blob: e1587e537323fcdd08878c20aaa6ebb5be4cd690 [file] [log] [blame]
ansible_python_interpreter: python3
cldr_database_name: cldrdb
cldr_db_backup_user: cldrbackup
cldr_db_backup_destination: "{{ cldr_db_backup_host }}:/home/users/{{ cldr_db_backup_user }}"
cldr_openliberty_user: openliberty
cldr_openliberty_group: "{{ cldr_openliberty_user }}"
# the name of the server
cldr_openliberty_server: cldr
cldr_openliberty_service: openliberty@{{ cldr_openliberty_server }}
cldr_surveytool_user: surveytool
cldr_surveytool_group: "{{ cldr_openliberty_group }}"
# this is the path to the server config
cldr_st_path: /srv/st
cldr_path: "{{ cldr_st_path }}/config"
# this is the path to the CLDR checkout
cldr_trunk_path: "{{ cldr_st_path }}/src/cldr"