуда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мозамбијских ескуда</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZM"> |
| <displayName>Стари мозамбијски метикал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">стари мозамбијски метикал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">стара мозамбијска метикала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">старих мозамбијских метикала</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="MZN"> |
| <displayName>мозамбички метикал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">мозамбички метикал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">мозамбичка метикала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">мозамбичких метикала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NAD"> |
| <displayName>намибијски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">намибијски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">намибијска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">намибијских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NGN"> |
| <displayName>нигеријска наира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">нигеријска наира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">нигеријске наире</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">нигеријских наира</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NIC"> |
| <displayName>никарагванска кордоба (1988–1991)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">никарагванска кордоба (1988–1991)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">никарагванске кордобе (1988–1991)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">никарагванских кордоба (1988–1991)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NIO"> |
| <displayName>никарагванска кордоба</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">никарагванска кордоба</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">никарагванске кордобе</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">никарагванских кордоба</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NLG"> |
| <displayName>Холандски гулден</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">холандски гулден</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">холандска гулдена</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">холандских гулдена</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="NOK"> |
| <displayName>норвешка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">норвешка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">норвешке круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">норвешких круна</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>непалска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">непалска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">непалске рупије</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">непалских рупија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>новозеландски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">новозеландски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">новозеландска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">новозеландских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>NZD</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="OMR"> |
| <displayName>омански ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">омански ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">оманскa ријала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">оманских ријала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PAB"> |
| <displayName>панамска балбоа</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">панамска балбоа</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">панамске балбое</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">панамских балбоа</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PEI"> |
| <displayName>Перуански инти</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">перувијски инти</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">перувијска интија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">перувијских интија</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>перуански сол</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">перуански сол</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">перуанска сола</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">перуанских сола</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PES"> |
| <displayName>Перуански сол (1863–1965)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">перуански сол (1863–1965)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">перуанска сола (1863–1965)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">перуанских сола (1863–1965)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PGK"> |
| <displayName>папуанска кина</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">папуанска кина</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">папуанскe кинe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">папуанских кинa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PHP"> |
| <displayName>филипински пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">филипински пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">филипинска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">филипинских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>PHP</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>пакистанска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">пакистанска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">пакистанске рупије</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">пакистанских рупија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>пољски злот</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">пољски злот</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">пољска злота</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">пољских злота</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PLZ"> |
| <displayName>Пољски злоти (1950–1995)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">пољски злот (1950–1995)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">пољска злота (1950–1995)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">пољских злота (1950–1995)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PTE"> |
| <displayName>Португалски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">португалски ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">португалска ескуда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">португалских ескуда</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="PYG"> |
| <displayName>парагвајски гварани</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">парагвајски гварани</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">парагвајска гваранија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">парагвајских гваранија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>катарски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">катарски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">катарска ријала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">катарских ријала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RHD"> |
| <displayName>Родејскидолар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">родежански долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">родежанска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">родежанских долара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ROL"> |
| <displayName>Румунски леј (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">румунски леј (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">румунскa леја (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">румунских леја (1952–2006)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>румунски леј</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">румунски леј</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">румунскa леја</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">румунских леја</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>српски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">српски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">српска динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">српских динара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>руска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">руска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">руске рубље</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">руских рубљи</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>Руска рубља (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">руска рубља (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">руске рубље (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">руских рубљи (1991–1998)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="RWF"> |
| <displayName>руандски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">руандски франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">руандскa франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">руандских франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>саудијски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">саудијски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">саудијска ријала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">саудијских ријала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>соломонски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">соломонски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">соломонска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">соломонских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>сејшелска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сејшелска рупија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сејшелске рупије</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сејшелских рупија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDD"> |
| <displayName>Стари судански динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">стари судански динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">стара суданска динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">старих суданских динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDG"> |
| <displayName>суданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">суданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">суданске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">суданских фунти</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SDP"> |
| <displayName>Стара суданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">стара суданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">старе суданске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">старих суданских фунти</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SEK"> |
| <displayName>шведска круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">шведска круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">шведске круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">шведских круна</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SGD"> |
| <displayName>сингапурски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сингапурски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сингапурска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сингапурских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SHP"> |
| <displayName>фунта Свете Јелене</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">фунта Свете Јелене</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">фунте Свете Јелене</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">фунти Свете Јелене</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SIT"> |
| <displayName>Словеначки толар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">словеначки толар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">словеначка толара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">словеначких толара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SKK"> |
| <displayName>Словачка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">словачка круна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">словачке круне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">словачких круна</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLE"> |
| <displayName>сијералеонски леоне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сијералеонски леоне</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сијералеонска леона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сијералеонских леона</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SLL"> |
| <displayName>сијералеонски леоне (1964—2022)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сијералеонски леоне (1964—2022)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сијералеонска леона (1964—2022)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сијералеонских леона (1964—2022)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SOS"> |
| <displayName>сомалијски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сомалијски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сомалијска шилинга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сомалијских шилинга</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>суринамски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">суринамски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">суринамска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">суринамских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SRG"> |
| <displayName>Суринамски гилдер</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">суринамски гилдер</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">суринамска гилдера</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">суринамских гилдера</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SSP"> |
| <displayName>јужносуданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">јужносуданска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">јужносуданскe фунтe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">јужносуданских фунти</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STD"> |
| <displayName>Саотомска добра (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">саотомска добра (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">саотомске добре (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">саотомских добри (1977–2017)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="STN"> |
| <displayName>саотомска добра</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">саотомска добра</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">саотомске добре</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">саотомских добри</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SUR"> |
| <displayName>Совјетска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">совјетска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">совјетске рубље</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">совјетских рубљи</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SVC"> |
| <displayName>Салвадорски колон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">салвадорски колон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">салвадорска колона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">салвадорских колона</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SYP"> |
| <displayName>сиријска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сиријска фунта</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">сиријске фунте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сиријских фунти</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="SZL"> |
| <displayName>свазилендски лилангени</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">свазилендски лилангени</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">свазилендска лилангенија</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">свазилендских лилангенија</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="THB"> |
| <displayName>тајландски бат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">тајландски бат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">тајландска бата</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">тајландских бата</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TJR"> |
| <displayName>Таџихистанска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">таџихистанска рубља</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">таџихистанске рубље</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">таџихистанских рубљи</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TJS"> |
| <displayName>таџикистански сомон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">таџикистански сомон</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">таџикистанска сомона</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">таџикистанских сомона</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TMM"> |
| <displayName>Туркменистански манат (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">туркменистанска маната (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">туркменистански манат (1993–2009)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TMT"> |
| <displayName>туркменистански манат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">туркменистански манат</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">туркменистанскa манатa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">туркменистанских маната</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TND"> |
| <displayName>туниски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">туниски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">туниска динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">туниских динара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TOP"> |
| <displayName>тонганска панга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">тонганска панга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">тонганске панге</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">тонганских панги</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TPE"> |
| <displayName>Тиморшки ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">тиморшки ескудо</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">тиморшка ескуда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">тиморшких ескуда</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TRL"> |
| <displayName>Турска лира (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">турска лира (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">турске лире (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">турских лира (1922–2005)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TRY"> |
| <displayName>турска лира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">турска лира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">турске лире</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">турских лира</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="variant">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TTD"> |
| <displayName>Тринидад-тобагошки долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">тринидад-тобагошки долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">тринидад-тобагошка долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">тринидад-тобагошких долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TWD"> |
| <displayName>нови тајвански долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">нови тајвански долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">нова тајванска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">нових тајванских долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">NT$</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="TZS"> |
| <displayName>танзанијски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">танзанијски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">танзанијска шилинга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">танзанијских шилинга</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UAH"> |
| <displayName>украјинска гривна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">украјинска гривна</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">украјинскe гривнe</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">украјинских хривњи</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UAK"> |
| <displayName>Украјински карбованети</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">украјински карбованец</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">украјинска карбованцива</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">украјинских карбованцива</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGS"> |
| <displayName>Угандски шилинг (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">угандијски шилинг (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">угандијска шилинга (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">угандијских шилинга (1966–1987)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UGX"> |
| <displayName>угандски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">угандски шилинг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">угандскa шилинга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">угандских шилинга</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USD"> |
| <displayName>амерички долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">амерички долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">америчка долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">америчких долара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USN"> |
| <displayName>САД долар (следећи дан)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">САД долар (следећи дан)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">САД долара (следећи дан)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="USS"> |
| <displayName>САД долар (исти дан)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">САД долар (исти дан)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">САД долара (исти дан)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYI"> |
| <displayName>Уругвајски пезо ен унидадес индексадас</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">уругвајски пезо ен унидадес индексадес</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">уругвајска пезоса ен унидадес индексадеса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">угвајских пезоса ен унидадес индексадеса</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYP"> |
| <displayName>Уругвајски пезо (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">уругвајски пезо (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">уругвајска пезоса (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">уругвајских пезоса (1975–1993)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UYU"> |
| <displayName>уругвајски пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">уругвајски пезос</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">уругвајска пезоса</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">уругвајских пезоса</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="UZS"> |
| <displayName>узбекистански сом</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">узбекистански сом</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">узбекистанска сома</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">узбекистанских сома</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VEB"> |
| <displayName>Венецуелански боливар (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">венецуелански боливар (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">венецуеланска боливара (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">венецуеланских боливара (1871–2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VEF"> |
| <displayName>Венецуелански боливар (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">венецуелански боливар (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">венецуеланска боливара (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">венецуеланских боливара (2008–2018)</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VES"> |
| <displayName>венецуелански боливар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">венецуелански боливар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">венецуеланска боливара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">венецуеланских боливара</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VND"> |
| <displayName>вијетнамски донг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">вијетнамски донг</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">вијетнамска донга</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">вијетнамских донга</displayName> |
| <symbol>VND</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VNN"> |
| <displayName>Вијетнамски донг (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">вијетнамски донг (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">вијетнамска донга (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">вијетнамских донга (1978–1985)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="VUV"> |
| <displayName>вануатски вату</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">вануатски вату</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">вануатскa ватуa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">вануатских ватуa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="WST"> |
| <displayName>самоанска тала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">самоанска тала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">самоанске тале</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">самоанских тала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAF"> |
| <displayName>централноафрички франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">централноафрички франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">централноафричка франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">централноафричких франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAG"> |
| <displayName>Сребро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">сребро</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">сребра</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XAU"> |
| <displayName>Злато</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">злато</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">злата</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBA"> |
| <displayName>Европска композитна јединица</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">европска композитна јединица</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">европске композитне јединице</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">европских композитних јединица</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBB"> |
| <displayName>Европска новчана јединица</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">европска новчана јединица (XBB)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">европске новчане јединице (XBB)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBC"> |
| <displayName>Европска јединица рачуна (XBC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">европска јединица рачуна (XBC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">европске јединице рачуна (XBC)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">европских јединица рачуна (XBC)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XBD"> |
| <displayName>Европска јединица рачуна (XBD)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">европска јединица рачуна (XBD)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">европске јединице рачуна (XBD)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">европских јединица рачуна (XBD)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XCD"> |
| <displayName>источнокарипски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">источнокарипски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">источнокарипскa доларa</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">источнокарипскиx доларa</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XDR"> |
| <displayName>Посебна цртаћа права</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">посебно цртаће право</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">посебна цртаћа права</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">посебних цртаћих права</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XEU"> |
| <displayName>Европска валутна јединица</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">европска новчана јединица (XEU)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">европске новчане јединице (XEU)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">европских новчаних јединица</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XFO"> |
| <displayName>Француски златни франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">француски златни франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">француска златна франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">француских златних франака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XFU"> |
| <displayName>Француски UIC-франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">француски UIC-франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">француска UIC-франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">француских UIC-франака</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XOF"> |
| <displayName>западноафрички франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">западноафрички франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">западноафричка франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">западноафричких франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPD"> |
| <displayName>Паладијум</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">паладијум</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">паладијума</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPF"> |
| <displayName>CFP франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">CFP франак</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">CFP франка</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">CFP франака</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XPT"> |
| <displayName>Платина</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">платине</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">платина</displayName> |
| </currency> |
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| <displayName>RINET фонд</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">RINET фонд</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">RINET фонда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">RINET фондова</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XTS"> |
| <displayName>Код тестиране валуте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">код тестиране валуте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">кода тестиране валуте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">кодова тестиране валуте</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="XXX"> |
| <displayName>Непозната валута</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">непозната јединица валуте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">непознате валуте</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">непознатих валута</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YDD"> |
| <displayName>Јеменски динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">јеменски долар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">јеменска долара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">јеменских долара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YER"> |
| <displayName>јеменски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">јеменски ријал</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">јеменска ријала</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">jеменских ријала</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUD"> |
| <displayName>Југословенски тврди динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">југословенски тврди динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">југословенска тврда динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">југословенских тврдих динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUM"> |
| <displayName>Југословенски нови динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">југословенски нови динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">југословенска нова динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">југословенских нових динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUN"> |
| <displayName>Југословенски конвертибилни динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">југословенски конвертибилни динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">југословенска конвертибилна динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">југословенских конвертибилних динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="YUR"> |
| <displayName draft="provisional">Југословенски реформирани динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one" draft="provisional">југословенски реформирани динар</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few" draft="provisional">југословенска реформирана динара</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other" draft="provisional">југословенских реформираних динара</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZAL"> |
| <displayName>Јужно-афрички ранд (финансијски)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">јужноафрички ранд (финансијски)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">јужноафричка ранда (финансијска)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">јужноафричких ранда (финансијских)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZAR"> |
| <displayName>јужноафрички ранд</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">јужноафрички ранд</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">јужноафричка ранда</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">јужноафричких ранда</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMK"> |
| <displayName>Замбијска квача (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">замбијска квача (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">замбијске кваче (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">замбијских квача (1968–2012)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZMW"> |
| <displayName>замбијска квача</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">замбијска квача</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">замбијске кваче</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">замбијских квача</displayName> |
| <symbol>↑↑↑</symbol> |
| <symbol alt="narrow">↑↑↑</symbol> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZRN"> |
| <displayName>Заирски нови заир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">заирски нови заир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">заирска нова заира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">заирских нових заира</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZRZ"> |
| <displayName>Заирски заир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">заирски заир</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">заирска заира</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">заирских заира</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWD"> |
| <displayName>Зимбабвеански долар (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">зимбабвејски долар (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">зимбабвејска долара (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">зимбабвејских долара (1980–2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWL"> |
| <displayName>Зимбабвеански долар (2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">зимбабвејски долар (2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">зимбабвејска долара (2009)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">зимбабвејских долара (2009)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| <currency type="ZWR"> |
| <displayName>Зимбабвеански долар (2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="one">зимбабвејски долар (2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="few">зимбабвејска долара (2008)</displayName> |
| <displayName count="other">зимбабвејских долара (2008)</displayName> |
| </currency> |
| </currencies> |
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| <caseMinimalPairs case="genitive">Од {0} до ...</caseMinimalPairs> |
| <caseMinimalPairs case="instrumental">... са {0} ...</caseMinimalPairs> |
| <caseMinimalPairs case="nominative">{0} је</caseMinimalPairs> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| </compoundUnit> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="feminine">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other" gender="inanimate" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power3"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>кубни {0}</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">кубни {0}</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="feminine">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="feminine" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="feminine" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one" gender="inanimate" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="feminine">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="feminine" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="feminine" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="feminine" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="accusative">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="genitive">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few" gender="inanimate" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
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| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other" gender="inanimate" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>{0}-{1}</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
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| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ге сила</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>метри у секунди на квадрат</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метар у секунди на квадрат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метра у секунди на квадрат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метром у секунди на квадрат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метра у секунди на квадрат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метара у секунди на квадрат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>обртај</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} обртај</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} обртаја</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} обртајем</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} обртаја</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} обртаја</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>радијани</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} радијан</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} радијана</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} радијаном</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} радијана</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} радијана</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} степен</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} степена</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} степеном</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} степена</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} степени</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>лучни минути</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} лучни минут</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} лучног минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} лучним минутом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} лучна минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} лучних минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>лучне секунде</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} лучна секунда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} лучну секунду</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} лучне секунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} лучном секундом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} лучне секунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} лучних секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратни километар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} квадратна километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} квадратним километром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратна километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по квадратном километру</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} хектар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} хектара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} хектаром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} хектара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} хектара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратни метар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} квадратна метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} квадратним метром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратна метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних метара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>квадратни центиметри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратни центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} квадратног центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} квадратним центиметром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратна центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних центиметара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>квадратне миље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратна миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратне миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних миља</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по квадратној миљи</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} акер</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} акера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} акера</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>квадратни јарди</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратни јард</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратна јарда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних јарди</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратна стопа</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратне стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних стопа</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>квадратни инчи</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квадратни инч</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квадратна инча</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квадратних инча</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>карати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} карат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} каратом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>милиграми по децилитру</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милиграм по децилитру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милиграма по децилитру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милиграма по децилитру</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милимол по литри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милимол по литри</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милимола по литри</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милимолом по литри</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милимола по литри</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милимола по литри</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-item"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>ставке</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} ставку</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} ставке</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} ставком</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permillion"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>честица на милион</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} честица на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} честицу на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} честице на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} честицом на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} честице на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} честица на милион</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} проценат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} процента</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} процентом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} процената</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} процената</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} промил</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} промила</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} промилом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} промила</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} промила</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>моли</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мол</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мола</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} молом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мола</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мола</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>литри по километру</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} литар по километру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} литра по километру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} литром по километру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} литра по километру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} литара по километру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>литри на 100 километара</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} литар на 100 километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} литра на 100 километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} литром на 100 километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} литра на 100 километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} литара на 100 километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>миља по галону</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миља по галону</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миље по галону</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миља по галону</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>миља по империјалном галону</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миља по империјалном галону</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миље по империјалном галону</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миља по империјалном галону</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>петабајти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} петабајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} петабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} петабајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} петабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} петабајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>терабајти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} терабајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} терабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} терабајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} терабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} терабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">{0} терабајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">{0} терабајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">{0} терабајтова</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>терабитови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} терабит</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} терабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} терабитом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} терабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} терабитова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>гигабајти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} гигабајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} гигабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} гигабајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} гигабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} гигабајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>гигабитови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} гигабит</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} гигабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} гигабитом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} гигабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} гигабитова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегабајти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегабајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегабајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегабајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегабајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегабитови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегабит</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегабитом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегабита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегабитова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килобајти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килобајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килобајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килобајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килобајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килобајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килобитови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килобит</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килобита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килобитом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килобита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килобитова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>бајтови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} бајт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} бајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} бајтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} бајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} бајтова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>битови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} бит</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} бита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} битом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} бита</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} битова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>векови</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} век</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} века</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} веком</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} века</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} векова</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>деценије</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} деценија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} деценију</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} деценије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} деценијом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} деценије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} деценија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>године</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} година</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} годину</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} године</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} годином</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} године</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} година</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} годишње</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-quarter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>квартали</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} квартал</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} квартала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} кварталом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} квартала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">{0} кварталима</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} квартала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} месец</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} месеца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} месецом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} месеца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} месеци</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} месечно</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>недеље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} недеља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} недељу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} недеље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} недељом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} недеље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} недеља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} недељно</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>дани</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} дана</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} даном</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/дневно</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} сата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} сатом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/сат</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>минути</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} минут</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} минутом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} минута</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} у минуту</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>секунде</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} секунда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} секунду</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} секунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} секундом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} секунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/у секунди</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>милисекунде</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милисекунда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милисекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милисекундом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милисекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милисекунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>микросекунде</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} микросекунда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} микросекунду</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} микросекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} микросекундом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} микросекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} микросекунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>наносекунде</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} наносекунда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} наносекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} наносекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} наносекундом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} наносекунде</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} наносекунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>ампери</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ампер</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} ампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} ампером</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милиампери</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милиампер</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милиампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милиампером</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милиампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милиампера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>оми</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} ома</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} омом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ома</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ома</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>волти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} волт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} волта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} волтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} волта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} волти</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>килокалорије</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килокалорија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килокалорије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килокалорија</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>калорије</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} калорија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} калорију</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} калорије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} калоријом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} калорије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} калорија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>Калорије</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} калорија</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} калорије</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} калорија</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килоџули</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килоџул</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килоџула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килоџулом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килоџула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килоџула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>џули</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} џул</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} џула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} џулом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} џула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} џула</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>киловат-сати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} киловат-сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} киловат-сата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} киловат-сатом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} киловат-сата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} киловат-сати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>електронволти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} електронволт</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} електронволта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} електронволти</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>Британска термална јединица</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>US therms</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>фунти силе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фунта силе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фунте силе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} фунти силе</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>њутни</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} њутн</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} њутна</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} њутном</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} њутна</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} њутна</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>гигахерци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} гигахерц</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} гигахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} гигахерцом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} гигахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} гигахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегахерци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегахерц</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегахерцом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегахерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килохерци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килохерц</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килохерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килохерцом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килохерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килохерца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>херци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} херц</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} херца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} херцом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} херца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} херца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>пиксели</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} пиксел</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} пиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} пикселом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} пиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} пиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегапиксели</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегапиксел</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегапиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегапикселом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегапиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегапиксела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>пиксели по центиметру</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} пиксел на центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} пиксела на центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} пикселом на центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} пиксела на центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} пиксела на центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>пиксели по инчу</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} пиксел по инчу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} пиксела по инчу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} пиксела по инчу</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>тачке по центиметру</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} тачка по центиметру</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>тачке по инчу</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} тачка по инчу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot"> |
| <displayName>тачке</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-earth-radius"> |
| <displayName>полупречник Земље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} полупречник Земље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} полупречник Земље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} полупречника Земље</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>километри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} километар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} километром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>метри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>дециметри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} дециметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} дециметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} дециметром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} дециметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} дециметара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>центиметри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} центиметром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} центиметара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милиметри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милиметром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милиметара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>микрометри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} микрометар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} микрометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} микрометром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} микрометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} микрометара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>нанометри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} нанометар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} нанометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} нанометром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} нанометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} нанометара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} пикометар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} пикометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} пикометром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} пикометра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} пикометара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миља</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} јард</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} јарда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} јарди</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>стопе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} стопа</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} стопа</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} парсек</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} парсека</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} парсека</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>светлосне године</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} светлосна година</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} светлосне године</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} светлосних година</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>астрономске јединице</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} астрономска јединица</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} астрономске јединице</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} астрономских јединица</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-furlong"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фурлонг</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фурлонга</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} фурлонга</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-fathom"> |
| <displayName>хвати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} хват</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} хвата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} хвати</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>наутичке миље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} наутичка миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} наутичке миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} наутичких миља</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>скандинавска миља</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} скандинавска миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} скандинавску миљу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} скандинавске миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} скандинавском миљом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} скандинавске миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} скандинавских миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>сунчеви полупречници</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} сунчев полупречник</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} сунчева полупречника</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} сунчевих полупречника</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>лукс</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} лукс</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} лукса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} луксом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} лукса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} лукса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-candela"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>кандела</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кандела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} канделу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} канделе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} канделом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} канделе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кандела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lumen"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>лумен</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} лумен</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} лумена</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} луменом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} лумена</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} лумена</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-tonne"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>метричке тоне</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метричка тона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} метричку тону</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метричке тоне</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метричком тоном</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метричке тоне</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метричких тона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килограми</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килограм</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килограмом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по килограму</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} грам</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} грама</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} грамом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} грама</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} грама</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по граму</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милиграми</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милиграм</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милиграма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милиграмом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милиграма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милиграма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>микрограми</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} микрограм</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} микрограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} микрограмом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} микрограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} микрограма</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>тоне</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} тона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} тоне</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} тона</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>америчке тоне</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} америчка тона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} америчке тоне</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} америчких тона</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>фунте</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фунта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фунте</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} фунти</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по фунти</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>унце</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} унца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} унце</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} унци</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по унци</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>фине унце</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фина унца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фине унце</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} финих унци</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} карат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} каратом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} карата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>далтони</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} далтон</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} далтона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} далтона</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>масе земље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} маса земље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} масе земље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} маса земље</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>масе сунца</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} маса сунца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} масе сунца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} маса сунца</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-grain"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} грејн</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} грејна</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} грејна</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>гигавати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} гигават</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} гигавата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} гигаватом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} гигавата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} гигавати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегавати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегават</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегавата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегаватом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегавата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегавати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>киловати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} киловат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} киловата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} киловатом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} киловата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} киловати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">{0} киловата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">{0} киловата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">{0} киловата</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>вати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ват</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} вата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} ватом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} вата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} вати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>миливати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миливат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} миливата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} миливатом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миливата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миливати</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">{0} миливата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">{0} миливата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">{0} миливата</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>коњске снаге</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} коњска снага</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} коњске снаге</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} коњских снага</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>милиметри живиног стуба</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милиметар живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милиметра живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милиметара живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>фунте по квадратном инчу</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фунта по квадратном инчу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фунте по квадратном инчу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} фунти по квадратном инчу</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>инчи живиног стуба</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} инч живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} инча живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} инча живиног стуба</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>бари</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} бар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} бара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} баром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} бара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} бара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милибари</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милибар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милибара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милибаром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милибара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милибара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>атмосфере</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} атмосфера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} атмосферу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} атмосфере</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} атмосфером</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} атмосфере</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} атмосфера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>паскали</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} паскал</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} паскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} паскалом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} паскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} паскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>хектопаскали</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} хектопаскал</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} хектопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} хектопаскалом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} хектопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} хектопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>килопаскали</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} килопаскал</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} килопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} килопаскалом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} килопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} килопаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегапаскали</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегапаскал</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегапаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегапаскалом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегапаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегапаскала</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>километри на сат</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} километар на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} километра на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} километром на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} километра на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} километара на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метар у секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метра у секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метром у секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метра у секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метара у секунди</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миља на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миље на сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миља на сат</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>чвор</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} чвор</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} чвора</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} чворова</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-beaufort"> |
| <displayName>Бофор</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">Бофор {0}</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">Бофор {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>степени Целзијуса</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} степен Целзијуса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} степена Целзијуса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} степеном Целзијуса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} степена Целзијуса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} степени Целзијуса</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} степен Фаренхајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} степена Фаренхајта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} степени Фаренхајта</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>келвин</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} келвин</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} келвина</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} келвином</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} келвина</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} келвина</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-force-foot"> |
| <displayName>фунта-стопе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} фунта силе стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} фунте силе стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} фунти силе стопе</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>њутн-метри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} њутн-метар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} њутн-метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} њутн-метром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} њутн-метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} њутн-метара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>кубни километри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубни километар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} кубног километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} кубним километром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубна километра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних километара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>кубни метри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубни метар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} кубног метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} кубним метром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубна метра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних метара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>кубни центиметри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубни центиметар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} кубног центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} кубним центиметром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубна центиметра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних центиметара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>кубне миље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубна миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубне миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних миља</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>кубни јарди</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубни јард</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубна јарда</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних јарди</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>кубне стопе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубна стопа</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубне стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних стопа</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>кубни инчи</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кубни инч</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кубна инча</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кубних инча</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>мегалитри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} мегалитар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} мегалитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} мегалитром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} мегалитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мегалитара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>хектолитри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} хектолитар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} хектолитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} хектолитром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} хектолитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} хектолитара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} литар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} литра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} литром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} литра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} литара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по литри</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>децилитри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} децилитар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} децилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} децилитром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} децилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} децилитара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>центилитри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} центилитар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} центилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} центилитром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} центилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} центилитара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <gender>inanimate</gender> |
| <displayName>милилитри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} милилитар</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} милилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} милилитром</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} милилитра</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} милилитара</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>метричке пинте</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метричка пинта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} метричку пинту</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метричке пинте</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метричком пинтом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метричке пинте</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метричких пинти</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <gender>feminine</gender> |
| <displayName>метричка шоља</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} метричка шоља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="accusative">{0} метричку шољу</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="genitive">{0} метричке шоље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="one" case="instrumental">{0} метричком шољом</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} метричке шоље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} метричких шоља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="accusative">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="genitive">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other" case="instrumental">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>акер стопе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} акер стопа</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} акер стопе</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} акер стопа</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-bushel"> |
| <displayName>бушели</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} бушел</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} бушела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} бушела</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>галони</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} галон</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} галона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} галона</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по галону</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>империјални галон</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} имп. галон</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} имп. галона</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} имп. галона</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0} по имп. галону</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>кварти</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кварат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кварта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кварата</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>пинте</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} пинта</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} пинте</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} пинти</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} шоља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} шоље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} шоља</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>унце течности</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} унца течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} унце течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} унци течности</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>империјске унце течности</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} империјска унца течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} империјске унце течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} империјских унци течности</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>кашике</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кашика</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кашике</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кашика</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>кашичице</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кашичица</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кашичице</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кашичица</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>барели</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} барел</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} барела</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} барела</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon"> |
| <displayName>десертна кашичица</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} десертна кашичица</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} десертне кашичице</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} десертних кашичица</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>империјска десертна кашичица</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} империјска десертна кашичица</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} империјске десертне кашичице</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} империјских десертних кашичица</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-drop"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} драм течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} драма течности</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} драма течности</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-jigger"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pinch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart-imperial"> |
| <displayName>империјска четвртина</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} империјска четвртина</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} империјске четвртине</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} империјских четвртина</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>главни правац</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="short"> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-27"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-30"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p27"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p30"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p4"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p5"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p7"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p8"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="per"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power2"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power3"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <displayName>ге сила</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <displayName>степени</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>лучни мин</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>лучне сек</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>квадратни километри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>хектари</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>квадратни метри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>акери</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>квадратне стопе</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>дунами</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} дунам</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} дунама</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-item"> |
| <displayName>ставка</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ставка</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ставке</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ставки</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permillion"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>проценат</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>промил</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>L/100 km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} L/100 km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>mpg</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>бајт</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} B</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>бит</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} b</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>в.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} в</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>дец.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} дец.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>год.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} год</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} год.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/год</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-quarter"> |
| <displayName>кв</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кв</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/к</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>месеци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мес.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/м</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>нед.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} нед.</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/н</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>д.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} дан</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} дана</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/д</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>сати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} сат</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} сата</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} сати</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/ч</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>мин</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} мин</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/мин</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>сек</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} сек</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/с</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>A</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>Ω</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>V</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>Cal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} Cal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} Cal</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} Cal</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>J</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>електронволт</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} US therm</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} US therms</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>њутн</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>dpcm</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dpcm</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
| <displayName>dpi</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} dpi</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot"> |
| <displayName>тачка</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} тачка</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} тачке</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} тачака</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-earth-radius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>m</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-decimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>пикометри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>миље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>јарди</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} јрд</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>инчи</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} инч</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} инча</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>парсеци</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>светлосне год.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} сг</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>ај</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ај</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-furlong"> |
| <displayName>фурлонзи</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-fathom"> |
| <displayName>хв</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-candela"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lumen"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-tonne"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>грами</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>карати</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-grain"> |
| <displayName>грејн</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>W</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>метри у секунди</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>миље на сат</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-beaufort"> |
| <displayName>Bf</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">Б {0}</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>степени Фаренхајта</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-force-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>литри</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-bushel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} gal</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gal</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>шоље</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ш.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>fl oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl oz</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>каш.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} каш.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>кашич.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кашич.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon"> |
| <displayName>дес. каш.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} дес. каш.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>имп. дес. каш.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} имп. дес. каш.</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-drop"> |
| <displayName>кап</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кап</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} капи</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dram"> |
| <displayName>драм течности</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-jigger"> |
| <displayName>џигер</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} џигер</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} џигера</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pinch"> |
| <displayName>прстохват</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} прстохват</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} прстохвата</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>правац</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">{0}И</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">{0}С</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">{0}Ј</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">{0}З</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <unitLength type="narrow"> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-27"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p-30"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p9"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p12"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p15"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p18"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p21"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p24"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p27"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="10p30"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p1"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p2"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p3"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p4"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p5"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p6"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p7"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="1024p8"> |
| <unitPrefixPattern>↑↑↑</unitPrefixPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="per"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power2"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="power3"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="one">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="few">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| <compoundUnitPattern1 count="other">↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern1> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <compoundUnit type="times"> |
| <compoundUnitPattern>↑↑↑</compoundUnitPattern> |
| </compoundUnit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-g-force"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="acceleration-meter-per-square-second"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-revolution"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-radian"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-degree"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-minute"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="angle-arc-second"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-hectare"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-acre"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-yard"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="area-dunam"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-karat"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-milligram-ofglucose-per-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-millimole-per-liter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-item"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permillion"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-percent"> |
| <displayName>%</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permille"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-permyriad"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="concentr-mole"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-liter-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>L/100km</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} L/100km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} L/100km</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} L/100km</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="consumption-mile-per-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>mpg Imp</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} mpg Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} mpg Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} mpg Imp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-petabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-terabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-gigabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-megabit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobyte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-kilobit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-byte"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="digital-bit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-century"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-decade"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-year"> |
| <displayName>г.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} г</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} г</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} г</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-quarter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} к</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} к</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} к</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-month"> |
| <displayName>м.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-week"> |
| <displayName>н.</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} н</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} н</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} н</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-day"> |
| <displayName>д</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} д</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} д</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} д</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-hour"> |
| <displayName>ч</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ч</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ч</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ч</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-minute"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} м</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-second"> |
| <displayName>с</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} с</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} с</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} с</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-millisecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-microsecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="duration-nanosecond"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ampere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-milliampere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-ohm"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="electric-volt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilocalorie"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-calorie"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-foodcalorie"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilojoule"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-joule"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-kilowatt-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-electronvolt"> |
| <displayName>eV</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-british-thermal-unit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="energy-therm-us"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-pound-force"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-newton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="force-kilowatt-hour-per-100-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-gigahertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-megahertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-kilohertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="frequency-hertz"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-em"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-megapixel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-pixel-per-inch"> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot-per-inch"> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="graphics-dot"> |
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| </unit> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
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| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
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| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-millimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-micrometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nanometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-picometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} миља</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} миље</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} миља</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-yard"> |
| <displayName>yd</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} yd</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-inch"> |
| <displayName>in</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} in</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-parsec"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-light-year"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} ly</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-astronomical-unit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-furlong"> |
| <displayName>фурлонг</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-fathom"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-nautical-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-mile-scandinavian"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-point"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="length-solar-radius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lux"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-candela"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-lumen"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="light-solar-luminosity"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-tonne"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-kilogram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-gram"> |
| <displayName>g</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-milligram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-microgram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-stone"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-pound"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} унца</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} унце</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} унци</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-ounce-troy"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-carat"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-dalton"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-earth-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-solar-mass"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="mass-grain"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-gigawatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-megawatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-kilowatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-watt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-milliwatt"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="power-horsepower"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} кс</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} кс</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} кс</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millimeter-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pound-force-per-square-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-inch-ofhg"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-bar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-millibar"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-atmosphere"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-pascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-hectopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-kilopascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="pressure-megapascal"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-kilometer-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-meter-per-second"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-mile-per-hour"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-knot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="speed-beaufort"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-generic"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-celsius"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-fahrenheit"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="temperature-kelvin"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-pound-force-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="torque-newton-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-kilometer"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-meter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-centimeter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-mile"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-yard"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cubic-inch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-megaliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-hectoliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-liter"> |
| <displayName>l</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-deciliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-centiliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-milliliter"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint-metric"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup-metric"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-acre-foot"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-bushel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>↑↑↑</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-gallon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>Imp gal</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0}/gal Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0}/gal Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0}/gal Imp</unitPattern> |
| <perUnitPattern>{0}/gal Imp</perUnitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pint"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-cup"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-fluid-ounce-imperial"> |
| <displayName>Imp fl oz</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} fl oz Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} fl oz Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} fl oz Imp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-tablespoon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-teaspoon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-barrel"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dessert-spoon-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-drop"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-dram"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-jigger"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} џигера</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">↑↑↑</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-pinch"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} pn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} pn</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} pn</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <unit type="volume-quart-imperial"> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <unitPattern count="one">{0} qt Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="few">{0} qt Imp</unitPattern> |
| <unitPattern count="other">{0} qt Imp</unitPattern> |
| </unit> |
| <coordinateUnit> |
| <displayName>↑↑↑</displayName> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="east">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="north">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="south">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| <coordinateUnitPattern type="west">↑↑↑</coordinateUnitPattern> |
| </coordinateUnit> |
| </unitLength> |
| <durationUnit type="hm"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>h.mm</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| <durationUnit type="hms"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>h.mm.ss</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| <durationUnit type="ms"> |
| <durationUnitPattern>m.ss</durationUnitPattern> |
| </durationUnit> |
| </units> |
| <listPatterns> |
| <listPattern> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="middle">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="end">{0} и {1}</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="2">{0} и {1}</listPatternPart> |
| </listPattern> |
| <listPattern type="or"> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="middle">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="end">{0} или {1}</listPatternPart> |
| <listPatternPart type="2">{0} или {1}</listPatternPart> |
| </listPattern> |
| <listPattern type="or-narrow"> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| <listPatternPart type="end">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| </listPattern> |
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| </listPattern> |
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| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| </listPattern> |
| <listPattern type="standard-short"> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| <listPattern type="unit"> |
| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| <listPatternPart type="start">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
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| <listPatternPart type="2">↑↑↑</listPatternPart> |
| </listPattern> |
| </listPatterns> |
| <posix> |
| <messages> |
| <yesstr>да:д</yesstr> |
| <nostr>не:н</nostr> |
| </messages> |
| </posix> |
| <characterLabels> |
| <characterLabelPattern type="all">{0} — све</characterLabelPattern> |
| <characterLabelPattern type="category-list">↑↑↑</characterLabelPattern> |
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| <characterLabelPattern type="facing-right">{0} гледа удесно</characterLabelPattern> |
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| <characterLabelPattern type="miscellaneous">{0} — разно</characterLabelPattern> |
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| <characterLabelPattern type="scripts">Писма — {0}</characterLabelPattern> |
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| <characterLabelPattern type="strokes" count="few">↑↑↑</characterLabelPattern> |
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| <characterLabel type="african_scripts">Афричка писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="american_scripts">Америчка писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="animal">животиња</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="animals_nature">Животиње и природа</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="arrows">Стрелице</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="body">тело</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="box_drawing">Уоквирени цртеж</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="braille">Брајево писмо</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="building">зграда</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="bullets_stars">Знакови за набрајање/звездице</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="consonantal_jamo">Консонантни џамо</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="currency_symbols">Симболи валута</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="dash_connector">Црта/конектор</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="digits">Цифре</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="dingbats">Графички симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="divination_symbols">Симболи за прорицање</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="downwards_arrows">Стрелице надоле</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="downwards_upwards_arrows">Стрелице надоле и нагоре</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="east_asian_scripts">Источноазијска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="emoji">Емоџи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="european_scripts">Европска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="female">женско</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="flag">застава</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="flags">Заставе</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="food_drink">Храна и пиће</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="format">Обликовање</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="format_whitespace">Обликовање и размак</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="full_width_form_variant">Варијанте са пуном ширином</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="geometric_shapes">Геометријски облици</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="half_width_form_variant">Варијанте са пола ширине</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="han_characters">Хан знакови</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="han_radicals">Хан радикали</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanja">Ханџа</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanzi_simplified">Ханзи (поједностављени)</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="hanzi_traditional">Ханзи (традиционални)</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="heart">срце</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="historic_scripts">Историјска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="ideographic_desc_characters">Идеографски описни знакови</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="japanese_kana">Јапанска кана</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="kanbun">Канбун</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="kanji">Канџи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="keycap">тастер</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="leftwards_arrows">Стрелице налево</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="leftwards_rightwards_arrows">Стрелице налево и надесно</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="letterlike_symbols">Симболи налик на слова</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="limited_use">За ограничену употребу</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="male">мушко</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="math_symbols">Математички симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="middle_eastern_scripts">Блискоисточна писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="miscellaneous">Разно</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="modern_scripts">Модерна писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="modifier">Модификатор</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="musical_symbols">Музички симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="nature">природа</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="nonspacing">Без размака</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="numbers">Бројеви</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="objects">Објекти</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="other">Остало</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="paired">Упарено</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="person">особа</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="phonetic_alphabet">Фонетски алфабет</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="pictographs">Пиктограми</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="place">место</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="plant">биљка</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="punctuation">Интерпункција</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="rightwards_arrows">Стрелица надесно</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="sign_standard_symbols">Знаковни/стандардни симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="small_form_variant">Мали знакови интерпункције</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="smiley">смајли</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="smileys_people">Смајлији и људи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="south_asian_scripts">Јужноазијска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="southeast_asian_scripts">Југоисточна азијска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="spacing">Размак</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="sport">спорт</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="symbols">Симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="technical_symbols">Технички симболи</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="tone_marks">Тоналне ознаке</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="travel">путовање</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="travel_places">Путовања и места</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="upwards_arrows">Стрелице нагоре</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="variant_forms">Варијантни облици</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="vocalic_jamo">Вокални џамо</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="weather">време</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="western_asian_scripts">Западноазијска писма</characterLabel> |
| <characterLabel type="whitespace">Размак</characterLabel> |
| </characterLabels> |
| <typographicNames> |
| <axisName type="ital">курзив</axisName> |
| <axisName type="opsz">оптичка величина</axisName> |
| <axisName type="slnt">закривљеност</axisName> |
| <axisName type="wdth">ширина</axisName> |
| <axisName type="wght">дебљина</axisName> |
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| <styleName type="opsz" subtype="18">титловање</styleName> |
| <styleName type="opsz" subtype="72">приказ</styleName> |
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| <styleName type="slnt" subtype="12">нагнут</styleName> |
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| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="50" alt="compressed">ултразбијен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="50" alt="narrow">↑↑↑</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="62.5">екстрасужен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="62.5" alt="compressed">екстразбијен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="62.5" alt="narrow">↑↑↑</styleName> |
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| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="75" alt="compressed">збијено</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="75" alt="narrow">збијено</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="87.5">полусужен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="87.5" alt="compressed">полузбијен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="87.5" alt="narrow">↑↑↑</styleName> |
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| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="125">проширен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="125" alt="extended">продужено</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="125" alt="wide">широко</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="150">екстрапроширен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="150" alt="extended">екстрапродужен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="150" alt="wide">екстраширок</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="200">ултрапроширен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="200" alt="extended">ултрапродужен</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wdth" subtype="200" alt="wide">ултраширок</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="100">танак</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="200">екстрасветао</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="200" alt="ultra">ултрасветао</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="300">светао</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="350">полусветао</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="380">књига</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="400">обичан</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="500">средњи</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="600">полуподебљан</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="600" alt="demi">↑↑↑</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="700">подебљан</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="800">екстраподебљан</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="900">црн</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="900" alt="heavy">тешко</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="950">екстрацрн</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="950" alt="ultrablack">изузетно црно</styleName> |
| <styleName type="wght" subtype="950" alt="ultraheavy">изузетно тешко</styleName> |
| <featureName type="afrc">вертикални разломци</featureName> |
| <featureName type="cpsp">размак између великих слова</featureName> |
| <featureName type="dlig">опционалне лигатуре</featureName> |
| <featureName type="frac">дијагонални разломци</featureName> |
| <featureName type="lnum">поравнати бројеви</featureName> |
| <featureName type="onum">старомодни облици</featureName> |
| <featureName type="ordn">редни бројеви</featureName> |
| <featureName type="pnum">пропорционални бројеви</featureName> |
| <featureName type="smcp">смањена велика слова</featureName> |
| <featureName type="tnum">табеларни бројеви</featureName> |
| <featureName type="zero">прецртана нула</featureName> |
| </typographicNames> |
| <personNames> |
| <nameOrderLocales order="givenFirst">und sr</nameOrderLocales> |
| <nameOrderLocales order="surnameFirst">ko vi yue zh</nameOrderLocales> |
| <parameterDefault parameter="formality">↑↑↑</parameterDefault> |
| <parameterDefault parameter="length">↑↑↑</parameterDefault> |
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| <initialPattern type="initial">↑↑↑</initialPattern> |
| <initialPattern type="initialSequence">↑↑↑</initialPattern> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>↑↑↑</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>↑↑↑</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="long" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}{surname-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{given} {given2-initial} {surname} {generation}, {credentials}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="medium" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-initial} {given2-initial} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal} {surname-initial}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="givenFirst" length="short" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {title} {given} {given2} {generation}, {credentials}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>↑↑↑</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="long" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-monogram-allCaps}{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {given} {given2-initial} {generation}, {credentials}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="medium" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {given-initial} {given2-initial}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname} {given-initial}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="addressing" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{title} {surname}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="addressing" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="monogram" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="surnameFirst" length="short" usage="monogram" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{given-informal-monogram-allCaps}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="long" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-core}, {given} {given2} {surname-prefix}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="long" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname}, {given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-core}, {given} {given2-initial} {surname-prefix}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="medium" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname}, {given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="short" usage="referring" formality="formal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname-core}, {given-initial} {given2-initial} {surname-prefix}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <personName order="sorting" length="short" usage="referring" formality="informal"> |
| <namePattern>{surname}, {given-informal}</namePattern> |
| </personName> |
| <sampleName item="nativeG"> |
| <nameField type="given">Иван</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="nativeGS"> |
| <nameField type="given">Ирена</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname">Марковић</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="nativeGGS"> |
| <nameField type="given">Јован</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given2">Драган</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname">Поповић</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="nativeFull"> |
| <nameField type="title">др</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given">Слађана</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given-informal">Слађа</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given2">Вера</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname-prefix">∅∅∅</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname-core">Миленковић</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname2">∅∅∅</nameField> |
| <nameField type="generation">млађи</nameField> |
| <nameField type="credentials">дипл. инж.</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="foreignG"> |
| <nameField type="given">Синбад</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="foreignGS"> |
| <nameField type="given">Кете</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname">Милер</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="foreignGGS"> |
| <nameField type="given">Цецилија</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given2">Хемиш</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname">Штебер</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| <sampleName item="foreignFull"> |
| <nameField type="title">проф. др</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given">Александра</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given-informal">Сања</nameField> |
| <nameField type="given2">Ева Сара</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname-prefix">ван ден</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname-core">Волф</nameField> |
| <nameField type="surname2">Петровић Југовић</nameField> |
| <nameField type="generation">млађи</nameField> |
| <nameField type="credentials">дипл. инж.</nameField> |
| </sampleName> |
| </personNames> |
| </ldml> |